Suddenly Ranger's Life Changed

By D One

Published on Jun 5, 2012



It was summer. He was in his teens. The new wonders and thrills of puberty had made him nearly constantly hard and horny like all his friends.

Machine gun self satisfaction sessions occupied him early late and in between each day. In the stock room at his summer job, the bathroom at the park, his own bed and the beat up old Corvair he had acquired. It always felt good and instilled in him, the desire to keep stroking until his dick was sore.

He imagined blisters on his favorite hand and switched finding new wonder as he became equally talented with both hands.

Ranger wasn't the only one. He knew that. His friends sprouted boners all the time. And during the summer they were more evident or his friends were more casual about it. Their nylon shorts, lack of underwear under jeans or swimsuits displayed easy evaluated length, girth and religion affiliation.

They joked about it among themselves. The early hours laying around the park benches was where they bragged, lied and evaluated the growing breasts of their school distaff.

The guys kidded each other, usually about their unexpected erections in school or not getting laid or similar usually embarrassing matters.

Ranger was there every morning. He joined in the chat, played hoops and left for his afternoon work shift from there.

One day things changed. It was sudden. He approached the park bench where his friends had already gathered. They were all there.

He knew them for years having shared kindergarten with some and school with all of them. He had seen them naked in the locker room or the Y pool.

There on one end of the park bench sprawled Matt, Matthew Springer. His thick brown curly hair needed a haircut. But this was summer; most of the guys avoided such rules of present ability.

But it wasn't just the hair. Matt wore a plaid shirt, open to reveal his smooth chest and stomach with definition that said youth, lean, maybe some secret regimen of sit-ups.

His grey eyes seemed to lock on Rangers. He lifted a hand waving an index in greeting then moved it to his torn jeans.

Matt seemed to point to his crotch as his hand rested across one well worn area. His jeans were torn everywhere, thigh, knees and across his crotch..Not enough to offer a clear view of his body. But it was worn enough to reveal he didn't wear underwear.

That too wasn't unusual in the summer. Most of the guys didn't wear undergarments of any kind regardless of whether they wore shorts or jeans.

Ranger's stomach felt like it was in a knot the closer he got. He tried to look and greet the others there. Sam, Tony, Jack.... Some were shirtless; Tony wore his usual yellow running shorts that were so high up, his balls hung out of one leg.

But Ranger's eyes kept going back to Matt. He didn't know why. It was an effort not to stare at him as the group engaged in the usual gossip, sports talk and venting about parents, school, work and life in general.

His boner throbbed. Dressed for work later, his nearly new jeans didn't reveal his excitement like the others not so formally dressed.

He tried to sneak looks at Matt's jeans. The lump there displayed the boy's genitals to be sure. Ranger couldn't detect the length or size of any shared excitement though.

The rest of the afternoon and evening, he stocked shelves, cleaned the stock room, fulfilled delivery orders and manned the cash register. It was a normal work day. But in his mind, the sight of Matt's sweat shinny chest and stomach, his hand laying on his abdomen and his finger pointing to his crotch, distracted Ranger.

A mid shift session behind the cases in the stock room didn't help erase the mental image of him. Nor did the later session in the means room.

He ate the pizza left out by his family and went to his bedroom to try again, but as he lay on the bed, Ranger imagined him feeling Matt's chest, his buttocks, his crotch then kneeling and doing what he had never thought about before.

Ranger had seen guys having sex on the Internet. All of the guys had seen this kind of porn along with female porn. But until now, he hadn't imagined actually doing it himself.


"Was up? You back from work?" Matt had answered the phone despite the after midnight hour.

"Yea, can't sleep, thought I'd holler" he said. Ranger thought Matt would say "why me?" or something equally embarrassing.

"I've been like that all summer. I keep whacking it, hoping that will do it but shit that only makes me hornier" Matt confessed. It wasn't unusual for Ranger's friends to confess such intimate habits.

"Hell I've been jacking since I saw you uh saw the guys this morning" Ranger hoped Matt didn't hear the first part.

"I guess it's what we all have to do for now" Matt said "you naked in bed?"

Ranger was startled at the question. "Uh yea, don't' wear, pjs anymore"

"Cool. Nobody's home, come on over"

It was the words that Ranger didn't expect but somehow knew he really wanted to hear. Matt lived two blocks away. They had played together as kids with other neighborhood kids. They had biked through the suburbs pretending they were cops or race car drivers or pilots as they braved traffic, yelling drivers and each other's antics.

"You cool?" Matt asked

"Dunno. Man something happened this morning and I don't understand" Ranger began his confession without thinking.

"Yea? Come on over and let's talk" Matt said "Folks are gone for two days. You don't have to work tomorrow right? We can you know, hang out."

It was like a rush of wind in his head. Ranger's thought flashed. He didn't have to work the next day. He knew Matt's house having been in it over the years. Memories of one sleepover during which the boys revealed their newly grown pubic hair and measured erections, offered clear images in his head.

"Sure, I'll leave a note for the folks" Ranger stammered "Maybe we can get the guys to come too"

"Naw, just come over, let's talk, just the two of us" Matt said

Ranger's cock hurt it was so hard. He hoped he wouldn't embarrass himself once he got to Matt's house, so he decided to walk or jog the distance. It wasn't that far but the exercise might calm him down.

The shorts were white, similar to the yellow ones Tony wore all the time. White would be good in case some passing car needed to see him.

Shirtless, he decided hoping the night air would cool him down. Ranger opened the window to sneak out. That wasn't the first time he used the window exit. The window had been used for arriving friends as well, not necessarily to sneak in but just as a private entrance to play video games or hang out.

His parents were often surprised to see one of his friends appear for dinner not having seen them arrive.

The ground was soft; dew had already begun to cover the thick grass he had mowed weekly since he could remember.

But he was a boy then. He felt strange now, a young man he was called. He did feel different.

The air was indeed cooler then it had been that July day. He trotted slowly at first aligning his low rise tennis shoes with the curb, choosing to run in the street. The trotting turned into a fast jog as he tried not to think about Matt.

The lump extended the thin which cloth. If anyone did drive by it would be noticeable. He ran faster passing the houses where he had delivered newspapers in the early morning hours years ago.

He turned the corner in the direction of Matt's house. The other turn would take him to the school where he and Matt attended along with Tony and the others.

It was uphill..a slow incline that began to tax his lungs. It was confusing. He was in good shape, loved to swim, play baseball, tennis too...why was the midnight jogging making him breath hard?

A car moved by and seemed to slow down then move on. For an instant, Ranger thought about some crazed, drugged or drunk driver assaulting him. Envigorated by whatever drug they were taking, grappling him dragging him into the car for perverted purpose.

His cock was hard. Ranger felt it move about and his balls bounce as he ran. He wanted others to see his bare torso, erect nipples, round buttocks, muscled thighs and virility pointed out front. They would know he was a man, ready to impregnate, perpetuate the species, and be all he was expected to be.

Matt lounged in front of him, his open shirt reveal a bare torso glowing with early July morning perspiration, his cock aroused by the sight of Ranger.

"Shit I'm queer" he said out loud. Putting a label on it shocked him. "Fuck" he muttered. But he jogging increased.

What would he say to Matt? Would Matt understand it was just being a horny teenager? Would they jack off in front of each other?

He felt the pain of his expanded flesh made taught beyond its limit.

Ranger shoved his hand under his shorts and adjusted the erected flesh. It didn't help. He looked around for trees that could hide him so he could relieve himself before arriving. Maybe this was a mistake. He should return to his bedroom, use whatever he needed to drain his body once again. He could go to sleep eventually..Maybe having to wait till daylight. But he didn't have to work so that appealed to him.

"You ok honey?" His mother would feel his forehead as she had thousands of times since he was born. But he didn't need her hand, her words or her advice. He needed to tell Matt.

If the guy called him names, kicked him out or told the others that was better then going crazy right?

The stucco house was in sight. There was a light in the front window. Matt was waiting. Maybe he would just call and say he wasn't coming and turn around. But Ranger didn't have his phone.

There weren't any pockets in his running shorts. And he didn't have a pocket in his shirt, but even if he did, Ranger didn't bring one.

"Hey" Matt opened the door as soon as Ranger got to the top step.

He seemed naked. Ranger didn't know what to say.

Matt was shirtless, his usual torn jeans hung so low, you could see the top of his pubic hair.

Ranger's breathless "hey" revealed his jog.

"Shit man you look worn out" Matt's hand rested on Rangers bare chest as if to relieve his heart from beating so hard. Instead the physical contact sent warmth throughout his body.

"Yea" He said not wanting to move less Matt's hand would leave its resting place. But it did anyway relocating to Ranger's shoulder.

"Get in and warm up" he said closing the door. The house was dark except for one lamp.

"Want a beer?" Matt said.

Ranger knew it wasn't allowed but Matt's folks were gone. They were alone. Matt went to the kitchen and returned.

"Here" Matt lifted a hand towel he got from the kitchen. His hands pressed the towel against Ranger's chest, shoulders, stomach.

Ranger drank from the bottle enjoying his friend's attention. The towel dried his back and then Matt pushed the shorts lower.

"Don't freak, just drying you off" he said patting the skin above the revealed erection and below his belly button.

"Come on" Matt tossed the towel over his shoulder and walked while drinking.

The bedroom was smaller then Rangers. Matt got his own bedroom after he and his brother convinced their Dad to build a wall.

"Nice" Ranger said

"Yea its home" Matt said "so what's up with you?"

He bounced on the double size bed, looking as sexy as he had that morning. The darkness hid his grey eyes, but Ranger knew they were there.

He looked around not knowing where to sit. Maybe the floor, the weight bench.

"Here" Matt said moving over on the bed.

Ranger sat on Matt's bed. He felt naked now. The night would hide his still hard bone. Did Matt notice it when he came in?

"Just uh don't know. I've been all worked up all day long" Ranger said looking into the darkness toward where Matt's non-illuminated face.

"Ya me too" Matt said

Ranger heard the rustle but didn't realize what Matt was doing at first.

"Just guess it was hormones but when I go there, I uh saw (he decided to edit his words) the guys and dunno got horny" he confessed at least he felt he had even though he hadn't really said what he planned to say.

Matt's legs brushed against him. The guy had stripped his jeans off. He was laying there on the bed beside Ranger and he was now naked.

"It's cool man. I get horned up with the guys too. Hell I think we all do" his hands were moving about. They covered his own penis which was hard too.

Ranger was glad he wasn't the only hard cock in the boy's bedroom.

"Come on, get out of those things" Matt said as his fingers snapped the waistband of Ranger's shorts. "We might as well"

Ranger kicked off each shoe. Did Matt want to just jack off? Was he thinking Ranger was queer? Did he care? Would they touch each other maybe jack each other off?

Ranger felt Matt's hands on his waistband. They were pulling it down. He lay back and lifted his hips as Matt pulled the shorts down his legs.

"Nice" Matt said.

It was then Ranger realized Matt had complimented his erection and then it happened.

Ranger gasped. Nobody had touched his penis before. At least not when it was hard.

"Relax dude" Matt said as his fingers seemed to examine the full length and juggle the testicles underneath.

"Here" Matt pulled Ranger's hands to his own boner. Ranger had groped other guys just in fun before. But now he could do more. He felt it, memorized the veins, the pulse, the round tip which was wet and then there were the balls.

"Smooth" he said

"Yea keep em shaved" Matt said "gotta shave it all off for the swim team in August" Matt said.

"Nice" Ranger revealed his reaction to the smooth skin of Matt's gonads and under them. "Can't wait to feel it" he said

Matt chuckled "thought so"

"I uh saw you this morning, you know, just there, uh and something happened...never happened before, I just uh got all kind of...." Ranger was finally confessing what he needed to.

"It's cool man" Matt said.

Another gasp from Ranger as the wet warm feeling on his cock told him they were indeed going to do more then jack off.

"What are you doing?" He asked though didn't expect an answer since Matt's mouth was now full of his cock, his boner, his erection, his dick...just like the videos he had seen on the Internet.

Matt's hands pulled Ranger's head moving it toward him.

Ranger lay on the bed, his tongue touching the harness of Matt's own cock...the very cock he thought Matt had pointed to that morning..A hint of what he wanted to happen. Ranger would ask him..but not now.

He let his tongue examine what his fingers had memorized. He tasted the sweet wetness on Matt's cock head. He lapped the smooth skinned testicles and under them lifting the fleshy sac.

"Shit you're hot" Matt hissed before returning his lips around Ranger's cock. His hands too were busy sliding across the skin of Ranger's back and across his buttocks. It tingled, it stimulated it excited Ranger more then he was.

Ranger imitated Matt's fingers, exploring, enjoying, and seeing Matt's bare body from the past and now his to touch freely.

The finger played around his anus. Ranger knew what that meant. He had read stories, watched videos. The finger was inside.

He felt Matt's smooth buttocks. They were firm with muscle. They were as around as his own.

Ranger had felt them with one hand while jacking with the other. He had watched himself in the mirror achieving orgasm often.

"Fuck" he said without pulling the cock from his mouth. The word or the vibrations made Matt chuckle.

His finger seemed to be exploring inside Ranger.

Ranger decided to imitate that too, feeling the warmth inside Matt's intestines soon thereafter.

They sucked each other gagging on cock head and the sperm that eventually gushed out, it felt to occur at the same time.

"Shit man" Matt said withdrawing his finger "We're gonna have some fun" He toweled Ranger's wet cock and his own.

"We're ok right?" Ranger asked

"We're just horny teenagers" Matt said "Relax" his mouth kissed Ranger's nipples and stomach, moving back to his half hard cock.

Then he moved his face back up.

"Just let's get it out of our system" he whispered though a whisper wasn't required in their solitude.

"Eveything?" Ranger asked thinking of all the things he had seen and read bout.

"Whatever" Matt said

Ranger didn't reply. Matt's lips were against his.

He would be queer now..At least for now...maybe for two days.

The kiss was nice, exciting, warm and their bodies seemed to naturally move tightly against each other as their arms surrounded their bodies pulling them even tighter then begin to explore each other.

Their tongues slid over each other, their lips squirmed all over each other stimulating whatever nerve centers were there.

Would he get it out of his system, returning to the hand holding girls, the jokes about growing bosoms and the quietly discussed facts of birth control?

Matt's cock and Ranger's felt each other as their hips moved bout. Their hands cupped each other's buttocks.

When he said everything, did Matt mean fucking too? The fingers inside him told Ranger it was a sensation worth exploring. And Matt seemed to like his own fingers inside him too.

They had two days to stay naked, talk, sleep, lick, kiss, suck, fuck, maybe spank and there was pissing too. All the things Ranger had heard about, read bout or seen on the internet.

He'd show Matt some of those seemed Matt knew about much more of this then Ranger thought.

Did he harden when their eyes locked that morning? Did Matt know then they'd be naked like this tonight?

Did he know when they talked on the phone?

Had he known before Ranger?

It all seemed to happen so quickly, so matter of factly, so naturally.

Ranger sighed. It was all suddenly.

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