Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Dec 29, 2012


Summer Fun with Zak part 2

Wow, first of all, thank you for the great response to part one.!! It gives me motivation to do part 2. So, if you reading this for just sex, then you might not like it. I am leading up to it, but I want to develop it first. Enjoy!

The next day brought new adventures and a new twist to my life. I guess I forgot to mention that my dad works out of town during the week and my mom is a nurse, so she works a lot of hours. So by the time I got up the next day, she was gone already and Colton was in the shower. I have only seen him naked a few times and I usually give him his privacy. But after yesterday, I was like, he needs to be more open and I need to push him. I walked into the bathroom and said good morning!. He yells back with a get out of here. We have one of those walk in showers that is big and no door on it. I said, dude, I need to shower too, just move over and I walked into the shower. He is like, omg, this is gay, get out. He was hiding his cock so I finally got a peek at it and it was hard. I am like, omg you were jerking off in here.

I told Colton, damn dude, be proud of your dick. He kept on turning towards the wall and not wanting me to see his hard cock. The funny thing was that he was still hard, hmmmmmm???? So he pleaded with me to leave him alone and I am like, relax bro, its ok and let's just shower, ok? I could tell he was uncomfortable so I got out and told him to leave it running when he is done. But I didn't leave the bathroom; I hoped on the counter and sat on it waiting for him to be done. He steps out with his cock and balls dangling and goes, FUCK Zak, do you ever stop as he was grabbing the towel. I jumped down and went into the shower harder then before but I didn't want to jerk off because I wanted to stay horny.

After my shower, I threw on my shorts and went into the kitchen where Colton was and rubbed his hair telling him he needs to lighten up. He shrugged away and told me to fuck off. I grabbed something to munch on and went back to my room to check out facebook and try to find Matt on it. I found him and of course he had his account all private and I had to ask him to be a friend and pissed me off because I couldn't snoop around on him. About 20 minutes later, the doorbell rings and of course Mr. Social yelled at me to get the door. I ran up to the door and opened it and it was Matt. He laughs and goes, damn, you like to greet your guest all sexy like without a shirt! I laughed and told him to come in. Colton already had disappeared to his room so we were hanging out in the kitchen at the bar. He goes, so I saw your request for facebook? I am like, ok you didn't have to come over to accept or deny it, you could have just pushed the button. He laughs and goes yeah I could have but I didn't so get over it. I am like, its cool either way man, I really don't care. So we just sat there for a few awkward seconds and he never would say anything else. So I said, you don't say much do you sometimes? His face lights up with his sexy smile and he goes, don't have anything to say I guess. So I am like, fuck, I don't get you. He goes, you have known me for about 3 hours, so yeah you don't get me. I laughed and just thought to myself, why do all fucking crazy people have to be cute.

By that time, Colton reappeared and goes, hey Matt and Matt goes hey. So I said, so what do you guys want to do? Matt goes, you guys do whatever you do, don't worry about me and the little fucker gets up to leave. I am like, sit down and lets hang out today. He actually smiled again and said cool. So Colton goes, you guys have fun and goes back to his room. I told Matt that he likes his alone time and don't worry about him.

Being as quiet as Matt is, I didn't expect this first thing out of his mouth. He goes, so Zak, do you have a boyfriend? I laughed and said, no, unless you want to go steady?. He smiles and goes, nah, but if I was gay, I would boy friend you. So I said, do you have a girl friend? He goes, yeah, I have not met the right one yet to call her my girl friend. So we chatted about boring stuff then and really got to know each other. After a few minutes he started opening up and would say more, which made me feel better. After a while, I was like, fuck I need to piss, be right back. He laughs and goes, well me too and starts following me. I tell him, only one toilet in here dude, sorry. He goes, its ok, we can share it. So I knew it was a bad idea, but I said ok. Of course, my cock rose to the occasion and he was laughing going control that thing ZAK! At that moment, Colton appears in the doorway with a WHAT THE FUCK you doing in there? We both laughed and Matt goes, taking a piss, you want to join the fun? He goes, fags all the way.

Matt puts his junk back in and goes, hey Colton and grabs him and wrestles him to the floor. They start wrestling which I thought was sexy as hell and my brother was holding his own against him. Finally Matt pins him and jumps on top of him and out of breath he goes, I feel your dick Colton. He is laughing and Colton is like, get the fuck off of me. Then Matt pinches his nipple and twist it with Colton hollering out in pain going STOP! STOP!. I was laughing so hard, I almost started crying. Then the tickling started and I was like, OMG Stop. He will start pissing all over himself and with that, Matt jumps up with EWWWWWWWWWW. Colton goes, you're a bastard and gets up and walks out of the room. I told Matt, damn dude, that was so funny. He goes sorry, I like to wrestle and make guys hate me, like your brother does now. I am like, he hates everyone. At that moment, his phone is ringing and its his mom wanting him to come home and help her with some shit. He goes, can I come back later? I am like, sure, please do.

After he leaves, I go into Colton's room and he is shirtless at the mirror examining his nipple. I start laughing and he goes not funny, I think he damaged it. Holding back more laughing, I am like, here let me look and he turns around. Now, here is my brother standing before me and giving me the opportunity to touch his nipples. So I touched it and acted like I was looking at it for medical reasons (not!) and then I touch his other one and he goes, what you doing? I am like, making sure they don't feel different. So I am like, hold up dude and went to my room and got some lotion and came back and put it on his nipple. He goes, that feels good and thanks. I am like, no problem and glad your nipples liked me touching them. He goes, what? I am like, yeah you see how they got hard, that means they like my touch. He goes, your weird and your nipples are hard too. I am like, I know! He just looks at me and goes, I think you are gay. So I laughed and said, whatever you want to think.

I heard my phone go off and it was a message stating that Matt had accepted me as a friend on facebook. I was like, whew!, didn't think it would happen. So I ran to my laptop and opened his page up and starting perving my new friend out. Nothing that really was interesting was found, but liked his random pictures of him doing stupid shit. Then a chat message appears from him asking for my email. I gave it to him and asked what was up? He goes, just a bitchy mom trying to make me work, ha! I am suppose to be unpacking boxes, fuck that shit. So he goes, I will send you something in email and talk to you later. So a few minutes later, He sends me some pictures with a message saying, thought you would like these gay boy. I opened the first one up and it was of him at the beach naked with some other boy. I am like, damn and Colton comes in with a what you looking at. I showed him and goes, fuck, who takes naked pictures of themselves. I am like, well apparently he didn't take them of himself. Colton goes, that's not right.

I am like, dude, your telling me you never shot a picture of yourself naked and looked at it? He goes, no Zak, I have not and you have? I am like, here and opened up my photo gallery and showed him one. He goes, what the fuck? So I am like, dude, its ok to do shit like this, its fun and harmless. So I felt risky for some reason (horny) and clicked on a video of me jerking off. He stood there wide eyed and going, OH FUCK! I laughed and said, you want a copy? He goes, fuck no!. He goes, what if mom and dad see's that and they will know you jerk off. I am like, omg you clown, they know that we both do. He goes, no way they know that I do that. So I said, bro, all boys do it and if you say you don't do it, then you're lying or you have no dick. He goes whatever and starts walking out until I said stop! He goes, what? I am like, do you trust me? He goes, I did until today. So I am like, lets play a game ok? He goes, what is it. So I said, it's my version of truth or dare. He laughs and goes, ok, I will play along.

So we sat down on the bed and he goes, you go first. I am like, ok, how often do you jerk it? He looks at me and goes, omg, that's private. I laughed and said, so you want the dare then? He goes, I am not playing and I came back with, well then I will be in the shower every morning with you. He thought about it and goes, ok, twice a day. I am like, damn, your quiet as a mouse aren't you. He goes, ok Zak, are you gay? FUCK! , right out of the gate with that question and I felt like a dumbass playing this game. So I am like, yeah sorry to tell you. He goes, yeah I figured so with your hard dick and wanting to see mine all the time. So I asked him, are you ok with it? He goes, sure, makes no different to me, you are still my brother. I said, cool. We sat there and I said, dare time. He goes, oh great. I am like, since you know I am gay, get naked and thrill me. He laughs and goes, that is not right.

Stopping there to keep you guys wondering what happens next! Wow, it took me a hour to write this. Send me your thoughts:

Next: Chapter 3

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