Stories from the Life

By Brittany Gay

Published on Jun 13, 2005


Stories from the Life- About last night...

5/31/05- Completed 6/13/05


"What happened last night?"

Chris felt the warm rays of the morning sun on her tired legs. The dusty, yellow beams sank in through the blinds of her bedroom window. The room had a slight chill to it, because of its basement location. Chris laid there, sleepily, playing back the events of the night before. Breathing in deep, she could feel the dryness in her nose and thoart. There was an after taste of something like aspirin in her mouth, she realized, and then remembered.

"Sniffing coke. I sniffed coke." Chris thought this. "First and last time. I swear. Never again."

She sat up and took a big gulp from the water bottle on her night stand. It was painfully refreshing.

"Why did I do it?"

Chris had no real excuse as to why she would ever think of snorting something up her nose. But the feeling- Chris couldn't remember ever feeling so good. Never again, though. Chris knew of her influence. It was all Frankie's fault. It had to be. Chris couldn't think of any other reason.

About Nine Hours Prior.......

"You've been hanging around too many twink boys." Chris adjusted her voice over the music so Frankie could hear her.

She couldn't believe Frankie had brought coke all the way back home with her. Chris, though, was more suprised about how her friend got it on the plane flight back home. They were both huddled in a bathroom stall, only inches apart. Club Skyline was very alive this Friday. All of the cute, GLBT kids were back from college for the summer. The first day of warm weather in Chicago. Who could resist? Frankie had just come back from a college all the way in San Francisco. The two just had to get together, and go out with all of their other champions.

"Are you stupid?" Chris asked when Frankie presented her with the tube of white powder.

"Come on." Frankie insisted. "Its ok. I just do it when ever I party. Sometimes not even then. But tonight is perfect. Cool way to start summer."

"I don't know. That shit is dangerous." Chris knew she sounded like an ABC after school special. She had watched enough of them, as a child, to know some drugs just weren't your friends.

"Look, only this one time and I promise, I promise, I promise this'll be the first and last time for you, and the last time for me. I swear it." Frankie inveigled.

Chris gave in, of course, after Frankie demonstrated. Chris snorted the coke, then gagged when she felt the taste of crushed aspirin drip into her thoart.

"Just relax." Frankie put her hands on her friend's shoulders, as if to steady her. "You've been working out more?" she realized the tightness of the shoulder joints.

"Some." Chris' vision slipped momentarily.

Her sex and nipples were the next to respond. A rush of energy and heat splashed over her body in waves.

"I'm horny as hell." Chris meant to think this, but groaned it out loud.

Frankie laughed. "Me too! This shit always does that to me." She pressed her back against the wall. She could feel the chilly marble against her skin. Chris leaned her head back and shut her dizzy eyes. Pools of pleasant feelings drenched her psyche. Then the music playing in the club became lucid.


"This song is really.... intense." Chris sighed.

"I can't stand it." Frankie's voice sounded sleepy. "They've played this at every party I've gone to out there." She pointed in a random direction.

"You party hard..." Chris felt free in her own skin. "...out there?"

"Hell yeah. Kimera told me to. She stressed it." Frankie let out a chuckle. "She's the only adult that knows I'm not a complete angel."

"You tell her everything?"

"I tell her EVERYTHING." Frankie felt she could only speak in patterns. "She's the lesbian mommie... I've always wanted."

Chris teetered where she stood. Frankie ran her fingers through her friend's short, curly hair. It was a intimate jester.

"Don't faint on me." Frankie joked.

"I'm ok. I'm fine. I'm good. I am." Chris overly insisted.

"Did you know Chloe cried the day before I left for school?" Frankie asked randomly.

"She cried?"

"Yeah. She cried....was all red in the face....would have thought somebody was kinda funny."

"Why was she crying for." Chris' ability to speak proper English was melting for the moment. She was starting to sound like her mother; who's thick, Greek accent chopped words.

"Don't know. They treat me like their daughter." Frankie slowly moved her body to the pulsing club mix.

Suddenly the annoying jumble of noise sounded really good to her. Chris rested her drowsy eyes on Frankie's slim, boyish figure. She had the strong urge to chew off Frankie's shirt. This was a brand new attraction, though it had always been there. Chris always thought Frankie was pretty hot. Even when they first met. She stepped close, pressed her torso against Frankie, and put their foreheads together.

"Using me for support?" Frankie chuckled, her eyes closed.

"I'm not used..... to feeling like this." Chris muttered.

"But it feels good?"


Frankie, absent mindally, started smooching Chris' neck. It felt almost too good to make her stop. Chris' every nerve responded to the movement of Frankie's lips.

"What" she asked softly. Almost whispering.

Frankie pulled away- her face looking sexier than ever- grabbed Chris' ass, and pulled them closer together.

"You look really hot when you're high." Frankie said, her lips brushing Chris'.

`I was just thinking the same thing about you.' Chris thought this one. Frankie's golden tan, green eyes, and sun streaked hair stood out boldly. Boldy against the dim light of the lavatory.

"Your eyes are changing weird colors." Frankie noticed. "Like, they're all swirled with green, blue, with a brown ring around the whole thing. And its glazed over with gray. That's crazy."

"Awsome." Chris chuckled lazily.

Frankie couldn't resist the quaky cuteness of her friend. She removed Chris' clingy tank top and immediatly sucked the exposed nipples.

"Whoa. Hold on." Chris gasped.

Strong, sexual surges effected all parts of her body. `I need this.' Her body seemed to say. Not only were they best friends, but also both boyish. Wasn't there a limitation on lesbian sex? Wasn't that whole butch on butch thing not allowed? Chris tried to ponder this while Frankie felt her body up with kisses.

`Whatever.' Chris pulled for Frankie's shirt to come off. That was followed by a heated kiss.

"Ah." Chris moaned.

Frankie's hand had found her aching pussy. Her hand slipped into Chris' jeans, and down her boy briefs, easily.

"You're so wet." Frankie could feel the slickness all over her fingers. "Its running down your thighs. Damn."

"Oh my god." Chris had never gotten that wet before.

There was a loud banging at the bathroom stall they were in.

"Hey, you guys." the voice of a friend said. "You guys come on. You've been in there forever! You're missing so much."

While the friend banged and ranted, Chris and Frankie dressed quickly. They emerged from the stall and, besides the excuses they made as to why they were taking so long, that was all Chris really remembered.

Chris showered and dressed. It was only ten in the morning, but she felt she needed to go out. She needed to find Frankie. After putting on some destroyed, yet fasionable, jeans and threw on a shirt, Chris called Frankie's house.

"Well she's in the shower now. I hear it running." Frankie's father had said when he answered the phone. "Why don't you just come on over. I'll tell her to wait up."

Chris agreed and then combed her scraggly, short hair. She slipped on her Brekinstocks before going into the kitchen. Just as she suspected, her mother and step mother were romancing each other against the counter.

"Oh god." Chris groaned out loud. "Please!" This was a usual reaction.

"Sorry." Her mother giggled. "You know us."

They were both happy and giddy, like all mornings. There had to be something really, really wrong for them to be in a sour mood.

"Well, I'm going out. I gotta go do some stuff. Ok?" Chris stated.

"Alright. Jus' be back at a decent time and buckle your seat belt." Her mother informed.

Chris drove her Jeep all the way into the city, to the Northside, where Frankie lived. It was a lazy, warm, Saturday morning in Chicago. The traffic was mild, and the weekend runners and bike riders seemed to be the only people out at this time. The late morning was filled with chilly breezes from the lakefront. At high pressure, the sky was free from clouds and punctuated by the nimble sun. Summer was barely there, but promising its arrival.

At Frankie's house, Chris was greeted at the door by Frankie's stout father. His usual bear hug was soothing to her, like always.

"She walked out for a second. Said she had to drop something off with Kimera or something." Frankie's father explained.

"Yeah? Well, what should I do?" Chris asked.

"You can walk down if you want. Or try this fabulous fruit salad I just put together!" His adorable smile streched under his neatly trimmed beard.

"I'll go see what she's up to. But I promise to try that salad when I come back." Chris winked.

She walked three houses down to Kimera and Chloe's house. It was the largest, and most luxurious home on the block. It was crazy how its Victorian structure fit with the city setting. Chris rang the doorbell and was greeted by Kimera.

"Hey you." she hugged the baby butch warmly.

"Frankie here?" Chris asked.

"Was here." Kimera said. "Just left."

"Oh. To where, do you know?"

"No. But come in. You have to see my garden!"

Kimera lead Chris to the back yard. Walking through the house, Chris absorbed the colors of mahoganies, burgundies, and other wine colors that decorated the house. The garden was indeed a startling contrast from the inside of the house. Its brilliant colors were very noticable in the sunlight.

"Like it?" Kimera asked. "I've been working on it since we bought the house."

"Its great." Chris wanted to be excited about the technocolor backyard, but had something heavier on her mind.

She removed herself from the house, after Kimera gave her a tour of the garden. Chris, disappointed to find Frankie wasn't even at her house, sat with the gay dads and ate fruit salad. It was indeed fabulous! Chris drove over to Red's house. It would be good to see her sister at a confusing time like this.

"Why the face?" Red asked when Chris entered the house.

"Stuff. A lot of stuff." Chris said.

"Like?" Red went over to the stove, when they entered the kitchen, and brought them both some tea to the table.

"Have you ever had a crush on your best friend?" Chris asked, ignoring her cup of green tea.

"I don't think so." Red thought for a moment. "No. Never."


"What's up? Is that what's at hand?"

"Yeah. We kind of made-out last night and I feel weird about it."

"Who's `We'?"

"I'd rather not say. But I'm not only worried about our friendship. Something just doesn't feel right."

"Why is that?"

Chris wasn't sure how to explain it. "Think about you having a crush on Kimera."

Red averted her eyes, playing the image in her head.

"That would be kinda disturbing." Skyla intervened.

She had entered the kitchen without either of them noticing.

"Why disturbing?" Red asked.

"It'll just be weird. That's all." Skyla said.

"Is that the real problem? She's butch too?" Red asked her sister.

"Yeah. Isn't that, like, a no-no?" Chris asked.

"To some. I don't see why it has to be, though. We're all women when it comes down to it, and the purpose of being a lesbian is to love women. Just because she maybe just as boyish as you, doesn't make it wrong." Red sat back before proceeding. "I don't know how other lesbians would even think of putting a restriction on a situation like that. They're just as stupid as gay racists."

"The subject is just unheard of." Skyla added. "I don't have a problem with it. Just never seen it in action."

"Action?" Red raised her eyebrows. `Where were you a few weeks ago?' She wanted to ask.

"You know what I mean. How often do you get to see two bulldykes walking down the street holding hands? For me, never."

"I see what you're saying." Red nodded. "But Chris, I don't think you need to feel worried about that issue. If that time comes where you two decide to form a relationship, fuck what anyone else thinks. However, what you need to worry about is your friendship. I think you guys should come to some sort of agreement or understanding first. Make light of what went on and see if you both are on the same level."

"I love how insightful you can get." Skyla joked.

"That's what I'm here for." Red clarified.

After leaving her sister's, Chris tried calling Frankie's cell phone. It went straight to the voice-mail. Chris even called mutal friends. They either had seen Frankie early or just not at all. By the time she decided to go home, the day became early evening. When Chris walked in through the backdoor, she found her mothers and their friends playing poker in the kicthen.

"Red said she'll be by later." Chris said.

She was trying to make her way to her room, leaving no space for conversation. There, Chris spralled out on her bed and tried to make sense of what was going on. A sudden knock at the door jolted her upright. Frankie entered just as Chris fixed her lips to allow it. Neither of them weren't sure of what to say.

"I've been looking for you all day." Chris spoke first. "If I didn't know any better, you were avoiding me."

"At first." Frankie confessed. "But then I started looking for you, too. Well, this was my first attempt."

"Hm." It was all Chris could say.

She wanted to be pissed. She wanted Frankie to know how mad she was. But instead, Chris kept it all to herself.

"We need to talk about last night." Frankie stated.

"Yeah, we do."

"But let me go first."

"Ok." Chris was happy for the proffer because she wasn't sure of what to say herself.

Frankie shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She was clearly hesitant about what she was about to say.

"Are you about to say something bad?" Chris wanted to know. "I don't want to hear it if its gonna be something bad."

"Depends on what you think I'm about to say." Frankie answered.

Chris took in a deep breath. What she didn't want to hear was I don't think we should be friends anymore' or even Last night was a huge mistake.' followed by ` I was coked up and didn't know what I was doing.' Something along those lines.

"But what I'm about to say shouldn't be that bad." Frankie added. "I just wish...." Then she paused.

The pause made Chris even more nervous.

"....I just think its too bad we didn't get to do more...when we were in the bathroom....last night." Frankie finished.

All of the anxiety and anger drained from Chris immediatly.

"Was that bad?" Frankie asked when Chris' mouth dropped.

"No. Just shocking." Chris sighed with relief.

"What did you think I was gonna say?"

"Don't worry about it." Chris stood and clicked off the lights.

Frankie knew what this meant. "But your mom is upstairs."

"She won't hear us. We're in the basement."

Meanwhile, upstairs, Red had just dropped over.

"Where's Chris?" She asked.

"In her room." Her mother answered. "Do you know if something is wrong with her? She came home like there was a problem."

"Not sure." Red wasn't about to bring up the real issue.

"She should be ok now. Her friend stopped over a few minutes ago."

Back in Chris' room, Frankie was shirtless, while Chris was pinned under her, totally nude, on the bed. As they engulfed themselves in a deep, passionate kiss, Chris could taste her juice on Frankie's lips. Moments before, Frankie had gone down on her: Frankie had stopped before the other girl could climax. Chris was too wrapped up in sucking on Frankie's tongue to notice her friend had unzipped her jeans and was pulling something out. Chris felt the tip of the toy poke her stiff clit.

"No?" Frankie asked when Chris stopped to look down.

"I've never had one of those in me before. Just fingers." Chris answered. "So don't go too hard."

Frankie smiled. "Just tell me to stop if it hurts." She slipped in gently.

Chris grunted softly. It wasn't that it hurt. The unfamiliar experience of being filled up shocked her sultrily. Frankie was gentle. She kept to easy, long, strokes. The slow movements caused them both to break out with perspiration.

"You feel so good." Chris moaned.

Her ankles were propped on Frankie's shoulders. It was the best feeling she had ever undergone during sex. The gentle thursting was slowly bringing Chris to a pent-up orgasm. She came when Frankie pushed harder. Though familiar, this climax was far more intense than any she had ever racked up. Chris tried to contain her blithesome moans. Frankie hushed the uncontrolable moans by kissing Chris' mouth.

Thick, white come spilled from Chris' cunt, when Frankie pulled out.

"You're not leaving, are you?" Chris asked when Frankie sat upright, swinging her long legs over the edge of the bed.

"Should I?" Frankie looked over her shoulder.

She privatly admired Chris' olive skin, in the brisk moonlight. Cutting through the darkness, the lunar light cascaded off of Chris' naked body. The sight abided as dazzling, to Frankie, at that moment.

"No." Chris said rather quickly. "I mean, don't go so soon. Or at least not without me."

Frankie smiled. She knew Chris was not the kind to admit to certain things.

"You hungry?" Frankie asked as she stood.

"Come to think of it, I'm fuckin' starving." Chris suddenly realized.

"Great. Lets' go walk around until we find something good."

They walked down Belmont street, talking as though nothing happened. The two friends spouted about numerous matters, as though they hadn't just shared a sensual moment minutes ago. They spoke as though they hadn't just made love.

END....for now

Next: Chapter 24: A Day for the Rest 1

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