Studying in the Library

By Haircurlers82

Published on Apr 21, 2006



I always hated writing papers and what was I stuck doing on a Friday night at the end of the semester? That's right...I was stuck writing term papers in the library. The university library was open 24 hours so I was able to go there and get my work done in peace and quiet...since no one else was there on a Friday night. I sat at a work table typing up my notes and composing my term paper.

I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I'm about 5'11", 140lbs of lean muscle. My dick is about 7" and pretty thick. I was an athlete in high school, but since coming to college, I haven't had as much time to work out as I would like due to the amount of studying I have to do. I'm also gay, but pretty much still in the closet. I have told a few close friends, but I have not announced it to the world yet. And yeah, I'm still a virgin in very sense of the word. I've never been with a guy or a girl.

At about 4am, I was still sitting at the work table plugging away at my term paper when in walked this guy. His name is Chris. He was in several of my classes and had been the object of many of my jerk off sessions. He was about 6' tall, 160lbs and very muscular. You could tell he worked out regularly by just looking at the size of his biceps and pecs. He had beautiful reddish auburn hair that was trimmed short, but still long enough so that you could run your fingers through it. He had on a tight t-shirt (that was a little too small on purpose) and some tight jeans that accentuated his manhood wonderfully. I had never really had an actual conversation with him, we had only said hi to each in passing because we recognized each other from class. I couldn't really ever before tonight if he was gay.

He sat down at the work table next to the one I was sitting at and sat so he was directly facing me. I acted like I was really into my notes so as not to look as I was staring. I could see his clearly outlined package in his jeans under the table. You could tell just by looking at the bulge that he had a pretty nice sized dick. Apparently, I wasn't looking as nonchalantly as I thought I was as he caught me taking more than just a peak at his outlined genitalia. When I looked up, he winked at me and gave me a naughty smile. My heart gave a leap and I thought to myself that he might be gay after all.

For the next half hour or so I continued to work on my term paper and every once in a while take a peak at his package under the table. A couple times I could swear he was playing with his dick underneath his tight jeans, although he acted like he was simply adjusting himself. You could clearly see a stiff erection outlined through his jeans. I continued to watch him out of the corner of my eye type furiously on his laptop and also write notes in a notepad. All of a sudden, Chris stood up from his work table. I thought for a moment that he was done studying and that I was not going to be able to continue staring at his package underneath the table, but he left his belongings at the table. As he walked past me he rubbed his package against my shoulder and dropped a piece of note paper onto my work table. As he headed toward the men's restroom, I opened up the note and read it. "I saw you taking a nice long look at my package. If you want to see the real thing, meet me in the men's bathroom."

I was a little shocked at the forwardness of the note, but obviously a little aroused as well. I knew what cruising was, but had never done it or experienced and never expected to experience it in a college library. Had Chris really been studying or was he just trying to get some action in an unexpected place on a Friday night? Either way, my curiosity got the better of me and I stood up and headed to the men's restroom. I had to shift myself around to try to hide the fact that I was getting aroused thinking of what could possibly happen in the bathroom.

I walked into the restroom, but didn't see Chris anywhere. My heart sank a little as the only other person I saw wasn't Chris. As the other random guy left the restroom, I heard the door shut and lock. I turned around and saw Chris standing there grinning at me. I just stood there because I wasn't exactly sure what was happening or about to happen for that matter. Since I didn't move, Chris walked towards me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned his head in to kiss me. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and the warm feeling of his tongue began to melt away my fears. I wrapped my arms around him and we began to explore each other's bodies. I felt his hands move their way down my body and begin to unbutton my jeans. At this point, I kind of hesitated and I whispered to him that I was a virgin. He whispered back to me, "I'll be gentle..."

I let go of my inhibitions and decided to just go with it. He pushed me against the wall of the restroom as he finished unbuttoning my jeans and pulled them down to my ankles. He began stroking my dick and kissing my torso all the way to my dick right before he engulfed my erect dick in his hot mouth. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing as he had me squirming with pleasure for my first blow job. I was in ecstasy and the walls were almost spinning as his bobbed up and down on my hard cock. He had only been going for about five minutes when I could feel myself nearing the point of release. I told him I was getting close because I wasn't sure if he wanted to swallow or not. He slowly came to a halt before I came. I was standing there with my dick pointing to the heavens and my balls waiting for release.

Chris stood up and whispered into my ear that he wanted to teach me how to give a blow job. Obviously this was something I had literally dreamed about doing many nights, so I eagerly reached for his jeans and quickly dropped them to his ankles. As I got down on my knees he instructed me to do what felt natural and just to watch the teeth. I nodded in understanding and quickly sucked his dick into my mouth. The taste and the feel of his dick inside of my mouth was amazing. His dick was about the same size as mine, but a little longer and not quite as thick. As I got going, I tried to mimic what he had been doing to me. I took as much as I could of his dick into my mouth and throat while at the same time stroking his cock at the root. I massaged his balls as I continued to give my first blow job to this hot guy. Chris was groaning with pleasure and began moving his hips in rhythm with my sucking. I began to stroke my still hard dick as I sucked and stroked his cock. Chris' pace picked up and I could tell he was about to cum. He let out a loud moan and his eyes rolled into the back of his head and I felt the first shot of his cum hit the back of my throat, which caused me to start shooting my load between his legs. The warm fluid shot a couple more times into my mouth.

I cleaned his dick off and let the softening cock slide out of my mouth. I looked up at Chris and he told me that I gave a pretty good blow job especially for my first time. I told him I think I learned from the best.

He grinned at me and said, "Wow, you're still hard!" I looked down at my own dick and sure enough, even though it felt like I had cum a couple gallons of semen my dick was still up at full mast. Chris looked at me said, "I think I know just what will take care of that..."

Chris pulled me to my feet and stroked my cock. He reached into his jeans and pulled out a condom. I was a little shocked as I obviously knew what that meant. He continued to stroke my cock as he opened up the condom and slid it onto my dick. He pulled out a tiny package of lube and smeared it all over my dick and also his asshole as he fingered it. The feeling lube had a warming sensation. As he continued to slowly stroke my dick, he leaned in to kiss me again. It felt like we just stood there and kissed for a good five minutes while he continued to stroke my still hard cock. Finally, he pulled his lips away and maneuvered his ass towards my hard cock. He steadied himself and pulled my cock to the entrance of his asshole. At this point, I was afraid to take the lead because I had never done this before. I think Chris could sense this, so he took the lead and did all of the work for me. He opened up his asshole and pulled my dick inside of his asshole with his muscles. When the head of my dick was all the way in his hole, the feeling of warmth overtook me and I began to push further in. When I had pushed all of my length into his hole, Chris stopped me and told me just to enjoy the moment for a second.

I wrapped my arms around his chest and pulled his body into mine as the entire length of my cock rested in his asshole. He turned his head around to kiss me and I once again felt the warmth of his tongue in my mouth. He whispered in my ear to fuck him until the sun comes up. I didn't hesitate to think about it. I slowly began to move my hips back and forth and slide my dick in and out of his asshole. The feeling of my first fuck was amazing. The warmth and tightness of his asshole surrounding my cock put me in ecstasy. The feelings were soon overwhelming my body and my hormones took over my thought process. My hands grabbed onto his hips and I began to fuck him faster and faster. His dick became hard again and he was jerking it rapidly. We were both moaning quite a bit and afterward, I wondered just how loud we were.

I continued to fuck him and I felt myself getting nearer to cumming. I wasn't sure if I should pull out or just cum in his ass in the condom. I screamed out what should I do and Chris said to pull out and cum on his chest. So I quickly my dick out of his ass and ripped off the condom. We both began to rapidly beat our cocks while we were facing each other. I could tell he was near the point of no return as I was there as well. Finally, I couldn't hold back any longer and I shot another huge load onto his chest and part landed on his face. As my load hit him in the face, he shot another load onto my chest. I was breathless and I collapsed and slid down the wall to the floor. As he finished, he sat down next to me and leaned in to kiss me. We sat there making out for probably a good ten minutes until someone finally knocked on the locked door and asked if everything was alright. Chris screamed back that everything was fine that we just had a flooded toilet and that we would be out in a couple minutes.

Chris looked back at me and smiled. He told me he had been watching me all semester and that he had wanted to get with me, but wasn't sure if I was gay or not. I was stunned, not hurt, but a little flattered. I told him that I had been watching him as well. As we finished cleaning ourselves and the bathroom floor and walls up, he gave me his phone and email and I gave him mine. Chris told me to call him if I wanted, but that he definitely wanted to get to know me better. I smiled back at him and said that I hope that we can get to know each better as well. He walked out of the restroom first. I followed a couple minutes later.

When I got back to my work table it was 6am. Chris had already gathered up his belongings and had left the library. I truly hoped that I would see him again...who knows what fun could be had...

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