Summer on Lost Lake

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Jul 29, 2018


This one is a commissioned work. Thanks so much to Twitchy Dragon for his support! If you are interested in commissioning a story like this please contact me at Or just stop by to let me know what you think of the story!

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<3 PurpleJubilee

Summer on Lost Lake: Chapter 5

When Gavin explained the situation to Jonah, the other boy's brow furrowed. Gavin told him that Tyler suspected it had been a boy called Damian and his frown deepened.

"That is very serious." Jonah told him. "The rules about the youngers are given to us by the Founder. Breaking them isn't something any elder, even Damian, would do lightly. It shows that he has no respect for your claim at all."

Gavin nodded. "That's what Tyler said. What can I do about it?"

"Only one thing to do." Jonah said gravely. "You'll have to challenge him."

With a sigh, Gavin nodded again. "Yup. Tyler said that too. How exactly do I do that?"

"It's pretty simple. Make the challenge in public with at least one other elder present. I'll go with you if you want, or I'm sure Tyler would. Then the official challenge match will be held at sunset." He grinned a little and then dipped his head in apology. "It's not often we have a claiming ceremony then a challenge right after. The boys will love it."

"I'm sure." Gavin muttered. He thanked Jonah then began the walk back to the tent.

Gavin was not exactly a fighter. He was good-natured, and his winning smile and quick wit was usually all it took to dispel most situations. That said, he was not one to shy away from confrontation when it was inevitable. His style was to face his problems head-on. He decided that, when he confronted Damian, he would prefer having Tyler with him to Jonah. Even though Jonah was the leader, he felt that Tyler would be a more intimidating presence. It was obvious from the way Tyler had spoken that he didn't much care for Damian, and Gavin preferred that to a leader that might try to stay neutral.

When he returned he found that Lucas and Skylar had curled up together and gone back to sleep. Will was gone from the tent and Tyler was finishing getting dressed.

"Good, you're still here." Gavin said, and Tyler turned to him questioningly. "Jonah says I need to have another elder present when I challenge Damian."

Tyler grinned wolfishly. "I'm your man. Not that I think Damian would start anything, but I almost wish he does."

"So," Gavin asked as they left the tent. "In order to win this challenge, I've got to..." He trailed of, waving a hand in the air uncertainly.

Tyler chuckled. "You'll fuck him." He said almost casually. "Once you've beaten him in the wrestling match. Or," He added as an afterthought. "He'll fuck you."

"Jesus..." Gavin wrinkled his nose. "That's really how you solve everything around here?"

With a shrug Tyler answered. "Why not? Everyone here is young and good looking. People fuck like rabbits." He laughed. "And there's no worries about getting anyone pregnant. It's a pretty good deal if you ask me."

Even Gavin had to admit that Tyler was right. Everyone he had seen was quite good looking. "So, there's never any girls that get lost here?"

Tyler shook his head. "Nope. Not just anyone who gets lost ends up here. It's a pretty exclusive club. Only for boys too apparently. I used to wish they'd bring in a chick or two, but I think it's better this way actually. You can get rougher with a boy. You know what I mean." He winked at Gavin.

"Yeah, I noticed you were a bit... forceful with Will." Gavin broached hesitantly, but his dick twitched slightly at the memory.

Nodding and chuckling a little Tyler replied. "Yeah, he loves it though. Don't let his little angel face and shy-boy act fool you. He's as dirty as it gets."

"How long have you been here?" Gavin decided to change the subject before he got any harder.

Tyler scratched his angular jaw in thought. "A while I guess. You lose track of time around here. More than a month, less than a year. I think."

Gavin eyed him incredulously. "That's a pretty big gap."

"Yeah..." Tyler replied sheepishly. "It's hard to keep track. After a while you get your nights and days mixed up, then it goes back again, and by then you can't remember if it's been two days or two weeks."

Shaking his head Gavin wondered if maybe he should round up the boys and get them out before they got lost in this hazy sense of contentment that lay over the lost side of the lake. Then he remembered the image of the two young boys, almost completely naked, lying in each other's arms and breathing evenly back at the tent. It was too perfect for words, and he knew that if they left, when they left, they would never feel so safe and unashamed.

"Noah!" Tyler suddenly called out, breaking Gavin out of his thoughts. "Where's Damian?"

Gavin saw that Tyler was talking to a pale blonde younger with long hair. The smaller boy looked startled when Tyler called to him but quickly pointed to the tent behind him then scurried inside it.

"Damian!" Tyler boomed in a deep voice. "We've got to talk to you."

A lean shaggy haired boy stumbled out of the tent, nearly naked, holding just one of the thin blankets around his waist. He looked at the two, bleary eyed, obviously having just woken up.

"What the fuck do you want, Tyler?" He demanded, rubbing one eye. He took in Gavin standing next to him and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it's you."

"Rumor has it you've been touching what doesn't belong to you." Gavin said quietly but with an unmistakable threat in his voice.

"Yeah? Says who?" Damian sneered.

"Both of his youngers saw you do it." Tyler accused.

Damian shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. I can't remember all the boys that have begged for a bit of this." He casually grabbed the bulge in the front of the blanket.

It was Gavin's turn to raise an eyebrow. "The way I hear it, you got in their way then assaulted one of them. My brother."

Damian looked disdainfully at Gavin. He was taller, but didn't have Gavin's athletic build, giving him a slightly lanky appearance. "Kinda fucked up, taking your brother as a younger, isn't it? You should let someone else have him. You can keep the little blonde, he's fine as hell and not related to you." His tone was almost reasoning, as though he was trying to persuade Gavin to his way of thinking. There was a distinct note of superiority to his statements however that set Gavin's teeth grinding even more than the words themselves.

"That's very generous of you." Gavin replied sarcastically.

"Gavin, now's the time." Tyler told him quietly, reminding him of what they had come to do.

Gavin sighed and then looked straight into the taller boy's eyes. "Damian, you're unworthy of your status as an elder." He used the words Jonah had given him for the challenge. "I challenge you to let the Founder decide whose claim is true."

Damian's eyes narrowed, and Gavin thought he saw a twinge of fear in them. "A challenge? That's not how you go about making friends around here." Damian shook his head patronizingly. "Why don't we head into my tent and share my Noah a bit while we talk about sharing your redhead?"

Gavin couldn't be sure, but it seemed like Damian was trying to talk his way out of the challenge. Tyler responded for him though.

"It's too late and you know it. Once the challenge is made you're obligated to accept it."

Glaring daggers at the other boy before returning his gaze to Gavin, Damian spat out, "Fine." He turned his back to them to return to his tent. "Be ready. After I've won I'm going to claim the redhead for me, but I'll fuck the blonde in front of you too." He paused and then added, "And then maybe I'll fuck you again." He sneered one last time before swinging the flap of his tent closed.

Tyler looked at Gavin with a conspiratorial grin. "He's afraid." He said quietly with mischief in his voice.

Gavin shrugged as they turned back. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried too."

Word of the challenge spread through the camp fast. Jonah eventually made the announcement that it would be held at sundown. All of the boys were eager for another event so close to the one the night before. As dusk crept into the clearing Gavin waited to be called out of his tent.

"Don't be nervous." Skylar told Gavin, laying his head on one muscular shoulder. "You're gonna kick his ass!"

Gavin couldn't help but smile. He put an arm around the little blonde and kissed the top of his head. "I'm glad at least one of us is sure."

"Hey! Make that two." Lucas argued from across the tent where he had been talking to Will. Now, seeing Skylar leaning on Gavin dotingly, he crawled back over and cuddled up next to his brother as well.

"Need some attention too?" Gavin teased, rubbing Lucas's back.

Lucas nodded, unashamed. The two younger boys were still almost completely naked; dressed only in the loincloths that left little to the imagination, and quite frequently became displaced, providing a tantalizing view of their smooth rounded asses.

"What are you looking at?" Lucas noticed Gavin's wandering eye and gave him a cheeky look.

"Oh, nothing." Gavin replied quickly before gently pinching his little brother's butt.

Lucas squeaked and glared up at him.

Just then, the flap of the tent swung open and Tyler stuck his head in. "It's time." He told Gavin seriously, then made a head jerking motion to Will. The little boy obediently stood and followed his elder out of the tent.

The three others rose more slowly. Even Skylar's bravado had dulled somewhat. None of them knew exactly what to expect. Just as there had been at the claiming ceremony, there seemed to be an air of mystery surrounding the challenge ritual. Even Tyler had become a bit tight-lipped when discussing what would happen that evening. The general response was "Wait and see" or "You'll find out" or other non-answers.

Taking a deep breath, Gavin looked down at the two smaller boys on either side of him. "Well... Here goes nothing." He grinned ruefully, then stepped out of the tent.

Gavin, and he assumed Damian as well, had been confined to their tents since the challenge had been formally issued. That was to ensure that neither tried to run off. But it also meant that Gavin, Lucas, and Skylar had not been able to see what had been going on outside.

As they exited the tent, a low cheer went up from the crowd that had formed in the center of the ring of tents. A large bonfire had been built up again in the middle and blazed wildly. A wide ring of medium-sized stones had been built up to one side of the fire. Gavin did not need to be told that this was where the challenge would take place. The boys gathered in the center cheered in excitement as Gavin stepped forward into the light of the fire. Skylar and Lucas stayed just behind him, uncertain.

Damian and his younger, Noah stood on the far side of the circle. The tall boy was glaring across at the three of them, keeping his slightly-built younger close.

"A challenge has been made!" Jonah's voice came from one side of the circle. "Will the challengers step inside the circle?"

Gavin looked from Lucas to Skylar. "Wish me luck." He said with what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

"This will be decided the way we have always decided these disputes." Jonah was saying. "The challengers will wrestle. The match will continue until one challenger has pinned the other, and then dominated him in the way that and elder dominates a younger." There was a loud cheer after this statement and Gavin felt an involuntary twitch in his cock at the thought of it. "A reminder to the challengers that the contest is decided at completion, not necessarily at penetration."

Jonah said the last with a twist of humor in his voice, but Gavin winced at the implication. The crowd of boys cheered even louder.

"Challengers disrobe now!" Jonah called out.

Reluctantly, Gavin pulled away his fur wrap and tossed it to one side. The evening air was cool on his skin and his soft dick, although not small, he knew was not nearly as impressive as when it was standing at attention. Someone in the crowd wolf-whistled, drawing a chuckle from some of the elders, but instead of making Gavin uncomfortable, in a strange way it helped to bolster his confidence. He raised a hand in a mock `thank you' gesture.

Damian removed his simple garments as well. Gavin had to admit that he was good looking. Tall and lean without being too spindly. He was decently sized as well, though it was difficult to tell which one of them was bigger.

Feeling the slightly cool breeze once again and the blood pumping through him quickly, Gavin wondered if he would even be able to maintain the virility to win the competition. His worries were answered by Jonah's next words.

"Bring the darata."

Just as they had last night, several boys carried large bags filled with the leaf and dumped them into the fire, causing a great puff of smoke to rise skyward. Several small bowls were passed around the crowd and boys smeared small swaths of oil on their chests. The familiar smell filled the air and Gavin began to feel a certain warmth run though him. Then, two much larger bowls were brought out and set behind the challengers. Gavin looked down at it to see it brimming with the darata oil.

Tyler stepped forward to where Lucas and Skylar stood. "Put it all over him. Use it all. The more slippery he is, the better chance he'll have. Plus, it will make him..." Tyler hesitated. "Stronger."

Lucas glanced a question up at his big brother. Gavin saw that across the circle Noah had already begun to take large handfuls of the oil and rub it over Damian's skin. The dull transparent orange liquid made it look like he was glowing in the firelight. Gavin eventually shrugged at Lucas and Skylar.

"Whatever." He said resignedly.

The two boys dipped their hands tentatively into the large bowl then began to slather it across Gavin's chest and back. Gavin felt the effects almost immediately. It was a strange tingling sensation to start with that spread through his entire body and becoming almost painful. He grunted in surprise.

"You're going to want to get that too." Tyler instructed the boys awkwardly, gesturing toward Gavin's dick.

Lucas looked down at his big brother's soft cock then pulled out more of the oil and began to gently rub it on. Gavin, who's mind was quickly fogging over in a red haze, felt Lucas's hand on him like a bolt of lightning. His dick hardened faster than it ever had before as his brother applied more of the oil.

Rampaging unbridled lust dominated Gavin's thoughts as he looked down at the small boys crouched in front of him. The mysterious darata oil seemed to draw more blood into his sensitive member, causing it to grow larger. Much larger than normal, Gavin thought. Though maybe it was his imagination. As it continued to grow, so did his frenzied horniness, until it blotted out every other thought or feeling.

He thrust his hand out and grabbed Lucas around the throat tightly. The redhead gasped in surprise as Gavin drew up until they were eye to eye. Gavin saw the fear in his little brother's wide blue eyes, but there was also arousal there. The small boy was obviously turned on by this vicious animalism.

"When I'm done with him." Gavin growled, jerking his head contemptuously at Damian. "I'm going to fuck you in half."

Lucas's eyelids fluttered, and his small loincloth immediately formed a tent.

"Both of you." Gavin said looking down at the little blonde who sat on the ground, mesmerized by the sight of Gavin's enlarged cock. He yanked his brother in and kissed him violently before pushing him aside and marching to the center of the circle.

Damian was in a similar state, breathing deeply and evenly, covered in the glistening oil. His own dick was rock hard as well and Gavin saw that it too had grown well beyond the normal size. Gavin barely noticed though. All his mind could see in this trance-like state was potential to release some of his overflowing sex drive. They stood several feet apart, glaring at each other. Each of them knew what the other was thinking. They were both imagining their victory and how good it would feel to completely dominate their enemy.

"Challengers..." Jonah called, raising a hand. "Begin!" He suddenly dropped his hand, initiating the match.

Damian came forward quickly, aiming low and throwing a shoulder into Gavin's stomach and wrapping arms around him. Exhaling loudly in surprise, Gavin only barely remained on his feet. He grabbed Damian around the waist, using his body weight to push him down toward the ground. The oil was slick though and Damian pulled away with surprising speed, causing Gavin to stumble forward. Taking advantage of his opponent's momentary falter, Damian came back at him again. This time he went for the tackle at the legs and Gavin fell to the ground.

The taller boy was on him in seconds and Gavin knew he was in trouble. The intense horniness he was feeling was clouding his mind, making his reactions slower. He grappled with Damian and they rolled several times. The oil on their skin made it almost impossible for either boy to gain a distinct advantage.

The boys in the circle cheered and yelled as first Damian was on top then Gavin and then Damian again. Gavin looked up at the sneering face hanging over him. Damian was obviously having the better go of it so far. Time to change that, he thought. His mind turned to Damian's comments about Lucas and what would happen if he lost. The haze in his head began to turn to anger. With a sudden burst of strength, he lunged upward, forcing Damian off him and onto his back. Growling in frustration, Damian tried to roll Gavin again, but Gavin was stronger and held the position.

Gavin attempted to flip Damien over underneath him, but the other boy resisted and tried to use the slickness of the oil to slip away once again. Gavin was able to hold him in, but he knew he couldn't keep it up forever. A plan started to form in his head.

With an effort, Damian managed to break out from under Gavin and started to scramble to his feet. This was exactly what Gavin had intended when he let Damian break his grasp. He snaked a hand out and grabbed Damian's ankle, tripping the taller boy and bringing him down on his stomach. Then Gavin was on him. He straddled Damian's legs and pinned his arms against the ground. The taller boy growled and cursed violently at Gavin but they both knew that this was decisive.

The boys knew what they had agreed to when they participated in the challenge. They knew what lay in store for the loser. The crowd cheered again as Gavin lined himself up.

Damian's string of profanity was cut off abruptly with a grunt of surprise and pain as the tip of Gavin's massively engorged dick entered him. Gavin knew that if Damian had won the challenge, he would not have been gentle, but even so, Gavin didn't want to seriously hurt the boy. He took his time.

"Fuuuuuuuck..." Damian groaned as Gavin continued to push forward slowly. The last part of the word sounded more like a whine.

It felt like minutes of gentle pressure before Gavin's hips came to rest against Damian's ass. Looking down, Gavin had to admit that he enjoyed the sight of the boy who had been so arrogant and disrespectful now impaled on his cock, teeth clenched and breathing hard. With a slow, steady rhythm he began to fuck Damian.

He could see that the crowd had devolved into debauchery once the match had been pretty much decided. Lucas and Skylar were stroking each other as they watched Gavin on top of Damian. Gavin caught sight of Will's face, his big brown eyes were closed, and his mouth formed a small `o' as Tyler took him from behind roughly.

At some point while they were fucking, Gavin realized he had taken his hands off of Damian's wrists, but the taller boy had made no attempt to escape. His grunts in time with Gavin's thrusts had started to sound suspiciously like moans.

To test his theory, Gavin pulled his dick almost all the way out of Damian's ass and waited. Damian moaned and lifted his hips off the ground, presenting himself. All of his arrogance, his condescending attitude was all gone now. All that was left was the horny boy underneath, who had become obsessed with Gavin's cock.

Grabbing a fistful of Damian's hair, Gavin pushed all the way in. Damian's normally deep grunt cracked into a lusty feminine squeal. He began to push his hips back every time Gavin would thrust. Any will he had to pretend he wasn't enjoying it had been overwhelmed. He pushed himself up onto his knees, with his shoulder still laying against the ground, submitting to Gavin completely.

The surrounding boys cheered and hollered. It was apparent that Damian was not held in high regard and seeing him humbled like this was just what many of them had been waiting for. Gavin took advantage of Damian's new position to thrust in harder, faster, and deeper.

"Yess!" Damian wailed, his mouth hanging open as Gavin hit his spot again and again.

Gavin felt it building inside him. He pushed Damian's face against the dirt as he drove his cock home once more and held it there, filling the taller boy up. Damian moaned loudly as he felt it.

It was strange. The challenge was over, and Gavin had won. He expected some kind of cheering or something. He at least expected to hear the passionate sounds of lovemaking coming from the multiple sets of boys that had started going at it. However, an expectant silence suddenly dominated the clearing. Even those in the middle of the act had stopped and fallen quiet. Gavin stood slowly, looking around in confusion. Damian fell onto his side in a daze.

They were waiting for something, Gavin realized. Something important. Was he supposed to do something else now?

A soft whine drew Gavin's attention back to the boy lying naked at his feet. Damian looked so small now, hunched up in a ball on the ground.

Gavin did a double take. Damian didn't just look small. Somehow it looked like his arms and legs were shorter. He hadn't noticed a change, but Gavin would have bet money that the other boy had shrunk several inches. Glancing up, his eyes found Jonah and then Tyler, searching for answers, but both boys were watching the scene intently and didn't even notice his questioning gaze.

As he looked down again he took a step back. Damian hardly even looked like himself anymore. His limbs had shortened, his muscles had softened, and most curious of all, the quiet but persistent whines that he gave off had increased in pitch by almost a full octave. Gavin no longer recognized the boy on the ground in front of him. Damian, or the boy that had been Damian, now looked far more like a young teen, barely more than thirteen years old.

Next: Chapter 6

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