Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 13, 2021


There was no question about it: billy was nervous. Nervous and scared. He had looked forward to the weekend away with Sir Bentz, but now.... the thought that he would be hunted. billy knew nothing about hunting, about survival, and Bentz had the advantage for sure, not that he didn't ALWAYS have the advantage with billy. And bill wondered what else was going to happen on the trip. What should he bring? What should he wear?

He got answers to those questions in the interoffice mail the day before the trip. They went like this: "sub billy. Be at my manse at 4pm, sharp. I will NOT tolerate lateness (billy smiled at that. He had NEVER been on time for anything before Bentz took him. Now, with Bentz such a stickler for punctuality, billy had learned. There was a welt on his ass for a week from one of the first times he had been ten minutes late). You should bring one decent outfit that you can wear to dinner - something like you wear to class, only make sure it's sexy. Beyond that, a couple of thongs, a pair of shorts, a wife beater, a regular t shirt should be sufficient. I will probably have everything else you need. DO NOT MASTURBATE FOR 24 HOURS BEFORE WE LEAVE. Master Brian."

billy gulped. He looked at his watch. It was 6. He had just had a quickie in the bathroom. Would Bentz know? He probably would. He'd better tell him. He shot a text out. "Hi Sir. Apologies for bothering you. The interoffice mail may have been messed up. i just got your message and... i jerked off an hour before: at 5pm. i'm sorry. i didn't know the content of your message. i'm going home to pack up now." Bentz' answer back was, well, typical Bentz: "Kudos for being honest with me billy. We'll discuss this weekend what you're allowed and not allowed to do sexually when you're not with me. The hour won't make much of a difference but the point is OBEDIENCE. It now becomes imperative that you NOT be late. I will see you at 4. DO NOT MAKE ME COME LOOKING FOR YOU." billy smiled in relief. He assumed that Bentz was going to impose restrictions on what he did when he was alone. He had already ordered both billy and kevin that they could NOT have sex of any kind, with any other person but him, or with each other - under his supervision. He had clarified that sex included deep kissing, fondling, anything that could give a reasonable person a hard on. billy had been assiduous in following those rules, but the excitement of the weekend had gotten to him. He'd have to do something to keep from pleasuring himself when he slept that night. He had handcuffs.....

Bentz was pleased when he saw billy show up at the manse. It was 3:55. The young man had worn a blue blazer, a white oxford shirt, the blue slacks that Bentz favored, and penny loafers. With his fair hair and his smooth skin, he looked almost like a beginning graduate student: his friends at the hunt would give him all kinds of crap about that. He expected jokes about "robbing the cradle" and things along those lines, but it was ok. Bentz admitted to himself, and only to himself, that he had a "thing" for this boy. He thought he'd be a light break in between serious bouts with kevin, but billy had grown on him in a good way. "Throw your back in the back billy, then get in ." "Yes sir. I hope I'm not late." "If you were late, I would've left without you. Plenty of boys up there this weekend, I would've been more than happy." billy began getting nervous. He thought it was just going to be the two of them. "By all rights, billy, I should have you in cuffs and leg irons for this ride. I'm going to assume, though, that it won't be necessary. Do you need to be gagged?" "Uh, that would be up to you Sir." Bentz smiled. "GOOD" he thought. "If you're not your usual chatterboxy self, it will be fine. You have permission to speak, but remember: this is NOT a lecture." "Understood Sir." "Take off your jacket. It's warm. " "Yes sir." billy threw the blazer in the back, and Bentz took off.

billy was quiet for about half an hour before he asked his question. "Sir, you said there would be plenty of boys there. I thought we were going away alone." billy saw Bentz smile as he kept his eyes on the road. "We WILL be alone billy. This is how it works. Once a year, there's a Master's Hunt. Every Master can bring his boy, and then there are other boys who are invited, through the sub and slave network. The rules are very simple. Every Master registers his sub. He is required to hunt and capture that sub before he can hunt any others. He's not required to, and no Master can hunt another man's sub without permission." "So..." "So if someone approached me and asked if he could have at you, I would have to give permission." billy wanted to ask if he would but he knew he'd get no answer. He also wondered if Master Bentz intended to hunt for others after he captured billy - because billy was SURE that he was going to be captured quickly.

They drove for a little more than an hour, and were in pretty uninhabited country, when Bentz stopped. "Out of the car billy. We're not close to being there, but... I need a blow job." billy looked around. Was Bentz going to require it in the road. "There's a mat in the trunk. You can kneel on that so you don't soil your slacks. And stop worry about anyone seeing you. IF anyone drives by, it's probably a Master on the way to this shindig. There will be no problems. "Ok Sir. " Bentz took out the mat, and dropped it on the floor. "Kneel. And get your hands behind your back like a proper slave. I won't have you embarrass me this weekend with insolent behavior. " "NO SIR. Absolutely not." billy assumed the position, as Bentz unzipped his jeans, and pointed his cock at billy's mouth. billy's mouth was dry, but he tried to produce enough saliva to get what he needed to slide up and down his Master's cock. He heard Bentz sigh: he must have been doing a good job. He felt Bentz' hand on the back of his neck, pushing him down, and he felt Bentz lean forward, trying to get more in billy's relatively small mouth. The bottom struggled to hold it all, and smothered a gag reflex, as Bentz pummeled his face. A car DID drive by, and billy heard the honk of the horn, but didn't see anything: he was focused on taking care of Bentz. He felt his own cock getting hard as he slid back and forth, Bentz' hand guiding him, pushing further and further, until there was one final shove, and billy felt the jizz going down his throat. Right at the end, Bentz pulled out and sent a lashing out to the ground. "Fertilize the earth. Honor it." He cackled. He put a hand under billy's elbow to help him up. "Good job, son. The weekend is starting off well."

They drove for another hour or so before Bentz pulled into the parking lot of what looked like a very rustic restaurant. "This place has been in the family for at least three generations billy. I first came here with my father, about forty years ago. Two sisters: Myrtle and Mabel owned it then, and before that, their mothers Milly and Margaret." Bentz smiled when he saw the perplexed look on billy's face. There's an old, OLD song: "Papa was a Rolling Stone," the kind of thing that is, ahem, frowned upon these days. He fathered the two girls. They looked so much alike, people thought they were twins. Now, one of their sons - I forget which one - owns the place with his partner. "Are they...?" "Like us? No. Not all of the elite choose to take red wrist subs. They found each other at school, and came back to the countryside after the big war: the one that created the society we have. They prefer this quiet life. " "Professor Bentz. It's been too long. Welcome back" the hostess greeted them. "Thank you Marsha. I'd like to introduce you to billy." Marsha saw the red band around billy's wrist and smiled. "Nice to meet you too billy. I assume you gentlemen are here for the hunt?" "We are. It's billy's first." Marsha shrieked a little. "OOOOH. The first one is always SO MUCH FUN. I wonder why it took so long for people to do it. Just come this way." She led them to a booth. As billy was sitting down, he had a sense that someone in a similar position had been here once before. "My cabin is just about a mile from here billy, and the hunt is about 3 miles away. I bought it some years ago from a gent who worked at the university. Not sure if his name was Douglas or Leo. When he and his partner retired from the university, they moved away and the cabin was adequately equipped for my needs. I've improved on it, of course. " "So they were a gay couple Sir?" "Yes, of course. Why do you ask?" "I just have a feeling that they've been in this restaurant before Sir. Maybe even in these seats." Bentz laughed. "Don't tell me you're telepathic billy. If you are, I've lost already." "No Sir. It was just a feeling." "Well... " billy felt Bentz' hand run along his thigh. billy moved it closer to make it more accessible. "This is the best place to eat in some distance. I wanted us to eat early because after this, you'll be having a meeting with the committee of the hunted. They'll explain the rules to you, while I catch up with some friends. Then I'll introduce you, we'll head to the cabin and tomorrow...." he smiled. "You'll get your chance to escape from me."

There were 35, maybe 40 men at the meeting billy attended. Almost all of them were younger than he was, but most had been to at least one hunt. He learned the rules: the hunted would be given a 15 minute head start into the territory, after which hunters would seek them out. They had to be careful because the HUNTER committee always placed traps throughout the course. No one wanted to be caught in a trap because, if they were, they were returned to their Master immediately, and the Master was disqualified from the prizes, as was the sub. The goal was to traverse a five mile course, in five hours or less. Any sub who did so, would be given the right to be free of his Master. billy asked "Has anyone ever completed the course?" There was laughter at the "rookie" question. He also learned that the ten Masters who recaptured their prey in the fastest amount of time were given an award: generally, it was some sort of discount for future sub hunting seasons if they chose to take it. The top 3 could also trade their subs for any of the free subs who attended. There were maybe 10 of those this year. There was no sharing of strategy . It was clear to billy right away that it was "every bottom for himself," just like in the days when he'd hit the bars.

Bentz was waiting for him when billy left the meeting. He had a drink, and a smile on his face. "This way handsome. I would prefer you didn't drink because it may impair your abilities tomorrow, but of course, if you would like one. " "Thank you Sir, but until I have some experience." Bentz smiled again, and he felt a charge to his groin. Again, this young man was pushing ALL the right buttons. The looks he got from his jealous friends pushed another button. Bentz had been coming for years, and usually emerged with one of the independent subs as a prize. This year, though, he had the sub who was catching everyone's attention. billy stopped reacting after the fifth grab of his ass. Bentz was enjoying his discomfort. "See what I've saved you from, billy? Anyone of these men would snap you from me in a second." "I'm not going Sir." "No. You're not. Let's head home. " When they got home, Bentz had not recovered sufficiently from the blow job to fuck billy, and he wanted to sleep for the morning as well. Still, he wanted billy to have the feeling of a cock in his ass, so he took a butt plug, and screwed it into billy, as billy gasped and his cock grew harder. "No, billy. Not until after the hunt." Bentz folded his arm around billy and they went to sleep. billy dreamed about being captured: in one of the dreams, he was bound to a pole by his ankles and wrists, like some large prey animal, and carried in by two identical Bentz'. It wasn't intentional, but the dream and the plug, brought him to climax.

The next morning, he frantically tried explaining it to Bentz. Bentz wasn't angry. He was focusing on what was to come. He simply said "billy, if you can't get control, there are mechanical means that will make sure you have it. Just keep that in mind." "Yes sir. I'll not let it happen again." billy was dressed in the wifebeater, and shorts. Bentz had suggested the wifebeater because it was very warm. There were plusses and minuses to the shorts versus long pants: you could run faster in the shorts, but it was much easier to get scratched, or bitten with your legs uncovered. billy decided to take that risk. He also disagreed with the men who were going to do the hunt running barefoot. They claimed they could go faster, and that their feet were accustomed to the terrain. billy's were not.

The alarm sounded, and the subs took off in all directions. billy found himself in a group of five, who headed toward an eastern path. "BE CAREFUL" one of them yelled, as they approached a grassy area. "Look. See what happens when I do this." He picked up a stone and threw it at the easiest place to pass. It set off a spring trap of a large net that went flying in midair, since there was nothing in it. "No way to get out of THAT before they find you. That's what you have to look out for. " They heard the high pitched cry of one sub before the second alarm, releasing the Masters, sounded. "That's jonah. He's usually better. Must have gotten his ankle in a trap. His Master is going to be upset. billy thought he heard Bentz' resonant voice yelling "I'M COMING FOR YOU BILLY." Could it be? No , he was psyching himself out. At least he thought so. He thought so until he and two of the others were concealed under some bushes, and he saw Bentz proceed by. "SHIT. He made up the distance already." billy decided that he would try to find the best path by climbing up in a tree to get a birds eye view of the terrain. That's what proved to be his undoing. Climbing the tree disturbed enough birds that their cries attracted Bentz' attention. billy saw him at the base of the tree. "Time to come down billy." "NO SIR. NO WAY." Bentz chuckled. "I have no ax to cut it down, nor would I. I will give you five minutes before I start coming up after you." billy thought about it for two. "You win Sir. I'm coming down." When he landed on the ground, Bentz threw a yoke around billy's neck and bound his wrists. "To the judge's table with you, young man. Nice first effort." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." billy was ashamed he had been recaptured so quickly, thinking that kevin would have made a much better opponent. "A very good finish for a first timer, Mr. Whalen" the judge told him as they clocked in. Dr. Bentz is an excellent hunter, yet you evaded capture longer than 18 others did. Not to be sneezed at. " The judge looked at Bentz. "You are training him well." Apparently it was a coded expression, because Bentz responded "His training is yet to begin." And as billy learned, Bentz spoke the truth.

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"It's probably before your time, billy, but there was an old series of erotic films where the subject was set up just like you." billy was in the wifebeater and his shorts, shackled at his wrists and ankles to an old box spring that stood against a wall. Bentz had gagged him securely, with a cloth like duct tape, and then had torn strategic holes in the wifebeater over each of billy's nipples, and along the front of the shirt. billy saw the neat array of toys laid out next to him, as if he were about to undergo surgery. "Let's start with these.... I truly enjoy using them billy." Bentz picked up two forcep style nipple clamps. "These were designed, some years ago, by a brilliant man. Unfortunately they did not catch on because they are a bit... well, as you will find, billy, intense.

Serration... an idea that is not used enough." Bentz smiled as he attached one and then the other. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Now billy understood why Bentz had not used any of his usual gags. To say the sensation was intense was an understatement. He also understood why Bentz had shackled his ankles. He wanted these OFF of him. And the more he squirmed, the more the serrated tips stimulated his nipples. Bentz stood back and smiled. "Sir Peter was a genius while he was working. Now, I can just touch these like so..." He moved a finger very lightly to each forcep, and billy tried to scream again. "Or.... I can just leave them there. That's probably enough." He folded his arms. "Or would you prefer these, billy?" Bentz picked up a smaller set of clamps, each carrying what looked like a small cannon ball. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" billy shook his head no, and immediately regretted it, as the forcep clamps moved with him. It was too intense. He was getting angry. Bentz saw it in billy's eyes, and it stimulated him more. He held billy's balls and penis, through his shorts. He twisted gently. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" "Perhaps it's time..." Bentz produced a pocket knife, and began cutting away billy's shorts. "I have a feeling billy, that if I manipulate these forcep clamps, we may very well see your cock shoot out like.. well, let's see." He finished cutting away billy's shorts, and then he lifted each forcep slowly. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPH!!!!!!" as he tried to scream, billy's cock shot out. He wanted to die. He was angry, he was horny, and he wanted to be anywhere but where he was. "Just getting you ready, billy.. We'll be getting horizontal in a few minutes, but... it's good to prep you for the fun ahead." He took billy's chin in his hand. "You gonna behave, young man?" The tender way that Bentz held his face made some of the anger melt. billy moved his head up and down as gently as he could. "This WILL hurt billy, but... it'll be worth it." Bentz took the clamps off, and billy passed out. The hunt and the nipple torture, had been too much.

When billy woke up again, he was still shackled to the box spring, but now it was in a horizontal position. He was still gagged. He saw Bentz, now shirtless, standing above him. He was wearing gloves, and he dropped his hand down, stroking billy's hair. "billy, you're such a precious boy. You work SO hard at making me happy, don't you?" billy could shake his head now, because the clamps were off. His nipples still stung, but it was bearable. His shorts were gone, and so was his t shirt. He could see his own cock, hard in front of him. Bentz moved the gloved hand down to billy's right nipple, and billy tried to squeal. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph. plllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz". He saw Bentz smile. "You want to climax SO badly billy, don't you." Bentz lay his hand on billy's chest, not stroking his nipple, and billy whined and shook his head. "Soon. Very soon, my sweet boy. First though. You're in the humanities, but perhaps you know about biology. Do you know anything about the p spot, my adorable young man?" billy weakly shook his head yes, as he saw Bentz pick up a purple toy, with a loop at the end. "They call this a p spot stimulator. See? I can fit this into your sweet hole." Bentz inserted the longer part of the toy, "and then I can keep it in place, by slipping your balls through this hole." He smiled. "And then, all I have to do... is check one of 7 speeds. Should we start at 7?" billy could feel the head of the toy pressing against the inside of his ass. He knew what would happen and shook his head NO as violently as he could. "Ha ha. No, I would not make you begin with 7. Let's start with 1." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Now billy understood this better. The toy lay right against his prostate gland, and it began to vibrate, stimulating that. His cock stayed rigid, but he didn't feel like he needed to cum. Still... something.. something. .. billy began to move his hips up and down as far as he could. "You look so beautiful like that billy. SO, SO beautiful.... " Bentz knelt down and began to nibble at billy's nipple. billy's eyes were pleading. He felt Bentz begin to pull away the tape. "Tell your Master what you want to say, billy." "SIR. SIR. I... I CAN'T TAKE IT. PLEASE. PLEASE... " "Please what billy?" "You captured me. I'm yours. Take your prize. Please. please Sir. FUCK ME. FUCK MY ASS." "Oh, I will do that billy, but first.. you're going to understand what you will need to do from now on. " Bentz turned the device on to level two, and billy screamed. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" "You'll have to learn how to use one of these, because you'll be using it whenever you're not with me. And.. you'll be locked in chastity when you do. Bentz smiled. "That way, you can have an orgasm, like you're about to have, without ejaculating. "NO. NO. That's not. POSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIBLE. AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" "I guess you were wrong billy." "Yes sir. I was. I was.." billy was breathing hard. "But now it's my turn. " Bentz unlocked billy's ankles and pulled them in the air. His cock pointed toward billy's ass. He pulled out the p spotter, and took it off billy's cock. "All prepped for me. ALL PREPPED." The vibrator had stimulated billy to the point where Bentz' cock didn't feel as intense as it normally did. But still. Bentz pulled off the gloves, and put his fingers on billy's mouth. "Take them bitch boy. TAKE THEM." billy opened his mouth and took as many fingers as he could, while he felt Bentz go in deeper, and deeper. "A tight man pussy is a good thing, MOST of the time. Sometimes though, a looser one is nice. Like now.." He began to fuck billy harder. "You made me proud today billy. VERY proud. As you humanists put it, you provided me with cultural capital. And now... I'm going to provide you with my jizz. " Bentz pushed HARD, and billy felt the liquid filling him . His cock remained hard, but he could see it going down. "Are you enjoying yourself billy? " "Sir..." billy panted. "The question is.. are you?" "I AM billy. I am very taken with you. " He sighed. "We unfortunately need to get ready for an evening event. I wish we could just get to bed, but.. alas.... " He began unfastening billy's restraints. "You'll need to get cleaned up. The celebration and the presentation of the awards are tonight. " "Yes sir." billy ran off to the shower. When he came out, he saw that Bentz had put out clothes for him: faded jeans. A white oxford shirt. A black jock. Sneakers. No socks. "Were these at his place?" billy thought as he got dressed. Bentz came out of the bathroom, cleaned up himself. "AH. Just need a few improvements. First.... " He opened a second of billy's shirt buttons. Now..." He reached over to the table of toys, and took a chain collar to put around billy's neck. "Roll up those sleeves handsome." "Yes sir." billy could see the D ring at the end of the collar. He knew that meant he'd be leashed. Bentz dressed in a black turtleneck and black jeans. "He's so distinguished looking. So handsome." billy thought. "And I belong to him." It made his cock swell a little. Bentz put the leash through the D ring, then he took billy's wrists, and handcuffed them behind his back. He grinned as he put the key in billy's shirt pocket. "Now, you're in charge of making sure you can get out. If you lose that key...." Bentz tugged on the leash and they headed out to Bentz' car. billy's erection was growing again. He hoped he wasn't leaking.

Next: Chapter 10

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