Studs of Eastenders

By Scott Dera

Published on Oct 9, 2015


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving gay sex between consenting adults. I am in no way suggesting that the characters involved, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no idea of their sexuality. It is not intended to imply the true sexuality of the celebrities involved or any personal knowledge of their private lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by the BBC/Eastenders.

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Studs of Eastenders Part 5

Max couldn't help but grin as he sipped his scotch in The Queen Vic. Everyone was oblivious to why he was so content, the best he'd looked in months actually, but Max knew why, and the reason was standing behind the bar; Mick Carter. He casually stood up and adjusted his suit before strolling over to the side of the bar that also has access to the toilets and upstairs, the quieter side. The pub wasn't too busy and Mick's son Lee was also serving so he knew he had a window of opportunity.

That opportunity came a few minutes later as Mick strode over to Max and began to serve him "Alright Max, same again?" He asked.

"Yeah, make it a double..." Max replied. He waited contently until the drink was in his hand before speaking again "So, how's Johnny?" He grinned.

"Why'd you asked?" Mick replied, not bothering to go into detail, he wanted to know exactly why Max, of all people, had an interest in his son.

"Just he ain't called me back since we last fucked..." Max smirked. He could instantly tell he'd pissed Mick off by the look in his eyes, the rage was building.

"You better shut your mouth..." Mick said through gritted teeth.

"I wouldn't be so aggressive to me Mick... meet me in the toilets in five and I'll show you why..." Max smirked. It infuriated Mick even further that Max showed no signs of intimidation, but he did reluctantly nod in response before going back to serve.

He waited a couple of minutes and turned to notice that Max wasn't where he was formerly stood, and so paced to the toilets. Thoughts rushed through his mind as he opened the door and saw Max standing at the urinal, pissing "Look, I ain't got time for your games alright? What do you want?" Mick asked in his most intimidating voice.

Max hesitated in reply. Choosing to shake off his now growing cock as he finished pissing before tucking it back into his trousers and zipping up. He turned and saw Mick was pissed off, but also a little apprehensive "What's the matter Mick? You look worried..." Max grinned as he slowly approached.

"Well how else am I to think when you tell me you've fucked my lad?" Mick said aggressively "I didn't take you for a queer anyway..."

"I could say the same for you, Mick..." Max replied as he was now mere inches from Mick's face. He boldly reached down and softly touched Mick's bulge.

"Eh? Dunno what you're on about or what you think you're doin', I'm straight..." Mick replied, almost shocked as Max's full on approach was seemingly working. His bulge started to thicken.

"That's not what Jay told me, and from what I've seen you know how to use this..." Max started before taking a lengthy squeeze of Mick's thick bulge "Very well..." He finished, his scotch breathe tingling across Mick's face.

"H-How did you know? I oughta knock you out..." Mick replied, once again through gritted teeth. He didn't know how, but he knew now that he'd been set up.

"I wouldn't do that Mick, not unless you want wifey to find out about your little play time..." Max continued to growl, his hand still working on increasing Mick's bulge inside his jeans, making it grow by the second "But I'll let you off, if you scratch my back..."

"Name it...." Mick grunted. He hated to admit it but he was raging hard now. Months of neglect from his wife meant he often went without, and he was no handjob man, and seeing as his last load was blown on Jay, he was definitely ready to blow another.

"Fuck Ben. I wanna know how he's planning to take the garage..." Max said sternly as he unzipped Mick's jeans and popped his hand inside, feeling around the full bush.

"mmmm, you're a desperate man Max...but alright.." Mick replied. He wasn't sure if it was the blackmail or the hand in his jeans that made him agree, but he was desperate either way.

"So are you..." Max moaned as he managed to grip the chunky hard cock confined away "Nice piece..."

"Yeah well it ain't yours..." Mick growled as he pulled away, making Max's hand slip out his jeans.

"Will be soon..." Max muttered under his breath "Come back to me when you've seen Ben, and tell me everything, or your secret gets out..." He continued, louder and enough for Mick to hear him.

The two men stared at each other for a couple of moments before Max left, leaving Mick to think of a plan of action as well as console his hard cock...

The next day and Mick was a little anxious. He'd already made his excuses that his car wasn't working and that he'd take it to the garage, but in such a public place he was wondering if he'd get caught again. But he remembered Max's words ringing inside his mind, he had to do this.

He drove his car over early, way before he knew the garage would properly be open but he knew Ben would be there. His dad was currently in prison and so Ben was lumbered with much of the responsibility, a position he loathed. Mick checked the coast was clear before banging on the closed shutter door.

"We're closed!" A voice bellowed from the inside.

"Open up, it's Mick! Got an emergency 'ere!" Mick replied, trying his best to gain Ben's attention. It worked. After a moment of two the shutter door opened, revealing Ben in his overalls "What do you want? We ain't open yet.."

"I need me motor fixin', summat wrong with it and with the wife pregnant I don't wanna take no chances..." Mick said. He must've rehearsed that line a hundred times in his head the night before.

Ben just rolled his eyes and pretended not to care, but he did give in "Alright, drive it in when I get the shutter up..."

Neither man said much as Mick drove the car in, Ben closed the shutter and was informed by Mick what was "wrong" with it. Ben got to work and was at it a little while before Mick started talking "So err, you enjoy yourself the other night?"

"What do you mean?" Ben asked from under the bonnet, not breaking from his work.

"You and Jay, in the pub." Mick asked as he quietly took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt some, revealing his hairy chest. He slowly caressed his bulge to get himself hard in preparation.

"Oh...yeah was alright I s'pose..." Ben mumbled.

"Just alright? Thought you enjoyed it more then that mate..." Mick said, almost with a devilish tone in his voice that even Ben could detect.

He raised himself out of the bonnet and as soon as he looked at Mick he felt breathless. The chest hair, the dirty smirk, the obvious bulge in his faded jeans. This was not just a car tune up "D-dunno what you mean..." Ben stuttered a little.

"Oh, I think you do.." Mick said in his thick cockney accent as he slowly stepped closer toward Ben "Y'see, I caught you lookin' the other night while I fucked your mate Jay silly. You like what you see?"

There was mere inches between Mick and Ben now. Mick stared dead into Ben's eyes "I ain't gay alright?!" Ben replied as he tried to push away from Mick, but all it did was land him in the landlords arms.

Mick said nothing as he took Ben's hand and placed it on his thick bulge. They simply stared at each other as Mick used Ben's hand to roam around. Mick wasn't forceful and Ben didn't flinch or move away, despite his slight protest "Why don't you get it out eh.."

Mick's thick cockney accent was a real turn on Ben, as much as he hated to deny it. He slowly moved his hand away from Mick's guidance and used it to undo the zipper, and then the button. Once unzipped he could see the thick shaft still being constrained by the side of Mick's jeans as well as his full bush of pubes.

Ben hesitated for a moment before pulling Mick's jeans down, allowing his python to spring free. Ben's jaw simply dropped "See something you like?" Mick asked.

Ben didn't verbally replying, only nodding as he took a hand to the base to lightly start to stroke it "Then let me see how good you suck..."

Ben again hesitated for a moment, his mind telling him to stop while his dick told him to carry on, and he chose the latter. He hardly had any experience sucking cock but he was damn going to try. He sank to his knees and came face to face with Mick's pole. He continued to stroke it with his hand as he felt a hand on the back of his head, encouraging him.

It worked. Ben leant forward with mouth open as he took the head into his mouth. The taste instantly tingled on his tongue, a mixture of piss and pure man. He loved it, and continued to take a little more as Mick moaned "mmm...Ahhh yeah.."

It put faith in him to continue as his tongue lashed around the cockhead confined within his mouth whilst his mouth slowly bobbed up and down the shaft. Mick's hands meanwhile were busy unbuttoning his shirt before reaching to his own nipples to give them a pinch. He was clearly enjoying this, the guilt and blackmail clearly washing from his mind.

Ben sucked with extreme gusto, and although Mick knew it wasn't the best head he'd ever had, it was the sloppiest and that's what he loved. A ton of saliva poured from Ben's mouth and onto Mick's shaft, leaving it slick and wet with very movement of Ben's mouth.

He struggled and tried his best but Ben couldn't take any more than half at any one time, even with a couple of tries from Mick holding his head and semi-forcing him down, he just wasn't experienced enough to handle such a monster, with his mouth at least.

Mick let him continue his onslaught of a blowjob for a little while longer before remembering the plan and pulling Ben away "Get them overalls down and bend over..." Mick smirked.

Ben looked up and felt worried, he'd never taken a cock! He was always the one that gave his dick to other lads arses but the dirty look on Mick's face was enough to pursued him. He stood to his feet and slowly pulled his overalls down to around his knees before lifting off his t-shirt, revealing his smooth toned body. He didn't have the fittest boy in the world but he tried his best.

He stood to allow Mick to admire him for a moment before being commanded to turn around. He did so and was immediately pushed to bend over, placing his hands on the edge of the bonnet as he felt Mick's hands grip both arse cheeks and spread them "Fuckin' nice..." Mick growled.

Although not that much accustomed to male, Mick had quickly learnt from Jay and was eager to apply his technique. He got to his knees and immediately pushed his face inbetween, his tongue protruding from his mouth and tickling Ben's hairless cunt.

"Oh god..." Ben moaned almost uncontrollably, loudly. This was also quite new to him, being as most men he slept with were simple blow and fuck lays. He felt Mick's tongue tickle the edges of his cunt before swirling into he middle, pushing inside.

Mick revelled in the taste that Ben was supplying, much nicer than pussy. This was raw man, raw taste, and he loved. His tongue worked feverishly as he pried open Ben's puckering hole. He could tell that Phil's lad wasn't one to take it up his arse and he was trying his hardest to clench his asshole shut "Relax boy..."

Ben understood Mick as he briefly paused from eating him out, but it was easier said than done. He tried a little and almost immediately felt Mick's tongue probe further, past his pucker and actually into his passage. The movement made Mick growl in satisfaction.

He carried in for a little while longer before removing his face and deciding it was time to move on "Time to get fucked Ben..." Mick smirked.

Ben was panic stricken. But in almost a twist of fate the garage door opened and in walked Jay! Ben cursed himself as he remembered Jay had keys and looked like a deer caught in headlights whilst Mick pulled up his jeans but it did nothing to hide his noticeable erection.

"What's going on 'ere?!" Jay shouted, almost sounding shocked, and slightly jealous.

"What's up Jay? Jealous it ain't your arse?" Mick smirked as he rubbed in his response by groping Ben's backside.

"No! Besides Ben, thought all this time you said you weren't queer?" Jay snarled "Should've known this woulda' happen though afta' I saw you pervin' on me an Mick the other night!" He approached the two men.

Mick raised his eyebrow "Eh?"

"Yeah, he watched whilst we fucked!" Jay pouted as he stood close to Mick, groping his throbbing meat through his jeans "I want this to myself..."

"Heh..fucking insatiable ain't you lad?" Mick purred "Well since Ben 'ere don't wanna take this log up his arse you can, and suck him off..."

"Sounds good to me..." Jay smirked as he speedily undid Mick's jeans, got down on his knees and immediately gobbled down his 'daddies' succulent cock.

Ben could only watch in awe as he slowly gripped his own painfully hard six inch shaft and beat off to the show in front of him. Jay could feel the eyes of Ben burning into the back of his head and so decided to put on a show, lovingly sucking and grinding his lips over Mick's cock.

"Fukin' work it lad...aww yeah.." Mick growled. He removed his shirt to reveal his semi hairy body and he thumb and fore finger immediately went to his nipples, tweaking them as his pleasure increased.

Jay was also increasing the show for Ben, lifting himself up so his arse was open and available for Ben to take advantage of whilst he continued to suck Mick off. He didn't expect Ben to fully take the bait but was surprised when he felt a soft hand caress his left arse cheek, then the right.

He heard what only sounded like a pop of Ben's finger being removed from his mouth before it entered his warm asshole. Jay groaned. A second finger joined the first as Ben began to explore Jay's hole, using his other hand to continuously wank himself off, occasionally batting it into Jay's arse.

Mick noticed Ben's burning, horny desire and spoke up "Fuck him..."

Ben's eyes lit up, almost as if he was waiting for permission from Mick to do it, like Jay was his property. To these three at least, Jay was Mick's, but young Jay knew otherwise.

"I don't have a rubber..." Ben frowned. He was soon delighted however when Mick picked one out his pocket and threw it to Ben.

He quickly undid the packet and rolled it on before spitting on his cock and immediately pushing into Jay's waiting hole "Ohhh!"

Jay groaned in delight as he felt Ben's shaft slip into his hole, immediately becoming air tight as he continued to suck on Mick's hole.

"Fucking suck it boy...take it.." Mick growled as he thrust his cock into Jay's welcoming and warm mouth. Most of his shaft went down his throat, a feat that most women couldn't do.

Ben meanwhile was slamming Jay like a jackhammer. This situation was seriously too hot for him to handle, let alone him being able to fathom the sight of Mick Carter in front of him. The man was pure masculinity from head to toe. He may not have been the most muscular but he certainly had it going on, and Ben liked it.

"'My turn..." Mick barked. Ben hadn't even noticed that Mick had come around and tagged him on the back. He reluctantly pulled out and stepped back, allowing Mick to step forward, slid on his condom and stuff his full length into Jay.

"Oh god!" Jay screamed in pleasure as he felt Mick's cock consume him. He was much bigger than Ben and surely filled him up, every inch of his cock inside Jay's hole.

After a short moment of fucking Mick used the opportunity to carry Jay over and lay him on the bonnet of a car being repaired. He slid back in and and spread Jay's legs, aggressively pounding "Fucking take it lad..."

"You joining in Ben?" Mick asked, breaking Ben from his gaze while he furiously wanked off. He simply grinned and got down on his knees behind the leader of the Carter Clan, spread his hairy cheeks and darted his tongue inside.

Although he was still in his experimental stages of learning about his homosexuality tendencies, he knew what he was doing turned him on. He felt Mick's ass hair brushing against his face lightly as the tang of his hole poured onto Ben's tongue.

"Fuck yeah.." Mick grunted as he felt Ben's tongue tickle his hole while he plowed away at Jay. He growled and snarled at every stroke of pleasure, every prod of Ben's tongue, every clench of Jay's asshole.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah!" Jay squealed as Mick's cock consumed him, filling him right to the brim. He couldn't believe how much he was enjoying taking cock in his arse. A drunken fumble in the Queen Vic with Mick had turned his life around.

Mick however was soon distracted from his pleasure when he felt Ben's tongue move away and in its place was the head of his cock! "What do ya think yer' doin'?!" He bellowed.

"Fucking you..." Ben replied in almost an evil but horny ton. Mick had other ideas. He quickly pulled out of Jay and spun around, coming face to face with Ben before he pushed him to the floor "I don't think so mate..." He snarled.

"Hey! I-It was just a joke..." Ben nervously laughed. He didn't even try to escape as he watched Mick come down onto his knees on the floor, spreading Ben's legs wide "This ain't no joke..."

And within an instant, Mick slid his thick pole at least half way into Ben's hole. Ben screamed, the pain was immense. "Shut him up will ya?" Mick asked Jay, who immediately complied and sat on Ben's face.

"mmm! Mmmm!" Ben tried to speak in a muffled panic, but Jay knew he would be enjoying this. He ground his ass further, his cheeks parting even more to reveal his slackened hole to Ben's mouth, the latter feeling smooth lips touch the stinging skin that was being stretched by Mick's cock only moments before.

Mick loved the scene in front of him; two lads going at it (albeit with assistance from) with full passion and no regard for anything else. It reminded him of when he was younger. With his mind distracted however he forgot just how tight Ben's hole was and it wasn't about to give up "Fuck, gonna cum soon lads!" He moaned.

The situation was just too much for him to take, Ben's hole practically consumed his shaft and refused to loosen or give up. It made him curious, usually an arse would loosen and accept his cock, like Jay's did, but Ben was different. He couldn't believe he was being made to cum so soon. After giving Ben a real pounding for a while longer he pulled out, ripped off the condom and moved around to Jay's face "Suck it..."

Mick's voice was extremely deep and commanding. Jay looked up in slight concern but complied, taking the throbbing shaft in front of his face into his mouth. He groaned at the taste as Mick did from the pleasure. He raised a hand and used it to work the lower shaft whilst his tongue and mouth whipped Mick into a frenzy.

Ben meanwhile had his eyes wide open and whilst he tongued Jay's asshole he watched Mick being sucked from below and what a sight it was! His balls swung and saliva was running everywhere as Jay did his best to get the daddy of the Carter clan off. Ben wanked furiously as Jay's efforts would be soon rewarded.

"I'm gonna fuckin' cum!" Mick roared. He pulled his cock out of Jay's mouth a split second before he came, shooting his hot load back in there, some landing on Jay and even Ben's face. Jay suckled on the cockhead and admired the taste.

Ben meanwhile was also in the process of quietly shooting his load after watching and feeling Mick Carter spray his. His spunk splattered all over his abdomen as he his body shook from what was possibly the best orgasm he's ever achieved.

Jay soon lifted himself from Ben and allowed him to stand, suddenly looking sheepish and embarrassed "I think it's time you left..."

"Not before we talk business..." Mick said as he stated daggers into Ben. He may have had some horny fun but he cared for his marriage, and he wasn't about to let Max's blackmail ruin that...


Next: Chapter 6

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