Street Kid

By ben me

Published on Apr 10, 2003


Street Kid By Benme_over

Chapter 1

Finding A Slave

Having not had a boy for nearly two years, and no sexual encounters since the New Year. I just had to release my stresses; I couldn't concentrate on my work total mental block. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I walked for what seemed like a hour or so oblivious of what was going on around me. Then suddenly I heard an almighty clatter and saw this kid running out of a shop, I assumed he was a thief as he was watching over his shoulder as he headed straight into me knocking us both to the ground. The shopkeeper turned up as we both managed to get back onto our feet. It was as I struggled to my feet I got to see the beauty of this young man. Only being 18 and that boyish yet streetwise look, just melted my heart. That's when I decided I had to manipulate this situation. Right Kid don't say anything and don't you dare run off or I will call the police myself, Do as I say and I will save your arse. I told him. Really Mr oh thanks I will do anything to repay you was the kids reply as the shopkeeper came up to us shouting abuse at the kid. I managed to bluff my way into making the shopkeeper believe I worked for the prison service and would arrange for the kid to receive a short sharp shock rather then the usual slap on the hand that the courts would dish out. As the shopkeeper walked off, I told the kid it was pay back time and that if he wanted to keep his arse out of prison that he better follow me back to my office.

By the time we got back to the office everyone had gone home is the place was empty I led the kid to my office the walk from the shop back to the office had been in total silence apart from when the kid tried to find out what I wanted from him, I simply told him that he would find out in good time. After we both had entered my office I locked the door behind us, which sent a shock of panic through the kid's body, and he was starting to sweat. Relax kid nothing's going to happen to you, well not now anyway. Want a beer I asked, he nodded his head in reply. I got two cans out of the mini fridge that was in my office and we both sat down in the comfy chairs in a corner of the room.

"Right Kid I think deep down you are a good kid that's just lost his way am I right?"

"I suppose so."

"I believe I can help you get back on track if your interested otherwise you're going to Jail Kid?"

"Oh Mr anything but prison please."

"Right then empty your pockets Kiddo" which I did much to my surprise without a hint of reservation, and that's when I knew I had struck gold. Here was a streetwise kid who wasn't putting up much of a fight a true submissive I thought to myself. Just as I had hoped he had a driving licence in his wallet. I told him that I was keeping his wallet as security and ordered him to meet me at my house at 8pm and to be ready to stay for a week or so. He tried to argue that it was impossible for him to be away for that length of time but I just picked up the phone and started dialling the police, which soon dampened his resistance. I told him he would be given a outline of what I wanted when he arrived at my front door and once he enters my home there would be no turning back, but we both knew he had no choice in the matter, that he had to do as I said or face prison. He left the office entrance and as I got into my car and started thinking things through I began to believe that the kid must have been in prison before and had a bad time. There was no other way of justifying a street kids fear of prison, maybe he had been made a fuck toy or something along those lines, after all we have all heard the stories of prison sex.

It was soon almost 8pm and credit to the kid he turned up about five minutes before and followed my instructions to wait outside the garage door. I waited until 8pm on the dot before going to meet him.

"Hay Mr I managed to arrange it for me to stay the week, though I think my mother thought I was upto no good again" said the kid

"Right Kid open the garage and get inside"

He did as I ordered. I closed the garage door behind us and turned on the light. The garage is where I keep all my play things its my little dungeon, though the kid couldn't see anything suspect at this stage. I ordered him to sit down on a old sofa I had stored there. And again he followed my instructions with no resistance. I was beginning to think that this was too easy. Then I saw a hit of fear reappear in his expressions.

"Right Kiddo you're probably wanting to know what I have planned for you?"

"Yes, Mister, I am" was his reply

"Right, well basically I get off on using kids like you as play things, fuck toys you get my drift Kid"

" Errrmm You mean you are gay and you want me to have sex with you?"

" Much more then that boy, You are going to submit to my every whim, eat, sleep, shit and cum when I tell you. Your going to be taught that there are others more important then yourself, and by the time im finished with you boy your going to be thanking me every time I fuck your cute arse and begging me to let you cum. Got it?"

"Bbbbut I'm not queer" he tried to reply

"Doesn't fucking matter boy, you're here for the week and once you enter the house your mine for the week. So what's it going to be that nice prison cell with all those arse eaters or me boy?"

He thought about it the hesitantly admitted he had no choice but to do as I said.

"Good now we are getting somewhere Boy. From now on you will be Called Boy and will only call me Sir Do you understand Boy"

"Yes Sir"

"Good, now strip and put your clothes neatly in your bag and leave them in the corner, when your ready enter the hallway and kneel down, then wait until I come for you. Understand Boy?"

"Yes sir"

I then left him to strip and went into the house to find the collar I had bought for the kid on my way home. When I arrived back in the hallway I was met with this cute boy semi naked and knelt on the floor.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Boy?"

"Kneeling and waiting for you Mrr errmm Sir"

"I fucking told you to strip Boy, That means everything, now fucking strip before I loose my patience with you"

The kid was clearly shocked at my anger and embarrassed as he dropped his white ck boxers to the ground and stepped out of them, trying desperately to hide his cock and balls with his hands.

"Stop prating about Boy and get back down on your knees" I demanded

He did as he was told clearly shaken and wondering what he had got him self into.

I Walked up to the kid with the collar in my hand he was every bit as beautiful up close as he was from a distance.

"Right Boy this is your gift from me, you will wear it with pride got it?" I snapped

"Yes Sir " was his quivering reply

"Good, This collar signifies that you are my Boy in mind and body and you will submit to me totally, and it is also my guarantee that I will not harm you or allow you to be harmed by others, you understand boy" I asked

"Yes sir"

"Do you agree to wear this collar of submission Boy"

"Yes sir"

"Then stand up boy"

He followed my instructions and stood before me. It was the first time I got to see his cock and balls and they were well worth waiting for. Nicely hanging limp cock and nice juicy balls hanging behind his cock and not too hairy either. I was in heaven soaking up the site of his body. I almost forgot the collar and quickly fastened it round his smooth neck and padlocked it.

"Boy the collar will not be taken off for at least two weeks, where we will discuss the future, If you please me enough over the next two weeks I may offer you the chance to become my permanent Boy. Understand Boy" I asked.

"Yes sir"

I then told him that we would have supper and watch TV before retiring to bed, and that his training programme would start in Ernest in the morning. Whilst eating our supper that I had prepared beforehand I started telling him some of the chores that would be his responsibility such as all aspects of housework. That he would remain nude unless I told him otherwise, and that he must treat me, or any guests with the maximum respect possible. I then handed him a list of rules to learn which read as follows:-

  1. You must call your master SIR at all times

  2. Never speak unless spoken to or told that you are allowed to speak

  3. Never question Masters Judgement especially in public

  4. Never refuse Master of pleasure or to carry out punishments

  5. Never masturbate or cum unless have permission from master

I thought that was enough for the kid to be thinking about before he fell asleep. So after a while sat on the sofa I asked the kid if he understood and accepted the rules and he did, I then told him that as time went on we would be revising and adding to the list and each time he would have one chance to comment on them, but my decision would be final, and should he refuse he would end up in prison, the choice was his.

At about 10pm I told the kid it was time for bed and to set the alarm in his room for 6am. That I expected full breakfast in bed at 7am he acknowledged my orders as I showed him to his room which consisted of a bed and nothing else, after all, he will be spending most of his time in my room once he has been tamed a little more.

He was surprised at the lack of home comforts in his room, so I reassured him that if he was good he would spend most of his time in my room.

"The choice is yours Boy, you're here anyway for two weeks so why not make it easier on yourself, relax and enjoy the ride, you never know you might get to like serving me!" I said with a wicked smirk and a laugh as I closed the bedroom door. I didn't need to lock it as there was no public transport in the area and my Luxury house was quite away from the nearest neighbour. So I was fairly sure he wouldn't run off, besides I think he liked the idea of being in my house and submitting to me, as he had shown no resistance, even when I told him he would be having sex with me.

To be continued

All comments and suggestions gratefully received Thanks

Next: Chapter 2

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