Steves Farm

By richard taillon

Published on Mar 29, 2023


Thanks to all my readers, grateful for comments and critics, special thanks to my editor. Don't forget to contribute to Nifty,org.

Chapter 3

At last, the day of the event arrives. After all of the preparations, everything is ready. I received replies from most of my invitations. I'm happy to say the response was good. Not all could attend, but many were intrigued to see how I would manage such an event. I had to ask for a few volunteers to help me with the guests and the grounds. Physically, I had a big tent installed in the field near the corral. I had them decorate the yard and the new hall. One volunteer was responsible for the music in general and specifically for the dressage contest. One helped me get the food available for the weekend.

Marco was in charge of grooming my PonyBoys. Special attention was paid to even the smallest detail; their nails cut short; shaved thoroughly from head to toe; mane washed and combed; Blacky's black hair braided in a long ponytail; its new ass-tail matching its hair; their teeth whitened and their body rubbed with a special cream to make them shiny. I already prepared a new body harness for Split and gave it time to get use to it. They looked so good with their muscles glistening in the sun. Even Brutus was cleaned up, shaved and oiled to show its bronzed skin and huge muscles. Today they have to walk horny and proud; showing to all my guests. Split will only hide its cock during the races.

There are 7 contestants for the dressage; 4 Mistresses and 3 Masters including Marco and 10 contestants for the races. We are having the dressage show in the hall on Saturday evening with the races being held on Sunday afternoon. I found 3 judges to rate the dressage abilities; posture, rhythm, tackle and overall look. I have 2 judges for races. We will have 5 races. First, two groups of 5, where we eliminate 2. Next, we have 2 groups of 3, where we eliminate another 2. Ultimately we are left with two PonyBoys for the last race. So Split, if it's not eliminated, will run in 3 races. I told Marco to feed it with a lot of supplements to give it extra stamina. I worry that the others contestants will also give their PonyBoys specials drugs. I don't want to hurt mine for a short gain.

One judge is coming from Russia. He arrived yesterday with a large mobile home. He's a rich mogul who made his wealth in petrol and has, they say, very special tastes. He came with a small interpreter wearing glasses and a goatee. He was also accompanied by a tall man in a very fashionable suit, Italian shoes, nice blond hair, very white teeth and a very masculine look; the living incarnation of the perfect model. The mogul himself was quite ordinary; late forties, medium height, overweight, with an ugly face and a big nose.

The rest of the participants and guests are arriving in the morning. The parking lot is full; some have to park in the field. With the music, the decorations and all of the people moving around; it's like a country fair. The main difference is that you can see human ponies being led around by their Masters and Mistresses all dressed up in sharp boots and coats and carrying whips and riding crops. While the ponies wait patiently and silently at their side, the Masters and Mistresses chat and exchange pleasantries about past and future experiences, eager to witness today's event.

I greet my special guest, the Russian man, still with his interpreter and now holding the leash of a crawling DogBoy. The interpreter explains that Mister Gudunov is happy to be here and will be pleased to help you for the dressage contest. Because of the distance and customs complications, he can't participate by bring his own stable boys. The interpreter tells me privately how powerful Mister Gudunov is and what his special tastes are.

He explains how he controls his DogBoy:

  • It is controlled by a metal electric device inserted in its ass and on its balls. Whenever it doesn't obey on the spot, it gets a painful shock.

  • Yesterday, under its expensive suit, it was controlled by its master. Today, you see it has no hair; it has been permanently removed. Yesterday's hair was just a wig.

  • The same for its teeth. It had a perfect set before. Yesterdays teeth were just dentures.

-It now also exhibits a long tongue which is always sticking out.

The interpreter continues by saying that he had heard that the DogBoy used to be a successful and bright lawyer. My boss saw it at a meeting. He couldn't resist its beauty and had to have it for his own pleasure. They say that the poor lawyer went through a severe conditioning. It's now just an obedient puppy on all four following its master.

While everybody was enjoying the company and the sight of PonyBoys, Marco and I played host with my all horned up PonyBoys in tow. Split, after two months of privation, was sporting a huge erection. Its face was red from embarrassment. He's so cute! I have the best looking boys compared to the others. It's true that I train them daily. It's a time like this that I get my reward for my hard work. I can see the jealousy in the eyes of the other Masters and Mistresses.

I tell everybody that the dressage show will start at 3PM in the indoor hall. When the guests and the judges are seated, we start the show. Each of the 7 trainers individually show their skills. They make their PonyBoy walk, dance and prance in rhythm with the music. It's an amazing site; so beautiful and exciting! Their manes and tails are moving in the air. They are perched on their high boots with their mouth drooling as their bits are pulled tightly. At the end of the event, the judges keep two ponies for a final test; MY Blacky and another tall Latino boy. I have to admit that the later moves like an animal; a real equine. Finally, it wins the contest. The trainer goes to pick up the prize. I'm proud of Marco, he did well for its first time as a trainer. I tell him to give Blacky two cubes of sugar and pat it on the head.

After the event, we enjoy a nice evening in the tent with a delicious buffet. The Masters and Mistresses mingle with their ponies in tow, commenting on the outcome of the contest. Some disagree with the results. I just say that the two last ponies were both splendid and that for myself, I found it difficult to choose between them. Next time my trainer Marco will work harder. In private, one Master asks me if he could buy Blacky because he found it so hot. I told him I was grateful for his praise, but that I hadn't yet considered selling. I left the door open by saying that one never knows what will happen in the future and that everyone has his price. The Russian with his dog on a leash attracted the attention of many. Such a stunning beauty lapping its master's hand, eating from a bowl and made to piss with one foot raised. It's giving me ideas. What if I turn Marco into a DogBoy? That would be fun, but I would loose my farmhand and a trainer. Maybe I should find another boy. We will see. I walk from one guest to another with Split on a short leash tied to its nose ring. Some touch its muscles to see how hard they are. The ever horny Louise feels its cock and balls. She must be all wet; smelling like a bitch in heat. Tonight I have to sleep well for tomorrow's races. I tell Marco to put my ponies in their stalls. I'm restless and I decide to have a look at Split. When I open the door, it stares directly at me. I wonder what it is thinking. Today was rough. It had to walk in the crowd with the people ogling its body; its leaking cock on show. I wonder if the former Steve is still there in its head?

  • Ready boy for tomorrow's race? Will you run for me? Prove that you are the best PonyBoy? Prove that you can beat anyone? Prove that you are number one! You rest now.

I rub its head and neck, lightly smack its ass, give a little tap on its cock and then leave it alone with its ears plugged in complete silence.

I had a hard time going to sleep. I am nervous, but I don't know why. It's not because of the money or my career. I won't gain anything valuable; just a little cup from a little competition. I have invested so much work and devotion into training my PonyBoys. I know they look good; in fact they look pretty awesome. I still need to be validated by other trainers. It sounds childish to win this little game, but I want others to see how good my PonyBoys are. I go fetch Split to take it to the race ground. I hope it will be up to the challenge. I know it can, but will it give the extra mile?

The ten trainers hook their respective PonyBoys to their individual carts. The carts all have distinctive features and designs. Some seem very awkward and not very practical; some have a very home-maid look. Many are just too heavy. A few are well designed and probably light enough to carry the trainer and allow the pony to run fast. I know mine is very efficient and Split can outrun all the other ponies. But will it be good enough? Before the race, I position Split between the carts two shafts, adjust the harness, hook the PA to its belt and remove the blinders and the ear plugs. I want it to see the spectators and hear them. In fact, almost everybody is here. I can feel the excitement. I told Marco to bring Blacky and Brutus and summon Ralf. All of the Masters and Mistresses with their ponies are here, as well as the guests and judges. The small crowd is excited to see the races; cheering for their favorite pony.

There is a draw to select two groups. I am in the first group competing against four other trainers.

The race starts. I just let Split run; not pulling on the reins, as it has practiced this a lot. We finish the race third; just good enough not to be eliminated. I noticed that the other two teams had no chance of winning as their carts were heavy. While the second race is run, Split can rest. I watch the race to see which team is doing good and how its trainer is handling his pony. If he pulls the reins too much, the bite becomes painful and distracts the pony. The same is true for the whip. The purpose is to let it run as fast as it can, and not hold it back. The ponies which are overweight and untrained with bad equipment are eliminated. The six remaining ones seem to be in good shape.

The next two races will leave only two ponies for the last contest. When it's our turn for our group, I place Split in the inside lane of the race track, that way it can turn easily. At the start, I take hold of the reins, showing I'm in control. We have to do five laps. The three ponies run at a similar speed, one overtaking the others, then another one taking its place. I don't force Split to run faster but I notice it doesn't like it when a pony is in front. I see it grips the shafts tighter with its hands. I hold it back. I don't want it to waste its energy. After four laps, one pony can't keep up and we are left with only one opponent. On the last lap, I pull on the reins to prevent Split from gaining too much on the other pony; that way the trainer will believe Split has no more energy. It's almost the end of the race. The two teams, trainer and pony, are almost side by side. Split's head is in line with the other cart. Just 100 feet before the finish line, I crack the whip in the air giving the signal for the final push. Split jumps forward with the sound. Almost flying; Split pulls me with all its strength to victory. I'm so happy, we did it! I was in unison with Split and the cart; me and the pony, welded together. We did it, but will Split have it in itself to win the final race?

The other semi-final race is not very exciting. One pony is obviously too strong and outruns the other two. Running at a regular and constant pace he easily wins this race. I tell Marco to gather some information about the trainer and his PonyBoy. When he comes back, he tells me that in fact they are a couple; sharing a business and a private sex-life: but mostly a common passion; pony play. The pony used to be a field and track Afro American athlete. He has a spectacular body, with high legs, a small waist, a bubble butt and rippled muscles. Its harness shows off his big tits adorned with two golden rings. Its black skin shines in the sun. The trainer, a red-headed hunk, wears a sharp equestrian suit with high riding boots. They form a contrasted, attractive team that doesn't go unnoticed.

After an hour break, the race starts. The two ponies begin running right away at a good speed. It's going to be tough to keep this pace up for the whole five laps. Split won't be able to save its energy for the final push. We manage to follow the rhythm of the black stallion staying close behind him. When we pass in front of the stand, the crowd keeps on cheering; giving us more energy. The black stallion doesn't give up. In fact, he increases its regular and fast pace, making it harder for Split to stay in the race. We get to the last lap with the stallion still in the lead. I hold the reins tight; just pulling enough so that Split feels my presence. We try to pass on the left, but the stallion cuts off our path and increases his pace. He seems to still be full of stamina; staying in his planned course. Now it's the last stretch. Split moves to the right trying to pass on the side of the stallion. We are not at the same position; the stallion keeps on running faster. Split won't be able to get ahead. I flick the whip in the air like I did the last time. I sense that Split is trying, pulling harder, clenching the shafts, all to no avail; the stallion is too strong.

I decide to stand up in the cart, holding the reins in one hand and the whip in the other. I hit Split with the whip on the ass, and then again on the back and start shouting:

  • Go BOY! Go BOY! RUN for Blacky! RUN for me. YOU CAN DO IT. GO, GO, GO. PROVE THAT YOU ARE A MAN!

Suddenly it jerks, its muscles bulging, its clenched hands turning white. It pushes its head forward; exploding like a wild animal, releasing all its pent up rage. The scene made the crowd go wild, screaming:


We won! We won! I jump down off of the cart; hugging Marco and shaking hands. I'm so happy. The other trainer comes to congratulate me.

  • You and your pony were awesome. I never thought you could beat us. I'm glad both teams offered a good show. My friend John, that's my partner, is happy to find a real competitor. Next time we will train harder and beat you. Do you accept the challenge?

  • It will be a pleasure. It was nice meeting you.

I finally turn around and see that Split is regaining its composure. It is completely exhausted and still out of breath. Marco is helping it to stay up. I get all of the congratulations. Maybe I should go and compliment Split for its efforts, but a Master is pulling me away to invite me to another meeting. Another Master asks me how I trained my pony. Eventually I go and see Split. It's now standing straight beside the cart, breathing normally and waiting like a good PonyBoy.

  • Marco! Did Split recover? Do you think it's all right?

  • Yes Sir, it is back to normal now. It was really exhausted and I thought it would collapse. I had to hold it. Do you want me to put back its earplugs and blinders?

  • No, that's not necessary anymore. We will go back to normal. You will groom it like before. It will go back to its former stall and get back to its former routine. I will be busy with all my new plans and I don't know if I'll have the time for it. Maybe I'll get in some cart runs. Tell the helper to take care of it. I have to attend to my guests.

After the race, the Masters, Mistresses and I have a little buffet. Here we discuss the event our future plans. They then start to prepare to leave. I go and send them off one by one. They all say that they are impressed by the preparations and the event itself. They are looking forward to the next one. Some are eager to bring their PonyGirls. Another wants different competitions such as heavy cart pulling or a pony carrying its Master on its back.

I see that the Russian is leaving. I ask the interpreter how things went for his boss.

  • He's says he's very happy with the whole event;' that it was very instructive, and that he met a lot of interesting people.

-I'm glad he's satisfied and hope he can come back one day.

  • My Boss says he wants to invite you to visit his place so that you can see how he trains his slaves.

  • He has many slaves?

  • Yes a lot, they tend to all his needs. He says that you did a good job with your ponies and the draw boy. He's always in need of a good trainer.

  • Tell him that I'm honored by his invitation and will think about it. Have a good trip. Bon voyage!

They board their big mobile home, the Russian Boss smiling and the interpreter waiving. The DogBoy is back to its former appearance; suit and tie, hair and teeth. I noticed that it was making a small jerking movement. Its boss is giving electric impulses to control it.

After all the guests are gone, the volunteers start cleaning the place. They take down all the decorations; pack all the materials as well as the big tent, the tables and chairs and the sound system. Marco and Ralf help me by getting things back to their former state. It's been a long but interesting weekend. We all sit down and have a drink to reminiscent about the event.

  • Ralf, I never thought that there were so many people that shared my taste for ponyplay.

  • That's surprising. I met many Masters who want my help to transform their ponies.

  • That's great. I'm happy to say that everything went smoothly and next time I can organize an even bigger event with more competitions. Maybe I could get have guests from other countries.

-What do you think about the Russian judge and his PuppyBoy? It made a big impression on all the guests.

  • Will you go to Russia to visit him?

  • That would be interesting. Who will take care of this operation when I'm away?

  • I would be glad to help you out.

  • I don't know. As long as you don't make drastic changes to my PonyBoys. Ha, ha, ha.

  • I promise nothing dramatic. I'll wait for your return.

  • Marco, I really want to tell you how proud I am of your work. You did your research and instructed Blacky on how to make it attain perfection.

  • But Sir, it was Blacky who did all the work.

-NO, no. The trainer is the one responsible in the end. Next time I'm sure you will do better.

-Thanks again Sir for your support.

  • Ralf, what do you think about the race?

  • Frankly, I was surprise by the results. The black stallion was so strong. I never believed Split would be able to beat him. At the last minute it was able to steal the show.

  • Talking about Split, did the helper put it in its old stall for the night? Marco, will you go and check if Split is in the right stall so that it can see Blacky? Tomorrow, when they are rested, I will allow them to cum after two months of abstinence. I'm sure they are going to give us a good show.

-Boss, Boss, I can't find Split anywhere! It's gone!

Next: Chapter 4

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