Summer Camp

By Jodie Owen

Published on Oct 4, 2006


Disclaimer: These characters are real people, with changed names and changed appearances. These events are not fictional. And this story is mine, so you can't have it. Feedback always greatly anticipated on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summer-Camp-Part 2

"Shit!" I cried in frustration. I couldn't get the zip to my holdall to pull closed, no matter how hard I tried. I was so nervous and uptight about going back to camp, that something as simple as my zip was stressing me out.

What was Adrienne's reaction to me going to be like? Would it be okay for Leanne and I to show off our relationship, without being cut down? I was scared now and I understood the pressure piled on gay people, every day. Who would be okay about the situation? Who is definitely best to avoid? At this point, I was seriously considering just not turning up.

Defeated by my zip, I flopped down onto my bed and buried my face into the duvet. It smelt slightly of sex and I grinned triumphantly into my sheets as I remembered what me and Leanne had done three nights previously. This year, my Mum was taking both Leanne and I to camp, and her Mum was picking us up. I couldn't understand where the year had gone. As I lived in Leicester and Leanne lived in London, it was a real mission to see each other. So in the past year, we had got by on seeing each other once every month, or perhaps longer. We did however spend the whole weekend together now. Sometimes, our parents would hang around, shopping in the area etc if we needed to be back that same day. But it was still a pain, as you can imagine.

After my phone call with Adrienne, I was definitely certain that I was over her. She no longer mattered to me if she could not respect my decision to be with Leanne. I loved Leanne and since last year, everything had become a lot clearer. I couldn't help but wonder though, what events would take place this year?

"JODIE!!" My dad bellowed from downstairs, "LEANNE'S HERE!!"

Excitedly, I leapt up and ran to my bedroom door, swinging it open. I took a step and walked directly into Leanne, who had just ascended the stairs.

"Hey baby," she said softly as she took me in her arms and gently backed me into my room.

"Mmm," I sighed into her mouth. I was elated whenever Leanne took me in her arms and I loved the feeling.

We kissed passionately for a while, against the bedroom door, until I felt a shove behind my back. Detaching myself tenderly from Leanne, I opened the door.

"Yes?" I requested, dreamily.

"Are you about ready then, girls?" My mother asked, craning her neck to peer over my shoulder at Leanne.

"Yepppp," I replied.

I felt light and dreamy and I floated down the stairs with my love grasping my hand from behind. Our parents still did not know about us, but I had the feeling both suspected. We weren't ready to enlighten them yet, however.

As we sat in the backseat of the car, my legs slung lazily over Leanne's, I recalled with glee that Leanne would be having her sixteenth birthday over camp. I smirked to myself as I thought of her birthday present. Boy, was she going to have a good time on her birthday...

Leanne caught me giggling to myself and shoved me lightly in the side.

"What? What is it?" she quizzed.

I tapped my nose and winked at her and checking to see that both my parents were focused on the road, I blew a kiss at her. Leanne blushed and stared out of the window. My heart swelled in my chest.

Countless hours later, we arrived again at summer camp. The same old sign remained, this time; hanging onto it's post with all it was worth. The trees around the campsite seemed to have got much thicker. My stomach did a roly-poly and I glanced sideways at Leanne. This was where I'd got my girlfriend from don't you know? Goodbyes were said once more as for the first time ever, I looked forward to my six weeks at camp.

After registering, Leanne phoned Ashley and dashed off to meet her. Leanne and I had requested to be put in the same tent, so I went off to find it while she caught up with Ash. Tent 15. I scanned the large green tents until I saw the one clearly labelled "Tent 15." Flouncing in, I did a pirouette through the doorway and plopped down onto my chosen bed. Again, random bags and cases lay partially open on beds, but the tent was unoccupied. Suddenly an idea crept across my mind and grinning wickedly, I picked up my mobile and dialled Leanne.

"Leanne, quick, you better get over here," I said, frantically.

"Why?? Are you okay?? What is it?" Leanne sounded obviously worried. Perfect.

"Just quick!!!" I hung up and sat back against my pillows to wait for her, smugly.

I heard rustling outside the tent and Leanne dashed through the flap, her eyes searching desperately for me. She looked cute with her hair tied into a ponytail, black jeans and a collared t-shirt.

"Hey, sexy, over here," I said seductively, raising my eyes to meet her deep chocolate coloured ones.

Realising I had tricked her, a look of relief came across her features and she walked slowly over to me, climbing onto the bed and sitting on her knees, facing me.

"C'mere," I whispered hoarsely. I was suddenly extremely horny and reaching around her slim waist, I pulled her onto me. With one hand, I guided her jaw towards my face. She looked straight into my eyes and I was filled with such want for her. I watched in slow motion as her eyes closed delicately and our lips met. Bliss. Heaven. Fireworks. I gasped into her hair as she moved down my neck and began sucking and licking my collarbone. I only had my eyes half open, struggling not to pass out from the intensity. I cupped Leanne's crotch over her jeans and she moaned and started to rub herself against my hand. I couldn't stand it anymore, I had to touch her. Reaching up her top I was about to unclasp her bra when all of a sudden;


Shit. Shit. Shit. I pushed Leanne off me rapidly, and looked up into the face of our spectator. A girl around our age stood before us, medium height with layered, sandy blonde hair falling above her shoulders. She had hazel eyes, which she looked down at us with interest.

"Busy?" She asked, mockingly. "Hannah."

"Err...I'm Jodie and this is-"

"Your girlfriend?" Hannah cut across me.

"This is Leanne," I said embarrassed.

"Hi," murmured Leanne. She avoided eye contact with Hannah at all costs and stared into the corner.

Hannah plopped down on the bed beside us and gave me a lop-sided grin.

"Don't worry, I wont tell anyone. How long have you been together?" Hannah implored.

I wasn't happy about her prying into our relationship, hardly anyone knew, as it was, how did we know we could trust her? Leanne was scowling and I knew I should answer Hannah's question.

"A year in a few weeks, actually. We met here last year." I said shortly.

"Lovely. The secret doesn't leave these lips," Hannah said dismissively, hefting herself up and making towards the tent flap. Before she left, she turned around and drew her tongue across her bottom lip, slowly. I stared at her in amazement. I had definitely seen that. Had Leanne? No. Leanne was still gazing into the corner. Shaking it off, I rested my arm on Leanne's shoulder.

"You okay?" I asked gently.

Leanne turned to me, she looked young and scared and incredibly vulnerable.

"What if she tells people? I'm scared, Jodes." She hid her face in my neck and I felt a tear trickle over my skin. I wrapped my arms tight around her and pulled her close.

"Hey? It's all right, I'm here. And so what, we only have to be here for six weeks. I love you," I breathed into her hair.

She turned her face up to mine and kissed me lovingly on the cheek, "I love you, too." And I knew she meant it.

So camp had already started relatively badly and we still hadn't seen Adrienne yet. In fact, I remember wondering if Adrienne had actually turned up because I didn't see her until late that evening. Leanne and the other two girls I was sharing with, Hannah and a shy girl named Zoe who wore thick rimmed glasses and read a lot, were all in bed, so I decided to go out for a walk around.

The air was warm and sticky and a gentle breeze rustled my hair as I traipsed through dead leaves towards the lake. The leaves made satisfying crunching sounds under my feet and feeling enlightened, I looked skywards to examine the moon that night. It was a full moon and it reflected mysterious shadows into the trees. I shivered and looked over my shoulder. I was thinking about making my way back to the tent when suddenly, splat! I'd walked straight into someone.

Staring up at my victim, I found myself face to face with the same glorious blue pools I'd encountered around the same time last year.

"Adrienne..." I gasped, "Sorry, I wasn't looking," I smiled sheepishly. It was so like our meeting last year.

"Hey, you!" she cooed quietly. She extended her hand to heave me up off the floor. I watched her carefully...had she forgotten our phone conversation?

"What you doing out here so late?" I asked, surveying her face for any emotion I could pick up on.

"Erm..." Adrienne looked back over her shoulder, awkwardly. "I was with Toby."

Ouch. I felt that. She was in here obviously getting up to no good with whoever this 'Toby' was. I tried not to let my anger show, after all, I had Leanne now. I decided then that I really didn't care what she thought about the way I was. She wasn't worth it if it bothered her. So, bravely, I took a deep, shuddering breath and readied myself for what was about to come out of my mouth.

"Cool, do you er, remember the conversation we had earlier this year, Ade?" I stared at her intently, my jaw locked firmly to keep myself from trembling.

Adrienne's face dropped. She went from looking fondly at me, to looking like I was a slug on the floor. Her eyes suddenly seemed cold and I was confused as to how I'd ever found warmth in them. I braced myself.

"Oh...yeah...listen, Jodie, why do you have to be like that? Can't you just be normal again?" she said angrily.

I was furious. How could she say such a thing? To start off with, she'd told me she wouldn't have cared either way. This Adrienne, she was a stranger to me, an impostor, not the girl I'd loved such a short time ago.

"Adrienne!! As if I can just CHOOSE! I did NOT choose to be like this, I did not ASK to be like this at all! But do you know what?!" I spat, "I'm HAPPY. Leanne and I are in bliss together! And if you think I can just turn that off then you're wrong!" I was shouting now, red in the face, my hands folded into tight little fists, my breathing short and ragged as I glared lividly into her face.

Adrienne just looked at me for what seemed to go on forever. She just watched me calmly and I thought how unrecognisable she looked. Her eyes were as cold as ice and her face as still as stone as she regarded me. She had been taken over by someone far worse than Adrienne and suddenly with sick regret; I wished I'd never phoned her.

"Yeah. Well, I liked you better when you were ordinary," she said through her teeth.

I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't comprehend that I was actually hearing this. I suppose I was going to have to get used to this, that some people would reject me simply for my preference of girls. But she'd said I wasn't normal and that split me apart inside. It hurt like someone had just stabbed me with a knife and twisted it. I felt physically sick and I felt the blood rushing in my ears, pounding in my head as my eyes filled with tears. I was normal, wasn't I? There was nothing wrong with who I was, was there? I whimpered involuntarily and scanned Adrienne's face for some indication of sympathy, understanding, or friendship. But I got nothing. Just those dead eyes, staring at me as though she had never knew or loved me.

"Ade..." I sighed, defeated.

I had no energy to fight; I just stood in front of her as tears streamed in rivers down my face. I sank down onto a tree stump as I began to sob, aware of Adrienne watching me nonchalantly. But then, unexpectedly, my heroine came to rescue me. I heard a familiar, warm voice calling out my name. It was said with such tenderness and love that I immediately knew that Leanne was searching for me. I stood up to embrace her as she dashed over to me and took me into her, holding me tight against her as I sobbed into her neck.

"What the fuck did you say to her?" Leanne snarled at Adrienne. Leanne was aware of the conversation Adrienne and I had had previously, so she probably could have guessed, anyway.

"Oh, here's the other lezzy, to rescue her darling girlfriend," sniggered Adrienne, looking Leanne over with disgust.

Leanne was seething now, I could almost see the steam coming from her ears as she stepped up to Adrienne, drawing herself up to her full height and looking down on her.

"Don't talk to me like that," Leanne stated simply, her voice threateningly quiet as she leant close to Adrienne.

I saw Adrienne looking from side to side, probably assessing whether she could run or not, but seeing no possible escape route. I heard her swallow from where I was standing and I suddenly felt immensely proud of Leanne.

"You're sick," Adrienne muttered. She'd tried to say it loudly but her voice and her confidence had betrayed her. Leanne shoved her hard in the shoulders and I watched with increasing glee as Adrienne hit the dirt backwards. The moon cast ghostly shadows over her face, and sitting there on the ground like a small child, I suddenly despised her with such passion.

"Piss off," Leanne yelled at her. Adrienne scrabbled around, trying to get up, before hauling herself off the floor and walking away with her head held as high as she could muster.

I wiped my eyes and looked adoringly at Leanne, holding my arms out for her.


"Sssshh," Leanne cooed, putting her lips against mine so delicately I barely felt it. As we kissed under the moonlight, my tears and fears diminished and the world melted away from the two of us.

The next day, I woke up to find Leanne next to me, entangled in my limbs. Gently I detached myself from her and climbed into my own bed before the others woke up. As I shifted, Leanne made a noise like a baby, and rolled over onto her side. I lay on my back and smiled to myself as I listened to her. Today was going to be fun, I could feel it.

There was supposed to be a map quest today, where you pair up in small groups, receive a compass and a map and the first group to get to the marked destination is the winner. I dressed in trainers, jeans and a casual t-shirt, not forgetting to bring a jumper in case the whether gave up on us. As we left the tent, I noticed a small huddle of girls laughing to themselves and sniggered at someone's expense. I couldn't make out their words clearly, so Leanne and I proceeded to the meeting point chatting about any old thing. When we got to the clearing, I noted that everybody kept turning around to look at us, whispering ferociously into each other's ears. I was confused, but didn't draw too much into it. Ruth sidled up to me and I turned to greet her, pleased to see her after so long. Her hair had been cut a lot shorter and she wore simple tracksuit bottoms with a fleece. I observed that she was wearing glasses and pointed to them enquiringly.

"Oh, I had to get glasses, listen, Jodie, everyone knows about you," she garbled.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...they KNOW," she mouthed with widened eyes, glancing at Leanne and then back at me. Suddenly I realised what she was talking about. Adrienne must have told everybody about Leanne and I.

I stared open mouthed at Ruth and surveyed the faces until I spotted Adrienne. She winked patronisingly at me and licked her lips at Leanne. I flicked my middle finger up at her and turned back to Ruth in rage.

"That BITCH," I stage whispered.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" one of the camp supervisors looked at me suspiciously.

"No, no not at all," I growled, folding my arms across my chest. How could she do that to me? I was seething at her.

After the camp monitor had finished telling everybody rules and safety procedures, we split into groups. Our group was myself, Leanne and Ruth. I'd been hoping to catch up with Ruth so I thought this would a good opportunity. As we headed east, I small talked with Ruth about how her life had been over the past year.

"Have you come out at all?" I pondered, thoughtfully.

Ruth positively beamed.

"Yes, to my parents, and they were fine about it!" she said with pleasure.

"Oh Ruth that's great! I'm so pleased for you. Leanne and I haven't told our parents yet," I said, almost ashamed of myself.

"There's no rush, just go for it when you took me long enough! Anyway, most of the girls here are okay with it; they were just a bit shocked at first. Adrienne called you "dirty gays" but got quite a lot of stick for it," Ruth turned to look at me.

"You and Leanne are great together."

I saw a little something in her eyes, maybe sadness, or remorse, I wasn't sure. But I pulled her into a tight hug anyway, whispering my gratitude into her ear.

"SHIT, we need to go NORTH!!!" Leanne suddenly exclaimed, holding her hands to her face. "We're going the COMPLETE wrong way!"

I laughed and leant over Leanne's shoulder to observe to map. We were way off track; I guess we got distracted chatting.

"Man, I need a rest I'm shattered," sighed Leanne, slumping onto a nearby tree.

"You guys, we really should head off, it's going to be dark soon..." Ruth said uncertainly, checking her watch.

"Sitting here for a while won't do any harm, will it?" I questioned.

"Well, each to their own, I'm going to carry on ahead. Catch up with me," Ruth tutted as she battered though leaves and bushes.

I chuckled as I watched her disappear in a flurry of branches; pleased that Ruth and I had had a chance to talk.

"Right, you, you're so unfit! Can't bear to walk another step hey!!" I laughed as I tickled Leanne wildly. She surrended to my tickling and lay back in the dirt, watching me contently.

"What have you got me for my birthday then?" she urged.

My eyes flickered mischievously and I motioned for her to bring her ear close my mouth. She moved over excitedly and I moaned into her ear, "You'll have to wait another three days to find out!"

"What if I force it out of you?" Her eyes suddenly portrayed wicked thought and I thought I quite liked the idea.

"Depends what you've got to offer," I said, wiggling my eyebrows.

Now, I'd never really thought about the idea of out door sex before, but when Leanne pushed me backwards onto the cool ground and slid my jeans over my hips, I couldn't hear myself protesting. I liked the feel of the dead leaves crunching underneath my bare bum as Leanne wiggled down my underwear. Crouching between my legs, she extended her tongue and let the tip touch my clit, gently, ever so gently. I exhaled in a short "ooh," as she gazed up at me with glossy eyes. I knew what was coming. I felt her hair against my thigh, tickling slightly and I closed my eyes to revel in the feeling. Her wet tongue crept up the inside of my legs and I quivered in eagerness. Finally, her long tongue parted my lips and teased around my hole. I felt a jolt of electricity course through me and I gripped the back of her head to steady myself. Pushing her in ever so slightly I felt her tongue penetrate me roughly. I chewed hard on my bottom lip to refrain myself from screaming as she began to ram her tongue in and out of my hot vagina, which was now spewing my fluids. I felt her fingers trace their way down my stomach and circle my clit, careful not to touch it, just to provoke it and send fierce, uncontrollable shocks up my body. Lying here, on the hard ground with Leanne's face submerged between my thighs, I was in seventh heaven and the thrill of being caught out here only made my blood pump faster. Leanne was in control of my body and she could do whatever she wanted to it. I knew I was close and I started to groan out loud, making no attempt to suppress them. I moaned and groaned in unison with Leanne's tongue thrusting and just when I was about to come hard onto her sweet face, it all stopped. My orgasm ebbed away as I whimpered like a puppy and turned my face down to Leanne's.

"What gives!!" I demanded, "You can't do that! I was about to explode, honey!"

She snickered delightedly and rubbed her hands together.

"Well, tell me what you got me for my birthday and I'll help you summon the mind blowing orgasm you were about to receive." She smirked evilly and I lay down hard on the ground, my underwear and jeans discarded carelessly among the bushes somewhere, wondering if ruining the surprise was worth this orgasm.

"Ooohh...pleeease...I don't wana ruin the surprise, Lea," I begged. "And you know you're excellent at eating me out. Come on...I need to finish," I pleaded hopefully.

She studied me, lying there half naked, my dignity long gone, pleading for her to give me an orgasm. She laughed to herself.

"Seeing as you aren't in the most compromising position," her eyes raked my bare legs and sex, "then I suppose it's not very fair on you. And I suppose the surprise will be better if I don't find out about it," she said.

"Ooh, YES, come on I'm dying to come," I could feel my pussy leaking it's juices in between my buttocks.

Leanne laughed again and dived back into my pussy, lapping up the spilled liquids and rolling her tongue over my clit in slow, sensual movement. I immediately began to feel myself approaching orgasm again as I clutched her head, desperately forcing her face further in.

"Yes, YES, OH, YES, oh my GOD," I screamed now, far from caring about any nearby people. I didn't care whether I was heard of not, I just needed to blow.

"Come for me, baby," Leanne insisted between mouthfuls of pussy, slipping three fingers into my now well lubricated hole and rocketing them in with such force I bumped along the ground.

She didn't need to ask, I was a bomb and I was about to detonate. Please clear the area, as this could be particularly dangerous. Leanne sensed I was almost there and began sucking even more vigorously on my clit, tugging at it with her teeth.

"OH GOD, Leanne, LEANNE," I cried, digging my fingernails into the ground. I came intensely, soaking her face with my come.

She pulled herself up to me, grinning victoriously as she kissed my lips. Her lips tasted salty and delicious and I ran my tongue along her top lip. I wanted to return the favour, but Leanne brought my hand away from her zip and told me that we needed to head back, despite her pants being soaked through. I was going to blow her mind on her birthday that was for sure.

Regardless of our best efforts to catch up, Leanne and I were last to arrive at the destination and we lost the contest spectacularly. We had been hours later than everyone else. However, we had good reason, after we had left our "love nest" in the woods, I'd insisted on finishing Leanne and swiftly slipped my hand into her trousers and underwear, dipping my fingers into her until she came on my hand. That delayed us a few more minutes, as Leanne had to stand still and steady herself against a tree as I manoeuvred her pussy with my fingers.

As the days went by, I loved Leanne more and more. I'd never experienced anything so good in all my life and I don't just mean the sexual part. Being loved by someone was wonderful; being loved by someone who you loved back equally was the most amazing feeling I'd ever felt. Better than the sex, better than ANYTHING. When I was with her I felt that nothing else mattered but her. She was truly beautiful and when I was around her she made me feel more beautiful than anyone ever had. I got butterflies in my stomach when she held my hand and when I saw her walking towards me, my heart would skip and do a little dance in my chest. And kissing her, well, that was like small explosions going off inside my head. Her kisses made me feel dizzy and unsteady and most of the time I feared that I would pass out. I was proud of her, when I saw her speaking to people, making people laugh, my chest swelled with pride that that was my girl. When she told me she loved me I felt that there was nobody on the planet but her and me. Her eyes, I swear they were dangerous to my health, if I gazed into them for too long I found it difficult to haul myself out. I could fall into them for hours, allowing myself to be lost in them. The effect her scent had on me was incredible. It was almost intoxicating and whenever I inhaled her I fell into a sort of trance, hypnotised by her. It was magical and I didn't want to lose her. This was real love.

As Leanne's birthday drew closer, I got more and more excited and judging by the way she was all over lately, so was she. We were three weeks into camp and I'd had an excellent time so far. I enjoyed being in the auditorium and listening to the buzz of happy voices as people chatted animatedly to their friends. Something about the atmosphere was friendly and relaxed. So I sat in the auditorium, with Leanne, eating a jacket potato and chatting with Ruth who was sitting next to me.

"So, shall we go to the lake today then kids?" Ruth suggested whilst shovelling a mouthful of hot potato into her mouth and then melodramatically wafted her hand in front of her mouth to cool It down.

"Great!" Agreed Leanne enthusiastically.

I was sceptical. I wasn't feeling too good today and I didn't really feel like going for a swim. Especially while people still stared at Leanne and I occasionally; I didn't think I could handle it today. I felt extremely hot and clammy, so I took off my t-shirt just leaving the small, strappy top on underneath.

"I think I'll pass, I don't feel too good. Why don't you guys go, though, you'll have a great time," I knew Leanne would be pleased at that as she'd been hoping to get to know Ruth a little better after I'd told her of the events that took place last year.

Looking straight at my cleavage she replied, "Sure, we'll catch you in a bit," and her and Ruth pushed their chairs out with a noisy scraping sound and hurried out through the double doors. Feeling uncomfortable, I glanced around the auditorium. Hannah, the girl from my tent, was sitting at a table with Adrienne a few metres away so I pinned back my ears and strained to hear their conversation. I caught random chunks of it, but couldn't make anything out. I then realised I'd let my eyes linger on them for a little too long as they were now both looking back at me, amused. Self-conscious, I looked away and stared at my jacket potato. After a few minutes of me gazing fixedly at the steaming food in front of me, I heard a chair being scraped back beside me. I looked up to see Adrienne, alone, lowering herself onto the seat. I sighed and put my head in my hands.

"What do you want?" I demanded through gritted teeth.

"Just to talk," she said quietly. Confused, I turned to examine her. She looked familiar, like the Adrienne I used to know and she was looking at her hands, which were folded in her lap.

"About what?" I grunted.

"I'm sorry, Jodes. I was a bitch to you and Leanne. I want us to be friends again, I'm happy for you, I am, really," her eyes met my gazes and she smiled a small, honest smile.

Resigning, I sat back in my chair. I couldn't refuse her now, she'd said sorry and looked liked she'd meant it. I threw my hands up and turned to face her.

"Sure. What the hell, why not?" I attempted a smile but my efforts went unnoticed as Adrienne was already rising from her seat. She briefly turned back around to me and said,

"Great, see you later," and she was gone.

Baffled, I decided to go to bed for a lie down, my head was spinning. Why had she decided to be friends with me all of a sudden? I crunched across the dirt towards my tent, hands jammed into my pockets staring at my feet. She'd seemed genuine, so, it should be okay, I reassured myself. As I entered the tent, Hannah brushed past me, on her way out.

"Hey! I see you and Adrienne made it up," she said, smiling.

I was thinking, 'huh?' Then I remembered I had seem them sitting together. I guess they were friends and they talked. Shrugging it off, I thought I'd better answer before she came to the conclusion that I was mute.

"Yeah...yeah we did, um, where are you going?" I asked. I was uninterested, but decided to make polite chitchat.

"To the lake, wanna come?" Although she invited me, I had a feeling it was a rhetorical question as there was no real curiosity in her voice. I guess she, too, was just being polite.

"Nah, thanks, I think I'll just go to bed for a while," I nodded. Hannah looked at me closely and put her hands on my hips. I recoiled slightly but she held me in place. Then she nodded, winked at me and left the tent with a flourish. I rubbed my hipbone tenderly, she had a strong grip.

Climbing into my bed, my thought turned to Leanne as I remembered our encounter in the woods. I felt my pussy burst into life as I recalled the orgasm I'd had. I slipped my hands under the waistband of my pyjamas bottoms and began to rub myself slowly, tantalizing my hole with the tips of my fingers. I closed my eyes and imagined Leanne before me as I masturbated more furiously. Just as I was lifting up one of my legs so that I could penetrate myself deeper, I heard a cough from the doorway.

"AHEM." It was that same old cough that had interrupted Leanne and I on the first day of camp. I whipped my hand out of my pants and sat up to look at her.

"HI," I said a little too loudly, trying to rebuild my modesty.

"Yeah...I forgot my towel," she said, glancing around uneasily. "I guess you were bored..." she trailed off.

Damn. She'd seen me.

"I, uh, was just, erm-" I attempted to explain myself, feebly.

"Do you need a hand finishing?" She cut across me. She took me totally by surprise. I was about to answer on impulse and say, "No thanks, I can do it," when I realised what she had just asked me. Open mouthed, I gaped at her.

"Nhh..." I uttered.

Hannah moved over to me in one smooth moment and before I could complain, she was sitting on top of me on my bed, holding my wrists above my head. She roughly brought her lips to mine and I remember thinking how rough they felt, not like Leanne's soft, luscious, lips. I tried to shake her off me, but she held me tight with that same grip she'd kept me in place with earlier. I tried to shout but it sounded muffled. What was she doing? She KNEW about Leanne and I! I struggled some more, but to no avail. She was pushing her cold tongue through my lips, forcing it past my mouth despite me holding it tight shut. Then I heard a loud sob. I looked towards the doorway to see Leanne standing there, hands over her mouth and tears dripping slowly down her soft cheeks. Her eyes displayed all the pain I needed to see to know how much I'd hurt her.

"LEANNE!" I cried, prising Hannah off me and leaping out of bed towards her. "It's not what it looks like, I SWEAR." I groaned inwardly, talk about cliche!

"Oh...I saw what it was, Jodie," she sobbed, chucking her towel to the floor in rage and sprinting into the forest in her sopping wet bikini. I felt my heart break in two. How was she ever going to believe that Hannah forced herself onto me?? Feeling my eyes flood with tears, I turned to Hannah in fury and saw that, to my horror, she was sneering at me. I gawked at her in outrage.

"Oops..." she snickered, "I guess I forgot to mention that I just saw Leanne on her way back from the lake, she was coming to check on you when I told her you were getting in bed."

I was devastated. She'd done it on purpose. She'd deliberately forced herself onto me so Leanne would see us and break up with me.

"But, WHY?" I demanded, tearfully.

Just then, Adrienne stepped into the tent, grinning triumphantly and taking Hannah's arm.

"Good work, Hannah, I hope it wasn't too hard on you, kissing a lezzy," she leered.

I couldn't believe they had fooled me so awfully, just because they were homophobic. It was their fault that I'd just lost the love of my life. I should have seen it a mile off when Adrienne came over to make friends with me, especially after Hannah asked me about it afterwards. I was fuming and infuriated and they were going to pay. With tears streaming down my face and hatred coursing through my veins, I swung my fist at Adrienne's smug face. Her face made a sickening cracking sound as my furious fist made contact with her nose. She fell to the floor, blood spattering across the tent flap, and writhed on the floor clutching her nose. Then I turned to Hannah, who looked scared for her life and pummelled her hard in the stomach. She bent double and coughed for air, so I took my chance and brought my knee hard up into her face. Staring at them, crippled on the floor, I detested the both of them. I spat onto them and without wasting anymore of my time, flew out of the tent to find Leanne. I had to save whatever was left of our shredded relationship.

Well, there was part 2! I hope you enjoyed it! Stay tight for part 3 to find out Whether Jodie and Leanne can rescues their relationship. FEEDBACK PLEASE! x

Next: Chapter 3

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