Sub Ed Caught Cheating

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 14, 2022


ed stood outside the restaurant, waiting for Joel. He laughed a bit because Joel was usually on time, and he was the one who was late. He'd give Joel some grief about it, and then he'd pay for it later. He had on the gray flannel trousers Joel thought made his ass look even hotter than it was, a blue blazer, and instead of the pink shirt that he knew was Joel's favorite, the blue and white striped number that he knew was his SECOND favorite. It was the weekend, there was time for more. He had opened two buttons so that Joel could see he needed some shaving. His thumb was hooked inside his belt, and he leaned against the wall, as if he were hustling. He saw Joel drive up in the car and he felt his cock go hard. Joel got out, still dressed from his late afternoon meeting in the city. GOD, he looked good in his suit, loosened tie, hair slightly disheveled. Joel walked over to him; his eyes locked on ed's. "You have to wait long, stud?" Joel got so close that no one could see him slip his finger inside ed's shirt and tease his navel just before he kissed him. "Not long. I was looking forward to this." "Me too, ed. Me too. Let's go in." This was their "seduction night dinner, something that Joel had devised after they had worked out the details of what had happened between Jason and ed. Let's go back to that. If you recall, Joel had a discussion with Jason, and they planned a dinner. In further discussions, Jason had agreed: he had taken what wasn't his and he would let Joel have matthew as compensation. "But" Jason told Joel when they were talking. "It's not like I took advantage of the unwilling. Yeah, I admit, I flirt with ed, but you're not there a lot of the time, Joel, and so you don't know he flirts back. And he didn't exactly protest when I took out my cock." That discussion brought back memories of when they were at school, and ed's little flirtation with that Professor -- the physicist who had a blond husband that was sort of a stockier version of ed. JAKE! That's right. JAKE GOLD! Yeah -- about as different physically from Joel as Jason was, but arguably as dominant. "There's something I'm not getting. I need to figure this out." So, the day before the dinner with Jason and matthew, Joel decided he was going to get the information out of ed. That morning, after ed had come out of the shower and was still naked, Joel pointed to the bed: "ON IT. FACE UP. NOW." This wasn't something ed expected. It was out of character for Joel to want sex at this point of the morning, and ed still had to get to the gym. Still, he answered, "yes sir," and got in position. Joel usually didn't use the ankle restraints, but he did that morning Wrist restraints, bicep restraints, a big strap across ed's middle, and then the ankle restraints. "Consider yourself a prisoner of war, ed, and I'm gonna work you over until I get the information I want." "You could just ask me, Sir. Please. Not my feet. I know what those restraints mean." Joel looked at him. "Why did you suck off Jason?" The question surprised ed, who thought it was a TRUE prisoner of war fantasy. He had thought about this, but he didn't want to tell Joel. "I don't know Sir." "Well, I think you do. And I'm taking my time finding out, but I WILL find out." He pulled out the small vibrators he used when he tickled ed, and a roll of tape. ed began to beg. "PLEASE SIR. NOT THAT ONE. PLEASE." "Then answer my queston." Joel had begun to tape the vibrators to the soles of ed's feet. "I told you the truth Sir. I don't know." "You just earned yourself another ten minutes of the vibrators edmundo. I'm turning them on and, I'll just go to the study and work. Have fun." Joel heard ed just beginning to giggle when he turned and left the bedroom. He hadn't gagged ed, and by the time he was sitting in his study, he heard the full belly laugh that came out of ed when he was truly in tickle agony. Rolling guffaws were coming out of the bedroom, with an occasional scream for help. "PLEASE SIR. ANYTHING ELSE ANYTHING. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "OH, there's anything else coming marine boy," Joel yelled. But you had your chance and now, live with your choice." He looked at his watch. Fifteen more minutes of this before he used the third vibrator. "He's probably exhausted," Joel thought, very well aware of his hard on as he got up to go to the bedroom. He saw his sub covered with sweat, giving off the aroma Joel associated with ed's submission. "How'd you like that?" "I hated it Sir." "Hate it enough to tell me why you did it?

"I TOLD YOU SIR. I don't know." "I don't believe you. But I think we've tickled your feet enough for now. I got something else in mind." He fingered ed's hard cock: he hadn't caged him yet that morning, and he hadn't shaved him. That would come later. But for now, he took out a third vibrator. This one was thicker at the base than usual. It had been a vanity purchase he had gotten when he was out of town: he paid someone to measure his erect dick and then to build a vibrator "to specifications." He remembered how the artisan had smiled and remarked on how Joel had "a lucky boy" back home. Now, he took that vibrator, and positioned it so that the very tip of it just grazed ed's hole. There were VELCRO strips on it that Joel attached to ed's pubes. He turned the power to low. "It'll run for about an hour edmundo. Get you nice and primed for part 3: unless you want to end this in the middle of part 2. I'll hear you if you yell that you give up and you'll tell me. "SIR I DID. I don't know!" "See ya in an hour you big stud." Joel turned on the vibrator and left. He left ed ungagged, and he could hear both the moans, and the thrashing as ed tried to get his bottom down a little further and get a little bit of the vibrator inside of him. Joel had tied ed ingeniously, and there was no way he could move his butt and get any of the vibrator in him. He'd just have to endure it. After about a half hour, Joel got up and walked into the bedroom. He saw the pre-cum pooling all around ed's dick. He ran a finger through it and brought it to ed's lips. "LICK IT BITCH" "YES SIR" ed complied and his eyes looked at Joel. "Please fuck me SIR. PLEASE. I'm so hot for it. PLEASE." "Sure. But I want my question answered." "I DID SIR. I DON'T KNOW." Joel shrugged his shoulders. "Ok. Fair enough. Maybe you'll remember in the next half hour. Maybe not. "Joel heard ed moan in defeat, but he didn't say anything, and Joel went off. He could hear the vibrator beginning to lose power and headed in just as it turned off. He heard ed let out a sigh of relief. Joel detached the vibrator none too gently, taking some pubic hair with him. ed expected Joel to undo the ankle restraints, but he didn't. Was he getting tickled again? "PLEASE GOD NO" he thought to himself. "While I was working, sub boi," Joel spoke as he was stripping. "I began to realize that the most effective way of getting the answer may very well be to work on you with my own two hands." He smiled. "Of course, if by some chance you forget your place and cum, then whether you tell me or not, I'll get the foot ticklers out again." "SIR.... I really don't have anything to tell you because I don't know." Joel just smiled and showed ed his thick, hard cock. "You want this don't you?" "YES SIR. BADLY." "Not until we settle this." He lay down next to ed and took ed's pierced nipple in his fingers. He slid his lips across ed's but didn't open his mouth. It didn't take long before ed was moaning. Joel took his second nipple in his fingers. He said nothing, just began squeezing. "I always forget which ear is more sensitive," he lied. "Let's start here." His tongue moved into ed's more sensitive left ear, and ed moaned louder than he had all morning. "Tell me what I want to know." Before ed could answer, he felt Joel's hand descend to his balls and start squeezing. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OK SIR OK. I'll tell you I'll tell you." He was almost sobbing. "Please Sir, can I catch my breath Sir?" "You have one minute. Then you better start talking." Thank you, Sir." Joel watched ed's chest heave as he sucked in air.

He stroked ed's belly very gently as the story came out. "Sir, it gets LONELY here. You're on the road and then you work late, or you leave early and... DAMN IT SIR I GET HORNY, OK? "Now ed began to cry harder. "I tried, FUCK I TRIED to not do anything but flirt but, you know, he did something that, I'm sorry Sir, I shouldn't say this but, he made me feel like he was pursuing me. "He stopped for a minute to gather his breath. "I guess you don't need to do that anymore but, I miss it. "Joel began to understand. He thought ed enjoyed the hard core "steel DOM" stuff he was doing, and maybe he did but things had changed. He knew other people thought he took them for granted, and that he was too obsessed with winning and conquest and nothing else but, well, he thought he had found the perfect "soul mate" in ed. Again, maybe he HAD, but people change: Joel had changed. Early on, after ed had submitted, he still looked around, wondering if there was another guy, he could dominate the way he dominated ed. He never did anything and now he realized that he had spent so much time building up his career that he had given that up. He still wanted ed -- he wanted ed ALL the time, but what did "ALL the time" mean? "I think I get it eddie boy." Joel bent down and kissed ed. "I have some ideas to fix this, but I bet you do too." "Yes sir," ed answered. "So, I wanna hear yours first." "OK. Thank you, Sir. "He gulped. "This is a stupid one, but I'll say it. Sir, I love knowing that everything I do is under your control. I FUCKING LOVE IT but...Sir, I know what you like me to wear. Can you maybe let ME choose what I wear and if you don't like it, we'll go back to how we do it now?" Joel thought about it for a minute. He smiled. "Tell you what? Let's do it, but I'm gonna let you know on a day-to-day basis because if you don't choose in a way that pleases me." He ran a flat palm over ed's cock head. "I think ten minutes with the electric toothbrushes -- no- TWENTY- will be the punishment. He saw a smile on ed's face. "You're the BOSS Sir. Thank you." "Anything else?" Again, ed gulped. "Sir, do you remember how, when we were first starting out, we did a lot of role playing and things like wrestling and kidnapping and stuff like that?" When ed said it, Joel's cock hardened. "YES. I DO. It was HOT. Do you miss that?" "Very much, Sir. I think that's why I joined rugby: to get the sense of being dominated `in the minute'." Joel shook his head. "I have a good imagination and so do you. I think we can do that. And I think I can spend less time in the office, and delegate more." Now, Joel paused. "But I'm still not hearing why you did it. Why did you suck Jason's dick?" "He seduced me Sir. He made me feel like I was hot. Like I was sexy." "Well, you ARE, ed?" "I just don't feel it a lot, Sir. I mean you don't have to believe me but I'm telling you the truth: he's the only man I've ever did anything with besides you. Other people asked but, I said no. He was just, well, persistent. And matthew's hot. So, I thought that if he wanted ME when he had that stud, well, it made me feel good." "Ok ed, I got it. Now, this is how it's gonna work. This isn't discussion, this is my decision. NO ONE gets your ass but me. PERIOD." "Absolutely Sir. Jason wanted it but" "That's water under the bridge. Now, if Jason or anyone else wants your mouth or to play with you in some way that doesn't involve fucking your ass, you tell them to clear it with me." He paused. "Unless the solution is you going back to work in the city, so you're not bored all the time. That got a weak laugh from ed. "If you told me to go back to work, Sir, I would. It might be fun to be close enough to come by duck under your desk and, well... But working in the city would bore me more. I belong out here Sir. But again, you make the rules." "I think maybe once in a while, I'm gonna bring you into work with me. Sort of like "Bring your sub to work day." Joel laughed, even though he knew that wasn't really funny. "You can do paperwork in a side office, and yeah, a mid afternoon or late morning blow job, or a "nooner," or something like that would be fun. "He rolled on top of ed. "Now, listen up you sexy man. I'm going to give you a construction project for the bedroom next week, and you'll love it. But for now." He shoved his tongue down ed's throat, and when he was done, slid down and undid the ankle restraints. "Let's get your feet on your DOM's shoulders, cause I got a fucking HUGE hard-on. Then, MAYBE I'll let you cum. And I'm working on the other stuff. I want you happy sexy marine. And well fucked." "MMMMMMM. Thank you, Sir," ed moaned as Joel slowly began grinding his cock into his hole. He closed his eyes, as Joel rubbed against the spots that turned him on the most. He knew, Jason would never be able to do it, or to turn him on the way Joel did. He opened his eyes and saw the pure lust in Joel's eyes and began to worry: "I'm not going to make it. I'll shoot and..." Then he felt the gush as Joel came inside of him. He saw the look on Joel's face. "You're lucky edmundo. If you shot -- and I know you WANT to -- I'd have to lock you up. Now." He began stroking ed's cock. As he did, he said in a low voice: "Why did we stop the morning blow jobs?" "You needed to get to the office Sir. You didn't have time." Well, I've got time as of now. And evenings. If I don' have a plan for you, when I get home too. " "YES SIR. YES. ABSOLUTELY." Joel moved his mouth to ed's ear. "You're my fucking sexy blond marine BITCH ed. Don't ever forget it." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIR" ed yelled as his jizz shot in the air. "Now we're gonna have to catch up edmundo. Time well spent but. We gotta hustle. You get cleaned up, go do your gym shit, and I'll get things ready so that tomorrow's not too frantic." When ed came back from the gym and had showered, Joel put the cock cage on him. "I'm taking it off tomorrow night for dinner. I have a surprise for you." He smiled. "After all these years, I still have no idea the way his mind works. He's got something evil planned," is what ed thought. "I love it."

Before the dinner, Joel had ed put on his arm band and a collar. The collar had a ring through it on the back and Joel ran a thin strip of leather through it. When he saw what ed had planned to wear, he nixed it. "No. Something tight. Something that shows your tit pierce in outline. I want NO DOUBT tonight that you're a sub." "Yes sir," ed went back and put on a very snug fitting white polo shirt, which got Joel's approval. ed knew that because Joel took him from behind, pulling him into the front of his body, and ed could feel the hard-on Joel had. He whispered into ed's ear "in case you had any doubts, you are the hottest mother fucking sub in this town and perhaps the state. And in case you had any doubts, you are MY sub. No one else's" His fingers rose to ed's nips and ed began to moan as he tried to thank Joel. "I better stop. I don't want a wet spot on those pants of yours. At least not yet. And before I forget." He opened ed's slacks and then unlocked the cock cage. Now, ed was completely confused as to what was going to happen that night. When the doorbell rang two hours later, Joel went to the door. He had ed come with him, hands behind his back. "Whatever else happened or happens, there's a DOM coming to dinner tonight and you show your manners, edward." "Yes sir. I understand." He stood next to Joel, who had the leash in his hand. Jason was at the door with matthew, who was also wearing a collar but not with a leash. He didn't have a band on his arm, but from what Joel could make out, he WAS wearing a chastity cage. "I'm so glad you guys could make it." Joel held out his hand to shake Jason's. "And I'm glad to see your boy. matthew, I'm glad you're here. Now you can see the house Jason has already seen." He smiled. He had to get the dig in. "Oh, I haven't seen ALL of it, Joel. I imagine your bedroom is quite amazing." "It is, Jason, it is. Please come and sit down. There are cocktails waiting." They got to the living room and ed looked at Joel for direction on where to sit. Joel motioned to the floor, at his feet. That was what ed expected, and he sat down, with his legs crossed. He felt Joel's hand on his right shoulder, and it gave him a strong sense of security. He felt safe. There was some small talk and then Joel brought up "the topic." "So, Jason, ed and I have an agreement. He CAN service you, or any other men who ask for my permission. Without it, you're to leave him alone. I'll consider it trespassing." Jason was poker faced but he said "I understand. What I did was a breach of protocol. No one should use another DOM's sub without permission." Then he smiled. "And you have my permission tonight. matthew, go open Sir Joel's zipper and get to work. That's when the surprise came. "No, it's not going to be my cock he's sucking." Joel pulled on ed's leash. "It's going to be ed's." " HEY! THAT WASN'T THE AGREEMENT. WE AGREED YOU COULD USE MY SUB." "And I AM using your sub, Jason. I didn't say it would necessarily be me? "Joel gave a smile that ed had seen him use rarely. "Of course, if you want to back out, that's fine. I'll just have to exclude you from access to ed, period." Jason thought for a minute while matthew looked around helplessly. "OK, you win. But I want ed the first time WITHOUT your permission." "Nope," Joel answered. "Hate to be rude, but you were in the wrong Jason. To be blunt, on this one, it's my way or the highway." "FUCK. matthew, do what he said. Get your mouth on ed's cock." The answer was quick "Yes Sir." Before matthew had become Jason's sub, he had done a LOT of cocksucking. He had started with his twin brother. For ed, this came as a complete shock, and he didn't know how he'd react. The last time anyone had sucked HIS cock, rather than him sucking someone else's cock, he had been dating women. "Get your pants down ed." Joel looked at Jason. "I'm gonna take my boy while he's getting sucked. You're more than welcome to take yours. Don't worry about messes. They'll get it cleaned up afterward." Jason smiled for the first time he had that night. "NOW you're talking. Down with `em matthew." Public nakedness was not something matthew enjoyed, but his DOM had just told him to do it. He didn't like being spit roasted either but... "Yes sir," was how he answered. "Let's get our cocks in first so there's no... abrasion," Joel suggested. Both DOMS knew exactly how to take the subs efficiently, and then matthew got to work on ed's cock. "SHIT THAT FEELS GOOD" ed thought. "Hold onto the memory, babe," Joel whispered in ed's ear. "Something like this is like Haley's comet. Don't expect it to happen again in a while." The experience was paying off for both matthew and ed. Like so many people, he had wished that ed was a DOM or at least a top and had assumed so until he saw the dynamic with Joel. matthew had thought he was never going to get the opportunity to bottom for ed, and now... "I may give you that access if you bring matthew with you Jason. My honey seems REAL happy with his work." "HE SHOULD" Jason responded. "My boy is ONE FINE COCKSUCKER. "HE sneered as he pulled on matthew's collar. "Just ask his twin brother." "NO SHIT?" Joel got harder when he heard that. Now seeing those two go at it. If that's not a fundraiser for the rugby league, I don't know what is." The first one to climax was ed: he was caught totally by surprise and enjoyed how well matthew took care of him. Jason was next and then Joel. "What should they use to clean it up?" Jason asked, and Joel smiled. "How about their jocks and then they wear them again?" "PERFECT IDEA." Jason smiled. "I didn't think I was going to like you Joel, but...I'm getting there." "Should we have dinner now?" "Yeah, I bet the boys are starved. Maybe not matthew, but ha ha."

After Jason and matthew left, Joel put the cage back on ed. As they got into bed, he snuck a finger into ed's armpit and when ed jumped he whispered "SURPRISE." "That DID surprise me, Sir. I mean the blowjob." "Did you enjoy it?" "I did, but not as much as I enjoy sucking your dick Sir." "There's tomorrow for that. Let's get some sleep now. Tomorrow, we may very well play `hunt the fugitive.'". They DID play "hunt the fugitive" the next day. They drove out to some woodland, with ed dressed in one of his marine uniforms. Joel gave him a ten-minute head start. If he could avoid recapture for two hours, he could pick what he wanted sexually and for dinner that night. It was a sly test on the part of Joel. He knew that ed was a better woodsman than he was. He'd manage the two-hour escape for sure, unless he threw the game. "OUCH. FUCK. MY FOOT" Joel heard a yell. He laughed. "A sub is always a sub. You just have to bring it out in him." He held the ropes he was holding tighter and turned a bend in the forest where he saw ed "limping." "It's over blondie. Hands up." ed even sucked his teeth as if in disgust as Joel tied his wrists and made a makeshift rope collar around his neck. "Let's go stud. POWs are called that for a reason. And since you tried to escape, the convention doesn't apply." ed had completed the project Joel had requested earlier that week: two large vertical poles at the foot of their bed, built so that Joel could tie ed's ankles at a higher point than the bed itself. It exposed his rosey hole so much better than before, and now, Joel first wet a finger and poked it in. Then he put in a second one. "Feels nice and wet in there stud, but we'll need to get it even moister." As Joel's tongue started rimming ed's hole and then poking in, he moaned big time. "Can we use the clamps, Sir?" ed looked hopeful and Joel snickered. "Your wish is my command, fucktoi," as he took the needle clamps and attached them to ed's nipples. Then he got his tongue back inside him for another five minutes before his cock took his bottom. It was the first roleplay they had done in a while, and ed was smiling as he fell asleep. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Back at the restaurant, Joel was sitting next to ed, and he began playing footsie with him under the table. "So, I don't usually find big guys like you who are willing to bottom. You like taking it up the ass?" ed shook his head yes. "Especially when I'm taking it from a hot guy in a suit. One of my favorite fantasies." "Should we skip dessert, blondie?" "I could eat a sausage, Sir" "You will. You'll need it for the lube." It was another roleplay game. If he hadn't been in the chastity cage, ed would have been as hard as he ever got.

So, what happened after this? Well, when word got out that ed was "available," Jason wasn't the only one who requested time. So many people did that Joel had to limit visits to one a week. He did not let anyone see ed on weekends. The only exception was Jason, because if Jason took advantage of ed's technique, then he gave up matthew to either take ed or Joel or, on one occasion, both of them. Did that fundraiser with the twins ever happen? Well, no. At least not yet. Owen has had his hands full with other issues about guys, so he's been too busy. But you never know.

Thank you for following along with this one, gang. None of my stories are ever truly "over," but ed and his gang are going to go on hiatus for a while. Take care and if you have any ideas for stories, let me know. RT.

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