Superior Connections

By g d

Published on Aug 7, 2009


This is my first story of this genre and context. Please tell me what you think by sending me your comments, views and general feedback to The general disclaimer applies; any connections to names are purely coincidental. This story is for an adult audience, so please do not read if you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal to do so in your county. This story is purely fictional, none of these events have actually happened.

Superior Connections

Chapter 3

Jacques leaned over the boi. His cotton t-shirt fell away from his lean frame and tickled Christian's belly, producing an involuntary shiver which shook the limp frame. Jacques kissed his lips, his cheek, down to the nape of his neck. One hand reached forward, pressure only hard enough to be sensed by the white hairs on the boi's chest. His hand moved with purpose, to its raised target; one small, nipple. He pinched and caressed it with his thumb and for finger as he continued to map this body. Jacques moved down to his belly, carefully avoiding the pulsating member. He extended his tongue and liked up his body, in small laps. His hands would change from one nipple to the other. Christian's nipples had found new peaks which begged to have the feeling of warm, wet tongue. Jacques licked these too, tasting the light salty taste of perspiration, produced in anticipation.

Christian wanted to know the feel of a mouth on his penis. He had seen it in videos when dial up had allowed it, but he had not dared peruse his sexuality in the close confines of village life. Now he was a crusader. He found life in his arm and set his hand on Jacques head. He pushed down. As if Jacques was connected to Christian's central nerves system, he instantly responded by throwing Christian's hand back down to the bed and holding it there. This was quickly joined by the other arm. Christian was acutely aware of how tight his chest had instantly become. His arms pinned back seemed to restrict his breathing. It felt awkward and uncomfortable. He suddenly realised that he was indeed under the control of this other man; unable to resist his whims, to weak to match the strength in those arms. Christian produced a gasp, in the hope that Jacques would release the pressure. He did, for a moment, as he pinned Christian's arms with his knees. A brief struggle caused Christian more discomfort so he just looked up at Jacques masculine frame above him. He crossed his arms and pulled his t-shirt over his head. Christian's cock jumped in time with his heart. Desire to reach up and run his fingers through the modest cluster of hair which ran between his pecks and down, surrounding his belly button like a lions mane. He was of curse prevented.

Jacques pulled at his own nipples. His were very sensitive. The sensations pushed heat into his cock. Jacques pulled at his belt. This too came away with grace. He undid his fly. Christian wanted to see it. He wanted to know what what there. Jacques wanted something else. He had not finished mapping his world. Currently Christian was his world. Jacques rocked back onto his hunches. Freeing Christian's now numb arms, but only for a moment. Jacques flipped christian over, pushing him to his front. Jacques pinned him down with his palm on Christian's smooth back. With his other hand he removed his jeans, kicking off his shoes while his jeans were on the decent. Jacques legs were either side of Christian's frame. His arms either side of the boi's body. He rocked back. Starting at the crease of his legs, he ran his tongue, over the boi's crack and slowly, never loosing contact, over his spine, to his neck. Christian moaned. He had never experience such relaxing yet personal sensations before. Jacques was not done yet. Again he rocked back, this time his tongue reached further into the boi's crack. Jacques looked up over Christian's body, watching it shake like sand blown across a dune. He smiled. He liked the power base he was building. Again, another lick, still avoiding his hole. His attention purely on Christian's arse, he pulled the globes of flesh apart to reveal Christian's most personal spot. Jacques licked around the circumference. Christian quivered more. He bucked his hips backwards. This was torture for him. The patience he had learned in the countryside had left him. Now he was extremely impatient. A few more licks, Jacques tongue moving in tighter and tighter circles like the charity boxes where the coin spins down and down to the hole below. He reared his head. One more look at the quivering boi and then he licked. Deep, across the hole. Christian made a very audible noise. Its meaning unclear out of context, but Jacques knew what this boi wanted. Today, he decided to give it to him. A few more licks, increasing in speed and then he stopped. He flipped Christian back around and put his weight squarely on the bois chest, constricting him, dominating him. The boi looked at Jacques, with lust and desire. A ridiculously comic smile had been deposited on his face. Jacques waited until Christian's attention was completely on the cock in his boxers. It was hard. He pulled down the waist band and revealed a big one. This scared Christian, for he was no size queen. His first thought on seeing it was that when it inevitably went in him, it was going to hurt.

Jacques tugged it once or twice. Moving the foreskin over the cock head. "Do you want it boi?" Jacques asked, speaking for the first time in some time. Christian could not make a sound. He was in another world. His nose has picked up the strong smell of sex. The male musk which he instinctively knew he loved. He opened his mouth. Wide. Like a roller coaster carriage about to make its first drop, Jacques slowly pivoted his cock down into this bois mouth. Jacques was aware that the boi lacked experience. He was not expecting to see heaven tonight. Christian's teeth touched him occasionally, his technique was absent. But the boi tried. Jacques just enjoyed the warm, wet hollow, as Christian struggled around the girth of it. When he felt that Christian has had the time in which to get used to it, he started moving. Humping his mouth a little at first. Showing Christina a tempo. He made sure not to move too deep. He did not want Christian's first time with him to be an uncomfortable one. One laced with bad memories.

Christian took the cock as best he could. If his friends could see him now... not that he would want them to, but here he was. He was 18. He was out there. He was here, in London, with a powerful man. The man seemed to know what he was doing and he was doing it! He was actually doing it. He felt some strange sense of pride within him.

He tried to take more cock. He had a little leverage in his neck. He wanted to make this man happy, he wanted to make him see that he was trying. He wanted to be with this man. Right now he seemed to have found an equilibrium, in this situation right now. He felt very content. Jacques pumped a little faster. The position was not comfortable, or easy, but it kept him tense and hard. He desired to fuck this boi's arse, but two things stopped him. He felt that this boi was special. He did not want this to be sex on tap. To fill his glass a few times before the water went stale. He wanted this to be more. He wanted to make this last, the anticipation was part of the pleasure. Secondly, he was aware of the boi's fears about getting fucked. He knew he would have to take his time, to almost coach the boi in taking his cock. He didn't have to be modest. He knew he was big. However, he was still going to enjoy this today.

He rocked faster. He enjoyed the sensations of the tongue and lips moved down his shaft and over the ridge of his cock head. He fucked the mouth, his back arched, his balls swinging freely. He pulled out, encouraged the boi to slick his balls whilst he masturbated his shaft. When he was on the verge he moved back. He came on the boi's chest.

Christian felt the man shake. He looked red in the face. Warm white cream was on his chest. He looked into the mans eyes. He nodded his approval. The man still straddling his chest was such a hot sight to be seen. He wanked furiously for a few seconds and then he came. And he came with force which he did not even feel he could do. Like rocket fuel. A lot came out of him, it hit the mans back, from his shoulder blades and then slowly decreasing down to his hips.

The man and the boi shared a smile. They shared a kiss.

"Go to the bathroom and get a towel boi." Jacques said. Christian was taken by the reference, but it excited him rose of the bed, his legs felt shaky and he brought Jacques a towel. He mopped up his cum on Jacques first before attending to his belly.

Christian was exhausted. Jacques could see that. The covers were lifted and they both moved under. Christian lay with his head on Jacques chest. Jacques stroked Christian's hair. Christian timed his breathing to match Jacques slow breaths. He couldn't remember doing so but he fell to sleep.

When Jacques was sure Christian was asleep, he got up and went into his study. He figured it was probably best that Christian did not know what he was up to. Not yet anyway. He just wanted to wait and see where things would go.

So here concludes chapter 3. I hope that you like the story so far. Thank you to those who have given me feed back. I am writing to my audience so if you have any ideas or compliments please send me an email. In Chapter 4 you can see what events unfold the morning after the night before. Best Wishes, The Author.

Next: Chapter 4

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