Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Oct 11, 2023


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming) 1

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title:

Surprise, Surprise

Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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All characters involved in the story are of legal age in the US.

This work is the sole property of the author and may not be reprinted or reused without his written permission.

Email me if you have any comment or suggestions, your support is my drive to continue.

There will be references to horror movies or pop culture that by no mean is an attempt to plagiarise.

All Rights Reserved © 2020, Ty Su

Dan's arms are being tied behind his back, He has been trying to get out of the boudage with no prevail. There is a cum-soaked rag shoved in his mouth and sealed with a piece of glue film. Layers and layers of tape wrapped around his mouth and eyes as if he can possibly see or say anything.

He is naked as the day he was born apart from all these ropes, zip tied and taped applied to his body. If he could see his lower body now, he would be surprised that his legs were wrapped with a coat of duct tape that made him unable to move an inch. His once well-stylish silver hair messed up and caught in the tapes around his eyes. He cannot see anything but the sound of the motor is loud enough for him to understand he is positioned in the back of some sort of a vehicle . His feet are tied to his thigh then tied to his ball. Every movement of the car means a sharper grip on his testical and it sends waves of pain to his stomach.

His moan through the gag is getting waker, not because he hadn't eaten anything in 7 hours. But also because he knows from what had happened to him. There is nothing he could do to make this stop. It's not a drill, not an alarm. The house indeed caught on fire. And he did not make it. He wished things went back to a couple hours ago. There is no way he knew about the time but that is actually when that happened. The strange thing that happened changed him and a lot of people's lives.

It was a strange day for Dan. Something came up last minute thus he got off 45 minutes later than usual. Then the traffic was horrible, it took him almost 2 hours to get home. As he parked in front of his house, he heard the name of his hometown, Azusville, come up on CNN. "Azusville on national news? strange" He thought. He is too tired to hear what is really going on, instead he went straight to the house and took a shower.He caught a glimpse of the sky and he was surprised by how clear it is . There is not a trace of cloud and the shape of the milky way is loosely visible. " When was the last time the sky was this blue?" As he walked away from the car, He could swear on his mom's grave that he saw a blue flare gloaming over and disappeared in the sky. "How strange." He said before closing the garage door.

He works as an accountant for a small company in the city. 45 years into working he got himself a house without any mortgage and many other assets. He is going to retire next year and he cannot wait for the last day to clock out forever. Years and years of eating right and going to the gym, sleeping early gave him a muscular frame that is very rare in men his age. Going at the age of 65 in September he is, young men throw themselves at him on Grindr. They love his big muscular pec and 8 inches dick. They become more fectuated when they see the tastily built house and customized pool.But Dan doesn't want to settle down. He doesn't want to change anything in his life right now. The idea of being in a relationship is exhausting.

After his shower he wanted to get some drinks before ordering a take-out. That's when he heard a sound in the living room. He went and checked but nothing happened except a stack of letters fell from the coffee table. "It happened before," he thought. Sometimes you bend the air vent the wrong way it will blow things all over the place. He picked up the letter and put them back on the stack then went to the kitchen. He poured himself a cup of rum coke and started getting some food from the refrigerator.

The letters fell again, he jumped and looked back at his living room. There is nothing but a floor of bills and insurance advertisements. He went and tried to pick them up. The phone on the kitchen counter behind him rang the loudest notification sound made him jump again.

There was a fat Chinese guy saying hello to him on Grindr. He wanted to come over and suck his dick. Dan didn't know if he wanted that. He put down his phone and went back to his drink.

Then someone groped his ass. He swore. Someone or something, as he was going to pick his drink groped his ass. He felt the heat of the palm. He felt the fingers and the little tight grip as the hand crass through his butt.

He is really scared now. It is not fucking funny at all. He picked up his phone and tried to go back to his bedroom. He did not know why he thought he would be safer there but he thinks he needs to go somewhere.

As he turned the corner of the hallway.He ran into a wall when there was nothing there. He fell and tried to get himself up but there was something grabbing him from the collar of his bathrobe, dragging him back to the living room. The Grindr went off again. He was still holding the phone in his hand. The Chinese guy sent another hello and 3 question marks. " Can I come over now" was the last message.

Dan tried to turn off the screen lock and answer back or call the cop. But he couldn't believe what he saw; The phone slipped through his fingers, flew away ,landed on the coffee table. 3 more loud notification sounds went off. He felt a slap on his face then a couple more then his head was pinned to the floor. Still he did not see anyone doing this to him or anyone.

A loud sound broke out and the power went off. From Dan's point of view, he can still see the outside of his window. It is not just his house but the entire street went dark. What he doesn't know is that the entire city has gone sheer black and it is going to be dark for the next 3 hours.

The force that was put on him disappeared. He can move now. He couldn't see anything but he remembered where he saw the phone. He crawled on the floor and went straight to his phone. As he was trying to turn it on, he saw 8 notifications from the Chinese guy, the same bullshit.

"Why don't you answer me"

"I am close to your house,can I come over?"

"I want to suck your big cock, daddy"

Dan tried to open his phone to call the police but he swiped the notification button by accident. It took him to Grindr. He was shaking but he managed to text "HELP ME" to the Chinese guy and hope he can call the police or come and help him. Then he felt the grip on his wrist, the force so strong that it shook the phone right off his hand. The invisible force lifted him and threw him on the living room couch.

It went so fast that Dan cannot process what is happening. There is no one in the room yet he was attacked!! He tried to stand up again. But this time he felt the force push him down again. His bathrobe is being torn into pieces. In a blink of an eye he is naked. He did not have anything under because he just took a shower so his ass and dick were exposed. He tried to scream but his mouth was being covered by the force. He felt the force stretch his legs apart and his arms. Even he was trying to fight it but the force did not bulge at all. He felt his nipples are being pinched. Shortly, He felt a warmth going around his stomach then went to his dick.

Dan turned his head and saw the mirror in the corner of the living room and perplexed. His eyes were already used to the dark and they helped him to see everything in the living thing in the room. He is in a sitting position but floating in the air above his sofa. His legs and arms are shaking, all the muscles on his body are bulging. Instead of getting out of the oreal, they only appeared slightly shaking. His semi-hard dick is being pulled and stroked as if there is a hand playing with it and it is getting hard. He felt something wet latch to his nipples and there was something being put into his asshole touching his prostate.

Shame raised in the back of his head, since he has never had anyone put things in his butt. Though the cherry-breaking happened in such a strange fashion today. At the same time, he cannot help but moan through his mouth and make unintelligent sounds.

The force or the invisible hands on his body are definitely intelligent. They know when Dan is approaching to climax and they always stop at the last second. The milking sound of the dick is getting louder and louder as if there are people putting lubrication on his dick. Dan felt his nipples being pulled and had something clamped on it. His asshole has something bigger and it is stirring and probing him relentlessly, touching his prostate. He stopped to fight against the force but started to enjoy the pleasure it has brought on him.

Dan cannot picture the force. The idea of picturing the invisible is waking him up from the horny trance his in. It doesn't feel like a human's doing. He felt the groping, sucking and milking are all happening at the same time. Like 20 hands slithering on his body with the purpose to make him horny and occasionally inflicting pain. The alertness in his head was fading as his need to cum became stronger and stronger. He begged but only heard himself making "mmmmmmhhhhhahahahhahamm" sound and it made him even hornier.

Suddenly, the pressure on his mouth and his arms has gone. He can move his upper body now.

"Help!!!" He is shouting to the window.

Something were still fucking him and playing with his dick but he can move his head and arms. He seized the moment and got up from the couch to reach for his phone on the floor. Finally, He got it but feeling the thing in his asshole is getting bigger and bigger.He hopes the Chinese guy has called the police and they are coming his way. When he opened his screen lock. The Grindr is still on. He forgot to log out. He saw the reply from the Chinese Guy.

"Daddy are you okay?"

"Daddy what do you mean HELP? Are you in Trouble"

"I am coming"

Idiot!!! Dan cannot believe the Chinese fat guy is coming to him by himself.

"I am here, daddy"

"Daddy why you don't answer the door"

" You are probably fucking someone in there becuase you changed your mind. Right."

"You sent that message to scare me so I can call off tonight right??"

Noooooooo, Dan is screaming inside, He feels the pressure coming back to his mouth and his arms, but for some reason he keeps scrolling down on his phone.

"I truly love you daddy, not as a boyfriend but as a toy "

"A toy that has so much sexuality that I just want to put you through all kinds of tortures to dry you up of your juice."

" I want to tie you up and milk you and keep you on edge as long as I can."

"I want to kidnap you and store you away so the rest of the world won't see how beautiful you are"

"Not that they will notice if I did that"

"Daddy, your dick is so fat and hot. And your hole is opening up."

What the fuck??? Dan thinks to himself.

"By the way, I am going to make you cum now, and it will be a long time before you are allowed to do it again"

The phone got slapped away from his hand, Dan felt the stroke on his dick is getting faster and faster. And the pressure is coming back to his mouth and his arms. Before he became immobile again he looked back to his seat and still didn't see anything. A sudden force turned his head back and he felt a warm breath by his ear.

"Surprise Suprise."

Dan cumed with his mouth wide open.

The street outside is dark but not so quiet. There are children outside playing balls. Adults are gathering in a small corner of the street and chatting about the explosion that happened in Azusville today. The sky is beautiful. Not a trace of cloud. people finally put down their phone and enjoy the peace brought by the power-off. It is gonna be dark for another 2 hours.

"Did you hear that" One of the kid said


"Probably a cat?"

They laughed and ran away.

"Have you ever seen the sky this clear?" a woman said to her friend "What a strange day".

Next: Chapter 2

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