Summer Camp Life

By moc.loa@12noitarenegvtM

Published on Dec 16, 2004


This story is a work of fiction intended for a mature adult audience only. All similarities between characters in the story are fake and made up. This story depicts homosexual acts; so if you do not approve of this subject please do not read any further. This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied without the written permission of the author.

Write me and tell me what you think.

Last time....

"IM GAY!!" he yelled as tears started welling up in his eyes and running down his cheeks. Skyler just stood with a shocked look on his face; his mouth hanging open and not moving. This got Jason even more scared then he was before he got into the water. He couldn't stand it anymore. He took off into the woods before anything else happened.

"Jason wait! I...I...I didn't," Skyler yelled but his words just got softer and softer the father Jason got from the lake.

User Note: There is a lot of symbolism in the story. If you can't figure all the stuff out then just ask me.

Summer Camp Life

Chapter 4

The tears ran down his cheeks as Jason ran from the lake. He didn't bother stopping at his cabin, no, he knew Skyler would come and look for him there. He just ran past the all the boy cabins. He let his feet do the running and his body followed. He stopped when he found Brittany's cabin. He looked at his cell phone that was in his pocket, 1:29. The only thing different about this cabin then his own was the girls were still up. Jason walked up the steps and knocked on the door. He could hear the girls talking and running around like someone was going to bust them for doing something wrong.

He stood there for about a minute, listing to the noise coming from inside the cabin. Finally, a young white girl answered the door. She had curly shoulder length hair but Jason couldn't see what color eyes because it was dark. Jason hid his eyes in the dark because he didn't want the girls to see him crying.

"Oh girls its not a consoler, it's a really cute boy." The girl yelled to the other girls in the cabin. When the other girls in the cabin heard the words "Cute Boy" they came running. Brittany, Tifanee, and two other girls stuck their heads out to see who was at the door. When Brittany saw it was her brother her happy carefree face turned to concern.

"Oh my god, Jason." She said as she pushed past the other girls and brought her brother into the cabin.

"What happened to you, your soaking wet and your crying?" She asked as she took her sleeve and wiping her brother's tears away.

"Brittany" He said through his tears "I did something really stupid" He now started to cry harder. The girls crowed around him but Brittany signaled them to stay back. Brittany brought her distort brother into the cabin bathroom. He told her what had happened with him and Skyler down by the lake. She held him tightly till he stopped crying and she brought him back into the cabin. Brittany talked to the other girls.

"Well girls my brother has a big problem right now and he doesn't want to go back to his cabin, so is it OK if he stays here with us for the night?" Brittany asked

All the girls looked at each other and agreed that he could stay. The girls locked the door and turned up the music, Avril Lavigne's song "Nobody's Home" was playing. Jason sat down on Brittany's bed. Brittany reached under her bed and pulled out a duffel bad.

"Now bro, the reason we took so long to answer the door was this." Brittany sat down next to him and opened the bag. Inside was nothing but candy. Snickers, Butter Fingers, Whacha-ma-call-it's, M&Ms, and more filled the sack.

"This is what I brought to camp, dig in"

The night ran on till about 5 when Jason and Brittany were the only ones awake. They lay in Brittany's bed facing each other talking loud enough to hear each other but soft enough not wake the other girls.

"I love you Brittany. No one else would have done this for me"

"Oh bro" She said as she kissed him on the forehead. "I love you too, you would have done the same thing for me."

They both slowly felt their eyelids get heavy.

"So what do you think going to happen with me and Skyler now." Jason asked

"I don't know, we going on the hiking trip tomorrow so he's gonna be there so you should talk to him" Brittany answered falling deeper into slumber

"Yeah but what if he doesn't want to talk to me?"

"I don't know honey, but go to bed and we will see what happens"

Jason moved closer to his sister and they held each other as they both fell asleep knowing that no matter what in the end, all they would have left is each other.

A knock on the door the next startled Jason and the girls awake. It was the cabin leader and if she found Jason in here all the girls would be in trouble. Brittany pushed Jason off the bed onto the floor and then she shoved him under it and put a blanket so no one could see under. They girls opened the door and the leader walked in.

"Hello ladies, I hope you are all ready for today's hike. At 3 o'clock I want you all to report to the northern trail. There will three more cabins joining us, those will be girls cabin 4 and boys cabins 7 and anyone else who signed up. I will see you girls there now have a good day."

The leader walked out, closing the door behind her. Jason clawed out from under the bed. He jumped out the cabins windows as to not be seen by anyone else and ran back to his cabin. The boys were all getting ready and when they saw Jason enter they just stared at him. He just went to the bathroom, took a shower and brushed his teeth and got ready.

At 3 o'clock Jason met up with Brittany at the trail. Skyler, Alicia, Danielle, and Tifanee were there too. Skyler started to walk up to him but before he could make it the leaders started up the trip. Skyler, Tifanee, and Danielle were in front of the other three. Jason could see him telling them something then them looking back at him. He knew this wasn't going to turn out good. He stopped in his tracks, closed his eyes and thought.

"Great, now Tifanee and Danielle know. This summer is gonna be as bad as I thought it was gonna be"

Jason sighed and opened his eyes. The rest of the campers had left him standing there on the trail. He groaned. "Great" he thought to himself as he started to walk to trial by himself. He could see the footprints of everyone else that had walked without him. As he walked down the path he heard something rustling in the bushes behind him. He looked around but nothing else happened. He kept walked and as he did the sounds followed him. He sped up and so did the sounds. It was something he was afraid of. Someone was following him. He started to run at this point and so did the sounds. Now having a backpack on was not helping him.

He ran as fast as he could but it didn't help him at all. He felt someone grab his arm and turn him around. He saw three people standing there. Another one went around and twisted his arm around his back. The one that was still free cracked his knuckles and took a swing at him right in his stomach. The pain was so intense to him he fell to his knees and coughed, trying to get some air back in him. The three standing over him knew that they had control over him. One kicked him in the stomach again and again.

"Fag, you mess with out girls and this is what happens." One of them said.

That voice sounded so familiar to him but he couldn't put his finger on it. One of them lifted his face up and punched him right in the jaw; Jason mouth went numb instantly. One of them pulled him up by his hair. Blood ran down from his lips down to his chin. The one holding his hair punched him in his eye. Jason didn't know if this was gonna be the end for him or not. All he could see was their feet and hear their voices. Then out of nowhere another pair of feet came and a helpful voice as well.

"Hey you fuckers!" It yelled.

He could hear fighting going on and then the three people ran off.

"Yeah you fuckers, mess with someone else," the voice said.

He felt a hand on his on his back help lift him up. He could see who it was before his body went limp and everything went black.

When Jason woke up he was inside a cabin. No it wasn't a cabin it was the nurses office. He could see the nurse at her chair in the other room filling out papers. He put his feet on the ground and tried to walk but he was much to weak. Everything hurt so bad, he let out a sound of pain that alerted the nurse that he was awake. She ran back to his bedside.

"Oh dear, don't try and stand up, you have been through a lot." She said as she helped him sit up.

"What happened?" He asked in a week voice

"Someone jumped you on the hike. You were lucky, that young man saved you."

She pointed to the front desk to where Skyler was sitting with a worried look on his face. He looked in and she waved him in. The phone on her desk so she ran out to go answer it and Skyler sat down.

"Hey" Skyler said

"Hey" Jason said back

"How are you feeling?"

"It hurts...Umm why did you save me?" Jason asked

"What do you mean? I told you when we first got here, were buddies and he have to stick together"

"Yeah but what about me being..." Jason trailed off and blushed

"Ok Jason, I don't care if your gay or not, I mean I have nothing against it. You're a cool guy and nothing in gonna change that"

A single tear ran down Jason's cheek, but this time it wasn't from being sad. It was from being happy.

"And besides, if I ever want to try to see what its like to kiss a guy ill just come to you"

Jason laughed. "Thanks" he said with a smile on his face. "So did you see who did it?"

"No they had masks on, but one of them dropped this." Skyler fished around in his pocket and pulled out a lighter.

Jason snatched it out of his hand. "That's Phoenix's lighter."

Everything made sense now. That's why they said don't mess with out girls. The sluts put him up to this. A feeling of rage took over his whole body now. Through out the next week a lot happened. The camp leaders found out that it was Phoenix, Blake, and Alden. For what they had done they were expelled from the camp for life. Jason's parents were going to take Jason out for the rest of the summer but he convinced them to let him stay. The cabin was now only down to Shane and him. The first night he was able to stay at the cabin he came home and Shane was sitting on his bed.

"Hey Shane" He said as he sat down by his friend

"We need to talk" Shane said

"What is it?" Jason got that feeling in his stomach he got when he was nervous

"Do you remember that night you snuck out of the window?"

" Yeah..."

"Well I was awake and I followed you and I heard everything that happened down there."

Jason felt his stomach get in the knot he hated so much. He was afraid of what to say, he didn't want Shane to turn against him like the others did.

"I...I...I wanted to tell"

Jason tried to speak but Shane covered his mouth with his finger.

"Look I don't know how you feel about guys but I'm glad I followed you"

Shane leaned in and pressed his lips against Jason's. This came as such a shock to him he didn't know what to do.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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