Strawberry Roan

By coxcomb rumbustious

Published on Aug 18, 2006


Pushing him self away from the wall, I didn't even need to stop to collect Roan, once I came out of the school. He was walking beside me as I reached him. Smiling, he turned his head to look at me. It was like I was the only person in his world. It made me feel? really nice.

"Hey, hot stuff. I been thinking about you all day for some reason or other. How far to your house?

"Twenty minute walk," I said. "It's over a mile."

"Man, my dick ain't gone soft since you got it going this morning. Bet you been hard all day, too, huh? I don't usually think about guys."

"I don?t know,? I said, having never discussed the condition of my dick with anyone before.

"You're lying to me, Nicky," he said, and he started to laugh as he made sure no one was looking before he squeezed the front of my trousers, while not missing a step. "Just like I figured. Admit it, you been hard all day, too. I bet you even thought about me once or twice. I been in this place for three weeks, you know, and you?re the first friend I made. It sure ain't like Louisville around here."

Yeah, I was hard. I'd never been harder. When he touched it, even through my pants, I nearly lost it. My dick pulsed expectantly. I figured it was finally going to get some action. I stayed close to him without much of an idea about what to do about what he made me feel.

I ran back through my mind the feel of his dick in my hand. I remembered the excitement that ran through me, while I had him in my hand. I could find no objection to doing it all over again and whatever else he needed/ I didn't want to embarrass myself but I didn't want to miss out on the best chance ever of having someone other than myself satisfy my needs.

I didn't know Roan but I didn't care. He seemed convinced that I was the answer to his prayers and that made him the answer to mine. It had been on my mind for some time and this was a chance to explore what got me going and how far I was comfortable going with him. I recalled the expression on his face when I squeezed his dick. His knees gave slightly as he pushed hard against my hand.

Roan took time out to grab my ass twice and my dick about three times during our walk to my house. Each time it was quite casual and he gave me a big smile when I had no objection. He seemed like a happy guy.

I unlocked my door and took him to the kitchen for a soda. He popped his Coke open, leaning his back against the counter to watch me open mine. The left leg of his pants pushed out in response to what was swollen inside. His fingers examined the bulge absentmindedly as he drank. It made a deep impression on his pants and me.

"Why not show me your room? I bet it's neat as you."

"Sure," I said, leading him to the staircase. "I haven't picked up in a few days. It's a mess."

"You should see my room. What a mess, boxes everywhere. Haven't finished unpacking yet."

I threw my bedroom door open, racing in to make my bed before he saw it. Once I got the pillows in place and the quilt smoothed out, I sat on the bed and found him standing in the doorway with his half-hard dick hanging out of his pants. He had reached his long arms up to grasp the top of my door jam and he seemed quite comfortable with his overexposure.

"Man, that's better. I hope you don't mind but it's been hard and bound up in there all day and I got to air it out. You probably think I'm crazy. We always get naked at home. My friends liked getting naked, too. Mostly to check each other out. We?d been at it since even before we was teens."

"Not an experience I've had," I said. "Mine's hardly noticeable and no one goes naked around here. Not that I've seen outside of gym class."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I stood up after first period and was still hard from you pulling on it. The looks I got from some of them dudes was enough to kill. The girls just put their heads together and giggled about it, but the guys looked downright offended. They looked at the front of my pants before looking at my face to remember who I was. Weren't none of them waiting to get naked with me. I'll be more careful around this place. Back home if you got a bone in class, everyone wanted a gander at it. Some of them girls will be looking me up for sure. That's one thing some dudes and some chicks have in common."

"What's that?" I asked foolishly.

"They like big dicks. You watch their eyes to see which ones want it."

"I'm afraid Centerville is a bit up tight when it comes to overt displays of sexual arousal."

"What did you say?"

"Keep your hard on out of easy viewing of the Neanderthals if you know what's good for you, dude. They don't like competition, especially big competition."

"Yeah, I figured as much, when I saw them faces staring at me. The next time I'll let you finish it off before class. Once I cum it's usually okay for an hour or two. What do you like anyeay?"

"Me" I'm not sure. I've never done anything with anyone before. Played with a couple of dudes in elementary school. I was always worried someone would think I was, you know, gay or something. I never made the first move and we went our separate ways once we went to junior high."

"That's quite interesting. I meant, what do you do for fun? I figured you weren't real experienced sex wise," Roan said, coming over and tossing himself onto my bed, kicking off his sneakers before his feet hit the quilt.

"You don't mind if I take a load off?" he said, letting his thigh rest against my back.

"No, I don't," I said, not sure which load he was talking about.

He leaned back on my pillow and stroked his dick slow and easy, watching his hand moving up and down his shaft.

"I like chess. I like blues, the music. I like the beach and boats. I've been fishing a few times. I think I'd like fishing if I had a chance to go more often. Dad's always at work. We plan stuff but he cancels most of the time."

I pondered whether or not to reach for his dick. He seemed self absorbed as he picked up speed. My dick stood up in my pants and I found it harder to breathe and think.

"I like fishing. I'll take you one time. We had a place back home. It was a quarry. They didn't work it no longer, so it became ours. We fished there after school some days. Skinny dipped in the summer. It was way cold the rest of the year. I played chess a few times but I'm a slug.?

"A slug?"

"Useless. I know how the pieces move and all," he said, turning onto his stomach to arrange his dick to get the maximum benefit from rubbing it against my soft quilt. "I don't see it, you know."

"That's because you're lying on it," I joked.

"I don?t see chess. I really like your quilt, you know?" A soft moan escaped around the words.

He raised his ass to rub his dick more vigorously. I could see the head swelling as he scooted it up my bed. Roan was fun to watch, because he seemed oblivious to me watching or he didn?t care who watched. He sure enjoyed himself.

"Man, I can smell you on this bed. You have a nice smell, you know?"

"I could teach you chess if you want," I said. "I play quite a bit."

"It's a game you got to see if you want to be good at it. I don't see it. It don't move me none. Checkers, Monopoly, poker, I can play the hell out of them. I see them. Not chess. Not my game, but thanks. We'll find something to play. Something we both like. Something we're both good at," he said, breathing out the words as his back arched and his ass pushing his dick along my quilt. This blanket sure is soft."

"Yeah, it is. I rub mine against it all the time."

"I won't shoot on it. I wouldn't do that. It sure feels good though."

I hoped he wouldn?t shoot off. Somehow, with him in my bed, I thought I should have a hand in it if he did, but he seemed content entertaining himself. He was definitely entertaining me. I'd have paid money to watch him make love to my quilt.

I moved sideways to be sure I didn't miss it if he did shoot. Each time I looked up from looking down at where he was humping my bed, he was watching my face. He rolled over onto his back and his dick flopped up against his belt. His white briefs were visible through the wide open zipper. There was reddish hair peaking from around his shaft.

"Why not lie down?" he suggested. "You could take off your pants if you want. No telling what could happen once you get out of them pants."

I nervously unbuckled and unzipping my pants. Yanking off my shoes without untying them, I thought I must look like a starving man facing a feast. My sneakers clunked as they hit the floor and I went in a circle trying to get my pants off. The front of my underwear poked out obscenely. I used my hand to hide my outburst, until I could get my shirt over it. Roan laughed as he watched my dick's dilemma.

"I was worried you'd lost interest in me. Some boys only do it with you once. I got to say it's nice to see you haven't," he said, making room for me to lie down beside him.

Before I was settled, his fingers were in the elastic at the top of my underwear. Before I was ready he had pulled them down over my knees and off over my feet. My T-shirt was all I had on, until he pulled it up over my head and threw it beside the bed. He checked out my body with his eyes and his hands, squeezing my dick the way I squeezed his earlier.

"That's better," he said, pushing me up on my side so he could slide up behind me. "Oh, man, that's even softer than your blanket. Nice fucking butt, boy. Oh, man, I might shoot right now. Don't even move, Nick. Oh, God, I hate being this horny. Give me a few seconds."

For Roan calming down consisted of pushing his dick up my crack, then sliding it back down and across my asshole. He made a soft moaning sound each time his dickhead paused on my hot spot. He pushed harder against my ass with each repetition of the motion. Pressing his chest against my back with his lips nibbled my ear. I found it even harder to breathe and my heart was pounding like I?d just raced the school bus to the end of my block, after it dropped me off.

"Like silk," he said in a sigh. "Oh, man, this is heaven."

"What?" I asked, as he pushed my ass cheeks wide apart, keeping his dick in slow motion.

"Your ass. You got some soft skin back here, you know? This is sweet, Nick. You need to relax. It's supposed to be fun."

"It is," I said, "but I don't think it's going to fit if you are thinking about doing what I think you're thinking about doing."

"Where do you get all those words from? Do I want to fuck you? Damn right I want to fuck you. Do I realize you can't just stick a fat nine incher up a boy's butt? Unfortunately I've been made aware of it. We'll need to work you up to it."

"I was worried that's what you wanted to do. I would if I could but it won't fit."

"If this was about nothing but me fucking someone, I might do it and not care if I hurt you, but I got to think of my future, you know, Nick?"

"Future?" I asked.

"Yeah, I want to see you again. I want you to want to see me again. I want you to like me."

"You do?" I said, feeling giddy.

"Nick, we could have gone in a stall at school and got `er done that way. I want more an a quick date, dude."

"I didn't know how it was done, Roan. I wouldn't be here with you if I didn't like you. I more than like you."

"I fucked boys big as you, dude. I know what I'm doing. Hurting someone isn't any fun."

"I believe you. I'm willing to try."

He put his arms around me and kissed my neck, pushing the hot moist dick up my crack. Each time the head rubbed across my hole, I felt uneasy, like he might just jam it in there. I didn't really know him, which made the scene all the more awkward. I didn't know him and here we were, me naked on my bed and him with his dick hanging out of his pants, rubbing it on my hole.

I felt the cool teeth on his zipper, as well as his hot flesh protruding from it, pressing against me. His soft moans told me he was lost in his lust for me. I was so hard I thought I might explode. He?d moved his hand onto my stomach and the tip of my dick rubbed it each time he pushed his dick against me. I gritted my teeth and hoped I wouldn't unload, but my raspy breathing and faintness of heart made it clear I was close to the end. The harder I fought off my need to shoot off, the closer I came to shooting off.

"You can any time you want," he said, reading my mind. "You've held it back long enough. I want you to cum."

He reached between my legs and gently stroked my dick. Pulling the skin back, he continued down until he was squeezing me at the base. His motion was slow and easy, but the result was explosive. Once I realized I?d reached the point of no return, I let it happen.

"Ugh," I groaned, and a geyser ejected into the middle of my room. "Ugh," I gasped, fearing I'd lose consciousness with the third rocket powered ejection splattering on the hard wood floor. "Fuck!" I yelped, as he ran something up my hole. It was way small for his big dick but way bigger than anything that had gone up there before. Once his finger hit bottom, I recoiled off it, pumping out two shorter squirts before jamming my asshole back down into the palm of his hand.

"Fuck! You're hotter than a three dollar pistol, dude. I ain't never seen no one go off like that before. That was amazing."

I lay there feeling only my dick and his finger. I was devoid of any connection to the world I usually inhabited otherwise. He left his finger in me and I made no attempt to shake it free. My dick drooped, leaking on my quilt before leaking on my thigh.

"Oh, man," I gasped.

"Damn, man, you was one horny dude, dude. We got to do this more often or you might could blow a gasket shooting like that. Right out into the middle of the room. Splat!" he laughed. "Splat! Splat. Splat."

"Yeah," I panted. "I tried to hold off. You made me feel so good. I couldn't hold it back any longer."

"Not to worry about that. Plenty more where that came from, right? It did feel good," he said, squeezing my dick as clear fluid leaked over the back of his thick fingers. "I like ones with skin. They cut mine off. Clip. No skin. Not cool. You still got yours. Way cool."

He let go of my dick and ran his hand up to rub my chest. He was still pressed hard against my butt without moving the finger. His dick rested against the side of my leg. The heat it generated was considerable. As much as I wanted to stay like that for hours, my mother was due home any time.

Next: Chapter 3

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