Studs of Eastenders

By Scott Dera

Published on Jan 16, 2016


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving gay sex between consenting adults. I am in no way suggesting that the characters involved, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no idea of their sexuality. It is not intended to imply the true sexuality of the celebrities involved or any personal knowledge of their private lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by the BBC/Eastenders.

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Studs of Eastenders Part 6

Max Branning was horny as hell. He'd spent the last hour half watching the security footage from the garage at his table whilst he nursed a raging erection within his trousers. Watching Mick fuck was such a hot sight, especially in a threesome involving Ben and Jay. He knew he had to get a piece of the action soon but for now his hand had to do.

He went to fish out his throbbing member but was quickly stopped when the kitchen door opened. He picked up his paper and pretended to read it as Peter Beale entered the room. Max's jaw almost dropped as he saw his daughters boyfriend walk in, dressed in nothing but a blue towel around his toned waist, beads of water running down his massive pecs "Morning Max..."

"Uh, m-morning..." Max fumbled. He couldn't help but stare as Peter turned his back to make a tea, his gaze fixated on Peter's round arse. He knew he had to have it.

Peter sat down at the table "Upto much today?" He asked as he sipped his tea, his legs spread and his body relaxed. Perfect, Max thought.

"Nah, just work..." Max replied. He carefully and quietly slipped off his shoe before starting to move it slowly towards Peter crotch but as he did, the door opened again. His foot quickly shot down as his daughter walked in "Alright dad!" Lauren said chirpily.

"Yeah..." He grumbled. Lauren practically ignored him as she wrapped her hands around Peter's neck as moved them around his body whilst they whispered to one another. She went to make breakfast and Max again attempted his move, more confident this time knowing that Peter wouldn't say a word.

He again lifted his foot, quicker this time and without hesitation, placing it directly into Peter's crotch. He could feel the soft bulge underneath and immediately saw Peter look at him with supposed but panicked eyes. Max just smirked at him.

"W-wha..." Peter slurred. He was unsure what to say as Max's foot slowly started to caress his towel covered bulge, starting to wake the python inside. Lauren turned with toast in her hand and could see Peter looked a pale shade of red and embarrassed "You okay Peter?" She quizzed.

"Huh? Oh y-yeah..I'm good..." He replied, panicked. He hoped she could see nothing going on, thankful that the table cloth covered just the right amount of action. She briefly looked at her dad, but to her he just looked like he was casually reading the paper.

In reality he had now managed to part Peter's towel a little, allowing his cotton sock covered foot to run along his shaft, lengthening him to his full eight inch length. Peter winced as the head grazed against the underneath of the table, he looked to Max for relief but found nothing but a smirk as he read the paper, promptly ignoring him.

"Right I'm off, cya later!" Lauren cheerily said as she kissed her boyfriend goodbye, blissfully unaware of what was happening under the table. Peter waited until he heard the front door close before he spoke "What you playing at Max?!" He said as he pushed Max's foot away.

"Not like you didn't enjoy it though ey?" Max smirked, relaxing into his chair.

"I'm just horny, you took advantage..." Peter said as he got up, making sure to arrange his towel so his rock solid shaft was covered, but it didn't stop it from sticking out.

Max followed, coming up behind Peter and feeling his generous backside before moving his hands round to the front "Don't lie, you love it..."

Peter hated to admit it but his dick was hard for a reason, but there was no way he'd be showing any kind of submission towards Max. He stood still and let Max go to work however, feeling his towel come undone and fall from his waste, leaving him totally naked.

"Nice..." Max purred as he looked down at the sight of Peter's smooth bubble butt. His hands roamed it immediately before giving it a firm slap, making Peter wince.

His hands eventually roamed around Peter's front, gently brushing through his trimmed blonde pubes before one hand slowly gripped Peter's length at the base and teasingly slid from there upwards, eventually reaching the uncut head "About eight inches yeah?" Max asked.

"Good guess..." Peter replied as he turned and smirked at Max "Now measure it with your mouth, heard your good.."

"Who told you that?" Max asked with curiosity before obeying Peter's command, getting down onto his knees to ready the shaft in front of him. Max was right about the length, eight inches of very thick man meat stood erected between Peter's legs, a smooth set of generous nuts nestled underneath and a trimmed bush on top. Definitely one of the prettier cocks he'd had the opportunity to play with Max thought to himself.

He gripped the base once again and gave it a firm stroke before pulling back, revealing Peter's glistening pink mushroom head from underneath it's foreskin. Max looked up at Peter as he leaned in and gently swirled his tongue around the head to collect his sweet nectar. Peter moaned and Max enjoyed the taste that hit his tastebuds, not wasting any more time in going back for some more.

"Oh yeah..mmmm..." Peter groaned as he watched and felt Max's mouth start to take his cock into his mouth, first the head disappearing before a lengthy amount of the shaft followed. Peter's cock throbbed in excitement.

"mmmm..mmmm..." Max grunted erotically around Peter's shaft, feeling it leak pre-cum in copious amounts into his mouth, practically begging him itself to suck it more. Max had to wonder if his daughter was actually giving this stud the attention he needs and deserves judging by how much he was enjoying just the start of this blowjob.

Max was now determined to make sure this was the best blowjob Peter had ever been given, making sure to swallow his cock in its entire thick length every time he swooped down with his mouth, the thick head snaking its way down his throat to coat it with yet more pre-cum.

"Oh god Max, that feels so good!" Peter cried out in sheer ecstasy as Max repeatedly deepthroated his cock, a feat he found no wonder had yet to do, they always complained it was just too thick.

Max continued his actions for a little while longer before eventually stopping, leaving Peter's cock a slick and sloppy mess as he gained his breath back "Why did you stop?" Peter whined.

"Don't want you cumming yet boy..." Max evilly smirked as he got to his feet. Peter watched as Max quickly undid his belt and pulled down both his trousers and his boxers, revealing his huge nine inch cock, making Peter's jaw practically drop to the floor.

"Fuck..." Peter muttered in a whisper. Max just smirked, the shock evident all over his daughters boyfriends face. He stroked it, putting on a little show for a moment, allowing the foreskin to roll back and forth on the plump head.

He decided not to push the 'straight' boy too far, and so turned to bend himself over the kitchen table. He arched his back "Condom is in my left jacket pocket..." He smirked back to Peter.

Peter for a moment wasn't sure what to do. He thought about his girlfriend and how he'd have to keep this a secret, but the thoughts were quickly dismissed when his horniness took control. He firmly slapped Max's cheeks and spread them, revealing his pale and hairless pink hole, a sight that very much tempted him.

He quicky slipped his hand into Max's jacket and whipped out the condom, admiring how equipped he was for these kind of situations before rolling it onto his meat. He slapped the heavy log onto Max's arse before spitting down for some use, using a quick finger to poke around in Max's hole before he replaced it with the head of his cock, sliding the first few inches in "Oh yeah..."

"Fuck yeah, like that?" Max groaned as he quickly felt Peter's length fill him and the thickness stretch him. He loved younger lads, their eagerness and quick pace was what he enjoyed most, not the romantic bullshit. Men in his mind were sex, women were lovers.

"God tight..." Peter groaned. He loved the heat of Max's arse around his long, thick cock as he slowly filled his girlfriends dad.

He gripped Max's hips and pulled out almost halfway before sliding back in, harder this time as he started to gain rhythm and pace. He watched as Max's cunt took his cock with ease, and Peter had to wonder just how often he did this to become so accommodating of cock in his hole.

"Feels fucking good lad..." Max groaned as he wanked his own thick nine inch meat, occasionally feeling it graze against the underneath of the table. It leaked copious amounts of pre-cum all over the floor, a big sign of just how turned on Max was.

In reality it had been a fair while since he had been fucked. He had been planning on saving himself until he got his hands on, or rather his hole on, Mick Carter's cock but with Peter soon going travelling Max knew he had to get a taste of the young lad. He was soon revelling however in how good it felt to get fucked.

"Fuck Max, turn over..." Peter panted as he pulled out. Max quickly did as he was ordered, lying himself on his back as he spread his legs. Peter quickly got in-between again and shoved his throbbing pole into Max's hole "Awww..."

"Fuck it lad.." Max growled as he picked up his fat cock again to work himself up. Both men stared at each other in sheer lust but it was Max that was seemingly the more turned on with the vision in front of him.

Peter was now coated with a light sheen of sweat, his body glistening under the kitchen light, making him look like a Greek statue, in Max's eyes at least. Max wasn't the only one admiring however, Peter was doing his own share. He couldn't take his eyes off of the big fat cock that Max owned. It made him curious, even eager as he slammed Max harder and harder just at these thoughts.

"Fucking hell mate! Gonna cum!" Max shouted loudly and abruptly. Neither man expected it but Max was too far gone now to even stop it as he stroked his cock for a few more moments until he started to cum, spurting shot after shot of his thick load onto his chest, some even going as far as his chin "Aww yeah..."

"Hot..." Peter smirked as he continued to slam Max, although now the older man had cum it was significantly harder to pound his hole. Max's hole had clamped down on Peter's pole, and the your stud knew it wouldn't be long before he was cumming also.

Both men were disturbed however and had little time to react when the back door into the kitchen flew open and to catch them in act "What's going on here?!"

Mick Carter was on the prowl. He was standing behind the bar scanning the local talent. Tonight was usually a quiet night for the pub, so he knew he could pick up some prime beef and take them anywhere and not be disturbed, Nancy could pick up the slack.

Ever since he fucked the likes of Jay and Ben he had started to get an appetite for male arse. It had even made him hornier by being blackmailed by Max, knowing eventually he would get his arse too. He did get brief guilt about his feelings due to his relationship with Linda but all of that changed when Fatboy walked into the pub.

Max had never noticed him much before but it was when he walked away from the bar having ordered a pint that he clocked Fatboy's delicious arse. It was round and fat, and Mick knew it would have a bounce once it was unlocked from its confines. Over the night the two men threw glances at one another, Mick's being a lot dirtier than Fatboy's, but they were returned either way.

Eventually Fatboy's company left and it allowed him go to the toilet, giving Mick prime opportunity. He waited until Fatboy came out to speak to him "Alright Fatboy, fancy giving me a hand with some barrels? Nance is useless..." Mick chuckled slightly.

"Yeah sure Mick..." Fatboy agreed. He wondered for a moment why Mick would ask him but thought nothing of following him into the cellar of the pub.

"Just those over there mate..." Mick asked, pointing to the ones needing 'moving'. In truth Mick just wanted to get Fatboy alone and he knew this would be prime opportunity. He watched as Fatboy squatted down to pick up a crate, licking his lips like a dog who got his bone as his eyes caught Fatboy's lovely arse. He instantly started to become hard.

Mick absent-mindedly played with his growing bulge behind Fatboy until the young lad spoke up, breaking him from his gaze "So you got beef with me Bruv? Only been seeing you staring holes into me all night..." Fatboy asked as he continued to work in front of Mick.

"Nah mate, nothing like that, something totally opposite in fact..." Mick said, smirking as he knew Fatboy had virtually no idea what he was thinking, or so he thought.

"Oh yeah?" Fatboy said as he dropped the last crater, wiping his dusty hands on his jeans "What's that then?" He continued as he stepped closer to Mick.

"Well, couldn't help but notice you're packing a nice fat arse in those jeans Fatboy..." Mick dirtily grinned "And I've got a nice fat one in 'ere to go with it..." Mick spoke as he gripped his rock solid bulge through his jeans, outlining his massive erection.

"Yeah? You want my arse Mick?" Fatboy asked as he took hold of Mick's hands and placed them on his behind. He instantly saw it eroused Mick as he gripped the cheeks within his grasp.

"Fuck yeah..." Mick growled deeply. He was well and truly turned on now and he hadn't even seen Fatboy's arse yet!

"Get fuckin' then..." Fatboy smirked. The two men quicky eloped in a passionate, sloppy kiss, their tongues thrashing around inside each other's mouths. They stumbled back and Fatboy ended up laying back on a few barrels whilst Mick tumbled on top of him.

He quickly unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his hairy torso and well defined stomach, a sight Fatboy enjoyed as he washed his tongue over each of Mick's nipples. Fatboy then watched as Mick stood up properly to unbutton his jeans, quickly whipping out his massive ten inch cock. Mick just smirked as he saw Fatboy's jaw drop, waving his shaft around for a moment before he picked the younger lad up off the crates, turned him round and bent him over.

Mick licked his lips in anticipation as he gripped the waistband of Fatboy's tracksuit bottoms and pulled them down, revealing a tight white jockstrap that perfectly set Fatboy's massive mocha coloured bubble butt. Mick's jaw practically dropped as he got to his knees and immediately placed his tongue at Fatboy's hole.

"Aww yeah..." Fatboy moaned. He could immediately feel Mick's fat tongue penetrate the entrance to his hole, which opened up to allow it further access. Mick grunted erotically, obviously enjoying the taste as his tongue dug deeper.

And deeper it went, feverishly licking and twirling around in Fatboy's hole. This was definitely the best arse Mick had ever tasted he thought to himself, and he wondered just why he didn't think of pulling Fatboy earlier!

"Fuck me Mick..." Fatboy moaned, feeling his arse was more than ready for Mick's thick weapon.

"Gladly..." Mick spoke as he removed his face. His tone was dark and dirty, Fatboy knew this was gonna be a hot fuck. He rose to his feet and spat down on his cock, lubing it as much as possible, forgoing a condom as he lined up and practically rammed his shaft into Fatboy's velvet hole "Fuck yeah!"

"Ahhhh! mmmmm..." Fatboy cried out, but knew to be quiet. He hadn't quite expected Mick to fill him up so much and so quickly but he definitely wasn't complaining. The fat pole consumed him and throbbed with every stroke, and Fatboy could soon feel Mick's bushy pubes brush against his smooth round arse with every pound, indicating Mick was balls deep inside him, the full ten inch length.

"So fucking tight..." Mick grunted, amazed at how tight Fatboy's hole was yet how easily he slid in at full length without problem. This made Mick even more aroused as he bent down to grab Fatboy's gel coated hair, feverishly licking at his ear as he did "Fucking like this eh?"

"God yeah Mick, feels great..." Fatboy moaned with intense passion, feeling himself be filled with every slam into his arse that Mick made "Didn't think you'd be queer..."

"I ain't..." Mick grunted "Just love fucking arse..." He growled as he bit down hard on Fatboy's neck before pushing his head back down and opting to grip his thick waist instead, allowing him to fuck even harder.

"Fuck me Ahhh...anytime...." Fatboy groaned as he practically went into a state of euphoria at how good Mick's cock felt inside him.

Mick however was soon reaching his peak. After teasing himself all day, waiting for the right arse to fuck and now slamming it hard he didn't have much left. He tried to hold back a while longer, enjoying Fatboy's arse as much as he possibly could before he went into the zone he couldn't come back from "Shit, gonna cum..." He grunted disapprovingly.

"Cum inside me Mick..." Fatboy asked in a low guttural moan as he turned and smirked at Mick.

"You dirty fuck..." Mick growled. He even felt Fatboy's hole tighten even harder on his pole as he throbbed intensely, this boy just wouldn't give up!

Mick made an effort to slam as hard and as fast as he could until he eventually started to blow his load, shot after shot of his thick cum fired its way into Fatboy's cunt, seemingly never ending as he felt it slick up his shaft. After a minute or two he started to withdraw, droplets of cum leaking from Fatboy's hole.

"Well ain't you got a nice arse!" Mick chuckled "Kept that secret didn't ya?" He continued, lightly slapping Fatboy on the arse before tucking away his wet shaft and doing up his jeans.

"Could say that about you too, didn't think you liked lads..." Fatboy said "Not that I'm complainin'..."

"Ey listen, I don't alright? Just love fucking a nice arse..." Mick smirked "Now get outta here before anyone catches you..." He continued as he groped Fatboy's arse one last time.

Fatboy just smirked and left via the back dope entrance into the alley, making sure he definitely wasn't seen during his dubious exit. Mick straightened his shirt out and allowed his cock to soften further before he left the room, but as soon as he closed the door behind him he was met with a familiar face "Max? What do you want?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"We've got a problem..." Max said "I need to talk to you, privately..."


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