Sub Student

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Mar 12, 2023


SUB-student, Part 13

"Come on in boys...," Jeff greeted the hunks into my home. "Don't mind the new boi over there, he's busy learning his new position. There's a more experienced bitch in the dungeon on down and I'll introduce you!"

All three of them went to the stairs and then down to the dungeon. Both newcomers glanced over at me as they went past, the big black guy licking his lips lewdly while the other scratched his crotch with a smile on his face. I had only been in their shops a couple of times, looking around, so they probably didn't recognize me.

Since I was now facing the stairs, I could hear pretty well what was happening down below, but couldn't see anything.

"Hey bitch, get off the table and on your fuckin' knees! Time to greet my friends and give their feet a wash. He's Master Randy and he's Master Jai. They've been on the road a bit, so do a good job.!"

There wasn't much to hear as they flipped off their sandels. They talked casually with Jeff as boi relieved them of their foot dirt.

"Nice dungeon Jeffo, you had this bitch on that cross thing yet?" Said the black visitor, Jai I presumed, referring to MY Saint Andrew's Cross.

"Not yet, I had some other stuff in mind...that's why I wanted y'all to come brought your tools?"

"Everything we'll gonna pay cash or do we get it in trade?" the other one, Randy suggested and laughed a bit. Apparently these three had played before.

Their voices lowered a bit and I could no longer make out the words. I was getting more and more concerned about boi, and struggled to see if I could wriggle out of my rope bondage. They seemed to get only tighter...Jeff sure knew his way around ropes.

Then there were steps on the stairs and Jai emerged from the basement and sauntered over to me, his muscles bulging under the tight shiny tank, his ebony skin showing through the holes in his worn and very hot looking jeans. His hair was in long, narrow dredlocks decorated with multi colored beads. Even in my bound condition, my tool twitched as he approached.

"Yo slavie, ready for yo homo improvement project?" he asked.

I, of course, was still gagged, so I just mumbled my response, which was supposed to be something like "What the fuck are you talking about" but came out just mmm mmmemm mmmmm!

Jai reached over and played with the tit clamps for a moment as the cadence of my "words" changed, but the sound was the same: mmm mmm!!!!

He reached behind me and unbuckled the gag...but before I had a chance to say anything he stuffed his fingers deep into my mouth and started lecturing me. His fingers tasted somehow familiar, and I realized it was KY. He had just come from downstairs after all...

"These fingers are a little bigger than my cock, but only a little bigger. I may let yo suck on the cock later, but for right now I'm going to keep my fingers in there so you can practice and so I can be sure yo is listening to me...are you?"

I nodded and murmered a little.

"Good white slut boi! Good fo' you! Here's whas's up bitch, I'm gonna untie you and take you downstairs, and yo is gonna cooperate with me and not fight, right?"

I nodded my agreement again and I could feel his fingers dig a touch deeper into my throat. I was breathing deeply through my nose. Suddenly he used the other hand to hold the nose shut, but only for a few second, till I started turning red and panicking...mumbling and struggling...

"OK boi, OK, calm down" he told me, as he let go of the nose and I was able to inhale sharply, "No mo of that unless yo misbehave. If yo do, oh fuck, you know what I'm sayin...just behave bitch!! We gotta go down there and take care of the night's entertainment!"

Again I worried for boi...back before Jeff, boi had kinda agreed to let me have him pierced, but he knew I wouldn't do it without at least minimal approval...same for tats. HE had the one I had put on him, but I wasn't sure he was ready for more...would I be able to convince Jeff and his friends to leave him alone?

Jai untied me roughly, letting me know by the way he held my arms in his tight grip that he would not hesitate to use his strength to slap the shit out of me if I didn't behave. He attached a leash to my collar and we went to the stairs and down to the dungeon, the room where I used to be the man in charge.

The white dude, Randy, was sitting on my rimming chair, and boi was underneath, licking Randy's ass like the talented bitch he was.

Jeff walked over to me at the bottom of the stairs and grabbed one of my arms, as the two of them manhandled me over and onto the bondage table. I wasn't struggling...what for? It wasn`t like I was going to be able to escape three of them! They secured me to the table, stretching me out full length, using ropes (my ropes!) to tie my middle down as well. Jeff came over to where my head hung over the edge and casually forced my mouth open wide with his fingers and dropped his balls in.

"I know I don't have to tell yo what the fuck happins if yo even think about hurting those, shitface...I wanna feel licks and NO TEETH!" he growled. I started licking, feeling his pubes get caught now and then between my teeth. There was a heady man smell about him...he'd been playing with boi, after all...and now it was my turn.

"Hey Jeff...OK for me to play with him?" Jai asked, pointing to my mid-section.

"Fuck yea...have at it boy!" Jeff answered, his hands held behind his neck, his muscular thighs planted on either side of my head as washed his eggs. His cock was now at full-staff from the attention I was giving his big hairy balls. He took one hand down and gently stroked the fleshy tube...I could feel drops of pre-cum splatter on my chin and upper chest.

Jai grabbed some rawhide strands from my cabinet and tied my balls so they stood out from my body, shiny in the spot line above the table. They he took a punishment paddle and started lightly tapping them.

I have very sensitive balls, and even the taps were painful. Of course I wasn't able to verbalize the pain...Jeff had my mouth occupied making his balls feel great! Over and over Jai slapped them, going from one to the other, playing them like some instrument...slapping both at the same time every few seconds. He increased the power he put into each attack and somehow I managed to emit a sound from deep inside me, indicating that he had reached my limit...and to my surprise, Jai stopped...and so did Jeff, but he just turned around and scooted down on my face so my mouth was now on his ass. I didn't need instruction. I started licking his hole, probing with my tongue.

"Good bitch!" he praised my oral skills, and I actually found myself pleased! Here I was getting off on serving him!

He pulled his cheeks apart with both hands, opening up his hole and giving me more to lick...

A for Jai, he had decided to work on my cock for a while. He grabbed a bag of (my!) clothespins and started placing them along my shaft, pinching enough skin first to give them something to hold onto. Soon he had a half-dozen on each side. They didn't hurt too much...but I knew the payoff would come when they were removed. Then he put two of the black wood devices on the engorged head of my shaft, and that hurt immediately!

"What's a matter bitch? Am I being too hard on you boi? Why don't I give you something else to think about?" he asked, as he grabbed my tits and manipulated them between his forefinger and thumb...squeezing tightly and sending impulses of pleasure and pain to my overloaded brain.

Despite my own pain, I became aware of boi moaning and yelling across the room...Jeff moved his ass off my face to adjust his position for a moment and I could see Randy had moved boi from the rimming seat to the fucking bench and was tearing into him! The rhythmic sounds of fucking matched Jai's work as he slapped the clothespins on my cock...Soon Jeff's ass was back on my face and I was too occupied to pay attention to poor boi.

All of this activity naturally ended with cum: Jeff turned around and jerked his big tool a few times, then aimed at my face and launched several squirts that covered my mouth and nose with his jism. I had closed my eyes just in time. Down below, Jai was inspired by Jeff's performance and grabbed his own fat seven incher to squirt onto my cock and balls, slapping the clothepins with his other hand as he shot, moaning loudly. And not to be outdone, Randy took two final plunges into boi's well-stretched hole and seeded deep inside him, collapsing on his sweaty back in exhaustion.

Cum was everywhere...and everyone except me and boi had been satisfied! After a few minutes, Jeff told Randy to pull boi up off the fucking bench and bring him over to where I was tied.

"You like all that fuckin' boi?" he asked the exhausted slave.

Boi was keeping his eyes down, but replied that he did in fact like it a lot.

"Good! Now here's you're old master here has gotten all grubby...why don't you wash him down wit yo piss?"

If boi was surprised by the suggestion, he didn't show it. But I was shocked! Boi? Piss on ME???

Jeff grabbed a little three rung ladder and led boi up to the top so he was above, looking down at my cum and sweat smeared body. I started to object, but Jai was there with his fingers in my mouth so quickly I didn't get more than a word out.

"Go on know you earned it...and you can see he's no longer yo boss man...mark him as yo own!"

I had trained boi to piss on command, and that's exactly what he did, spraying me down from my toes upward, with Jai removing his fingers just in time for me to get a mouthful. Amazingly, even though I could then have closed my mouth, I found myself opening it wider! I swallowed his pee as fast as I could, and he aimed his cock, moving the stream back to my center, soaking my clothespin decorated cock and tied balls.

Jeff grabbed my now favorite pink ball gag and put it into my mouth as boi finished his pissing. Then Jeff led boi and the two visitors up the stairs, closing the door at top as I lay there feeling the piss cooling on my abused body. I could see the clock on the far wall. It was almost Midnight...what was yet to come??


Thanks to the readers who have been kind enough to's the only real reward for the writing and I appreciate (and respond to) all readers.


Next: Chapter 14

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