Summer Fun with Zak

By chad

Published on Oct 26, 2013


Colton Part 5

This is a gay story and involves sex between 2 boys. All boys are assumed to be of legal age.

As the week progressed through, Tommy and I got even closer after spending that afternoon together. My mind was really confused and I didn't' know what I really wanted in terms of my sexual preference. I really like girls and wanted to fuck more of them, but on the other hand, sucking a dick and pounding a tight ass was also a plus and got me really excited. In addition, I really like looking at guys and seeing their toned bodies and smooth skin and wanted more of that. A nice hard pulsing cock in my hands was a fucking thrill and yeah, so let's call me bi sexual.

As another Friday night rolled around, I was waiting to see what was going on before making any concrete plans. Tommy was so scared of being outed, that he wasn't committing to me and it really pissed me off. So As I sat there on my bed wondering what to do, Matt and Zak walked in with their stupid grins and asked what was up. I told them not much, that I was trying to see what was going on. So they sat down, with Zak running his hand through my short hair, making me laugh and going, where are Tommy and Chase? I sighed and said, Tommy is scared and Chase is out with his new girl friend, which I don't' get it, because he likes dick more then I do. Just about that time, dad walks in and goes, what you guys doing? We all said nothing at the same time and he goes, oh, you all seem bored. He goes, well, we just got a call from Matt's mom and she invited us out to dinner with them, so guys are on your own. Matt goes, first I have heard of that and my dad goes, I guess a spur of the moment idea on your mom's part. So he leaves and Matt calls home and confirms it and said, they are going to dinner and then a small club to hang out. She ended with that she made us dinner and it's in the fridge and all we have to do is warm it up. I love her cooking and I was game for that shit. Tommy had sent a text saying we will talk later tonight and maybe get together tomorrow.

After our parents left, we walked over to Matt's and sat on the couch flipping through the TV, and watched Matt warm up the food. It was weird being in the house without his parents, as one of them was always here. Matt then goes, oh guys, my house, no clothes, so strip. Without hesitations, we both stripped and it felt good, just to sit there naked and watch my brother and Matt act all gay, licking each other's nipples. After a few minutes, I wandered off to the master bedroom to look around. It was so sexual in there, as it was all black, with that feeling of sex. The first set of lights were red, which made me laugh and the bed was a high bed, way off the ground. I got on it and just laid there when Matt walked in laughing, going What the fuck you doing boy? I grinned and said, seeing where your parents fuck. He laughs and goes, you are goofy and walks out. So I got out of the bed and opened the drawer on the nightstand and found nothing shocking to me, because I suspected it. 2 vibrators, a dildo, handcuffs, lube and anal beads were in there with some other shit. I peeked under the bed, and it was clean and nothing there. Opened up the closet and found her sexy stuff and It got me harder thinking of her wearing all this shit. I found Dan's tight tiny speedo's and other sexy underwear which I touched and yes, I sniffed. Zak came in and told me to get the fuck out and I said, oh ok.

After there, I made my way to his office and sat in front of his computer and clicked history. Of course, gay sites, and chat sites were all in there. There was some straight sex shit as well, but mostly gay. Dan enjoyed the twinks and younger boys and he didn't hide it on his computer. I found a file of pictures and it was funny, looking at the boys he liked. He went young in some of the boys and then up to 21 or so, some naked, some just shirtless. I imagined him jerking off to them and was boned with the image of him loving these pictures. The next file was one of Matt and it was interesting. Most people have pictures of their kids with clothes on, not Dan. It was fun to see him young, and then mature in the pictures. There were pictures of him with other guys naked and even with his mom standing next to him. As I was looking at them, I didn't notice Matt come in and he goes, oh shit, you little fucker, that is not for you to look at. He got mad and told me to get the fuck out. Zak had come in there and was like, OMG Colton, stop being so nosey. I laughed and said, its Ok Matt, I think they are cool. Matt goes, well you don't need to see me naked at those ages and Zak about flew over going, oh shit, I have to see these. So after much debate, Matt showed Zak and it was funny, as Matt was really flustered. What really pissed me off, Matt had a good bod even when he was younger and he must have developed early, because his cock was big in some of the pictures.

After about 10 minutes, he said enough and we went back out to the living room. Matt then lit a joint and just sat at the couch like nothing and passed it to Zak, who took a hit and I said no, because, both mom and dad would be home later and I didn't want to be busted. Then the buzzer rang and our dinner was ready and we ate it, which was fucking awesome. After dinner, Matt found a gay porn dvd and we sat there watching it, laughing and stroking each other. Finally Zak looked over at me and goes, you need some help with that brother? I nodded yes and he got on his knees in front of me and went down on my cock. Matt was like, fuck yeah, suck that cock. Zak's has gotten good at sucking and he took my cock all the way, sucking it in slow motions. He would suck it, then come off of it and lick my aching cock, circling the head of it with his tongue, and then going back down on it. Matt slid next to me and goes, you look fucking sexy Colty! I laughed and then he bent towards me and bit my lip and I gave in, we started kissing, feeling his tongue against mine. It was a fucking awesome feeling, as Zak was face fucking my cock and I was kissing his boyfriend. Zak pulled off and I knew he was edging me and it was driving me crazy. He licked on my balls, with Matt going down and sucking and licking my boy nipples. By this time, we had gone to the floor and I was spread out, with both boys working on me, treating me like their bitch. It had been a while and we weren't keeping up with the time, but Matt goes, dudes, my parents are home. I was like, fuck and tried to get up, with them both pushing me back down. I laughed and then they walked in, with Dan smiling BIG when he saw me spread out on the floor.

I laughed and said, hi, with both of the dumb fucks holding me down, exposing my hot cock to both, Dan and Judy. Judy goes, damn, that's a sight and she laughs and Dan goes, looks kinda wet, someone has been all over that. I could see Dan boning up as he stood there staring at my smooth hot young body and then goes, you guys make me horny. Judy laughed and goes; well we are going next door to sit by the pool and drink a beer with your parents, so you guys can finish up. Dan goes, I am staying here and she slapped him and said, you are not, you can play later. He winked at me and then told Matt to follow him for a second. Matt jumped up and left with him, with Zak playing with my cock, going you liked that didn't you, you stay hard for daddy. I nodded and told him to go back down on me. He goes, you sure? In front of them? I nodded again and he did, making it extra hot knowing they would walk in on us. After about a minute, I hear Matt laughing as he saw us with Dan going, FUCK! I also noticed Matt's cock was still hard and it was wet, telling me what I needed to know.

As Dan stood there watching, I balled up and Zak pulled off in just the nick of time and I exploded, sending my teen cum flying in the air and on hot chest, giving Dan an eyeful of my money shot! He goes, thanks, now when I talk to your parents tonight, I will be thinking of you all night! I grinned and he walked out because Judy was already headed that direction. I laid there, breathing hard with both Zak and Matt laughing at what just happened. Zak then got up and told Matt he needed to fuck him, right now, right there.

Matt started sucking on his cock and Zak told me to get some lube from Matt's nightstand in his room. I went into his room, got the lube and a rubber and looked around his room for a minute. He is the only person I know, that would have a bong on his dresser, dildo laying on the floor and sexy underwear just out in the open. I got back to them and watched my brother fuck his boyfriend with long steady thrusts. Matt was moaning as my brother slid his cock deep into Matt's ass, pounding it hard. Matt was saying, fucking me hard dude, and I leaned down and started sucking on Matt's cock, with Matt telling me to keep going. I came up and said, I smell Dan's breath on it and he laughed and said, keep sucking dude. Zak kept on pumping him hard with his dick and I was trying to suck him, but it was hard with all the fucking. Finally, Zak erupted inside him, with Zak grunting as he released his juices inside Matt. After he pulled out, I kept on Matt's cock and he didn't last much longer, with me swallowing his thick cum. We laid there for like 20 minutes, laughing and calming down. We then decided to go back to our house, get our swimming shorts on and just jump in, not caring they are out there talking.

We did that, with my dad going, look here, the gang has shown up. It was funny, as we all knew Dan was glued on me, wanting to rip my shorts off and suck me right there. After about 30 minutes, the party broke up, and we stayed outside, just sitting there. I finally went in and jumped into the shower, and coming out to find my dad in my room. I was in just a towel and said, hi. He goes, Hi, can I talk to you for a minute? I said, sure, let me dress. I turned my back and slipped on a pair of boxers and then sat on my bed. He goes, what did you guys do tonight? I said, just hung out at Matt's and ate, then came over to swim, which you saw? He goes, ok, just wanted to check on you, as I thought your brother might have been drinking. I laughed and said, nah, and I have not been either. He goes, ok, have a good night.

I got online with Tommy and told him about tonight and I could tell he was jealous and wanted to be here experiencing all this. We didn't' fuck around or jerk off, but just chatted about random shit, with us signing off around midnight.

I awoke Saturday morning with a Text from Tommy asking if I wanted to come over and stay the night with him. I was like, wow, ok, so I said yes, what time? Yeah, I still need to get permission, but that's minor details. So I he called me right away and said, he didn't want to wake me by calling until I texted. So we set the time and I went out and asked mom and dad and of course they said yes because I knew they would and I was set. So I packed my shit up and ran into Zak's room in his secret hiding place and stole some rubbers and a joint. Might as well make this night count and he said, we were going to stay out in the barn loft, so we can have our privacy. I was stoked and ready to go see my new love and see what farm life is all about!

I got there and it was fucking awesome, and was like a movie scene. Big Gate at the entrance, long winding road to the farm house and a older house, that looked like one big happy family lives there. I was really excited and never seen shit like this in real life. Tommy smiled and we said hey and he took me inside and introduced me to his parents, his brother Aaron and sister Kim. She was fucking hot too and had big ass tits. His brother was grinning from ear to ear and he was cuter then the time at the mall. So Tommy showed me around and we went out the barn, up the stairs and found like a small little room, with a bed, desk, dresser, and other little things. He said it was for guests or when he wanted to be alone. I said cool, and threw my shit down and moved closer to him, with him shying away saying, not yet. I am like, fuck, no one can see us. He laughed and moved closer to me, and we started kissing, with my right hand moving down his shorts to grab his cock. He was like, oh shit, we can't do this yet. I laughed and pulled away, and he sat down to hide his bone.

We finally went down and he showed the farm and it was interesting and we started walking off towards the creek. All of sudden, we hear Aaron running up behind us and he was like, where you guys going? Tommy goes, to the creek, to talk and mess around. Aaron goes, oh, mess around huh? He stuck with us and we fucked around for over an hour just hanging out at the creek. As we walked back, I had to ask Aaron about being caught. So I said, so did you get excited when your mom walked in on you? He looks at Tommy and goes; you're a whore for telling everyone. We both laughed and he goes I can't believe you are telling everyone I jerk off. Tommy laughs and goes, oh and I told him I sucked you as well. The poor boy turned beat red and we both laughed so hard.

He said, you both suck and he took off ahead of us with Tommy yelling, it's cool, don't' be embarrassed. We got back and I was pissed because Kim had left already, but it was cool, I had my boy friend still there. We went riding on their four wheelers, which was fucking awesome. We ended up mudding through the creek with our shirts off and it was a blast. Two hot guys on four wheelers with no shirt and mud all over us was fucking great. We got back to the house around 6 and we were covered with mud. His dad comes out laughing and goes, boys will be boys. He goes, wash them up and don't' you dare get mud in the house. We washed them and then sprayed each other down, which was way gay, but fun. I proceeded to pull my shorts off and he about died, going, dude, what are you doing? I laughed and said, just taking this wet things off, I will have my underwear on still. So, he followed suit and we used some towels his dad had brought out to dry off. I threw my shirt and shorts on the fence post and went in to change. I threw on some of his shorts, no underwear and a t shirt he gave me to wear. We sat around his room for a while then went out to eat with his family and I was bombed with questions about myself and my family.

After dinner, we took off to the barn and to our sleeping headquarters for the night. We sat around talking for a while about random shit and then I told him let's go for a walk. As we approach the creek, I took out the joint and he about freaked! He goes, what the fuck and I said, well you said you wanted to try it, so I brought one. He about lost it saying we can't do that and that he will be killed if his parents found out and blah blah and blah. I tried reasoning with him, but he wouldn't budge so I stuck it in my pocket and we continued to walk, finally turning around and going back to the loft. We got up there and I pushed him back on the bed, and started kissing him deeply. We tore each other's clothes off and were in a 69 position, each of us sucking the other's cock. His cock slid into my mouth and tasted even better then the other day. I sucked on his dick and he sucked on mine until I finally pulled off and flipped around pressed my body up against his, kissing him again. I finally pushed him down and his dick was harder then anytime before. I slid a rubber on him and told him to stay just like that. I sat down on his dick, feeling it enter my tight ass, going in and I kept going down on his dick, with him already thrusting his hips. I felt his pulsing dick in my ass and he was working it in, fucking me and making me moan. We changed positions and he kept fucking me with nice even thrusts, making my ass want his dick even more. He had this look on his face which was way cute and he was sweating like crazy. He finally said, I am cumming and he came inside me, almost screaming as he shot. He fell back on his back, panting, going fuck, that felt great.

I rolled the rubber off and sucked all his juices out of him, making him hard again. He was laughing at me telling me I was a slut. I stood up and put a rubber on me and told him bend over. I entered his tight ass, poping his hole, which was tight, sending him into almost a deathly scream. He was like, omg, it hurts, go slow, go slow. I went in and slowly slid my cock into his ass until my balls hit his ass. He was still almost crying and I started fucking him, with him now saying it felt good. His tight ass around my dick and listening to him moan didn't allow me to fuck him too long, as I felt the urge to cum and pulled out, pumping my hot seed all over his chest. We started laughing and laid next to each other for like 30 minutes, trying to calm down and cool down.

He finally rolled on top of me again and soft dick quickly rose to the occasion with him licking on my nipples. He reached behind and felt my dick and stroked it a few times telling me I must be ready to go again! I said, oh yeah. Much to surprise he lifted his ass up grabbed my dick, guiding it into his ass. It entered his ass and it felt amazing as it grew even bigger. I looked at him and said, are you sure? He nodded yes and we started fucking again. I thrusted my cock deep in him, as he bucked with my hips and we slowly fucked. He would bend down and kiss me as we fucked, with my cock slipping out, and him helping put it back and continue fucking. The power of skin to skin felt awesome with the friction and I finally lost it, shooting my wad deep in him, with him moaning with pleasure.

I pulled out of him, kissing him deeply and knowing I love this boy. We fell asleep in each other's arms until morning. We were laying in bed, still naked when Aaron just walks in and just stands there going, oh my god you did fuck didn't you? Tommy threw a pillow at him and told him to get out. He didn't budge, so he jumped out of bed naked and chased him down the stairs and I jumped up and closed the door, standing behind it. He starts shoving on it, going, Colton, let me in dude, come on. After a few minutes, I finally did, with him pushing me on the bed and laying on top telling me I was bad. We started kissing but heard Aaron screaming for us to come eat.

As we ate our country breakfast, his mom asked if we had fun last night and I said, yes, lots of fun. Aaron goes, so what all did you do? Colton just glared at him and goes, we hung out and just did random stuff. Aaron kept on smiling and goes, like what? Finally his dad changes the subject and as we talked, Kim walked into the room looking hot. I was really attracted to her, as she made jokes with everyone and tossed her hair back as she laughed. I reached over and grabbed Tommy's crotch under the table with him almost giving it away when he jumped. Kim goes, what the hell dude? He goes, something just bit me I think. I rolled my eyes, as he played along, looking for a bite mark on his leg. Finally we left the table and I hit him, going you are fucking dumb dude. He laughed it off and tells me to not start shit.

We fucked around for a while, with me leaving before lunch. I had a cool time there and hope I get invited back!

At home, I found Matt and Zak sitting really close on the couch, while my mom was in the house. They don't show a lot of affection in front of my parents, and I thought it was cool. We went to my room, where I detailed the night with them and answered all of their stupid gay questions.

Can't wait for my next adventure!

Hope you all liked it. Email with comments.

Next: Chapter 23: Colton 6

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