Straight Man Slave

By slaveboy22222

Published on Jun 22, 2023


When Sir's alarm went off on Sunday morning, I wasn't quite as taken aback as I had been the previous day. By the second shock to my balls, I was aware of where I was and what I needed to do. As I started to suck Sir's flaccid cock, I thought about how much he must enjoy waking up this way. And frankly, it was hard to blame him. You don't get the shock of a loud noise, you don't have that initial confusion about where the noise is coming from or what it is. No, instead, you get to wake up to relative quiet (here, the fact that his dick had hardened considerably, and my efforts to swallow as much of it as I could manage, may have been slightly intrusive, but nothing like an alarm clock would have been); you get to deal with those first few confusing moments of the day while experiencing sexual pleasure. Really, on reflection, I was surprised more guys didn't try to wake up this way.

As Sir woke up, I heard his stomach rumble. He rubbed my hair (like I was a pet!), turned off the band shocking my balls, and said, "Good morning, boy. Go make pancakes, three for me, two for you. You'll find batter already mixed in the fridge."

"Yes, Sir," I said, and got out of the bed.

As I stood up and started to walk away, Sir smacked me on the ass. I looked back at him, thinking that he wanted something, and he said, "Get going, boy. That was just for fun."

"Yes, Sir," I said again, and walked back to the kitchen to get breakfast started. I found all of the things I needed, and quickly had the pancakes made and on plates. I set Sir's on the table, and then started to bend over to set mine on the floor.

At that point, Sir walked into the dining room. "Sit at the table this morning, boy. You need to get butter and syrup first," he said, indicating where each of those would be found. I retrieved those and sat down to eat. Sir placed butter and syrup on his pancakes while I watched him. He started to eat without passing them to me. I was debating on whether to ask him to pass them to me, or to just reach for them, when Sir said, "Eat up, boy. What are you waiting for?"

Since he clearly wanted me to eat the pancakes plain, I didn't answer, but simply started to eat the pancakes. They were fairly dry, but I got them down. As we ate, Sir talked to me. "Well, boy, today is the day you decide whether you're going to be my slave. I think you've already made up your mind, but I want to make sure you truly want to be my slave, so you will not give me an answer until the end of the day, when I ask. But I do want to make sure you understand what you will be saying yes to.

"There are no conditions. This is not a situation where you can place conditions on accepting my offer. You don't get to say, `Yes, I'll be your slave, but you don't get to do....' I already know what your limits are, and I won't break them. Other than that, my word is law. My decisions are final.

"This isn't a romantic relationship. I know you aren't attracted to me. So don't expect me to treat you like a boyfriend. You'll be a slave. A possession. A piece of property. That doesn't mean I don't care about you. It just means that I care about you like I care about my house - what can you do for me? The answer to that question will be: whatever I want you to do. I'm not going to do things I don't enjoy because you do. Our kink interests overlap enough that there will be plenty of stuff you enjoy, but that won't be why I do them.

"Something that I won't get anything out of is you having sex with a woman. It won't do anything for me. I don't care if you're straight. You will be giving up straight sex if you say yes. Most men would find that intolerable, I think, but you've shown that you're enough of a faggot that you might just be willing to say yes. Just to be clear: you will have sex with me whenever I want it. You will have sex with other men whenever I want you to. It's entirely possible I will loan you out to a friend or acquaintance for a while, and you will fuck them just like you'll fuck me. But a woman? Forget it.

"If you say yes, I'll be putting your dick in a chastity cage. You won't cum, you won't masturbate, you won't even get hard, unless I want you to. And if you can't tell from the fact that it's been almost a week since the last time you came, I tend to think that slaves don't need a lot of orgasms. Just enough to keep them horny and eager to please.

"If you say yes, you'll also be forgoing all of your privacy. I will own you. I will own your time. Even when you're at your own home, you will belong to me. You will follow my rules. You will follow my instructions. I will ensure that you follow my instructions by placing a surveillance system inside your home. I will come by to use you in your home. I may send other men to your home to use you there. You will have rules to follow and tasks to complete even when you're not physically with me.

"And when you are physically with me, you will be expected to obey completely. You have been good, I'll admit, but everything has been here at my home. If you decide to become my slave, I may choose to take you with me when I run an errand. I may choose to dress you in humiliating clothing, or have you remove your clothing. I may choose to have you be collared and leashed. I may choose to instruct you to sexually pleasure another man. There will be no argument, no disagreement. You will obey, and you will do so happily. Even if you hate it, you will act such that a person watching thinks that you wouldn't have it any other way.

So think about those things before saying yes. I don't want you to do it lightly. I do want you to do it, but only on my terms, otherwise there's no point. And now you know my terms."

I gulped. "Yes, Sir. I'll think about it, and make my decision carefully."

"Good boy. Now get under the table and put my dick in your mouth. I need to piss, and I think you need a drink."

"Yes, Sir," I said, and crawled under the table, leaving my pancakes on the table. I placed the tip of Sir's dick in my mouth, and within a few seconds, he was letting loose a hot stream of piss. It was disgusting, as it always was, but this was my life, or at least it was going to be. He wanted complete obedience, and that was what I was going to do. I had to work at it, but I managed to swallow every drop of pee. I lapped at the tip of Sir's cock with my tongue, to clean up the last droplets of his piss. Then Sir started to move, and in a few seconds my plate was being set down on the ground.

"Since you're already down there, boy, you may as well as finish down there," he said. Once I was done, Sir ordered me to clean up the dishes and then return to the bedroom. Once I was done with the dishes, I crawled back to Sir's bedroom.

There, Sir instructed me to bend over the bed. He lubed my ass up, and inserted a plug, then he had me lay down on the bed. Sir quickly used cuffs to secure my ankles and wrists to the four corners of the bed, leaving me spread-eagle, wide open and helpless. He slowly rubbed my semi-hard cock, quickly bringing it to full attention. "How long has it been since you came, boy?" he asked.

"Six days, Sir," I answered. Did this mean he was finally going to let me cum?

"And how often were you used to cumming?"

"Once a day or so, with a few days getting skipped," I said.

"So is it safe to say that you're pretty desperate at this point, boy?" Sir asked, with a hint of a mocking tone. That's probably not good for my chances.

"I am, Sir," I answered honestly, not begging, but trying to convey how much I wanted to cum.

Sir continued to stroke my cock slowly. It was so slow, it was almost agonizing. "And being a naked faggot slave probably hasn't helped any, has it, boy? You've been naked, with your cock just hanging around, not getting any kind of positive attention all weekend. And not only that, you've been spending a fair amount of time shoving another cock down that straight faggot throat, and taking it up that straight faggot ass." Sir was talking as slowly as he was stroking my cock, teasing me with his voice as much as his hand. "Poor faggot, having to lavish attention on another man's cock, and getting none for your own. That just isn't fair, is it?"

That felt too much like a trap. "It's fair, Sir," I said.

"Is it fair because you're a faggot slave and you don't get to decide when attention is given to your cock, boy?" Sir teased.

"Yes, Sir," I responded.

"Good answer, slave boy. Now, I'm going to leave you tied up here all day, and I'm going to give your cock all sorts of positive attention. But you will not cum without permission. And once I allow you to start cumming, you're going to keep on having orgasms until I decide to stop that. Now, truthfully, I don't want to hear you beg, because it's not going to make a difference. So open up." Sir held up a ball gag for me to see.

I obediently opened my mouth, and Sir shoved the ball in. Once it was inside my mouth, I lifted my head so that Sir could buckle it. He then slipped a blindfold over my eyes as well.

He continued to stroke my cock slowly, now adding a rub to the underside of my cock head. I could feel the week-long orgasm building up, and desperately wanted it, but also knew that I had to resist cumming if I wanted to avoid a punishment. Suddenly, I no longer felt Sir's touch on my cock. "Not yet, boy," he said, reaching up to my chest to tweak a nipple while he waited for my building orgasm to subside.

Then Sir held up a remote. He pushed a button, and the plug in my ass started to vibrate. I moaned through the gag.

Sir let the plug vibrate for several minutes before he shut it off. Then he was back at my cock. Now he was sucking it, giving me my first gay blowjob...and he was pretty good at it. I don't know why I was surprised, maybe because in my straight worldview, cocksucking was a one-way street? But in no time at all, Sir had me again on the brink of an orgasm when he pulled off, leaving me to writhe in frustration. I groaned into the gag. Sir just laughed.

"Oh, now the straight boy wants gay sex," he chuckled, smacking my face lightly a few times. He completely ignored me for a period of time, leaving me naked and bound on his bed. As my cock just started to soften from the lack of attention, Sir was back to stroking it softly, barely touching it, almost tickling it. After several minutes of attention from him, I felt the orgasm building up again. Sir kept going, expertly keeping me on the edge with his slow pace and soft touch for far longer than I thought possible. Then, just before I reached that magical place, Sir stopped again. After a few seconds, I had an explosion of pain from my balls. Sir had punched or slapped me. A few seconds later, there was another explosion. I screamed.

Sir laughed at me again. My cock had gone soft, and Sir started to stroke it once more, faster this time. Again, though, he stopped. This time, I heard him leave the room. He came back in several minutes later and turned the plug back on. I felt him sit on the bed next to me, watching me. My cock slowly stiffened from the sensation in my ass, and when it was hard again, Sir started to stroke it once again, only to stop once more.

By now, I was a mess. My arms and legs had been straining against their bonds. I was sweating, writhing, trying anything to push myself over the edge. I didn't even care if I got punished, I just needed to cum. But nothing I did helped. My bonds were too tight to get any give, and there was nothing I could do to stimulate my cock myself.

Now I felt Sir attaching something to my cock, followed shortly afterwards by a slight vibration at the base. "That should keep your cock occupied for a while, boy. It's lunchtime, and I'm going to go make myself a sandwich. Don't go anywhere," he chuckled. I heard him leave the room, and the vibration on my dick was the only thing I was thinking about, but it was too low to do anything other than keep me hard.

I was almost crying in desperation now. If I hadn't had the gag in, I would have been begging Sir non-stop to please let me cum. As it was, I tried, but the words were utter nonsense. Sir came back several minutes later, and I felt his eyes on me. I assume he was eating his sandwich, watching my cock twitch every so often. Finally, I felt the vibrator get faster, followed by another that he placed on my cock head.

"Alright, boy. Five orgasms, no stopping," Sir said. He turned all the vibrators up, and coupled with his hand rubbing my cock, I reached my first orgasm in a week in no time. Sir angled my cock so that my cum flew over my torso, covering my upper body.

But, true to his word, Sir didn't stop there. He kept the vibrators on high, and kept stroking my cock. He gripped my cock hard, and pumped his hand fast. After a short time, a second orgasm flew out of my cock, again all over my torso.

Sir kept right on going. Now I was screaming, begging him (unintelligibly, of course) to stop. The hand job actually hurt. But Sir did not stop. If anything he pumped my cock harder and faster, forcing a third orgasm out.

The fourth orgasm took a long time to get, but Sir didn't slow down. As badly as I had wanted to cum several minutes ago, I wanted him to stop now. It's probably a good thing I was gagged. I probably would have begged to never have an orgasm again, if only he would stop. But my desires didn't really matter, and Sir wanted five orgasms. He got a fourth, a piddly little thing, two mediocre spurts.

The last orgasm took the longest of all, and was by far the most painful orgasm I've ever had in my life. As I felt it wrack through my body, I only felt my cock spasm once, dribbling out the small amount of cum left in my balls.

Sir finally stops stroking my cock, and he removes the vibrators, giving me some blessed relief. But soon I feel him removing the gag, followed by him saying, "You need to clean yourself up, boy. Keep that mouth open while I feed you your own cum."

I keep my mouth open while Sir brushes a finger along my torso, which he then sticks into my mouth. Oh, god, that's disgusting! Not only is it my own cum, it's cold by now, too. But I have no choice, Sir told me to eat it, so I suck his finger clean and swallow my cold semen. Sir repeated the process again and again, until I had cleaned myself off.

Sir then removed the blindfold and released my arms and legs. He lifted my legs in the air and removed the plug from my ass. Then he said, "It's 3:30 now. I am going to shut you in the cage in my playroom with your clothes and a timer set to two hours. When the timer goes off, you will present yourself in the dining room, dressed, for dinner, after which you will make your decision. Think hard about it, because I will not make your life easy if you say yes. If at any point, you decide to decline my offer, you may simply dress yourself and leave.

Sir led me out of his bedroom and into his dungeon. There was a cage in the corner that I crawled into. Sir set a timer, and put my clothes outside the cage. As he left the room, he said, once again, "Think hard, boy."

As I sat there, I knew my answer was going to be yes. I didn't care for the gay stuff, but I loved being a slave, and Sir made me more of a slave than I'd even dreamed. And besides, gay stuff clearly wasn't a limit, and if I had a Mistress, I'd have gay sex if she wanted me to. So I was definitely going to say yes.

That being said, in my post-orgasm clarity, it was more difficult. I recognized what Sir had done. He had his fun with me, sure, but he made sure that I was making the decision that I really wanted, not the decision I wanted because I was horny at that moment. I respected that. He wasn't manipulating me. Just the opposite, in fact. He was almost trying to talk me out of it, and I was stubbornly refusing to listen. But that didn't change anything. I was still accepting his offer to become his slave.

At first, the time dragged by. As I began to think harder about the situation, though, the time went faster, and soon I had five minutes left on the timer. My mind made up, I dressed and walked out to Sir's dining room. He had a plate for me on the table, and he was sitting in his customary spot. "Sit down and eat. This will be your last meal here as an equal, so enjoy it."

I sat down. Sir really was a good cook, and he had done well with the ribs. We ate in silence, since there was really only one thing to talk about, and Sir had made it clear that would come after the meal. So I savored the food as I ate. Finally, both of our plates were empty.

"So, boy, what'll it be? Will you become my slave? Or will you leave?"

This was the moment of truth. I knew what I'd decided. But was I having second thoughts? I paused. No. I knew that I wanted this. "I want to be your slave, Sir."

Sir smiled. "Good boy. Take your pants off. I'm going to lock that cock up, since it belongs to me, now."

I dropped my pants and stepped out of them. I stood next to Sir as he placed a plastic chastity cage (a CB-type) on the table. He said, "This is a good starter cage. Eventually, we'll order a custom-made metal one, but this will be good enough for now." Then Sir expertly slipped the ring around my balls and the cage over my cock. Then he picked up a padlock and slipped it through the hole. With a click, my cock was locked away, and nothing I did was going to get to it.

After that, Sir made me remove the rest of my clothes. We had a long talk about my schedule and mode of life at home, after which Sir gave me a series of rules that I was to follow at all times:

  1. I was to be naked except for my chastity cage and a metal collar he would give me anytime I was in my own apartment, or in his home.

  2. Anytime I left my home other than to go to work, or for a scheduled weekly trip to the store, I was to obtain permission first.

  3. I was not to cum without permission, even if I somehow managed it with my cage on.

  4. I was to be freshly showered every evening after work, in case my service was needed.

  5. If I was instructed to be at Sir's house, I was to be there, no matter what, and I was only to come to Sir's house when instructed to do so.

  6. Whenever anybody came to me and said, "I'm a friend of Sir's," I was to obey them as if they were Sir, unless they instructed me to cum.

After I received the rules, and recited them back to Sir, he ordered me to leave his house, get dressed in my car and return home, saying that he would see me in a few days.

Next: Chapter 5

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