Story of Us

By Ashton Meyers

Published on Jun 5, 2011


Disclaimer: The characters in this story are real, but the names have been changed. The events in this story and fictional. This story contains consensual sex between teenage boys, and it may be illegal in your area. If so, please do not read beyond thes point. Or else, go ahead.

When I Look at You

The next day was pretty fun. We went hiking, rafting on the river, fishing and bla......bla......bla...... Most of the time I sticked with Ryan and our group. At times I would look at Tom, he would wink at me and I would smile and start blushing.

At around 3pm in the evening we decided to go back to the city. We boarded the bus and sat in the row with three seats. Ryan sat on the window seat, I on the middle and Jake, one of our friends at the corner.

Tom and his friend sat on the other side of the passage, but in the same row. Ryan said that he was very tired and he dozed off, while I and Jake were chatting. We were talking mostly about artists like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, etc.

We three grew up by mostly seeing Disney Channel series such as Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly Place, J.O.N.A.S, etc. So we mostly listened to songs affilated to them. Some people found it wierd, but we found it cool. Anytime a new album was released, we would compete as to who would buy it first. For some reason, we hated Justin Bieber.

After some time, Jake also dozed off, which left just me awake. I put on my earphones and started listening to some songs as I closed my eyes.

"We're alright (alright) yeah, yeah (yeah, yeah)

We're gonna get it where we livin, livin

We're alright (alright) yeah, yeah (yeah, yeah)

We're gonna get it where we livin

Whoa whoa

It's a liberty walk, walk say goodbye to the

People who tied you up

It's a liberty walk, walk

Feeling your heart again, breathing new oxygen

It's a liberty walk, walk free yourself, slam the door

Not a prisoner anymore

Liberty, liberty, li-li-liberty, liberty, li-li

It's a liberty walk (walk, walk)"

When I got up, I found Tom sitting beside me. He sitting relaxed on the seat, looking at the ceiling.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"I switched seats with Jake. But if you mind it the I can call him back."

"Oh no. Its okay. I've been thinking about you the whole day."

"Me too."

I looked around to see if anyone could hear us. Fortunately, most of us were asleep. Some were talking to each other. I layed back against the seat. Then Tom brought his right hand and squeezed my left hand. I just smiled.

Tom leaned over, and wispered in my ears.

"I love you."

Then we entwined our fingers together

I leaned over and said, "I love you too."

I could feel the warmth of his hands. After sometime, I also went off to sleep. When I woke up, I found myself leaning against Tom. My head was resting on his well defined chest. My right hand was on his abs and the other on the seat. He had his hand around my waist. I looked up at his face and saw that he was still asleep.

"Everyone, please wake up." Mrs. Simon said loudly.

I went aside, away from him so that no one could me leaning on him. Soon everyone woke up.

"We have reached the school. You may take your luggages and go home." It was dark outside. I looked at my watch and it was around 9pm. I woke Ryan who was still asleep.

We got down from the bus and grabbed our luggages.

Then Tom came to me as said,

"Hey, can I have your no. "


I gave him my number and he gave his.

"I see you around. Bye." He winked at me and went his way towards his home and I and Ryan Went towards ours, because our houses were just in front of each other. IT was a walkable distance from the school. We didn't talk much on the way because we both were tired.

We reached our houses, hit fists and went our ways.

When I entered the house, I saw my mom watching tv.

"Hi mom. I'm home."

"Hi honey. How was the camp?"

"It was fantastic."

"I told you. You should keep going out of the house."

Besides Ryan, she was also the one who insisted me to go camping. She thinks I am very lazy, which I think she is right.

I went upstairs and threw my bag on the floor. I changed myself into boxers and socks and jumped on the bed and went off to sleep as I was too tired.

I woke up at around 10am. I really am lazy. I brushed my teeth and took a bath. I went downstairs and made myself some grilled cheese sandwitch. My mom had probably gone to the store. I took out my cell and called Ryan.

"Hey Ash. What's up."

"Nothing much. Got any plans today?" I asked.

"No. I'm really getting bored. Its too hot to go out."

"Wanna hang around at my place? We can play WWE on my PS3."

"Sounds cool. I'll be there in a minute."

I hanged up and went across the street to his house. We played on his PS3 for like 2 hours. I really sucked at it. Amazingly, I have seen only one wrestling match in my entire life, may be when I was in the 4th grade. I even stayed for lunch with him and his mother. Then we went back and played some racing game. Soon we got fed up of playing and we just layed on his bed.

"Are you looking up to any girl?" he asked.

I hate when we change our topic to girls. I am gay. How can I look upto any girl. Of course I can't tell him that I am gay because if I did, I would be so dead. I had decided not to come out to anyone because I am scared of doing that. Besides, if I ever did that, my life would turn into hell.

"No. What about you?" I asked.

"Amanda. She is kind of hot."

"You mean the one from our english class."

"Yup. I've seen her a couple of times look at me. I think she wants me."

"Well, good luck with that."

"What does suppose to mean? You think I can't have any girl?" he said, hitting me with a pillow.

"I didn't say that."


"I just thought that, but didn't say." He got angry and started hitting me more. I also grabbed a pillow and started hitting him too. Soon it turned out into a pillow fight. In the end he both started laughing.

After an hour, I took leave and went back to my house. I sat on the coutch thinking what to do next. Summer vacations can sometimes be boring, unless you are Phineas and Ferb. I thought of giving a call to Tom when my phone started to ring.

I looked at it and saw Tom's caller ID. I answered it.

"Hi Tom."

"Hi. How's my baby?"

"I just came from Ryan's house. I was just thinking about you."

"Me too. I couldn't sleep yesterday. I kept thinking about you. How about we hang out in the beach later this evening?"

"Cool. I'll see you then."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I reached the beach at around 5:45pm. Only Tom's car was there in the parking lot. Probably we were the only two over there. Tom was wearing a loose blue shirt and burmuda shorts. He had a messy hair. He looked adorable. I would melt everytime I would see him.

"Hi. You're looking great." I said as I went to him and gave him a quick kiss.

"Not as hot as you." I blushed.

"You look very cute when you blush."

We walked a little and then sat down on the beach. We watched the sun going down. My hair was blowing with the cool wind.

"Have you ever thought about coming out?" He asked.

"I don't really like that idea." I said, worried if he wants to come out.

"Me neither."

"Thank goodness. I thought you want to come out."

"Of course not. If that happens, my parents are going to kick me out of the house. So you don't mind if we keep our relationship inside the closet?"

"Not at all."

Then we layed down on the sand, holding each others' hand.

"You know, having you in my life makes me feel like I am the world's luckiest man. I wish we didn't have to hide our relationship from others."

"The world is a bad place. I don't know why some people hate gays like us. I mean, its not like we chose to become gay. We were born this way. You know what happened to Kyle last year right."

"I know. But I don't want that to happen to us." Kyle used to study in our school. One day, he came out to everyone that he was gay. "People started to treat him like an animal. The used the word 'fag' to call him. All his friends left him alone. I wanted to be friends with him, but I was scared. I felt really sorry for him. How stupid of me."

"You were not stupid. Its just that they don't understand that we are also humans."

For few minutes, we just layed there silently.

Then he rolled over me and we both looked at each other in the eyes. I was completely lost in his gorgeous green eyes. He then moved closer and we started to kiss. I kept my hands behind his head and he kept his on my hips. The kiss became more passionate and he started to kiss my neck. I started to move my hands all over his back as I moaned. I felt like I was in the seventh sky. He then broke the kiss and looked at me.

"I love you, Ashton Meyers." he said.

"I love you too, Tom."

"Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody needs a song

A beautiful melody, when the night's so long

'Cause there is no guarantee that this life is easy

Yeah, when my world is falling apart

When there's no light to break up the dark

That's when I, I, I look at you

When the waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home anymore

That's when I, I, I look at you"

To be continued.........

*********************************************************************** Songs Featured::

Liberty Walk - Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Liberty Walk lyrics found on

When I Look at You - Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Liberty Walk lyrics found on

Please e-mail me at and tell me how I am doing so that I may know that somebody is actually reading my story. Love and Peace.

Next: Chapter 3

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