Attack of the Big-Buxomed Bikinied Bimbos!

By Keith Morrison

Published on Jan 29, 1997



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The following contains language, images, phrases, words,

parables, humor, non-humor, alleged humor, syntax and

punctuation that some may find offensive. Reader discretion

is advised.

The following is a work fiction. Any resemblance to any

person, living or dead, is purely coincidental unless I

thought putting a real or semi-real person in was funny at

the time. All characters who I have blatantly acquired,

borrowed or otherwise stolen are copywrite of their

respective owners who, being much wealthier than I am, would

not want to waste their time suing a poor person.

No keyboards or diskettes were mistreated during the making

of this story. Well okay, there was this one 3.5" but it

had been formatted for an Amiga 1000 and didn't have the

second hole and my computer wouldn't recognize it and I

didn't have another one handy at the time so I got really

ticked and broke it in half but it was an Amiga diskette

anyway so, like, who cares?

This story is copywrited by me. No unauthorized

retransmission, reproduction, rebroadcast or reissuing is

re-permitted without the express re-written re-consent of

moi. (Yeah, like I can enforce it. But hey, pro sports say

it and everyone and their dog tapes the big games so their

friends can see it so if those organizations can be out in

legal la-la land, why can't I?)


Attack of the Big-Buxomed Bikinied Bimbos

[insert John Williams title theme]

It was

a dark time

for planet Earth

The mad scientist, Edward

and his loyal assistant, Alice

were on the verge of World Domination

and had just received advanced technology

from the Amfetameen spacemen Kwaylude and Valeeum.

M E A N W H I L E,





[end John Williams title theme]

Edward giggled in anticipation as he surveyed the mass

of wires, tubing and spare parts that made up his pride and

joy, the Omnifield Recombinant Genetic Alteration

Synthesizer Module. A silly name, true, but there were only

a limited number of word combinations that would both have

something to do with his invention and simultaneously form

the acronym ORGASM.

"Your laugh is wrong, sir."

"Excuse me?" His loyal assistant Alice usually did not

interrupt. Usually Alice did not have say anything except

"Yes, sir" and "No, sir" and the occasional "Yes, master" in

a nasal voice when she watched "Abbott and Costello Meet

Frankenstein" too many times and thought of herself as Igor.

He tolerated the quirks in her personality since it was a

far better personality she had now than any she had before.

All thanks to his previous greatest invention, the

Personality Enhancement and Neural Impulse Stimulator.

Alice had been the first test subject fitted with the

PENIS implant. Alice had also been the last test subject

fitted with a PENIS when it became obvious that there were

certain side effects, namely an unnatural fascination with

boxing, football, beer, making rude noises with varied parts

of the anatomy, belching and making lewd comments at every

pretty woman she saw. Edward had even caught her making

comments at the centerfold in Playboy and when confronted

she denied it, saying she only read the articles. He swore

that he would not place his PENIS in anyone again. Besides

that, she was loyal, obedient and made the most delicious

chicken souvlaki he had ever tasted.

"I said, sir, your laugh is wrong. Mad scientists have

a more maniacal laugh that comes from the belly and ends up

as a high-pitched semi-scream. You giggled, sir."

"I did not giggle."

"Yes, sir, you did."

Edward crossed his arms and stared angrily at his

assistant. Alice immediately fell on her knees and

kowtowed, sticking her big nose into the concrete floor of

the basement lab.

"Please forgive this worthless slave for disagreeing

with her master even though he really did giggle like a

limp-wristed pooftah."

Edward looked down at her regally and spoke in his deep

I-am-holier-than-thou-and-we-both-know-it voice. "You are

forgiven, my dear." Then he thought about her apology for a

second and had the sneaking suspicion that she was not

entirely sincere. He'd have to check her PENIS and make

sure it was working correctly.

"Well, that is not here not there. Behold, Alice, the

fruits of my genius! The Omnifield Recombinant Genetic

Alteration Synthesizer Module! With this, I'll rule the


"Oh yeah, sure, Eddie." The genetically altered lab

mouse that Edward had experimented on in his youth was

leaning against the bars of his cage which overlooked the

lab. An earlier, failed, experimental mouse was in the same

cage and kept banging its head against the floor.

"Shut up."

"Every few weeks it's the same thing. 'At last I'll

rule the world blah blah blah'. And the next day you're

back here working on some stupid invention with a really

dumb name just so you can make a sexually suggestive


"Shut up."

"You know, you'd have a chance if you weren't so

sexually obsessed. I know what it's like. Take me. Before

I learned to enjoy life there I was, every night, trying to

take over the world and I would get so close and then

Braniac in here..."

The second mouse looked up and said "Narf?", and then

resumed banging his head against the floor.

"...would screw me up."

"I said shut up."

"And the really funny part is that my plans actually

had a chance of succeeding. A really remote chance but hey,

at least I wasn't trying to turn the world into Marilyn

Monroe lookalikes like some mad scientists we know."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Edward flicked the power switch on

the ORGASM and swung the dish around to point at the cage.

"Make fun of me will you, dirty rat? You

will be the first to feel the power of the ORGASM!"

The mouse backed away from the bars. "Now, Edward,

let's not be hasty..."

"Eat gene-altering energy, rodent!" The machine made a

noise that sounded suspiciously like a fart and then fired a

beam of pure pink light out of the dish toward the cage.

The mouse tried to jump out of the way but froze in mid-leap

as the light suffused around it. When it faded away a

female mouse with long hind legs, cute pink ears and a tiny

pair of perfect breasts looked around in confusion. She saw

the other mouse, now staring at her with an open jaw, and

struck a suggestive pose.

"Hey, big boy, want to show a girl a good time?"

"Narf!" They fell on each other and began making like

rabbits, which was not entirely possible as they were

members of the order Rodentia while rabbits had been removed

from that order and given their own.

"Hee hee hee," Edward began and stopped. He saw a

reflection of Alice in the machine and she was behind him,

waving a limp wrist in the air and prancing around. He

spun, angrily but she was calmly examining her nails with an

innocent look.

"It works! It works!" He opened his mouth and then

looked at Alice.

"Muhahahahaha." she said.

"MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Edward repeated. She was right.

He did sound more like a mad scientist.

He would have liked to have used the ORGASM on Alice

but there was no telling what sort of mess would happen when

you mixed an ORGASM with a PENIS and she was screwed up

enough as it was. In any event he needed an assistant with

at least minimal intelligence. And to tell the truth he had

grown rather fond of Alice. Even her big nose.

Despite his efforts at miniaturization the ORGASM was

still too heavy for him and Alice to lift so he activated

his giant robot, Nortlov. The big machine easily picked up

the heavy piece of mad scientific weaponry and placed it in

the back of an ice cream truck Edward had manufactured.

Once Edward had secured the ORGASM he ordered Nortlov to

break into its five component pieces. He had no idea why

the pieces had to be five different colours or why each

piece had to resemble a cat and why they had to be stored in

different locations but that seemed to be the only way they

would work.

He and Alice changed into the ice cream seller costumes

that he had fabricated in his omnimanufacturing plant and

took the van on the road. The lab and the mansion on top of

it was located some twenty miles from the nearest town and

by some amazing act of coincidence had a prison, a parochial

school, a military base and a high-tech electronics firm

located in a nearly perfect circle with the mansion in the

center, which, conveniently enough, were the exact

facilities he needed to pull off his plan for world


They headed for the parochial school first. As a

testing ground it was perfect; relatively isolated, no

defensive capabilities and, most important from Edward's

point of view, staffed by nuns. He hated nuns. He still

had an instinctive need to flinch when he saw a wooden


They pulled up to the gate and tooted the horn. A few

girls were in the courtyard and ran to the gate when they

saw the ice cream van. A very large and mean looking

neanderthal of a security guard stepped out of the gatehouse

and rumbled up to the van. Alice stuck her head out and


"What can I do for you, Bubba?"

"Whatcha want?"

"Well, I was just passing through and thought that

perhaps the students at this fine institution might want

some of our product."

"I ain't allowed to letcha in without Sister Judith's


"Well tell you what, you big lug of an orator you, why

don't you just head on over and give the Sister a call."

The guard frowned (well, more than usual). He was

pretty sure Alice had insulted him but he wasn't too sure.

He didn't notice the small doors that opened on top of

the van and the small rod that emerged, the tip spreading

into a dish that rotated around and pointed at him. Edward

operated a small joystick and stared at the monitor,

centering the crosshairs on the guard's chest. He began to

giggle again but caught himself before Alice noticed.

Moments like this deserved some form of momentous words

that would be recorded for posterity. Edward raised his

microcassette recorder with his left hand while his right

hovered over the trigger.

"Cry, wrong context. Once more into the no, still wrong. Eat blazing death? Not right,

not right." He drummed his fingertips on the control panel.

"Aha! Let there be..."

In his excitement he accidently hit the trigger and

enveloped the guard in pink light. The momentous words

recorded for posterity were somewhat muffled but when played

on a good sound system bore an uncanny resemblance to "Oh,


The guard seemed to collapse in on himself and reformed

into a tall, big breasted woman with long blonde hair, full

pouty lips and legs that went to New York and back via the

scenic route. Her clothes, unchanged, were draped over her

like a tent, except for the blue shirt that was pulled

tightly across her chest.

"Ooo," she said and placed her hands on her hips. The

six girls who stood at the gate screamed and turned to run

when they were struck by the pink beam. In their case the

change was much more spectacular and (from Edward's point of

view as he recorded it on one of the videocassettes he had

brought especially for that reason) much more satisfying.

While the guard had reduced in overall size the girls

enlarged, shredding their school uniforms as they grew.

Buttons flew like plastic bullets and the white silk blouses

hung in tatters over enormous breasts. The skirts that had

managed to remain intact were skintight over sensuously

rounded butts that topped long legs.

Alice turned to ask Edward for instructions but sighed

tiredly. He was massaging himself through his pants and

practically panting as he stared at the screen. He always

became overexcited halfway through an exercise and became to

distracted to finish it. Taking matters into her own hands

she leaned out the window.

"Hey, babe, do you want to open the gate?"

The guard giggled mindlessly and walked back to the

guardhouse, her butt seeming to want to head off in a

completely separate direction as she walked. Alice began to

wolf-whistle, having no idea why, until the gate opened and

she drove through.

Edward leaned back and sucked in another grape that a

blonde offered him. All his new toys were standing around

him, waiting on his every whim. He even had the nuns wear

what bits of their habits still fit so he could enjoy the

view. It was so sacrilegious he was ashamed of himself. A


"So, Alice, the first part of my plan has succeeded

beyond my wildest dreams." Well, not entirely true as his

wildest dreams involved Pamela Anderson Lee, a wading pool

and mint pudding but that was another story and this would

suffice for the present. The electronics firm and the

military base had fallen to his will and the ORGASM just as

quickly as the school. The prison was even as he spoke

being converted into a fortified headquarters, the former

inmates and guards all happily cleaning the place up so his

automated construction robots could remodel.

"So, sir, what is part two, if I may so inquire quite


"Why of course you may so inquire, dear Alice," Edward

mumbled between bites of grape. "I will use the facilities

at the electronics plant to build a larger version of the

ORGASM and use a missile at the base to place it in orbit.

Then, I will control the world!"

"Not to question the sheer brilliance of your plan,

sir, but who, exactly, will build it and launch it?"

"The techs at both places of course."

Alice nodded toward two women in military fatigues who

were laughing and trying to comprehend the sophisticated

workings of a drinking fountain. "Techs such as these,


Edward frowned. "I see your point. Hmm, perhaps the

neural suppression factor is a bit high." He freed

himself from the tangle of limbs and bodies that surrounded

him and stood. "I'll simply make an adjustment to the


Ten minutes later one of the women was surrounded by a

pink glow and looked around carefully. Taking a pair of

glasses out of a pocket she slipped them on and examined the


"Primitive work," she sniffed. Edward stared in


"It is a brilliant piece of work!" he said in protest.

She looked down her nose at him and adjusted her glasses.

"As you say," she replied in an I-am-holier-than-thou-

and-we-both-know-it tone. Edward looked crestfallen as she

continued her examination. "This whole section needs to be

replaced...what moron designed a power unit like

that...ridiculous inefficiency..."

Alice clubbed her on the head with a boot. Edward

sighed in relief. "Thank you, loyal Alice. I believe the

neural suppression may have been a little too low that


"You're welcome, sir."

After he activated the ORGASM again Edward tested the

woman. She seemed to be about as smart as Alice (which of

course was nowhere near as smart as he was) and was safely

subservient. Satisfied he quickly adjusted a few more and

set them to work on the orbital ORGASM.


We pause this story for an important announcement from the


Hi. I'm Keith and I'd just like to take this opportunity to

say that this is funny story, like funny ha-ha. Not what-

the-hell-is-this funny like Ulysses. This is not meant to

be taken seriously. If you take it seriously I suggest

finding a therapist.

I do not have a fixation on large-breasted women. In fact I

can easily turn the channel when I see "Baywatch". I don't

have to see scads of large breasted women running down the

beach, sunlight glistening off the beads of sweat running

across their hard, taut bodies, hair waving in the breeze,

swimsuits stretched tight across bounding mounds of joy as

they cavort in the waves and...


But, um, I digress. As a point of fact I actually prefer

intelligent women who can take care of themselves. In

short, I'm nothing like Edward.

I like lemon meringue more than mint pudding.

We return to the story already in progress.


Edward leaned back in the command chair. The monitors

on the wall showed views of the larger cities of the world

as hordes of large-breasted women overran the positions of

police and military units ordered to halt their rampage. It

was working so perfectly. A few more demonstrations and he

would issue his ultimatum to the world. Life was good.

"You know, Alice, life is good."

"Yes, sir."

"Here I am, capable of conquering the whole world and I

give them an opportunity to surrender first, to voluntarily

make me their supreme leader."

"Your magnimity knows no bounds."

"I will even allow some males to exist to continue the

species. I'll have to modify them of course, but they'll be


"Your goodness is boundless."

"I'll have to work on a few women. Maybe make them

better athletes for sports and such, to entertain everyone."

"There is no boundary to the joy you spread."

"I know, I know. I only hope those in power recognize

the gift I'm giving. No more war! No more conflict! No

more poverty! No more hate!"

"No more free will!" Alice added and then frowned.

That didn't sound right.

"Yes, my reign will herald a new peace on Earth, a new

start for humanity..." Edward liked waxing poetic. It gave

him that sophisticated aura the best mad scientists had.

Take Doctor Moreau. Now he had class.

"Sir, there seems to be an aircraft approaching at high

speed," one of his soldiers said in a husky voice. Edward

turned to face the radar screens and wondered why anyone

named a tone of voice after a dog and why that was supposed

to be sexy. Was there a chihuahua voice?

"Where is it?"

"Thirty miles and closing at eight thousand, four

hundred miles an hour, sir."

Edward turned his eyes skyward. "Hmm. At thirty-six

hundred seconds to the hour that would have it arriving here


"Now, sir."

Alice was looking out a window. "I think you should

see this, sir."

"What is it?" Edward asked as he walked to the window.

"Well, based on the general shape and lack of

identifying marks it appears to be a Big Mac."

"Don't be ridi...well I'll be. It does look like a Big


"The silvery metallic surface and green glow takes away

from it," Alice said critically. She squinted to get a

better view. "And those legs sort of give it a non-

hamburger appearance."

"Aliens!" Edward said delightedly. He suddenly looked

contemplative. "You don't suppose they're hostile do you?"

"I think we're going to find out, sir."

Two squat aliens waddled out of the open portal and

down the ramp that extended from the front of the ship.

They looked relatively human except for the silver suits

that were much too tight. They resembled a pair of Poppin'

Fresh clones wrapped in tinfoil. They looked around and saw

the soldiers who were surrounding the ship.

"Earth babes!"

"With big knockers! Yeehah!"

One of the aliens touched a medallion on his chest.

"Klaatu boradus niktu!"

A reedy voice came out of the communicator. "What?"

The other alien tried. "nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'"

"What the hell are you guys trying to say?"

"Narn Centauri Minbari?"


"Fine fine fine. Get the capture gear ready. We got

humans with big hooters."

There was a pause. "How big?"

"Imagine Dolly Parton and Samantha Fox having a child."

"We'll be right there."

Edward watched the exchange, worried now. This was an

unexpected complication in his quest for world domination.

Suddenly he had a bright idea. "Prepare the ORGASM! Target

that ship!"

The pink glow covered the ship. The two aliens

outside, Kwaylude and Valeeum, watched the display in


"You don't suppose they have a weapon that will toast

our gaflubbs do you?"

There was an odd giggling noise and a group of tall

naked blue women ran out. Kwaylude watched them run into a

nearby building.

"I would say that is a distinct possibility."

Valeeum sat on the ground and put his head in his

hands. "Why don't these invasions ever work out? We go one

place, they got a disease that'll kill us. Another place,

they not only have a competent kick-ass leader they take out

our command ship with a cable guy armed with a videogame.

Somewhere else some other aliens protect them."

"Don't forget that planet with all those metahumans."

"How could I forget? Beaten by a bunch of people in

tights. 'Superguy'. What alien invasion gets defeated by

some dork named 'Superguy'? There ain't no justice."

"I hear you, brother."

"Gentlemen," Edward said. "Welcome to Earth."

"Whatever," Valeeum said morosely. He ignored the

human male who stood triumphantly above them. "What now,

human? Going to turn us into females too?"

"Actually I was thinking about using some of your

technology. I'll pay you for it."

"No," Kwaylude said firmly. "That would be contrary to

Regulation 3-12-11. Providing natives with access to

Amfetameen technology is punishable by death. Nothing you

can offer will make us reveal our secrets. Not precious

metals or jewels or intoxicating drinks or those little

globes filled with water and white plastic or..."

"How about a harem of hundreds of women each?"

"...if you want to begin with the computer system

Valeeum is the records officer and we can start taking out

the antigravity drive whenever you're ready."

"The mortal is well on his way to world domination."

"No kidding. Boy, nothing escapes those eagle-like


"Shut up."

"Bite me."

"Athena! Ares! Behave yourselves!"

"She started it."

"I did not!"


"'Athena'! Always blaming me. No, it's never Ares's

fault, oh no sirree. Atlantis sinks, Athena did it.

Someone misplaces the Golden Fleece, yup, has to be Athena."

"Behave yourself, child!"

"Dad, I'm twelve thousand four hundred and sixty-seven

years old. I think I'm a little old to be called a...Dad!

Ares just stole my temple!"

"Did not."

"Did too! Daaad, get him to stop."

"Ares, stop teasing your sister. Now what have you two

been up to while I've been gone...hmmm...would someone like

to tell me what that is about?"

"It was Athena's idea."

"No it wasn't!"

"I don't care who thought of it! What is that mortal

doing? Oh never mind. I'll look into it myself."

"Heh heh. Boy, are you in trouble now."

"Up yours."

Attack of the Big-Buxomed Bikinied Bimbos Part II

Amfetameen Attacks!

Her name was Aseetominofen and she was Fleet Admiral

of the 5th Imperial Amfetameen Matriarchical Military Fleet.

By reputation she was the most efficient, the meanest, the

most merciless and simply the best poker player in the

Empire and so Empress Areethromysin, assuming that meant she

had some tactical ability, promoted her to her current rank.

Fortunetly for Areethromysin the admiral actually was a

brilliant and aggressive military genius. She also had a

notoriously bad temper. The story of how she had beaten her

rival, Admiral Ro-Gayne, into a bloody pulp using only her

bare hands and a chimney broom was well known in the fleet

and the subject of much discussion. No one had any idea

where a chimney broom had come from on a starship.

Aseetominofen sat in her command chair examining her

nails as the six Sub-Admirals stood stiffly at attention,

fearful of bring down their commander's wrath upon


"Now, I know you all are close friends who would never

consider betraying one another and I would not dream of

asking you to do so. Knowing this, I'll ask you all to

explain how some males managed to mutiny and steal a


"It was Kokayne's fault."

"...she did it..."

"...let the little beggars get away, she did..."

"...and we tried to stop her but she wouldn't


"...yep, all her fault..."

The Fleet Admiral turned and stared at the

aforementioned and terrified out of her blue skin Kokayne.

The Sub-Admiral seemed to wilt under the gaze and swallowed.

"Kokayne, I expect you to recover that ship


"Yes Fleet Admiral."

Kokayne flew her private shuttle back to her

battlegroup's command ship, the cruiser _Missionary

Position_. The small group comprised the cruiser and five

destroyers and was supposed to be scouting for the main


Despite the situation she had to admire her small

fleet as she approached Missionary Position. The large,

round cruiser was impressively large, topped by the small

bulge of the main bridge. The destroyers orbited around the

larger ship and shared the same general outline. None of

that phallic symbolism some of the other Sub-Admirals had in

their ships, Kokayne thought with pride. Let every other

intelligent space-faring race in the galaxy think that the

Amfetameen avoidance of long, thin objects was an amusing

parochial hang-up. Sure it had taken them eight times as

long to get into space because they refused to build

cylindrical rockets and even longer to get something that

could fly fast. So what if the best shape for atmospheric

flight as determined by the laws of physics was long and

round and had stuff shooting out of one end? The Amfetameen

Matriarchy could not let facts get in the way of its holy

crusade to rid the galaxy of the male dominance that had

suppressed the female Spirit of the Universe for so long.

Of course, since the Amfetameen did not use guns (long

cylindrical objects that shot stuff out of the end) they had

a difficult time convincing other species to surrender and

adopt their ways. Yet they had, Kokayne included, hardened

themselves against the hysterical laughter that greeted

their demands for surrender.

Commander Minoxodell had waited three minutes inside

the airlock for her superior to return and might have

actually been there when she arrived had she remembered that

the airlock was depressurized prior to docking. She was

recovering nicely in sickbay. Subcommander Kayopektate

stood in her place (beside the airlock; Amfetameen warriors

are quick learners) and greeted the Sub-Admiral.

"We have located the mutineers, Sub-Admiral."


"A planet approximately 9 light-years from here,


Kokayne looked thoughtful. "That name sounds


"Class 3 civilization, male dominant."

"Aha! We can accomplish two missions at once and I

can regain my standing in front of the Fleet Admiral.

Prepare the group for hyperspatialsuperluminaryfasterthan-

light speed. We leave at once!"

Edward tried the controls of the hover-tank and

crashed it into a warehouse. Kwaylude slapped his palm

against his forehead and groaned while Valeeum looked on.

"He sucks," Valeeum concluded.

He received a cuff on the back of the head. "That is

my master you're talking about," Alice scolded. Then she

dove out of the way as the hover-tank skidded across the

yard and buried its nose into another building. Brushing

herself off she watched the tank rock back and forth,

scraping and pulling more brick down on itself.

"But you're right, he does suck."

She ran off to offer assistance to Edward leaving

Kwaylude and Valeeum alone.

"I can't believe we're depending on him to save us

from Aseetominofen."

"What can we do? He's got that weapon. We try

something, wham! it's d-cup city for us. Our best bet is to

help him win."

"Hmmm. All those women serving us for a change.

I'd get Aseetominofen to give me a massage. Boy, would that

relieve headaches!"

"I'd enjoy banging Sub-Admiral Morfeen myself. You

know, they say that once you start having her, you just

can't stop."

After several hours, three demolished buildings and

five overturned vehicles Edward seemed to get the hang of

moving in a straight line. He announced that he was pleased

in his pretend-you-actually-appreciate-what-someone-else-did

voice and returned to the control room to supervise the

mounting of a portable ORGASM on the tank.

Kwaylude and Valeeum returned to the building that

Edward had designated as their quarters. Scores of scantily

clad and naked women were eagerly awaiting their arrival.

Forgetting their trouble for a moment the two fat aliens

plunged into the ocean of soft female flesh that awaited

them and dreamed of being masters of the entire galaxy.

Alice decided to take a walk out into the desert. She

had no idea why she wanted to take a walk out in the desert

but as the unbelievable coincidence that was to occur

required her to be taking a walk in the desert, for whatever

reason, she did so. She was not one to argue with the will

of the Author especially when He was about to give her a

larger role. She didn't even know there was a desert


"Can I be the hero?"


"Oh come on. With everything you've made me do I

deserve a bit of a break."


"Yeah yeah yeah, just like a tyrant. 'Do this', 'Do

that', 'Pledge allegiance to a hormone crazed sociopath with

delusions of grandeur'. No, never anything that I want."


"I don't even look like a typical heroine you dream



"Oh go on, try and deny it. What's your typical

female character like? Tall, cut and looks something like

Rachel MacLish or Cory Everson with red hair and an IQ of

  1. It's too bad Heinlein died. He would've loved your

female characters."


"Tall, genius Amazons who hop into bed at the drop of

a hat. 'Yeah, I just slayed three million monsters, wanna

screw?'. Yep, that's the typical line from your female



"At least Eddie Glover doesn't pretend he's telling a

story about anything except chicks with big hooters and the

guys who turn into them, not like you Mister Let's-Hide-My-


Alice struggled out of the tarpit and stared in dismay

at how the animal skin that made up her bikini top and

bottom was streaked with the oily residue. Grug, her mate,

watched with a stupid expression on his neanderthalic face

and grunted in arousal at how she looked with oil streaked

across her smooth skin. Suddenly a saber-tooth tiger jumped

out from the bush it was hiding behind. From the opposite

direction a tyrannosaurus ran at her, both looking at her

with jaws open and hunger in their eyes...

"I apologize! I apologize!"

Alice dusted the dust off her clothes and started

walking again with a sullen expression on her face,


"Stupid Author pushing me around stupid costume moron

doesn't know saber-tooth tigers and dinosaurs didn't live at

the same time..."

A bright light rose above the mountains to the west

and sped across the sky toward Alice. She waited


"Another flying hamburger? You haven't eaten yet or




"Lousy writer no sense of humor..."

The Amfetameen shuttle landed and Kokayne disembarked,

surrounded by her guards. She kicked the dirt disdainfully

and crinkled up her nose.

"No wonder no one wants this garbage pit. No plants,

no life at all."

"I believe that is because this is a desert, Sub-


"I knew that." Kokayne looked around and spotted

Alice. "Ho, natives. Let's not try to frighten it."

Kokayne raised her arms in what she hoped was a

peaceful gesture (and what everyone else in the known galaxy

took as a sign of surrender, given the renowned Amfetameen

battle prowess). The native (female, Kokayne noted in

relief, therefore of high intelligence by definition) stood

her ground.

"We friends," Kokayne said, making an embracing

gesture. "We come from stars." She pointed skyward. "Heap

long distance far away."

Alice shook her head at how ridiculous the blue-

skinned alien woman looked.

"She doesn't understand," one of the guards offered.

"Let's dissect her to see how she works," suggested


"That's inhuman!" exclaimed a third.

"We aren't human."

"Oh. Right."

Alice coughed. "Ahem. Are you finished?"

"She speaks English! Come to think of it, why in the

name of the Great Mother's Menstrual Flow do we speak


"Everyone in the galaxy speaks English, you goof. And

all the bad guys speak it with a British accent. You never

see 'Star Wars'?"

"Um, don't we have British accents?"

"Quiet," Kokayne ordered. "Earth person, we sake

renegades males, worthless males about this high."

"Are two of them named Kwaylude and Valeeum?"


"Never heard of them."

"Oh. That's odd. There seems to be an energy

signature coming from your head."

"Oh that's my, uh, built in calculator."

"Guards, seize the human!"

Two beefy Amfetameens seized Alice and held her while

Kokayne examined her with a scanner.

"A personality control device. Devious. Easy enough

to adjust"

" the Copa, Copacabana..."

"Change it! Change it!"

Alice shook her head and looked around with a dull

glaze in her eyes. "Huh huh. Blue babes. Huh huh. Cool."

"Well that certainly screwed her up."

"Huh huh. You said screw. Huh huh."

"Might I suggest an adjustment, your Sub-


"Hunh? What? Hey...I'm me again. I'm not loyal to

that disgusting troll! I hate his guts!"

"Tell me, primitive Earth-human, who did this to you?"

"Listen you technicolor bimbette, I am not primitive.

And the guy who did this to me is..." A sly look swept over

Alice's face. "If I help you catch those two will you help


Kwaylude and Valeeum turned off the remote viewer and

mulled over the information they had gathered.

"It was wise you took the precaution of observing the

human female Alice."

"It was an obvious thing to do. You know the fixation

the Author has on strong female characters. It was

inevitable that she would not remain subservient."

"So what do we do now?"

Kwaylude lifted his hand. A key glittered in the dim


"The key to the ORGASM control! How did you get it?"

"Earth humans are stupid. Now, shall we go?"

Kokayne assembled her assault team around the prison.

The armed Amfetameen troops set up portable laser cannons

and mortars with an enthusiasm she had not seen them display

in ages. It probably had something to do with facing an

outnumbered enemy with inferior technology and no hope of

assistance. That sort of thing did not happen often in the

Amfetameen military.

Alice gave them the coordinates to the ORGASM control

center and she felt a wave of satisfaction and relief as the

fireball erupted in a brilliant pink flash. She pumped her

arm and snarled "Yes!"

Edward came running out. "Loyal Alice! What have you


"Eat me, jerkoff. I'm working with the Sub-Admiral

here. I'm helping them get their two slug-boys back and

then they're going to take over the planet and I'm going

to help them."

There were screams from somewhere to Alice's right and

she saw Amfetameen troops scatter as the hover tank roared

into view. Valeeum's head was stuck out the driver's hatch

while Kwaylude rode the turret wearing a cowboy hat. A

Confederate flag fluttered from an antenna and the deafening

chords of "Ride of the Valkyries" shattered the night air.

The main cannon rotated around and fired a burst of pink

light that enveloped a platoon of warriors. They broke into

a fit of giggling and comparing nail polish.

"No!" Alice and Kokayne cried in unison. The big gun

began to track toward their position.

"Run away! Run away!"

Edward looked around in confusion and saw his two

alien assistants.

"Kwaylude! Valeeum! Over here!"

Kwaylude paused with his hand over the trigger. "You

know, it would be sort of rotten to do it."

"More babes," Valeeum reminded him.

"Say bye bye to Mister Happy," Kwaylude called out to

Edward and fired the gun. The hovertank turned and went in

pursuit of the fleeing Alice and Kokayne.

Aseetominofen frowned at the scene the spysat

recorded. Not only had Kokayne failed to recapture the

renegades she now appeared to be feeding them some form of

native fruit wearing nothing but a few small pieces of


"Kokaine not only defeated but enslaved. An

embarrassment to the Amfetameen Matriarchy." She sighed.

"Prepare the invasion fleet."

"You are a jerk."


"You set me up!"


"So? So! You ignorant, obnoxious..."


"Oooooooooo. I'll get you. I'll get Larry Niven to

give me a good story."


"Yeah! Author control. Now that was a character





"Well, I'll get someone."


"No! Anything but that!"


Alice lurked in the bushes and cursed authors of all

sorts. Still it was better than being in a Chalker story.

She would have been someone's sex slave at least by the end

of Part One if he'd been writing.

She needed a plan...

The prison exploded with brilliant blue explosions as

Amfetameen assault ships descended on the desert. Alice

watched in amazement as female troops overran the position,

seized the two aliens, destroyed the ORGASM and vanished

into the sky.

"What the hell was that?"


"What?! What kind of ending was that?"


"Your damn right I'm complaining! You put me through

all that and you don't provide a satisfying ending!"



One final explosion lit the night sky and a red

fireball arced out of the remains of the prison and landed

on top of Alice. She looked down in shock and saw that she

was at least six feet tall and had long red hair.


"I hate you."

Keith Morrison

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