Straight guy gets it good

By Steve 1

Published on Jul 20, 2001



Straight guy gets it good

Submitted by

Written by anchman (Tim), and bigboymiami33139 (Jason)

I was on a business trip to Atlanta recently, and something strange happened to me. I'm not really sure I should be writing this down; in fact, I don't think I would want anyone to know about it.... But here it is.

First, a little about me. I am 34 years old, last month. I am 5'5", 140 lbs, and I keep in good shape. I'm not a model or anything, but I work hard to stay in shape. I have a goatee, and a nice chest - My girlfriend, Sara, really likes me to be fit, and she used to say that my ass is my best feature. I moved to Seattle from the Midwest about five years ago, and I met Sara at a work function. Our relationship was really great to begin with, but lately, it has gotten a little stale in the sex department. So I thought it would be a good idea for her to meet me in Atlanta while I was there last month on business.

I was really tired from the trip, and so I took a nap at the hotel on Wednesday afternoon when I got in. I had a bite to eat at a nice tourist type place downtown, and I had arranged to meet Sara at a condo that she had rented just down the street. The place had a privacy gate, and she gave me the code to get in, and the apartment number. When I walked up to the place, I was a little confused; Sara had not given me a building number; only an apartment number. There were over 10 buildings in the complex, and after I walked around a few times I figured I would just go to first building, and knock on the apartment 201 door, and hope for the best. Well, it wasn't Sara's place. The guy who answered the door was huge - around 6'3" tall, and about 250 lbs, I guessed. He had massive legs, and was wearing boxer shorts and a white t-shirt. I don't know why, but I noticed that he had HUGE feet - looked to be size 12 or 13 at least. I must have been a little struck by his size and appearance, because just then he surprised me by saying "I didn't order a pizza, but I'll take a bite of you!" I was taken aback, but figured it was just some local flavor, and laughed out loud. This guy had a big grin on his face, but I could see a scary, serious side right behind it that kind of unnerved me. I was going to apologize and turn around, and then I realized the heat was really getting to me; my shirt was soaked in sweat, and I could save some effort by asking to use his phone. Just as I was about to ask, he thrust out one huge meaty paw of a hand, and said "hi, I'm Jason!" His friendly manner immediately disarmed me, and I took his big hand in mine. "I'm Tim", I replied, feeling VERY small at this point. I was looking right into his chest, for God's sake! This guy was a monster! "I think I am at the wrong apartment; my air-head girlfriend didn't tell me the building number, and I would really appreciate it if I could use you phone and call her - would that be OK?" "Sure, little man" he said with a sly grin. "It's right over there by the kitchen" he motioned across the obviously well-kept bachelor apartment. "Help yourself". I walked in - relieved to feel the air conditioning take the weight off of me.

"I'm just watchin' a film - take your time", he added.

I crossed the main room, and the sight on the TV caught my eye - two guys were going at it, in a 69. It took me a second to realize what the hell it was, and then the disgust set in. "Jesus", I thought. "This town is full of hot women, and I walk in on a big, sweaty homo in the middle of a porn fest!" I figured I would make the call and get the hell out of there. "This one is not my favorite, I've got a bunch more" he added, in a gruff voice. At this point I'm thinking, OK, what happened to Ned Beatty in Deliverance.... "Well, its not my thing, I'll just be a second" I said quickly. I kept my back turned away from him the whole time I was on the phone, not wanting to make eye contact, but I felt his gaze boring into me as I picked up the phone, and fumbled for that stupid bitches number......Well, I couldn't find Sara's number - it was in my cell phone, back at the hotel. Damn. How was I going to figure out what building she was in? I was starting to get pissed, when Jason came in with two cold beers and asked if I wanted to sit for a minute. I didn't see any problem with that, then I looked at the TV again. Jason sat the beers down, and put his meaty arm around my shoulder, guiding me to the couch. "Hey, I better get going" I said, but he was already guiding me down on the couch. His larger size, and intimidating manner had me sitting in no time. The screen was right in front of my face, and these two young guys were really getting into it now. It made my stomach turn flip-flops. What the hell was this about? I sat there a few seconds, contemplating how I was gonna run to the door, when Jason leaned over into me and started trying to kiss me. "Get the FUCK OFF ME YOU BIG QUEER!!!!" I screamed before even thinking about it.

By the look on his face, I thought that the big man was gonna start punching me, but instead, he seemed to be more turned on than ever. He started groping all over my body, and though I tried to resist him, he was very strong, and very determined.. "Hey little man" he growled, "Why don't u loosen up a bit?" I couldn't believe that this was happening; I had never had any attraction to men, and here I was getting pawed over, like some fucking WOMAN! I started to get pissed; I didn't give a shit about how big he was "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE, GET OFF OF ME!!!!!" I yelled as struggled to get out of his iron grasp. That seemed to get him even hotter, and madder. I was really fighting him now, trying to get out of his arms, but he was all over me. He kept shoving he tongue in my face, trying to kiss me. I wrenched my mouth shut; there was NO WAY I was gonna let a man kiss me. By now, he had me flat on the couch on my back, and his full weight was on me. He had my hands over my head, both locked in one of his big paws. I could feel his big hard cock pressed up against my crotch; he was obviously getting turned on. His body was large and solid, and though he had a bit of a gut, he was showing me how really strong he was. Jesus, I thought, what the hell was he gonna do to me? My cock was starting to get hard, mostly from the pressure on me, I think. It was not turning me on, in fact, I was really trying to get out from under this big lug. I was embarrassed to have a boner in this situation; but then I figured, "what the hell - this guy is trying to rape me!" I should be pissed, not embarrassed. "Now, you are gonna give me some head, little man" he said. Oh shit, here it comes, I thought. This guy was going to make me suck his cock. He started to move up towards my face, holding my hands the whole way. His big cock was tented out in his shorts, stabbing right at my face. "FUCK YOU! THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY I AM SUCKING YOUR DICK, FAGGOT!" I yelled. "I'll never do it, GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" "Oh yeah?" he sneered, "We'll see about that, little man. With that, he lifted me up, and twisted my arms back behind my back, and held them there with one arm. I was standing (sort of on my own) in front of the giant. He was kissing me full on the mouth; I could barely breathe. "I want you, little man. I want to fuck you, and I'm gonna have you. Gonna own you tonight. Gonna impale your ass on my big cock, and you are gonna love it!" He said, between slurps on my face. My throat was thumping in my chest. This big man was about to rape me, and there was nothing I could do about it. I struggled against him even harder, as he forced me toward the bedroom.......


Well, I must say, I was having a pretty boring evening up until my little man showed up at my door. I had seen him at a restaurant downtown earlier in the evening and had admired his small frame...compact and well built, I knew he had the look of a cocky little straight guy. While having dinner, I looked him over several times, never once getting a glance from him. It provided a good source of entertainment while I was having my dinner, alone. After dinner I wandered home, slowly walking and enjoying the warm, humid evening air. I hadn't given the guy from the restaurant a second thought as I got home and stripped down to my boxers and t-shirt. I rarely wear anything else at home, as I'm always there by myself, and comfort is one of my main ambitions in life. Just sitting around watching TV is great when you're in nothing but the basics.

I put in a porn flick and was just half watching feet hurt from a long day at work, so I was giving myself a foot massage when I heard a knock on the door. I was pissed that someone had interrupted me and thought about not answering, but then I had a second though and went to the door.

Upon opening the door, I couldn't believe my eyes...before me stood the little man I'd seen while having dinner. I was taken aback at first, and he explained that he was trying to get to his girlfriend's place and that he would like to use the phone.

Now I'd had a few to drink at this point and was hornier than all hell, so I thought about it. Hmmmmm, what would his reaction be if he came in and saw the porn on the tv? What if he were to see the large dildo I had sitting next to the couch? What if he saw the bottle of poppers next to it? I decided, what the fuck, and let him in.

Once he was inside, I introduced myself and followed him through the kitchen after closing and locking the kitchen door. I must say, he had the most beautiful ass I had ever seen. Through the jeans he was wearing it looked as if it might just be the most perfect ass in existence. I decided at that point, I must have him. I was so much bigger than him, I could take him down in one fell swoop. As he was fumbling with the phone, I grabbed a knife from the kitchen (not intending to use it...just in case), put it in the back of my boxers, and proceeded to get some beers from the fridge. He said he had to get going and, noticing he was all sweaty from the humidity, I asked if he'd like to stay and have a beer...maybe cool down a little. He thought briefly and decided that he would. I immediately wrapped my arm around his shoulder and led him to the couch. I practically pushed him down onto the couch and sat next to him. I could tell he was uncomfortable with what was on the TV, so I decided ok, he's's the time. I grabbed him and forcefully pulled his head to mine and kissed his hot little mouth. He resisted and it got me even hotter.

He called me a big ol' usually, this would really piss me off, and in this case it did, but in a different way. I felt a stirring in my groin that I hadn't felt in years. I knew that I must and would have him. He was a randy little fucker. Moving all around trying to get away. I told him he needed to loosen up, but he didn't seem to listen. Little did he know, he was going to loosen up quite a bit later.

Holding his arms behind his head, I moved my body up on top of his small frame, pinning him with my weight. I pushed my face against his...licking his mouth, all around his neck, biting his ears, chewing on his goatee. He was disgusted. It was HOT. I kissed his mouth, felt it tighten and bit his lip...this forced his mouth open and I immediately shoved my tongue down his throat. He cursed me, told me he was gonna kill me. HA. I knew what was going to happen, but he still didn't seem to get it. With his arms still bound by my fist, I quickly put my other arm around his neck and said, "Let's go little man, we're going to bed." He screamed at me. It made me even hotter. Did he not know what he was doing? Did he not realize that every time I heard him scream, it made it even more hot for me and made me want to abuse him even more? I told him that he should just be quiet and things would be much easier for him. I then picked him up and dragged him to the bedroom.

Once there, I threw him onto the bed and before he could do anything, threw myself on top of him. I had all my weight on him now, with my big hard cock pressing into his groin. Could he feel it? I'm sure he could and I'm sure it disgusted him. I reached down and pulled the rope up from the corner of the bed. I was looking into his eyes as I slipped it around his wrist. The look of fear filling his expression sent me over the edge. I couldn't believe it.

Just when I was tying his second wrist, I felt it...could it be? Was this little, straight fucker really getting turned on by this? It was better than I had expected. I looked down and saw that he had a nice sized boner down there...I couldn't believe it.

I lifted my weight from him and he started kicking, almost kicking me in the ribs at one point. I roughly grabbed his ankle in mid-kick and twisted it a bit to let him know I wasn't kidding around. He calmed down a bit then and I tied his ankle, then the other, down to the bed.

It was done. He couldn't move. I think he was scared to the point of not being able to speak. I untied his shoes and removed each. Then, rubbing up his legs, feeling each muscle under his jeans, up to his crotch, stopping just short.

I stood up and began to remove my clothes...first my t-shirt, then my boxers. When he saw the hardon sticking out in front of me, with precum leaking out, he must have panicked because he screamed at the top of his lungs. I immediately jumped on top of him and shoved my underwear in his mouth. He must have really loved that, since I'd been wearing them all day and they were so warm and sweaty.

Now, when I removed the boxers, he mustn't have seen me take the knife out and lay it on the bed, so he had no idea it was even there. I decided to have a little fun...I mean, I was doing this, might has well go all the way.

I picked up the knife and showed it to him. Oh man, you should have seen the look in his eyes. I think he would have pissed himself if he weren't so hard. I went over and sat next to his face, rubbing the dull side of the knife over his lips and neck. I then stuck the knife in his shirt and slowly began cutting down the front of the shirt. Once it was open, I cut the sleeves. His shirt was hanging off him in shreds. He was crying now. I could see the tears in his eyes. I felt for him...a little. I leaned down, licked the tears from his cheeks and told him he'd be ok as long as he did what I said and did it well. He silently nodded his submission.

I pulled the shirt from his body, revealing his beautiful chest. Man, I was hot. His beautiful nipples were standing erect from the excitement and from the sudden burst of cold as they were released into the cold air conditioned room. I rubbed the knife up and down his stomach and chest.

I removed his belt and lightly slapped him with it. Then, stuck the knife under the waist of his pants, again, cutting slowly. I cut through them with ease and began cutting down each leg; first the left, then the right. I pulled the pants off and immediately saw the large wet spot on the front of his white Calvin Klein briefs. I then knew for sure, that this was going to be a long, fun night. So much for the girlfriend, right little man?

Gazing down, I took him in with my eyes, from the scared, tear-filled eyes, down the smooth chest, over the pre-cum stained underwear down those beautiful thighs and calves. That's when I noticed them. As I reached the bottom of his short frame with my gaze, there were two beautiful feet. Still with the white socks on them. Now, I don't usually go for a guy's feet, but there were just something about them that made me so hot. Maybe it was the ropes around his ankles, contrasting with the white socks, I don't know. But I knew that I was hot for them.

I moved down and smelled each foot, paying no attention to the sounds of objection coming from the little straight-turned-fag slut. They smelled clean and fresh, as he'd just showered before leaving for the evening. The socks were clean and solid white. I slowly moved the tops of them down past the ropes and began to remove each one with my teeth. Wow...they were better than I had expected. Small feet, white, with little tufts of hair on the tops. The soles and heels were as smooth as a baby's butt. DAMN. I began to lick each sole as he began to squirm. Evidently he was a ticklish little fucker, so I decided to toy with him a bit...I mean, he's mine and he's definitely not going anywhere. I left him and went to my closet. I got a tie and brought it back...wrapped it around his face and tied it over his eyes. Loud grumbles came from behind the underwear still shoved in his mouth.

Then, I stood back, leaned against the wall and just looked at my conquest. He was fine, laying completely naked, bound and blindfolded, just waiting for me to have my way with him.

I went to the kitchen to get my feather duster from the cabinet and came back. I moved silently, so he had no idea where I was. I gently began to touch each foot with the duster, moving it slowly up and down. I could hear him trying to laugh.

I continued this for a while, alternating my attention between each foot...using the duster and my tongue. His boner was harder than ever. He must be hurting by now...needing release.

I went up and removed the blindfold. I looked into his eyes, full of tears, this time, I think from laughing at the tickle torture that was just experienced. "You liked that didn't you little faggot?" I know you did, whether you say it or not. Now lay there and rest. I'll be back.

I left him to go take a shower. Once in the bathroom, I got the water all hot and just stood there for a while, letting the warm water spray all over me. It was so relaxing. I really needed it, as I wanted to make sure this lasted a long, long time. I wonder if his girlfriend is looking for him? I wonder what she's thinking? I wish she could see him now, tied onto my bed, awaiting his fate.

After drying off, I walk back into the room. He stares at me, still a bit scared, but there's a look of uneasy calmness in his eyes. It almost looks lustful. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

I walk over to him. "Now, be quiet and I'll take out your gag. You're going to suck my cock. You do it nicely and quietly and you won't get hurt. Make any noise, and you'll know what pain feels it?" He nods silently.

I get on my knees, straddling his face and put a pillow behind his neck, lifting his head for easy access. I then pull out the gag...not a sound. "Open your mouth." Nothing. " I said OPEN YOUR MOUTH BITCH." Nothing. "Fine...have it your way." I push my cock against his lips, and hold his nose. He finally gasps for air and when he does, I push my cock into his mouth. "No biting or you'll be sorry."

I begin rocking back and forth, gently fucking his mouth. While I do this, I reach to the table and grab my bottle of poppers. I inhale them deeply. I become a madman. I begin to slam fuck the little man's mouth, shoving my cock deeply into the back of his throat. I'm loving his hot mouth. I grab his nose and hold it shut again, this time just for fun. I release and pull my cock out just long enough for him to gasp for breath and shove it back in.

As much as I love his mouth on my cock, I want to see what he can do to my ass. I get up, stand over him, turn around and begin to kneel down on his face. As I sit on it, I hear muffled cries, as I pull my ass apart revealing my tight hole. I move my ass on his face, and position it just above his mouth as I sit. I feel his goatee rubbing against my hole, God he doesn't know it, but I'd do anything for this little fucker. "Eat my asshole you little shit." Do it, or else...nothing. I reach down and give his balls a good hard squeeze. For fear that I'll hurt him, he tentatively licks at my hole. I squeeze harder. Evidently he decides that he'd better do as I say and immediately begins eating hungrily at my asshole. God, it's like he's done this before. I look down at his cock and bend down and begin to suck it while he's eating me. Man he has a nice cock...not too big, not too small, just right. I deep throat my new little man while he's tongue fucking my asshole. He's beginning to thrust into my mouth. Evidently he's needed to get off for a while and is really starting to get into it. He's really tongue fucking the hell out of my ass now and I sense he's getting ready to cum. I pull off his cock, give his balls a slap and sit back down onto his face, covering his mouth and nose with my big ass. He can't breathe. "Eat that ass you little shit...EAT IT." I lift up just enough that he gets some air, and sit back down. We go at it like this for what seems like an hour. Man that little straight boy tongue is talented. He's gonna be a damned good faggot...rephrase...he's going to be MY damned good faggot.


Panic was really getting to me now. I had been fighting this guy really hard for the last ten minutes, and although I keep in pretty good shape, I was wiped out. I was sweating profusely, and he had me held tight in his big arms, like a sack of potatoes, moving toward to bedroom. Before I knew what was happening, he had me pinned on the bed, and had one arm tied to a rope, that mysteriously appeared from nowhere. "Fuck", I thought - he is gonna tie me up and torture me! I had one last chance to break away from him, so as he tied my other arm to the bed frame, I kicked him hard, but missed. He easily threw his considerable weight on top of me, and secured first one leg, and then the other. Now I was spread eagle, face up, in a stranger's apartment, and strangely, erect....

After the big guy groped me a few more minutes, he stood up. He started doing a strip tease; I guess to further intimidate me, which it did. I could feel the bulge in his shorts, and now I could see how big he was, and thick, and I dreaded what he was gonna do with that thing. I don't know why, or what I was thinking, but I yelled out in fear "Help! Fuck, somebody help me..." but before I could finish, he had jumped me again, and crudely stuffed his sweaty boxers in my mouth! Jesus, I thought, how much worse can today get????? I was about to find out. He lay on top of me again, this time, completely naked. I still had on my jeans, which were hot as hell, and uncomfortable, especially in this position, with this big, sweaty guy on top of me. "Hey little man", he hissed in my ear, as if whispering to me in a crowded room, "You are mine, all night long. I'm gonna fuck you. Feel that big cock?" I did. It was pressed tightly against my leg. "It's gonna be in your ass, and you will be whimpering like a little bitch in heat. "No fucking way" I tried to say, through the underwear gag, that he had expertly fixed in place with a necktie. I shook my head from side to side violently. "Oh yes, you will submit to me. Before this night is over, you will be beggin me to stuff you full of my big cock, you little whore!" Well, I was a scared as I have ever been at this point. It was clear that this big guy was gonna have his way with me, and there was nothing I could do about it. Just then, he pulled out a big kitchen knife and held it up to my face. I wrenched my eyes shut, and prayed that he would kill me quickly, although, I did not expect that to happen. I felt the cold blade against my face and neck; when I next opened my eyes, I saw and felt him put the big blade under my shirt, and start cutting it off. Was he toying with me, before he cut me to ribbons, I thought? He slowly and methodically cut all of my clothing off - the shirt, each sleeve, my jeans, and even my underwear. I felt myself tear up - I was embarrassed - but I felt like I was about to be horribly killed. But instead of sliding the knife into my gut, he did a weird thing; he kissed me, and licked the tears from my face. I was touched, and glad, both because I felt like I had a chance to live, and because he had shown some caring, for the first time since this miserable ordeal began.

He continued until he had removed all of my clothes, including my socks (with his teeth), and then he blindfolded me and left the room. The next thing I know, I was feeling a wild sensation on my feet... this bastard was tickling me! I couldn't believe it! At first, I was thankful for a reprieve from the physical violence, but that quickly turned to terror, as I realized how ticklish my feet were! I have never been ticklish, but this was too much. I felt like I couldn't breathe; I begged him to stop, as best I could through the gag. It felt like he was using a feather, and that was bad, but then, he started using a dull metal object (some type of key, maybe?), and I went through the roof! The sensations brought tears to my eyes. It seemed like this went on for about five minutes, with him sitting on alternating legs to hold me absolutely still so I could not even struggle. And through all of this, my cock was hard as hell....

Finally, he mercifully stopped. I saw that he had a big grin on his face, when he removed the blindfold, and I watched him walk away to the bathroom, where I could hear a shower starting. I think the anticipation, and the continued struggling to get free while I waited on him was the worst yet. I could see in my imagination all of the horrible things he was gonna do to me; it was clear that he had only warmed up, and now that I was tied to his bed, nothing would stop him from doing ANYTHING he wanted to me, and with me. When he finally came back (still hard, with his big, blonde-haired cock sticking straight out), he told me it was time to suck his dick before he fucked me. He pulled out the gag, to my great relief, only to try to push his big dick right in my mouth. I knew there was NO WAY I was gonna voluntarily suck this guy off. I was determined not to do it, no matter what else he did to me. But he held my nose, and when I finally had to open my mouth, BAM! He shoves it all the way in, and past my throat.

Now, I have never sucked cock before, and he might have been trying to ease me into it, but it was like undergoing a dental exam, and trying to recite the National Anthem at the same time. I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't talk, and to make matters worse, every time he pushed past my throat, I gagged. I thought I might choke to death if I threw up, and who knows how that would piss him off even if I didn't, so I figured that I better do my best to suck him off. I feel like I'm starting to get the rhythm that he wants, as he is getting harder and fatter. But just then he gets up and sits RIGHT IN MY FACE! I can't believe it - he is making me eat his ass! This is so nasty! I can hardly get a word in, as his big frame is seated squarely on my face, but I am begging BIG TIME for him to stop this line of torture. "Please, don't makemmmmmmpphphhhgghghh!!!!" No luck. But now, he is sucking MY cock, and squeezing my balls, and it is feeling really good all of the sudden, and I am closing my eyes, and doing the only thing possible, and trying to live through it..... Jesus, I think I'm gonna cum!!!! But the bastard pulls off of me! Damn! I need to cum, I am so hard, and I didn't even realize it! This asshole is turning me on! What's wrong with me! Damit! Next, he shoves his cock back in my mouth, this time, over me in a 69 position, while sucking me off. In this position, his big cock slides easily down my throat. He holds it there for several seconds, loving the feel of my throat muscles contracting on his fat cock. He is sucking me off, but slowly, and alternating between slapping my nuts, and sucking, so I do not get to cum. "Hold your breath, little man" the big bastard says. Oh Jesus, I think, this is not gonna be good, but I do as I am told. He pushes his cock all the way down my throat, until his bull nuts are right against my chin, and holds very still. I begin to wonder what the hell is going on, when I feel the stream start - he is PISSING IN MY GUT! God, it gets worse every second! I feel my stomach filling with his spent beer, and I realize that he is marking me, like a wild animal. I am drinking a man's piss, I think. How the hell did I get here????

He dribbles the last drops out, and pulls out just as I am about to pass out from suffocation. I taste the remnants of his stream in my mouth, and it is not as bad as I imagined it would be. "Nice job, little man. You are gonna serve your daddy good tonight" he said. "Thank you, Sir" I found my self saying, without realizing it. I wanted to please him, to keep from dying, and for another reason, which I could not put my finger on. "Now, I'm gonna fuck you" he said. "We can do this one of two ways. Either cooperate and I'll untie you, or I'm gonna rape you tied up, like a common whore. Your choice, little man." "Please, Sir" I pleaded, "Please don't fuck me, I'm not a whore, I'll do anything you want ANYTHING, I'll eat your ass, I'll stay the night and suck you all night, just PLEASE don't fuck me PLEASE!"

Well, he could see that it was likely gonna be the HARD way, so I cringed in fear as he untied my legs, and retied first one, and then the other, to other, pre-fastened ropes at the head of the bed. All the while, I was softly begging him to not do this, trying to not be so loud that I would get gagged again, but it didn't do any good. He mostly ignored me, as he got me into a position where my ass was up in the air, supported on two pillows, and my feet were directly over my head, on either side, and tied TIGHTLY. First, he slapped my ass lightly with his bare hands, like my father used to do to punish me. It wasn't that bad; but then he got rougher, alternating hands, slapping at my hole, and around my nuts, really setting my ass on fire. This was really starting to hurt, but as he starting tonguing my asshole, and stroking my cock gently, I re-gained my erection. I couldn't stand it, the whole feeling, and the submission to this big man. I began moaning softly as first, then louder. I wanted him in me, just like he said. I wanted to be his bitch, and serve his cock, I wanted all of it, and it came rushing to the surface like a flood of emotion. "Please fuck me, Sir, please, I need you in me" I slurred. "No yet, boy, you need to show me you are grateful, first. I wanna hear you beg, till your nuts are blue." "Oh God, please don't hold back", I screamed, "Please FUCK MEEEE!!!!!!" and before I knew it, he was in me.

I think he had eased the way with a finger, a tongue, and KY jelly; frankly, I don't even remember the details up until he entered me. All I remember is his huge frame towering over me, telling me I was his bitch, and his slave, and that I was gonna serve his needs all night long, and that I was never gonna go back to fucking women, because I was his man-cunt, and that was final. I couldn't even argue with him. He was right. I was randy as a monkey, and when he entered me, full tilt, with no time to get used to his girth, I cried out. The pain was like a red-hot flash of light. "Oh God" I yelled out! His threatening look told me I had better keep it down, or I'd be gagged again. I thought I wanted it, but now, the pain was too much. "Please take it out, oh God" I cried out. I squirmed and struggled, and tried in vain to get my aching ass away from the invader, but he was on top of me, I was tied helplessly, and he was determined to FUCK MY ASS. He moved like a man possessed. He sniffed something from a bottle - I later learned that these are called "poppers", and as soon as he did, I could feel his cock enlarge in my sore ass, and he seemed to speed up, and get even meaner, as his serious stare bore into me. "Ahh, nice tight, straight boy ass" he growled menacingly. "I am gonna blow a load in you, BIG TIME!" he said. I was glad that he had slipped a condom on before the onslaught; it told me that he was careful, and at least I wouldn't have to worry about getting something. He reached under me and supported my ass with his big hands, and groped my buttcheeks as he rammed me full of his big cock. Then he began taunting me:

"You like this, don't you, you little fucking fag" "Want your ass full of my big cock?" "You feel me splitting ya open? I'm making you mine, cracking your virgin hole now" "I'm goin deep, baby, fucking your cunt" "Feel me up in ya? Gonna be walking funny tomorrow, if I let you go at all..."

And then I found myself saying: "Yes, I want you in me, Sir, please give me your cock, fill me up, I wanna be your whore" "Please let me serve you, Sir, please let me please you" The feeling was like heaven - he was massaging my prostate from the inside - I had never felt anything like it. Suddenly, I wanted to do everything with this big, handsome man. I wanted to try every position, and get used by him.

After he had fucked me like this for about five minutes, he pulled out, and untied me completely. He had a look of total control in his eyes, and I, a look of totally subservience. I had never, and have never again been like this with a man. I knew I would do what he told me, as soon as he told me. I immediately wrapped my arms around his thick neck and shoulders, and kissed him deeply, showing my appreciation. He pressed his huge form into me like a big glove, and we fit together like no one I had ever been with. "On your belly now, baby" he gently but firmly instructed me. I rolled over, in anticipation of continued ass-ramming, and lay flat for him. He put a pillow under my waist, and lay full on top of me. He teased me for a bit, alternating between pinching my tits, groping my cock and ass, and rubbing his thick meat up and down my crack. After changing into a clean condom, he re-entered me, missionary-style. It hurt, but not as bad as the first time. I felt his big belly against my back, as I arched up to be his receptacle. He clasped his big arms around me in a bear hug, and whispered into my ear as he fucked me, deep and long. We were making love now, like one being, and I felt like I was falling in love with a man, for the first time in my life. The sweat on our bodies was mingling together as we rutted for the next 20 minutes or so. When the big man came, I felt his cock swell to what seemed like twice it's original size, and he held still for about 5 seconds. "Oh Fuck I'm cumming in your ass, little man!" he shouted. I thought the neighbors might hear, but I didn't worry. "Yeah, of God, give me your load" I cried, as I felt my cock beginning to burst.

He lay on top of me for another few minutes after we both climaxed, and stroked and kissed my neck. I turned and pulled myself into his big, protective form, and fell deeply to sleep, never once dreaming of Sara again....

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