Studs of Eastenders

By Scott Dera

Published on Jul 15, 2015


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving gay sex between consenting adults. I am in no way suggesting that the characters involved, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no idea of their sexuality. It is not intended to imply the true sexuality of the celebrities involved or any personal knowledge of their private lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by the BBC/Eastenders.

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Studs of Eastenders Part 4

The plan was set. After fucking for the fourth time in a single session, Max laid out his intentions. Within the week, Jay had dumped Abbie leaving her jilted and was working on Mick. Max wanted solid, concrete evidence of Mick's infidelity and was going to use Jay to get it.

Speaking of Jay, he was currently sat in the Queen Vic slowly sipping a pint whilst Ben sat next to him, talking his ear off. But Jay heard nothing, in fact he didn't even look at Ben, his gaze was firmly placed on the hunk of man behind the bar; Mick. The cockney daddy was doing his job, serving punters but he knew eyes were on him. He would occasionally shift his gaze over to Jay, smirking at the lad.

They shared gaze back and forth all night until the pub got quieter and it was only Mick and Nancy serving. Mick called it a night but not before giving one last smirk toward Jay and then motioning his head towards the toilet. Jay waited for a minute before making his excuses to Ben and walking towards the toilets also. Once he got there he found Mick standing at a urinal "Back for more?" Mick asked, his back to Jay as he presumably finished pissing.

"Hard to say no.." Jay smirked, walking closer to Mick and, as he turned around, Jay pounced on him, passionately mashing his lips onto the Carter dad.

"mmm!" Mick moaned, his soft dick grinding into Jay's thigh as it began to grow from the eagerness he'd encountered "Someone's fuckin' keen..." Mick smirked as the kiss broke off...

"I want some more of that dick..." Jay grinned, giving almost a devilish look to Mick.

"Well get down and suck on my log boy..." Mick strongly spoke, asserting his manly cockney charm as his thick pole grew between his legs.

"Not about your room?" Jay said as he took Mick's hand before leading him towards the exit of the toilets.

"Good job Linda's at her mam's..." Mick smirked as he used his spare hand to tuck his chunky dick back into his jeans. Both men peered out of the toilet door to check the coast was clear before darting upstairs, Mick spanking Jay on the ass before they stumbled into Mick's room.

As Mick checked outside to make sure downstairs was occupied by Nancy, Jay quickly did his job. He whipped out his phone, set it to selfie video mode and placed it slightly hidden on the dresser, directed at the bed. He whipped off his jeans and top, leaving himself in nothing but a jock as he put himself on all fours on the bed just as the door opened.

"Fuckin' hell you really want it boy..." Mick growled as he walked in on Jay with his ass ready. He made sure to click the door shut as he crouched behind Jay and immediately placed his mouth on Jay's hole "mmm..."

"Oh yeah..." Jay moaned as he felt Mick's tongue immediately dart into his welcoming hole. Mick was quick to dine out on the hole in front of him, pushing his tongue as deep as he could and flicking it around, moaning into it as the taste poured into his mouth.

The rimming continued for a couple moments more until Mick removed his mouth and stood up. As soon as he did Jay rotated on his knees and waited with eagerness as Mick slowly undid his bulging jeans "Want this cock boy?"

"Yeah Mick, give it me..." Jay moaned, making sure to be louder and more willing for the video he was secretly recording. He watched in anticipation as Mick unzipped his jeans, allowing the side of his thick, hard shaft to be exposed.

Jay joined in on the action, taking a lick and a suck on the side, making Mick moan slightly in delight as he slowly pulls down his jeans some more, eventually allowing his hard ten inch cock to spring out to it's full potential "Fuck..." Jay whispered.

It was definitely bigger than he remembered! And it also answered the question Max asked him about which man was bigger, but Jay would opt to never tell Max, rather let him find out for himself. He gripped it into his hand, wanking it for a couple of moments before engulfing as much of it as he could into his mouth.

"Aww yeah..." Mick moaned, tilting his head back with eyes closed in pleasure as he slowly undid his shirt, eventually revealing his top hairy dad body. He never opted to work out much but his body always kept it's form.

He grunted and groaned as Jay sucked his cock with total gusto, giving him a much better blowjob than he could ever receive from his wife, especially lately but he didn't know her terrible secret "Suck that cock boy..."

And Jay surely did. He whipped his tongue around the shaft as his head bobbed up and down, taking as much of the shaft as he could. He lifted his spare hand that wasn't occupied by Mick's heavy slab of meat and used it on his heavy balls, rolling them around on his soft palm as he heard Mick continue to moan above him.

"Boy I want that arse..." Mick grunted as he looked down at Jay, watching him perform a great blowjob "Turn around.."

Jay quickly did as he was told, removing the now wet cock from his mouth before once again turning on his knees so he was now facing away from the sexy daddy that was in front of him. Mick gave Jay's a quick munch before he swooped into his bedside draw, pulled out a condom and slid it onto his dick. He also pulled out the lube and used a little on his cock and Jay's hole before lining himself up "You ready boy?"

"Fuck yeah..." Jay replied, fumbling with his own package within his jock as his shoulders firmly placed themselves on the bed, also opening his arse up more to Mick.

Mick didn't bother to give anymore warning as he slowly started to push his dick into Jay's hole. He noted that it didn't feel quite as tight as when he'd last fucked him and knew someone else had. Jay meanwhile whimpered in pleasure as he felt Mick's cock fill him "Oh god..."

"You like this dick boy? Huh?" Mick grunted as he held Jay's hips and slowly pulled mostly out before pounding back in.

"Uhhh yes.." Jay groaned, feeling more filled than ever before. He could feel Mick's full bush of pubes touch his arse with every move inward that was made, and it amazed Jay that he could even take such a beast this far, knowing that he couldn't last time.

"You been fuckin around boy?" Much grunted as he began to increase his pace, slowly thrusting faster and faster into Jay's accommodating hole.

"Mmm what? No..." He replied in between moans as he looked up briefly to check his phone was still recording, which it was.

"Good...remember this arse is mine boy..." Mick growled before slapping Jay's asscheek hard "Understand?"

"Yes!" Jay cried out gleefully as he felt the sting of Mick's hand. They continued to fuck doggystyle for a couple more moments before muck pulled out and grabbed one of Jay's legs and used it to turn him over to his back. Once there, Mick easily slid his cock back into Jay's warmed up hole "Uhhh..."

Meanwhile downstairs in the Queen Vic and Nancy was ready to close. She'd got rid of all of the punters apart from Ben "C'mon Ben I need to close.."

"Alright alright, lemme go see what's taking Jay so long..." He slightly slurred after drinking a few. He got up from his seat and walked towards the toilets but found Jay nowhere to be seen. As he left however he heard faint noises from upstairs...

Back upstairs and Mick was still plowing away at Jay's hole, there bodies now pressed against each other as sweat started to stick them together. Mick licked and nibbled at Jay's neck as he jackhammered his cock into Jay's hole, the sound of his balls slapping on the young lads pale cheeks echoing throughout the bedroom "Fuckin nice tight arse..."

"Fuck me Mick! I love it!" Jay moaned out loudly, giving all the encouragement he could to make Mick fuck him harder and it worked, his hole burning as it got wrecked.

Back downstairs and Ben had grown not only suspicious of the noise upstairs but slightly aroused too. He looked through to the bar and didn't notice Nancy so decided to creep his way upstairs...

Meanwhile Mick had picked up Jay and had him pinned against the wall, using all of his strength to hold him as he bounced Jay on his cock "Hot little fucker...urghhh.."

"Ahh...aww..." Jay could only moan as he slipped and slid against the wall, each downward motion meaning his took Mick's dick further into his accommodating boy cunt.

Jay reached round and tried desperately to touch Mick's peachy arse but only succeeded in clawing his back. In retaliation Mick bit into Jay's neck, setting him up for a furious lovebite! Jay winced at the pain but secretly relished getting marked by Mick...

Ben meanwhile was curiously making his way upstairs to investigate. He cautiously checked open doored rooms to find them empty, so then turned his attention to the closed ones. He listened in on them all until he settled upon Mick's bedroom...

Mick and Jay were both now on the bed with Jay's legs spread wide. The grunting and groaning as well as Mick's balls slapping against Jay's cheeks was progressively getting louder, so neither man noticed when the door clicked open. Mick had his back to the door and Jay couldn't see the fact that Ben was now peering in the doorway!

Phil's sons jaw practically dropped after seeing the sight in front of him. The sight of Mick naked from the back and the unmistakable sounds of Jay groaning immediately gave Ben a raging hard on. He wanted to pull it out and furiously masturbate to what may be a one of a kind situation, or even join in on it! But he knew that it wash just too dangerous. He instead chose to watch and grope...

Mick now was getting increasingly closer to his peak and his thrusts had become erratic. His face constantly contorted with pleasure and Jay knew that the pub landlord was about to cum at any moment, so he thought one step ahead "Cum on my face Mick!" He exclaimed.

"That's what I like to hear..." Mick grunted and then grinned like a Cheshire Cat as he rammed his cock to the deepest point a couple of times before pulling out and yanking off the condom "Gonna cum all over your face boy..."

"Do it..." Jay wickedly smirked, knowing full well that Mick was now in prime position for the video to capture this moment.

Ben meanwhile was also getting majorly close to blowing his load and his cover as he struggled to contain his moans of pleasure, squeezing and rubbing his cock to the vision in front of him, especially now he could see Mick's mighty cock, it was hard to stop!

He watched as Mick's grunting became louder and his pace became quicker as he furiously pounded his cock with his had as it hovered over Jay's face. Jay could only smirk as he again glanced to check the camera was capturing it all but as he did he noticed a reflexion in the mirror of someone standing in the doorway; Ben!

He chose to ignore it as he heard Mick let out one last grunt before announcing he was going to cum, and so he turned his head just in time to feel lashing upon lashing of cum land onto his face. He smirked as the hot goo landed on his boyish face, satisfied also at the fact he'd caught Mick in action, evidence that Max could use.

"That was hot boy..." Mick panted as he got up from the bed and used a spare worn shirt to mop his brow "You better get going before Nance finds you up 'ere..." He grinned as he allowed a now dressed Jay to take one last tug of his cock.

"Alright..." Jay replied, using a quick opportunity when Nick had his back turned to stop the video and slip his phone into his pocket. Mick put on his short dressing gown and led as they peered out of the bedroom to check the coast was clear.

"All clear, now do one..." Mick smirked as he joked, making sure to squeeze Jay's butt as he passed, seeing the smirk returned before he retired into the shower.

Jay made his way downstairs and quickly acted like he'd exited the toilets before returning to Ben, who looked flustered and was fumbling with his coat "Sorry I took so long mate, took a slash too..." He smirked "Did ya keep yourself entertained?"

"C'mon lets just go, Nancy wanted us out half hour ago..." Ben stumbled in response as the two lads left The Queen Vic.

Jay had caught Ben out and he knew it would be beneficial to use it against him, but first on his mind was sending the incriminating evidence to Max...

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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