Summer Sucks

By Daniel Gre

Published on Jan 8, 2000


WARNING: This story contains sexual situations including males having sex with each other. Do not read this story if you are under 18.

NOTE: This is my second attempt at an erotic story. Please take a moment to send me your comments after you read the story. I promise to reply. My e-mail address is

Summer Sucks-3 Tim

By Daniel

I outted a cocksucker last week. Poor Benny DeMarco, the scrawny Italian kid who lives down the block, the big-eared momma's boy with the slight overbite, likes to suck dick. Who would've thought?

The beauty of it all is that Benny is my pain-in-the-ass sister's best friend. You see, Gina is a proper little princess in my dad's eyes, but she's really a cold, calculating bitch who screws me every chance she gets. She's always making me look bad, like when she brings home straight A's, or getting me in trouble, like the time she told my dad that Rudy and I were smoking pot in my bedroom. I was grounded for a month after that. My dad even found my stash. See what I mean about little Miss Perfect? Anyway, revenge is sweet, so I'll tell you what happened.

Rudy and I were bullshitting in the gym after summer league. It was really hot and smoggy , and Coach Paine was merciless on us that day. I was guzzling the Quenchaid I brought with me. I downed most of the bottle and passed the dregs to Rudy who forgot to bring a drink.

"I think your sister's boyfriend is a faggot," said Rudy as he drained the rest of the Quenchaid and belched.

"He's not her boyfriend," I said. "Don't you remember? Benny's mom won't let him date until he turns fifteen next year." We laughed about that.

"I'm not shittin' you," said Rudy. "Did you ever notice the way Benny looks at you? It's exactly the same way Danny was looking at my brother the day he sucked his cock. Benny gives you that very same dreamy stare. He wants to suck your dick and doesn't even know it."

I pictured Benny all beaming and excited, like a little puppy that comes wagging his tail every time he sees me. He thinks I'm a bigshot on campus, which I guess I am. Whenever he's over at our house he asks to see my trophies and my letterman's jacket, which I let him wear, sometimes, if he asks me real nice or takes out the garbage for me. Maybe Rudy was right.

"Damn," I said. "Is every dude in that freshman class a faggot?"

Rudy had to get to his summer job as lifeguard at the Cherry Point Natatorium, so we made plans to hook up the next day and jammed. On my way home, I ran into Gina who was coming the opposite direction on her bike. What does she want, I thought, as she coasted to a stop on the sidewalk.

"Grandma called the house," said Gina, straddling her bike. "She needs some groceries, so I'll be right back."

"Whatever." I didn't care to hear about her missions of mercy.

"You're such a jerk," she said. "Benny's at home. I told him to wait there for me while I go to the store since he didn't ride his bike."

"Who cares?"

"Just don't pick on him while I'm gone, all right?"

"Get lost," I said. She stuck her tongue out at me and peddled away.

By the time I got home I had forgotten all about what Princess Perfect told me. I went upstairs to put on my headphones and play some tunes in my bedroom. But when I opened the door I was blown away by what I saw. There stood Benny in front of my full-length mirror, butt-naked except for his Morrissey tee shirt, sniffing a jock strap like a hound dog. With his free hand he was running a finger up and down the crack of his ass and playing with his butt hole. From behind he looked like a girl with a really fuckable ass.

Benny must have been really into it and he certainly wasn't expecting me because my sudden appearance scared him shitless. The second he saw me he threw the jock strap on the bed and tried to shield his privates like a bashful girl, but he wasn't quick enough to hide his hardon. Without bothering with his underwear he scrambled for his shorts and pulled them up.

He had to push his four-inch stiffy sideways to slide them all the way up. He isn't very well endowed in the penis department.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room, dude?" I asked.

Benny stuttered and struggled for words. "I, uh, was just going to try on your letterman's jacket."

"Then why the fuck were you half naked?" I asked. Then I noticed my initials on the elastic band of the jock strap he was sniffing. "Wait a minute. Is that my jock strap?"


"I saw you stroking your dick in front of the mirror, dude. You were getting off on my jock strap, weren't you?"


It took me a minute to put the pieces together. Hey, I'm a football player. What do you expect? "It looked like you had a finger up your ass," I said. "Are you a faggot or something?"

"I don't know," said Benny. He wasn't very convincing.

"You're a fuckin' homo and I caught you in the act." Benny couldn't look me in the eye. He could only hide his face in shame. I told him how pissed I was, that only a faggot could jack off with another guy's dirty jock.

"Do you want to suck my dick?" I asked. "Is that it?"

"Yes." I couldn't believe it. He actually said yes. At least the cocksucker's honest.

"Okay. Ask me real nice."

"Can I?"

"Can you what?"

"Can I suck it?"

"I told you to ask me nice, cocksucker."

"Can I suck your cock? Please?"

He looked up at me with pleading eyes, like he was asking me permission come closer, and then he dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs. I almost lost my balance because he was holding on so tight my knees buckled. Somehow his head ended up nestled in my sweaty crotch. I started to bone up because he was nuzzling against my basket ever so slightly. The next thing I knew my dick was in his mouth. (Okay, I pulled it out and stuck it in his mouth. So what?) He didn't really know what to do with it so he kind of just sucked on it like a pacifier. I grabbed him by those big flapper-ears of his and worked my dick in and out of his hungry mouth. My dick got hard, and when I told him to work the underside with his tongue he made me cum. After I shot my load down his throat he wouldn't stop sucking. I practically had to pry him off my dick.

"Rudy was right," I said, buttoning my fly. "You are a faggot."

Just then Gina burst into the room. Her ear must have been plastered to the door for who knows how long. She can be a nosy bitch.

"I overheard you guys in the hallway," she said. "What are you taking about, Tim?" She was spying on me in my own room. It'll serve her right, I thought, to find out her "boyfriend" is a cocksucker.

"Your boyfriend took advantage of me," I said. "I'll let him tell you what he did."

"Please Tim, don't make me tell her," Benny begged.

"She's your 'girlfriend,'" I said in a sarcastic voice. "She deserves to know the truth."

"I can't."

"You don't have a choice, dude," I said sneering. I gave him a really nasty glare and he caved.

"I sucked Tim's cock," said Benny meekly, almost in a whisper.

"Oh my God," said Gina. She was hysterical. "What are you talking about?"

"Louder, Benny. Tell her what you did."

"I sucked Tim's cock."

"You see, Gina, Benny just sucked my dick, right here in this room, not five minutes ago. Right there where you're standing."

"You're both lying," said Gina.

"He practically begged me to let him suck it," I said, laughing. "Didn't you, Benny?"


"Turns out your boyfriend is a natural born cocksucker. He even swallowed my cum." I couldn't hide a grin-sweet revenge. "I saw him playing with his ass hole, so he'll probably let me fuck him up the ass too."

"You're just making this up to hurt me," said Gina. The dumb bitch was still in denial.

"You don't believe me?" I asked. "Then why don't you give your boyfriend a really deep French kiss? You can still taste my cum in his mouth."

"You're disgusting," said Gina. That got her panties in a tangle.

"Or maybe I should let your 'boyfriend' suck my dick again while you watch. I'm sure he could give you some tips on how to give really good head."

"Perverts," she screamed and ran out of the room. Seconds later we heard the door to her bedroom slam shut. That'll teach the snotty bitch not to spy on me, I thought.

"Don't you feel better now?" I asked. "Breaking up is always hard to do."

Benny didn't answer. He ran home as fast as his skinny legs could carry him. He even forgot his "Star Wars" underpants laying in a heap on the floor. Is that a skid mark I see?

I suppose I should feel guilty about humiliating him in front of his "girlfriend" like that, but the way I look at it, he could have gone years before he realized he's queer, maybe even a lifetime. Just think about how many more cocks he'll be able to suck now.

I can't wait to tell Rudy about this.

Summer Sucks-4 Jason

By Daniel

I'm really worried. Tim and Rudy are spreading the word to anybody who'll listen that I like to suck guy's dicks. Trust me, gossip spreads like wildfire among the kids at Hoover High School. At least it's summertime, so the rumors don't fly quite as fast. But how will I be able to face the taunts and bullying of my cruel classmates when school starts in the fall?

I wouldn't be in this mess if I had any common sense at all. I made the mistake of coming out to my friend, Carlos. That's not his real name. He's east Indian or something and nobody can pronounce his real name. It's about 15 letters long.

Carlos and I are old friends. We were inseparable as kids growing up until he moved away about three years ago. We did everything together. We traded bicycles, wore each other's clothes, took music lessons together (we both play the flute), stayed overnight at each other's houses, even experimented with sex together. I remember one night when we were fooling around he showed me his dick and I showed him mine. He thought mine looked really funny because I'm circumsized. And I thought his looked strange because he was uncut, but I remember being fascinated by the foreskin covering his dick head. I wanted to touch it. I think I had feelings for Carlos. Is that possible when you're ten years old? When he moved away I was really sad.

That was the end of our friendship until his family recently moved back to town. When we hooked up again after all this time, I fell for him completely. The boy with the baby fat who was my friend no longer existed. In three years Carlos had transformed into a genuine teen hottie. He has smooth skin the color of polished bronze and dark, penetrating eyes that make me melt. His body contours are long and elegant, like a dancer's, and he has beautiful lips the color of ripe cherries.

We immediately clicked and, at our age, the topic of sex soon came up. I had this misguided idea that Carlos might be gay, so I wanted to find out what I could without coming out and asking him. Nothing seemed to work until this last conversation we had, when we started talking about masturbation and he asked me if I wanted to jerk off. I almost creamed in my pants right then and there. We borrowed a couple of his older brother's porno magazines and gave ourselves hand jobs in his bedroom.

Carlos stripped naked except for a white cotton tee shirt that contrasted beautifully with his brown skin. I got carried away as my imagination transported me to a moghul palace where I was the sex slave of the young Indian prince. My eyes were drawn to the hinterlands below his shirttails, where his cock uncoiled from between his legs like a waking cobra, ready to strike. My mouth watered as he fisted his thick cock. When I saw the head of his snake-thick dick unsheath from its hood, I wanted to convert to Hinduism and worship the serpent-god. I guess the closeness and intimacy hit me hard because the fantasy was so real and intense.

While Carlos paged through magazines and jerked off furiously over pictures of tits and pussies I longed for his body and jerked off furiously over the thought of sucking his dick. All of a sudden my hormones took over and I guess you could say I made a pass at him. Does putting his dick in my mouth count as a pass?

I swallowed my pride and Carlos' cock in a single gulp. His cock stiffened as I wrapped my lips around it. His immediate reaction was to grab my head and pull back, but when he felt my tongue twirl around his cock and explore its sensitive ridges he laid back and sighed. I made love to his cock, worshiped it. Within minutes he spermed my mouth and pushed me aside.

"You're a faggot, dude," said Carlos. Confirming the theory that all guys are assholes, he waited until after I sucked him off to go trippin' on me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You used me, man. I thought we were buddies, almost like brothers. All this time you were playing me for a fool. You just wanted to suck my dick."

"It's not like that at all."

"You're nothing but a cocksucker." It felt like he punched me in the gut. I couldn't breathe and I couldn't stop him from kicking me out of his house.

The whole thing caused a chain reaction that I'm living with now. How did Tim and Rudy find out that I'm a closet case? Three guesses. Now Tim and Rudy are spreading rumors about me. This whole mess is painful for me to talk about, so I'm only going to give you the condensed version of what happened next.

I was supposed to meet my friend, Bobby, who's gay like me, at this park called Cherry Point. If it weren't for Bobby being there for me I'd have probably overdosed by now. Anyway, I was sitting on a park bench waiting for Bobby when Tim and Rudy of all people showed up out of the blue.

"Yo, Jason," said Tim, acting like he's all that.

"Oh, hi guys," I said.

"We've been talking to our peeps and your name came up. Isn't that right, Rudy?"

"That's right," said Rudy. "We've been looking all over for you. We want to find out for ourselves if what they're saying about you is true."

"What are they saying about me?" I asked.

"The word is you're a cocksucker," said Rudy. My face turned beet red.

"Yeah, Jason," said Tim. "When we heard that, it hurt our feelings. You know why?"


"Because you haven't sucked our dicks yet."

Rudy said, "We thought we were all so tight, you know? Then we find out you've been sucking cock yet you never even asked us if you could suck our cocks."

"Don't you like us?" asked Tim.

"You guys are cool," I said.

"Then why don't you show us how much you like your buddies?" asked Rudy.

"Why don't you guys just leave me alone."

Tim said, "We will, Jason, as soon as you suck our dicks. I've got a really big cock that needs some attention."

"Yeah, Jason," said Rudy. "Give us blow jobs and we'll keep quiet about you."

"Why should I? The whole world seems to know about me."

"Your daddy doesn't know," said Tim, sending a chill down my spine. If my dad finds out I'm gay, I'm dead.

"Who's first?" I asked.

"Suck me first," said Rudy. "Tim got his dick sucked by his new boyfriend yesterday." I found out later that Benny DeMarco sucked Tim's cock the day before.

"Watch it," said Tim, laughing. "If you don't lighten up I won't let Benny suck your dick." It was a little comforting to know I'm not the only one getting the treatment.

I sucked them off, one at a time, in a dingy stall of the Cherry Point men's room. One of them kept watch for the other as they took turns using my mouth. I was forced to suck their dicks kneeling in a puddle of urine. Of course there were no paper towels or toilet paper to wipe with afterwards, so I walked home with cum in my hair, smelling of piss, and crying my eyes out.

I wish I could tell you it's the end of the story. Who knows? I'm not getting my hopes up, though. Tim and Rudy have me by the balls and they know it. I'm supposed to be at their disposal 24/7. They told me that I am their personal cocksucker now.

To be continued?

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