Sub Straight Daddy Travis

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 17, 2022


Travis didn't sleep well the Friday night before his "date" with Jason. "Date". That's what travis was calling it, but he never heard that word from Jason's mouth. He was nervous: where was Jason taking him shopping? What would happen when they were done? Every time he fell asleep, he had an erotic dream of some kind. By now, he knew that if he bedded Jason, it wasn't going to be the way he thought it would be: there was no way that Jason was going to bottom for him. He had made that clear. When they kissed, Jason was always "french active" (travis had to look that up. When Jason used the phrase, he thought he was talking about some way of learning a foreign language. Jason had laughed and said "well, in a way it is"), and didn't seem at all interested in having travis take the active role. There had been a few times when travis had "gotten feisty" in Jason's words, and each time, Jason "neutralized" the feistiness by grabbing travis' nipples. They WERE getting more sensitive and Jason knew it. When Jason had them in his fingers, travis just lost all strength: if Jason told him "for that, you're gonna have to blow me on your knees," he did. And he loved it. travis thought he knew where the relationship with Jason was going. Jason kept on giving him bigger and longer dildos to play with. As they got bigger, travis found that he had to call up the relaxation techniques he learned in yoga class, but he took them. He was up to a little more than 6 inches. Before he took each one the first time, he tried to measure it against Jason's dick by putting it in his mouth. Jason was a little bigger than 6 inches. One of his dreams that night was of Jason taking his ass. It disturbed him, but still, he got up, before he came, and jerked off into the toilet.

Jason was dreaming about Saturday too, but his sleep was much more restful. "I'm gonna take my hot daddy," was what he thought before he fell asleep with a smile on his face. He dreamed about how HOT travis was going to look in some SERIOUS t shirts, and how much hotter it was going to be taking one of them off the hot daddy before he lifted travis' legs and fucked the cherry out of him. "DAMN. Daddy cherry . How many people can say they had that?" When Jason came, he didn't need to head to the bathroom. He just cleaned himself up, and fell back to sleep.

They didn't meet at the studio: instead, travis drove to an intersection that Jason had given him as an address. He was on time, and when he got there, he saw Jason leaning up against a traffic sign, smiling. He was dressed almost identically to travis: leather jacket, old faded jeans, a baseball cap, and a t shirt that said: "Tight End." travis laughed at the football term. He hadn't thought about Jason and "man sports," but, whatever. The only real difference between his outfit and Jason's was that his t shirt was one of his standard white ones. Jason came over to the car. "Hey stud. Looks like you're picking up a hustler." travis laughed and blushed when Jason said that. "Yeah, a hustler who won't take money." Jason squeezed his thigh. "I'm taking it out in trade stud. So, how's my hot daddy today?" "Hot daddy." Again travis thought about the gym. Was it.. was it Jason, or did he have a secret admirer? He was gonna have to ask Jason today. "Hot daddy is very nervous Jason. " "STUD! We're not going to Outer Mongolia. We're going shopping on a gay street. Most of the people are gonna be tourists. Trust me: you won't see most of them ever again." "MOST of them? You know some of them?" "Oh yeah. See, what you don't know travis is that there's a collective gay brain. And all the gay guys in a city know where every other gay guy is at every moment of every day. RELAX DADDY!" travis blushed some more. "You're right. I guess I AM really nervous." "You're buying clothes. What's to be nervous about that? " "I usually do it on line. In bulk. " "Not today, travis. It'll be fine. Hey, let's park over there. It's a few blocks to the store, but we both could stretch our legs. "Sounds good," thought travis, not imagining for a moment that what Jason was doing was showing his gay world that this hot daddy was HIS. Everyone should stay away. "Tight End" on his t shirt was ambiguous. Was it tight because it wasn't used, or? He wanted people to be kept guessing.

As they walked to the boutique, a few guys "WOOFED" them. Jason smiled. "We're getting a lot of cruising, trav. You more than me." "Nah, I don't think so. Who wants an old man?" "You mean a hot daddy? Just about everyone. Thing is, I'm the one who has him." travis felt Jason's hand land on his left butt cheek. He flinched for a second, but then relaxed into it. Jason wasn't moving it. "What are those animal sounds the guys make?" Jason laughed. "Those are WOOFS" That means they think one, or both of us, is very hot. Jealous and also admiring." trav laughed. "Geez. I don't get that among OUR friends." "They don't appreciate it, trav. This tribe does. Here's the store." It had one of those cutesie names: like "I know you know" or something like that. It sold basic clothing like t shirts and briefs, candles, cards: you know the kind of place. Jason clearly knew the shopkeeper, who asked about his daddy. Jason answered "You'll have to ask him. He'll tell you what he wants you to know." Jason wanted to respect what he knew was travis' sense of privacy. He didn't want people to know that he was "on the down low". "Hey STUD. Go into the dressing room. Try this on." Jason had thrown travis a t shirt. Pure white: whiter than the ones travis wore, heavier material. "They let you try on t shirts?" "Sure do. Gotta get the look you want. Dressing room's over there. Let's go stud!" Someone was coming out as travis went in, and another "WOOF." When he came out, after putting on the t shirt, Jason was talking with another customer. "He knows everybody," travis thought. Jason came over. "My my my. If I weren't with you today, trav, I'd be woofing too. Oh, what the hell? WOOF. Makes you look even HOTTER." "OH STOP IT!" travis was blushing. "Just check yourself out in the mirror. Ask yourself this question: would you bed you? If the answer is yes, then... it's a good fit." travis did look. Yes, this shirt was designed to flatter men who were less fit than he was. On his body, well... "He needs an arm band and a collar," Jason thought. "With time." He came up to travis and travis could see him coming, arms open, to surround trav's middle. "GOD do you look good like that. You need to get a bunch of them. White and gray. No black." "Why not black?" Jason smiled at travis' question. "Top men wear black shirts." "Oh. You don't see me as a top?" Jason dropped his voice. "Who's sucking and who's being sucked?" "You have a point." travis said. He picked up four of each color. The cashier smiled. "Which card will you be using Daddy - I mean Sir?" Jason smiled as the guy gave him a wink that travis didn't see. "I was going to pay in cash. Is that ok?" "Well,uh, yes, but... the largest bill we take is a 50." trav pulled out six. "Is that enough?" "Ho ho. More than plenty Sir. Let me get your change." He smiled and wished travis a good day. He mouthed, to Jason "You lucky whore." Outside of the store, Jason patted travis on the arm. "Big step for you. First time you were in a gay store, trav stud." travis laughed. "I guess so." "Hey, it's after 1. I'm starved. Can I treat my daddy to lunch?" "Seriously? You wanna buy me lunch." "I want you nice and nourished for this afternoon." travis gulped when Jason followed with "I'm gonna find out today how well you've been using those dildos."

Jason steered them to a restaurant where, travis noted, it was almost all male couples and foursomes, and the age difference between he and Jason was on the low side. He had lots of questions, but one stood out. "Jason, someone has been leaving me messages, and passing me and saying things to me about how I'm a hot daddy, and stuff like that. Was that you?" "Guilty as charged, trav." He smiled. "Not gonna lie, stud. I've had my eye on you for months. Maybe since you started, I don't know. I just didn't do anything overt because, well, I didn't know where you stood on gay things." "Well, I like sucking your cock, but I'm straight Jason." Jason smiled, and thought "of course you are." "Would you rather not come back to my place after lunch, because if you don't want to, I get it." "NO NO. I mean... I like the studio." Jason leaned his thigh against travis'. "I wasn't clear. I meant my apartment, not the studio. " He looked right into travis' eyes. "If it's gonna be the first time for you, I want it to be relaxed, and comfortable. I think my place is better for that."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Driving back to Jason's apartment, travis was as nervous as a cat in a room of rocking chairs, as his mother used to say. Jason noticed. "Stud, if you just wanna drop me off and head on your way, that's cool. Sooner or later, though, you're gonna do it and, well, wouldn't you rather do it with someone you know than with some sleazy whore?" travis was silent for a minute. "If I didn't do it with you, I'd probably never do it, Jason." "Aw, that's sweet, daddy, but why would you deny yourself something that's so easy to satisfy. If you put your hand over here." He pointed to his crotch. "You'll see: I'm ready." He smiled. "And those jeans are so tight I can tell.. so are you." "I dunno..." travis trailed off. "Yeah, ya do. You never tried to take my hand off your ass. You're ready. Turn here, stud. My building is on the corner." It was a walk up, "Good for cardio" Jason said as he sprinted upstairs. "You may be stronger than me trav, but I'm faster." "You think I'm stronger, Jason?" Jason smiled as he started opening the door, and travis nuzzled him "I KNOW you're stronger, but.... I can handle ya." "You think so?" "I know so." Jason turned around and grabbed one, then both, of travis' nipples. "Like Superman with kryptonite. There go all your powers. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" travis moaned. It was true. "Come on in studpuppy." Jason's apartment was as neat as his massage studio. travis was looking around when he felt Jason's hand on his shoulder. "Let me take your jacket, handsome. Then let me know: you wanna make out or get right to it?" "I know that answer Jason. Can we make out first?" Jason put his arms around travis' upper body and now HE was nuzzling travis. "Whatever my hot daddy wants." He nipped at travis' ear and travis began to melt. "OH, I didn't know that there were ways to handle you besides your tits." "I didn't either." travis was breathing hard, because Jason continued to nibble his ear while he squeezed travis' pecs. "Sofa, stud. Take that hot Daddy shirt off." travis remembered that there was a t shirt in that shop that said "Wide receiver." He wondered if Jason were going to tell him to buy it. Maybe he should buy it later. "Kiss me you big stud. Kiss me the way you wanna be kissed." "Yes Sir," travis moved in, his eyes closed. Jason had taken off his shirt too, and he felt his younger, smoother body pressing against his. "It's not supposed to be this way," travis thought, as Jason slowly bent him back until he was lying on the sofa with Jason on top of him. "The older guy is supposed to be in control. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" He began to moan because Jason had begun rubbing his knee against travis' crotch. "I want you so fucking hot and horny I can do anything I want to you daddy" Jason whispered into travis' ear. "I think I'm there," travis answered and Jason chuckled. "Not even close, stud. Not even close." He thrust his tongue down travis' throat again, with his fingers working the nipples and his knee continuing to rub. travis was trying desperately to say something. "No. No. I mean it. Jason... I'm so close if we don't...." "Ok stud. Let's get you peeled outta those jeans and... get to work." travis complied and stood there, naked. "DAMN. You're a fucking Greek god daddy. How about putting your hands behind your back? Let me see you look like a Greek slave." When travis did, Jason just exclaimed "HOLY FUCK. You need to be tied up all the time." travis' cock jumped. He whispered "I agree. Sir." "Heh heh. I knew I'd get the kinky side of you, stud. Let me pull down two neckties from my corporate days. Won't leave a mark and... you won't break free." Jason used the neckties to tie travis' wrists to the bedposts, and then his tongue got to work. He started up at travis' Adam's apple, moved down to his nipples and made a straight line down to his navel. travis thought Jason was gonna head to his cock but... "No. You're too close. I can see that. But... you need something daddy. Something that makes you feel REALLY good. " Ever so gently, Jason raised travis' knees and slipped his tongue between his legs, rimming his ass. "OH FUCK. OH SHIT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH GOD." Jason looked up. "You did enough women to remember them yelling for you to eat them out. Now you know why." The comparison to a woman bothered travis for a minute, but then he thought "I'm his bitch. How many women did I call MY bitch." Then he whispered. "Jason. Sir Jason. Fuck your bitch." "My DADDY bitch" Jason responded. And I will." travis felt the fingerful of lube in his ass, and then Jason's cockhead up against his hole. "Please. Please. Gently." Jason licked his lips. "My way." He pushed in a little further and travis thought "this is the real thing. It's not a dildo. It's NOTHING like a dildo" as Jason pushed in further. "Almost all the way stud. You good?" "Yes sir. I'm good." "Know what you are, travis, you're a STUD. " The final bit of Jason's cock filled travis' ass, and then, Jason reached up and began working his nipples as he pulsed his cock in travis' ass. "OH GOD. OH TRAVIS. That feels so good. SO FUCKING GOOD." travis began to cry when he thought about how many years he had wasted NOT getting it. "You're a STUD travis," Jason repeated. "You're a DADDY STUD, and you're MY daddy stud. TAKE MY BOY COCK" "Boy cock" set travis off. His hips jerked and he had a contactless orgasm, spilling his juice all over himself. Jason laughed. "You want me to stop?" "Did you cum, Sir?" "No, not yet, but I will." He pulled out of travis and stroked himself until he added his own load to the one travis had shot off. "OH MAN travis baby. You know how long I've wanted your ass? MONTHS." "And you never said anything," travis answered, as Jason cuddled to his tied up daddy. "You weren't the only one afraid travis. I only got bolder because I heard some of the other guys talking about how they wanted you." "REALLY? travis tried to sit up. "WHO? OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH" Jason was laughing as he squeezed travis' balls. "You think I'm gonna tell you who the competition is? No fucking way. I'd rather get arrested for kidnapping by keeping you tied up here 24/7." travis sighed. "I wouldn't press charges." "MMMM." Jason kissed him. "Your ball and chain is gonna get upset if you stay out much longer so... I'm gonna have to get you cleaned up and outta here. But from now on... we drop the massage bullshit. You come here. I have a LOT to teach you." "Like?" "Like a whole lot of bondage games. A whole lot more toys for tits and balls. And a lot of different ways of taking cock. You shall see stud, you shall see." He kissed travis again. "Keep the big dildo. You can use it for practice until we see each other again." travis got up and cleaned up, then dressed and left for home. "What a day. WHAT A DAY." Halfway home, he realized he had left his NORMAL t shirt there. He was wearing the form fitting one he had tried on at the store. Jason texted him. "I put on your t shirt so I can smell you. I'm getting hard again." travis was driving so he couldn't answer. He planned to answer "Now I'm gonna turn back again" when he got home. He didn't get to though, because. "TRAVIS, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Helen was standing in the living room with the big dildo in her hand. "AND WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU WEARING? GEEZ, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE GOING QUEER ON ME." travis swallowed hard. THIS was something he hadn't planned on.

Next: Chapter 5

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