Stevens Evolution

Published on Apr 27, 2018


Steven's Evolution Chapter 4

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

This story is a sequel to Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section.

Steven's Evolution


"Your awake!" the man said. "Perfect timing. When you address me, use the word `Sir,' `Master,' or `Master Garson.' You will behave according to my instructions. Do you understand, boy?"

"You're not my Sir, Master, or Master Garson," I replied. "Where am I? Where is Master Andre?"

The blow of a flogger slammed against my stomach.

"You know better than to talk back to your Master, boy!" the man exclaimed before he slammed the flogger against my stomach for the second time. "The faster you realize I am your Master, the less likely it is you'll be put out on the street. A street you have no idea where it leads. Who's your Master, boy?"

"Master Andre," I replied.

The flogger again slammed against my stomach.

"WHO'S... YOUR... MASTER..., BOY...!" the man exclaimed even louder than the last time.

"Master Andre," I replied.

One hit. Two hits. Three hits. Four hits. Five hits. The flogger slammed against my stomach five times.

"You'll eventually learn, boy," the man added. His voice had quieted. "Just relax, boy. Just relax. It'll take affect soon, boy."

"What will take affect?" I asked.

"Oh! You were still asleep," the man explained. "George gave you a glass of water with Peyote dissolved in it. Peyote. Mescaline. It causes long-term psychedelic experiences. We'll enjoy ourselves, boy. Just wait a few more minutes."

The flogger slammed against my stomach five more times.


Chapter 4: The Man in the Dungeon

"I understand you're a pain slut," the man said as he circled the bondage table where I lay.

I shuddered when I saw his face. The stranger stood about five ten with a broad build. He wore tight Levis with his shirt tucked into the back of the jeans.

`Garson Macrocordatos!' I said to myself. `Master Andre's nemesis.'

Everywhere I looked I saw vivid colors. Every movement of the man proceeded a blue train like a wedding dress. My eyes fixed on the man in front of me.

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer.

"We'll see just how much of a pain slut you are," the man explained. "Call me `Sir,' boy!"

"Yes, Sir," I exclaimed immediately.

`Where did the words come from?' I asked myself.

"Who am I, boy?" Sir exclaimed.

"Sir, Master, or Master Garson, Sir!" I replied.

"Very good, boy," Master Garson added. "Before we start, do you remember what happened prior to your kidnaping, boy?"

"Kidnapping? No," I replied. "I don't remember being kidnapped. Where's Master George?"

"Lying on floor where my guys left him," Master Garson replied. "This is the summarized version. Three men broke into idiot George's house, and found their way to the playroom where you were hanging in an elaborate rope suspension harness. Unfortunately, the idiot came back into the playroom just as my guys pulled you out of the harness. Let's just say my guys stopped him in his tracks."

Just as some of the memories started to return, the room swirled around me. I felt as though a tornado sucked me down into its bowels.

"You're feeling it now, right, boy?" Master Garson asked.

"Yes, Master," I said. My voice sounded muffled and slurred.

"Then we'll get started with our fun," Master Garson said as he leaned close to me and put his lips on mine. I wanted to fight him away. Instead, I let him in. I let him kiss me. Over and over. He kissed me. I didn't let him kiss me, I realized. I wanted him to kiss me. My lips couldn't get enough of his.

"Tell me you don't want me, boy," Sir whispered to me.

"But I do want you, Master," I begged. "Please, Master. I want you to kiss me. Please, Master."

Every touch of Master Garson's body on my naked body sent surges of energy rushing through my body. My dick strained so hard against the plastic of the chastity device I thought my dick would explode.

Master Garson suddenly stopped kissing me.

"You like this, don't you, boy?" Master Garson asked me.

"Yes, Master," I replied. My voice seemed shaky.

"You want so much more, don't you, boy?" Master Garson asked.

"Yes, Master," I said. My eyes pleading for Master Garson to take me and use me. I'd never felt so needy.

"Boys," Master Garson yelled to another room. "He's ready for you."

Three huge men walked into the room. All stood at six-two. I could tell through their tight white t-shirts all three bodies were well muscled.

"Where do you want him, boys?" Master Garson asked the three men.

They looked around the room. One finally decided. "On the bed. Face down. Handcuffed to the headboard," the gruff voiced man explained. "Duke! Get the handcuffs out of the truck. Bring in the floggers. We might need them all. Just so you know, boy. I'm called Boss for a reason."

"Want to turn the air conditioner to a higher temperature?" the third man asked.

"No, Blackie," Boss replied. "Turn it off and open the windows. We're fucking in the desert during the middle of the day, for Christ sake. You know I like to be sweaty when I fuck."

"Got it, Boss," Blackie said to his boss. "Do we get to fuck him outside on the pit?"

"Of course," Boss replied. "We've got two full days before Mac takes him somewhere else. Right, Mac?"

"Yes," Master Garson replied. "Two full, unsupervised days. You guys will love this boy's ass. I've had it before. The boy just doesn't remember it. Do you, boy?"

"No, Master," I replied in a soft whisper of a voice.

"After the boys get done with you, I assure you will remember where I had your ass," Master Garson explained. "You'll remember in vivid detail. It's something you've repressed since right before you graduated from college. When you remember, it might break you, boy. Enjoy yourselves, boys!"

My body trembled after Master Garson's warning.

Master Garson disappeared as Duke re-entered the room.

"I brought four pair of handcuffs, all the floggers, and my favorite cane," Duke announced. "You all know how much I love to cane a boy after he's been used up."

"You remember the boy Mac gave to us a couple of months ago?" Blackie asked. "We reduced a young, virile muscle stud into a whimpering baby. Then we turned him over to Duke. We can do the same to this one."

"Enough talk, boys," Boss said to the others. "We only have two days. We'll need it. We haven't had a real boy to work over since the one two weeks ago."

"We're all horned up and ready to take him," Blackie added.

The three men unhooked the restraints on the bondage table and practically threw me onto the bed face down. Blackie and Duke restrain my wrists then my ankles. The temperature in the room had soared. I began sweating as though I'd done one hundred bench presses.

Boss climbed on top of me first. I could smell the stench of his sweat covered body. I felt the head of his dick push against my asshole.

"Nooooooooooo!" I screamed as Boss shoved his huge dick inside me in one, fast stroke.

I kept screaming "Noooo! Noooo! Noooo!" until I couldn't scream any more. I just took his dick as he battered my ass. I felt as though he ripped in the inside of me into shreds.

The intensity of the smell increased with every stab of his dick into my ass. His putrid smelling sweat dripped onto my body.

"Boy!" I heard someone say to me as a hand gently shook me awake. "Boy! Wake up. Wake up, boy. You must be having a nightmare. Wake up."

My eyes reacted to the light as the room suddenly brightened. When I could see again, I saw Master George. I still hung in the rope suspension.

"You were dreaming, boy," Master George said in a calming voice. "You were dreaming. Everything is okay, boy. I'm here. Relax. I'm here."

"I wasn't kidnapped?" I whispered.

"No, boy," Master George replied. "You weren't kidnapped. It was a dream. It was a virtual reality induced dream. Andre told me about one of your fantasies of being kidnapped and taken into the middle of the desert. I had a virtual reality sound track piped into the room to provide the experience for you. I hope I didn't go too far."

My dick immediately hardened.

"No, Master," I replied. "You didn't go too far. It was an exact duplicate of how I pictured my fantasy taking place. Thank you. Now, I won't need to physically experience it. It's an advantage, don't you think?"

"Yes, boy," Master George said as he began retrieving me from the suspension harness. "Let's get you out of here."



Master George and I had showered together in the open bathroom in the playroom. We were both hot and sweaty after the rope harness and my fantasy.

"I'm taking you out to lunch, Steven," Master George explained. "You can wear these. Wrigley had put this outfit together just for this occasion."

Wrigley's choice of clothing included a way too small white polo, a threadbare pair of ultra-tight jeans, and black leather lace up boots.

"Perfect!" Master George exclaimed as I finished putting the items on my newly washed body. "You've become an absolutely breathtaking specimen of a man. I am taking you to a perfect place for us to have lunch. It's only a few blocks away. The weather has finally cleared and has warmed up."

"Terrific, Master," I replied. Master George took my hand in his as we walked down the sidewalk.

"I hope you don't mind," Master George said as we walked. "The hands, I mean."

"No, I don't mind, Master," I said as I squeezed his hand. "Where are we going?"

"To a small coffee shop and café," Master George explained. "I know the owner and his boy from the club I belong to. The coffee is the best in London. The Pastries are heaven. The sandwiches tasty and filling. They even have Vegan choices. Some of the brothers hang out there on a regular basis."

"Georgio!" a huge man, handsome with dark features, greeted us as soon as we stepped through the door. "So good to see you again!"

The man who greeted us wrapped Master George in a bear hug. It wasn't until a few moments later he realized I accompanied Master George.

"And you!" he said to me. "Giorgio! Where did you find this stud?"

"Max," Master George said as he put his hand on my back. "This is Steven. Steven this is the owner of the shop, Max."

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Steven," Max said. "Will you be joining Giorgio at the club tomorrow night?"

"Yes, he will," Master George said. "He'll be on the floor with me. I haven't told him yet."

"You'll have a great time with our Giorgio, Steven," Max added. "He's a very special club member."

"I'm certain he is," I said as I glanced at Master George and smiled.

"Order anything you want," Max said as he led us to the table in the front window. "It's on me."

"Thank you, Max," Master George said.

"I'll send Lenny over to take your order," Max said as he stepped to the back of the shop.

Master George turned to me. "I have something to explain to you, don't I, Steven?"

I nodded yes.

"You'll enjoy the club," Master George began to explain. "It's a private BDSM club for gay men. It draws an extremely interesting clientele from all over the area. Some even visit from Manchester."

"And what's the floor?" I asked.

"Demonstration area," Master George replied. He smiled at me.

"What will you be demonstrating from the floor of the club?" I asked.

"Flogging and whipping," Master George continued. "Bullwhips will be the last demonstration."

"Who will you be whipping?" I asked.

"You, of course," Master George exclaimed. "I cleared it with Andre before I committed to the demonstration."

"I'll do my best to make it educational for the viewers," I said. I added a big smile.

"I have no doubt you'll perform perfectly," Master George said.

"Hello, gentlemen. I'm Lenny. Master Max's boy," Lenny explained. "You must be Steven."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir. How long have you been Master Max's boy?"

"Ten years," Lenny replied. "I just turned twenty when we met. Master Max turned thirty a few weeks after we met."

"Congratulations on ten years together," I added. "It's a milestone."

"Thank you," Lenny said. "Max has suggested you have the dark roast coffee and the special salad to start."

"Perfect," Master George responded. "Absolutely perfect."

"Master Max said you and Steven will be on the floor of the club tonight," Lenny said as he set the coffees on the table. "I'm looking forward to seeing you both on stage."

"Thank you, Lenny," Master George replied.

"Nice guys," I said as Lenny walked away.

"Salt of the earth," Master George said. "I put those two on the top of my friends list."

We continued our lunch. Master Max kept sending over special creations for us.

"Well, well, well," we heard from the side of our table. "This must be George. George, I'm Grant. My husband and I are Steven's ex-husband's boyfriends."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Grant," Master George said. "Would you like to join us?"

"I don't want to intrude," Master Grant replied.

"Sit, please," Master George suggested. "I believe I even know you from somewhere. Have you been to Bound?"

"Yes," Master Grant replied. "I'm not a member, but I've visited Bound as a guest many times. You?"

"Yes," Master George relied. "As a matter of fact, I'll be on the floor demonstrating flogging and whipping techniques."

"Steven will be your model, I assume," Master Grant guessed with a smile.

"Yes," Master George said. "Steven will be my model. I might even work up to bullwhipping."

"Outstanding!" Master Grant exclaimed.

"If you'd like to be my guests, I'd be happy to leave tickets for you, your husband, and your boyfriend," Master George suggested.

"I don't believe we have plans for tomorrow night," Master Grant replied. "We'd be delighted to join you."

"Wonderful!" Master George enthused. "Do you know Andre, Joshua, and Andre's brother Gabe?"

"I know Andre and Joshua very well," Master Grant added.

"They'll be at the club tomorrow night, as well," Master George said. "Do you enjoy flogging and whipping Grant?"

"Flogging and whipping, especially Bull whipping, are my favorite activities," Master Grant said as he glanced at me.

"Terrific!" Master George replied. "Perhaps you'd like to join Steven and me after the club. I have a very well stocked playroom."

Master Grant looked at me. Lust suddenly filled Master Grant's eyes.

"I'd be honored to join you both," Master Grant lust dripping off every word. "I'm free most of Sunday as well."

Master George's eyes lit up.


The Club

"You've out done yourself tonight, George," the bouncer said as he ogled my body as we stepped up to the door.

Wrigley had picked out my outfit for the evening. He provided a black leather loin cloth with both front and rear flaps. Black leather, red leather, and silver studs ringed the belt forming the waist. I wore black leather arm bands, black leather harness, and black leather slave sandals.

"Thank you, Boris," Master George replied to the compliment.

The bouncer reached under the loin cloth and fondled my cock and balls.

"Nice!" the bouncer said as he waived George and me into the building.

Several men greeted Master George during our walk to the bar.

We had our drinks, and Master George gave me a tour of the club. We made our way back to the floor after he showed me the fetish rooms. I wanted to try them all.

We mingled with people on the floor. Everyone knew Master George.

"It's time we head to the stage area," Master George explained. "We'll both take the stage together after we're introduced. I'll back away and you strip. Everything except your collar. Some of the guys will want to touch you, I'm certain. You can choose to allow them to touch you or not. Your choice. Don't go too far into the crowd, though. I wouldn't want to have you kidnapped."

"Thank you Master," I replied. "I'll just mingle with the front row then, if you don't mind."

"Perfect," Master George said as the announcer began to introduce Master George and me. We walked onto the stage at the proper time and waited for the applause to die down.

I looked over the crowd. I saw Master Tim, Master Grant, and Master David. They were accompanied by Master Andre, and Master Gabe.

As I began to remove articles of clothing, the audience began to shout encouragement. First, I slipped off the sandals quickly. Then, I unhooked the arm bands and let them drop before I removed the leather harness. I only had the loin cloth left. Chanting from the audience grew louder and louder. I flipped the clip on the side of the loin cloth and let it drop.

I stood, totally naked with a raging hard dick, on the stage in front of hundreds of leather men. The crowd roared when I decided to step off the stage and into the first two rows of the crowd.

The men groped almost every part of my body. Dick. Ass. Balls. Nipples. Abs. Biceps. Back. My ass and dick were the most popular. Finally, I went back up the stairs to the stage.

Master George locked the leash on my collar and let me to the restraints in the middle of the stage. Restraints hung from somewhere in the darkness above.

Master George first attached my wrists. He restrained my ankles and pulled my legs wide apart. He adjusted the wrist restraints to allow me some motion when the flogger or whip landed on my body.

Master George moved in front of me. "Are you ready, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied.

He leaned in and kissed my lips. Surges of energy shot through my body. My adrenalin high had started.

He walked around behind me and took his place. The video monitors blinked to life. In front of me were three, one showing the front, the second showing my back, and the third one trained on the front of Master George. The monitors in front of me went dead.

I relaxed into the restraints. I hear the sound of the flogger cut through the air.

"Ahh!" I screamed. I began my journey.

Another single blow of the flogger hit my back.

"Ahh!" I screamed. I felt another surge of adrenalin fly through my body.

Then, Master George started increasing the pace and force of the blows. I heard the crack, crack, crack, crack of the flogger hitting my back. Faster. Harder. Faster. Harder. Faster. Harder. Faster. Harder.

"I couldn't scream in time with the blows to my back because they came in such rapid succession. I forgot the flogger hitting my back and the pain it caused. It felt like a massive orgasm built inside my body.

Over and over and over again. The flogger hit my back until it didn't anymore.

The crowd applauded.

Master George stood in front of me.

"Boy?" he asked.

"You've already sent me flying, Master," I said.

He smiled at me and put another kiss on my forehead.

I heard Master George explaining something about the next flogger and why it differed from the first. I couldn't make our any of his exact words.

He stopped talking. My adrenaline surge again with the anticipation of the next flogger.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed louder than with the first whip. The blow seemed to send a much sharper and powerful jolt of pain through my body. I wanted more. So much more. I wanted to not only fly, but also to soar.

A fast barrage of blows landed on my body. He covered more area this time than the last. He not only used my back and a target for the flogger, but also my ass, my thighs.

Master George stopped and stood in front of me. He smiled. He stepped backwards. He pulled back with the flogger and sent it perfectly on the middle of my abs.

Master George concentrated on my stomach before he made his way up to my chest. He planted another series of blows there. He stopped again.

Master George glared at me. His glare softened until he looked at me with understanding an empathy.

"I need to go higher, Master," I said quietly to him. Then, I pleaded with him, "Use the bullwhip, Master. I need to go higher."

Master George nodded and moved behind me. He explained the bullwhip to the audience.

When he stopped talking, I knew it was time.

There is nothing like the whistle of a bullwhip as it slices through the air. It seemed like slow motion.


"Ahhhhhhhh!" I screamed. I climbed into Master George's mind and share our experience. He's about to send me so, so high.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as another blow hit.

Then another. Then another. All of the blows from the bullwhip were at a slower pace than the flogger. A bullwhip needs to land precisely, or my back could be permanently scarred. I soared higher and higher and higher with each blow.

I hadn't realized Master George had stopped cracking the bullwhip across my back.

"You're amazing, Steven," Master George whispered into my ear over my shoulder. He toughed my back with care and concern. "Give me a moment, and I'll take care of you."

"Thank you, Master," I whispered back.

The lights went down on the floor. The crowd applauded before Master George began to remove me from the restraints.

Master George removed the ankle restraints first. He put his arm around me to hold me while he removed the wrist restraints.

"Put your arm around my shoulders, boy," Master George said to me. "I won't let you fall, boy. I've got you."

Master George helped me into a private room off the back of the platform.

"Sit here, boy," Master George gave me instructions. "Lean forward and rest your chin on this bar. I'll take care of you now, boy. I found this ointment made by a shaman in New Mexico. You'll be feeling like new shortly."

Master George began applying the soothing lotion to my back. It felt cool and calming once it touched my skin.

"Am I interrupting?" a voice said from the back of us.

"Grant! What a wonderful surprise!" Master George said as he continued putting the ointment on my back. "Come it, please."

"Thank you," Master Grants said as he sat near us. "You two rocked! You gave us an amazing performance. And you, Steven, became every sadist dream to be with. Of course, I'm biased. I've had you. I know how amazing you are."

Master Grant kissed my shoulder. I knew it was him by the sparks his lips on my skin sent rippling through my body.

"Thank you, Master Grant," I said.

"I loved your facial expressions on the overhead monitors," Master Grant added. "Every time a flogger or whip hit your skin, your face reacted. I saw the calm take over as George continued with the scene. You must have been on the journey of a lifetime, Steven."

"Steven performed like no other sub has ever performed for me," Master George added. "He responded so quickly, so effortlessly. I connected with you Steven. I felt as though we had a spiritual experience, not just a whipping session."

"Can I kiss you, George?" Master Grant asked.

Master George's attention turned elsewhere for a moment. I heard them both whimper with sexual energy.

"Would you like to help attend to Steven's back, Grant?" Master George said.

Two hands began to apply the ointment. My dick returned to rock hard status. I eagerly awaited the next phase of the evening.


Returning Home

"I felt guilty ducking out on everyone," Master George said as he unlocked the door with the touch of his palm against the reader.

"I warned them all they might not see us afterward," Master Grant added. "I hope I didn't overstep my bounds."

"No," Master George replied. "Not at all. Shall we move to the playroom and enjoy a drink while we get to know one another?"

"Excellent idea," Master Grant replied.

Master George waited until I had removed my gym shorts and trainers before he attached his leash to my collar. I followed behind Master George and Master Grant.

We stepped off the elevator. Most of the playroom sat in the darkness. Low level floor lights illuminated the way to the bar area. Soft lights over the bar switched on as we were close to it. Master John, naked except for his jockstrap, stood behind the bar.

"Grant," Master George said to Master Grant. "What would you like to drink?"

"Vodka on the rocks," Master Grant replied.

"Make it three, John," Master George said to John before turning his attention to Master Grant. "How do you and Steve know one another?"

"Steven and I share a very special bond," Master Grant said as he put his hand on my thigh. "I rented Steven twice. Later, he connected me to the two loves of my life. I lived with David, Tim, Steven, and a variety of other characters both in Chicago and Provincetown. Steven and I have become extremely close. I've convinced my husband and lover to let me cohabitate with Steve every now and then... provided his Master Andre doesn't need him, of course."

"I envy your position, Grant," Master George said to Master Grant before he looked at me. "I've really enjoyed my time with you, Steven. I'll miss you."

"I wouldn't give up on having him again, George," Master Grant replied. "Andre can be very accommodating, especially when you have something he might want in return for the favor."

"I'll keep your comments in mind, Grant," Master George said as he drained the remaining vodka on the rocks in his glass. "For tonight, Grant would you like to add your collar to Steven's neck along with mine?"

"I'd be honored, George," Master Grant said. "Mine will look perfect underneath yours."

Master Grant reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a thin black leather collar with chrome studs circling the circumference.

"Do you remember this, boy?" Master Grant asked.

"Yes, Master," I replied. "You've collared me with it before. Thank you for remembering."

"I consider this your collar, Steven," Master Grant said as he snapped it closed around my neck.

"Thank you, Master," I said instinctively, "for allowing me to provide service for your most lustful needs."

"And you know I have several lustful needs, don't you, boy?" Master Grant said with a smile. He leaned in to kiss me on the lips. My body shuddered with the feeling of his lips on mine. I saw the true lust in his eyes when he pulled away from the kiss.

"I told you I'd let you decide how to proceed from here," Master George said to Master Grant.

"Suspended from the ceiling as though he were in a sling," Master Grant explained as he locked his eyes on mine. "He won't disrupt the healing of his back in suspension. Are you into fisting, George?"

"It's a passion of mine," Master George replied. "Shall we fuck him first?"

"No," Master Grant replied. "I want to stretch his ass with our arms before fucking his sloppy ass. Are you okay with my plan?"

"Absolutely," Master George replied.

I never saw two men work as feverishly as Master George and Master Grant as they worked to suspend me.

"Perfect," Master George said as he and Master Grant surveyed their work.

I hung from the ceiling of the playroom from chains apparently connected to a pulley system above us. A large leather strap surrounding my upper body just below my armpits held my body up. Another leather strap surrounded my waist, also connected to chains involving another pulley system, kept me horizontal as though I were in a sling with my legs connected to the upper body strap to hold them back.

"God he's beautiful," Master Grant said. "Hanging from the ceiling. Legs pulled back. Offering his asshole to whomever comes along. His dick straining not to explode."

"Too bad we don't have others to use his hole," Master George added.

"We'll make good use of it," Master Grant said as he ogled my asshole. He quickly turned his attention to Master George and pulled him close to his body. Their lips met, and the air exploded with lust.

I watched Master George and Master Grant kiss, touch, and caress each other. My dick seemed ready to burst as the sensual energy in the room elevated with the sight of the two Master studs pleasuring each other's body.

I heard rustling somewhere in the darkness. Master Garrett stepped out of the darkness and into the circle of light. He moved beside me as we both kept our eyes glued to the scene between Master George and Master Grant.

Master Garrett laid a hand on my chest. Bolts of powerful sexual energy charged through my body. I began to fly with Master Garrett's close presence and his hot, burning hand on my chest.

Master George and Master Grant stopped kissing. Master George spoke first, "We have a guest to welcome, Grant. Shall we?"

"Of course," Master Grant said as he and Master George pulled away from each other.

"Grant, I'd like you to meet a dear friend of Andre's," Master George began. "This is Garrett. Garrett, this is Grant. He's a boyfriend of Steven's ex-husband."

"Good to see you again, Grant," Master Garrett responded. "It's been a long time since we've been together."

"Yes, it has," Master Grant said as his smile grew a thousand times. He turned to Master George. "We've played with several boys together at the club. We've been known to get creative with a boy, right, Garrett?"

"Very creative," Master Garrett replied. "This boy cries out for some of our most creative ideas. Remember the guy we did with chopsticks and string? We had him flying through space!"

"How could I forget!" Master Grant exclaimed. "Do you have chopsticks and string, George?

"I believe I have four dozen in the upper left-hand drawer on the yellow cabinet," Master George responded. "String should be on the wall next to my rope collection. Let me get them for you."

George returned with a bag of chopsticks and two roles of string.

Master Grant took his place on my left, and Master Garrett took his place on my right. Master George stood between my legs and watch his colleagues create a masterpiece of chopsticks and string.

The pair of sadists positioned a pair of chopsticks at the base of my dick. Master Grant held both chopsticks in place while Master Garrett wrapped several rounds of string around the pair of chopsticks nearest my dick. He pulled the string tight. I only felt slight pressure.

Master Garrett held the opposite lengths of chopsticks together as Master Grant wrapped several rounds of string around the pair of chopsticks. Master Grant pulled the string tight.

"Ahhhh!" I moan as the chopsticks flattened the base of my dick.

The pair continued to add chopsticks to the length of my already swollen dick.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Grant pulled the last set of chopsticks tight. He had fixed the last set just below the glans of my dick.

"If we need more chopsticks, I can have John bring us some from the pantry," Master George added.

"Probably won't be necessary," Master Garrett replied. "But I'm happy to know we have reserves available."

Master Grant and Master Garrett eyed my balls.

The first pair of chopsticks attached around my ball sack at the base of my cock. They continued to add chopsticks until the chopsticks pulled my balls away from my body.

They attached a pair of chopsticks to each of my nipples and tightened the string holding them firmly in place.

"Beautiful," Master George said as he watched Master Grant and Master Garrett step away.

"Are you ready for your journey, boy?" Master Grant asked.

"Yes, Master," I said as I watch Master Grant and Master George began undressing. My dick began to throb at the sight of Master Grant and Master George's increasing show of skin. Shirts. More skin. Boots and socks. More skin. Jeans. More skin. Hard dicks. I took a deep breath as both men began to stroke their big, hard, uncut dicks.

"I've bee waiting a long time for this, Steven," Master Grant said as his eyes locked onto mine. "I'm addicted to your ass. Your ex-husband's ass is nice, but yours is so sloppy and eager. It makes me salivate at the thought of pushing my big fist and arm into your waiting ass. I get goose bumps just thinking about how fine your ass will be. And you want it, too. I can tell. You want it so badly you'd do anything to have it. Am I correct, boy? You want my fist and arm inside you?"

"Yes, Master," I hissed as I continued to watch Master Grant's eyes. The fury and the lust raged inside him. "I want it badly, Sir. Please, Sir. Please."

Master Grant slid a rolling stool in front of my ass. His eyes never left mine. I watched this big, muscular, hunk slather his right hand and arm with Crisco. He put more on my asshole.

His hand touching my asshole sent jolts of electricity to my body. He began to push his hand into my ass. First fingers. Beyond the knuckles. To his wrist. He kept pushing and pushing. I moaned and moaned and moaned in sheer ecstasy.

"Look at what we did together, boy," Master Grant said in a soft yet excited voice.

I looked into the tv monitor over Master Grant's head. His arm disappeared into my asshole up to his elbow.

"Thank you, Master," I hissed as I turned my eyes back to Master Grant's. His eyes shimmered with lust. His nostrils flared in desire. His smile told me a story of deep seated need. I would give into his need. "Take me, Master."


Master George led me into Master Andre's condo. I stripped off my gym shorts in the entry hall before moving into the living room where Master Andre and his guests sat.

"I'm returning your boy to you Andre," Master George said as he ceremoniously removed his collar from around my neck. "Thank you, Steven. You've made me a very happy sadist."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "You have been an excellent Master during our days together."

Master Andre moved in front of me. He cupped my chin in the palm of his hand and positioned my head in a perfect angle for his lips to touch mine. The short, but passionate, kiss took my breath away.

"It's good to have you home again, Steven," Master Andre said as he took my hand and led me to the sofa to sit beside him.

"It's good to be back, Master," I replied. Then I noticed Master Tim sitting on the opposite side of the room. Master Gabe sat next to him on one side, and Master David sat on the other side of Tim. "What are you doing here, Master Tim? Is something wrong?"

"No," Master Tim replied. "Not at all. We do need to discuss Sid, but David and I have been here keeping Andre and Gabriel company while you, Grant, and George were together."

"I see," I said as Tim smiled broadly. "Now you most likely know why I'm so in love with Master Andre."

"Ah, yes, Steven?" Master Tim asked. "Just for the record, your Master has one of my favorite dicks and extremely sensual lips."

"Master Tim," I began. "You and I both know you've never met a dick you didn't call your favorite."

"Are you calling me a slut?" Master Tim asked. His voice sounded indignant. His smile said otherwise.

"You are a slut, Tim," Master Grant said to Master Tim. "It's one of the reasons I love you so much."

"Thanks, sweetie," Master Tim replied. "I knew I could count on you to pump me up in front of others."

"So, tell us all about your time with George," Master Andre said.

"We want details, Steven," Master Tim said. "Moment-by-moment details."

"I can't remember all of them," I replied. "Everything we did we both enjoyed."

"Maybe you want to explain, George," Master Tim suggested.

"It will make me horny all over again, but I'll be happy to share as much as I can," Master George began. "The first night we spent in my bedroom making love. I lost count of how many times I fucked him..."

Master George continued. Moment-by-moment details...

"Steven's back had healed already," Master George continued. "Grant and I both flogged him and caned him. Steven's such a trouper."

"What did you put on Steven's back to make it heal so quickly?" Master Andre asked.

"It's an ointment I buy from a Shaman in New Mexico," Master George explained. "I buy it by the case. I'll send some to all of you. It works miracles."

"Thank you, George," Master Andre said to the group before he turned his attention to me. "I've discovered an interesting phenomena, Steven. You attract sex crazed men. Me. The grounds crew. Wrigley. Gregory. Garrett. Farrell. Gabriel. Cal. Sullivan. George. Grant. David. Your ex-husband. So, Gabriel and I talked about this phenomena at length while we waited for David to finish fucking your ex-husband. We want to understand your appeal to so many men."

"Andre and I share an interest in understanding the people around us," Master Gabe began. "It's important for us to master the power of men over other men. We've decided you have a gift."

"We've signed a research contract with Dr. Calpernicus Lanslow and his research partner, Dr. Sullivan Chester Lambeth the third," Master Andre continued his explanation. "They will study your body over the next several months in their quest to understand you better. They'll be traveling with us. Their study will, of course, not interfere with the study Connor and Theo have begun. The four of them and Dr. Demetri will share a variety of information. We want to understand how your body functions. How your mind processes information. Everyone I mentioned earlier will also be involved. Me. The grounds crew. Wrigley. Gregory. Garrett. Farrell. Gabriel. Cal. Sullivan. George. Grant. David. Your ex-husband. We'll probably need to scale back the rent boy business until we have the information we need."

"On the other hand, Andre," Dr. Sullivan Chester Lambeth the third added. "We could observe the boy with his clients. The extra study participants would add credence to our research."

"We'll add sensors to various trigger points in your body," Master Andre continued. "The sensors will transmit information back to a central data base 24/7."

"It seems, Steven," Master Tim spoke up. "You'll be a walking lab rat!"


On the Road Again

I was grateful for the rest after the surviving the "In the Tank" event in Barcelona. I sat naked in the main cabin of the jet beside Sid. Masters Andre, Gabe, George, Alastair, Sol, Gregory, Wrigley, and others sat in various sections of the plane.

"Tell me about Sid, Sid," I began.

"Sid has become a loony dude," Sid began. "I've felt lost more than ever since we left for school. I've seen a shrink on a regular basis. Dad T, Dad A, and I have discussed some of my issues. They both feel I miss being involved with the one person in my life who saved me from life on the streets. You."

"Any suggestions to offer as a solution?" I asked.

"At home private tutoring," Sid explained. "Or Milton Academy. I've done a little research and eliminated Philips Andover. And I suspect neither Dad will allow the private tutoring sessions."

"I suspect you're right in the long term," I replied with a smile. "We can take you to visit Milton Academy once we get settled in Cambridge. In the meantime, we can hire a private tutor to keep you focused on academics. Now, what will keep you from missing dear old dad?"

"Visits with you," Sid replied. "Maybe a boyfriend. Maybe a car."

"The visits we can take care of," I said. "The boyfriend will be your responsibility. The car is a `not until you really need one.'"

"Can I ask you a personal question, Dad?" Sid asked.

"Of course," I replied.

"How did you realize you were a masochist?" Sid asked.

"Good question," I began my reply. "It took years of searching for something I knew I was missing. I had several trial and error sessions with people until I met a unique couple. I met them in the beginning of my junior year in college. One taught at the university. The other worked as a banker. They were both into the scene as they called it. They taught me the basics."

"What did they teach you?" Sid asked.

"How to trust," I replied. "I was a sub standing naked in the middle of a playroom with two fully clothed men. I felt exposed, vulnerable. They taught me how to own that feeling and turn it into a sexually pleasurable experience. They were kind and gentle until they earned my trust. I learned how to let go and relax. I learned to feel the endorphins kick into gear. I found myself craving pain. I learned the immense, sensual feeling of being restrained—immovable. When I graduated from college, they hosted a graduation party in my honor. I was the only naked person in a sea of fully clothed men. Does any of what I just said make sense to you, Sid?"

"Did any of the lessons they taught you help in your business life?" Sid asked.

"Funny you should ask," I began. "The lessons of trust allowed me to create an atmosphere around me where others could rely upon me, trust me. So, yes."

"I want to be like you, Dad," Sid finally said after a few moments of silence. "A sub. I haven't experienced being a sub, but I know, somehow, I want to be a sub."

"You need to find a good teacher," I continued. "Someone you can trust with all your being."

"Where do I find a good teacher?" Sid asked.

"I know two young men who'd enjoy the task," I responded. "I'll speak to them when we see them later today."

"Connor and Theo?" Sid asked.

"Yes," I replied. "I need to speak with them before you accept. And I also want you to promise me you'll stop your training if you find you don't like it."

"I promise, Dad," Sid said as he smiled the biggest smile I've seen on his face. "JJ and Bashir were right. You are easy to talk with, Dad."



"You must be excited, boy," Master Andre said as we stepped off the plane at Logan's private jet terminal.

We had left Barcelona leaving behind a host of memories of `In the Tank' as well as the special friends we had met in London. My thoughts now were on seeing my stunning boys, Connor and Theo.

"I am, Master," I replied. "I missed Connor and Theo and Adrian, Leo, and Anton."

"We'll all enjoy our time here this week," Master Andre continued. "Connor and Theo asked if they could spend private time with you. Of course, I agreed. I'll be showing Sid around Boston. We'll spend time with a friend of mine who lives in Back Bay."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "I'm certain Sid will appreciate your gesture.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Master Andre exclaimed. "Tim, Grant, and David send their greetings to you. Tim has written several chapters of his next novel while they've been in London. He said his newest novel will revolve around you. I'm eager to see the draft."

We arrived at the reception area of the private terminal. Gregory, Wrigley, Alastair, and Sal followed a porter with our bags.

I saw George, our former driver and security officer in Chicago, standing in the middle of the terminal smiling broadly.

"Good to see you again, boy," Master George said to me and then turned his attention to Master Andre. "I've made all the security arrangements you requested. I'll gladly go over them when you have time to spare."

"Thank you, George," Master Andre replied. "I believe Tim was right about this, George. You and I will get along famously.

I saw a glimmer of mysteriousness in Master George's smile.

Once we were ensconced into the cabin of the limo, Master Andre looked at me with his `this is going to be fun' smirk, "Strip, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied as I began to shed my clothing. George kept a watchful eye through the rear-view mirror—or was it a camera.

Before we began to move, Wrigley slipped in front of me and grabbed my penis. He had a syringe in his hand. Once he prepped the syringe, he inserted it into my dick.

"Ahm!" I exclaimed as I felt the needle pierce the skin and made its way into my penis. Master Wrigley injected the medication and then pulled the syringe out of my dick. The limo began to move.

"Wrigley injected a new drug into your penis, Steven," Master Andre explained. "You'll get injections once a week for the next six weeks. You're part of a drug trial. The medication will enhance your ability to have an erection for prolonged periods. Anton will participate in the same drug trial except he will receive a much lower dose each week."

My dick grew to a fully erect state in the time it took Andre to explain it.

Alastair gave Master Andre a status update. "All the requested modifications to the private living quarters have been completed. George inspected them prior to his arrival at the airport."

"Excellent, Alastair," Master Andre replied.

My expression must have given me away.

"We made some minor modifications to the condo building prior to our arrival," Master Andre explained. "The renovation will provide increased security as well as adaptable living space while we are in residence. We took precautions not to encroach on the boys' personal space."

"How long will we stay in Cambridge?" I asked.

"When the boys' school is in session, we will be living here," Master Andre continued. "The boys missed you terribly, boy. So, we decided to be near them while they attend classes. We'll be in Cambridge anytime school is in session."

"Oh!" I replied. "What type of renovations did you make?"

"We left the bottom eight floors intact," Master Andre explained. "We will occupy the top two."

"What about the people living on the top two floors?" I asked.

"We gave them a more than generous buy-out option which includes relocating them to a new, more luxurious building down the street," Master Andre continued. "We created a winning situation for everyone involved."

I noticed we were now above ground on the Mass Pike. I watched outside as we exited the turnpike at Allston (an area of the City of Boston). I noticed several construction sites along the way. Then I saw it. One new building rising from the ground had a huge sign at the entrance of the construction site. Xanthis Construction.

"Master," I began. "I don't mean to pry, but it seems your family is also in the construction business."

"Oh, yes!" Master Andre replied. "We had offices and projects throughout Europe. When I began researching the area, I suggested we open an office here. So, instead of starting from nothing, we bought an established construction firm. We bought Bear Construction from its owner John Bear."

As Master Andre finished his explanation, we pulled into the underground garage of the boy's condo building.

"We had a private elevator constructed to the ninth and tenth floors," Master Andre added. "For security purposes."

The elevator reached the tenth floor and the door opened. Masters Connor, Theo, Adrian, Leo, and Anton stood in the entryway waiting.

"Dad!" Master Connor exclaimed as he pulled me into a bear hug. I hugged back.

Theo followed.

"I missed the way your naked skin feels," Master Theo added.

Master Adrian and Master Leo added their hugs and welcomes.

Anton stood beside his son Leo dressed in a jockstrap.

"You, boy, look fantastic," Master Anton said as he hugged me. "I can't wait to compare results of our drug trial!"

In the meantime, Master Andre connected with the boys and finally with Master Anton.

"Dad," Master Theo said to Andre, "Why don't you and the boy follow us. We'll help you get settled."

I hesitated for a few seconds. I didn't understand why Master Theo addressed Master Andre as Dad. However, I followed my Masters inside the condo.

"This will be your room, Dad," Master Connor explained. "Of course, you'll be spending most of your time sleeping with the three of us. This is only for your convenience and privacy. We've had your personal items put away in the dressing area."

"Very nicely furnished, guys," Master Andre added. "Excellent tastes in decorating."

"Thanks, Dad," Master Adrian said as he began to stroke my dick. I became instantly aroused. "We decided to let our creative side out for a few days while we decided on how to decorate this particular room."

"We've also decided Connor and I will take you and our boy to dinner tonight," Master Theo explained. "The restaurant is our favorite. We stumbled onto this place early in the semester. We've gotten to know the owners and staff. Great place. You'll enjoy it."

"It serves excellent food, and we can sit and not be distracted by the hubbub," Master Connor continued. "It's a casual place, so jeans and a button-down shirt blend nicely with the crowd. Sidney and Raul, the owners, look forward to meeting you and the boy, Dad."

I looked at Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Andre one after another.

"Perhaps I should explain," Master Andre began. "When David visited us in Mykonos, you and I signed a Power of Attorney giving me the power to execute legal documents on your behalf. So, two weeks ago, your sons, Tim, David, and I met in London. We executed an adoption document naming me as co-parent to our boys. I am now one of three Dads your boys have. And, since I have legal Power of Attorney for you, we can make decisions regarding the welfare of our sons in an expeditious manner in case you are not available—working as a prostitute or porn star, for example. Any questions, boy?"

"No, Master," I replied. "I'm quite happy you made this decision for me."

"Good boy," Master Theo said. "Have you explained our protocol while we are in residence in Cambridge?"

"No," Master Andre replied. "I'd like for you to give the boy his instructions."

"Thanks, Dad," Master Connor said.

Daddies' Boy

I watched Master Andre, Master Sid, Master Adrian, Master Leo, and Master Anton turn and left Master Connor, Master Theo, and me in the guest room.

Master Theo pulled out a collar and showed it to me.

"This will be your collar while you are in our possession, boy," Master Theo explained. "You will be ours."

"Also, boy," Master Connor added. "You will address my brother and me as Daddy while you are in our possession. Not Sir, not Master, not Connor, not Theo. Daddy. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes..., Daddy," I said to Daddies Connor and Theo.

Daddy Theo slipped the collar around my neck and locked it.

"Lead me, Master... err..., Daddy," I replied. "Lead me to my new life of complete submission. I give my all to you, Daddy: my mind, my spirit, my body, and my worldly possessions."

"Good boy," Daddy Theo replied. "Now, let's take you into our bedroom. We need to get reacquainted."

"Yes, Daddy," I replied as I followed my Daddies to our bedroom.

I looked around the room. It's stark white walls and white stained hardwood floors surrounded us. The bed had a black comforter. The black and red art on the wall stood out against the two stark white walls. Two of the walls were floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Assume the position in front of us, boy," Daddy Connor commanded.

"Yes, Daddy," I replied as I stood in front of my Daddies. Hands clasp behind my neck. Feet shoulder width apart. Eyes looking at the floor.

"Good boy," Daddy Theo added. "Now you have some business to take care of, boy. My shirt off first. My brother's shirt next. My shoes. My brother's shoes. My jeans. My brother's jeans. Understand, boy?"

"Yes, Daddy," I replied as I quickly began to remove Daddy Theo's shirt and let it drop to the floor. I wanted to immediately begin sucking on my Daddy's perfect nipples. But I knew I needed to move on to my other Daddy.

I removed Daddy Connor's shirt and let it drop to the floor. Again, I paused to take in the beauty of my Daddy's chest.

I dropped to my knees in front of Daddy Theo and removed his shoes. Then, I removed Daddy Connor's shoes.

I began to feel surges of energy bolt through my body in anticipation of my next duty. I began unbuttoning Daddy Theo's jeans. I could already see the outline of Daddy Theo's dick hardening in his jeans.

I slowly pulled the zipper down. The energy pulsating through my body doubled in strength. Daddy Theo's neatly trimmed, blond pubic hair pulled my attention towards his crotch.

I slowly slid Daddy's jeans down. The first time I touch Daddy Theo's bare skin sent me flying in anticipation.

"Ooooo," I moaned as I saw the base of Daddy Theo's dick. I nearly came when his freed dick slapped across his perfectly tanned six pack abs.

I slid the jeans down to his feet and helped him step out of them. I placed the jeans next to Daddy Theo's feet.

I did the same for Daddy Connor.

"Stand, boy," Master Connor ordered.

I stood in front of my Daddies. I waited in anticipation for their next order.

"How did our first moments together make you feel, boy?" Master Theo asked.

"Confused, Daddy," I began. "At the same time, you've made me feel as though I'm living in a dream. An excellent dream. I look at the two of you and I see perfection, Daddies. The two of you have become proud, confident, and enlightened young men. I am so hallowed to be in a position to serve you both, Daddies."

Good boy," Daddy Connor said to me. "My brother and I have eagerly awaited this opportunity for you to obey us and to make us happy and sexually fulfilled. This is lust, boy. Pure lust. Love will come later. Now it is lust. And you will be the object of our lust."

I almost came just listening to my Daddy describe our current situation. Lust.

"On the bed on your back, boy," Daddy Theo ordered. "Legs up and spread. We'll take you now, boy. We will mark you as our property. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Daddy," I replied as I took my position the bed. "I want to please you Daddies. Please take what you need so I can please you, Daddies."

Daddy Connor slipped between my legs. His hard dick rested beside my hard dick. His face, his lips moved closer and closer. Almost in slow motion until his lips touched my lips.

"Ooooooo," I moaned with sensations I'd never felt before reverberating through my body. Daddy slipped his tongue into my mouth and the sensations magnified by a factor of ten.

"Let him take you, boy," Daddy Theo said as he rested on his side beside us. His big, hard dick rubbing against my thigh. "Your Daddy will show you how a real man satisfies his lust. He'll take from you what he wants..., and he will leave you wanting more. What do you say to your Daddy who's about to take you and mark you. Everyone will know who you belong to. Even when we're out in public and surrounded by people, everyone will know you belong to your Daddies."

As I listened to Daddy Theo, I grew closer to Daddy Connor. Daddy and I were becoming one. And then I felt his dick against my asshole. Quakes rattled through my body even with the lightest touch of Daddy Connor's big, hard dick against my asshole.

"Oh! Daddy!" I bellowed as Daddy Connor's dick made its way into my asshole. Nonstop. Inch by inch. Daddy Connor's dick pushing further and further into me.

"Feel it, boy?" Daddy Connor whispered to me. "Feel my power as I take you. Feel my lust. Feel my rage. Feel your grief of your dead past life take flight and leave your body. You're freeing your body to make room for me and my brother. Your Daddies. Your Daddies will take care of you. Your Daddies will keep you safe. Your Daddies will protect you from the memories of your emotionally challenged past. We're your healers, boy. Let us heal you."

Daddy Connor rolled him and me to our sides. Daddy Connors arms wrapped around me to keep me safe.

"Ooooooooo," I moaned as I felt Daddy Theo's dick touch my asshole.

"Yea, boy," Daddy Theo hissed. "You need both of your Daddies to heal you, boy. Feel it. Feel the healing power of our dicks. Feel it!"

I felt Daddy Theo's dick rest just inside me my hole while Daddy Connor's dick retreated until both of my Daddies dicks sat just inside my asshole.

"It's time, boy," Daddy Theo whispered as he and Daddy Connor's dicks began their slow journey further inside my ass. Both perfect dicks sliding into position. Further and further. I felt Daddy Connor's pubic hair against my balls, and I felt Daddy Theo's well-trimmed public hair brush the outside of my asshole. "Tell us what you feel, boy."

"Past life," I replied. "Leaving me. Making room for my Daddies."

"Tell us what's leaving your, boy," Master Connor whispered as I felt both Daddies dicks began to massage my insides.

"Memories," I whispered. I felt as though I entered a trance. A vision of my past. "Past memories which hold me back. Past visions of life. How I should live my life. They are leaving me, Daddies. New visions, Daddies. New visions of a new life. The way I want to live my life. Being your boy. Being Master Andre's boy. No pretense. No hiding behind walls of expectations from others."

My Daddies began to pump faster and faster in and out of my ass. The past memories faded. "Daddies! You're helping me see new visions. You're helping me make new memories of a more perfect life. My life with you, Daddies. You and Master Andre."

"We're a family, aren't we boy?" Daddy Theo whispered as both he and Daddy Connor built their thrusts into a massive rage. A rage which faded into lust. Beautiful lust.

"Your Daddies and your Master Andre will make a new family, boy," Master Connor added as they both built their lust into a sexual rage. Their dicks attacked my ass. Battered my ass until the rage became lustful release.

"We're marking you, boy," Master Theo hissed before I felt both their dicks explode inside my ass. Cum. Beautiful Daddy cum filling me. Filling my ass.

The three of us relaxed into each other. It wasn't until several moments had passed that I realized I, too, released my rage in a blast of cum coating my stomach and my Daddy Connor's stomach.

Neither of us stirred until Daddy Theo sighed. "Amazing. I feel like I'm a new man and this is a new life."

"Dad," Daddy Connor whispered to me. "And, yes, we'll still call you Dad when we aren't fucking you, hurting you, humiliating you, or demeaning you. Dad, I love you. Not only as a Dad, but also as a lover and as a boy."

"Yea, Dad," Daddy Theo added. "I love you, too, lover boy."

"It's like being married," Daddy Connor continued. "You're our Dad. Andre is our Dad. We're brothers. We're a family."

Daddy Connor's lips touched mine. My dick stirred again. Daddy Connor's dick stirred again.

I felt someone enter the room. The bed moved as through someone sat on the side of the bed.

"You're beautiful," I heard Master Andre whisper.

"Put your dick in me, Andre," Master Theo whispered. "I need you in me. We need you to join us."

I heard and felt shuffling of the bed. Then, I heard Daddy Theo hiss.


Dinner with Andre, Connor, and Theo

"How's school?" I asked after the waiter had taken our orders.

"Amazing," Daddy Connor replied. "It's as though we've found a second home. The students possess an energy almost too difficult to describe. The staff and faculty care about the men and women they are educating. Theo and I are excited about something we've recently involved ourselves in."

"Dad," Daddy Theo continued. "Did you know the city of Boston and Cambridge have at least 150 homeless youth in any given day?"

"It's sad, isn't it?" I added. "Some are gay, I'm certain."

"Yup," Daddy Theo continued. "We became volunteers at a student run homeless shelter for young adults. Harvard students run the entire program with advice from the cities leading social services groups in the area."

"The shelter has 22 beds assigned by lottery for a 30 day stay. It has another five beds for one overnight stay. They are also assigned by lottery," Daddy Connor explained. "Other shelters around the city turn people away, too, because there aren't enough beds."

"Pine Street Inn alone needs about 125 thousand dollars a day to function," Daddy Theo added.

Master Andre and I glanced at one another. He and I were on the same page.

"You know," I said to Daddy Connor and Daddy Theo. "I am so proud of you. You're two amazing young men. And I'm not surprised to see you involved with this project. Does Dad T know about this?"

"We haven't told him yet," Daddy Connor replied. "The last time we saw him, he seemed preoccupied."

"Did you know his next novel is centered around you?" Daddy Theo asked.

"I'd heard he started one about me, Theo," I explained. "It will be one boring novel!"

"Whose collar do you have on, boy?" Master Andre asked.

"Daddy Theo and Daddy Connor's, Master," I replied knowing I messed up. "I'll not make the same mistake again, Daddies. Will you punish me, Daddies?"

"Yes, boy," Daddy Theo began. "When we return to the condo, we'll put you in your chastity device."

"Then, we'll tie you to a chair in our bedroom," Daddy Connor continued.

"Once we secure you to the chair, the three of us will make love to one another," Master Theo added.

"And no one will touch your body, boy," Master Andre said.

"Your punishment for your failure to refer to us as Daddy will cost you four hours without physical interaction with the household members," Master Connor said. His eyes could have burned holes through my body.

"The three of us will make love to one another," Master Theo said. "Andre will make love to me. I will make love to Andre. Andre will make love to Connor. Connor will make love to Andre. You'll watch, boy."

"You will remain in our bedroom until your four hours have elapsed," Master Andre said with a smirk on his face. "Your isolation will give the three of us time to better get to know each other. By the way, guys, how's your work on Total Power Exchange coming along?"

"Thank you for asking about our research," Daddy Connor began. "We're both finding the project to be exceedingly stimulating. We'd be most grateful if we could discuss the progress we've made and the direction we are heading with the research. You've been an inspiration, Dad. Your handling of the boy has given us new insight on the work we've done so far."

"Our sons have turned into wonderful young men, don't you think, boy?" Master Andre said to me.

"Yes," Master. "I'm especially moved by their interest in the homeless shelter on campus."

"Thanks, boy," Daddy Connor said to me.

"I feel sad we can't handle more people at the shelter," Daddy Theo added. "I've seen the faces of the people we turn away because we have no room for them."

"I'll speak with Tim about this, but I think between the three of us, boy, we could set up a foundation for the boys to run," Master Andre said. "The foundation could focus on helping homeless young men and women."

"Thank you, Master," I replied. "The boys will be good at running a foundation."

We paused speaking as we both took sips of our coffee.

"Master," I began as I turned my attention to Master Andre. "May I please ask you a question, Master?"

"Of course," Master Andre replied.

"Is Tim happy living in London with Master Grant and Master David?" I asked.

"I'll let Connor and Theo answer your question, boy," Master Andre said as he looked at Daddies Connor and Theo.

"Yea, Dad," Daddy Connor began. "He's happy. He loves living in London. He's enjoying his relationship with Grant and David."

"We thought, when we saw Dad T last, he, Grant, and David have grown closer since the move," Daddy Theo added. "They're not distracted by all the other people who swarmed around us when you and he were still married."

"JJ and Bashir visit Dad T and his lovers fairly often," Daddy Connor continued. "They have matured since they started at Tonbridge. JJ has his eye on an art school in Paris while Bashir has become interested in computer science. He's considering MIT, Stanford, and University of Illinois."

"Dad T will be lost though when the four little ones begin their time with you and Dad," Daddy Theo explained.

"We finally met Farrell last week," Daddy Connor said as he switched subjects. "He and Garrett stayed with us for a couple of days. We really enjoyed their company. And Farrell is one fine fuck!"

"The three of us felt like we met our long-lost brother," Daddy Theo added. "I hope you don't mind, Dad, but we invited them to join us for a few days while we are on the Endeavor."

"I'm delighted," Master Andre replied. "Garrett and Farrell make a charming couple, don't you think?"

"Yea," Daddy Connor replied. "It's like they are one unit. I'm certain you and the boy consider yourselves connected in many ways. Right, Dad?"

"We do feel our bond with one another growing with every new day," Master Andre replied. "Every day we find something new about the other. It's very exciting!"

"The injections," Daddy Theo began. "You started the boy on the injections, right?"

"Yes," Master Andre replied. "He had his first injection in the limo. We're all eager to find out how well the medication works."

"How did you get the boy and Anton into the study?" Daddy Connor asked.

"I had them put into the study," Master Andre replied. "We have over five hundred men who receive the same dose as Anton. And we have twenty who receive the same dose as the boy."

"You said `We have over five hundred men...'" I added. "Who is we?"

"Xanthis Pharmaceutical," Master Andre replied.

"Your family owns a pharmaceutical company?" I asked.

"No," Master Andre replied. "I do."

"Why the high dose trial?" Daddy Theo asked.

"We decided to test the high dose because I wanted to have the boy to feel his erection even though he isn't using it," Master explained. "He will, over time, become constantly hard. I've considered using Steven not only as a submissive prostitute, but also a top prostitute. He won't be a Dom, but he'll make bottom men very happy, indeed."

"Awesome!" Daddy Connor exclaimed. "How long will he need to take this to achieve the results you want?"

"Maybe a week," Master Andre responded. "But I believe he'll be ready for your purpose in a few days."

"Excellent," Daddy Theo said. "We're excited for you to see the playroom. It's only the beginning, but it's also a good start. We have a sling, a bondage table, and a St. Andrews cross. Your friends Bert and Julio had some really cool ideas, and they knew where to shop for everything."

"And they are fucking gorgeous!" Daddy Connor added.

"We thought it would be interesting to have a party so everyone meets everyone else," Daddy Theo suggested. "Sometime after Thanksgiving. We thought it should start out as a vanilla gathering. We've met some really awesome people at school. A real mixed bag. Gay, straight, bi, trans, and probably at least one asexual. Men, women, and questioning. Every possible skin color you can imagine. So, what do you think, Dad?"

"Terrific!" Master Andre replied. "It would be super to meet your friends. Too bad I didn't invite Barron and Kyle, our chefs. The boy and I would be delighted to help organize the gathering, right, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "I'd enjoy helping in any way I can."

"You, Gregory, and Alastair should talk with the boys," Master Andre added. "They can tell you what they want the three of you to do."

"While your Master visits his friends in Back Bay, we'll have your attention, boy," Daddy Connor began. "We have planned some special activities we'll all enjoy."

"By the way, boy," Daddy Theo continued. "You'll meet our faculty advisor. We've explained your proclivities to him in detail. He's eager to meet you. He's especially interested in speaking with you about you medically enhanced balls, your tattoos, your hairless body, and, now, your ever erect dick."

"He's interested in using you as a case study for his research into the role submissive people have in today's government," Daddy Connor continued. "He also wants to assess your potential as a possible leader. I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but he has a theory about the benefit a submissive could have on the federal government."

Daddy Connor's statement about his faculty advisor confused me. He must have seen my confused look.

"It's not as farfetched as you might think," Daddy Connor explained. "I'll have Demetri explain it to you in further detail when we meet with him. You'll like him a lot."

"Thank you, Daddy," I replied.

"And we thought if the boy were to become an elected official, you, Dad, would have the power to help run the country even though you aren't the elected official" Daddy Theo added.

"You two would yield a lot of power, too," Master Andre said. "Just think of what we could accomplish."

Our waiter cleared away the entre dishes, and his assistant brought us dessert.

"Tell me, boy," Master Andre said as he turned his attention to me. "Tell us how you feel about calling Connor and Theo, your sons, Daddy?"

"Their request took me by surprise, Master," I explained. "But, as time has moved forward, I've gotten used to it. I don't understand the long-term ramifications right now, but the idea of calling my Daddies, Daddy, adds a certain thrill to my relationship with them. I'm beginning to see you as my Master, Master, and you as my Daddy, Daddies. Your power seems suddenly different to me. Calling my sons Daddy demeans me in ways I can't explain yet."

"Excellent," Daddy Connor responded. "Theo and I will observe you and question you and Dad about your feelings as a part of our research on Total Power Exchange. It was Dad's idea to have you, boy, call us Daddy. Now, it seems so natural. It defines our ownership into two unique relationships while still maintaining our mutual emotional and physical bonds."

"Let's head home," Master Andre suggested. "It's been a long day, and I'm especially eager to consummate our relationship tonight."

We quickly walked back to the condo.


To be continued...

I would enjoy hearing your comments about this story. You can write to me at

The following lists links to all my stories on

John's Journey Forward found in the Beginnings section

Together Forever found in the Beginnings Section (Sequel to John's Journey Forward)

Sam and Chris in the College section.

We're in This Together found in the Relationships section. (Sequel to Sam and Chris)

Jeffery Comes Home  in the Beginnings section.

Taking a Stand in the College section. (Sequel to Jeffery Comes Home)

Other Stories by the Author


Please note, the following stories are not for everyone because there are several scenes depicting Master/slave and BDSM relationships. So, if you are not interested in this type of literature, please, please do not read this story.

Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section

Steven's Evolution in the Authoritarian section. (Sequel to Life with Tim)

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If I have time, I will get back into the twitter game. Twitter: @stevenwellsma1

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