Story:The Magician

By Indiana Jones

Published on Aug 21, 1996



Precedence: bulk

Here's a story I've been dying to share with everybody for the longest time. It's a little rough but if you like it I can refine it later! Here Goes!

The Magician BY Indiana Jones

The crowd was getting rowdy now. Rick was getting a bit nervous about the spotlight that was shining in his face, although the spotlight was not what was making him sweat. Even his girlfriend was pushing him to go on stage. Finally he agreed and he sighed when they finally turned the spotlight back on the Amazing Rudolpho. He walked to the stage and took a few bows for the applause.

He was a good looking man, about in his early twenties and he looked good with his twenty-two year old girlfriend on his arm. Rick was a very in style, Mr. GQ type of man who wore what was in style. Whether it be a Suit or Jeans and T-shirt, he would only wear the best.

He looked at his girlfriend. She was beautiful, wearing that tight black evening dress that showed off her figure as well as accenting her bosom and shoulders. She waved a gloved hand at him and flipped her auburn hair back in that cute way he liked. He couldn't ask for a better assistant or girlfriend.

"Now let's have a big hand for Ricky!" the magician shouted to the audience, to which a rowdy set of cheers was sent up. Rick was so into himself he didn't even notice that Adolpho knew his name without asking.

Rick walked around on stage like a peacock strutting his feathers. Adolpho was loving it as well, because it was getting the audience into the trick.

"Now, now son. It's time to go on with the show!" the magician sneered and yanked him to the side. He waved his wand in the air and said a few words and a cabinet appeared on stage in a puff of smoke. The audience clapped again, though not as loudly or as long.

"Now you may have seen this trick before, but I Doubt you have ever seen it done quite this way before." Adolpho stated. He walked to the box and opened it. He gestured for Rick to examine the box as well. Rick walked around the box and verified for the audience that there were no mirrors or hidden doors. Rick thought he woudl just play along if he did find one but was surprised when there wasn't.

The magician twirled his long moustache in his long bony fingers as he waited for Rick to finish his inspection. He was not a particularly handsome man. Neither was he hideous. The moustache and some stage makeup helped make him tolerable and hid the evil looking scar that crept up the left side of his face.

Rick was finished and he smiled and turned to the audience. Some of the women in the audience practically melted, and he noticed. He reveled in it even though his girlfriend would kill him if he tried to meet any of them.

The magician standing there in tux and cape, twirled around and bowed to the audience. "I will now ask my new assistant, Rick, to step inside the box."

Rick was unsure but he knew this was all an illusion. He was sure he was going to disappear through a trap door, then someone would ask him to keep quiet about what he saw then he would be 'zapped' back and everyone would have a good laugh. He stepped into the box and waited.

Adolpho twirled his moustache as he explained the trick to the audience. "This trick was invented by a colleague of mine, who may not be as handsome as I, but never the less more famous, named David Copperfield. It was later then made famous By a pair of Las Vegas showmen, Riegfried and Soy!" The audience had a good laugh and he rebutted,"Stop! Switch that" He criss crossed his fingers to illustrate his point.

"The Trick is called meta-morphosis, I will close the curtain and Rick will be maigically transformed into my lovely assistant. Siegfried and Roy used to do it with a tiger, but I prefer the origianl version that Mr. Copperfield made famous. Though My twist is that I transform a member of the audience!" He said in his strange mixed accent. Rick thought it was a cross between Schultz and Dracula.

With that he closed the curtain and Rick thought to himself, "Here We Go!" The suspense was killing him. He couldn't wait to see how the magician would pull it off. He heard adolpho say something to which the audience roared with laughter. Then it became eerily silent. He could hear Adolpho chanting something, but he could not make out what it was. Then the audience was back and they laughed again.

Suddenly, Rick felt something weird. Then a low humming that quickly became a song. The high pitched voices were getting louder and became the singing of a thousand angels. He felt a strange sensation all over. He felt as if he had fallen a couple of inches. He looked up and saw the roof of the box was higher. He chuckled, "Boy is Adolpho in for a surprise! His trap door didn't open. I'm stuck. I can't wait to see the expression on his face..." he stopped. Somehow his voice didn't sound right to him. He felt a strange pulling in his chest and on his backside. He began to get uncumfortably hot and he raised his hand to slick bakc his hair. he noticed it was longer than it should have been. He watched as his chest filled out into a familiar yet overstated shape. He felt like his lip was swollen and his nose pulled itself up a bit and back into his skull. He could feel his eyes changing and he saw the eyelashes growing out of his eye lids, becoming thick and full.

Out of nowhere pain hit him! He almost doubled over when the fire hit him between the legs. He felt like his insides were re-arranging themselves. He could feel his pelvis reshape itself and his spine thrust backward a little. He saw his arms and hands shrink. They were still muscular, but more like a gymnasts. He saw his nails grow longer and become a translucent pearl color. He felt his legs change then his feet. Finally everything stopped and he was left panting.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked weakly. He raised a delicate hand to his mouth and almost screamed. "What happened to my voice?"

She felt something stirring and thought she was changing again. Suddenly his suit began to shrink. The jacket started growing in the back and it flowed of of her arms and stretched backwards behind her to become a cape. Her shirt and pants fused together and the legs shrank as the shirt did. It became a tight black swimsuit. Then sequins started popping out all over the place like flowers. Her under shrank and gripped her new curvacious midsection like a vice. Her sock began to grow and crawled up her leg until they were halfway up her thigh, slowly becoming sheer and translucent. Her suspender snapped off and crept under the swimsuit to become garter belts.

She stood there completely taken aback. She was now dressed like a sleazy magician's assistant. She was about to rip the curtains open when Adolpho beat her to it.

"My lovely assistant Riki! No such person as Rick ever existed!" he said. With that every intelligent thought left his head, though somewhere in the back Rick was still there screaming against what he had become. He would be forever trapped in the back ground.

"Now I have an assistant, Next week let's try for a tiger!" Adolpho chuckled to himself as he twisted his moustache in his fingers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hope you enjoy it!


"I Ain't No Physicist, But I Knows What Matters!"

--Popeye (Robin Williams)

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