Submission to Nick

By moc.oohay@amardtibbaretihw

Published on Mar 4, 2009



Please do not read if you don't want to read a story about two gay kinky guys. Simple enough. Please email thoughts to Thanks!

The day was finally here-my first day in college. I thought it would never come. I had a so-so high school career, and I was definitely ready to move on.

I was going to live in the dorms. I'm pretty avoidant when it comes to meeting people. I don't know why but I've just never been good at it. I knew my roommate- he went to high school with me. I never really talked to him, but he had always been nice to me. Others would pick on me because of my disability (I'm hearing impaired) but he would always tell his friends to lay off of me.

I'm a pretty average guy-about 185 pounds, 5 feet 10. I was a swimmer but kind of gave up on that so I gained weight. I really like playing video games, especially Kingdom Hearts (over and over again). My childhood was decent- had a loving family. I never knew sign language because I was mainstreamed. I had signed up for a boring semester- english,history,math, and science. It felt like high school all over again!

Anyway, back to the story. I was in my room unpacking-it wasn't a bad looking room. It had two beds right next to each other, but enough room to walk in between. Nick-that's my roommate-hadn't arrived yet so I took the bed on the right. We had been emailing back and forth and I had said I'd bring the futon. The futon went by the end of the bed, facing where the tv went. Then there was the door! Pretty small room but it was college. The bathrooms were down the hall. We had the last room in the hallway. I kind of hated the fact that the bathroom was so far down,if I had to really piss I didn't want to walk all that way! Especially not in the middle of the night when I was trying to sleep.

I was getting out my blankets and stuff. My parents had already left, but they helped me get everything organized. I wasn't quite sure how Nick wanted it but that was okay-- I had brought the futon after all. Nick still hadn't arrived when I finished with the sheets so I shrugged and got on the futon to watch tv.

By the time the Simpsons came on it was 8 pm-and still no Nick. I wasn't too worried, but I wanted to be awake for when he got there. I was getting pretty tired since I had been moving all day. I finally fell asleep, not being able to stay awake.

The door had flung open and Nick came walking in. He was alone-having been dropped off. He only had two big suitcases. I had brought most of the stuff anyway. His entrance didn't wake me up right away-hello, deaf! But he eventually woke me up by turning on the light. He was laughing as he looked at me.I shook my head rubbing my eyes feeling like a total dork. "Hey Nick, sorry, I fell asleep waiting for ya." I started to get up but Nick shrugged.

"Naw bro, you don't have to get up. Sorry I'm so late, my parents worked all day you see." He picked up his suitcases and pointed to the bed on the left. "This my bed man?" I nodded, motioning to my bed ready to explain. "Awesome bro, its so small in here! I saw the bathrooms, they're pretty rank too!" He looked back over to me and sniggered, looking toward my crotch and back up. "Haha I make you hard or somethin'?", he said ever so carelessly.

My face blushed red as I looked down and noticed I had a clear boner bulging in my pants. I quickly sat down and bent my knees toward me to make it not obvious. "Er..I was sleeping." I didn't know what else to say. It was true that Nick was way hot. He had these brownish black eyes that could kill, a smile that made you want to pinch his cheeks. It also didn't help that he was quite toned. "Yeah..sorry." I quickly turned my head to the tv trying to look distracted so he'd start unpacking and forget the whole thing.

Nick just chuckled and unzipped his first bag. I kept watching him with one eye to see what he was doing. He looked over to me and smiled. "Yo dude.. You excited to be here?"

I looked over to him and almost forgot what had happened for a second. "Yeah.I'm taking really boring classes but that's college for you."

Nick nodded and kept taking clothes out of his suitcase and practically just threw them on the bed. " too. Except I'm taking math, a high level math pipsqueaks would cry at." He pointed to the tv and squinted at the dvd case I had at the bottom. "Did you bring movies?",he asked politely.

"Yeah, I get bored really easy so I brought a ton of movies and my game consoles."

"You must be spoiled at home, man! I'd kill for all this!", Nick said with some sarcasm in his voice.

"I'm not spoiled. I bought all this stuff on my own from money from my job." I didn't like being called spoiled but I didn't want to sound mad, not on the first day.

"So man,would it be ok if I brought my girl here sometimes?" Nick asked this with a hint of caution in his voice. I wasn't sure why he had asked in the first place- why wouldn't it be ok? It was his room too.

"Yeah why wouldn't it be? I might bring my own girl here sometimes." I lied when I said this. I don't have a girlfriend, I never had one.

"Cool man." He sounded like he knew I was lying but didn't say so. I was really taken aback by his next statement- and how he was so "cool" with saying it. " So I might bring my girl here to fuck her tight pussy.. She can't get enough of my dick man..pounding in and out of that wet lil thing. You know what I'm talking about man?" I didn't even look at him- I just kept looking at the tv. "She's such a cock whore too- she loves sucking on it day and night. There's no keeping her off man." I admittedly was getting stirred by the way Nick was talking- but I was being stirred thinking about his dick, not her pussy. How I wish I could be her.

I kept trying to watch the tv, but my mind was racing with these thoughts. I hadn't noticed that Nick didn't say anything else, nor had I noticed he was practically right next to me. To my embarassment I was hard again. I was sure he couldn't notice.

Sure enough, Nick was right over me. He chuckled loudly enough for me to almost jump off of the futon. I was easily spooked. He shook his head. "Man, you're so uptight." He petted me on the head and laughed. "I knew you were a cocksucking faggot the minute I laid eyes on ya boy!",he said not being able to control himself. He kept laughing as he talked. "You know man, I could care less. But you know.. My girl isn't here at this college. She's at some fucking college in Wisconsin, so far away." He got up and walked over to his computer. I had remained silent this whole time- I didn't know what to say.

He pulled up a chat log from some conversation he had with someone. I looked at him confused. "What is this?" He nudged his laptop over to me and I took it into my hands.I could not believe what I saw.

It was a chat conversation that I had with Nick. What's more is that I had used my own name and he used his. The only difference was that Nick lied about where he was from. He had never sent me pictures of him- saying that I didn't need to see them.

They were quite graphic conversations as well. We talked about everything together. He had known who I was this whole time and apparently did nothing about it during high school. I looked over to him. He was laying back on the futon by this point. He shrugged and took his computer back. "So, I told you. I've been talking to you this whole time."

I hit him on the arm, not hard but I still hit him. I got up in anger and looked to my bed. It was still close to him so I just turned to the door and opened it. "Don't do this man,what are you angry about?"Nick said trying to get me to stay. I was so angry I didn't know what to think. I felt embarassed and stupid. My best friend online never sent me his pictures but told me I could trust him. I was confused- why would he keep this a secret until now? Why am I his roommate of all people? Now I was going to have to deal with this every day.

I had made my way into the bathroom (which was really more like a locker room) and looked around for a place to go. I heard the door open, and I was sure it was Nick.I was hearing impaired but I definitely heard the door open. I didn't know where to go so I just went into the shower and closed the curtain. I turned around to face the shower, not noticing that this was it. The only shower! There were four showerheads facing each other. I felt stupid-what if the guy who came in wasn't Nick?

To my relief it was Nick. "Ben? Are you in here? He was right by the shower heads, but I didn't answer. He with one swoop opened the curtain. He sighed with relief and laughed. "Thank fuck it's just you! Imagine how embarassing it woulda been if it was some dude."

I started to walk past him to get away and he tried to grab me."Stop being a baby and just look at me." Nick grabbed me despite me fighting him to get away. He was too strong so I gave up and just looked at him.

"What do you want from me? Do you expect me to be okay with the fact that you were lying to me this whole time?" I almost started crying saying this but I managed.

"Dude, shut up and man up. This is why I hate girls sometimes-so fucking whiny!" Nick managed to laugh and loosened his grip on me slightly. He was holding me by this point. I stood back as much as I could to show that I was angry at him, but felt so good in his arms. "I'm sorry dude for lying to you. But the me you saw was me- I meant every word I said."

I tried to push off again but it didn't work. "You practically used me as a cyber doll sometimes. Hell, you did it in the room with that pussy talk, asshole!" By this point I had given up trying to get away from him.

Nick laughed in amusement. "Dude. You know why I do that! I know how jealous it makes you. You just want me, and you know it!"

I started to struggle again, thinking this was too be good true. He didn't loosen his grip, and moved his hands to my face. "Dude, you look better in person. This proves you take crappy pictures." He took my face and rubbed it. I wasn't really expecting the next moment- he started to kiss me. I wanted to fight him,I wanted to stand my ground, but his powerful body didn't let me. I got engrossed into the kiss, loosening up and moving closer into him. My hands started feeling up his back- which was quite muscley.I started to move my hands toward his butt. I could feel him chuckling as I worked my way down. His hands never left my face. He put one hand on my neck as we very aggressively made out. I eventually decided to become more aggressive and pushed him against the wall of the showers, closing the curtain behind me. I confidently placed my hands on his butt, two muscled globes that I had been wanting forever. Nick started to try to stop the kiss, and I groaned. He eventually pulled off and I stopped with my hands and rubbed them together on my body.

Nick looked at me and laughed, pushing me away and walking out of the bathroom."It's late, and some dude could walk in here on us. That's a no go dude." He opened the door and left. I stood there for a bit with wide eyes. I honestly did not know what to think. This situation perplexed me. This was a man-no, a god, who lied to me about where he lived. I started to think of why he did that. He always talked about how he'd never come out of the closet. Was he afraid I'd tell someone? I wondered how we ended up roommates..irony?

I shrugged it all off before I confused myself with too many thoughts. I left the bathroom and headed back toward the dorm. As I approached the dorm I saw him laying on the futon in white briefs. I was shocked, he had always said that he preferred to wear boxers and nothing else. On my bed I saw a few things that weren't there before. I turned my head and closed the door. I of course had a boner from seeing Nick in only briefs. He smiled and pointed to the bed. "Some things for ya, buddy." I went over to the bed and raised my eyebrow at what I saw. There was a buttplug, a cock cage and a collar. I turned back over to Nick with a confused look. Before I could say anything he shushed me. "Nope, no talking. From now on you're mine. Understood?" He said this with an authority in his voice, and I wasn't quite sure what he meant. He detected my confusion and nodded. "Yep, you're mine now. My slaveboy. You don't like it? Ok, ill just send your mom some of these pictures you sent me." I knew he might be bluffing but he had the power- he DID have nudes of me.

"Nick, I don't wanna do this, what are you doing?" He got up, shushed me by putting his finger on my mouth, then kissed me passionately. As he did this he unbuckled my jeans and pushed them down with my underwear. Not missing a beat with the kissing, he moaned as he seemed to reach over for something. He took ahold of my cock, which was flaccid again but starting to harden- and put the cock cage on. I started to struggle, but he slapped my hands. He kept kissing me as he put the cock cage on.

When he pulled off he looked at me with a sheepish grin. He held in two fingers a key. I looked down, underwear and jeans on my knees, to see a cock cage locked onto my penis. He took the key and put it on his keychain he had in his coat pocket on his bed. "There ya go slave.. All mine." He patted my cock cage and laughed again. " Let that be a reminder of it." He picked up the collar and rubbed my neck to smooth it out. He then placed the collar around my neck and locked it in. He smiled and nodded, "Perfect. My little slaveboy is ready to go!" He laughed and pointed to my jeans. "Take those off of your legs and put them away. Come over here, we're gonna watch some tv." He sat on the futon and motioned for me to sit by him. I started to sit on the futon as he waved his finger toward the ground. "Ah, a good slave sits on the ground, silly boy." I sighed and got comfortable on the ground. I looked at him and he raised his arm. I put my head down on his leg as if to rest it, his crotch being inches away from me. He put his hand into my hair and started stroking it. "Ah, perfect. Did you notice what I'm wearing?" I smiled and nodded. " I did that just for you, babe. My one and only. My slaveboy."

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