Story for Rainy Day

Published on Oct 27, 1997



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"Story For a Rainy Day, 10/25/97"

So, the rain beating down on my face and neck just won't wash away the awe-stuck look I'm walking around with. Standing out in the rain looking up at your window, my mind races with excitement of what's to come. The things I'm thinking have made me almost speechless, hence my strange look when some guy asks me for a light for his cigarette. I manage to grunt, and toss him a lighter. Even I'm surprised at just how far my mind goes sometimes. I suppose this is one of those times when trying to think rationally about it won't help. It's a good working over that I need, and there's no getting around it. What's more amazing is how well you read minds...

When i arrive at you door, I'm dripping wet. Puddles form at my feet as I ring your bell. Your heavy boots thunk-thunk on the floor as you come to let me in. You've already prepared for my arrival, what a guy. You're already in your leathers and you exude dominance. How can I remember what I was going to say to you when you open the door and stand there smelling like sex and holding a spike collar in your hand? I'm speechless, but you can read my body language. It's saying: no mercy.

You help me out of my leather jacket, made heavier by the rain it's absorbed. The rest of my clothes are plastered to my skin, so getting them off is a matter of peeling. My jacket off, you now set on getting my shirt off my already heaving chest. Forcefully yanking on my belt, you unbuckle it and I can sense your strength, heightened by the electricity already flowing between our eyes. Nearly knocking me off my feet, you pull my belt out from the loops, tugging roughly as the wet jeans I'm wearing grip the wide strap of black leather. Finally getting the belt off, your hand reaches down into my waistband while the other one works the button from the front. In a flash, you've got me unzipped and are pulling my wet shirt out from it's tucked-in position. It feels abrasive as it passes over my ass and waist. The bare flesh of my butt tingles; I'm wearing nothing under my jeans.

My shirt drips water on the floor as you lift my arms so you can pull it over my head. Now that it's off, my nipples suddenly harden from the feel of the air on the wet flesh of my chest. They've never felt tighter. Working slowly and deliberately, you untie each of my boots and loosen their calf-high tops all the way down to my feet. In my attempt to step out of them, i nearly fall, but you catch my waist, and the heat of your hand on my chilled body makes me shudder. Your grip is firm and stabilizing. With your other hand, you help me out of one boot at a time, all the while searing me with your other hand. Boots off now, I set my mind to getting out of my jeans, which proves difficult to do standing up. You see my struggle and grab the waistband and pull downward. As your hands brush against the skin of my legs, I'm getting hard. And with a pull downward, you bare my cock from underneath the wet denim. Out it springs, hardening as it begins to jut from my crotch. I'm already feeling how cold the steel bars in my my cock and balls are, sensing in my loins the icy metal impaling me. My balls are tight with the cold, but the heat radiating off your body crosses the space between us and I can feel it on my naked flesh.

I've stepped out of my jeans and am standing before you completely defenseless. From the squatting position you assumed to help me out of my jeans, you slowly rise up, using your hands to barely brush the hair on my legs, then between my legs, finally moving up to tickle the hair on my chest. By the time you reach up to touch my goatee, my goosebumps have made my nerves tingle with chilling fire. My wet hair, hanging down to the small of my back, drips water down my ass, running into the crack, meandering it's way to the back of my sac. Reaching for the collar you've placed on the floor, you come face to face with the thick ring in the head of my cock. Your hot breath on the cold metal makes me even stiffer. Collar now in hand, you grab a hold of my hair and pull my head back. Then you strap on and buckle the collar around my neck. OK, Master, whatever your will...

The chains on your leathers are clinking as you lead me by a long rope you've attached to the collar. Across the room, I see the table, with its thick leather straps, waiting for me. We cross the room and you firmly, but slowly, push me facedown onto the table. The cold sruface meets my hard nipples and the pressure on them sends waves of pleasure through me. When I'm lying on the table, you spread my legs so you can place my ankles into the thick bands on either side of the table. You take your time getting the straps nice and tight, making sure that I won't be able to pull out. The cold metal buckles dig into my skin deliciously. I hear your chains clinking again as you walk over to fasten my hands similarly to the way you did my ankles. Pulling each arm from my side, to a position above my head and in front of me, you strap me in, and I'm no longer able to move my extremities. Finally, you buckle the widest strap across my waist, pinning me to the table. I'm completely immoble. Let's play.

Because I'm facedown and can't turn my head, there's no need for a blindfold. But, you do come over to me with a gag. You don't need to tell me what to do, I open my mouth eagerly to accept the black rubber ball which you place on my tongue and between my teeth. The ends of the gag have strategic holes in them which fit over spikes on the collar and secure it into place. Any screams or moans I make from now on will be muffled by the gag. I hear you moving around, and feel the vibrations your boots make on the floor and through the legs of the table. I can't see what you're doing, which makes me anxious, just the way you want me. You're gone for an eternity, leaving me to acclimate to my imprisonment. You really know how to get to me. Suddenly all light vanishes save for the candlelight I see glowing behind me. The sulphury smell of matches reaches my nose, and I know you've lit candles. They're all around me, and I wonder how they got there, for I didn't hear you moving around me to position them. In fact, it's been so quiet that I wonder if my hearing is failing me.

I feel as if you're depriving me of my senses one by one. I can no longer touch anything with my hands, as they're going ever so slightly numb from the straps. Taste is gone, as I can no longer taste the hard rubber in my mouth. Sight is almost gone, for i can only see the dim flickering of candle flames on the floor. Hearing seems to be fading as well. The only thing left is smell. I can certainly smell your scent, mingling with the burning candles. The mixture is intoxicating. Without saying a word, you set upon telling me what to do. It seems to me like your mind is in control, and I must give myself over to you completely to be consumed by your desire.

With a sudden slap on my ass, I am jolted from my daze back into the present. The stinging is intense, made all the more so because I wasn't expecting the slap. However, a few more slaps from your heavy hand brings a warmth to my ass, which is a good change from the chill I've had from the rain. Pretty soon, your slapping me has made me warm all over. I feel a flush across my face as the blood moves faster with my increased heartrate. I lose count of your slaps after one hundred, but it seems like far more. You finally stop and I am grateful. My ass is beyond burning hot. I'm glad you've stopped for a moment. What follows is pleasant and unexpected. You place an ice cube on my burning butt and begin moving it over the skin. The feeling is divine when the icy water pools within my crack and runs down my sac to drip onto the table. You spread my ass wide open and play with the ice over my hot hole. Dripping the ice water onto my tight ring makes me moan, and my cock, having gone flaccid, returns to a semi-hard state, beginning to strain against the table. I try to squirm to adjust it somewhat, but I am unable to move against the tight straps. You then place the cube directly on my hole and close my ass around it, pressing it together to enwrap the ice. It's shocking how cold it feels after the heat of the slapping. My nerves are beginning to get slightly frazzled.

When the ice is all melted, your attention moves from my ass to my feet. You gently blow on them to drive me mad with tickling. I can't take it. The leather straps on my ankles creak and squeak with my strains against them. My struggling only makes you more determined to punish me. I feel hot burning liquid dripping down the bottom of my left foot. It's hot wax, and you're covering every inch of the sole of my foot with it. Dripping slowly you let the first drops harden before you drip more. It's making me writhe in pleasure-pain. I feel as though I might be walking on coals, but it's your way of making me ready for one of the greatest orgasms of my life. You turn to my right foot and repeat the procedure you began with the left one. By now, I'm no longer trying to move, but instead I bite down on the rubber ball in my mouth as hard as i can, moaning with each drop of wax that falls on my skin.

Having left my ass to relax somewhat, you return to it, now, rubbing it with your hands. Kneeding the flesh, you spread my ass open and begin fingering the hole. It's not long before I'm trying to thrust against the table. But, finding I cannot, I moan louder. I feel your fingers moving over and around the hole. I'm hoping you'll find your way in there with something soon, and it's not long before your finger pops through the ring of muscle. Dripping on some lube, you get your fingers all greasy, and begin rubbing in the crack of my ass. Now your fingers slide in easliy, and I'm trying to open up to you as much as I can, allowing you to insert two fingers. I can't move my hips, but I can pump my asshole in tightening little pulses around your fingers, trying to pull you in deeper. It's not long before you recognize my pleasure and promptly remove your fingers. I am not to feel pleasure yet.

It must be at least an hour since you first strapped me to the table, and my neck is stiffening. I feel you release the strap on my left ankle and then the right one. Next, you come over to release my hands. Flipping me over onto my back, you leave the gag in me, and refasten my wrists with the straps, however not as tightly this time. I can feel my hands again, which is beneficial for what's to come next. I see your cock has hardened quite nicely, standing out from the dark hair and bobbing so nicely in the air with the pulses of blood. The beautiful ring in your cockhead glints in the candlelight. I long to touch it and move my hands across the shaft. You walk over and maneuver yourself so that your cock is near to my right hand. I can't see what I'm doing, but going by feel, i trace the lines of your cock. I circle the head with my fingertip, drawing imaginary rings around it's circumference. When I feel the steel ring implanted in you, I flick it back and forth gently. I hear you catch your breath, which makes me redouble my efforts at pleasing you. Moving my hand up to the shaft of your cock, I begin stroking you. Since you've not yet been lubed, I am careful not to chafe the dry skin. However I cannot resist the feeling of your hot meat in my hand and the sounds of your moans. I grab hold and squeeze you a little harder now, making your cocknead swell more as i force the blood to the tip. You make a low grunt as I release my grip. You pull out of my hand and move to where i can see you better. You stroke yourself where I can see you, taunting me with your cock. I long to hold it again. But you have other things in mind.

With the lube you greased my ass with still slick and ready, you once again insert your finger, checking the tightness of my hole. I've relaxed now, and you easily get two fingers in. Three fingers makes me moan with twinges of pain. I try to relax more and then it's feeling good. Ah, my pleasure finally arrives. After a few minutes of finger-fucking me, you move to stand at the end of the table between my spread legs. Because you have left them free, you can push them wider apart as you climb up onto the table between them. Kneeling on the table now, you raise my legs up and put my ankles over your shoulders. Moving your hips closer in, you begin rubbing the pierced head of your dick in my crack, teasing me and making me feel the endballs of the ring you have there. One of them catches on the rim of my asshole, and you inhale sharply with pleasure.

You can no longer hold back, and sensing my readiness, you plunge into my ass with one deep thrust. I try to scream because of the wonderful feeling of sensuality mixed with pain, but the gag stifles my cries. Your cock is buried to it's limit inside me now, and you move your hips side to side, making me feel even more full of you. You lower your chest to mine, and the ring in your nipple catches the harndess of my nipple. We both let out sighs as you move it against mine. The stubble on your not-too-recently-shaved chest catches in the hair of my chest, scratching my skin and making me want you more. You raise up to brace youself with your arms, and begin thrusting slowly into my ass. It's a series of deep, plowing motions, each one sending me higher and higher. After a few of these, you lower yourself again, and the steel barbells in the underside of my cock mingle in the dark hair above your member. The sensation is unreal, and I feel like I could cum just then, but you delay things by raising up again to begin driving into my ass.

Being impaled on your tool is like being filled with fire. The ring in your cockhead rubs me from within, sending me into uncontrollable spasms as the balls masage my insides. I can't believe how good it feels. No longer painful, your thrusting is sheer pleasure. I wonder how long it will take before you'll be filling me with hot juice, for I want this feeling to last forever. Soon, though, you slow your thrusts, easing me back down from the edge, and remove your cock from me. Lying atop me still, you release the gag and remove it from my mouth. When your hot tongue reaches mine, I can't believe how strong it is, pinning my own tongue to the floor of my mouth.

Soon our kiss is parted and you slowly climb off me, making sure to rub all that chest stubble across my body in the process. Your glistening cock, slick with lube, shines in the light. I long to devour it, and to my happiness, you walk over and place it in my mouth. I find the ring with my tongue and gently move it back and forth in your hole. I trace the metal with the tip of my tongue and follow it up into the hole, where i encounter copious pre-cum. This is what I hunger for, and I suck your entire cock into my mouth and into my eager throat. You fuck my mouth for a few minutes, allowing me to drink of your lubricating juices. Then, you withdraw slowly. The suction from my lips causes a smack as your head pops free.

I can tell you are nearing the brink and I am amazed how you seem to read my mind that I want you back up my ass to spill into me. Assuming the same positon as before, you raise my legs even higher now, as you thrust deeper and deeper into me. I pulse my hole around you, trying to milk your juices out. A few thrusts later, your grunts and moans become louder and your pushes are getting faster and harder. With one last gasp, you slam into me and fill me up with long streams of cum. Your cock is throbbing in me, and as you collapse on top of me, the pressure of your body and the feeling of your cock in me trigger my own release. I cum, all the while growling into the back of your neck. You pull out of me, and your cum drips out of me as you let my legs drop down. You then lie atop me again, pressing chest to chest, and we hold this position for a long while, glued together by my cum, squirted between our bodies.

"Story For a Rainy Day" [part 2]

As we're resting after our recent session, I'm feeling the warmth of your skin and the manly arms you have. I'm pretty well spent from all the working over I've received at your capable hands. I can't bring myself to speak, I'm physically exhausted. But, I've got the glow of a wonderful release running through me, and my body still throbs slightly in the areas you've messed with. I'm luxuriating in your scent and your sweat as the cum I've shot between us begins to soak into our skin and we wear it's stickiness like a stain of ecstasy. Our breathing quiets and slows as we gaze into one another's eyes. I cannot resist the feeling of drowsiness I have, my body requiring rest after it's extended adrenaline rush. I fall asleep on the table with you still pressing onto me from above.

When I awake, my hands are free, the collar is gone, and I am on the floor, lying on a cushion and covered with a soft blanket. I don't know how long I've been asleep, but it doesn't matter, for when I roll over, you are there lying beside me and smile as I see you there. The roughness with which you abused me and the gentleness with which you are slowly rubbing my back now, are two wonderful aspects of the same person. The mixture of softness and hardness is so appealing. I could lie here forever, just feeling your presence next to mine.

You begin rubbing my chest now that I have turned over, and your fingertips play with the tips of my nipples. You stroke them, making them harden under your touch, reviving and awakening me. The best alarm clock I ever had. The feeling of your hand in the curls of fur across my pecs feels great, and it's not long before I reach out to touch you as you are touching me. I turn onto my side and move a little closer to you and pull the blanket back a little. Under there I find your broad chest, rising and falling slowly with your breathing. I glance at the stylized image of the bull on your body, smiling, because it is I who has been roped and tamed, not the bull. I reach out to trace it with my finger, feeling the skin and marveling at the black image that seems to have been the forever. I lower my head to your chest in order to listen to the sound of your heartbeat. The rhythmic thumping inside is soothing to me, and allows me to sense your state of relaxation. The stubble on your chest feels prickly on my face as rest my head on you like you were a living pillow. I inhale deeply, loving your smell, your essence. I can smell the place where my cum has dried on you, spread into a wide patch rom the pressure of our bodies together before. I can see how it mats down the dark hairs, sticking them to the skin.

I raise my head from your chest, my hair brushing against your ringed nipple. Using my tongue now, I trace around the ring there. I lick the steel and allow my tongue to wash over the peg of your impaled skin. It hardens with my attention. I lick it and slime it with my saliva, and then gently take the ring into my lips. I'm pulling slightly, trying to rotate it in it's tube of flesh. With the saliva reducing the friction, the ring slowly slides through, and I begin moving it back and forth in your skin. All the while, my hair is sweeping over your torso and caressing your body with each turn of my head to slip that ring to and fro. I can see how hard this is making your nipple, which inspires me to do more. I let the steel drop from my lips, and then I blow gently on the wetness I've created around your peg.

With the coldness, your skin tenses and the stubbly hairs stand upright from your tightening skin. My excitement is growing, resulting in my hardening cock. I remember the stain of my cum on you and redirect my attention to this area lower on your body. I trace down the top of the matted-down area and taste it with my tongue. With just the tip of my tongue, I begin to lick at the now-dried seed I deposited there some hours ago. It's salty taste and musky aroma have me even harder now. I begin using my whole tongue to bathe your torso, reclaiming and returning my own jism to my body. Your breathing is getting somewhat heavier, and your chest rises and falls faster now. I can see that your response is taking shape underneath the blanket, tenting it up slowly, higher and higher. I continue licking and caressing you with my tongue.

Having licked the cum off you and cleaning your dried sweat, I begin moving further workin further downward with my tongue. I love the rough texture of the hairy skin as I moisten it. I'm tempted to bite you, the taste is so delicious, bit instead only nibble a tiny but with my front teeth. You catch your breath as the slight sting surprises you. Don't get too relaxed, I think, you're in for a treat.

I'm taking my time now, licking and nibbling my way to the prize waiting for me under the blanket. With each inch that I move down, I expose a little more of you, exciting myself more and more as I see you anew. The heavy black images on your skin are like glimpses into your life, and I yearn to pay each one homage with my mouth. I move up and over, straddling you and lying nearly atop you so i can get closer to your shoulders with my mouth. The image of the bull is in my sights again, and I now trace it with my tongue, acknowledging your symbol and worshipping with my tongue.

Moving over to your shoulder, my sacrifice to the sun and the moon is the mouth music I dedicate to their power. For each phase of the moon I stroke ten times with the tip of my tongue, leaving the image wet with my spit. I raise up slightly so I can move over to feel heaven and earth on your other shoulder. I make my tongue like the dragon's tongue, and use it to trace the seven long necks of the inky beast. I trace infinity, my head bobbing slightly as I make figure eights to follow the lines of the symbol. Your breathing comes more and more raggedly as your chest is heaving ever so slightly now and again. Every so often, I can feel the inaudible low rumble of a near-moan.

With more area to cover, I slide myself down a little, so that my face can gaze upon the superheros embracing next to the still-hard, impaled nipple. I lick their boots, showing them my loyalty. Then, I cover their capes with my mouth and let my velvet tongue caress the skin-fabric that seems to be billowing with the wind. Entranced with the embrace they hold, I join then in a kiss, making it a 3-way which I continue for a minute or two before releasing my liplock. If they could, I wonder, would they be smiling at this?

With each image properly anointed, I return to the celestial shoulder, completing a cycle as the symbolism would have it. It's still wet, but not cool, for your blood is moving faster and making you radiate heat. By now, your cock has hardened to it's maximum, and it pushes the blanket up from your loins. I cannot stand to have it covered any longer, so I throw back the blanket from our bodies and catch glimpse of the object of my desire. Standing up firmly, the head has grown to a knob of flesh I only want to suck on all the more now that i have your taste on my tongue. I adjust my position so my mouth is over it, and then I begin sucking on the head only. With the first suckling motions I make, you emit a low moan and your hands clench slightly. Let me worship you, I think.

I repeat my suckling, and wash my tongue over the steel in your cockhead. My tongue slips between the endballs of the ring, and I move it back and forth. The ring makes tiny clicking sound inside my head as it taps against my teeth every so often. Your cock tastes like your cum and like my ass, the mixture being like a drug to me. I'm getting drunk with happiness as you allow me to show you this much pleasure and thank your for "taking care of me" some hours ago. To show you my appreciation, I take you deeply into my throat and try to swallow as much of you as I can. The ring tickles my throat but pops down as I take more of you in. I can also sense your pleasure, since you thrust up to meet my downward thrusts. Soon, your are fucking my throat for real.

After a minute or so of this, your hands reach out and touch my spine. You trace your hands down a ways and then begin pulling me around, bringing my hips towards your face. Without losing your cock from my mouth, I oblige and maneuver above you so that I am straddling your face and you are licking the head of my cock. You imitate the flicks I gave to your Prince Albert, pushing the hard steel in my head back and forth as I did to yours. I gasp around your cock. I can't believe the pleasure of your tongue. I pull your head out of my throat so that we can play with each others steel, matching each other's movements, mirroring each other's manipulations. We both moan alternatingly as the our respective rings give off little currents of pleasure. It is as though they are connected to each other through our bodies. We have somehow melded into one, interlocked in this embrace.

Your hand reaches to my sac to play with the large barbells at the lower reaches of the skin there. The heavy metal in my flesh receives your attention and you twist it gently and tug, feeling the resistance the skin gives when you pull. Your cock twitches in my mouth as you do this. I know you are very happy. I can feel you sliding each piece of steel back and forth in my flesh. Your hand finds each barbell in turn, and you rotate them and turn then, making me harder and hotter. I thrust a little into your mouth, involuntarily. My pleasure is too great, I fear I may not last long.

I reach down to cup your balls and gently roll them back and forth in my hand. The musky smell of your ass is filling my nose with delight. I am inspired to find your hole with my fingers. So, I put my finger into my mouth alongside your cock and get it wet with spit. Back into your crotch it goes, until I am spreading you and feeling the tightness of the muscular ring of your ass. I gently trace circles around it, and your approval comes in the form of grunts of pleasure from around my dick. By now, we are both thrusting into each other's mouths, wondering who will spill first. I am determined it will be you this time, so I set my mind to getting you off good and hard.

With my wet finger, I begin probing your hole, getting inside you to feel you from the inside. I slip in and out, using my finger to increase your enjoyment. I thrust deeper into your mouth, beginning to exert some control over you. You moan and thrust into mine, and, at the same time, I push my finger into you all the way. You begin to spasm inside my mouth, and I know it's not long before you will fill me mouth with your hot essence.

I finger your gland on the inside, feeling how swollen and hard it is. Simultaneously, I redouble my efforts on your cock, swallowing more of it. Aha! My goal is within reach, I think, as I feel the root of your dick jerk inside you. Visible, your sac tightens as you prepare to inject me with jism. I rub your gland hard and allow your head to come out of my throat. You grunt and yell out, and then I taste your saline warmth on my tongue. I swallow and swallow, sucking it all out of you.

I get so excited that I cannot control my own release. I want you to take it all, so I thrust into your throat and send my cum down you, pulling out to deliver the last spurt onto your lips. Before you can lick them off, I turn around and meet your mouth with mine, and we are soon mingling our cum and our saliva. We lick and suck at each other with abandon, until the cum is gone and all that remains is the lingering taste of our mutual climax on our snaking tongues and interlocked lips.

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