
By Nicole Goebel

Published on Jan 23, 2007


The next morning Mar came down the stairs with a strange smile on her face. As she unclipped me from the bedpost I asked her what was up. "Master wants you out in the pen with the others." She said huskily, tugging on my collar.

I followed silently. Pen? Others? What was going on?

She opened a sliding glass door and yanked me outside. The sun bit at my naked flash as she sauntered down a small hill with me at her fingertips. As we came to the fence I stared in disbelief at the sight before me. It was a huge dog-run looking thing, about a mile long in both directions. Numerous rooms were built into the run, and in some of the rooms were more slaves. All of them were naked women, completely comfortable in their surroundings. Some lay stretched in the sun on the concrete while others huddled in the shadows of their room. None of the rooms had doors, save one at the end, and an open toilet sat in one corner while on the opposite side of the run was a long buffet table with little traces of food. By the door there was a Culliagan water tank. It was the oddest thing I had ever seen. Mar unlocked the padlock on the run and kicked some hungry slaves away as she pushed me down and shoved me inside. The lock clicked as I looked up from the floor into the eyes of at least ten other women, all fine specimens of sexiness. I glanced back outside; Mar was already gone. From the back of the pack someone howled slowly. "What the?" I gasped as the door opened on the last room and a rugged man stepped out. He too, was naked, with blonde hair all over his body. His dick stiffened at the sight of me, his green eyes narrowing devilishly. He brushed a hand through his shaggy blonde hair and sauntered over to me. The man pulled my head back by my hair and looked into my eyes. I looked away as all the other women grew jealous. From the room with the door came a beautiful redhead. Her boobs moved slightly as she stepped out and put a hand on her hips. "Is that the new one Rhy?" She asked in a deeply seductive voice. I looked at Rhy, studying him. Why was he still holding on to my hair? "Yeah Alice." Rhy said, pulling me to my feet. He then proceeded to circle me, studying my body. "Well, I'm surprised Mar let you stay. She does get jealous when other women outdo her. Maybe she's getting weak." I cocked my head at him, finding my voice. "Why would Mar have anything to do with whether I stay or not?" Rhy laughed, drawing closer to me. "Mar is the Master's wife. That's why she stays in the house and gets to sleep in his bed." He pulled me against him by my ass and smiled. "Supple." Alice pouted and parted the crowd of women. She grabbed my chin and looked me straight in the eye. "Oh yes, but you won't last very long in the hands of Master." she said, and then released me as she walked towards the buffet table to pick at the choices. Rhy led my to his room and shut the door, locking it. "So where did they find you?" he asked, pulling me onto his lap. I kept my legs firmly shut as he rested a hand on my thigh. "Doesn't matter. So what are you doing here? Master doesn't strike me as the kind to..." I trailed off with a smile, sliding onto the bench next to him. Rhy grimaced. "Hell no! I don`t swing that way. I was Mar's pet, until Master kicked me out. Now I'm lord of the doghouse." He smiled kinkily and surprisingly I was turned on. I looked down at his hard on and blushed. He was slightly larger than Master, so I could see why Mar liked him. "So you get to do whatever you want?" I asked, tearing my eyes from the beautiful dick. "Well yes, because they can't get rid of me." Rhy said, full of himself. "And why not?" "Because I've been missing among my family and friends for almost five years now. And if I'm gone then all these women would be...unsatisfied." He said, tracing a finger up my leg. I shuddered and ran a hand along his pecks and stopped above his belly button. "Go ahead" he urged.

I wrapped my hand around his dick, surprised at the girth. It was much larger than Master's. A small drop of precum glistened at the top of his head, and I ducked my head down and licked it off, my lips brushing against his tip.

In a fraction of a second Rhy had me pinned against the wall of his room, his fingers sliding in and out of me intoxicatingly. He was rough, but every time his fingers entered me I moaned. My head was held against the wall by his weight. Just the closeness of his body against mine caused me to become overwhelmed with hormones. Rhy kissed me roughly and bit my lip, his fingers digging into me, massaging my inner walls. I began to spin, or the room did at least. "You and I are going to have some fun now." Rhy informed me. "I could tell you were worth it by the look on Mar's face. You're a dirty little whore aren't you?" I gasped as he pinched my clit, grinding my hips into him. "Yes! I'm a dirty bitch!" And at that Rhy literally dropped me onto his dick, using my weight to sink himself into me. I gasped aloud at the fullness I felt and fell against his shoulder. Rhy slammed me against the wall again and began to drill into me. I screamed and struggled as he held me against the wall by my wrists and bit my nipples, twisting them between his teeth.

Then he fell against the floor, which was basically a large mattress and held me above him slightly so my knees held me up. Then he thrust upward into me even harder, his face glistening with sweat. I dipped my head and kissed him fully, sinking my teeth into his bottom lip. Rhy licked my upper lip and bit me back, then pulled himself out of me and began jacking himself off furiously. I watched him, amazed as he exploded. Three large globs of cum shot from his dick and I moved in the way and caught two of the three in my mouth, swallowing instantly. The last one landed upon my breasts, which I lifted and licked off.

When I looked up Rhy was grinning at me. "What?" I asked innocently. "Everyone says my cum is like a poison, so I didn't want to have you eat it at first. Now that you have you'll be in here every day." He informed me. I smiled cockily. "Yeah right. You're just full of yourself." "Yes, but you're full of me too." He whispered into my ear, rising up next to me. Rhy kissed me then left the room to get something for us to eat. I tried to shake his tale, but started feeling the cravings for more in the pit of my stomach. I told myself I was just hungry and put it from my mind.

All thoughts of more sex were pushed from my mind when I heard an argument outside. I opened Rhy`s door to see Master coming down the hill with his iron grip on Mar's arm. "Maybe spending a day out here will teach you obedience." Master growled at her, shoving her into the pen with the rest of us. His black robe shone in the sun, probably made of silk.

Mar shoved her face against the wall, threading an arm through it. "Please don`t leave me out here Master!" she cried. He ignored her, looking among the rest of us for someone. "Master? Master?" She whimpered, reaching out to him. Master looked past her to me. "You." He said, pointing to me. "Come on, you'll sleep inside tonight." The other girls pushed me towards the gate. Alice passed me by. "Won't last long at all. You'll end up like her." She directed my attention to a small girl of only fifteen in the corner. The girl was curled into a ball, staring off into space. "I will not!" I snapped, smiling genuinely at Rhy as he handed me to Master. Mar's face lit up with rage as she saw who Master had chosen. "You can't do this to me! I'm your wife!" she howled. Master took my by the collar and led me up the hill, away from the pen. I looked back to see Rhy put a hand around Mar's mouth and silence her. He picked her up and brought her back to his room. A pang of jealously hit me. He was going back to her.

Master let me inside. "You're very lucky slave. You get to sleep with me tonight." I dipped my head and thanked him quietly. "You should be given a name." Master scratched his chin. "I know. You'll be called Rin." I smiled as Master began to lay down more rules...


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