Steves Farm

By richard taillon

Published on Mar 25, 2023


This is the continuation of Steve shows its new ponyboy. I hope everybody likes Steve's point of view. I'm always open to comments or suggestions. Nifty is a great site. Keep on contributing.

The three months since Louise left me with her fiancée have passed quickly. She informed me that on her return, she would come and see how I changed the former Michael into a beast of burden. She told everybody she was looking for him and that she did everything she could to find out what happened to him. She told his family she missed him so much; that she couldn't live without the love of her life. In fact, she spent her time having a good time partying with new friends.

She has arrived. I hear her car in the driveway and I go to meet her.

  • Hello Louise. How are you? Did you have a good trip? Did you have a good time in Europe?

  • I'm happy to be back. I was beginning to miss America.

  • Wait. I'll call Brutus to bring in your luggage.

  • You have a new boy? He looks so big!

  • Come in, Come in. Do you want something to drink?

  • Yes, a coffee will do. I'm eager to see what you have done with Michael.

  • It is standing beside you holding your luggage.

  • No. I can't believe it, that's Michael!

  • No, no more Michael, it's Brutus. Look at its back, it's written in bold letters.

She was so shocked, she couldn't even talk. This beast bears no resemblance to her former fiancée. Transformed from 140 pounds, it is now 225 pounds of pure muscle. It has huge legs, a big ass, ripped arms, firm breast and a large neck. Hard work and regular injections did the trick. My friend the doctor had fun working on its body. The nose job was impressive. Its muzzle is sporting a cattle ring going from the outside all of the way in. Its mouth is always half opened showing that its tongue is pierced with a barbell. It can talk, but it sounds weird. I like to make it count when I beat it, or say Yes Master or Thank You Master. Its nipples have been enlarged with pumps. They are now the size of my small finger with obviously large areoles. The ass is now wide open and can take any object. I have to plug it at all times so it doesn't mess up the ground. As for its balls and cock, they are cinched by a wide band; pushing them outward. Its cock is decorated by a PA and a small ring all the way at its base. Its balls are separated and pierced by a barbell. Naturally, Brutus hasn't cum since it arrived here. It's always barefoot, so its feet are hardened; the nails have been removed both on its hands and feet. Ralf inked its back with 4 inches letters saying "BRUTUS" and in front, above the tits "PLOW BEAST." It wears permanently welded shackles, linked by a foot and half chain on its ankles and wrists, and a high metal collar. Ralf had to adjust them three times because it bulked up so fast. Its skin is tanned and dark all over.

We work on it everyday; Morning and Evening. Marco scrubs it with a rough cloth using only cold water and flushes its bowels and bladder. Its body hair is not shaved anymore, to give it a hirsute look. It is whipped everyday with paddle, strap, whips or cane. If it moves, it gets more. It's now very docile; always waiting for orders. It can't move on its own. Its daily routine is: Morning- Pushing the wheel, Afternoon- Pulling the wheel. The resistance of the apparatus has been increased steadily with time. It is fed and watered on the spot, and only if it's up to its task. We removed its ass-plug so that it's walking in its own waste. The wheel is far from the house and barn because of the smell. The wheel produces some electricity for the barn and the house. Brutus sleeps in a small cage outside during the week and in an unlit cage in the punishment room during the week-end. This way, its muscles recover and can grow during the rest of the week.

The sight of Brutus overwhelms Louise. It takes her some time to recover before she can utter some words.

  • Its incredible! I could never recognize him in a million years. He's so ugly. I will never have anything to do with him. Just to think that I once had sex with this monstrous beast! You did a good job with him. That serves him right. Before I came here, I thought that I would play with his body; have some fun. But now, I'm so appalled. Just looking at this, it makes my stomach turn. He seems to have no reaction.

  • Don't refer to Michael anymore; He's gone. It's just an animal. See, it doesn't react when I touch it, pinch it or slap it. It just obeys. It's waiting for orders. Brutus, take the luggage to the blue room. BRUTUS, COME BACK. Brutus, go to your cage. It only does what it is told; no more, no less.

  • I'm impressed! Can I ask you something?

  • Yes please do.

  • You know that I wanted to use.... Brutus ... it's hard to adapt to its new name. Well, you know, could it be possible to play with your ponies? I know, I was not nice the last time. I apologize, but please?

  • You will have to promise to be careful. I will tell Marco to go with you. I have new carts for one or two ponies. What do you prefer?

  • I want to try everything. Is that possible?

  • You go and change; rest for a while and come back to eat. Marco will prepare it.

  • Who is that Marco?

  • He's my farmhand and my house boy. Don't be surprised as he's naked when in the house.

  • Can I play with him? Please?

  • He won't be of help. He wears a chastity belt. Tonight you could always use his tongue.

  • This visit is getting better and better.

After she left, I call Marco and explain the situation.

  • We have a visitor today, she's called Louise. You will take care of her all day. You do as usual, naked inside...

  • But Boss, what about that thing? On my...

  • Your chastity belt stays on. You will follow her all the time. I will take care of the ponies. Check that she doesn't do anything bad with them. Give her a harmless whip. She's not allowed to touch their privates. You should be happy. You're not out of bound. Make sure she's satisfied.

  • But Boss, how can I?

  • You have all of your body, except your cock, to please her. Do as I tell you if you want to cum this week!

  • But Boss, it's painful when I get hard.

  • No more BOY; or you will have to wait longer before you can cum.

  • Please Boss? I will do as you wish.

I spend the day riding my PonyBoys. In the evening, Marco prepares dinner and serves us in the nude, waiting patiently beside the table. When we are finished I tell Louise that she can go and relax in her room while Marco cleans the dishes. He will join her later on. When he goes to entertain her, I look at my monitor to see what's going on. Louise is an insatiable bitch. She used Marco all evening and late into the night. I could hear Marco lapping her pussy relentlessly and her cries of pleasure. It has been a while since he has had sex with a woman and his cock must be killing him. They look like two animals in heat. I videotape the whole of it. You never know when that could be useful. They keep going on and on, so I leave them to their game. The next morning, Louise gets up gleaming and worn out. She leaves after paying for Blacky's use, saying she had a blast.

I have neglected my PonyBoys since I got Brutus. I only rode them from time to time; just enough to keep them in line. Maybe I should teach them some new tricks. Let's get them out and see how they are doing. They kind of do what they want. Marco lets them run to stay in shape, but he doesn't push them. I want to train them both to obey me without any hesitation. First I hook both to the carousel. Then I put a new half hood on their heads; one that covers the hair, forehead and nose. Their eyes are covered by a padded leather piece which keeps them in total darkness. This hood cuts out most of the sounds. They are used to running in circle, but this time they have to listen to the loudspeaker to change their pace and follow the machine pulling them. They adapt well because the ground is flat and soft. They have to concentrate only on one thing: their hearing, no sight to help them. They're cut off from their familiar surroundings. I let them practice for a few days, so that they have time to adjust to that new situation. Today I hook them as usual, but I leave Spit running around, oblivious of what's happening. I unhook Blacky and pull it to the yard and hitch it to its cart. I start to guide it with the reins, pulling at its bit. I shout the orders: Giddy, back, left, right accompanied by a different pull on the reins. It has to associate my slightest pull to a movement. After a while, I don't need to shout; I lead it with reins. It must trust my lead without hesitation, without knowing where it's going. I then repeated the same training with Spit. It took a lot of hard work with both of my PonyBoys; especially Spit. He resisted at first and I had to use the whip to get him moving. Now they just follow my lead. I fitted their ears with new plugs which are soundproof; turning them into deaf and blind creatures. It's such a great experience to have complete control of a PonyBoy; moving it around as I wish.

The next test is to hitch both of them to the cart as they are used to pulling together as a team. This time they are side by side, but they don't have any way to know their way; they have to wait for me. The tricky thing is getting them to move in tandem with four reins. It took hours of practice to make them understand how to be synchronized.

Another trick I want to try is to turn them into show PonyBoys; to walk or trot to the rhythm of musical themes. I hook them to the carousel again. This time they can see. I make them walk around to the music. I use the whip to make them understand that they need to be in sync with the beat. After a while, I think they get it. Blacky isn't bad; most of time it can follow the music. Spit is awful; it has no fucking rhythm in its body. I think it is a waste of time; I'll concentrate on Blacky. It will be my PonyBoy for a dressage contest. Split will be better in races. I sense it will get a lot of satisfaction beating other ponies; showing its superiority; a real alpha PonyBoy. I really love my life.

Last winter, I couldn't train my PonyBoys as I wished. I decided to build an inside facility adjacent to the barn. I had to bring in all kinds of people to work on the site. The problem was that I couldn't risk somebody finding out about my little hobby. I talked with Ralph about my options. We finally decide to send the three boys to another master who will take care of them. The doctor suggested a friend of his that we can trust. I contact him and we agree on a price for the board and care. His farm is in Montana; far from everything. I rent a minivan for the trip. Ralf will drive them there after sedating the three boys. That way they won't be nervous and worried about the move. He will reassure them that it's temporary and that they will come back. The friend is not used to training ponies as he only has boys to plow his field and haul heavy things. He keeps them naked, hairy and dirty. That's alright for Brutus, but this master will need to make my ponies run everyday. He won't groom them as we did here; he'll only wash them with a hose once a week.

The construction took 5 weeks. I extended the barn with six more stalls and I doubled the size of the shower. It will be connected to the new hall, a big arena, where I can train my ponies and organize races or dressage shows. There is even room for an audience to watch the spectacle.

When the PonyBoys and Brutus came back, I resumed their routine with Brutus turning the wheel or carrying stuff, Blacky prancing in rhythm and Spit running. But there was a problem. I felt that Spit was not giving its maximum; there was something missing. I made everybody come to the new hall; Marco, Blacky, Ralf and even Brutus.

  • Marco, bring Spit and Blacky to this corner. Brutus come here. You too Ralf.

Good, I haven't been happy with YOU Split. You have been a bad boy; a bad PonyBoy. I work hard on you and you don't give me your best. Today you are going to be punished in front of everybody to teach you a lesson. Marco takes care of you everyday; making sure you are groomed, watered and fed. Blacky is learning fast and trying to improve. Brutus never complains and is always ready to serve. My friend the doctor comes whenever you have a medical problem. And YOU, you don't give me what I ask from you. When I say RUN, run as fast as you can. Marco, tie its nose ring to that ring on the floor.

Spit is now bent, his ass up in the air; a nice target ready to be punished.

  • Spit, I will spank you like a little boy; ten big blows. You can growl or shout as much as you want, but not a single human sound or you're off to the punishment room.

I hit it ten times with all my force; turning its ass a very bright red. It howls like a wounded animal. It must be difficult for it not to talk insanely. When I strengthen it, I make it SHOW. I can feel the hate and the humiliation in its eyes. That's what I want; to pull all the rage from its mind and turn it into a determined energy. I want that former proud straight man turned into a powerful stallion whose only purpose will be beat the crap out of the other PonyBoys; to show that it is still the champion.

-Marco tie its nose ring backwards to the main door so that everybody sees its red ass. From now on, no more running around with Blacky. No more sexual release. No more treats. Its only purpose will be to run faster and faster.

I have plans now to organize a special competition so that I can measure my ponies against others. Some Masters challenged me when they visited. The PonyBoy and PonyGirl world is small; everybody knows everyone. I asked many of the Masters when would be the best time for a reunion. The end of August looked good for most of them. I have two months to prepare my two boys.

Marco started to work on Blacky. He looked at real horse dressage shows; what kind of music they picked; their moves and their posture. He also studied PonyBoy and PonyGirl events. That way he could apply it to his own pony. Each day, morning and afternoon, he instructed Blacky, correcting its every move until he was satisfied. He repeated and repeated positions and moves until they looked natural and easy, even though it involved a lot of stress. To keep Blacky in overall excellent shape, he made it exercise and run.

I took charge of Spit. Ever since our little incident, I put it to a very special program. It had its separate stall closed by a full door. It was wearing full time blinkers except at night and a higher collar, so that it could now only look up and forward. Ralf installed a larger plate in its bit; pushing the tongue harder when I pull on the reins. This made it drool a lot. It can now feel my total control. Its entire mind must be funneled into running. I've limited the morning and evening grooming routine to the minimum. No more cock or ass playing. No cumming. No contact with Blacky; Just me! I order it; push it; demanding more and more. I never appear to be happy. It just runs all day; morning and evening, rain or shine. It has nothing else to think about. Naturally, I gave it some supplements to increase its stamina. It looks so great, but I don't let it know that. I want to keep its anger and not show how proud I am of its progress. I make it feel as if its performance is never good enough and that I want more from it.

  • Hey Marco, how are things going with Blacky?

  • Pretty well Boss. It is hard work but I enjoy it. It takes a lot of patience to make it understand all I want. I have to repeat the routine time and time again, but it's getting there. See, I'll show you a trick. Blacky, left foot up - extend high - now stay. You see how well it can hold its balance standing on one leg for as long as I want? It had to hit it with the crop plenty of times before it got it right. It just stays focused on holding the position. DOWN boy.

  • Splendid! I've seen some of your routines. They are excellent! I can't say the same for Spit. Look, I had to paddle it again today. You can see its bright red ass. TURN BOY. It's still not giving me what I want. Let's go and continue, see you later.

I think Spit is progressing a lot. I've been timing it and it's doing well, but I don't want it to know that. I want Split to be on its toes. I treat it like a bad boy in front of Marco and Blacky to humiliate it. It must be enraged by now; trying to find a way out of this situation. The only way out is to give me more. When he looks at me, I can see his rage mounting and I want to tap into that.

All of my plans are going well. The PonyBoy show is coming along. I decided it was for PonyBoys only, along with their Masters and Mistresses. There will be two categories; dressage and racing. That way I can easily compare my PonyBoys to the others. I've sent invitations to participants and a few selected guests, like Louise. I have enough room on the site for trailers, mobile homes and vans. I'm very excited and looking forward to the end of August.

Next: Chapter 3

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