Submitting to Bryan

By Micahel S

Published on Aug 2, 2012


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My name is Josh and there are many reasons why I hated gym class in high school. My family had just moved to town from the country, so I was nervous about making new friends. I was shorter than most guys my age and was built more like a gymnast than my classmates the buff farm boys. I have been told that I had a classic look like that of the statue of David. As in the style of the 70's I had long bangs that feathered off to one side, frequently falling to cover my face. I was complimented on my young Grecian facial features. Plus I knew how to dress the in style. I was excited when on the first day one of the girls commented that I was cute. But to the guys that meant that I was more like one of the girls than like any of them. A few of the guys came up with a lame comment to cut me down, 'Your Joshing me, right?'

I was not alone and literally ended up with bruises from the popular bombardment game we regularly played when the weather would not permit us to be outside. These matches made me less nervous than the emotions I was experiencing. Though I was not uncomfortable with my body undressing in gym class devastating. I was shy and taking glances at the physique of my classmates. I told myself that I was just checking out the competition and seeing how I measured up, apparently my development was delayed. The looker room banter made me nervous. It was the cocky Bryan Sieverts that gave me my first clue as to how different I was, "Man this place stinks." In reality I found this environment intoxicating. I was also learning that I had to be quick with comebacks before Bryan would get under my skin. "Yeah, but mostly because is smells like your sorry ass," I retorted. I could not keep my eyes off Bryan and he knew it.

Bryan was on the wrestling team and like most of the team he competed under his natural weight class. During the winter months he rarely ate and was always lifting weights. With so little body fat he gave me the impression that he had not been born, but rather had been sculpted. Bryan's locker was the closest to mine and this made me nervous. A fact that he seemed to pick up on and never let me forget. It started with the first gym class when I saw him naked, a state with which he was very comfortable. When I turned to glance I could not look away. Between his legs hung the most magnificent slab of man's meat -the biggest cock I had ever laid eyes on. (Not that in my experience I had ever seen that many) He had to have been at least 7' in length and was blessed with equally impressive girth. He caught me looking and called me out on it, "Are you Joshing me? Or turned on by my dick. It was apparent, because in retrospect you probably could have picked up my jaw from the floor. I was speechless for a moment, but managed to whimper out an emphatic, "NO!" As I swallowed what little pride I had left I ran for the cover of the shower room with Bryan taunting in the back ground, "Yeah little man Joshing, you like my dick don't you."

During future gym classes I immediately changed my routine. I would either change with the fleet of lightening speed or putz around to avoid changing with him. One day when I got back to my locker he was lingering and still toweling off. I was so embarrassed that my timing had failed me. Our eyes locked for a moment. I am certain he read the fear, like a deer lost in the headlights. I looked down at his cock and thought I saw it growing. He responded by swaggering his hips causing his tool to slap between his thighs. I turned away from him. If there was an attraction, I cannot say it was something of which I was consciously aware. I certainly never thought of myself as being attracted to guys, which is until I met Bryan Sieverts. This was the main reason I hated gym class.

At home I was a normal boy. After school I would close myself in my bedroom and find the stash of porn I had manage to pilfer -manly from my step dad. I had a great collection, Hustler and Oui where my favorites. I was satisfied with my cock it was at the time 3" and when hard I measured a proud 6" (I actually measured it with a ruler. With growing dissatisfaction I found that gym class was creeping into this ritual. As I rifled through the magazines I found myself looking more closely at the male images. I was also beginning to close my eyes and see the cock that Bryan sported. I would look back at the picture with a girl on her knees clearly sucking a cock and I would see myself on my knees. At the say time the taunting I was getting in gym class Bryan kept getting more aggressive. He would turn to me and say, "You can touch it. You have my permission. I know you want to." Then he would give his dick a few tugs. I would turn my back to him and once while bending over to put on my underwear he remarked, "Mmm showing off your ass for me. My hot thick dick will feel great in your virgin hole " He kept notching up the comments getting braver each day with more lure comments. "I bet you feel your knees getting weak." I would call him an asshole, but nothing was effective. I felt a moment of truth one day when he said, "Josh, I bet I can hypnotize you with my hot dick." It got to the point where I would ignore him for fear of being overheard by my classmates. If they did they never let on.

Then one day I was cleaning out my locker to take home long over due laundry. Bryan came up behind me and said "You missed a few things," and handed me his gym gear. "Don't waste too much time sniffing my shorts. Your orders are to deliver them to my house by 7PM prompt."

I did as told. And Yes I did hold up his short and jock to my nose and inhaled. It was the most intoxicating odor I have ever inhaled. I felt electricity shoot through my veins and I was instantly hard. I resisted the urge to jack off. I had to get this wash done before my parents where home. Surprisingly my parents where happy to allow me to go over to Josh's house without first meeting his parents. It likely did not hurt matters that his father was a prominent lawyer in town. I was impressed by a prominent split level home with a glass and wood front. After ringing the doorbell a couple of times it seemed like an eternity before someone came to the door. It was his older sister who answered it. She said, "He is downstairs. His bedroom if the first one at the bottom of the stairs." Then she added, "His bedroom looks out to the sidewalk, the dumb ass already knows your here. He was just to lazy to answer the door.Ó I quickly ducked around her and she headed back up the steps.

His bedroom door was shut, so I knocked. "Come in," his voice echoed. "Shut the door behind you," his order bellowed. "First of all you are 3 minutes late. I will demand punishment." As he rotated the swivel chair in which he was reclined. I almost gasped, as he was shirtless.

"It took at least that long for someone to open the door," I objected. I stood there nervously almost expecting another order.

"Your in my house now, remind me to add a lesson in respect to that punishment," He said very mater of fact. "I see that you have followed me orders and completed the task of washing my gym clothes." Then an irresistible devious smile appeared on his face. "So did you resist or did you queer off on inhaling my gym gear?" I blushed so there was not hiding the answer. "Good boy!" I gave him a puzzled look. "It proves that I tempt you. Now get undressed and get your ass over here then kneel in front of me."

In a mild protest I said, "Bryan this is not what you think."

"Oh no, little man that is where you are wrong. It is exactly what I think. It may however not be what you think. Now get undressed as I have ordered you!" I turned my back to him just as if we where in gym class. "There is no sense in you being modest here Joshing. One I have seen what you have and it is not all that interesting. Secondly we have already established why you are here. You are here to worship me and my body in any way I see fit."

One undressed I stood in front of him. I could feel the heat radiating from his body and every nerve in my own. He placed a strong hand on my shoulder and whispered, "I said on your knees."

I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please, Bryan, I have nerves done anything like this before. I did not choose this."

He looked at me and shook his head, "I know you haven't done this before. That is exactly why I chose you." He paused and added, "And far as you wanting to be here? Who did my laundry? Who showed up promptly I might add?" Then he looked down at me, "Your naked and on your knees in froth of me. What does that tell you? He swiveled his chair for effect. "Your welcome to leave if you so wish."

I looked up into his eyes with a questioning glance. "There are several girls and even just as many fags at school who are wishing they were in the position you are in now. So GO -if you want." I couldn't move and instead lowered my gaze to his crotch, which was growing with every word he spoke. I looked back to his eyes and asked, "Why me?"

I returned my stare to his feet to wait for his answer. "It is because you are a virgin." I was blushing and could not look at him. He was right. "When I noticed in gym class how you looked at me, you where ripe with desire. Yet you are unaware of how you are wired. I am here to teach you to know your own wiring!"

I raised my head and my eyes locked with his. Then his hand began to stroke his abs and traverse his body. He stroked his treasure trail for a moment. My eyes were tracking with every movement of his hands. His hand then squeezed the bulge in his blue stain gym shorts. I couldn't take my eyes from the bulge even after his hand was gone. "Yeah, buddy that is what your here for -to please my cock!" He cradled the back of my head in his hands and pushed my face into his groin. "Take a deep breath -inhale the scent of my manliness. It should smell familiar to you already." The synapses in my brain were already firing. "Look buddy your already hard. I know you are enjoying yourself. Your cock is speaking for you." He lifted his hips saying, "Take off my shorts." I followed his order with out objection. His cock was already bigger than I had seen it in gym class. "Look at me for a moment." I looked up into his eyes. "I want you to finally play with my trouser trout. One rule you use your tongue and your mouth only no hands. Understood?" I silently nodded an affirmative.

Placing my hands on his knees and my face to his crotch I began licking in earnest. I was unexpectedly horny for this moment; surprising myself I did not even take time to think. It was as if instincts from my unconscious took over. I started at the point where his balls made their connection to his cock and I licked my way up the underside of his cock. When I reached the underside of the head of his cock he let out a moan. That urged me further. I lapped at the pre-cum that was forming a pearl at his cum slit. I paused to rub my tongue to the roof of my mouth to get a proper taste. I was shocked by the enticing flavor. "You like how I taste, little man?" All I could manage was an mm mm in affirmation. It was at this point that I took the head of his cock in my mouth. I rolled my tongue around and gathered in my head a sense of its shape. I licked at the corona and then the underside of his dick, which made him moan again. When I realized the pleasure I was giving him I took his cock in my mouth and dove down on it as deep as I could filling my mouth. "I know youÕre new at this, but watch the teeth! You do that one more time and I'll kick you ass and you'll never touch this dick again!" I carefully wrapped my teeth over with my lips and continued. Again I dove down on his cock without thought. It was then that the head of his cock hit my throat and I began to gag. He chuckled, "Little man, it gives me pleasure that you so desperately want to satisfy my cock, but slow down. Of course I am going to love it when you gag on my cock, but I can teach you to take it." He instructed me to follow the same pattern and to stop just before the point that caused me to gag. Then he explained I should repeat the same motion and start engaging my throat muscles that allow me to swallow. I followed his instructions and it surprised me that his cock seemed to pass a new point in my throat muscle. Immediately I felt his hands at the back of my head and his hips thrust. I began to gag, choke and could not catch a breath. I felt his pubes at my nose. I arched my neck trying to back off, but he held me in place. I tried to scream resulting in only a muffled gurgle. I could hear him laugh as he started to count. I could hear the seconds tick away but it seemed like an eternity. There were tears welling in my eyes. When he got to ten he let go. I gasped for air. "Ok -take a break little man. Damn that was hot, but certainly you can hold your breath for more that 10 seconds. It will be easier next time." Fuck next time I thought. I was weak and couldn't fight back, when I caught my breath his order was to resume.

I looked at his cock now coated with my saliva put my head down and tentatively started sucking. He must have been leaking precum as now it had a subtitle change in flavor. This new taste turned me on and I know I wanted the reward of his cum. My throat was sore so I approached the task more tentative and Bryan did not overlook this fact. "Look dude, I know I may have frightened you there, but show some enthusiasm or my hands will be at the back of your head again. I started going down on him with more depth. I was aware that I was taking him deeper than previous to gagging, but I was not feeling his pubs at my noses. Suddenly he states, "This is for being late." With his hands at my head and his thrusting again his cock probed my gullet. He let go just as suddenly and I continued to suck. For a third time his hands mauled me with his cock trust into my cavity. "This is for disrespecting me in my own home." he slapped the side of my face and continued, "You will learn to deep throat my cock." He gave his cock another thrust to emphasize his point. The pace of his cock sliding across my tongue and in and out of my mouth quickened. I was aware that his cock was deeper with many of the strokes he was forcing upon me. Then I noticed his cock thicken his balls contract. I knew he was about to cum, so I tired to pull off his dick. "Oh no my man you are swallowing my cum." I sick feeling came over me. A grunt and he started, "Fuck yeah I am cumin. Damn dude swallow my cum." There were three hard thick spasms blasting my mouth full of cum. I had no choice but to swallow. I started to pull of his cock again. "Fuck you I am not finished yet." His cum continued like a slow erupting volcano. I began to actually taste his seed and was surprised at the sweet, tangy flavor. I rolled it around my tongue and knew that this would not be the last time I sucked his cock.

I sat back to look at him after his orgasm. He had the most calm and satisfied expression I had ever seen on his face. I was elated that I had provided him so much pleasure. I started to jack my own cock in response. Suddenly he lost his composure and yelled, "Oh no cock sucker. You never touch yourself in my presence. Now get dressed and go home and jack until your heart is content, but I never want to see you touch your cock with me again -understood. " I nodded and got dress with reluctance feeling I had just been used. On my walk home thoughts churned through my head about what had just happened. Once home and in the privacy of my room I began stroking vigorously on my cock and came to the realization that he was right. It was what I wanted -to be filled with his jock seed.

Next: Chapter 2

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