Sub Ed Caught Cheating

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 2, 2022


Any of you remember the story about Joel and ed? They were roommates, not by choice, in graduate school: Joel was in law school, ed in business school. Joel: slight, scholarly, curly hair, on the short side gay. ed: former marine, blond hair, good body, and arrogant as they came, straight. ed learned what happens when you bully the wrong person. He picked a fight with Joel, lost and wound up losing his ass and his heterosexuality. And he loved it. They left the city after they were married, and moved to a house in a rural area, where ed became a house husband and contractor, and Joel began climbing the ranks of his law firm. Their roles never changed: it surprised many people to learn that Joel was the TOP and the DOM, but once they heard ed say "yes Sir," with his hands behind his back and his chest pushed out , well, if they knew the lifestyle, they knew.

They had been together now for five years. Their lives had settled into a pattern: Joel went to his office in the morning , sometimes after locking ed's cock, if he thought there was a chance he'd play with himself that day (if he had drained ed the night before, there was generally no need). ed took care of the house, and looked after whatever contracting jobs he had. He was especially busy in the warmer months, and rather than just supervise a crew, he'd get out there working with them. Joel wasn't around, but he had heard the stories about how "fucking hot" ed looked as he worked in cut offs and shirtless. The exercise during the summer was intense enough that ed didn't need the gym. Joel especially liked coming home to find a dirty, sweaty ed, just ready for abuse. And abuse he got. Clamps, hitachi, velvet wand, humbler, he used them all. His "play sessions" usually lasted 60-90 minutes, and ended with giving ed a good solid fucking, either orally or anally. On the weekends, Joel tied ed down and "mowed" him, getting rid of any body hair that had grown out over the week. At one point, ed had suggested that he get ultraviolet treatment, to kill the hair follicles. "Never gonna happen marine boy," Joel had answered. "I enjoy shaving you. Just another way of letting you know who's boss." There was no question that ed knew who was boss. He never forgot the times he had revolted, tried to get more freedom, more autonomy from Joel. Each time Joel, who was trained in martial arts, kicked the crap out of him and then tortured submission out of the bigger man. Joel also controlled the money, the cell phones, everything. If he thought ed needed to get back in line for some infraction, he'd just tease him by calling ed his "wife" or his "mistress," or just whispering "woman" in his ear before he fucked him. And for the most part, ed swooned over his treatment.

But that wasn't the case when the weather got colder, and contracting jobs fell off. Then, ed was left with a LOT of free time. Joel permitted him to use the gym freely, and of course, there were things that needed done around the house, but he was bored. TERRIBLY bored, especially since it seemed that most of Joel's business trips happened in the autumn and fall. There were weeks when ed was at home alone, while Joel litigated cross country. He needed something to do: something that could occupy him physically (if he were tired, ed wasn't bored), and on some level, intellectually.

One weekend, he picked up a local LGBTQ magazine, and he saw, at the back and advert for anyone interested in joining a gay rugby league. ed had not played varsity rugby in college, but he had played. Always pickup games. And then at graduate school, before Joel mastered him, there were occasional pickup games. ed liked rugby. He had the body for a good defensive player and, as he put it "I'm not young anymore, but I'm not old." He decided that he'd get his courage together, and ask Joel if he could join the league. He decided that he'd wait for a night when Joel would be home earlier rather than later: Joel always called before he was heading to the commuter trains so that ed could be ready for him.

"Hey, it's 5:15 and I can't believe it. I can get out of here. And I'm horny." "When aren't you?" ed thought but answered "Thank you for letting me know Sir. We'll have dinner later?" "Damn right, blond boy. Make sure the cuffs are out. Paddle too." "Yes sir. " Now, ed's mind began to work. "Paddle too" was "code." ed knew that if Joel told him to put on his blue striped shirt it meant that there was ball torture in his future. And if Joel were horny, the torture would be vigorous. ed knew that Joel's favorite outfit on him was the one he was wearing when he surrendered: khaki slacks and a pink buttondown shirt. So, rather than dress in what Joel implied, he changed to that outfit. He wanted Joel to be as into him as possible for when he asked about rugby.

Joel had a big smile on his face as he said "this isn't what I expected ed." ed responded "I know Sir. I just thought you'd like it better." "I'd like it even better if your hands were behind your back and your chest were pushed out." "YES SIR!" ed got into the position he knew Joel loved and closed his eyes as Joel began kneading his nipples the way ed loved them to be worked. He gave out a brief cry when Joel began playing with the bar through his nipple, and then began to moan. "I bet you're hard edward." "Yes sir. I have been for the whole afternoon." "Just the afternoon?" "No Sir. All day. " Joel lowered his voice. "You want something ed. And it's not just my dick." "Yes sir. I'm easy to read. But I DO want your dick." "Well, you're gonna get it big guy. And then you're gonna tell me what you want. And who knows what's happening after that. Get on your back." "Yes sir," ed felt Joel's hand on his arm as he walked off. He flexed his bicep because he knew it got Joel more aroused. If it had been a fair fight between the two of them, it would have been ed's sheer strength against Joel's martial arts. But Joel knew every single one of ed's achilles' heels. The way he worked ed's nips could push ed into a different world, he'd get so excited. And the others. Every single one of them. Right now, though, all Joel was interested in was getting to ed's "G spot." He found it with two fingers, and began playing with it as ed moaned. "What have we got here ? We have a BIG helpless HUNK who has no defenses against my little tiny fingers. ed was breathing hard. "None Sir. None at all. " "Spread em. I want you." "Yes sir. " ed wanted Joel too, but he was a sub. That didn't matter. He could still enjoy the thrust as Joel entered him though. It felt... WONDERFUL. Joel's thrusts were familiar to ed, but he never got tired of them. "You came two nights ago, didn't you edmund?" Joel asked. "Yes sir." "Well, that means you'll have to wait one more night." "Please Sir. Can we make an exception." He regretted the question. "Sure. You'll wait two nights instead of one." "Yes sir," ed answered weakly. Joel had stopped thrusting and was now pushing, deeper and deeper, and ed was making inarticulate noises as his DOM got closer to climax. "TAKE MY CUM YOU HOT STUDLY BOTTOM! " Joel yelled as he filled ed with his cum. ed moved his hand down to his own cock, involuntarily, and Joel knocked it away. "You wanna go for three and the cage, bitchboy?" "No Sir. Sorry. " "You keep those hands away. Now, let me make sure that we get you bred." Joel pulled out a butt plug and shoved it into ed. "Now get yourself cleaned up. We'll talk about what you want to ask over dinner."

"Let me see if I understand this, ed. You want me to sign off on you being with a group of... oh, about 20-25 gay men, once or twice a week, and then a group of about 50, half of whom are going to be trying to tackle you, once a week. And then the crowd watching. Mostly gay. You want me to trust you with that?" ed looked down and took a breath. "I know it's a lot Sir but... all I can give you is my word that nothing will happen. And I need the exercise. I do Sir. I go stir crazy when I'm not working. The gym, well.. the gym's just not enough." Joel began to think this through. ed HAD been going to the gym on his own for years. There had been one incident back when they were in school, when that Physics professor made a pass at him, but as far as he knew (and Joel would have been able to tell), nothing had happened. He liked the idea of seeing ed in a rugby uniform too, and he liked the opportunity this would give him to check out dozens of big guys. "Ok, here's the deal. You can do it. There are a few conditions and some warnings. First and foremost, you wear the chastity cage to EVERY match and EVERY practice. This is not subject to discussion. If there are extracurriculars, like drinking parties, or stuff like that, if I don't go, YOU don't go. And you wear your wedding ring at all times. You give me schedules and you stick to them because if you're late.... I'm going to assume the worse. Am I clear?" "Yes sir . Very clear." "Go to the - I guess you'd call it an audition . They'll accept you. " ed smiled "THANK YOU SIR. That was very fair of you. I promise I'll do everything you just said. " "Damn right you will, ross." ed gulped. When Joel called him by his last name, he meant business.

At the orientation meeting, ed thought it was a good thing Joel hadn't insisted on coming along. There were somewhere between 75 and 80 gay men there: some from pre-existing teams, but mostly "new meat" as he heard them called, wanting to play. The speaker who welcomed them said that about half of them would probably not come back after the first scrimmage, because it would be much harder than they thought. Even if you HAD played rugby in the past... he looked around. Most of the guys in the room hadn't been playing for at least 5 years, he said, and conditioning took some time. There was no question that ed was noticed: even in a room of big, burly guys, a 6 food plus blonde with blue eyes, a short marine haircut and a chiseled jaw will get noticed. Most of the "noticing" was from guys who were thinking about what it would be like to be underneath ed. Some, but only some, were deterred when they saw the wedding ring on his finger. One guy told his friend "Those are the ones that are easiest. Let me find out how long he's been with his partner. The longer it's been, the less time until he cheats. " His friend laughed because he knew that Jason was right. "Hey, I'm Jason. Welcome to the league." He walked up to ed. "Thank you. I've been wanting to join for a while. Just couldn't get the ok. I'm ed. Sorry." Jason smiled. "I saw the wedding ring. Hubby doesn't wanna risk turning you over to a room of lustful homosexuals?" ed blushed. "Sort of like that. " "Well, what happens in the league, stays in the league. What do you think?" "I'm not sure. I heard all the presentations, and I'm thinking of trying out either for the Tornados or the Cyclones." He smiled. "Does any team have a name NOT related to the weather?" Jason laughed. "I KNOW, RIGHT? Someone needs to name the team 'The Wet Dreams' or 'The Recruiters' or something more salacious. Now, can I give you a tip?" "SURE. Love advice." "Go with the Tornados. The Cyclones, for all they say, is about one guy and he's not here tonight: Johnny Z. He's a one man show. Good player, but he thinks he's the ONLY player. " "No team spirt, huh?" Jason lowered his voice. "He's here to get laid. And he does. A LOT. Sort of a one man fucking machine." "Ha ha. That's good to know. My husband would NOT be pleased if ...." then he stopped and Jason drew the conclusion: ed was a bottom. He had misread him. Who wouldn't. "Your husband sounds like an interesting guy. Got a photo?" "Yeah. Here we are when we went to Greece." ed pulled up a photo from the vacation they took over the winter. Jason had been around. He saw Joel with his open shirt over a t shirt, standing behind ed, with his arms around him, ed wearing nothing but speedos. He noticed the collar and the tit bar. He understood the situation completely and all of a sudden, his competitive juices were flowing. He was versatile, but bottomed more than he topped. Topping this guy would be... well, more than a feather in his cap. "You should bring him to a game , ed. He may enjoy it." "Oh, he's coming to the games, for sure. " ed looked at his watch. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but I have to catch a train, and if I don't bounce...." "Ok. I'll see you soon. Hey, stud, if you don't mind..." He leaned in and kissed ed. ed felt his cock shift in the cage. He blushed. "Well, I really better get going. See you at try outs." "Yeah, you will. By the way, I'm the on field captain for the Tornados."

The train was pretty empty at that hour and ed had a seat to himself. He tried to read, but he kept on thinking about Jason. When the train pulled into the station, he saw Joel there with the car. He checked his watch. He was on time, so Joel couldn't be angry - unless he forgot to do something around the house. "So, how did it go, ed?" "Good Sir. I think I'll be trying out for a team called the Tornado." "Any idea what the uniform looks like?" "I think it's red shorts, and a dark blue and white shirt, Sir. Not really sure though." "Well, there's some roleplay in your future, stud. Star of the rugby team, kidnapped and kept hostage until the championship game is over." "I like that fantasy Sir." "Well, maybe we'll play it tomorrow. WITHOUT the uniforms. After all, grabbing a player away from the field makes more sense. Tonight though... it's late but. Get a drink of water and then get on your knees when we get home. "Yes sir." As he was pushing ed's head into his crotch so he could shove more cock in his throat, Joel caught the faint whiff of Jason's cologne. He got the scent again when they were in bed. Thinking that he might have to fight for the prize that was ed was getting him excited. ed felt the stiffening cock and backed into it. "Sure we can't do more tonight Sir." Joel tweaked ed's nipple. "Very sure. You drained me good. Go to sleep stud. We'll continue this tomorrow.

"GOD HE'S SUCH A HUNK!" Jason yelled in his own bed, before he jerked off. "I'm gonna bag that stud."

Next: Chapter 2

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