Stockard 719

By Kevin Cozart

Published on Aug 5, 2007


Hey guys. This is my first attempt at writing. Make sure to join my yahoo group: Members get early previews and I have added pictures of what I envision major characters to look like. Tell me what you think and if you would like to read more:

"You suck! Patrick does too!"

"Excuse me?" Gabe asked Sara Beth over lunch as she had always seemed to be ok with the fact that he was gay.

"You've got the hottest guy in school. Not only is he hot and rich, he's also the nicest guy you will ever meet. And Patrick, he's got Nic. When am I going to find somebody?"

Gabe couldn't help but laugh a little. "Sara, you will find somebody, you just gotta quit looking so hard...especially in the wrong places. What about Max? You guys seemed to hit it off"

"Ready to go shopping?"

"Just because I'm gay, doesn't mean that I want to go shopping with you and you didn't answer my question," Gabe said with a sly smile on his face.

"Whatever. My birthday is coming up and I need to show you what to buy me."

Over the next few hours Sara Beth and Gabe hit all of the high-end clothing and shoe stores their college town had to offer. While spending money had always been natural for Sara Beth, Gabe still had problems whipping out his new AMEX and spending 300 bucks for a pair of jeans.

"You've got to buy those. They look great on you."

"Sara, they cost too much."

"Your partner is rich as hell. The jeans won't break him. Besides, I'm sure he is going to like the way your ass looks in them."

"Make you a deal. I'll buy the jeans if you promise to tell me what happened between you and Max."


After buying the jeans...and a shirt, belt and shoes to match, Sara Beth and Gabe headed to a coffee shop down the street.

"Ok, spill!"

"Well..." began Sara Beth, "Max is a senior now. I think I started to really care for him and I became afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"You know his reputation on campus. I've got two more years to go. Do you really think that he is going to wait on me to finish?"

"Did you tell him how you felt?"


"Sara, I personally think that you are making a mistake, but it's your mistake to make. Max seemed to really like you and didn't mind being around Jamie and me even after knowing our relationship status. I know he's not the richest guy around, but I think he loved you as well."

"I don't guess that I can linger on my past mistakes. Maybe someone else will come along."

"They caught him!" greeted Gabe when he returned home from shopping.


"Yeah," continued Nic, "he was caught trying to buy a ticket for Europe at Atlanta International Airport. Someone from the highway patrol is on their way to pick him up. "

"How do you feel?"

"Not sure. He was a great guy until he did what he did. I know that I will have to face him in court, but I can't be too mad about it."

"Why not?"

"Because now I truly have Patrick. I also have you and Jamie and am out and proud of who I am. I know there are less painful ways to come out, but I'm not sorry that it happened." "Nic, I know that Patrick loves you. Just remember that Jamie and I will always be there for you as well," said Gabe as he lightly gave Nic a hug.

Jamie and Gabe had planned a big birthday party for Sara Beth on Friday night which had quickly become a celebration party due to Greg's arrest. They had invited her entire sorority and Jamie's frat since they were partner chapters on campus and the baseball team showed up for good measure. For most of the night, Sara seemed to be having fun to everyone but Gabe. He knew her too well.

About halfway through the party, he told her to follow him that he had a present for her. When they arrived in the kitchen, Max was waiting on them with a big bow over his heart.

"What the f...?"

"After we talked the other day, I realized that you still cared for Max and that you were too stubborn to admit it. I ran into him the next day at the gym and realized that he still cared for you as well, so I hatched a plan."

Sara Beth's only response was kissing Gabe on the cheek before kissing Max on the lips.

"Sara Beth and Max making out in the kitchen?" asked Jamie as Gabe re-entered the room.


"I know you are an angel, but I never knew you were cupid as well" Jamie said with his killer smile.

"Ouch" exclaimed Jamie after Gabe pinched him on the butt "What did you do that for?"

"All of cupid's couples start with a pain in the ass."

Over the next few weeks, 719 became Grand Central station. As Nic had been released from the hospital and was recovering there which meant that Patrick was also living there as much as possible. Sara Beth and Max became regular members of the household as well.

Thanksgiving came and Jamie and Gabe went to Jamie's dad's parents for the holiday. While, Gabe had attended a function with the mom's family at the Governor's Mansion as Jamie's partner, they had yet to attend a family gathering with the dad's side of the family.

Over the next few days, Gabe was able to meet most of Jamie's cousins and aunts and uncles however they both felt a bit of a chill coming from the family.

Over lunch on Friday, Jamie mentioned it to his dad.

"It's not about y'all, it's about them."

"What do you mean, dad?"

"When word got out that you two were together, your uncle Jack and aunt Elizabeth tried to convince your granddad to split up the company between the three of us because in their words "their kids will be about to carry on the family legacy." The way it was, I would receive the company and they would receive the estate. "

"I take it, Granddad didn't take their suggestion."


"Just no? What gives?"

"Its not for me to tell you."

"You can't just stop like that. Dad."

"Ok, but don't tell your grandfather that I told you...I'm still going to inherit the company, but he changed his will so that you two inherit the estate. They aren't getting anything besides the trust fund he has already set-up for them"

Gabe as well as Jamie were floored by the news of Jamie's grandfather's actions but understood why the family had been so cold to them.

Later that night as Gabe lay in Jamie's arms before going to sleep, he started thinking about how Jamie's dad and granddad still loved him and accepted their relationship. He cried a little when he thought about how much he still cared about he own family, especially his dad, and how much he missed them all. He had tried to not call his little sister because he didn't want to make things harder for her because she still lived at home.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving meant the last football game of the season. After a few rough years, the University's team was sitting on the cusp of going to a bowl game. The only thing that stood in the way was their in-state rival, a team with even more losing seasons. While the rival team was already out of contention for a bowl game and was assured a losing season, they were hoping to play spoiler.

Jamie and Gabe and the entire clan flew into The University's private airport early that morning on the family jet. From there, they meet the Governor and his entourage in The Grove for a day of food, fun, family and football. While they missed the home teams appearance in the park, they along with 20,000 other loyal fans fell silent and stood in reverence as the marching band played the Alma Mater, fight-song and finally the song that held a special place in all the University's Family's heart. While the song had been made popular by Elvis, it took on a whole new meaning when performed by a 300 member marching band in military style uniforms with scarlet blouses and navy pants. As had become the custom in the rivalry game, since the Governor was an alumnus of the home team, he and his family followed the marching band as they made their way to the stadium.

After sixty minutes of college football, the home team had won the game 48-12 and won the golden egg as the trophy was nicknamed. Best of all, they were headed to a bowl game. Gabe and Jamie returned to the park and stayed there talking to friends and celebrating the victory until well after dark and the November cold started to settle in. Sometime after midnight, they arrived in the Capital and fell into bed at the Governor's Mansion.

On Sunday morning as the family was preparing to go to church across the street, which happened to be the Cathedral for the Episcopal Diocese, Jamie asked Gabe if something was wrong.

"Not really, why do you ask?"

"Well, you haven't been resting well the last couple of nights."

"I...I miss them. Thanksgiving was always special in my family. It's not that I haven't had a good time, its just... Last year I choose not to go, but this year I couldn't."

"After church we will say a prayer together for them and light a candle..." said Jamie as he wrapped his arms around Gabe from behind and kissed him on the neck."

Gabe felt a peace come over him that only Jamie could bring about.

Back at school, Gabe was relaxing in the music room of his and Jamie's home after a busy day of classes. While listening to a song entitled Still Frame by Trapt one of his favorite bands, he was thinking about the words and how a year ago the words spoke so much about how he felt about his life.

He had thought that by escaping his family and going to college he would be free and happy. However, he had not only had no family, he had also had no friends. Then Jamie had come into his life. The last year had been a sort of roller coaster but had been magical to say the least. He still had problems believing that it was all real and not some great dream.

As this was the last week of classes this semester, he was lounging around thinking about his first real Christmas with Jamie and his extended family of Patrick, Nicholas, Sara Beth and Max, he slipped into a sort of daydream state.

"Mamaw?" Gabe asked the lady coming towards him.

"Yes my angel?"

"What's going on? Why are you here?"

"Your daddy needs you, Gabriel. It isn't his time."

"I don't understand. How can I help him? He hates me. He wouldn't want help from me."

"You still love him and that's all that matters..."

Gabe awoke from his daydream in a startled state. Jamie was with Nic at physical therapy and Patrick was at baseball practice. Gabe grabbed his cell phone and dialed his parents' answer. Then he dialed his mom's cell phone.


"Hey Mom."

"Gabe? Is that you? Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. How are you and dad?

"We are ok. He really took your ... news hard and has distanced himself from a lot of our friends. He spends a lot of time in his shop in the barn. Why do you ask?"

"Not sure. I guess I was just feeling a little homesick with the holidays coming. I tried the house, but didn't get an answer."

"Yeah, Aunt Faye and I decided to go shopping at the big outlet mall just across the state line. We are spending the night here before coming home. Your sister Ashley is on a mini-trip with her senior class"

"Ok. Well, I'll let you go...Mom, I still love you," said Gabe with tears in his eyes.

"I love you too. Gabriel. I always will."

After the conversation with his mom, he still didn't feel any better about his dad. He wished his dad would carry a mobile phone, but he refused to. He knew that if he drove home and everything was ok, his dad would just kick him out again and all would be for naught. If he didn't go however and something happened to his dad, he could never forgive himself.

He thought about waiting for Jamie or Patrick, but something deep inside him told him to leave now. He only took the time to leave a note for the boys about where he had gone.

Gabe covered the distance between school and his parents' home in three hours instead of the normal four. The closer to home he got the less he was worried about getting a ticket.

Arriving at the farm, he went through the house calling for his dad but got no response. As it was after dark, he knew that his dad should have been in the house. Looking out one of the windows, he saw that the lights were on in the barn.

As he raced through the open door, he hollered for his dad, but only heard a moan. Looking for the sound, he found his dad on the ground in a semi-conscious state. He immediately called 911.

After hours of waiting around in the hospital, the doctor came out to talk to him.

"Mr. Bishop, is your mom here?"

"No sir. She was out of state with her sister. She is on her way back now. What's wrong?"

"Well young man, I know that you are the one that brought your dad in, but it is fairly well known at "The Church" that your father is very unhappy with your choices since you left home. "

"With all due respect doctor, you are a physician, not a family counselor or a minister. I'm the only family that my dad has here right now. My mom is on her way, but I would like to be able to tell her something. "

After delaying while mulling over what Gabe just said..."Your dad has had a very serious heart attack. I must say he was within minutes of dying had he not arrived when he did. We have him stabilized. We are going to give him something to make him rest, but you can speak to him before we do."

"Thank you, Doctor Hughes. "

As he entered the room, it looked at all the monitors and other equipment that they had hooked up to his father. He had never seen his dad looking so helpless before.

Before he could speak, his dad spoke:

"I should have known she was sending you."

"What are you talking about dad? She who?"

"Your grandmother. When it hit me, I think I called out for her. While I was lying there, she whispered in my ear that an angel was coming to help me. I should have known that it was going to be her little angel."

At first Gabe didn't know what to feel. He had somehow known that he needed to save his dad's life, but his dad still hated him.

"Dad, I'm going back out and let them bring you something to rest."

Gabe had reached the entrance to the ICU bay when he was stopped...

"Son...don't go. I'm sorry."

Next: Chapter 5

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