Straight Seduction

By brian

Published on Dec 10, 1996



Organization: Generation Q -

I am beginning to doubt who I am and because of that, I am starting to doubt other things in my life. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but in a matter of four days, my world had been changed completely. I'm a 34 year old guy, and I feel like a 7 tear old lost in the woods. I'm an industrial painter by trade, and occasionally have to work out of the area. I learned back in my early twenties that to save money working out of town, campgrounds (weather permitting) were an ideal way to go. My older brothers had been doing it, and when I started painting, I bought one of my brothers trailers at a decent price when he upgraded. That trailer had been up and down the East Coast over 5 dozen times, sometimes with the wife, and sometimes with the wife and kids, but usually I was on my own, unless somebody on the crew wanted to split the lot rent and shit with me. I am 34 years old, the father of a boy 14, and twin girls 8 years old. I've worked steady since I was 18, and have been with the same woman since the 11th grade of high school. I've slept with two other women since I've been married, and she knows about both of them. She had an affair with a mutual friend of ours between my two fuck ups, and yeah, it did hurt, and I sure as hell know I deserved it, but until two weeks ago, the last five years have been great. We had to go to N. Carolina for a shut down, a large paper mill near the Va. border. I got a crew together, and stole one of my brother's guys off of his job, to be my lead man. Jerry and I had known each other for about 12 years. The best worker we had (family owned business), he knew which guys could do what best. The job my brother was running was about finished, so he said go ahead and take Jerry, he could have the job set up the fastest. Jerry said he needed the work , "fucking divorce lawyers, both of 'em are sucking the fucking sweat out of me anyway." Jerry is a great guy, and although he's 3 years older than me, I've never had a problem being his boss. His old lady was in the process of fucking him over royally, with her own fucking cousin no less, and the man just didn't deserve it. I knew that if I brought Jerry, he and I could have the job set up for the blasters and sprayers, in a day and a half, two tops, work the four day shut down, and bang, go home. I asked Jerry if he wanted to stay in the trailer, and he said fine. I drove my truck with some equipment in it, towing the trailer, and Jerry drove the rig with the heavy hardware. The paint and sand had already been delivered to the job, we thought. I had Jerry drive onto the job, while I found the campground. It wasn't too bad, around 18 miles from the jobsite, and only three roads. I found a decent lot, up on the hill, away from the office/store, and somewhat near the bathrooms. The trailer had a 'full' bathroom, sink, shower, shitter, but they were all pretty much together. It was just easier, (and safer) to use the facilities at the campground. I am a member of K.O.A, but after the owner saw the size of my air conditioner on my roof, that pretty much took care of my discount. It was cheaper to rent for the week, so that's what I did. I unhitched the trailer, but didn't level it, plug in or hook up the water, I figured Jerry and I would do it after we unloaded the equipment. The site was great, all of the surrounding lots on the hill were vacant, and the john/showers were only about 50 yards away. I drove out to the mill, contacted the people I needed to, the home office, their area supervisor, their sight supervisor, their safety man, and finally the guy who bid the job. It seemed that our sand had arrived from Louisiana, but the primer and finish coats had not been received from Germany yet. We set up what we could that day, and after explaining to the area supervisor that we couldn't blast the steel unless we could at least put a primer coat on it immediately afterwards, (bare metal rusts,the fucking idiot couldn't understand), we confirmed the shipment for arrival that night from Maryland for an additional $2,300, hopped into my truck, and headed for the campground. I had asked Jerry if he needed to stop in town for anything, and after confirming that there was booze onboard the trailer, he said cool, he was all set. I told him that if he helped me level the trailer and shit, that he was welcomed to anything in the trailer. We struck a deal and I told him that we had to be on the sight early the next day, but if the paint came in tonight, and the crew made it to their motel rooms in one piece, maybe him and I could take a ride out to the "Office" the next afternoon. The Office was a strip club that my older brothers had visited on numerous occasions, it really wasn't called the Office, it was a joke that they would use when they had to call in to the main office, "We're at the Office," they'd tell the secretary, who actually thought that they were still on the jobsite. Jerry said that he had heard about it from my brothers, but unless I could guarantee that he'd get laid that night, he'd just as soon stay at the trailer, he couldn't afford a stripper from the 'Office'. I told him that we would see what happened tomorrow. We pulled into the campsite, and I noticed another trailer, two empty sites away. It was the exact same model and year as my own trailer. I couldn't see anyone around, and was just greatful that they had chosen to not camp near us. We were just finishing setting up, and working on our second warm beer, when Jerry asked me if ' I could smell that?' I stuck my nose in the air, and didn't even have to take a deep breath, before I smelled pot. All I could think of was a bunch of loud fucking teenagers, partying all night. I said "yeah, I can," and shook my head. I used to get a high, quite a bit actually, but hadn't smoked in about 5 years. I knew Jerry smoked on occasion, when he could find it and afford it. I don't have anything against those who do, it's just that I really wasn't in the mood to put up with a bunch of partying campers. An hour later, after double checking everything. We fired up the grill, dragged the picnic table over towards the trailer a little, and settled in to drink a couple of beers and wait for the steaks and potatoes. I listened to Jerry talk about his future ex, what a bitch she was and the rest of it. He surprised me by going into detail about what she would and wouldn't do in bed (which was very little according to him). I've never really considered Jerry my best friend, although he was (and still is) I guess, but, we had never really got into a conversation about sex, unless it was your typical bragging. I was surprised at his openness. She let him have it once a week, no head, maybe a hand job if he was lucky. "I spent eight and a half fucking years with that bitch, never once did I fuck around on her, with another woman, and now she's gone, leaving me broke, with nothing but my right hand, back to where I was when I was 15, only then I didn't have bills. Sorry Chris, but it's got me pissed. And don't look so fucking shocked, as if you don't jack off every fucking chance that you get some privacy, you'd be a goddamn liar if you said you didn't." I told him that I wasn't denying shit, and that yeah, I was extremely grateful that I wasn't a quadrapalegic for many reasons. He thought that that was pretty funny,and then asked, "how often?" I told him none of his fucking business, but that if I ever needed a 'hand' with it, that I'd let him know. "You do that, I'm so fucking good at it, I know I could show you a few new tricks." We both laughed at that one, grabbed the shit off of the grill, and went inside to eat.We talked a little more about his ex, and after supper, went back out and had a few more beers. I guess we had been sitting there for about an hour, when we heard, "How ya'll doin'?" . Looking up we saw two guys walking from around the back side of my trailer. I figured that they were from the other sight that we smelled dope from, seeing as they came up from the backside. I was surprised to see two guys standing there who were'nt teenagers, but who seemed to be about my age, maybe a few years younger. I was relieved to see that the 'neighbors' were'nt a bunch of 22 year old punks. We introduced ourselves, and after shaking hands, the guy named Mike told me that he thought I had a decent taste in trailers. I told him that I had bought it from my brother, who had bought it off of our dad, and that there had been alot of changes made, but that it had actually made me money. He told me that he noticed my AC as soon as they had pulled into their lot, and that he had done some major changes to his as well, and for me to come over sometime and see his work. The other guy's name was Ty, "Short for Tyler," he said. Jerry and Ty had been talking while Mike and I were talking about our trailers, and I had overheard Ty say that they were electricians coming in for the shutdown. The conversation had turned to the mill,and who to watch out for. The safety guy's name had been mentioned more than five times that day to me, and Mike and Ty had heard of him too. The next thing I know, I smell pot. Ty is nudging me and trying to hand me a joint. I told him no thanks, and then Jerry says, "You may as well, Ty just said that there is a tropical depression sitting off the coast, and it's supposed to rain for the next four days, I don't think that we will busting ass like we thought we would." I asked Mike about the weather, and he verified it, so I grabbed the joint and took a hit. It had been a long long time since I've smoked pot, but I felt the affects the minute that I exhaled/choked.. I realized that I had to either sit down or fall down, so I chose to sit. By the time that I had settled my ass onto the picnic table, the joint had come around again. I started to beg off, but then Jerry started to run his mouth about me being 'an old man', and I took another hit. I do remember getting off of the picnic table and staggering my way over to the hammock that we had strung up. I remember rolling into the hammock, and then back out the other side and onto the ground. Jerry and Ty came over and put me back into the hammock . I lay there for about 20 minutes, trying to talk myself down from the buzz. It didn't seem to be working. I knew that I had to get on my feet, just how to go about doing it was the problem. I hollered over to Jerry, and when he came over, I told him that I was completely trashed, and that I was ready to crash. He and Mike, who had suddenly appeared, helped me out of the hammock and into the trailer. Jerry told me that he was going down to take a shower, and that Mike was gonna hang out and check the trailer out. I said yeah, fine. I made my way to the back 'room' and lay down on the bed. I realized that I had made a big mistake, so I sat back up. After a couple of deep breaths, my head felt somewhat straight again. Mike came back and asked how I was feeling. I told him alright, as long as I sat up, and he laughed. When I looked up at him, he was stroking his fucking dick through his jeans! He was just leaning against the wall, one elbow on the wall above his head , and his other hand gripping a hard dick through his jeans. My head may have been foggy, but I've been come onto before by guys, more than I ever liked (appreciated too, I guess), and this was in my face! This was fucking blatant! Instead of being pissed off, I was fucking embarrassed. I couldn't believe that this guy was coming onto me! Mike! I would have never guessed. I knew for a fact that there were some men who were gay, and that you couldn't tell, but this was blowing me away! Any guy that had ever come onto me before, I could tell. The old lady got a big kick out of it. She said it turned her on that other guys wanted to get 'in my britches.' No man has ever laid a hand on me, in a sexual manner, since I was 20, and I got loaded, and let a friend suck me off. I'm not saying that I have never had thoughts about being with a guy. I have. It's just that when I've jerked off thinking about another guy, the guy would never have a face, and pretty much was just a body. No fucking had ever entered my mind, on the receiving part that is, but I have seen a few guys that I imagined what it would be like to fuck, I don't think that there is a straight guy alive, who hasn't seen some guy that he wondered what it would be like to end up in the sack with him, fucking him in the ass, or taking his mouth. Mike came over and sat on the bed and handed me a Marlboro. I was shaking when I lit up, and Mike noticed it too. He gripped my thigh and gave it a firm squeeze. "It's cool man, I just figured you might be interested. I know I like what I see. Jerry said that you might be worth a shot. It's a shame though, you've got the hottest fucking face and body that I've seen in too long." I was still shaking when Mike stood up. "Jerry said what?" I asked, noticing that he had returned to stroking his crotch."Where is he is? He's still in the shower, right?" I stood up to look out to the front of the trailer, expecting to see Jerry standing there, watching this shit, laughing about the set up. I stood up too quick and started to black out. Mike stepped in in time for me to go down on one knee, and he grabbed me to steady me. My head swiveled around a few times, and I got my bearings. Mike had us pelvis to pelvis, and was grinding his crotch into mine, pulling on my waist. I froze. It seemed like minutes, and may have been, and the entire time that he ground our dicks together, he stared me straight in the eyes. There was a definite smile that appeared, and then his breathing picked up. He pulled away from me and grabbed at my dick.. "Jesus Christ Chris!!! You're as hard as I am!" Mike grabbed my hand and shoved it into his crotch. He rubbed the back of my hand up and down his shaft, bending at the knees and still breathing hard. He turned my hand around so that my fingertips were rubbing his dick through the straining cloth. As he started to moan in the bottom of his throat, I realized that he no longer had control over my hand, and that I was actually fisting this guy! I stopped what I was doing and pulled away from Mike. "Come on Mike, stop. I'm fucked up and I think you are too." "Hey, look Chris," he said, "I am more than a little high, and I know you are, but... you want me to leave?" "Yeah, no, hey, I mean...Shit man, what the fuck are you doing? Jerry could have walked back in here at any minute, and trust me, that probably wouldn't be good. Does Ty know about you? I mean, does he know that you're into guys?" Mike laughed and said, "Men, I can get into men. Yeah, sure, He knows I'm into men, and women. And as far as Jerry walking in with my hands all over you, I don't think that that is going to happen. You see, Jerry knows about both of us. When you were 'power napping' in the hammock, Jerry asked us where all the women were at, and Ty spoke out of the side of his face, and let Jerry know that we swung both ways. Jerry said that it was cool with him, he didn't give a fuck, and that he didn't think you would either. Ty started seducing the fucker on the spot, and when Jerry said that he was going for a shower, Ty asked if he wanted some company, jokingly, I thought, but when Jerry said sure, and I think he even winked at Ty but it was dark so I ain't sure, Ty told him that he'd meet him down there. I asked about you, you know laying there in the hammock, getting ate by the mosquitos, and Jerry said that you might go for it, worth a shot, and then he helped me get you into the trailer. Trust me Chris, I'll leave you the fuck alone if you want me to, but if you're worried about Jerry, I'd say that right about now, Ty has Jerry's dick more than halfway down his throat." I was floored. I knew that Jerry was horny, Christ, so was I, but enough to let a guy go down on me? I had always heard that guys gave the best blowjobs, and it kind of made sense too, although I've known a few women who loved to swing on the end of a rod for hours at a time. I still couldn't believe that this guy was coming on to me like he was, and I had pretty much let him. I didn't think that I had encouraged him in anyway. What the fuck was I gonna do? I decided to check on Jerry, I could use the fresh air anyway. I headed for the door and told Mike that I'd be back in a second. He said he'd walk over with me, and we stepped outside. It had started to pour pretty steady, and I had second thoughts for a minute. Fuck it I said to myself, and took off at a fast pace towards the showers. Mike caught up with me and grabbed me by the elbow. "I'm sure that they are not down there, still, come on, let's check my trailer first." We were already soaked, so the further jog didn't really matter, but as my head continued to clear. I realized that a good twenty minutes had probably passed by now. I stopped and nodded, and we headed for his trailer. As we approached, Mike motioned for me to come around the back. I didn't know the reason until I turned the corner, and saw him looking in one of the rear windows. When I looked in the window, I saw Jerry on his back, wearing a jockstrap, and Ty had his face stuffed in Jerry's crotch, licking the massive bulge there through the cloth. Jerry's head was thrown back, obviously enjoying it, holding Ty's head in his hands, forcing the guys mouth all over the straining pouch. I had never really noticed Jerry's body before, I knew he had a handsome face, but I had never seen him this bare before, (well I know I have, but not in a sexual sense.) He had a great body. Definitely cut, but not buff. Most guys that were built like Jerry had dark even tans, a benefit of showing off their bodies, I know I'm like that, even more so now, but Jerry was white, except for his lower arms. I remember that it struck me ass odd that he wasn't tan like most guys. "Look at that shit ! Jerry has him wearing my jock, he loves those fucking

things, even if they ain't stuffed with a dick," Mike whispered in my ear. I had forgot he was there for a second, and now I could feel him rubbing his crotch into my hip. I tried to stay focused on the scene in the trailer, but it was becoming more and more difficult. I was actually getting a major hardon watching my buddy getting his crotch covered with another man's saliva. I've been in more than a few of the 25 cent video booths in sex shops, and I'll admit, I've stopped at a couple of queer flicks while I was scanning the selections, but watching this shit live was incredible. The driving rain had cleared my head enough to know that I wanted out of these wet clothes and in there in the trailer, with Jerry, getting head from Mike while I watched Ty work Jerry over. Not wanting to give myself a chance to back out, I turned around and faced Mike, who had been watching my face intently as I looked through the window, and cupped his crotch in my hand. Mike shot his pelvis into my hand and let out a low growl, and smiled. "Do you want to go in and join them guys? Or head back to your trailer?" he asked me. I told him that I wanted to go in his trailer and flip Jerry out. Mike said that chances were, Ty would be the one to flip out, as he had bet Mike 20 bucks that I would turn him down flat. My eyes had returned to the window, and I watched as Jerry's hand left Ty's head, and dropped to Ty's zipper. My hand increased the pressure on Mike's bulge as I saw my buddy pull Ty's hard cock out of his jeans and start to stroke him off. "Fuck this then," I heard Mike say to me, "let's get in there and out of these clothes." I really don't think that I was too nervous as we opened the door, but Jerry did jump like a fucking toad. He reached for one of the cushions, and covered up his crotch. Ty had stood completely up and was trying to jam his swollen cock back into his jeans, all the while scanning my face, and then Jerry's, for a reaction. Mike had steeped up into the trailer behind me, and as he saw the look on both of their faces, he reached around my waist and stroked the massive bulge in my now soaked jeans. I looked at Jerry and gave him a wink. He smiled back at me and said, "So you're cool with this huh? It's just that I get so fucking horny sometimes...." "Yeah, Jerry, I'm cool with it, and Ty? I think you owe Mike 20 bucks," I said, as I started to unzip my wet jeans and pull them off. Jerry and Ty watched me as I drunkenly tried to undress. Mike moved in behind me and pushed me towards the bed that Jerry was half stretched out on. I took a seat, sort of, as Mike dropped to his knees in front of me, and began to pull the jeans down my legs. Ty had reappeared next to Mike holding two towels. Jerry was laughing as he sat up and leaned towards me, and began to help me pull the drenched t-shirt over my head. I now had two guys with their hands all over me, with Ty standing there with his dick sticking out of his jeans. I felt my left nipple being pinched, and without looking, I knew that it was Jerry. Our eyes met and he said, "Jesus, your tits are fucking hard!" Again, without looking, I knew what he was talking about. When I'm turned on, even a little bit, my nipples get hard, really hard. All the guys in my family are like that. All we had to do was to check out each other's chest, and we knew that our brother, or the old man, was having 'dirty thoughts.' Mom hates it, or says she does , but all of us guys in the family still think it's great. The old man told us all along time ago that we would find women that would go nuts over them, but until now, nobody had ever paid my tits any attention, my chest, yeah, but now I had the lead man of my crew, as well as probably my best friend to boot, working my nipple over better than I could myself. "That ain't all that's hard either Jerry," said Ty, "his dick is hard as a fucking rock, ain't it Mike?" I felt an extremely hard grip on my cock, a little too hard to be comfortable, really, and looking down expecting to see Mike's hand about to pull my dick off, I see that Jerry found a use for his other hand. As he frigged my cock through my wet briefs, his other hand continued to pull and pinch my tit. I watched his face as he would look from one of his hands to the other, and then up to my face. As soon as our eyes met, Jerry looked back down to his hand stroking the bulge in my underwear, and then after looking me up and down a few times, he looked at me and said, "Look Chris, If your gonna regret this shit in the morning, go to bed. Otherwise, why don't you and Mike lay back and enjoy the show, I think Ty was in the middle of something when you guys crashed 'our' party. Right Ty?" Jerry was reaching over and fingering the precum on the head of Ty's cock, grinding his own leaking dick against my thigh. "Let's do it man," he said, "but I think Chris really needs to lose those wet shorts," and, as he turned to look at Mike, we all looked at Mike.

There he stood, half drying his naked body, and half jerking off, watching us. Ty had begun to pull my briefs off, when I heard Jerry kind of mutter, "Goddamn!" I looked back at Jerry, and saw that he was watching Mike feel himself up. Ty had managed to get me bare assed, and was now trying to dry my body off with a towel. As much as I enjoyed the tit play that Jerry had given me, I knew that I wanted to give him and Ty as much room as they needed. I gave Jerry a quick wink and told Ty thanks for helping me out of the wet clothes. "My pleasure guy, trust me, my pleasure.......and Mike, by the way, seeing as how I helped get him naked, what say I only owe you ten, deal?" "Yep, yep, yep, whatever you say man, but right now, I suggest you finish what you started," Mike said, as he nodded to Jerry laying behind me. I started to crawl off of the bed, when Mike told me to hold on a second. Turning to look at Ty, he said, "Why don't you two go up front, on the pull out, Chris will get a better view, if that's what he wants to do." Mike looked at me as if he wanted a response, so I asked him if we could all fit up front, or all fit out back. "Now you're talking fella's", said Jerry, "I think I'd like to watch you two, too. I'll pay you 20 bucks, Mike, just to get him off. God knows the fucking guy needs it. Don't you pony?" he asked me as he reached around and started to fist my cock. Ty reached down and grabbed Jerry's wrist, helping him stroke my dick. "So, Chris, you want to watch me and your buddy, huh?" said Ty. "Yeah," I mumbled. I looked down at Jerry's hand wrapped around my dick. It was too late to back out now. Precum was oozing from my dickhead, and Ty was helping Jerry coat my dick with it. Mike had slid onto the bed to join us, slipping in behind me, wedging himself into the corner. As Jerry's hand was starting to really get to me, Mike reached around me and started to play with my tits. My breathing had increased alot, and they all noticed it. Mike pulled me into the corner with him, and Jerry reluctantly released my dick. I watched Ty as he stood up and rolled Jerry onto his back. We all watched as Ty peeled of his jeans, and knelt down to pull the jock that Jerry was still half wearing. As Mike continued to tweak my nipples, Ty lowered his head into Jerry's crotch and began to lick the tip of his dick.

Jerry's eyes were closed and I could see his hips trying to raise off of the bed to drive his dick into Ty's mouth. Ty would pull back, only allowing the head of Jerry's dick to enter his mouth. One of Mike's hands had left my tits, and was now rubbing my lower abdomen and playing in my pubic hairs. I wanted him to wrap his hand around my dick and jerk me off, but it seemed that he was content on just feeling me up while we watched Ty tease Jerry's dick. Jerry had started to thrash around on the bed by this time, begging Ty "to swallow his fucking rod!" In one movement, Ty opened his mouth and sunk his mouth down onto Jerry's rod to the base. Jerry moaned and shot his hips forward. Ty started to gag, and I watched in amazement at what I first thought was cum, but realized it was spit, start to foam from Ty's mouth. "Goddamn, Jerry, take it easy man, you're gonna choke me guy?" "Sorry bout that dude, it's just that your mouth feels so good on my fucking dick, damn man, please don't stop." I heard Mike start to chuckle behind me. "Yeah, Ty, don't stop, I've never seen a dick yet that you couldn't swallow." Having said that, Mike moved his face to me ear and whispered, "Just watch him, Chris, if he takes his time, he can take the entire thing, and I mean THE ENTIRE THING, down his throat, and still manage to breathe. Watch him." As I saw Ty slide his mouth over my buddy's dick, I found myself watching Jerry's face, more than his dick sliding in and out of Ty's mouth. Jerry had closed his eyes again, and had begun to moan. I could only imagine what he was feeling at that moment. Ty was giving him the sloppiest blow job that I had ever seen, and by that, I mean lot's of spit, not bad technique. Jerry's dick hair was covered with spit, and although I couldn't see, I knew that some of it must have made its way down to his balls and even into his ass crack. Mike was still pinching my left tit with one hand, while his other was still running through my own pubic hair. I couldn't believe that I was in bed with three other nude guys, one of them being my best friend, and that I was into it. Granted, I've had the same fantasies as every other man has had, some even involving other men, (I don't care how 'straight' you are, your mind is going to drift to another guy sometimes), but I was still freaked out that Jerry and I were 'doing' it in front of each other. And the fact that Jerry had already fisted my dick had me on edge even more. Mike had repositioned himself so that my back was pressed against his chest, and his knees were under my armpits. I could feel his hard dick leaking cum onto my back as he continued to feel me up and down. Without really realizing what I was doing, I found myself rubbing his lower legs, actually enjoying the feeling of his hairy skin. Mike again leaned into my ear and asked me if I liked what I was watching. I didn't respond, but continued to watch my friend get blown. Mike stuck his left leg out straight, and started to run his foot over Jerry's heaving chest. Jerry opened his eyes to see where the extra stimulation was coming from, and our eyes locked. There wasn't anything in his eyes, that I could tell, other than pure, fucking lust. His eyes had dropped to Mike's hand on my crotch, and then back up to meet my eyes again. For a split second, I felt embarrassed, until he reached out and started to stroke my rod. Mike then reached down with both hands and grabbed my knees, pulling them up inside of his, all the while watching Jerry check my body out. In the position that I was now in, I felt extremely vulnerable. Mike was pressing my knees outward now, exposing my asshole for d Jerry to view. I looked down and saw that my cock had again started to leak jizz onto my stomach. "Jesus, Ty," Jerry said, pulling Ty's head off of his prick, "Look at that." Ty raised his head off of Jerry's prick and looked at Mike and I. Mike switched the position of his hands from over to under, and was now pulling the cheeks of my ass apart."Oh fuck man, that looks good Chris, Jesus, you want to get rimmed?" Ty asked me. Call me naive, but I thought he was asking me if I wanted him to lick the "rim" of my dickhead. I needed to have my dick sucked in the worse kind of way. When I said yeah, I wasn't expecting to see Jerry slip his finger into his mouth, and then after covering it with a copious amount of spit, proceed to run it over and around my asshole. I jumped at first, and told Jerry and Ty that there was no way in hell that I was gonna get fucked, sorry. All three of them laughed as Mike explained to me that Ty wanted to tongue my 'hole.' Jerry was still feeling my ass over, re-wetting his thumb now, to swab my asshole. When I finally realized what Ty meant, the thought alone made my dick vibrate. No dicks allowed, but I wanted to feel a tongue on my asshole, that was a given. This was turning into straight up 'raunchy sex,'

and between the grunts, groans, moans, and even the smell, I wanted to do it.

Ty told me to slide down the bed a little, and with a little help from Jerry and Mike, I found myself on my back with my knees nearly touching my chest. Mike has slipped off of the bed and Jerry had slid himself up between me and the wall. Jerry held one of my legs up and Mike held the other. Without any more warning, Mike said,"Go for it Ty." And that's exactly what he did. I felt his breath first, and then immediately after that, I felt his tongue slide over my asshole. As a kid, I remember fingering myself, but nothing had been inside my asshole for many years, and now Ty was trying to drive his tongue inside me. I thought he wanted to just lick my hole, but it was obvious that he wanted to tongue fuck me! I could tell that he flattened his tongue out, and was now just licking me like crazy. Ty had both hands spreading my cheeks apart, and although the tongue action felt incredible, i.e. raunchy, I was more comfortable when Jerry spread my ass for Ty, he wasn't stretching me like he was gonna tear me apart. I looked down and saw that while Ty was eating my ass out (man, I still remember that sight), I saw that he had begun to beat off. Mike was still standing up, with one hand holding down my knee, he was fingering his dick with the other. He wasn't stroking it like he was jerking off, but was just running his fingertips up and down along the shaft. He saw me watching him, and he gave me a quick wink and smiled and asked, "You like that man? He's got a great tongue, huh?" "Incredible, infuckingcredible!" I said.

"Jesus Chris, you're a fucking hot guy, you know that?" "No, he doesn't know it. I mean really, I honestly don't think he knows how good he looks. Do you Chris?" Jerry asked me. I don't know why, but I was getting embarrassed. I mean, here I am, flat on my back with my best friend spreading the cheeks of my ass so another man could 'rim' me, and I was getting embarrassed over compliments It was just weird to hear my buddy talking about me, and to me, like that. Ty had begun to moan and growl as he ate my ass out, and at first, I thought it was because he enjoyed what he was doing so much, (and it was obvious that he did), but as he removed his face from my ass, I looked down and saw him get up fully onto his knees, and with a few more strokes, he aimed his dick at my ass, and begun to shoot his load all over my asscheeks and even onto my asshole. I watched him do it, and I think that that is what turned me on. I looked up at these three guys, all of 'em jerking off onto me now, and although I was still freaked out a little, I was totally into it. It's been a while since I've totally lost myself in the heat of sex, and I had missed it. My most memorable experiences were when the gal and I were so into the fucking, that everything else around us just disappeared, that's an incredible experience, and everyone should experience it at least once, but, I guess because of the total rawness of this scene, just a bunch of men wanting and needing to get off, I felt like a virgin getting laid for the first time. Ty slipped back onto his haunches, still stroking his softening prick, as he looked at me and shook his head. "You taste good man, real good." I started to put my legs back down, when Jerry stopped me and told me to wait. I looked at Ty, kind of wanting to know if he would continue with the blowjob, when Jerry put his hands back on my ass and stuck his face into slimy asscrack. I couldn't believe that he was doing this! He was using his mouth, and moustache, to clean me up. Ty was still resting in front of me, working on another hardon, watching Jerry clean me. I felt a hand on my tit, and looked up to see Mike standing over me, no longer fingering his cock, but stroking it like a 15 year old. He looked me in the eye, smiled, and then gave me a wink. By now, Jerry I guessed, had just about finished tongueing me off. "Oh man Jerry, suck me off man, please!" As soon as I said it, I thought,"what the fuck am I doing, asking my best friend to suck me off?" I know that that probably sounds weird, Christ, after all, he was cleaning another's mans load off of my ass, and my asshole too, but just the thought of asking him to do it was more than strange, I wanted him to do it, I wanted him to be the one to get me off. Jerry gripped my cock in a death grip, and after studying my rod for a few seconds, he started to blow me. I looked down at my best friend, and he had my dick in his mouth!!!! That sight alone made my load start. I felt something hot and smooth on my right shoulder, and turning my head to look, I found Mike's dick staring me in the face. I'd like to say I hesitated, but I didn't. I grabbed his sack and pulled his cock to my mouth. As his meat entered my mouth, he let out a loud groan. Without taking his dick from my mouth, I looked down to see Ty still jerking off watching us, and then I saw Jerry looking at me with my cock still down his throat. He pulled off of my dick for a second, and said, "Do it Chris, do it, " and then returned to my dick, still watching me. I knew what he meant, and as I shot off in his mouth, I could feel his jaws tighten around my rod, and he actually started to 'suck' the rest of my seed into his throat. His jaws, I remember, felt like a hot, moist, strong grip. He had begun to snort and gag, but he was still trying to take more of my softening dick into his throat. I felt Mike's dickhead swell against my tongue and heard him moan. He literally pushed my mouth off of the end of his cock. He grabbed me by the elbow, and after lifting my arm over my head, he shoved his dick into my armpit and shot his nut. I felt some of his cum hit me on the side of my face, and I turned my head. I was looking directly at Jerry. He looked at me, and then after looking up at Mike, he leaned into my neck and said, "I'm gonna take Ty back to your trailer, ok? I think Mike needs to get some sleep, right guy?" I looked at Mike and realized that his dick was probably still half hard, and that he was sliding it through the load that he had spent onto my armpit and neck. "Yeah, sleep, that's what I need," Mike said, as he ran his fingers through his cum. My orgasm had drained me, and I had started to feel a litlle self conscious. I started to grab a cushion to pull over myself, and after pausing for a second to decide if that would be a 'mature' decision, decided that it didn't matter if I looked like a kid, and grabbed the cushion anyway. I felt Ty grab my ankle, and then slide his hand up the inside of my leg and under the cushion. He laughed at my embarrassment(?), and looked at Jerry and said, "Yeah, that's an idea, but are we gonna streak or what? I ain't getting dressed just to get soaked, and then have to pull the shit right back off again, let's go Jer', grab your clothes and let's hit it." I was really starting to feel uncomfortable. I know it's probably cheap to say, but after getting off, I was, I guess, starting to feel embarrassed. Maybe embarrassed is the wrong word, but with all of them somewhat 'looming' over me, and me laying there with cum running down my neck, I turned my head to the wall. I could here Ty pulling what I guessed to be a suitcase or something from under the bed, and after hearing the zipper open and close, he told Jerry that he was ready. As the door opened, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and then Jerry leaned over my body and put his face to mine. "You're ok, right Chris? You alright?" I managed a laugh, and said that I was fine. I felt his hand move from my hip, down to cup my ass. "You are that man." "Are what?" I asked him. "Fine, Chris," he said while stroking my ass, "You are fine, and you don't even know it. But Mike does, don't you Pony? "See you guys later," Mike said, and after hearing Ty say 'slut' to someone, I heard the door close. I could tell that Mike was begining to turn off the wall lamps in the front of the trailer. I wanted to get the hell out of there. I couldn't belive what I had just been through. The downright nastiness of it all was incredibly exciting, goddamn it felt great when they all had their hands on my body, but now it was just Mike and I, and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't uncomfortable. As I looked back at Mike making his way down the short hallway, I noticed that his cock was half hard. And then it hit me. I swear, I had forgotten, but now it came back to me, and all at once. I had let him stick his dick in my mouth! And I had wanted it! I actually sucked another man off, and I got into it! I could feel my face start to burn, and I guess Mike could tell, because he let out a small chuckle and then after reaching over me, (rubbing his dick along my back and then legs) and turning off the wall lamps, I could tell that he had sat down on the floor. "Want to talk Chris?" he asked me. "Little late for that, ain't it?" I said, rolling over onto my back, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. "Not at all, man. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but it's just that I remember my first time, and I wish I would have talked about it. It's ok now, but it would have made it easier." "You mean this wasn't your first time?"I quipped, wanting (and needing) to lighten the mood. He laughed again and said,"No, I can't say that it was, and I don't think that it was Jerry's either, and Ty, well... let's just say he knows the ropes." Hearing Jerry's name, I thought of what he had done, I couldn't say that it was his first or not. He had made the comment about me being freaked out in the morning, he had stroked me and then swallowed my load, but what did that prove? I had let Mike shove (scratch that, I pulled it to my mouth) his rod in my mouth, and this had been MY first time. Mike asked if I was ready for a beer, and surprising myself, I said that I was. As he got to the fridge, I turned to look at him. The light from the open door was more than enough to tell that he was fully hard. I couldn't help but admire him. His body, but also his attitude. This guy was not in the least bit embarrassd by what had just happened, and I think he may have even become more cocky. I wondered to myself about the number of times that he had been with other men, and I realized that my cock was starting to respond. Mike returned to the rear room and handed me a beer. He was close enough that I could actually smell him in the darkness. I wasn't sure if he was waiting for me to slide over and let him join me, and I wasn't sure that I wanted him to, or didn't. "So how old were you, the first time?" I asked him. I saw some movement, and then realized that he had sat back down on the floor. "With another man, or you mean as a kid?" I felt my face begin to redden and I silently thanked the darkness. "With another guy, as an adult." I could hear Mike open his beer and take a long swallow. "You sure you want to hear it?" "Why, is it gonna shock me? Even after tonight?" I asked. "Probably, Ty kinda flipped out when I told him, and that is one open minded mother fucker there." "Try me, after tonight, I'd like to think that I was too." "O.k then."he said, and waited while I opened my beer and took a long pull, and then rolled over onto my side and placed the half empty can on the floor and faced Mike in the darkness. I couldn't really see him, and after feeling around on the bed, I found his pillow and handed it to him. I could hear Mike rearranging himself. He fell silent and motionless for a moment and then got back up to grab his smokes and an ashtray from the galley. He returned to his sitting position and lit a cigarette, handing it to me and trying to show me where on the floor he was putting the ashtray, I watched as he lit a smoke for himself, and I caught myself trying to catch a glimpse of the state of his dick. From the way he was sitting, I couldn't see his crotch, and I felt somewhat ashamed of myself for trying to cop a look. What the fuck was wrong with me? I was actually getting turned on by this guy in the dark! I tried to change my thoughts, but I only had two, Mike sitting there naked on the floor beside me, or what Ty and Jerry were up to back at my trailer. It did more harm than good, and again I thanked the darkness. "Well, first let me start out by telling you that what I'm about to say would upset most people, BUT, I was 19 at the time, and it was consensual. You asked so here it is, but trust me, I don't need any judgements from you, or anyone else. I've worked through all of this a long time ago and I'm happier now than I've ever been." "It was a week after my nineteenth birthday, a kindof belated gift from my Uncle Jacob, my dad's older brother. Jay had called the house and asked me to come out and spend the weekend on his houseboat with whoever I wanted to bring. He said that it was stocked full of groceries, and the bar was full as long as we weren't driving the boat while we were drinking. At first he made it sound like he was gonna be there, but I guess he heard something in my voice and told me that I had the place to myself the entire weekend, although he said that he'd come down and check on us 'maybe.' Well, what the fuck? huh Chris? I mean sounded like a plan right?" "Nice gift, yeah, I'd say, so I take it you took your uncle up on it right?" I asked him. "Yeah, I called him on Thursday and told him that me and Rodney would meet him down to the marina the next day at 6:00 in the evening. I remember that Uncle Jay kinda paused for a minute and said 'Rodney's a strange name for a girl ain't it ? I figured that you'd be taken'a Rhonda or something like that.' So I tell him that Rodney's a good friend leavin for the service in two weeks, and that we figured we'd 'roll it' one more time before he split. Actually, man," he says to me, as though he's just had a revealtion," I think I just told him about my uncle's offer, and he invited himself. I was with a girl, Karen, then, and I remember she hated the guy, really despised the time that we spent together, ya' know what I mean Chris?" I grunted my uderstanding, and reached for my beer can. My eyes had grown accustomed to the near darkness, enough to see that Mike had himself propped up on the pillow, his back pressed into the corner, with his legs spread wide open. I could barely make out the movement of his arm (or arms) working his hands into his crotch. I finished my beer off and realized that my mouth was still dry. I had actually started to sober up somewhat, and the last beer had started my buzz all over again. "Yeah I know what you mean," I said. And I did know what he meant. I swung my legs over the bed, and after stepping on Mike a few times, I finally managed to get to my feet. I had to reach out to the wall above Mike's head to steady myself, and as a result, my semi hard dick was hanging just a few inches away from his face(mouth?) I heard him inhale deeply, and waited for him to take my dick into his mouth. Instead of sucking me off, he reached up and started to feel my thighs and ass. I wanted to hump his mouth right tehre in the dark, with him on the floor, but his hands were controling my hips. "Where you going Chris?" "Gotta take a piss, and grab us another beer, you ready?" I asked him, running my hand along his jawline. "Yeah, just bring back a six, I don't think it's gonna get warm the way you're swilling, anyway. Hang it out the door and piss, rain'll wash it away." I made my way to the fridge, and after pausing for a second, realized that the bladder situation was more crucial. As I stood in the doorway trying to take a piss through a still half hard cock, I noticed that I could see the rear half of my trailer from this spot. The lights were off there too, but I didn't think that they were sleeping. I managed to empty half my bladder before my dick became fully erect. I heard Mike asking me if I had fallen out. Naw, I thought to myself, just standing here trying to picture Jerry and Ty over there, and what they were doing. I closed the door and returned to the fridge. I don't know why I did it, (we'll, yeah, I guess I do know Why I did it, I just can't believe that I Did do it) but I opened the fridge door, and stepped back, showing my hardon to Mike if he wanted to see it. The glare from the open door was too much for me to be able to see into the back of the camper, but I knew he was watching, and my dick got harder. I grabbed a six pack, and after finding a couple of not drenched cigarettes in my pocket, I turned to walk back to the rear room. I immediately saw a glowing cigarette head, and first thought that it was someone looking in the window, before realizing that Mike had made his way up onto the bed. Upon enetering the room, and giving myself time to get used to the darkness, I realized that Mike was sitting at the foot of the bed facing the headboard. After nearly spilling the ashtray that he had moved onto the bed, and a few rubs of our legs, we were both now sitting on the bed, but not being able to see each other. "Thanks for the beer Chris," he said, feeling along my leg until he found the six pack. After pulling one off of the ring for each of us, and opening both, he went to hand me the beer, but instead shoved it into my chest. The coldness took my breath away and Mike apologized. I regained control of the beer can, and Mike and I adjusted ourselves on the bed to where we were both laying diagonally over the bed with the ashtray on my side. "So anyway, Rodney and I stayed on the boat that weekend, and shit happened. One thing led to another, and blah...blah...blah.... Sunday morning rolls around and were both in bed, together, taking care of morning hard ons so to speak, when my uncle comes walking into the stateroom. Damn I remember it like yesterday! We were both scared shitless, and embarrassed. We lay there naked, and I'm expecting my ass to get beat, and Rodney's thrown overboard. And this is no shit Chris, this was my first time with another guy, but I loved it. As far as I'm concerned, there's a place to make love, and that place is with a woman, but for sex, just having sex to have sex, well... I can get off better with another man usually. Anyway, I decided that I would kill myself as soon as he was done beating my ass and disposing of Rodney's body. I remember him glaring at us, what I thought was glaring, anyway, and then saw him start to grope his crotch. He told us to sit tight, and that he'd be back in a minute. As soon as he left, we both pulled our clothes on, the whole time Rodney's saying 'oh shit', 'oh shit', 'oh shit'. I was freaking out myself, Chris. I mean, one of the reasons that I think we started fucking around with each other the next morning was because we didn't know what ELSE to do. It probably doesn't make sense to you, but at the time, I was feeling like you do now, probably." I felt Mike reach over and run his hand over my hipbone, an extremely erogenous zone on my body. My dick was hard, and I wanted him to grab it. He played in my dick hairs for a time, sometimes coming close to touching my dick, but he never would. I reached down to his arm to bring his hand to my dick, but only after a few short humps of my hips, he sat up and asked me to slide over. Remembering the ashtray, I slid so as allow him access to his own bed. He handed me the ashtray, and after a final toke, and relocating my beer, I made myself comfortable in the back of the trailer, stubbed my butt in the ashtray and pulled the remaining four beers onto my chest. "So we're back there in the back of the boat, got our clothes on and all, when we hear the engines start up. We just looked at each other, Christ, were we scared! We were definately moving in reverse when I heard the boat's whistle give the 'leaving port' signal. It was crazy Chris, we sat back there shaking for like 45 minutes. Seems stupid now, but at the time...." I was recalling what Mike had told me when he started, and although I can't say that I knew it then, for certain, but I expected him to tell me about some ass kicking rape scene that his uncle laid on him and his friend.. I wasn't sure that I wanted to hear the rest of it, and maybe Mike could tell, because he began to rub my chest and tell me that it wasn't anything really freaky that happened to him, but 'just opened his eyes alot.' "I guess we had been out into the channel for about twenty minutes or so, when he killed both engines. I remember Rodney staring at me as if to say get me out of here, and all I could do was look at him. I'm not lying Chris when I say that I was scared, scared shitless acttually. I heard the bow anchor drop, and Rodney jumped off of the bed. I don't know what the hell I was thinking, but I remeber I jumped off of the bed and stood in front of the doorway. It's funny now that I think about it, who the fuck was I gonna protect? So it does take him a minute to come below, and when he does open the door, he's standing there with just his underwear on, and a major, I mean MAJOR, fucking hardon. I remember looking at my uncle, and then at Rodeny. He was checking my uncle's crotch out, but he still looked scared. I know that I was. Rodney had known my uncle for about 8 or 9 years, and he knew that he has a wicked temper. I gotta be honest with you Chris, I was scared shitless, but my cock was stiff. You know what I mean? The fear 'rush' thing?" I mumbled a grunt, as if to tell him that I understood, but I didn't think that I really did. "Yeah, I guess it was the adrenaline shit, anyway, he walks over to me, I think Rodney had tried to press himself into the wall by this time, and starts to lift my t-shirt over my head. I remember when he got close to me, that his eyes weren't mean looking really, but he was kind of smirking. After he gets my shirt off, he went for the snap on my jeans. I remember that I backed away from him, and stood next to Rodney. He didn't look as scared as he had, actually," Mike stopped and laughed," he just looked more confused than anything else. See...... what Rodney didn't know, and actually, I could have been wrong, too,but what he didn't know, was that I had thought that my uncle had been checking me out, 'in that way' for a couple of years." Hearing that, I turned my head, knowing that I couldn't see him anyway, but, he could tell by the movement of my head that I was looking at him as if to ask, 'A couple of years?' I realized then,that, until that point, I was actually comfortable laying next to this guy, both of us stark naked, even..., and had known him for all of a few hours. Had had the most incredible sexual experience that I will probably ever have in my life, or at least the kinkiest, and now I'm wondering if this guy was molested as a kid. Apparently, Mike had gotten the same response that I gave (albeit in the dark), from at least one other person that he had told, because he chuckles to himself and says, "Relax Chris, I started noticing him checking me out when I was about 16. And he NEVER made a move on me, ever. So, I started to figure out what he wanted, and Rodney did too. My uncle told us to strip, and as were pulling or clothes off, he laid himself down on the bed and shucked his underwear. Jesus, I remember him laying there stroking the biggest piece of meat that I have ever seen. Course he was hard, and my experiences around other guys with hardons had been limited to my own, and Rodney's too, I guess. anyway, after we're naked, he tells us to join him on the bed. Rodney just stood there, but I went over and lay down next to him. My uncle looked at Rodney, and after noticing Rod's cock begin to stiffen, he told Rodney 'to get that sexy ass of his over here, now.' We made room for Rodney on the bed, and after my uncle had felt us both up, he moved away and told us 'to go for it.' Well, I knew what he meant, so... I started to go down on Rodney. Having my uncle watch was a little unerving, never mind that I was still new to this male/male stuff. I remember he started to talk to us, really fucking dirty too. Shit like, Eat that fucking dick Mike, That's it boy, work your buddies pole, and then he started asking Rodney if he liked what I was doing. Rodney couldn't speak I guess. I couldn't because he was slamming into my face. Neither Rodney nor I had gone this far the night before, we pretty much just jerked each other off and did some 'dry humping.' You o.k Chris? Is this bothering you?" "Yeah, no, I mean I'm ok, it's just that you really don't have any problems talking about this stuff with someone you just met do you?" "Hell no man, why should I?" Mike reached over and began to play with the hairs on my chest, slowly working his hand into my cock hair. Without warning, he gripped my dick, and found that I was erect. Very erect. "Well well well, feels like it's not bothering you too much either, huh Chris?" I didn't say anything. I just lay there wishing he would either jerk me off, or suck me off, I didn't care which. "Shit man, don't let it bother you, it's got me going to." Without hesitating, I felt down his chest until I found his cock. As I gripped it, he replaced his hand back on my cock, and started to stroke me again. His cock felt incredibly smooth considering its rock hard state. The shape and size was similar to my own, but I couldn't believe how soft he felt. For a second, I wanted to suck on him, but when I neared the head of his cock, I could feel that it was covered with precum. I'm not sure why I changed my mind, afterall, I already let him stick it in my mouth once already, its just that I wasn't quite ready to taste anoth man's cum. "So what did you guys end up doing?" I asked him, thoroughly back into the scene that he had been describing. "Well, everything. Almost. While I was giving Rod head, my uncle stuck his face into my ass, kinda like what happened to you tonight. Jesus, I love getting eaten out. That was my first time, and even though he was a little rough back there, I knew that I wanted to try it on Rodney. We manueverd around until Rod's ass was spread open in my face. I wasn't sure what to do, so I tried to copy what my uncle was doing to me. It seemed that Rodney liked it as much as I did. That fucking guy, Chris, went bullistic. He started in on the raunchy talk too, telling me to eat his hole, blah, blah, blah. Everything was going fine until my uncle told me to fuck his ass. I remember that Rodney jumped off the bed, his dick leaking jizz, and shaking his head saying, "No fucking way, guys, NO FUCKING WAY." My uncle got a big kick out of that, and after tongueing me a few more times, he rolled over onto his back and told me to fuck him. Shit, I remember when he spread his legs for me and showed me that ass of his. Right then and there Chris, it looked better than any of the few pussies that I had ever seen, and I almost raped him on the spot. I aimed my dick at his asshole and started to plunge. He started to laugh, and told me to slow down, that he hadn't had a dick up his ass in a long time. He asked me to rim him first, and with a little help from Rodney, we had his knees hitting his shoulders in no time. I couldn't believe that my uncle was laying there with his ass in the air, wanting me to fuck him! Goddamn it was hot. I settled into his ass and started to dump gobs of spit into his crack. Rodney jumped me for a second when he bent down to join me in my uncles crotch, but instead of helping me, he strated to blow my uncle." "So, you were about to get your first real piece of ass, huh?" I asked him, placing my hand on his and causing him to really stroke on my dick. "Yeah, pretty much. He told us that he was ready, but for me to still take it slow. Rod helped hold his legs down while I started to rub my dick into his crack. He told me to slip the head in, and then to wait. I couldn't believe that I was about to fuck another man, let alone my own uncle, ya know what I mean, Chris?" "Yeah, I guess," knowing that I could almost imagine my own cock buried in Mike's own asshole. "Well, I got the head in, and then some, before he stopped me. He told me to take it easy, and then told Rod to sit on his face. Rod didn't waste anytime settliing on to his face, and once my uncle started to 'chow down,' I started to ease into him. Shit man, it was all I could do not to just start pounding his ass. Anyway, once I was in, all the way, I left it there for as long as I could stand it. Rodney started to tell me to fuck his ass hard, the whole time he's slamming his ass down into my uncle's face. Eventually all three of us caught a rhythm and really started going at it. I remember Rod grabbed my head and jammed it onto his dick. Fuck it was hot man! I didn't last long. Just as I blew a load into my uncle, Rod started to cuss, and he dumped his load down my throat. It shocked the fuck outta me, but I liked it. Still do," he said, giving my cock a few hard tugs. "After Rod and I had finished, my uncle lay back and jerked off. Man, I remember getting off watching him whack off. I don't know, I guess back then, it just amazed me that even grown men jerked off. Weird huh? We laid around for a few, and he asked us both alot of questions. When he found out that the night before was the first time for either of us, he seemed kind of nervous,and even apolgized. We spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the boat up, and before we left, he sucked me and Rod off at the same time..... .......And that's it, my first time." "Jesus Mike, you ever get down with him again? I asked. "With who, my uncle or Rodney?" "I mean your uncle, but yeah Rodney too." "Well, me and Rodney stayed friends, and had a few drunk nights when we fooled around a little together, but that's about it with him. It's weird too, cause on the boat, the first two times, we were sober, stone cold sober, but afterwards, we'd only mess around when we had been drinking, and then, nothing like that weekend. My Uncle? We'll, let's just say that he showed me alot of things over the next three or four years or so. He died a while back in a fire." "Damn, I'm sorry to hear that," I told him. "Yeah, I was too, but towards the end, he wanted me to start doing group shit with him. I'm not sure why, even now, but I didn't want to get into that stuff." Mike could tell that I was giving him another questioning look in the dark, and he knew what I was saying. "Well Chris, I've changed over the past few years, and to be honest with you, when I first met you and Jerry tonight, and realized that Jerry was interested, and that you MIGHT be, we'll, I wanted to see you two together." "You want me to go get him, and Ty?" I asked, letting him know that I was teasing. "Maybe later, but for now...." Mike had raised himself over me and slowly pressed his body down into mine. "You really don't know how good looking you are, do you? I mean really?" "Come on Mike, didn't we go through this a little while ago?" I said to him, reaching up and trying to push his shoulders down towards my waist. I wanted a blowjob from this guy, but I didn't know if I should ask him. These comments about my looks were starting to throw me. I was thinking that as far as I was concerned, I figured I was just another dick to this guy, and what I looked like, well, really wouldn't matter. Cheap, yeah, I know, but I wasn't really using the 'right' side of my brain. Hell, I was trying to get up the nerve to go down on him, slimey cockhead and all, if it would only make him suck me off. I was feeling a little claustraphobic with him laying on top of me like he was, and I started to slide out from under him. "Wait a second, huh? Just let me feel you for a minute. I just want to check you out for a minute." Without ample warning, Mike had reached up and turned the lamp back on. I was immediately blinded. I started to cuss him out, I mean the wall lamp was next to my head, so close that I could feel the heat from it. Mike reached up and swiveled the base, making the lamp aim towrds the ceiling. "Sorry man, shit. Fuck, I forgot how bright they are. You ok?" "Yeah, damn man," I said, rubbing my eyes,"those fucker's are dangerous." "Sorry bout that Chris, I just wanted to, we'll, you know... look at you for a minute." Mike was still laying ontop of me, but had started to sit up onto his heels. I knew that I would not be comfortable with this situation before I even opened my eyes. Mike was sitting between my legs, and his knees were holding my knees apart. Extremely vulnerable I thought to myself. I rubbed my eyes a little longer than needed, wondering if Mike was done 'looking.' I felt his hands on my chest and I opened my eyes. He was watching me. I closed my eyes again, and immediately felt him pinch on my nipples. I opened my eyes, figuring thats what the tit twisters were about, to find him smiling at me. He was rubbing his dick against mine, and would alternate his eyes from our crotches to my face. The four beers were laying against my ribs, and had it not been for them. distracting me, he probably could have made me cum from just the cock rubbing. "You swear you and Jerry have never fucked around like this?" I started laughing then. And it was hard to stop. Me and Jerry, yeah right, I thought to myself. "Not even close Mike, not even close," I managed to say, still finding the question funny. "Ever thought about it though?" he asked, stopping his hips from sliding against mine. "With Jerry, I mean, ever thought about it, with him?" "What with Jerry?" I asked, knowing what he meant, but needing a little time to come up with a response. I knew that I had never fantasized about having sex WITH Jerry, but I do have a few favorite scenarios that I run through my head/hand from time to time. 3 way/ 4 way stuff, and Jerry is normally right there in the middle of it all. I always (when I have thought about it), figured that Jerry showed up in these fantasies with me because he was alot more free spirited than I am, and had the flirting thing down pat. The man could charm, and he knew that he could too. Having sex WITH him had never crossed my mind before. Ever. I'm not saying that I've never seen a guy or two who I wouldn't mind slamming, hell, maybe even more'n that, but I'd never act on it. Never planned to. "Having sex, or fucking around, with who? Jerry? Come on man. I had no idea about him until tonight, and I probably still don't know him as well as I think I do. Naw, we're just friends." I said, wondering whether he believed me or not, and then wondering why I cared what he thought. "It's just that damn, man, I don't know, he's a nice lookin dude too, I was just curious as to whether you guys have ever did anything, or at least thought about it." "You'd have to ask Jerry, then." I said. "I did, when you were still in the hammock. He said he's never tried with you because you never showed any interest." I couldn't believe what Mike was saying, but yet I knew that he wasn't lying either. "He said what?" I stammered, opening another beer. "He said he never thought you showed any interest Said he'd tried a few times, but you didn't pick up on it." "No, Bud, I don't think so. He ain't ever come on to me. Ever. So I think he's fucking with you, so to speak." We both laughed at that, and Mike's hand had started to work on my tits again. God I loved that feeling. My nipples had been hard for a few hours now,and they were more than a little sensitive. When Mike heard a moan escape my lips, he looked back at my face and shook his head. "What's wrong ?" I asked him. "Nothing, not a fucking thing," still shaking his head. "It's just,well, it's just.......damn man, you are one rugged motherfucker. I can only imagine what's been going on in your buddy's head. You never knew huh?" "Knew what?" "That Jerry fucked around with men. And, that he's made plays on you before?" "Look, Mike, Jerry probably is my best friend, hell, he is my best friend, but as far as what we do, or like, in the sack, well, we just don't discuss it too much. Serious anyways, and trust me, this is serious." Mike had grabbed both of our dicks in his hands and had begun to stroke them. As I looked down, I noticed that I had lost my hardon. Mike's dick on the other hand, (again, so to speak), had outgrown my own at about 4 to 1. His dickhead was leaking what looked like half cum and half precum. As he began to smear his juice onto my dick, it started to respond. As he stroked both of us, he steadily looked me in the eye and and grunted. I reached down and grabbed him by the hips. I was still somewhat spread eagled because of his knees, and was tryin to let him know that I wanted some head. Instead, he ground his dick into my crotch and laid his body completely ontop of mine. After a few humps, and manuevering my legs a little more, I could feel his cock, or at least the part of the shaft, begin to slide across my asshole. I immediately froze. and tried to clamp my legs shut. "Just relax for a minute Chris. I ain't trying to fuck you, I just want to feel my dick on your ass for a second.Ok?" He was still doing the grunting thing, and it was hard to ignore. The fucking guy was sounding like he was gonna lose it and pole my ass at any minute. And although that thought made me uneasy, when I think about it now, I enjoyed the thought that this guy was actually getting off on my body. Mike had driven his face under my arm, and into my armpit. He tounged my pit, completely covering it in spit. and after giving my asshole a few quick strokes with his hardon, he raised his dripping face to mine, and said, "You wanna fuck me?" I knew it hadn't been that long since I had came in Jerry's mouth, but my cock was aching for another release, and I didn't care whether it was in his mouth or buried in his asshole. If Mike wanted me to fuck his ass, I'd do it. I looked him in the eye and asked him was he sure. Laughing, he said, "No, I'm not sure, its been awhile, but lets try it, nice and slow." He quickly lowered his mouth to mine and tried to jam his tongue inside. I clamped my lips shut, hoping that he'd understand that whatever I was willing to do, kissing another man was not one of them. Instead of understanding, Mike pulled his face from mine, and said, "Come on man, just let me tatse your mouth, just try it." I just lay there, not knowing what to do, as he brought his mouth to mine again. He took it a little slower the second time, and slowly, I allowed his tongue to enter my mouth. He tasted of beer and cigarettes, but it wasn't bad. As my brain began to accept this new kind of stimulation, Mike's humping me had begun to increase, and his tongue action had picked up as well. The kiss began to turn hard and rough, him swabbing the entire inside of my mouth with his tongue. I kissed him back. Hard. I grabbed his head and smashed our mouths together, fighting his tongue to allow me entrance. Mike immediately picked up on the changes that were taking place, and as I became more forceful, he did the same. I rolled us onto our sides, throwing my leg over his. This was it, I was going to fuck another man. I took control, losing myself in what I can only describe as a human hunger for this guy, and began to eat his mouth. The harder I tongued his mouth, the harder he gave it back. Instictively, I spread his thighs with my knees, pulling my mouth from his and pulling his ass onto my thighs. Looking down at Mike laying underneath me, I realized then, for the really the first time in my life, how incredibly sexy another man's body could be. Granted, I've always been able to appreciate another guy's good looks, looking twice if I see a guy with a powerfully built body at times, but nothing like this, because this had a purpose, this guy was laying here under me, naked and waiting for me to fuck him. I don't know how long I was lost in a haze, but Mike laughing to himself brought me out of it. "I'm glad you like what you see Chris, but it feels even better," he grinned, taking my hands and moving them to his hairy pecs. He felt hard, not soft and smooth like a woman, but I think at that point that I was more excited becuase he was a man. I was still nervous, I won't lie about it, but the more I got into his body, the more relaxed I became. I started with his nipples, first licking one, and then the other. As I began to notice the responses I was gietting from him, I increased the speed and pressure with my mouth, while my hand would pull and twist his other. I did exactly to him what I wished most women would do to my own nipples. Few women in my life have really even acknowledge my nipples, my pecs and chest hair yes, but apparently, they never grasped the thought that a man's could be sensitive like their own. As I switched my mouth to his other pec, slowly running my face though his chest hair, Mike began to pull my face up towards his own. I looked at him, and noticed that his face had changed somehow. This is really too weird to explain, but I'll try because I think that it is important for you to understand what had happened in those few minutes. With that kiss, the second one, when Mike said he wanted to taste my mouth, and I let him, I know now that that is when it had begun to happen. Kissing another man had always somewhat repulsed me. Maybe that's a litttle strong, but I know I've always felt uneasy watching two guys being intimate with each other, (mostly on T.V), but when I'd see them kiss, I couldn't watch, at all. Suck a guys dick, fuck him, but come on guy, you don't have to kiss him, I'd think. It just seemed too fucking weird. But I did let him, and I wanted to do it again. Once we had started, when we both began to 'give,' It changed. It was like we were wrestling with our tongues. Each of us trying to take control over the other's mouth. It quickly became a raw, almost animalistic act, forcing my tongue into his mouth as far as it would reach, grinding my cock into his, while we ate each other. And now, looking down at this guy's heaving chest and spit covered face, I realized how his face had changed, he was at that moment, the sexiest thing I had ever seen. I don't mean gorgeous or beautiful, or even handsome, I mean sexy. Just plain sexy. He wanted me, and I definately wanted to feel what it would be like to slide my hard cock in and out of this studs ass. Easy, slow strokes, as I felt his hole slowly pull a load of cum out of my balls. It was want, pure and simple. As I studied his face, I began to grind my dick into his crotch. The feeling of his pubes rubbing against the under side of my shaft was incredible, so much so that I debated on whether I should continue and soak his cock with my juice. I lowered my face to his and raped his mouth with my own. Mike grabbed the cheeks of my ass and pulled me into him. I was too close, and I wanted this guy, wanted to feel what it was like to mount another man's ass and ride him. I withdrew from his face, lowering my mouth to tongue his nipples for a minute, and sliding myself from under his thighs, I lowered my face to his crotch. I began to lick his lower stomach, eventually burying my nose in his thick but surprisingly soft cock hair. His dick was rubbing against my neck, and I remember thinking about how hot it felt, as if it was radiating heat directly into my neck. I gripped his cock in my left hand, really gripping the reddening shaft hard, watching the precum as it began to almost pump out of the head. I pulled myself back a little, glanced up to see Mike watching me, with that wanting look in his eyes as the only incentive I needed, and I took him into my mouth half way. I felt Mike raise his hips to meet my face, sending a little more of his cock in my mouth than I was ready for, and I instinctively retreated. As I had begun to gag, a large amount of spit had enterd my mouth, and now, as I looked down at my hand gripping his cock, I could see that it had begun to settle down his shaft and onto my fingers. I began to stroke him, turned on by the shiney hard cock that was in my hand. I couldn't get enough of this guy spread out before me, and I was almost ready. But first, there was something I wanted to see. "Turn over man," I said to him, quickly lowering my mouth to taste the precum in his slit before I realesed his dick and pulled back. I grabbed my beer from the floor, taking a long swig as I watched Mike flip over onto his stomach, trying to stretch his legs out under me. I wanted them open, and after a few pushes with my hands outward on his knees, his legs spread wider, allowing me a great view of his hard ass, and almost a glimpse of his asshole. I sat there on my heels, stroking my dick as I reached out with the other hand and began to feel him. I allowed my fingertips to slip into his crack, first feeling only the hair there, but eventually allowing two or tree fingertips to graze his hole. I heard him groan, and felt him twitch everytime I'd hit his asshole, and with each contact, he would bring his knees up closer to his chest, exposing his man pussy to me. I leaned forward and stuck my tongue out, at first just licking and chewing on the cheeks of his ass, but as Mike continued to bring his knees up closer to his chest, he also had begun to move his ass in a way that I knew that he wanted me to rim him.Slowly, I brought my mouth to his asshole as he reached back and spread his ass for me.

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