Summer of Submitting

By sammythesub19

Published on Aug 1, 2023


Chapter Six: A Sticky Situation

Oh no, oh no no no no, I started to panic. This is what I get for wanting something so badly, too much of a good thing is a phrase isn't it. Now there's consequences and everyone is going to see me run naked to this car and know I'm a slut or a weirdo. God, I could already feel the embarrassment flooding through my body and trying to make my head explode.

I paced back and forth for a minute or so, think think think I said to myself. There must be a way to that car without anyone seeing. If the van was parked at the back of the field, then theoretically it should be bumped up against the fence that links up to the edge of that farmer's field. That farmer's field should theoretically butt up to the back of this wood, and there should be a fence which could lead me around the back and all the way around to that car. If I'm lucky, All I would have to do is trespass a little to stay in that farmers field to stay out of sight and the worse that would happen was one farmer would see me as opposed to 30 odd other people, most of which I knew... and if the farmer saw me I could hopefully flirt my way out of being in trouble for trespassing, could even do him a couple of favours.

Snap out of it! God, it was so embarrassing how quickly my mind made me go back to being horny, especially in such a stressful moment.

Well, I thought, this is my only shot of getting those clothes back. If not, the next `best' scenario was awful: being discovered. So, I took a few deep breaths before making sure I wasn't dreaming (I wasn't, this was as real as it gets) and opened the door. Coast clear, let's go. BR64 SMY, I would repeat the number plate to myself over and over for the whole journey.

Even though I kind of hated him for it, I was little thankful of Derek. As soon as I was skipping and running through the woods completely naked (apart from my socks and shoes) I felt so free and liberated. it also made me run in a dainty way, almost like a fairy through the woods. Like it was unlocking a whole new feminine side of me, maybe I might try and run naked more often.

My elation kept rising when in no time I found a fence, thank god. I carefully followed it round towards the ground until the forest ended and it became more obvious this was the field I was after. A quick look around to make sure nobody had wandered over, all clear and over the fence we go.

The tall corn brushed again my body as I ducked into it, it kind of tickled and stroked me in kind of a soothing way, My love for the summer was back. The smell of the fields, the warmth of the sun with a gentle breeze, birds cheeping and this new found liberation. I'm sure the faint taste of cum that still clung to my tongue also helped my mood.

I kept having to come back closer to the fence to get my bearings and make sure I wasn't straying too far. After the third time of coyly returning to the fence I saw a bumper of a car. Must be close. I suddenly remembered some of the players occasionally returned to their cars for one reason or another when I heard a car door slam, it scared the shit out of me. After a moment or two of pausing intently I realised from here I had to be extra cautious. I'd come so far without being caught, can't trip at the last hurdle and this was definitely the most dangerous part of the journey I was entering.

Car after car and none of them seemed to have the number plate, BR64 SMY, or was it CR64 SNY? Oh fuck, don't get in your own head about this I remember thinking and that was that, I was completely confused and couldn't remember which was the original. I'll know it when I see it, I'll know it when I see it, I weakly reassured myself. I was just about to start panicking when finally a black van, the last car of the lot appeared before me. I finally allowed myself a moment to breathe.

And then it dawned on me, his front bumper was facing the field I was in. That meant that his boot was facing towards the field. Towards everyone. That's where my clothes were.

I thought it was part of the sick game at first but then it made sense, of course all the cars are parked like that otherwise how else would they get their cricket gear out of the boot.

I clambered over the fence gingerly and creeped down the side of the car, I took a quick glance towards the ground to get a sense of what I was up against.

It was pretty far from the boundary, but not far enough. I started to consider going through one of the side doors of the car, it could be quicker and stress free. But then again, what if the boot was one of those caged ones you find in these vans, separate to the rear of the car. The noise of opening and closing the doors will surely attract some kind of attention, I'll only get one shot at it. If I find myself inside the car unable to get my clothes and having to clamber back out I'll surely be spotted. I just have to go for it.

I waited until the next over so the batsman receiving the bowler was facing away from me, I just had to hope that they hit some kind of boundary clearing shot over the bowlers head to take everyone's attention away from my direction. I waited a few balls, nothing. And then suddenly I hear an almighty clack off the bat, I glanced around the car and saw everyone looking over the bowlers head. Now's my chance.

I leapt around the car, fumbled around for the boot button, couldn't find it, fuck! Where is it? I searched all around the edges of the back of the car, found it! it was on the side of the door, how weird, it's one of those that opened like a microwave door, not an oven, Whatever! the boot opened and I clambered inside and shut it.

I immediately peered ever so carefully out of the boot window, it seemed like a handful of fielders were looking this way but it was hard to tell if it was because they saw me or they heard the door slam. After a beat or two it seemed like they lost interest, so they can't have seen a completely naked guy clamber in to the boot of a car, don't think that's something you'd just brush off.

I was safe.

The boot was what you'd expect from such a large truck, spacious with enough room to sit up and lay down if needed, it also had tinted windows like the rest of the car. And then I realised, where are my clothes?

There was an empty cricket bag (I guess a spare), some golf clubs, a big furry blanket (pretty comfy actually) and a note book. The notebook looked pretty suspicious as it was just placed perfectly in the middle of the boot on top of the blanket facing the door.

Out of curiosity and confusion I opened it to the page marked with the fabric bookmark.

Written in all caps (and pretty bad hand writing):

"Good boy, sorry couldn't give you back your clothes just yet. Don't know if we'll see you again so can't be done with you just yet. We'll be over shortly. Big D"

Wow, that fucker. I was back in their hands and there was really nothing I could do and nowhere I could go. I just had to wait for one, or both, of them to show up and have their way with me. When that would be is another question, could be hours.

From the inside of the boot I could push forward the little divider to the back seats and open one of the rear doors just a little, I propped it open with an edge of one of the cushions, just to get some air in. If I'm going to be waiting I might as well get comfortable.

I clambered back in to the boot and waited as instructed, like a slave waiting for their owner to arrive home. It was a really nice temperature in the car with the slight breeze coming through, the tinted windows made it kind of dark in there and the blanket was so comfortable. I instinctively got into a cradle position wrapping a little bit of the blanket around my legs, I was so snuggly and so tired, and I loved sleeping naked. And just like that I started to drift off into dreams built from the memories of earlier.

Next: Chapter 7

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