Storm Incident

By Jim Bee

Published on Aug 1, 2005


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The Fantastic Four is copy-written by Marvel Comics.

The Storm Incident - Chapter 3 **********************************************

Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly Josh began removing Johnny's belt. Suddenly, just as the belt was about to come off, Josh stopped.

"I'm not so sure about this," Josh said shakily.

Johnny had never had this happen to him. Almost always everyone was just begging to get into his pants. This was very unusual. It never happened! Was Josh having second thoughts or what? "I've just gotta keep cool, I don't want to force it on him so I end up getting my ass sued for sexual molestation or assault," Johnny thought.

"Okay then, um... hey, let's see how that bruise is doing," Johnny said. Johnny moved Josh's bangs out of the way. It looked a bit better. "Tell ya what, I'm going to get you some non-melted ice, and you can just chill here on the couch. You can watch TV if you want," Johnny said. He grabbed the Ziploc bag, walked back to the kitchen.

Josh slumped back down into the couch. He was very confused. He thought he wanted Johnny, but he wasn't sure. He had been having thoughts about other men, but didn't know whether or not he actually wanted to have a boyfriend. Sure, he was confident with his sexuality, but was not sure about what kind of social changes this would bring, or how many tabloids this would be in by morning.

In the kitchen now, Johnny dumped out the water in the Ziploc bag, and put in more ice. "How stupid am I, trying to seduce this kid just so I can bang him, especially when he's injured. I mean it's one thing if he's not, but quite another since he is. But wait here, he was coming on to me too, so it's not entirely my fault," Johnny thought to himself.

"Hey, want something to drink?" Johnny yelled to Josh. "What do you have?" Josh yelled back. Johnny dug through his fridge, which was filled with beer and JŠgermeister. How humorous. Not only was Johnny going to end up sleeping with this kid, he was going to get him plastered in the process.

"How does beer sound?" Johnny asked.

Josh had never particularly cared for beer much, or really alcohol in general. Perhaps it was because he was introduced to more what he considered "sophisticated alcoholic beverages" first, namely, wine and vodka. What can I say; the Sicilian mafia served him good, especially after his family relocated to southern California. Josh being a quarter Sicilian, his father being 50% Sicilian, was in the mob. Being a lawyer by day, and mob member by night (oh the irony), Josh's father held a high position in the mob, and had even gotten the Japanese mafia, the Mexican mafia, the Russian mafia, and the gay mafia to work together on certain "projects." He was quite the hero in the mafia community. And yes, the gay mafia does exist. Josh's father didn't particularly care for them too much because of their overuse of the word "fabulous," and the fact that they were often the prettiest of all of the mafias, but they could fuck with someone quite well. Literally and figuratively.

"I don't really care, just whatever you've got," Josh replied.

Johnny dug around his cabinets in his kitchen, finally locating a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka and a lone can of Coca-cola.

"Coke okay then?" Johnny asked. "Sure," said Josh.

Josh had to admit he didn't particularly care for Johnny's sense of style. It was much too random and not very consistent. Instead of attempting to emulating somewhere around 5 different styles in one room, he should just stick to one or two. Johnny waltzed back into the room carrying a glass of Coke a beer, and a bag of ice.

"So how ya doin'?" Johnny asked in a flirty, feminine voice. "Um... okay," Josh replied. He sipped at his Coke. "Keep icing that, I'll be right back, I'm just going to change into something more comfortable," Johnny said. He got up and walked out of the room.

"Wow," Josh thought, "He definitely knows how to work it. That ass in those pants, it could like kill someone. Hmmm... And why do I get the feeling that this Coke is spiked. Who cares? It tastes good, especially with my head throbbing,"

Johnny walked into his bedroom, and checked the sheets on the bed. There was a fairly large semen stain on them. He removed the sheets from the bed, and replaced them with new ones. "Heh heh, this is going to be one wild night," Johnny thought to himself. He walked over to his closet. "What to wear, what to wear," He said.

Josh had finished drinking about three quarters of his Coke when Johnny walked back into the room wearing an extremely tight t-shirt and even tighter pants, almost to the point of either lycra or spandex.. It was quite obvious that Johnny had skipped on the underwear. He plopped down on the couch next to Josh. It was quite obvious Josh was intoxicated. How intoxicated was the question.

"So how ya feelin'?" Johnny asked again in his flirty feminine voice. "Woooooooo... pretty good actually. Whatever the hell is in this is some good shit man," Josh replied. Oh yeah, Josh was plastered. The alcohol went straight to his head. "Let's take a look at that bruise." Johnny said. Johnny moved Josh's hair and looked at his forehead. The bruise was significantly less raised, but was still somewhat large.

"It's looking better, a lot better. Tell ya what, do you wanna get to bed now?" Johnny asked. He rubbed his hand on Josh's inner thigh. "Hmmm. Depends by what you mean by bed," Josh replied. Johnny leaned over, and smooched him on the lips and grinned. "Well, if that's what you had in mind, I'm all for it," Josh said.

Johnny and Josh made out on the sofa for a few minutes. Josh suddenly broke the kiss. "I gotta piss. Where's the bathroom?" he asked. "Down the hall on your right," Johnny replied. Josh wandered down the hall to the bathroom, opened the door and went in. Johnny ripped off his shirt and pants as fast as he could. He ran over to the kitchen, and prepared a "snack" for Josh.

"Hey want somethin' to eat?" Johnny yelled to Josh. "Okay," Josh yelled back.

Johnny had learned this trick from a movie he saw in 2001. He grabbed the Redi Whip out of his refrigerator, sprayed it on his pecs and on his rapidly growing penis. Just to top it all off, he got two cherries out, and put one on each of his pecs, now covered with Redi Whip. He ran back and sat down on the sofa. Josh emerged from the bathroom and totally froze when he saw Johnny.

"Is this okay?" Johnny asked, looking unusually sexy. "Hmm... I was expecting something not so appetizing, but I suppose this shall do," Josh said. He walked over, knelt down in front of Johnny, and dove in. He worked on his pecs first, slowly slowly licking up the whipped cream. Once he got down to the cherry, he removed one, and fed it to Johnny. He started on Johnny's right pec now, slowly licking up the whipped cream. He removed the other cherry from it, and set it on the glass coffee table next to him. "That's for later," Josh said. Johnny raised one of his eyebrows at Josh until it finally clicked. Josh was a virgin. "Hell yeah," Johnny said.

Once the whipped cream was licked off of Johnny's pecs, Josh sucked on his nipples. Johnny's moaning told him he was doing it correctly. In fact, it was safe to conclude that he was doing it very well. Josh slowly started moving down to Johnny's tight six-pack, and finally made it to Johnny's crotch. Josh was slowly licking the whipped cream off, only using the tip of his tongue, and avoided touching the penis underneath the whipped cream. After about 2 minutes of this, Johnny grew tired. "Goddamn just suck it! You're driving me crazy!" he yelled, and slammed Josh's face down on his cock. Josh's face was now covered in whipped cream. Johnny pulled Josh up from his crotch.

"Oh god baby I'm sorry, it's just driving me crazy!" Johnny said, and pulled Josh in for a kiss. The whipped cream got all over Johnny's face as well. Johnny started licking the whipped cream off Josh's face, and Josh licked the whipped cream off of Johnny's face. Once they had licked it all off of each other, Josh went back down to Johnny's cock. It was perfectly shaped. Just the right thickness and long as hell. It wasn't too fat, nor was it too thin. Just right. It had to be somewhere around 9 inches. And Johnny's balls, oh his balls. They were gigantic, looking like about the size of baseballs in his scrotum that held them loosely. Josh wasn't exactly sure on what to do with Johnny's penis. After all, Josh had zero experience with a man, let alone a woman. Sure, he read something about giving head on the internet, but never had he done it before. Josh decided to play it safe and head for the testicles. Josh sucked and sucked on Johnny's nuts, first taking one in his mouth and sucking on it, and then taking the other. Based off of Johnny's nonstop moaning, Josh figured he was doing pretty good. Josh took both of Johnny's nuts in his mouth and sucked on them until Johnny pulled him off.

He picked Josh up, and Josh immediately latched his legs around Johnny's midsection, and latched onto Johnny's mouth. Johnny stood up and carried Josh to his bedroom, deeply tonguing him along the way. Johnny threw Josh down on the bed, still kissing him deeply. Johnny ripped off Josh's pants while Josh removed his shirt. Johnny felt Josh's ass. He put his finger at the entrance to Josh's anus, and Josh moaned while they were kissing. Johnny slowly inserted his finger into Josh's ass. Josh clamped down right away.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Open up for me, like you're taking a huge dump" Johnny said, trying to get Josh to relax.

Johnny felt Josh start to relax, and he slowly resumed penetrating Josh. After another minute of clamping down and relaxing, Johnny finally had one finger fully inserted in Josh's ass. Johnny pulled his finger out, and started digging through his nightstand drawers.

Josh let out a whimper. He did not want that fullness inside of him to go away. "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm just getting something," Johnny said with a smile, with a similar tone in his voice that you'd use on a three year old. Johnny stopped digging through the drawer, and squirted something very cold onto Josh's ass. Josh wasn't entirely sure what it was, but he was almost positive it was lube. Johnny started putting his finger in again, and this time it went much more smoothly, getting it in at around 20 seconds.

"Geeze you're tight," Johnny muttered. It had been a long, long time since Johnny had a virgin. Johnny had begun whoring around like this about 5 years ago, and almost everyone he had had was usually moderately loose. Occasionally he'd get someone that had only been fucked a couple of times, but a virgin? Never. Or maybe once, when he was still in high school. In any event, Johnny having a virgin was very out of the ordinary for Johnny. Not that he couldn't handle one.

Johnny started on getting two fingers in. He'd go in a little bit, then Josh would tense up, and Johnny would wait for him to relax, then continue. After about 5 minutes of this stop and go method, Johnny was finger fucking Josh's ass.

"God fuck me already! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!" Josh screamed. "Okay, okay!" Johnny replied.

Johnny pulled out his two fingers, squeezed more KY on his rock hard cock, pushed Josh's long legs back, and put his cock at the entrance to Josh's ass.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Johnny asked. "Yes now fuck me! I've been waiting my entire life for this moment!" Josh screamed back.

Johnny slowly pushed in. He could feel Josh straining and tensing up, so he stopped. "What are you doing?! Don't stop!" Josh yelled. Johnny started up again, pushing in. Finally, Johnny's head popped into Josh's ass, and Josh gasped as his eyes welled up with tears. "Are you okay Josh?" Johnny asked. Josh blinked a few times. "Yeah, I'm okay," Josh said shakily.

Johnny started pushing in again. He was half way in when Josh tensed up again. Josh wanted this bad. Very bad. And it was happening to him. He was being fucked by the hottest man in the world. The only problem was, is that he was having a hard time getting to the fucking part. If only he could hurry it along a bit.

"Dude, you just gotta relax and this'll go a whole lot easier," Johnny said. "Just fucking get it in there!" Josh yelled at Johnny.

With that, Johnny thrusted the rest of his dick into Josh's tight ass. Josh screamed. Johnny couldn't believe how tight Josh's ass was. Johnny had had some tight ass, and even some tight pussy, but never had he had anything as tight as Josh's ass.

"You okay?" Johnny asked Josh. "Yeah, I think. Just let me get used to it for a minute," Josh replied shakily.

Slowly, Josh opened up to Johnny. Johnny pulled almost all the way out, and thrusted back into Josh. Josh moaned. Johnny pulled out again, and thrusted back in and moaned loudly. Josh moaned louder. Johnny took this as a sign to continue. Picking up speed now, Johnny was fucking Josh. Slowly at first, but he had picked up speed to the point where Johnny had a steady rhythm going. Josh also was pretty much constantly moaning at this point.

Josh could not believe the intense pleasure that was coming from his rectum.

He had never felt this good in his entire life. Here was the world's hottest stud savagely fucking him. He looked so cute while he was fucking him, not that he didn't look cute otherwise, but more cute than usual. With the combined look of ecstasy on Johnny's face, Johnny's cuteness, the hotness of Johnny's body, and the steady creaking of Johnny's queen sized bed, Josh was in heaven. True, he had a rather large bruise on his forehead, but Josh didn't feel any pain at all. The only thing Josh was feeling was pure pleasure. Josh hadn't even touched his dick the whole entire time, and it felt as if it was going to erupt at any minute.

Johnny loved fucking Josh. His ass so tight, he could feel every nook and cranny of Josh's large intestine as it tightly wrapped around his dick. Josh looked so cute when he was being fucked, like he was in heaven.

Johnny picked up speed. A lot of speed. He was now savagely fucking Josh's asshole. Johnny knew he wasn't going to last much longer. With Josh's moaning and his tight asshole, Johnny was about to blow.

"Do you want me to cum in you?" he gasped to Josh. "Yeah, yeah, fuck yeah," Josh replied.

Johnny continued to fuck Josh's ass savagely until he started moaning. Josh felt Johnny's cock start to grow larger inside of him.

"Wait! Stop!" Josh yelled. He kicked Johnny off of him, causing Johnny to fall out of Josh's ass and hit the floor. "You're not cumming yet!" Josh said. "Ow!" Johnny said. "You could have warned me!" "Well sorry," Josh said. Johnny picked himself up off the floor, and started making out with Josh again.

After a few minutes, Johnny reinserted his cock into Josh's ass, and they were off again. Soon enough, Johnny was back to his savage fucking of Josh's asshole.

"Oh god oh god I'm going to cum! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Josh screamed out in ecstasy as his dick spasmed and shot very thick ropes of cum between the two of them. The contractions of his sphincter muscle in his ass sent Johnny over the edge at the same time, causing both of them to scream in ecstasy as they orgasmed, with Josh's ass being filled with load after load of hot semen from Johnny.

Johnny collapsed on top of Josh after their earth-shattering orgasms. They laid on the bed, bodies and tounges intertwined, deeply, passionately kissing each other. They were all over each other, caught up in the moment. Johnny's cock deflated, and came out of Josh's ass with a loud 'pop' noise. They both giggled at this.

"God that was hot," Johnny said. "Want to get some rest?" "Yeah, what time is it?" Josh asked. He looked over at the clock on Johnny's nightstand. It read "12:28." "Hoooo... god that was awesome. I don't think I've ever had an orgasm that powerful before," Josh said. "Me either," Johnny replied.

And with that, Johnny and Josh crawled into bed, with Johnny snuggled up tight with his chest against Josh's back.

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Look for chapter 4 in the coming week.

Next: Chapter 4

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