Summer Days

By Alex

Published on Jun 29, 2004


Disclaimer: Below is my intellectual property. This work is mine and mine alone. It shall not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without my consent. The story below is for personal use only and may not be transferred to any other medium what so ever. Also, if you are offended even minimally to lesbian girls, or the sexual acts between two persons of the female gender, stop right now. Don't even read the first sentence. If you do like stories involving two females, then go right on ahead through and enjoy.

Summer Days Part I

Saturdays during the summer in the small town of Cobourg had always been warm, especially during the late June to July period. Though, Sara had been living in the Cobourg region for close to all of her life. She moved there when she was three. It was still something she had not quite gotten used to. Perhaps, it was the cold Southern Ontario winters that kept her uncomfortable in 35 degree heat. Yet, for some reason she was out on the year's hottest day, strolling the small town's downtown core. She had made plans earlier to meet up with friends down at the beach, near the band shell. She did intend to hold true to her word of meeting them there but she did want to get a new bathing suit from the local independent sport store. She entered the old building and was met with a very comfortable cool breeze. She appreciated the air condition inside. Immediately she ventured to the rear of the store to where the bikinis were. She took her time picking out a few suits favouring the brightly coloured ones, especially the blue and green ones. Sara took three different bathing suits to the change room closer to the back of the shop. A lady handed her, the key to the change stalls and she stepped inside. Sara took off her clothes and picked up one of the three choices of bathing suits, this one blue with yellow and red flowers. She slid the bottom of the suit over her legs and her little green panties. It fit rather nicely. Sara then proceeded to place the top of the suit over her C-cup breasts. The top was the kind you had to put over your head and then tie around your back. She got the top fastened then did little turns in the mirror on the door, modeling her and at the same time checking her out. She looked at her body as her image looked back at her. She stopped turning for a moment and seemed to be fixed on her image. She let her mind wander and it took her images of herself and another girl. It was her and another girl one lying on top of the other. The two were most definitely naked and enjoying it. The two were kissing deeply and passionately, if not lustily. Both their hands were roving all over each other rubbing stroking and even probing each other in a very heated embrace. Although, Sara was clearly visible and identified, her lover was not. She was blurry and undefined. At first she seemed turned on and aroused by the images and the emotions evoked inside her. Disbelieving, she shook her head and murmured to herself, "Can't be, I'm not lesbian, nor do I find women attractive sexually." She chuckled as to shoo away her daydream and she continued to change and try on bathing suits.

Sara finished trying out bathing suits without further daydreams interrupting her time in the change room. She eventually chose the second one she tried on. It was an indigo blue with waves of pink and green. She paid the man at the cash register and left the store. She continued her way down King street, being the main street, and crossed the street and met up with her friends, who were kicking up a hacky sack and listening to old 60's and 70's classic rock. She greeted her friends with a wave from afar. They waved back and beckoned for her to quicken her pace. They watched her approach with her newly acquired purchase in hand. She smiled as she sat down on the beach blanket they had brought with them. Around her sat her friends; Cody, Seth, Ashley, Vanessa, Kate, Lacy, Kyle, Amanda, Sarah and Derek. The guys Lacy and Amanda were playing hacky sack so the rest of them sat down and tuned in to the April Wine that was coming from the small stereo which was tuned to Q-107 the local classic rock station.

"I've had enough of the heat," piped Kate, "Let's hit the water. What do you guys say?"

All but Cody and Seth agreed to go swimming.

"I'll be right back," Sara told them, "I've got to just get my bathing suit on."

"Oh good, as do I," Amanda told her.

"Alright, let's go to the change rooms."

One of the guys grinned, it was Kyle, "Nah, that's alright you can change here!" he laughed again.

"You'd like that," joked Sara. "But I'm too good for your eyes, honey," she laughed back at him.

Kyle picked up a stick and threw it at her playfully. Some of her friends were telling her they thought he liked her, but she felt no real affection for him, loving or otherwise.

Sara grabbed her bikini and stood waiting for Amanda, who then stood up and began to walk. Sara followed up quickly.

When the two go to the change rooms the building was full up except for one stall. Sara saw this and volunteered to go second after Amanda, saying it wasn't any trouble.

"No, no, that's alright, we can just change together," she smiled. "We're not prudish are we?" she laughed. For some reason Amanda's smile struck her strangely, not like just any smile, but it caught her a loving, as if she were her sister or. Sara stopped her train of thought, not wanting to continue this idea, knowing full well where it might lead her.

"Are you getting in? Or do you want to change in front of an old lady?" laughed Amanda.

Why was Amanda being like this? Did she know what she was feeling? What her emotions were doing to her? Or was this all just in her head? Sara was so confused. If it wasn't for her conscience she would be flirting with her, trying to kiss her. But she couldn't let that happen. Imagine what people would think of her, she thought to herself.

"Sara! Come on! I want to hit the water!"

"Oh sorry, I was day dreaming." Sara forced a laugh.

She got into the cramped stall with Amanda. Once again thoughts rifled through her head. Was she wet? She couldn't tell. If she was, was it Amanda's fault? Would she sense it? Sara was almost scared, if not embarrassed a bit by all these emotions and feelings. Why was she feeling this all of a sudden? Never before had she thought of women or girls not like this! Especially not like this (her friends!!)

"Sara, the point of changing is to sorta undress and then dress again, eh?" Amanda looked at her sideways, as if trying to get a hold of an unconscious person.

Sara shook her head again dispelling her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, Amanda," Just been having some strange thoughts that's all," Sara smiled

"Like what?"

"Um, nothing serious, I hope!" Sara laughed, Amanda laughed back.

The tension between Sara and Amanda loosed and Sara began to change.

She lifted her shirt over her golden blonde/blonde hair cut recently in a layered haircut. Her bra'ed breasts protruded forward from her chest emphasizing her bra.

"I really like your bra," complimented Amanda,"Especially the little pink flower in the centre."

"Oh," Sara blushed brightly. "Um, thank you. I like yours too." Amanda was wearing a lacey white and pink bra that covered her large B-cup breasts not quite so well, though perhaps this is what Amanda wanted, to try and show off her assets.

Amanda turned around and bent over and slid her panties down, putting her ass and partially her vagina on display to Sara. Sara began to feel her pussy begin to lubricate this time for sure. She felt the deepest and darkest urge to reach out and touch Amanda. Amanda backed up against Sara then felt her body behind her.

"Oops, I'm sorry," Laughed Amanda. "I hope you don't mind." Sara was flush in the face with lust and horniness.

She swallowed to clear her throat, "Oh, um, no not at all." She lied, she did mind, she wanted so much more from Amanda.

Amanda stood up and came closer, if possible, to Sara and placed her hand on her upper arm.

"Do you find me attractive, Sara?" she asked blatantly. "'Cause, I'm beginning to think you are," she said rather seductively.

"I'm not a lesbian, if that's what you mean!" Sara protested.

"Oh no, of course not," Amanda held her hand in place. "I just thought for some reason you were, I know I am, though just a little." Sara had almost a look of fear but yet a look of pure lust in her eyes. Amanda reached down and cupped Sara's pussy and pulled her head closer and kissed Sara on the neck.

"You're so wet, so am I," she whispered. "I want to take you."

Sara pulled away, "Amanda, I'm sorry. I just...I just can't. I...I want to, at least my body wants to. But...I...just can't. I'm sorry."

Amanda looked at her, "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to come on that hard. You're just much more beautiful than most girls and you're always right there, almost taunting me."

"Can we just sorta forget this happened?"

"I'll forget it happened, don't worry," Replied Amanda

There was an awkward silence between the two, until Sara piped up.

"Alright, sounds good. Let's just go swimming." Sara smiled.

Amanda smiled back and the two changed quickly, this time without interruption. They then quickly left the change room too meet back up with their friends.

Sara, Amanda and the rest of her friends spent the rest of the day swimming and having fun just hanging out at the beach. Sara eventually made it home later that night near midnight.

Sara climbed the stairs to her room quietly in the dark. She made her way to her bed, undressed and slid under the covers. Sara tried at first to go right to sleep, but her mind was bombarded by the emotions evoked by Amanda's forwardness earlier that day. Sara closed her eyes and revisited that brief moment and found herself becoming increasingly aroused. She left go of her inhibitions and pushed her panties down past her knees. She reached down to her crotch and stroked her hot wet slit. Her fingers expertly stroked her dripping cunt, being no stranger to masturbation; Sara deftly began working on her clit. She used her middle finger to continue stroking her slit while she let her thumb rub her little bud of a clit. Sara moaned quietly into the naked air. She imagined Amanda walking into her dark room, barely lighted except for the minimal light coming from the street outside her window. She imagined Amanda naked crawling over her bed and lying down beside her, reaching over and cupping her breasts and whispering into her ear sweet, lusty and dirty things that Sara had never tried before. Sara smiled to herself while she continued to rub her slit and she now began rubbing her breasts. She wanted to taste and touch Amanda. Amanda had filler her with so many emotions, never like anything before it. She wanted Amanda now. To do the things she wanted, to let Amanda have her way with her, to touch and tongue every part of her body. Sara moaned again and decided to step things up a bit and to finish herself off. Sara took her middle and ring finger and plunged them into her soaking cunt. She almost screamed before she realised the others who lived in her house, namely her family. Sara quickened her fingering pace and felt her body convulse. She bit down hard and whimpered into the air. She felt her body completely drain of energy. As her body came down from the ecstasy of arousal and lust, she almost felt bad about the feelings she had, but quickly ignored them. She had come to the revelation that, yes she was a lesbian and it took her friend aggressiveness to realise that she was a lesbian and that this is what she wanted. Sara fell asleep but decided to call Amanda the next day.

Amanda went to bed that night feeling disappointment in herself and yet. She was disappointed in herself at how easily she had let go of herself while in the stall. What if Sara told people that she was a lesbian? Would her friends care? No, probably not, they were all very accepting and liberal people. Would others care? Would Sara try and avoid her from now on? Amanda was positive that Sara was at least bisexual. She had had very close relationships with guys, although never had sex with a male or female. Had she scared Sara off girls for good? Or just startled her? Perhaps, she should have started off slower, baited Sara instead of attack her? Amanda didn't know what to think. But she did want Sara. She wanted Sara badly. Not only that, she felt she needed Sara. She was so beautiful. Amanda fell asleep thinking of her, only to wake up the next morning with her hand between her legs.

Sara woke that morning with a smile on her face and erotic images in her mind. She lay in bed for a few minutes and let her dreams from the night before drift through her mind and she let her fingers drift across her slowly dampening slit. Sara smiled as she played with her cunt. She had always enjoyed the feel of her fingers dipping into her vagina. She had discovered masturbation around the same time the rest of her friends did. Unlike her friends though, she wholly enjoyed the pleasuring act, which helped her calm down and relax. Sara continued to fondle her breasts paying close attention to her nipples and the skin around her nipples; she had discovered this especially helped while she masturbated. Sara rolled over on to her stomach could moan loudly into her pillows. Now that she felt she was aroused quite fully, Sara let her middle and ring finger slide just past the lips of her pussy and gently penetrates her cunt. She moaned quietly and pushed further inside herself. Sara curled her fingers inside of herself and managed to apply pressure to her g-spot. This sent her over the edge. Sara managed to stifle a scream and felt her whole body climax with her vagina. As if her whole body participated with the orgasm. Sara released herself from the orgasms and got up. Today she would call Amanda and explain everything. But first she had a very arousing shower to take. She picked out her clothes for the day. She paid special attention to try and make herself look very appealing to Amanda. She split a grin when she picked out a small lacy blue thong and push-up bra, not that she really needed it, her breasts were perky enough as is, though it didn't hurt. She ginned to herself for two reasons; one for the shower she was about to have and two; for the encounter with Amanda later. She would make it up to Amanda for disappointing her later. She walked to the washroom smiling inside, anticipating the shower.

Sara emerged from the shower almost tired from the orgasm she had wracked her body with. She dried herself and dressed in her particularly skimpy outfit, hoping that it would certainly attract the attention of Amanda. She dressed quickly but with precision and care then went downstairs and picked up the phone. She dialed Amanda's number and waited as the tone rang until:

"Hello, Amanda speaking. Who is this?"

"Oh, um. Hi, Amanda? It's me Sara." She stammered.

"Hi, Sara. What's up?" she asked.

"Um, well, can you come over? I think I need your help with something. I mean, if you're not busy or anything?"

"Sure, I can make it. Um. You didn't like, tell anyone about yesterday did you?" she asked shyly. "'Cause, I'm really sorry if I upset you."

"No, it's alright, I didn't tell a soul. But you don't mind coming over do you?"

"Not at all, I'll be over soon." Amanda hung up the phone and got ready.

Only a few minutes later did Amanda knock the door at Sara's house. Sara literally ran to the door, stopped and checked herself out in the mirror next to the door. Satisfied with her appearance, she leaned forward and opened the door.

"Hi Amanda, come on in. My parents aren't home so, it's just us two." Sara smiled.

"That's alright." Amanda smiled back.

"You want to watch a movie or something?" asked Sara.

"Sure, what do you have?"

"Um, I've got some. Want to check them out and decide for yourself?"

Amanda bent down in front of Sara and began to sift through the DVD's down in front of her. Amanda finally decided upon a romantic drama, which was usually labeled by most, a "Chick Flick." Neither girl cared. It was a good movie.

"Good choice," chimed Sara.

"Thank you, it's one of my favourites," she smiled.

Sara took the movie and inserted it into the DVD player and sat back next to Amanda. She sat close enough to touch her yet far enough away not to suggest her lust-filled intentions. Sara started the movie with the remote to her right and they skipped through the previews, until the beginning credits had finished rolling and the first character was on screen. The movie progressed just as most romantic dramas do. First the meeting which is love at first sight, then they end up in some sort of falling out then they fall back in love but can't be together then at the end they either get back together in some cry moment or they never get back together. It was nearing the end, a part where the two main characters, which were deeply in "love", were becoming intimate. This fueled Sara. She scooted closer to Amanda and then placed her hand on Amanda's knee. Sara pretended to be tired, yawned deeply and let her head slide to the back of the couch then to Amanda's shoulder. She paused and waited for a response. After a few minutes of no response, Sara decided to step up the flirting and forwardness. She leaned her head up and whispered into Amanda's ear.

"I'm sorry for pushing you away earlier. I was afraid of my feelings, my emotions. But now I know that I want you and I want to make it up to you." Sara then nibbled Amanda's ear gently.

This revelation sent shivers of ecstasy up and down her spine. Amanda whirled around and took Sara in a very passionate embrace. Their lips met and opened and their tongues danced around each other. Their hands moved up, down and all over each other feeling and touching each other. Feeling each others bodies for all they're worth, at least right now.

Sara pulled back from Amanda.

"Let's take this to my room. We can much more fun up there." Sara told her. Sara led Amanda away from the couch and up the stairs. Both wore large grins on their faces.

End Part One

Next: Chapter 2

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