Straight Guy Accidentally Fucked by his Best Friend's Younger Brother - of 2

By moc.loa@3002elocnosaj

Published on Apr 7, 2017



Categories: Gay Male - Adult Friends, Encounters, First Time

The following story is an original work of fiction, although real events from my life serve as inspiration none of the actions, dialogue, or sexual actsdescribed occurred. Any similarities to real events, persons, or locations past, present, or future are entirely coincidental. This story describes actsof an adult, sexual nature. If you are under the age of majority designated bythe legal authority where you live, typically 18 or 21 years of age, you are hereby advised that you are prohibited from continuing to access this site or fictional work, continuing beyond this point is illegal and could potentiallysubject you to criminal and/or civil liability. This story includes acts of ahomosexual nature between consenting adults. If such subject matter is morally, ethically, or personally objectionable to you do not continue beyond thispoint. For readers who have made it thus far, I hope you enjoy.

Part 1 of 2

Written by J A Cole - 7 April 2017

When I was in my late 20s the company I worked for transferred me from theUS to Europe. Having been born and living thus far in America I had no friendsin Europe before I relocated. Knowing how America is often viewed outside ofthe States I was apprehensive but since I wasn't dating and had no children Icouldn't pass on an opportunity to spend some time living in Europe before I settle down, married a nice girl, and started a family. Three weeks later I'mliving in a foreign country far away from my friends and family.

The first day of work at my new office I met the members of the team Iwould be working on, several of whom were guys around my age, single, fromvarious European countries. One of my teammates, Kristof, who grew up in East Germany was easy going and very friendly. Quickly we realized that we had a lotof interests in common and enjoyed a lot of the same recreational activities. Afriendship formed quickly and we started hanging out after work even andsocializing with the same general group of mutual friends and taking severalvacations together. Kristof was in a long term, long distance relationship witha girl from his hometown in East Germany and most weekends he would travel backto visit and spend time with her.

About a year after we became friends Kristof invited me to come along on one of his long weekend trips home as his parents were having a big summer party at their place that weekend. Most of his childhood friends would be attending, a lot of his extended family, including his younger brother who would be home for a visit as well. He told me it would be a good opportunity to meet his friends and family and see his country, which I hadn't visited so far. He also hinted that there were a lot of exotic single women who would be around as well. I quickly agreed and a few weeks later I was meeting his parents and seeing the house he grew up in. The morning of the party Kristof's younger brother, by 2 years, Markus, arrived.

Markus, was a police officer and lived in a nearby city with his new wife who couldn't come this trip because it was a busy time for her job and she couldn't get the time off. Although they resembled each other enough to see that they were clearly brothers, being a cop Markus spent a lot of time weightlifting. Markus was much bulkier than his lean older brother, was a few inches shorter, and like their father, who Markus took after, was a lot hairier than Kristof.

The three of us spent the morning helping setup for the party that night but by mid-afternoon the summer weather was stifling and we took a break to take advantage of the in-ground pool his parents had. Being stereotypical straight guys the three of us changed into our swim trunks in the same room. As we changed, typical sideways comparisons and glances occurred. Glancing briefly in his direction, it was clear that Markus was a lot hairier all over his body than Kristof, or me for that matter as Kristof and I had similar amounts of body hair. Markus on the other hand was covered in coarse curly, slightly reddish blonde hair the same color as the hair on his head. His chest, underarms, and legs were covered in a thick, dense coat. In fact, the only part of him that wasn't hairy that I could see was his back where there was only had a small, light patch which started right above, and disappearing into, the waist of his shorts. As he turned away from me and bent over to pick up his discarded clothes the other major physical difference between Markus and Kristof stoodout. Markus had what is normally on a girl referred to as a "bubblebutt". Obviously, all that weight lifting had really built up the muscles in his ass, to the point that it was probably the envy of most women who saw it.

After a refreshing dip in the pool Kristof and I went to pick up his girlfriend up for the party. By the time, we made it to her place and returned other people had begun to arrive. The evening past quickly and I met quite afew of Kristof's friends. One of his friends, Kate and I hit it off and we spent a lot of the party talking and even making out heavily towards the end ofthe night. She was exactly my type and I was even hopeful that things might gofurther but when I suggested that we go somewhere more private as the party began to wind down. At which point she told me that she had to be at work early the next morning and, since she lived a couple hours away, and it was already getting late, she had to leave. On the plus side, we exchanged numbers and she asked for a raincheck for next time but it wasn't exactly the end of the evening I was hoping for. Shortly after seeing Kate off Kristof and Markus told me that a couple of their other friends, Matt and Lukas who were brothers, had invited us to their place to hang out after the party. When we got to their house they had a real nice rec room with a pool table, beer on tap, and giant plasma screens.

Telling us to help ourselves to beer Lukas disappeared for a few minutesbefore coming back with a bag of weed left over from a party a few weeks ago.None of us consumed on a regular basis and this was really, high quality hydroponicbud so we were all nicely stoned after our first joint and, as the evening woreon, between games of pool, more beer, and more joints we were all feeling nopain. Eventually it started to get late and Kristof's girlfriend, who wasspending the night at Kristof's parent house, called and asked if he was comingsoon. Kristof and I decided to leave but Markus wasn't ready to end the night soKristof and I headed back to his parent's and Markus stayed behind. When we gotback to his parent's his mom had put Kristof and his girlfriend in his old roomand Markus and I, since his wife wasn't around, would share the guest roomwhich had a queen size bed. As I was still quite buzzed from the beer and weedI quickly said goodnight, headed to my room, stripped down to my briefs, as itwas a really warm summer night and his parent house had no A/C, before climbinginto bed and immediately falling to sleep.

Sometime later I awoke to a lot of whispered cursing and a very messed upMarkus who could barely stand and was having problems managing enoughcoordination to strip down to his briefs while remaining upright. He offered aslurred apology when he realized he had woken me and after a couple more triesmanaged to undress. He stumbled into bed next to me and both of us were asleepsoon thereafter. I awoke later while it was still dark and quiet and at first Iwasn't sure why. I could hear Markus snoring lightly next to me but nothing else.After a few seconds though I realized a few things were weird. First, and mostobvious was that at some point while sleeping, I had turned on my side awayfrom Markus and in his sleep he had ended up spooning me and one of his beefy musculararms was draped across my chest. I figured in his subconscious state he hadprobably mistaken me for his wife who would normally be the one sleeping nextto him. It was then that I also realized that I could feel a dull burningsensation radiating from my ass, along with the feeling that I had to take amajor shit.

In our current position, I couldn't really move with Markus spooning me,his arm firmly holding me against him. As the feeling of having to shit seemedquite urgent I clamped down the muscles of my hole, as immobile or not therewas no way that I wanted to have an accident before I managed to extricatemyself from Markus. However, as soon as I clamped down on my hole Markus'steady, soft snoring abruptly stopped as he softly moaned in his sleep.Instantly the full reality of the situation dawned on me. The burning and fullsensation in my ass wasn't because I had to shit but rather because at somepoint in our sleep, the back of my underwear and the front of Markus' briefshad worked their way down from their normal position at our waist to our upperthigh and Markus had what all guys from puberty on periodically possess, anocturnal hard-on, a.k.a morning wood. After we ended up spooning, Markus'erection must have lodged in my ass crack before the combo of night sweat andpre-cum made it slick enough to slide to where it currently resided, balls deepinside of me.

This new reality was not something I had ever thought would occur. Up untilnow, besides a couple times mutually masturbating with my best friend in ourearly teens after we discovered his Dad's hidden porn stash, I had never hadany sort of sexual experience with a guy or had even been curious of being witha guy. As far as I was concerned I was totally straight and had never beenattracted to guys at all. Even more than that I had zero interest in ass play,even when a past girlfriend tried to convince me of the benefits. Up untilwaking a minute ago I had never had anything, not even a finger, in my untilvery recently, completely straight virgin ass. Now I was suddenly faced with anew reality, no matter what happened from this point on, my anal virginity wasin the past and I was now a guy who has had another guy's hard penis up hisbum; a reality that I immediately wanted address.

At this point I begin gently tapping on Markus' arm and quietly calling hisname. I was simultaneously trying to wake Markus while not making enough noiseto wake Kristof who was sleeping just a thin wall away in the room next door asI really did not want my friend to witness his brother fucking me in the ass.After a few seconds Markus, half awake and still pretty high, asked what Iwanted. I quickly explained the situation and initially it didn't seem to sinkin or maybe in his sleepy, drugged state he thought I was making a joke orteasing him. Not really knowing what else to do in his altered state I tensedthe muscles in my ass again briefly, figuring that he should be able to feel iteven in his current semi awake state. Immediately another involuntary moanedcame from Markus and his arm immediately tensed around my chest. Coming mostlyawake Markus urgently whispered to "freeze and not move". As we lay theremotionless he quickly explained that he had almost cum just now. Apparentlybeing buried to the root, balls deep in my nearly virgin tight ass, my musclecontractions felt like his erection was being milked and, even the realizationthat he was fucking a guy who was one of his brother close straight friendswithout his consent, wasn't enough to prevent him from nearly going over theedge.

Hearing this I immediately froze, since as bad as the current situation alreadywas, the thought of him shooting his load deep in my guts, coating my insideswas worse. After half a minute or so Markus relaxed a bit as the danger of hisorgasm passed. After warning me that he was going to start to pull out I felthis fat, uncut, raw German cock start to pull out. However, a soon as he beganto move I felt a sharp cramp deep in my guts. I immediately reached behind, myhand clamping down on one of Markus' muscular hairy ass cheeks stopping himfrom moving any further while simultaneously the muscles in my ass tensedtightly, the cramping causing involuntarily spasms. Behind me a sharp, gasp andthe tensing of his entire body told me that once again Markus was on the edgeof cumming in my ass. I quickly whispered an explanation and, after a brieftime had passed with neither of use moving a muscle the cramps and musclespasms in my ass went away and hole relaxed its death grip on Markus' pulsingerection. Behind me Markus sighed with relief and both of us relaxed a littlealthough it was several minutes this time before Markus let me know that heagain had managed not to cum although he didn't think he would be able to stopif that happened again.

At this point neither of us were sure how to proceed since we had noexperience with this sort of situation. After a short silence while we bothtried to think how we might get out of this Markus began to apologize sayinghow sorry he was and how badly he felt for not only fucking me without myconsent but for taking my anal virginity and hurting me. Although I was not atall happy about the situation and was still having trouble wrapping my head aroundthe reality that a hard dick was sunk almost entirely up my previously virginass I had no reason to suspect that Markus had knowingly raped or decide to puthis cock in me. In fact, it was obvious from his initial reaction that he wasn'teven aware of where his cock was before I woke him. As far as I could see thishad happened accidentally while we both slept, an unusual and rare but possiblerandom outcome. So, when he finished his apology, I let him know my thoughts onwhat had happened, telling him not to feel guilty about something that happenedwithout his awareness while sleeping.

After another short period of silent furiously thinking trying to figurethe best way out of this Markus shifted slightly which changed the angle thathis cock was at inside of me. All of the sudden a wave of pleasure hit me and,without any prompting, my dick went from what had been, up until this point, anormal flaccid 4 inches to a rock hard 7+ inches. Pre-cum began to flow freefrom my bell-end and in under 60 seconds I was as hard as I had ever been, myknob turning a dark reddish purple and my entire shaft pulsing in time with myheartbeat. I had no idea what had happened but I felt immediately ashamed, embarrassed,and completely confused as to why I had become sexually aroused while being involuntarilyfucked by a guy in the ass who I wasn't attracted too. However, this newreality sparked an idea as to how we could resolve this whole mess. Turning toMarkus I told him that something had just occurred to me, the fact that we wereboth straight, both had virgin asses until that night and that he had taken myvirginity. So it seemed only fair that I return the favor and as I said this Ibriefly grazed his virgin hole lightly with my fingertips so he would know whatI meant.

Naturally Markus immediately began to protest but I continued on tellinghim that if we agreed to this one-time quid pro "sodomy", sort tospeak, that it would stay between us, we would never speak of it again or tellanyone about it and that rather than struggling and fighting not to cum whilepulling out of me, since even now his erection showed no sign of waning, hecould cum when he was ready right inside of me. I also pointed out that thiswas the only way to leave us both even at the end. A couple of minutes passedwithout either of us speaking; I could practically feel his brain furiouslytrying to come up with an alternative, before with a deep gulp, he softly agreed.At which point he slowly began sliding his erection all the way back into me,triggering yet another intense, unexpected wave of pleasure from someplaceinside of me. He paused briefly before he slowly began to pull his cock backout. This time though, between knowing what to expect, his leaking precumconstantly in me for the last few minutes, and the waves of pleasure I wasrelaxed and his erection slid out smoothly without any pain or discomfort. Withjust his large helmet inside the lips of my asshole and, a brief pause with myhole clamped down on just the tip of his hard penis, he slid all the way backin until his thick bush was resting against my ass cheeks.

Again, a wave of pleasure hit me before he began sliding back out again, alittle faster this time. By now I had completely adjusted to being fucked and Ilet him know that he could go at his own speed. For the next couple of minutes,he fucked in and out of me like a piston, slowly going faster and harder eachtime, causing the wave of pleasure to become more intense each time untilsuddenly, I realized that without touching my cock at all I was ready to cum.Whispering an urgent, "shit, I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum, fuck I'mcumming" my cock exploded. Over and over huge streams of my baby batter shotout of my cock coating the nearby wall while Markus continued to fuck me hardand fast, his cock literally forcing the cum out of me from the inside. Abouthalf way through my orgasm Markus began to pant in my ear before burying hisshaft as deep as he could right before I felt his dick briefly expand and witha rapidly whispered "oh fuck, me too" his cock began to spasm as shotafter shot of his sperm slammed into my prostate, coating my guts from theinside and causing even more sperm to shoot out of my cock hitting the wallwith heavy, audible splats.

After nearly a minute, Markus finally had spent his load and as my prostateceased to be pummeled by his cumshots, my orgasm subsided as well. Afterwardswe both just laid there, panting, worn out, and exhausted by the completelyunplanned and unexpected sex we had just had neither of us moving at all. Aftera few minutes, Markus' dick soften enough that it slid out of me on its own,just as the massive load of straight guy cum he had just painted my guts with beganto pour out of my massively overfilled ass. Looking at each other we bothadmitted that not only was that the best orgasm either of us had ever had butit was also the biggest load we had ever shot and, for me, the furthest I hadever shot.

After such an intense session of fucking the afterglow was intoxicating, within a minute we both fell into a deep, restful sleep. My last thought beforedrifting off was that I had enjoyed that way more than I ever would havethought and that in the morning I would have the chance to do it again when itwas my turn to pop Markus' cherry.

End of Part 1 of 2

The exciting conclusion, including poppingMarkus' cherry to follow soon in part 2.

I hope you have enjoyed my first story.

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