
By Doug

Published on Feb 27, 2000




If I wasn't so damned stupid, I'd be smart. At any rate, I'm smarter now than I was a few weeks ago. Damn, but it cost me to learn this lesson. I suppose that most young males make the worst decisions of their lives with a hard on. At least that's how it is with me. The blood that it takes to pump that thing up must starve the brain cells or something, because every time my flagpole hoists to full height, I start acting stupid.

I don't suppose there is a real limit to how many times a guy can come in a day. It depends on motivation, excitement, and how much beer you drink. I know. I've been in marathons so to speak!

The bottom line is, I love girls! I also love boys! It doesn't matter if they have big heavy hooters or taut gym tits. The teardrop shape of a girl's butt excites me just is much as the twin honeydews of a boy's hard behind. Whether it's a mouth, pussy, asshole or a rock-hard cock, I can think of something worthwhile to do with it, even if it's just my own meat! I should say, especially if it's my own meat!

I don't have any idea how many times I've jacked that boy. I was about ten I guess when I started. I walked into my brother's room to ask him to take me to the mall, and I caught him laying on his bed, his pants down, pulling on his pud. Of course he jumped about three feet when I opened the door, then looked over my shoulder to be sure mom wasn't behind me.

"Close the damn door, Squirt," he told me quickly.

I did, and watched him pull his briefs up. "What were you doin'?" I had asked.

Diego looked at me and grinned. "You really don't know?"

"No," I answered. For some reason the sight of him playing with his cock had given me my own, smaller version of a woody. I could see he was still hard under his shorts.

"I was jackin' off," he whispered.

"What's that?" I asked.

He grinned at me. "Maybe someday when you're older," he said, roughing my hair.

"I wanna know now," I told him, "or else I'm gonna ask mom about it!"

Diego rolled his eyes to the sky. He lowered his voice and used the same tones he always used when we were about to do something that would piss the old man off if he found out. "Does your tee tee ever get kind hard?" he asked.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Do you ever rub it?"

"Yeah," I answered slowly. "It feels good." I blushed.

"What happens then?" he said, a hunt of a smile at the corners of his mouth.

"The more I rub the more I want to. Finally it feels so good I have to stop."

"That's called an orgasm," Diego supplied. "Does anything come out of you when that happens?"

"No," I answered. "It just feels real good."

"Want to see what it'll look like when you're older?" he asked wickedly.


With that, my brother let his pants back down and sat there cross-legged on his bed on top of a towel. As he rubbed his cock, it got bigger and bigger. As red as it was getting, I was sure it was hurting him! The really amazing thing was the longer I watched the more mine was bothering me.

Finally, he closed his eyes and moaned. I was surprised to see this white- looking stuff shoot out of his cock. It wasn't like peeing. This stuff came out in spurts. I started giggling and said softly, "You dork! You've wet your bed!"

It took him a few seconds to respond. When he finally opened his eyes, he had this silly, shit-eating smile on his face. "I didn't pee, you little shit! I just came! And this stuff is thick. It won't soak through the towel!"

I leaned forward to examine the stuff. I had a funny smell to it. "What is this?" I asked. Nothing like it had ever come out of me!

"It's cum," he repeated. "Baby stuff."

"Say, what?" I asked, not understanding.

"Sperm!" He whispered loudly. "If you stick your cock up in a girl's pussy and shoot this stuff in her, she'll have a baby!"

I kept remembering how big Diego's cock had gotten while he was rubbing it. "Your dick sure got big while you were rubbing it," I said, still seeing that it looked big even in its shrunken state.

"That's because I do this every day!" he said. "Tommy Hill told me that years ago. Your cock is like any other muscle! The more you exercise it, the bigger it'll get!"

Years later, I would find out that Diego had been full of shit. But I believed his tale at the time. I believed it so much that I went back to my room and played with my little weenie until I got a cumless orgasm. And I made sure that I did it at least one everyday from then on. It wasn't long before my cum came in, and of course, my cock started to get bigger as I hit puberty. In my own mind, it was the exercise I gave my meat that was making it grow, and I wasn't about to stop.

If Diego had been right, I ought to be hung to my knees by now. But he was full of shit. I wound up on the high side of average with almost seven inches. But whether it was my genes or my hard work, it did turn out to be a nice, thick one! I remember trying a jack-off technique that made the rounds in high school once. The idea was to take the cardboard tube from a used-up roll of toilet paper and use that as an artificial vagina. Well, I stuck my thing in it, and sure enough, I started getting harder. Only problem was, when it pumped up, the head was sticking out the other end of the tube and I was so hard that I couldn't even move the damned thing! I wound up having to tear the cardboard off my dick to relieve the pain! That suggested to me that I might be a little larger than a lot of guys, at least in thickness.

Add to all of this my 6'2" 160 pound lithe body, black hair and eyes, and Hispanic good looks. I admit I'm quite the hedonist.

But enough of this background shit. The real story I wanted to tell started the first day back at college for my Junior year. I hadn't gotten unpacked good when there was a knock at my door. The cute blond at the door was Sheila Evans. I'd first banged her the previous Spring after a dance at her sorority. We'd done it back behind the stone fence behind the sorority house. It had been a matter of us kissing and me feeling her up, and her just undoing my zipper! I didn't even pull her panties off! I just pushed them aside and got into her! We had gone out a couple of times after that, and found that we didn't have much in common, but she still wanted to screw me! Which was fine with me. I don't mind being used that way at all!

"Hi, Carlos," she said casually as she walked in, looking at the just made bed. "Long time no see, Amigo!"

I smiled at her. "Long time no see, gringo girl." The exchange was doubly funny. My family is originally from Mexico, but I'm third generation American. I don't know a hundred words of Spanish! And my grandfather was the last one with an accent! Still, I have the look, and I take the kidding. But I give as good as I get!

"Got any memories, Carlos?" she asked, undoing the top button of her blouse.

"I got tons. You wanta make some new ones?"

"Just what I had in mind," she said as she undid the buckle of my belt. I decided to help. I pulled my polo shirt over my head, and slipped out of my loafers. She undid the snap of my jeans and slipped the zipper down.

I stepped out of the jeans and pulled the briefs after them. My cock was ready. She reached out and took it in her small hand. "I've missed this amigo over the summer," she smiled.

"Well," I grinned back, "are you gonna stand there dressed, or are we gonna fuck?"

Without another word, she began unbuttoning the rest of the buttons on her blouse. I tugged on her flair skirt. The elastic expanded, and it dropped over her hips. I pulled down the panties, displaying the dark blond bush that grew in such profusion over her love nest. By this time, she was rid of the blouse and was just unhooking her bra. Sheila didn't have much in the way of tits. The upside was, they didn't droop or sag at all! She looked like she was wearing an invisible bra!

We walked to the bed and I pushed her down, planning to bury myself in her wetness and get started. She surprised me when she gently pushed me back. "I want to ride you," she grinned evilly!

I held my cock in position while she maneuvered her pussy lips over the head. I silently thanked the girl for being on the pill as I felt the delicious wetness of her cunt walls enfold me. She worked around and around, slowing absorbing my cock into her canal. "You are such a stud," she breathed. "If this thing was any thicker, I couldn't get it in!" She grinned. "But I'd sure try!"

I reached up and took a small breast in each hand, caressing the nipples between my fingers. I knew she liked me to do that, and I felt her pussy walls contract when I did it.

A moment later, I felt her pubes come to rest on my own. She had me all the way in. I let her sit there a minute, letting her cunt get used to the sensation of being full. Finally, I pushed against her a little, wrinkling my nose with the pleasure her girl part was giving my manhood. She bent forward to kiss me, her tongue penetrating my mouth. As we fell into rhythm, her tongue would mimic every move my clock made in her. I swirled my tongue around hers, gratified to feel her already tight pussy grip me all the harder.

If she hadn't been so juicy it would have been uncomfortable, she was so tight! She was pounding me pretty hard at that point and I was returning every stroke! She was so caught up in the ride that she never noticed when the door opened.

Poor Mark. He never could really believe my capacity for sex. Of course, this was the first time he and I had ever seen each other. He was a new roommate, and he'd just used his own key to unlock the door. He stared open-mouthed at the scene before him. I had the presence of mind to wave at him and motion him back out into the hall. He grinned a little stupidly and slowly retreated, being quiet as he slowly closed the door.

I had jacked off earlier in the day, so I wasn't over-eager. Sheila finally came, her sex flush almost making her chest glow. I rolled us over and finished up on top, getting my dick as far up in her as it would go before I finally shot my load. She locked her legs around me, hugging me tightly.

"I could love you if you weren't such a shit head," she said softly.

"Flattery," I returned. I pulled my now soft cock from her flooded lips. "I think I heard some one at the door. You better go to the bath and clean up while I see who it is."

She shrugged her shoulders and gathered her stuff up. I pulled on shorts and jeans and went out into the hall.

Mark was standing against the wall, his arms crossed and one foot propped up. "Hi!" I said, offering my hand, "I'm Carlos Guererra! Come on in."

I thought it was odd that he offered his left hand to shake until I looked down. There was a shiny split hook where his right hand should have been. Mark smiled crookedly and sort of shrugged his shoulders. "You'll get used to it," he said. "I'm Mark Sellers. Nice to meet you, Carlos." He nodded toward the room. "Sorry to interrupt you and your, uh, guest," he said.

"Hey, sorry you caught us, man," I told him. "I usually wouldn't have been at it in the middle of the day, but Sheila is so damn passionate! We hadn't seen each other all summer.

"Your girl?" he asked.

I grinned. "Just a friend," I returned. "Here let me give you a hand..."I said and then realized I'd just made a blunder. "I mean, let me help you with your stuff."

"Hey, man," Mark smiled, "I've worn this thing twelve years. I've heard all the jokes and slips. Don't worry about it. And yeah, thanks for the hand!"

We were stacking all of Mark's stuff on his side of the room when Sheila slipped out the bathroom door and waved a silent goodbye to me.

"She's pretty," he said.

"She's just a piece of ass, man," I told him. "We dated a while last year. The head is empty. But God does she have a piece of tail on her!"

We both laughed.

"You got a girl here?" I asked him.

"With this?" he said, raising the hook. "Come on."

I blushed. "I guess I'm gonna make a fool of myself the whole time we're together," I said, apologizing.

"I wasn't mad," Mark said. His crew cut auburn hair and bright green eyes made him a real looker. With the exception of the arm, he appeared to be Joe College. "I just never have figured out how to get the girls to look past this hook hand." I started to say something, but thought better of it. We spent the next couple of hours getting him unpacked. We blew another hour over at the student union having supper and shooting a quick table of pool. He was good. I had a feeling Mark just might be a hustler of sorts. It would be easy to think that a kid with no right hand would have a hard time at the game. The reality is, he has a built- in bridge with that hook. He doesn't miss! I was glad we didn't have any money on the game.

We got back to the room. Mark sat down and I piled on my bed. "I think there's something we need to get out of the way," he began.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered. He held up his hook. "You know I have one hand. And since we're gonna be living together, you are going to be seeing me without it a lot. I thought you might like to take a good look at both me and my artificial arm. It'll save you having to do it while you don't think I'm looking," he grinned.

"Sounds like you've done this before," I said back.

"Every new friend or roomie, I have to do this sooner or later," he nodded.

"OK, I'm game," I replied. Man oh man! If he only knew.

Mark undid the buttons of his shirt and took it off. He was wearing the gizmo over his tee shirt, and I could see all of the straps and cables hooked up to it. This was wild! All of those pictures of one-armed and one-legged guys I have over there on my computer, and now here's the real thing sitting in front of me!

"This is the harness for the hook," he said, pointing to his left shoulder and the strap that ran over it. "When I want to open the fingers of the hook, I just shrug." He moved the shoulder forward a little and the hook obediently opened. "When I relax," and he did, "the rubber band here makes the fingers close," and they did!

What he did next blew my mind apart. He raised his right arm over his head and back. Then he reached up with his left hand and just pulled the fake arm right off! "Here, he said, "have a look."

I was fascinated! The way the top part of the thing was made was way too cool. There was a brace that ran part of the way up his upper arm, and a joint where the elbow could move. The neatest thing was the opening at the upper end of the actual arm piece, where the nub of his real arm fit into it. It was lined with some sort of fleecy looking stuff.

"Neat," was all I could respond. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't miss a beat.

"And here's what this is all about," he said, "leaning forward. "I managed to stick my hand into a washing machine that didn't stop spinning when I opened the lid when I was eight. It broke my arm in nine places."


"Pretty much. They were able to set the four breaks on my upper arm, but this was all they could save of the rest." He flexed his elbow, making a small six inch-long cone of flesh move up and down. "Go ahead," he said. "Touch it, you won't hurt it."

I did. First I put a finger tip to the end of his stump, where a faint light scar could be seen running across the end. It was strange: It looked like the lower part of his arm had stopped growing when he was about eight, and the upper part had gone ahead and gotten bigger. The nub was about as big around as an eight year-old's arm at the elbow, but above was full sized. He flexed it, laughing when I jumped back.

I smiled at him, and laughed, too. I then reached out with my right hand and took hold of the stump. "Glad to meet you," I said, making a shaking motion. Mark laughed back. I released the shortened arm, and Mark leaned back in his chair. "That your computer over there?" he asked, changing the subject as though we had been discussing some sports team.

"Yeah, it's mine," I said. "You got one?"

"Yeah, but I didn't bring it this trip. I'll get it next time I'm home."

"Hey, man, feel free," I told him. "It's plugged into the campus net, ready to surf."

"Cool," he replied. "You got any good porn sites locked in?"

"Naw, had to take them out of the list over the summer while I was home," I told him, "but I do have a couple of picture collections in a hidden directory."

"Well," haul 'em out!" he said brightly.

I went in and made the directories visible. "Boys or girls?" I asked him.

"You got both?" he asked back with a smile.

"Well, time for me to let you find out about me," I said. "I like both sexes. I'm not gonna bother you if you don't want me to, but that's just me. I like sex. It's all good!"

Mark clicked on the "MEN" directory. I just about shit when it opened. Sitting right there, in front of God and everybody was the sub marked "HOT AMPUTEES". Mark said nothing, but clicked on the folder. I was watching him closely, hoping against hope that it wasn't going to piss him off.

He finally turned to me and smiled. "You're a devotee, aren't you?" he asked without anger. "Yeah," was all I could answer.

"I've only known two before," he said. "One was a shit head and would like go into heat every time I was around. The other boy was kind of like you. He liked this," and he flexed his stump for emphasis, 'but he could talk to me about other things." He paused. "He's the first guy I ever had sex with."

My mind exploded with an exaggerated, jubilant "YES!" I smiled at him. "Am I your cup of tea?" I asked.

"God, you're gorgeous!" Mark said back. "I didn't know if you were gay or interested or repulsed or what."

I walked to the door and locked it. "Let's see how compatible we really are," I smiled evilly. He grinned back and went to the single window of the room, closing the blind.

I walked over to him. We stood there, a scant foot between us for a few moments. Finally I leaned forward and very gently kissed his lips. I leaned back and we smiled at each other. The sparkle in his green eyes made me think of emeralds. Mark put his arms around my neck and drew me closer again. This time it was he who started the kiss. He put his land behind my head, playing with the hair there and gently raked my lips with his tongue. I opened my mouth beneath his, and his tongue began exploring my mouth. I raked his tongue with my own and put my arms around his torso, pulling his closer.

When the kiss broke, we disengaged. It was strip time, and we did it in record time! Having one hand didn't seem to slow Mark down any. We stood there in the middle of the room, surveying each other. Looking back, it was actually funny when we saw each other's cocks. It was just like in a movie, we were surveying each other's bodies. When we got to waist level, we both looked up at the other in amazement.

"How thick IS that thing?" Mark asked breathlessly.

"I'll tell as soon as you tell me how long yours is!" I replied.

We both started giggling. "I'm a little over six and a half long and about seven and three-quarters around," I answered.

"That is the thickest cock I've ever seen," he marveled.

"What about you?" I asked. "That sucker's got to be eight inches long!"

"8 «," he said simply. "I don't know how thick it is. Never measured. Damn, it's nothing compared to you!" Mark wrinkled up his nose a moment. "What's that smell?" he asked.

"What are you smelling," I asked, sniffing the air.

"Smells like fish," he ventured.

"Sheila!" we both said together. He was right. I hadn't taken a shower since my session with the girl earlier in the day.

"Come on, buddy," I said, "lets go get cleaned up before we turn in!"

I turned on the water in the shower and got it adjusted. I was lathering up when Mark called "Let me know when you're finished."

"Come on in!" I called. "I don't mind if you don't!"

Mark pulled the shower curtain aside and stepped into the tiled shower stall. He put out his hand and decided that he liked the water. I moved to the side to let him wet down, and he started putting soap on his wash cloth.

It was an interesting operation to watch. He spread the cloth over the end of his stump, and started rubbing the soap against it with his left hand. He deposited the soap back in the dispenser, and started washing the left side of his body with the cloth covered stump. I guess he noticed me watching how he did it, because he laughed a couple of times. "Want me to do your back?" he asked.

I couldn't agree to that one too fast! He soaped the rag again and started rubbing it all over my back. I could actually tell when he was using the tip of his stump and when he was using the flat of it. My woody had returned in force.

When I turned around he saw the results he'd had. "Looks like something else wants to be washed," he said, those eyes sparkling with mischief.

Again, all I could do was nod!

Mark slipped his arm around my waist and bent so he could reach my crotch with his stump. He started to wash and dab around with the cloth, but I couldn't take much more. The big blue vein that ran the length of my cock looked like it was about to explode. Mark dropped to his knees in front of me and looked up, smiling. I turned around and rinsed the soap from my cock and balls, then turned back to the waiting boy.

Mark took my thick member in his hand and opened his moth wide. When his lips closed around my sword, I leaned back against the shower wall so I wouldn't fall. He gently started to pull vacuum in his mouth, and more of my hard disappeared into it. I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I felt something slide up the inside of my left thigh and come to rest at the bottom of my ball sack. I managed to open my eyes long enough to discover that Mark had slipped his amputated forearm up my leg and was letting my balls rest in the crook of his elbow. As he worked the stub back and forth, I got feelings that I had never experienced, and I've had a hell of a lot of experience! I realized that no one but an amputee could do this for me. I was having the experience of a lifetime!

Mark had apparently had more than one cock in that sweet mouth of his. He knew how to suck. God, he was good! He never raked me with his teeth and he didn't try to suck the blood through the cock walls. He would just help it slide in and out by alternately sucking and blowing. Between that and his manipulations with his stump, I didn't last a tenth as long as I had with Sheila. I felt the pressure building in my cock and balls. "I'm almost there," I breathed.

His hungry mouth slowly let go of me, continuing to rub with his hand. He licked his lips and smiled up at me. "Sorry," he said, "I don't swallow."

I answered by hitting the wall with the first glob of my cum. I hit again, and a third time. After that, the spurts starting coming with less strength, but I was still pumping the cream out. I slid down the wall and collapsed into a heap at the bottom of the shower. The water continued to splash over us. I watched as the fruits of my loins were slowly washed down the drain. In a couple of minutes, there was no sign of what we had just done.

I looked at Mark. He appeared slightly smug and definitely proud of himself. "You don't have to look like the cat that ate the canary," I said laughing as I got up.

"That's no fuckin' canary," he said, nodding at my dick.

We embraced under the showerhead. "What can I do for you?" I whispered into his ear.

"Ever been a bottom?" he asked coyly.

"Yeah," I grinned at him. "But not with a hose like that one!"

"Want to try it out?" He reached down and grabbed his cock, swinging it around like some sexually explicit key chain.

I cracked up. "Why not?"

We got out of the shower and toweled each other dry. Just before I turned out the lights, I unlocked the door to the other room in the suite, and locked our door from the inside of the room.

Mark had already pulled the covers of his bed back and had tossed his second pillow down at about waist level on the mattress. I nodded at the pillow. "Ready for me, huh?"

Mark simply pointed to the pillow with his stump.

I lay down as Mark walked to the wall switch and doused the lights. Only the computer screen lit the room. Mark had a picture of a young man who, like himself, had only one arm up on the screen. I had to admit the boy knew how to set a scene. As he sat down on the side of the bed, I heard a tearing sound. I looked up to find Mark holding a condom in his left hand and tearing the package open with his teeth.

"Let me," I said.

"Hey, I can do it," he assured me.

"Ever think I might WANT to do it?" I grinned.

He just smiled back and handed me the condom. He got up and stood by the side of the bed, presenting his cock for it's covering. I took the rubber out of the foil package and bent forward to kiss the swollen head before bagging him. I couldn't resist taking the whole of that swollen knob in my mouth for a moment, swirling my tongue around and around it. Mark leaned his head back and sighed deeply.

Before either of us got carried away, I placed the protection on the end of his dick and slid it down the shaft. I unrolled it all the way, and it still lacked about an inch of reaching the base. As he climbed into the bed, I reached across the nightstand and got a rubber of my own and a tube of KY jelly. I put a bit on my finger and coated the area around and just inside my ass with the slippery stuff. Next, I slipped a condom on my own cock, just in case I wanted to play again and not make a mess.

I spread my legs to let Mark lay on top of me. The smooth feel of his hard body aroused me no end. We kissed again, and he reached his hand up to feel my right nipple. He broke the kiss and ran his tongue lightly down my neck to my left nipple. He rimmed his tongue round and round it, making it get hard. Finally, when it was almost sore, he kissed me there, sucking like I would suck a girl's tit. God, it felt good. I wrapped my legs around his ass and hugged him to me.

I could feel his cock caressing me down there. He got to an upright position, and I swung my legs up onto his shoulders. He used his hand to guide that long dong of his to the door of my asshole. The stump of his right arm was caressing my left thigh. Slowly, gently, he began to push against me. I relaxed as much as I could, trying to give him easy entry.

Between the lube on the condom and the KY, he didn't have a bit of a problem. I felt the head of his dick slide into me, and then, ever so slowly, he began to slip more and more of that monster inside.

Being the bottom has never really been my thing, but I couldn't have refused even if I'd wanted to after the head he'd given me earlier. He began to thrust into me, his passions taking over. I looked down and was surprised to find that he only had about half of it in me.

"Mark?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he breathed.

"Put it in."

"Huh?" "Put as much in as I can take."

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah," I breathed back. "I want to know what it feels like!"

He began to slide more and more of the joystick up my ass. When he hit the 3/4 mark, I thought I was about to go insane. He was rubbing back and forth across my prostate, and it was driving me wild!

"Yesssssssss!" I told him through clinched teeth.

He must have known what was happening, because he kept his cock at that depth for a long time, pumping back and forth across that magic spot deep in my ass. My own cock had expanded again, filling the rubber with it's bulk. I began to stroke my own cock, adding to my excitement. It didn't take but about a minute for me to spurt again, replacing some of the bulk of my cock in the condom with a pool of milky spendings at it's tip.

Mark was getting carried away, too. By his breathing, I figured it wouldn't be long. Finally, he was close. I felt him slide even more of his monster cock into me. It hurt a little, but I was having trouble separating the pleasure from the pain at that point. Finally, I felt his balls against my butt, and I knew he was full in me. He stroked about three more times and then it happened.

I felt him cum. The spasms that made his dick expand with each expulsion of sperm seemed to go on for quite some time. He was leaning against my legs as much for support as out of passion. Finally, he gave a deep sigh and withdrew, falling down onto the mattress next to me.

Over the next few minutes, as we both shrank for the night, we removed the latex prisons our cocks were encased in, and dropped them off the edge of the bed. He snuggled up to me and kissed me again.

"You OK?" he asked.

"Great!" I answered.

"I didn't hurt you?"

"Nope. Not enough to worry. And it was worth it for the good time you were showing me!"

He smiled.

"You ever a bottom?" I asked him.

"A few times. I don't like it much," he answered.

I hugged him. "You don't have to be," I told him, "the way you give head! And God! The feeling that cock of yours gives!"

"Am I as good as a girl?" he asked, giggling.

"Girls don't know how to blow a dick," I answered. "They don't have one, so they don't know how to treat one. I've always thought guys were better lovers when it comes to that!"

"I wouldn't know," Mark sighed.

"Never had a girl do you?"

"Never had a girl, period."

"So you don't like 'em?"

"It's not that. I get hot looking at some of them. I just..." he let it drop.

"Son," I said, hugging him tight, "we gotta get you laid! Both sexes have a lot going for 'em!"

He giggled again. I think he was asleep in just a few minutes, but it took me longer to drift off. I began to think how I could set it up where he could sample some pussy. It was just a matter of finding the right girl!

It must have been two weeks later that I first ran into Marlene Jenkins. I had been lazy over the summer, and had not been going to a gym back home, so it had taken a little time to get up the resolve to start working out again. The « inch of fat that was starting to accumulate around my waist was the straw that sent me back to the sweat room.

I had been there about half an hour when Marlene came crutching into the room. Her shiny forearm crutches had blue trim bands around the cuffs that matched the headband she was wearing and the blue of her gym shorts. She apparently wasn't shy about her amputation. The eight-inch stump of her left leg was sticking out of her gym shorts. She wore no stump sock or other covering on it. I tried not to stare, but couldn't help myself. She was hypnotic, the way she literally floated on those crutches!

My guess was that she had been an amp for quite a few years. First was her crutch artistry, but more telling was the small size of her stump. It was only about 1/3 the size of the heavily muscled sound limb. I was willing to bet she had lost it as a young child. It was beautifully tapered, leading me to suspect it had spent a lot of time in an artificial leg. The end was slightly misshapen due to deep fissuring of the closure scar, a rarity in this day where cosmetic considerations seem to edge their way into all surgery. The real tip-off was her lack of self-consciousness about the missing leg. That didn't come about in a short time. I was surprised to see her go over to the free-weight bench and drop her backpack there. She got back up and went to the head of the stand, selecting 80 pounds for each side of the barbell! This, I had to see!

She sat back down on the bench and slip up under the weights. I stepped up to the head of the bench and looked down at her. "Need a spotter," I asked flashing her my best grin.

"I can manage," she said.

I shrugged and started to leave.

"But you can if you want to," she added with a smile.

She was right! She didn't need a spotter. This woman was strong! Near the end of the lengthy set, she finally gasped "All right," she said. "If you want to do something, I'm going for three more. Watch for me!"

She needed a little lift on the final extension. I helped guide the bar back to the rack and lower it into place.

"Amazing," I said, nodding my respects to her.

She just smiled back. "First time I've seen you here," she said.

"First time I've been here this semester," I returned. I offered my hand. "I'm Carlos Guererra."

"Marlene Jenkins," she said, returning the handshake.

"What all do you put in your workout," I asked.

"The frees," she said, gesturing, "and I use several of the machines."

"Unusual to see a girl who lifts," I added.

"I'm an unusual girl," she smiled back. The she put her hand on the missing leg. "I have to do something to stay fit. I would jog, but it's hard to do on a fake leg."

"Mind if we partner for the rest of the workout," I asked.

"Fine by me," was her neutral answer.

That workout really burned me! It wasn't the muscle burn that a good workout will leave you with. No, this burning was in my cock! I wanted to sample the wares on this honey more than just about anything I had wanted in a long time! I was almost surprised when she accepted my offer to walk her home.

As it turned out, she lived in the fartherest dorm on campus. I didn't mind, because it gave me more time to talk to her, to get to know her. I found out that she had lost her leg at age 6. Seems she had wanted to learn to water-ski and the rope had gotten fouled in the prop. It had pulled her right into the blades. The amazing part was, while it had completely severed her leg, there was not another scratch on her from the accident. About all that was left to do at the hospital was to sew up the stump and give her time to heal.

"I can hardly remember having two legs," she finished. "The kids at my school were all young enough that they didn't think much of it after the novelty wore off. I've had a pretty normal life." She smiled. "And more than my share of boyfriends!"

"Shit!" I swore internally. "Who's the lucky gentleman these days," I asked aloud.

"Oh, no one in particular," she returned. We had arrived at the outside door of the dorm. It was past visiting hours, so I had to tell her goodbye there. She turned to face me. "No, there's no one in particular here, Carlos," she repeated. "So, would you like to take me to dinner tomorrow night?"

I never missed a beat. "Seven o'clock sound good?" I asked.

"Great! Where are we going?"

"How about the Chop House?"

"Steak sounds great," she returned. She leaned toward me and gave me a light kiss, full on the mouth. I know it must have had something to do with her keeping her balance, but for a moment, I thought she had swiped her stump against my crotch on purpose. At any rate, it gave me a woody for all seasons! It was a good thing Mark and I were at a point where we could come to each other when we needed that sort of help!

********** I was really disappointed when I picked Marlene up the following evening. She was wearing a prosthetic leg so real looking I'm willing to bet not one person in ten would notice her in a group. And she knew how to use it! She was smooth! But again, I didn't miss a beat. I was the perfect gentleman, taking her to one of the most expensive restaurants in town and pulling out all of the stops. It has always been a conviction of mine that a date has far less fight in her with a full stomach.

It was back at the dorm that the evening took a bizarre turn.

Marlene invited me up to her room, telling me that her roommate was gone for the whole weekend. I eagerly accepted the invitation.

When we got into her digs, I sat down in an offered beanbag chair and she left with the "Let me get into something more comfortable. Take off your tie and relax!"

I tugged at the necktie which I hated, and put it and my jacket on the floor next to the chair. I undid a couple of buttons on the oxford cloth shirt and opened the sleeves. A few moments later, Marlene returned. She was wearing nothing but a tee shirt and gym shorts, and she was using her crutches again. I could see the outline of her nipples through the cloth of the shirt.

My mouth must have been hanging open.

"I guess you think I do this for a living," she smiled.

"No," I said, finally closing my mouth.

She crossed to the beanbag chair and sat on my lap. "I think you are really sexy, Carlos. Those eyes of your must get you into every girls bed there is!"

"Uh, well," I stated.

"And you're a devotee," she smiled. "I can spot you guys a mile away!"

"Uh, well," I started again.

"It's ok," she said, taking my hand and placing it on her stump. "I appreciate you guys!" She grinned. "It's like the girls with big boobs are pleased that there are guys who'd kill for them!"

I checked out her chest for a second. "I'd say you would have a good chance with most of that group, too," I added.

"Yeah," she snickered, "but some of them are turned off when they find out about the leg. No, I prefer you guys who get in heat over it to the ones who are able to overlook it!"

With that, she took the bottom of the tee shirt in both her hands and pulled it all of the way over her head. As I had thought when she had crutched in, Marlene wore no bra. I had suspected a full set of tits the night before, but it appears she must have been wearing one of those bras that sort of flatten everything out then. Here, naked before me were twin cantaloupe, ready to be picked and enjoyed in all their succulent sweetness.

I put a tentative hand on the right breast, feeling its weight and texture. There was enough sway and a slight droop to the mammary. I was sure they were real, and not the product of some plastic surgeon. The nipple responded to my touch, the dark area around it beginning to pout forward over an inch. I smiled. "What's funny," she asked.

"You have puffies!" I smiled. I love 'em! And so few girls have them!"

She responded by pulling my face down against the adored surface, letting me have my way with it. Had she had milk in those tits of hers, I'd have gained another pound in the twenty minutes that followed. Marlene loved to have her boobs sucked on and played with!

Sitting there on my lap, she felt the beast stir. Putting a hand down in my lap, she felt the size of the bulge. "Looks like someone is having a good time," she whispered. She got up, leaving her crutches on the floor. She reached out a hand and pulled me to my feet. I put my arms around her and kissed her full on the mouth.

Releasing the embrace, I quickly undressed. Putting a hand on each large breast for support, Marlene hopped to the side of her bed and pulled back the covers. As she wriggled out of the gym shorts and let the drop to the floor, she turned and raised both arms to waist height, turning the palms up. "Here I am!" she seemed to be saying. The she took one more hop and hit the bed.

I walked over to the side of the bed and stopped where she could get a good view of my now rock hard penis. Her eyes widened. I wasn't sure if it was from fear or joy... I've gotten both reactions before. "What ya think?" I asked.

"I think I just got lucky!" was her reply.

The girl was over the top! She reached out and gently took hold of my pulsing cock.

"God! He's so BIG!"

I slid onto the bed next to her. "I promise he'll fit," I told her.

"Not like he is," she smiled crookedly. She handed me a rubber. "I don't do it without one," she said flatly.

"A girl after my own heart," I said, tearing the package open.

She started trying to roll the condom down my dick. The rolled up band was too small to go over my head in its excited state. She looked at me, and just shook her head. "What do we do now," she asked.

I smiled back, but said nothing. I got up and retrieved my pants from the floor. I returned a moment later with a three strip of my own condoms. I tore one off the strip and opened it. "Here, try one of mine!" I offered.

The rubber slid snugly over my cock head and she unrolled it down onto my shaft. "I didn't realize these came in sizes," she giggled.

"Yep. Just like everything else: slims, regulars and magnums." I grinned. "THAT is a Magnum."

"I'll say it is," she giggled back. She put her arms around me and pulled me close for a kiss. We rolled over onto her right side and, as she kissed me and I brought a hand up to her left breast to caress it, she slipped her leg stump up against my crotch. I was already hot, but that drove me crazy. I had to get inside this girl, and soon! At least there was no question about that happening. This was obviously her scene. I was the guest of honor. I slipped my hand down and caressed her little leg nub. She moved it obligingly for me, and I caressed and stroked it much as I had been playing with her breast a moment earlier.

Finally, I slipped my hand up the inside of her stump. As I kissed her mouth, I slipped a finger between her other lips and was not greatly surprised to find them soaked. I broke the kiss and she sort of shrugged her shoulders and whispered "What can I say?"

I turned her onto her back and rolled on top of her. Spreading her legs, well, you know, she surprised me. She put that long leg up on my shoulder and brought her stump up to rest on top of my right leg. She obviously loved sex and wanted it deep. I was only too glad to oblige.

My cock slipped past her pussy lips without resistance, and I found myself snugly being caressed inside a warm, toasty, wet oven! Gently, I began to press my shaft deeper into her, and she kept urging me on with slight pulls and gasps. Finally, my dick was fully inside her. She brought her stump closer in, the tip of it rusting over my stomach. The feeling was unbelievable. I had fucked virgins that weren't that tight! She had hold of me with her vaginal muscles, and I wasn't sure I was going to get my manhood back or not! At the moment, I didn't care!

I finally started a rhythm up, slipping it back and forth about an inch or inch and a half. Marlene moaned and began working with me. Before long, I was pounding the mound and she was loving it. As tight as she had hold of me, it wasn't goin' to take long!

"You tryin' to squeeze it out of me, baby?"

"Yeah," she breathed, "oh, yeah!"

"What ya gonna do when I get off and leave you hangin'?" I asked, teasing.

"I'm gonna wait," she breathed back. "You're not going anywhere!"

It was Sunday afternoon before I got back to the room.

"I was about to send out a search party," Mark said as I walked in.

I crossed my eyes and shook my head. "Sorry, my man. I've had two days you wouldn't believe!"

"Hot date, huh?"

I just shook my head again. "Amazing." I smiled at him. "And I've got some news for you!" "News?"


"Well?" he asked, expectantly.

"You interested in trying out girls?"

"Do what?"

"Would you like some pussy?"

It was Mark's turn to shake his head to clear it. "Uh, sure. As long as I don't catch anything!"

"You won't," I assured him. "I had to go out for rubbers Saturday morning. She wouldn't go without one for shit!"

"So where do I come into this?" he asked.

"Well, you aren't going to believe this," I said, pulling up a chair and turning it around. I parked by butt straddle of it and continued. "I told you about Marlene, right?"

"Yeah, the girl you picked up at the gym. Isn't that who you've been with?"

"Right. As it turns out, she loves dicks! I've never had a girl take me on a ride like the one I've just had." I shook my head again and Mark laughed. "To make a long story short, she kept talkin' about how big my cock is. I mean, just looking at it kept turning her on."

"I can understand that," he giggled. "'Affects me the same way!"

"So, this afternoon, she brought it up again, and I told her 'you ought to see my room mate's!'"

Mark raised an eyebrow.

"She says 'Oh? Why?', and I answered 'He's got one over eight inches long!'"

"What'd she say to that?"

"She asked if it was as thick as mine, and I had to tell her the truth... sorry roomie! She said she wished you were there and could join in the fun!" I looked at Mark to see his response. An eyebrow went up. "So I asked if she'd like to meet you, and she said 'Sure!'"

Mark looked down at his hook. "You tell her about this?" he asked glumly.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did," I answered.

"What'd she say?"

"She just said 'cool'," I answered.

"I'm amazed that she would take it that calmly," Mark said.

"Nothing at all amazing about it," I answered, then looked Mark straight in the eye. "She's only got one leg!"

I hadn't realized how long the week was going to be. I had set it up with Marlene for the three of us to meet in the library early Friday evening. That way, she could have a little time to talk to Mark and see if she was interested in getting to know him better. If they hit each other right, then the three of us could go up to our room and spend the evening together. It was a great plan, except I hadn't counted on how eager Mark was! He and I must have made love six times that week, just to keep his head of steam under control! What a horny bastard!

That Friday finally came. Mark and I were sitting at a table, reading magazines when Marlene crutched in. I suspect she did it just to show off, but she swore it was just a sore stump.

"Hi!" she said, sitting down. She looked at Mark. "I'm Marlene. You must be Mark," she said, offering her right hand to shake. Mark gave me a quick sideways look and offered his hook. Marlene took it and they shook. "Carlos says you guys are really tight!"

"Yeah, we like living together," Mark returned.

"I see we have something in common," she added.

"Yeah," Mark nodded. "How'd you lose it?"

"My dad backed a power boat into me while I was learning to water ski," she answered. "I was six. How about you," she returned, gesturing at his hook.

"Seems my mom's washing machine didn't cut off when I opened the lid playing with it," he answered. "I was eight."

"How long have you had an arm?" she asked.

"They stuck one on me as soon as I healed. I don't think anything of it anymore."

"Same here. I told Carlos I don't really remember having another leg except my pros!" She glanced at her pinned up pant leg. "I usually wear a leg, but my stump is sore tonight."

"All this is nice," I added, "and we can play 'I'll show you my scar if you'll show me yours' later. Do you guys wanta go get a pizza or not?"

"Let's have one delivered," Marlene suggested. "I'd just as soon go up to your room, Carlos, and us just hang out."

Mark blushed, but said nothing. It was really funny watching him try to hid that big hard of his all the way back to the room. I know Marlene saw it, but she never let on. She kept up a banter all the way back.

We got into the room and I grabbed the phone to order a pizza. "The guy said about 45 minutes," I reported to the group. I looked wickedly at Marlene. "What ya want to do to kill the time until then?"

"What you guys have on your computer?" Marlene asked.

"You won't believe it," Mark volunteered, "He's got the greatest dev collection you ever saw. Both guys and girls!"

Marlene looked at me and giggled. "Guess he told on you!"

"Like you didn't know!" I answered.

"Let's see the guys," she said. Mark clicked the mouse a couple of times, and Marlene sat in the seat before the screen.

The three of use were still looking at and commenting on the AK guys when the pizza arrived. Mark went to the door and paid the guy. He got a real strange look on his face when he got a gander of all of us and the screen: A one-armed guy, a one-legged girl and a picture of an amp on the screen. He didn't say anything, though, cause Mark put a two-dollar tip on the tab and closed the door in his face.

I broke out brews all around from the mini-fridge, and we sat around the pizza box on the bed to devour the food.

Predictably, Marlene started the festivities. She watched Mark holding the beer can in his split hook. As he drained the last from the can, she asked, "When do I get to see your scar?"

Mark grinned. "Right now, if you like." He released the can and pulled the knit shirt over his head. A quick move, and the artificial limb was laying on the bed. He extended his stump for her to examine.

"Gosh, but your's healed good," she said appreciatively. "Mine doesn't look near this good."

Mark looked at the pinned up pant leg. She glanced down and stood up. "It'll be easier if I just take these off. Do you boys mind?"

I almost laughed, but just shook my head. Mark kept a much straighter face and said, "Please."

She dropped the pants to the floor and sat back down on the bed, lifting her foot out of the remaining pant leg. She raised her stump and moved it to the left to give him a look. "See?" she said. "Mine is a lot more scarred than yours."

"How long were you in the hospital before they took it off?" he asked. "It took three days for them to decide to cut mine off."

"Oh, it was gone when I got there," she said. "The prop of the boat chewed it right off!"

"That's why the scarring is worse," Mark nodded. "They tried not to take any more of it off than they had to. I don't know?" he looked at it appreciatively, "looks pretty cute to me!"

Marlene grinned.

"I don't have any scars to show," I piped up. "Unless you want to see where I feel on a tin can when I was twelve." I showed the faint scar across my palm. Everyone laughed.

"You've got something better to show," Marlene nodded sexily, gesturing at my crotch.

"Wanna see it?" I asked, and then added, "like you don't remember?"

"Yes, I'd like to see it," she laughed.

I stripped naked in under a minute and turned before them like a ballerina, my cock at full staff.

"Very nice," Marlene said, clapping soft applause. Then she turned to Mark. "Carlos tells me I might find you interesting in that department too."

Mark blushed. "Uh, yeah. If ya want ta check it out, I, uh..."

"Will you strip?" I said to him.

He got up and started undoing his belt and jeans. He was out of them and his tee in short order. I saw his hand grab hold of the briefs. I could see from the tent there he was hard.

"Well?" I said, gesturing for him to go ahead.

"Uh," he looked at Marlene. "Uh, look, I, uh..."

"Am I the first girl who's seen you?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah," he stammered.

"Let me see if this helps," she smiled. Off came the light sweatshirt, followed by the bra. She sat there in her panties and took a deep breath, making those luscious tits of hers swell out like cannon shells! "There," she giggled. "Now you feel more like show and tell?"

In a quick movement, Marks shorts had joined the rest of our clothing. He stood there naked, his long cock pointing toward the almost nude girl. She looked at it, fascinated. Her eyes flicked from Marks's hard to mine. "God!" she sighed. "The two of you are the biggest guys I've ever seen!" She looked at Mark. "I know what that beer can of Carlos' feels like," she said. "Mark, could I please find out what one as long as yours feels like?"

Mark looked at me like he was asking my permission. I just smiled and nodded toward the girl. She pulled off her panties and lay on to of the bed, butt naked. Mark looked at me again, nervous.

"Want me to leave?" I asked him.

"Uh, naw," he said, "then looked at Marlene. "Unless you want to be alone?"

Marlene reached up with both hands and pulled him to her. He rolled between her leg and stump, propping himself up on elbows and knees. They kissed. I watched his hard. The semi-rigid hard that looking at her had arouse in him suddenly became sex ready. I reached into the night stand drawer and got a rubber out. Opening it, I handed it to Marlene, who gently rolled it up Mark's awesome shaft. She then took his cock in her small hand and began to rub the head up and down the opening of her slit. Spreading her legs wide, Mark needed no further urging. He slipped his dick into the waiting cavity.

It was better than a porno movie! Mark was so damned hung, and the sight of his schlong drilling for gold in her hips was more than I could stand. I started rubbing my own pecker, just watching the two of them going at it. I kept watching Mark's progress. He wasn't long dicking her yet. He was holding about an inch and a half back. I wondered why he wasn't giving her the whole thing. Suddenly, he began to lean against her with steady pressure. She raised her hips to a higher angle, and moaned loudly. Slowly, I watched as the full length of his cock disappeared up her love tunnel.

As he began the thrust again, Marlene began to buck wildly under him. I knew from experience that she was close, and that she'd be milking the cream out of him shortly. The sights and smells of their love-making was just about to press me over the edge, too! I was stroking my willie harder and faster.

Suddenly, I cut loose. I had overlooked the fact that I was bare back. The globs of cum sailed up and fell back onto my stomach with an audible splat. I didn't need to worry. About that time I heard Mark cry out softly, and Marlene moan deeply. He was obviously spurting into her... actually filling up the rubber that was stuck God knows where in her female plumbing.

I looked over at the couple. Her stump was quivering, just as it had when we had fucked our brains out that long weekend. Mark didn't know what he was missing, not having that nubbin of her's pressed against his public area. I reached my hand to my own stomach, rubbing the semen into my skin.

Marlene opened her eyes first and turned her head toward me. She nodded, and mouthed "Thank you." I nodded back, then pointed to myself and gave her a questioning look. She understood I was asking for a turn, and nodded enthusiastically.

Mark came back to his senses. "What did you think?" I asked.

"Wow," he got out. Then, "Double Wow!"

Marlene and I both laughed. "Ever gotten a boy's cherry before?" I asked her.

"Carlos!" Mark shot at me.

"Sorry, buddy, she already knew."

Marlene put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply again. "My honor," she whispered to him. Mark smiled back at her like a warm puppy.

He rolled off of her, and smiled at both of us. "Thanks," he said sincerely, "to both of you!"

Marlene and I looked at each other. "What makes you think the night is over," I asked him.

"Do what?"

"The night is young, stud," I told him. Mark put his hand to her pubes and rubbed her affectionately there. He got up and walked to the bathroom. I reached into the night stand again and got a rubber out for myself. I hurriedly put it on, and lay down on top of this extraordinary creature in my bed. "Mind if I have some loving, too?" I asked.

"My idea exactly," she said.

I gently slipped my again hard cock into her. "How was it?" I asked.

"He was great," she sighed. He's so long he touched some parts of me I didn't even know were there!" she said dreamily.

I pushed my monster into her. She quivered again. "But he didn't stretch me," she said wickedly. "At least not like this thing of yours!"

I was pumping into Marlene by the time Mark came back. Seeing us doing it had the same effect on him that it had had on me, he started jacking off just like I had. Marlene's eyes were closed as she was enjoying my cock to the hilt.

I looked over at Mark and pointed to my own ass. He looked at me as if to ask what I meant, then it dawned on him. I grinned and nodded. He got another condom and put it on. Marlene opened her eyes when she felt Mark get with us on the bed. I leaned forward and kissed her deeply. While I was in the prone position, Mark lubbed me and slid it into my ass.

It took us a few tried to get the movements right, but we made it work! I was fucking her and Mark was fucking me! It was an electric sensation!

I came first and withdrew from Marlene's cunt to put my own butt higher in the air so Mark would have an easier time of it. He finally had his second cum of the evening, and we all collapsed. Mark was on her left side and I was on the right.

After a few minutes rest, I propped myself up on an elbow and pressed my mouth over her right nipple. I knew she loved to be sucked, and remembered that we had all been in such a hurry that no one had given her treasures any attention. Mark looked across and saw what I was doing. He mimicked my actions, attaching his mouth to her left nipple.

Before long, Marlene's motor was running again. I moved and got my face down at the business end of the operation, leaving Mark to love her tits. I started to work her lips over, when I decided that her leg fragment needed the attention worse.

I started by kissing the tip of her stump. She had liked that last weekend when we had made love endlessly. She raised it a little to accept the kiss, and I slid my hand under it. I began kissing and kneading that cone of flesh, running my tongue along the top and bottom of the scar. I had thought she would like my pushing my tongue into the small crevice of the scar at the end of her stump, but she had told me she had no sensation there. It was a shame. It was something that turned me on!

I was kissing the inside of her stump when she pressed my head between her stump and her leg. I realized what she was asking for, and returned my attention to her pussy lips. I looked up over her flat tummy and was surprised to see that while I had been busy, her lips had found Mark's cock.

"No fair!" I said, my mouth full.

Mark looked down and grinned. We all rearranged out positions, and resumed with Mark's hot mouth on my cock.

Round three had just begun.

The orgy didn't last all weekend.

In the end, Mark and Marlene found that they had more in common with each other than with me. I turned out being the odd man out.

It's really funny, if you look at it the right way. I've had this thing for amps all my life. I get, not one but two on the string for sex, and what do I do? I introduce them to each other and they go screwing merrily on their way.

Like I said. I'd be smart if I wasn't so stupid.

Who knows, maybe it's time to settle down.

Be right back, the phone's ringing.

Maybe not. That was Mark. He wants me to bring the pizza and three beers.

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