Summer Camp Life

By moc.loa@12noitarenegvtM

Published on Dec 27, 2004


This story is a work of fiction intended for a mature adult audience only. All similarities between characters in the story are fake and made up. This story depicts homosexual acts; so if you do not approve of this subject please do not read any further. This story is copyrighted by the author and may not be copied without the written permission of the author.

Write me and tell me what you think.

Last time....

"Hey Shane" He said as he sat down by his friend

"We need to talk" Shane said

"What is it?" Jason got that feeling in his stomach he got when he was nervous

"Do you remember that night you snuck out of the window?"

" Yeah..."

"Well I was awake and I followed you and I heard everything that happened down there."

Jason felt his stomach get in the knot he hated so much. He was afraid of what to say, he didn't want Shane to turn against him like the others did.

"I...I...I wanted to tell"

Jason tried to speak but Shane covered his mouth with his finger.

"Look I don't know how you feel about guys but I'm glad I followed you"

Shane leaned in and pressed his lips against Jason's. This came as such a shock to him he didn't know what to do.

To be continued...

Summer Camp Life

Chapter 5

Jason body didn't register what happened for a minute until he finally realized what was going on. Shane had kissed him. Jason broke the kiss by pushing Shane away lightly and sat there on the bed with a shocked look on his face.

Shane wasn't sure if he did the right thing anymore. "Dude I'm sorry.... I mean I thought that you would"

Jason cut him off. "No no no don't be sorry, I glad you did it, it just kinda shocked me."

"Oh." Shane let out a sigh of happiness and put his hand on Jason's. He showed off that smile that made Jason's legs feel like jelly.

Jason thought for a second and finally spoke. "So when you said Skyler was a cutie, were you trying to hint to me?"

Shane smiled, "Yeah"

"But why, because you didn't know I was gay till last week?"

"Oh I kinda thought so from the first day but I wasn't sure"

"How?" Jason asked

"When you woke up from sleeping and I bent over in the towel, I saw you checking out my ass," Shane started laughing

Jason blushed and started laughing as well.

The two stayed inside that night lying next to each other talking all night. Talking about themselves, about what they like, what they hate, their family, friends and their past. Jason put on a CD he had burned before he left for camp.

"Can I ask you something," Shane asked as he rolled onto his side to face Jason.


"Was I you first kiss?"

Jason shook his head side to side. "No" Jason put a melancholy look on his face. "My first kiss was this kid I knew from first grade. We were great friends and when we reached 6th grade we started to mess around with each other and started to do stuff. Once we hit 8th grade I really had a crush on him and I told him that I did but he just was like "Sorry I'm not gay I just wasn't sure what I was." and since then we haven't talked. He's with the popular peopel now and I'm just an outcast."

A tear rolled down Jason's cheek and Shane wiped it away just like on the dock.

"Can I ask you something?" Jason asked

"Anything" Shane said

"What did the bitches mean when they said "Is this you new butt buddy?""

Shane bit his lip and closed his eyes like something painful just hit him. Jason's CD skipped to the song Whiskey Lullaby. They both sat there in silence, Jason just staring at Shane.

He finally spoke. "Last year I met a gay kid here. Everything about him was amazing, him and me got along like we had known each other since birth. We were petty much inseparable. Well one night we were getting petty hot and heavy and we started doing stuff and Elaina and her crew found us, they told everyone at this camp. He left early and said he never wanted to come back here or ever see me again because I had ruined his life. For the rest of the year after the summer I spent every minute I could drinking, trying to erase him from my mind. I cut myself off from the world; nothing really mattered to me anymore. After about 5 months my friend confronted me and slapped the shit out of me and finally made me realize that it wasn't my fault what happened and I cleaned up my act and I knew that I had to come back here and face my fears and get back at those bitches for what they had done."

Jason ran his hand along Shane's cheek feeling his sexy stubble and then to his hand where they put their fingers in between each other's. Jason looked into Shane's eyes. Those eyes that could burn into your soul just stared back for what seemed like an eternity. Jason broke away from Shane's hand; he placed it on Shane's pec. Jason could feel the just how much muscle he had. Being able to do this to such a hot guy gave Jason such an over abundance of bliss. Shane sat up and pulled off his shirt showing Jason the body that he loved to look at so much. Jason began to feel Shane's abs. Shane ran his fingers though Jason's shaggy hair before putting his hand behind his head and pulling him into a kiss.

Jason felt the electricity from Shane's body flow into him from his lips. Jason opened his mouth and pressed his tongue against Shane's lips. Shane opened his mouth and pressed his tongue against Jason's.

They made out for what seemed like forever. The windows in the cabin had fogged up from the body heat. When they were finally to tired to go on Jason looked at the clock

"Holy shit, its 2 in the morning."

"Wow I didn't know that much time had gone by" Shane said as he got into his bed, " Well we better get some sleep because tomorrow we have to meet the new campers"

"New campers?" Jason asked

"Oh shit, the consolers didn't tell you. Because the last assholes got kicked out for good, they are going to give us new room mates."

"Oh" Jason sighed

"Come here" Shane said as he lifted up the covers to his bed. Jason put a smile on and jumped into bed with Shane. Shane put his arm around the younger boy and pulled him next to his body and whispered into this ear. "Don't worry I wont let anyone hurt you again"

Jason felt so happy, like he was on a constant high and nothing could bring him down. He closed his eyes and fell asleep there, in the arms of one of the only people that would ever care for him.

When Jason awoke he noticed that Shane was gone. He could hear the shower running so he knew where he was. Jason walked over to his bed by the windows and stepped into the sunlight feeling the worth all over his body. He looked at the clock. Wow, it was 1:30 he had slept all day. He dropped his pants and put on a clean pair of shorts and a new shirt. He took out a piece of paper to leave Shane a note.

Hey sexy,

I went down to the girl cabins to find Brittany. I really liked what happened last night, if you wanna come to find me ill see you there, if not ill see you later tonight.



He put the note on Shane's nightstand and walked out the door into the warm summer air. Something had changed be he wasn't sure. He was happy for once and happy that he came here. Everything seemed so different now but nothing had changed. He loved having the warm air blow gently on his as he walked; he loved being himself for once, but most of all he loved that Shane had liked him.

When he reached the dinning hall he came into find Brittany. He stood in the doorway for a second till he felt someone push him out of the way. Of all people it could be it had to be the sluts. Elaina just walked past him shaking her ass. Katie and Jess just stuck their noses in the air and Tifanee just gave him a weird look and raised an eyebrow at him as she walked past. Jason just shook his head and kept looking for his sister. He finally found her sitting with Alicia and two girls he had never seen before. Jason made his way over to them and sat at the open seat.

"Hey, buddy." Brittany said hugging him. "Hey you guys, this is my brother Jason. Jason this is Kristen and Jessie"

"Hey" Jason said

"Hello" Kristin said in sweet southern voice

Kristen was a quite a pretty girl. She had dark red hair, most likely dyed and crystal blue eyes. She looked like she could be a slut but he wasn't sure.

"Hey" Jessie said looking him over.

She was Asian with long black hair to about her mid back and brown eyes. She was licking her lips at him. "Is she hitting on me?" Jason thought to himself

"So how did you guys meet?" Jason asked

Kristen took this one, "Well me and Jessie share cabin 3, and I met Brittany at one of the camp fires three days ago and I introduced her to Jessie."

Jason shook his head. "So have you guys had sex yet?" He asked trying to see if they would open up to them.

"Ohhh no, I'm saving myself for marriage." Kristen said

"Only if you're doing with me," Jessie said winking at him

Jason laughed and turned his attention to Brittany. "I have something amazing to tell you!"


Jason leaned into his sister and whispered in her ear of what happened last night.

"OHHH, I gotta meet this boy," She said

"What's going down?" Alicia asked. Brittany told her what Jason had told her.

"Oh snap boy, lucky," she said

The three of them sat there laughing when Jason saw the "plastics" leave and someone follow them out. About a minute or two later a boy came running in.

"FIGHT!!!!" He yelled in the room

Jason got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach for some reason. Everyone ran out and made a circle. Jason couldn't see what was going on so he squeezed his way thought the crowd to see Shane in the middle of the circle holding one Jess the plastics arms and the other person who followed them out.

To be contained....

Next: Chapter 6

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