Studying Abroad


Published on Nov 6, 2005



I can't believe I'm going to China was all I could think as I lay awake in my bed. The clock read 4:05 a.m. but it seemed like time was moving at an excruciatingly slow pace. I didn't want to be in bed anymore. I wanted to be on the 747, headed towards "The best semester of my life," at least that's what the study abroad advisor had told me.

I had been interested in China my whole life. My grandmother was actually Chinese but she married a German. If that wasn't confusing enough, my dad went on to marry a beautiful, tall woman from Spain with a very Mediterranean complexion. So, I'm a huge meld of sorts. They say that Asian mixes are really attractive. I'm not full of myself or anything, but I'd have to say it's true.

I ended up being a split of their best features. I'm about six-three, 165 lean pounds, dark brown hair with eyes to match. I loved sports growing up, so all the years of Soccer, Tennis and Swimming gave me a pretty hot body. All the girls in high-school told me I was pretty anyway. Only problem was, they didn't do much for me.

I've known I was gay since I first started fooling around with my best friend during sleep-over's when we were six. It was hard for me to be open about it though, and so I spent most of my time playing sports or studying for school. High-school didn't really afford me a flourishing social life. That all changed once I got to college.

I came out almost immediately after starting freshman year and the rest has been good times ever since. Apparently, college guys seemed to think I was as hot as the high-school girls did. I have never been arrogant or cocky; I just took each compliment with gratitude. Though I have to say, I was kind of promiscuous freshman and sophomore years as I came into my own identity. But that's all behind me now. All I can focus on is my future...and China!

The plain to Shanghai was long and boring. The only redeeming value to it was the friends I made on the way who were also in my program. I did the normal, sizing everyone up for potential friends / fuck buddies. Most of the guys didn't really do it for me, mostly book-worm types. There was one, however-the only one-who was incredibly cute. Swimmers build and California surfer's style. He had crystal blue eyes and shaggy sandy-blond hair. He was about six foot even, and very lean. He also had a model-pretty face.

"So, why are you going to China?" I asked.

"Just studying, how about you?" A short reply.

"Same. I'm Christian," I said sticking out my hand.

"Aiden. Nice to meet you." He shook back.

This was going to be fun. We spent the next week doing orientation. The program directors showed us around Shanghai, took us on tours, and treated us to dinners. It was nice actually. I spent the time flirting with Aiden, and making friends. We developed little cliques among people who were like us. It was typical. But Aiden never really showed any sign that he was interested. I started to give up hope around day five.

One day, we were riding on a chartered bus going to Shanghai's famous Pu Dong district when I decided to out myself to him, just so he would know I was interested. We were talking to our "friends" and the subject of night-life came up.

"Do you think they have good clubs here?" Trish, one of the girls asked.

"I hear they do. The only problem is Shanghai's gay scene sucks!" I exclaimed. Two of the girls just kind of laughed, the others didn't say anything. It startled me for a second. I'm not at all obvious; at least I don't think so. People generally are very surprised to find out. So when I didn't get the normal reaction of "...wait....wait...what!?!" I felt a little weird. Then it occurred to me, they were waiting for Aiden's reaction. They were all staring at him; just fixated, waiting to see how he'd respond. I think they pegged him for the gay one rather than me. He smiled.

"So you're gay? That's cool. I have loads of gay friends back home. I am from San Francisco after all." He said nonchalantly. Damn!

Everything was pretty quite after that. I had settled into the realization that the only guy on the trip worth hooking up with was not interested, which was fine. I mean, it will make things harder but I'd find people in Shanghai.

We spent all day touring and didn't get home till around 10 p.m. This is normally not late at all, but when coupled with 13 hour jet-lag I was beat. I said goodnight to Aiden and the group and went up to my apartment (we were all living in separate apartments in the same building) and went to bed.

The apartments were beautiful. The door opened into a vary spacious living / entertainment room that came furnished with plush leather couches and ultra modern furniture. The apartments were used by the communist government to show westerners that they had reached the west's advancement level. It wasn't true, but hey, I wasn't complaining. The apartment also included marbled bathroom and small kitchen and a large bedroom complete with queen-sized bed. I headed straight for it.

In my rush to sleep I did however forget to remove the key from my door, just shutting it behind me. I went to my room and fell asleep. I don't know how long I had been out, but I was awaken by someone in my room.

"Christian, you awake?" The voice said. It belonged to a person sitting at the edge of my bed. I was too groggy to recognize who, but it made me uncomfortable. I love to sleep naked and having someone unannounced wake me while I'm sleeping naked was a little startling.

"Yeah, now I am. Who is that" I asked.

"It's Aiden. Sorry, your keys were in your door so I thought you'd be awake. I just wanted to give them to you." He said, though his voice had that timbre of a person telling you only half a truth.

"Thanks man. I appreciate it. Is there anything else?" I paused, waiting for a response. I could hear his breathing get heavier.

"No, not really. That's it." He said. And made to get up. I stopped him.

"Aiden, you live on the 17th floor and I live on the 21st floor. You had to have come up here to tell me something first, and then noticed the key in the door. So...what's up?" I was now awake enough to think logically.

"It's nothing really. I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the gym together tomorrow (the apartments came completely equipped). It could have waited till the morning. Sorry to have woken you." He said. He patted my leg, which had been exposed, in a half rubbing half patting kind of way. It sent chills up my spine. I was getting turned on! It occurred to me that while his excuse made sense, it didn't fit with his unwillingness to go into it. Hoping that I wasn't reading too much into it I decided to make a move.

"I'll walk you to the door." I said. I got up (it was dark) and walked over to my door. I opened it and let the dimmed light from the chandelier in the living room enter my bedroom. From the way the light hit my body you could tell that I was wearing less clothes, but not that I was completely naked. I let him go out first. As soon as I entered the living room however, it became clear. I wasn't wearing any clothes. Moreover, my cock, now half-excited, perched up a little and swelled. It was about 6 inches flaccid and pretty thick. Now I was showing a good 7 inches.

"Dude, you're naked!" Aiden said in shock. He was smiling a little.

"Nice of you to notice. I always sleep naked, so what? It's not like you've never seen a cock before." I winked at him and smiled. At this point I was leaning against the edge of the door, holding on to the handle. It was as seductive as I could manage without looking stupid. He couldn't stop looking at me. He scanned me, quickly (thinking perhaps that I wouldn't notice) from head to toe. Down my pecs, abs, the "v" which I was so proud of, down my crotch, my naturally hairless legs, all the way to my ankles and back up again. It was all the signal I needed.

I slammed the door shut, pressed my hand to his chest and pushed him against the door. I leaned in quickly, advancing at his face but stopping just short. Our lips could not have been more than an inch apart. I smiled and waited. If he wanted me, he would have to show it.

He did. Finally, he came forward. He grabbed the back of my head with one had and pressed his lips against mine. We were pushing against each other so hard our lips could have left indentations. Our tongues explored every facet of each other's mouths. It was passionate. The energy that erupted was nothing short of explosive. This wasn't going to be a gentle love session. I was going to fuck him hard!

I grabbed his t-shirt (which he was wearing as a pajama top) and pulled it over his head. His chest was even more beautiful than I had imagined. He was tight, with a perfect 6 pack. His "v" wasn't as developed as mine but it didn't matter. He was hot. I swung him around, and pushed him back to my bedroom and on my bed. Once he was on his back I grabbed his track pants and tore them off to reveal his massive cock. He must have been a good 8 inches, rock hard, and thick. My cock had reached it's peak, somewhere around 8 inches as well. I lay on top of him, and started tongue-fucking his mouth again.

We rubbed our cocks together while we kissed. Back and forth he would move to the fucking motion. Ever time I pressed my cock harder against his he would moan, the kind of pleasure you get from being totally engrossed in the person you're fucking. I wanted his cock badly. Slowly I let my tongue leave his mouth. I licked his lips, and then down to his neck. I worked my way all around the side of his neck and lower ear lobe. He was moaning even louder now. Leaving the neck I went to his nipples. Perfect. Quarter-sized and hard. There wasn't a hair anywhere on his chest. I tongued his nipples for a good five minutes, working on each slowly.

Finally I was ready to claim my prize. I licked down the run in his abs, down his waist line, to the base of his shaft. From there I licked up the shaft and wrapped my mouth around his circumcised head. I explored every inch of his cock and shaft with my tongue. I love to suck cock, and it shows. Pretty soon he was ready to cum. I could feel the muscles in his pelvis and ass tightening. He started to face fuck me. Grabbing the back of my head with his hand, he rammed his cock in and out of my mouth.

"Fuck. I'm gonna CUM!" he screamed. His hot man-juice squirted into every corner of my mouth. I loved it. Eruption after eruption, this boy must have not had his cock sucked properly in a long time. I swallowed every drop with joy. After it was over, it was my turn.

"Stay there." I whispered, and kissed him quickly, letting him taste the remains of him still in my mouth. I went to the dresser, opened the door and pulled out the lube and condoms I brought from the states. I never dreamed I would be using them so quickly after my arrival.

After putting on the condom, I put some lube on my fingers. Slowly, I massaged his hole. Around the outside at first, I fingered his eager hole. He was moaning again, and his cock was back to full mast. Slowly, I inserted one finger, then too. In and out I finger-fucked this Adonis on my bed.

"Oh, that feels so good. Mmmm....fuck me. FUCK ME!" he screamed suddenly. I've never been one to not do as I'm told. Pressing the cut head of my raging hard-on against his waiting hole, I leaned forward and started kissing him again. Ever time I flung my tongue into his mouth I would push deeper inside of him. Aiden seemed to be in ecstasy. Moaning loud and fast now, I started pounding his ass. Every thrust I would drive myself deeper inside of him.

"How do you like that?" I grunted in between thrusts

"Fucking amazing! Fuck me harder. Fuck me you cock-slut!" he screamed.

I loved dirty talk. Hearing him egg me on only made it better. Every drive into him was another moment of bliss. I started to speed up. Faster and harder I would fuck his hole. Every sense was heightened, especially touch. The sweat dripping off of both our bodies was amazing. Running from my forehead, down my neck and on to my shoulders where it met with his ankles and ran down his legs. Deep inside me I could feel the orgasm coming. As if planned, Aiden screamed "I'm gonna cum again!" Almost simultaneously, we came together. His load shot all over my chest and neck as I emptied my juice inside of him. 8 times in a row, each one as strong as the last. It was unbelievable. At the end, we collapsed in each other's arms.

We lay there in silence for about 10 minutes. Just holding each other, nothing could be heard but our heavy breathing. Finally Aiden broke the silence,

"Christian," he said, "I think I'm gay."

"You definitely fuck like you are." I responded. We kissed again and fell asleep in each others arms.

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