Summer of Eric

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Jul 29, 2005


We got our shoes back on, and headed for Eric's car. We crossed the sandy beach, and climbed the stairs back to the boardwalk. It wasn't very late yet, and there were ton's of people still milling around the rides, and food stands. As we started down the length of the boardwalk, Eric moved very close to my side, and slipped his arm around my shoulders, just like a guy would do with his girl. I loved having him close like that, but it also felt kind of weird, him being so open about it with all those people there. We walked past a few groups of kids I knew from school, and stuff, and I could feel the strange looks we were getting from them. Jeez, I thought, everybody is going to think I'm queer now! Well, I decided, whatever, I guess I actually am queer...definitely queer for Eric!

We reached the end of the crowded boardwalk, and moved onto the sidewalk, covering the couple of blocks to where he had parked his car on a side street. He steered me around to the passenger side door, and gently nudged me, so that my back leaned on the side of the car. He stepped close to me, and slid his hands up under my tee shirt, his fingers sliding over my bare skin, and sending shivers down my spine. His fingers flicked over my nipples, and they went stiff under his touch, as I released a small moan. He continued to tease my swollen nipples, and moved his mouth next to my ear. He licked my ear, and gently bit down on my soft ear lobe, then said, very softly, so close that I felt his warm breath on my ear, "You are so fucking, and cute...touching you like this makes me crazy....makes me want to fuck your tight little, and now...!" My cock shot to full hard in an instant, and my knees wobbled slightly, as I mumbled, breathlessly, "Eric...oh God...Eric...yes....!" He licked my ear some more, fingers tugging at my stiffened nipples, and went on, just above a whisper, "I'm going to take you home....and fuck you...all night...!" I shuddered, my breathing turning ragged, and my cock achingly hard in my shorts, as I pictured the action described in his words, his hot breath on my ear driving me crazy with lust!

He moved slightly, and licked the skin of my neck below my ear, then bit it gently, and whispered, "So fucking baby-boy...I'm going to lick you everywhere....all over...that pretty mouth...neck...going to suck your sweet tits until they hurt...!" I groaned, fairly gasping for air, my hands stroking the firmness of his back. He moved back up, and slid his tongue inside my ear, licking all around, then added, "Going to dip my tongue into this hot little cave..." As his finger pressed into my belly button, making me jump slightly, and gasp out loud! His hand slid lower, and into my shorts, stopping as his fingers slid through my pubes, then tugged at the soft hairs. "Going to kiss all over...right here..." another sharp tug at my silky pubes. "Lick you... and bite your soft" And his finger slipped into the soft crease of skin where my leg joins my torso. I flinched, and shuddered, my nerve endings all screaming at once! His hand moved, and captured my granite hard cock, squeezing it tightly. "Here....going to lick it...kiss it....bite it....suck it...!" Another hard squeeze! He let my cock go, and it ached for more of his touch, and dropped down to cup my balls. "Hmmm.....oh yea...these...going to lick this all over...!" His hand tugged at my full scrotum. "And.....!" Fingers closing over one nut, rolling it. "This....going to lick it...suck it...see if I can swallow it...!" Another sharp tug, then releasing, to capture the other ball. "Uh huh....him, too...lick...suck...and then....!" His hand again cupped my whole scrotum tightly, "Yea....then....both of them...going to suck these balls....!"

I came up on my toes, panting like a sprint runner, and felt a bead of sweat trickle down my back. My heart was hammering in my head, loudly, and I shuddered again, sagging back against the car, more turned on than I ever imagined possible! His hand dug deeper into my shorts, and he forced it between my legs, reaching behind my ball sac, probing against my perineum, and I spread my shaking legs wider. His fingers dug into my overheated cleft, and pressed against my quivering pucker. "Oh yea...God, sweet little pussy....going to lick...suck...tongue it all over...!" I flinched, and felt the drooling wetness leaking over the head of my throbbing cock. "Eric...God, Eric...!" I moaned, and ran my fingers through his soft hair. He stabbed at my entrance once more, and the tip of his finger slid into my steamy chute slightly, making me seize my muscle down on it! He lifted his head, and pressed his hot, open mouth onto mine, his warm, thick tongue flooding my gasping mouth, and kissed me, pressing his finger slightly deeper inside me. He pulled away from our kiss, and spoke his words directly into my gaping mouth, his breath hot on my lips, "Going to....fuck my baby-boy...going to fuck you...forever...!" I shuddered, literally on the very verge of cumming in my shorts, I was so damned hot...! "Yes.....oh God....yes.....yes....yes....Eric...please....yes.....fuck me.....fuck me right now....fuck me always....fuck me....please...!" I croaked, breathless, my voice suddenly dry, and cracking.

He withdrew his hands from me suddenly, and jerked the car door open. He squatted down in front of me, and gripped the waist of my shorts, ripping them off of me, and lifting my feet to free them. He stood, and tossed my shorts into the back seat of the car, then wrapped his fist around my drooling cock, squeezing its steely hardness. "Don't!" I moaned, "Don't...I'll cumm...if you touch me...I swear...!" He instantly released me, and turned me slightly, shoving me into the passenger seat, and closing the door. He went around and settled into the driver's seat, started the car, and drove off, me sitting nearly naked, and seriously leaking, beside him. I was gulping shallow breaths of air, not daring to move more than absolutely necessary, for fear of unloading into my lap! He had me so completely turned on, I probably would have pegged an oral thermometer, had somebody placed one under my tongue!

All the way to his house he kept me on the very brink, running his hand over my naked thigh, fingers brushing my acing balls. Occasionally, he tugged sharply at my pubes, or nipple, just to back me of a bit from the sudden, brief pain, and I sat helpless, and shaking, my cock drooling an endless stream of precum down onto my balls. We were in and out of pretty heavy traffic, and I couldn't have cared less whether anybody saw my naked plight, or not. I was totally, completely focused on Eric, and my hunger for him. I wanted, needed, his searing touch, and kisses, and all of the steamy promises he had whispered in my ear back there. I lusted for him, with every ounce of my being. I needed to feel his hands and lips on me, his weight pressing onto me, and most of all his rock solid thickness plowing me, fucking me, making my very being his own.

He skidded the car to a stop in front of his house, and got out. He yanked open my door, and reached in, pulling me out, then lifted me, and carried me inside, kicking the huge door closed in his wake. He packed me into his palatial bedroom, and gently deposited me on the bed, lieing me on my back. He ran his hands over my chest, lightly pinching my nipples, and muttered, "God are so fucking're awesome...I can actually feel the heat from you...!" I grunted, my arms reaching out for him, desperate to hold him, and pleaded, "Eric...God....please....I need you so me...!" He leaned down, and kissed my hungry mouth, invading me with his tongue, then stood, and quickly shed his shirt, and shorts. His cock sprang free, equal to my own in hardness, as it swayed before him. I gasped and reached for it, my fist clamping down on its thickness. He shuddered slightly, and bent to the nightstand, coming back up with a tube of lube in his fist. He dropped it onto the bed beside me, and I smiled, my hand feeling the pulsing throb of his cock. He dropped onto the bed beside, and took my shaking body in his strong arms, holding me, then kissing my feverish lips, before moving on, proceeding to complete every item on his previously announced check list, exactly as he had described it....exactly! By the time he lifted my legs, and bent my knees back to my touch my chest, I was a quivering mass of sexual wanting, and need, every one of my senses in such sexual overload that I was barely conscious! I felt him swab my entrance with a large dollop of the slippery, cool, gel, and was vaguely aware of him fumbling to position himself on his knees. His finger applied pressure to my quivering pucker, then, slipped into me, and I groaned deeply, tightening my anal ring, desperately trying to suck his whole hand inside me! I saw him smile down at me, and felt his finger abandon me, and I whimpered, "Don't stop....Eric...please...never stop...!" He shifted again, and I felt the thick head of his delicious cock press against me, and he mumbled, "Never, Baby-boy...just...not...ever...!" And he pressed into me, his thickness slowly, steadily, filling me, soothing my searing hunger, until his full length was deeply imbedded inside me!

He fucked me then. Oh God, how he fucked me! I wanted to swallow him inside me, to make us one, and I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him deeper, as my fists hammered the mattress, and I wailed a steady chant of babbling nonsense. He drove into me, and withdrew, only to repeat the thrust, over and over, as he grunted, and called me baby, and fucked my craving, hungry pussy, until my insides melted, turning to molten hot liquid. He drove fully into me yet again, and paused, leaning forward to bite down on my stiff nipple, and it was the last searing sensation that my overcharged system could accept. My balls lurched upward painfully, and I all but screamed, or maybe I actually did, as my cock literally exploded between us, painting my heaving chest, and tummy, with rope after rope, of my scalding cumm! Eric went back upright, and smeared my sticky fluid across my torso with his palm, then reared back once more, before driving fully into my depths one last time. He roared, and his own cock erupted, blasting my screaming insides with rapid jets of his sweet honey, filling me to overflowing, as bright stars erupted behind my eyes, and, gasping for breath, my world went totally black!

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 15

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