Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Apr 8, 2009


Hey everyone, this is it. This is the end of the story. I'm sorry to all of you who for some reason thought that Desmond was alive... But he's not. He's gone. Get over it. I hope you enjoy the wrap up to this story line. If yu've e-mailed me about the story, then you know that there will be more. But I've got to take a 4 month hiatus due to my job and GRADUATION. =0) But when I get back, there will be more Timothy and Ironside. Promise. ENJOY!!! (Make sure to read the IMPORTANT notice at the end of the story.)

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 -- Part 11 ~~

As promised to myself, I journeyed to Sudbury once more. To the place where Desmond had... Anyways. I Went back and the coroner had removed the body. Obviously. Why didn't I see this happening? Was I not some sort of white magik weapon? Arg... The whole idea was ridiculous. Anything that I wanted to feel towards the situation was nullified by my emotions anyways... I had lost Desmond. What better excuse was there than my unfaltering hatred towards Ironside as a weapon? My powers had grown exponentially, why not use them... Though admittedly, they were hard to control... I'd dived in too deep.

"Single room please." I stared at the Motel clerk, a woman of middle age. She was afraid of me. I could sense it, though her face did not show it. What the fuck was happening?

The room, number 17, was quiet. Just as I had demanded. Jedi mind tricks totally work as long as you believe in them. I collapsed on the bed and cried. Desmond... You're not dead. I don't believe it. Please let my love protect you, above anything else, I need you. Once Ironside is gone, I will meet you in whatever life there is after this one. I promise.

The double bed seemed empty. The motel really wanted to give me comfort by this large sleeping contraption? It made me miss him that much more. As I slept, I imagined his arms around me, caressing me... I dreamed of the first time we had sex, for the first time. How would I ever... Stop. Stop it. Get over him like you got over everyone else in you pitiful life. One by one, you believed that the guys you thought were hot, the evidence mounted on them being straight. Whether it was the latent "my girlfriend" or a negative glance that made me hate myself. You've all felt it.

But no. Though Desmond may be dead, there was someone else out there. After all, Desmond only loved me because his genes told him to. He was destined to find those people who could control white magik. It wasn't real. I had to remind myself of that... Constantly...

The next day I skipped breakfast on favour of learning all that I could about Daniel Leavens from the Sudbury archives and the internet. He had moved to Orillia following the death of his wife Rose. Perfect.

Three hours later and a fuck load of driving experience, I passed the Couchiching Inn and found where I needed to go. 30 years ago, the Leavens had owned a small cottage that was for sale by the local Remax. I was willing to bet that there was a little something that the real estate agent wasn't saying. Maybe about necromancers... Just a thought.

"And here you can see the lovely view of the lake! Just to the right is the Narrows, where Lake Simcoe is joined by the Trent-Sevren Waterway. It's really a lovely location and... Oh..." She saw me. The Realtor that was showing the cottage to a perspective buyer looked at me quizzically. "Oh hello! Are you looking at the property as well?"

I stared at her angrily. The couple picked up on this and showed themselves out. The Realtor looked at me smiling still.

"You know, this has a lovely view of the lake, and is within walking distance of Mara Provincial Park. So any extra visitors that you have can stay in their tents for a very reasonable price."

"I'm really not interested in your interpretation" I said while examining the walls for some sort of weakness that would give away a secret passage. "I'd like to look around on my own, for me and my wife... Who happens to be a lawyer. You'd best leave." I lied. But you know what? I was getting good at it...

"Of course. I'll just wait outside." She left the house as my eyes followed her. As soon as she crossed the threshold I pulled out the salt I had hidden in my sleeve and sprinkled it along the doorway. She ran at me and hit the invisible wall I had created. "You fucking little bitch! You know what Desmond screams for at night? Cause it's not you..."

I turned away and slammed the door in her face. She lied... And I doubted very much that Desmond was in hell with all the good he had done for the world. Well... I hoped... No, it was impossible. Don't even think it...

The demon pounded on the door incessantly. I prayed that she didn't make it through, I didn't know how to deal with demons... Desmond had neglected the exorcism lesson in Demonology class...

The house was empty and dilapidated. It was a wonder that anyone would even bother to come and look at the place, there were no redeeming qualities. I worked my way through the cottage examining every crack that I found in the walls, floors and every surface I came across. I let the magikal energy flow from me willingly, obliterating anything weak enough. This proved to be more than I originally speculated.

My orb of influence entered the pantry, shattering jars of preserves and blowing away small tokens of the past. But it also shattered a wooden door in the floorboards. There was no handle to the strange hatch, I needed to investigate. No matter what the cost.

The cellar was dark and cave-like. I passed by numerous tables with strange paraphernalia on them, seemingly demonic in nature. They could almost have been altars. Either way, none of them survived the permanent Pulsus that followed me. Each flip of a table brought a dreadful sound from everywhere and nowhere. I reached a large ring in the center of the room at the end of the long passage. It was covered in blood. At each theoretical corner of the circle, there was a loop that held a limp limb. The body did not bleed, but it emanated energy that rivaled my own.

"I see you've found us. I imagined you would." Ironside stepped out from the shadows. I threw a knife at his forehead and he caught it. "Nice try." Two more flew at his heart and leg. Both he caught without missing a beat. "Relax Tim... Why would I let anything bad happen to you?" Ironside walked to the shape hanging from the ring and pulled its head up into the light. It was Desmond.

I ran towards the lifeless body. "Shhh..." Ironside urged. "I don't mean you or him any harm, but there are those who would. My master for instance... Oh if he knew!" His scarf was lowered over his mouth. Its dark crimson blended in perfectly with the darkness of the cave.

"Let him go..." I warned.

"Tim... I cannot. He is not yet healed. Close, but not yet. If I were to release him, or leave, then he would surely die. I have a large sphere of influence over reality as you see it."

"Ya I know... I bet the demons help." We walked around each other, Desmond's lifeless body hanging in between.

"Ah, so you've discovered have you?"

I nodded. "What I don't get, is why you command the demons rather than the other way around... What are you?" I reiterated the first sincere question I ever asked him.

"I am human... But my spirit is bound to many other things," He stopped to caress Desmond's cheek. "But you needn't fear. I have control."

I rushed up to him by casting Pulsus on the floor below me. The knife I had in my belt buckle found its way into Ironside's heart.

He laughed "You think..." Weakness in his voice. "That you can kill me so easily? But why would you?" He grabbed my head and kissed me. I was brought back to a time when Desmond was not interested in me but Ironside fucked me and it felt too good to pass up another session. He pulled away, the knife was out of him, no blood. "I am perfect now Tim. You cannot harm me with the voices taking care of my body."

"What?!" I pulled away from his grasp. No blood. No sign that I even plunged the knife into his chest. "How..."

"A binding ritual my love."

"I am not your love..."

"They bound the demons' to my own soul. If I die, so do they. It's powerful magik... So powerful in fact, that it killed many of the Fellowship and sent its leader into a hastened age. If it weren't for the magik, then he would surely be dead." That's just what Winnie had said. It was magik keeping the eldest of them alive.

" Enough of this fucking monologue." I sent him flying against the wall with a Pulsus. "I don't care about anything but killing you right now frankly." While his body was held against the wall, I withdrew a piece of chalk from my pocket and drew a Hell Order on the floor. A Volo summoned him towards me as I walked away from him and sealed him inside.

"Tim, don't. Desmond needs me." He wasn't pleading. He was faking then. There would be blood...

"Stop! Stop please!!" Ironside pleaded as blood ran down his bare chest. If he had control of his body, then he could feel what happened to it. And I loved this fact.

"Stop!? Did you stop when you grabbed hold of Desmond?!" I carved off another piece of his skin. Retreating to the farthest region of the Hell Order, he coward, frightened to death of me and what I would do to him. "Did you stop once he was bleeding and dying?!" His screams satisfied me.

"Nothing... You can do... Is worse than what he has done to me..." He gasped as he held the bone of his forearm. It tried to heal itself, but it was to slow for my blade. Tears broke out. "And to think I loved you... This is what you would do to me..."

"And what did you do to me?" I gestured to Desmond. "Don't you dare suggest that you are in more pain!" I wanted to believe this, my heart was empty and my soul was hollow. Desmond had kept me going since the very beginning of this whole thing. I realized this now. He was... Everything.

"T...?" The body stirred.

"Desmond!" I was at his side at light speed. I kissed every bit of him I could. He tried to return the favour but he was unable. I went to release him from the torture ring.

"No... He cannot stand." Ironside said. I looked to him in disgust. "I am helping him, against the will of the demons. Trust me, please."

"I'm fine." Desmond muttered. "I'm fine..." I wanted to cry. Days without him had passed in a flash, but he was back and alive. Ironside's arm had nearly healed so I cut the other one.

"But I love you!!!" He screamed, tears running down his face. "Why else would I heal him for you. I can't stand to see you sad. All I want is for you to be happy! I realized that after what I did to him. If you cannot be happy with me, then so be it..."

I stopped and dropped my knife. Looking him in the eyes, I knew he was telling the truth. And yet I had still taken his skin for my own. I wasn't any better than the demons that possessed him. In a blind realization, I stared at him eyes wide. "I'm so sorry." It was me who kissed him this time.

"No..." He said and pulled away from me. "You do not belong to me." He was covered in a mixture of sweat and blood. It made me question what I had become through losing Desmond. I prayed that I would return to normal once this was over.

"Prayers can be answered by anything you know." A voice came from behind me. I turned to see a man standing just beyond Desmond in a black cloak that covered his face. "Do you wish me to answer your prayers?"

"No Timothy..."

"Carnifico." A decrepit hand pointed towards Ironside and he screamed in agony. "There is nothing that I cannot do. This slave is a token of that."

"You're... You made him?" I wanted to separate Desmond from between us. I tried to do so, but like Winnie... He could read my mind.

"I'll not harm you. Only him..." Ironside wretched on the ground behind me. "I'm the only one who can afterall." He smiled, his yellow teeth showing through the shadow of his robe.

"Tim... Help me!" Ironside begged.

"AGH!!!" Desmond arched his back in the circle, crying out in pain. Both the men I cared about on some level.

"You can only have one Timothy. The other belongs to me and the darkness..." The man in the black cloak smirked. He was hurting both of them, a thought that I could not bare. But if I could only save one, then who... My eyes began to water as the pressure mounted on me. My mouth watered for both of them, but my heart yearned for only one. I begged for some way to save them both, like in the movies... But nothing came to me.

I spat on the ground behind me. "You make me decide who I can love... Who I would rather have. But you are not a god."

"Close enough!" he shouted, the sound echoing off the cave walls. He took a step closer and the two men called out for help again. "I only really wish for you to choose one so that the remaining lad will know utter sorrow before he dies. Then I will kill the three of you. So tell me. Who dies knowing that you hate them?"

I stared into his empty, soulless eyes. Whatever remained of the man that was within was so small it was nearly impossible to see. I almost felt sorry for him. My hands went to my face. "I can't choose."

"Then watch as they both die!" He grinned in pleasure. "As soon as there is dark..." The cave was cast into a dim version of its former self. "No light can exist."

His yellow teeth and now glowing eyes showed through the darkness. "But as long as there is a glimmer of hope... Anything is possible." He cocked his head to the side. "Pulsus! Volo!" The wad of spit dragged itself along the floor away from me, piercing the chalked Hell Order. At the same time, Desmond's body flew towards me, having broken out of the shackles that bound him to the ring of torture. It didn't take long for Ironside to realize that he was free and that his master was overwhelmed by white Magik. Jumping from the floor to the ceiling, then back onto the floor, Ironside tackled the evil figure. As the light in the room grew, I almost wished that it hadn't, the blood, guts and cries of pain echoed off the walls. I dragged Desmond out of the cave and the house and rested him on the grass.

"T..." He said through his pain. "I'm sorry for..."

"Shut up." I commanded and leaned in for a kiss.

"T..." He stopped me. He better have a good reason. "I love you so much."

"Good enough I guess." I said sarcastically. We locked lips again. I needed him... Now. But that was unrealistic... He was injured and as hard as we both were, it was a misallocation of blood for him. I kissed him lightly on the lips and as I withdrew he jerked his head up for more. But instead, I kneeled between his open legs in a quarter mount. "You need your strength for other things." I smiled at him.

"K..." He understood but was visibly upset at our lack of passion.

"You'll be fine... Ironside..."

"Ironside?" He looked at me with fear. "What did he do?"

"He hurt you, but he brought you back to me." I smiled and got off of him, helping him stand. He wobbled so I used an arm to stabilize him. "You're gonna be fine."

"But now we owe a favour to a demon... A BUNCH of demons..."

"I hadn't thought of that..." He stole a kiss while I was distracted by the thought. "No fair..."

"All's fair in love and war." He smiled at me. He was so sexy right now... Fuck my life.

"I know." I helped him to the car and opening to door for him, I sat him in the passenger seat. "Trust me, I know."

"Timothy." I turned around to see Ironside emerging from the cottage. He was coated in a thick layer of blood. As he moved towards me, I felt uneasy. I didn't want to have to unleash my new found powers on him. "Thank you..." What? "You saved me from an eternity of servitude by that thing down there..."

"Who was he?" I already knew the answer. Ironside confirmed it.

"Leavens. Daniel Leavens." He closed his eyes and bowed his head as if honouring him. "But now I need your help."

"Anything." I said overtop of Desmond's protest.

He looked at Desmond with hate. "I saved you. Now I need the two of you to help me."

I dreaded to know how to do this. "How...?" I ventured.

"The Fellowship of Dark Magicians has determined every aspect of my life thus far. But now that the master of them all is gone, I can be free. All you need to do is find a way to unbind the demons from me."

"ALL we have to do?" Desmond scowled from the car.

"Then you'll be alright? Safe? Free?" I inquired.

"I pray." Ironside looked to the ground. "I will look for a cure myself now that my master is dead and can no longer control what I do." He looked at me with sad eyes. "But if I were to do it myself, the demons would rebel against me. In a coup they would surely destroy me. But if I can rid myself of them, then I stand a chance. My body is not broken enough to die once they leave me. But at the same time, the black Magick that bound them to my soul desires an equally powerful spell. Only you have the adequate white magik to destroy them."

"What do you mean...?"

"You think that your power just jumped because you learned something new? No... It's because Winifred's power was transferred to you, only you aren't versed enough to control it. You hold the 5 sacrifices required for the ultimate weapon of the Light... I do not know if it is enough to defeat the weapon of Darkness, but I pray it is." He folded his arms. "And I pray that it does not destroy me in the process."

"No, I can't do that to you."

"T... Do it." Desmond urged from the background, the little angel on my shoulder urging me to do the `right' thing.

"No! What if something goes wrong? I don't know what I'm doing!" I looked from Ironside to Desmond. "I can't lose you." I realize that that was a little ambiguous, but to think of life now without either of them was difficult. Near impossible.

"You do what you need to do Timothy." Ironside said to me patiently. "We shall meet at your former home in three days. We shall find an answer by then. I know it." He took his scarf off. His face was beautiful and cold. "I was saving this..." He fingered his scarf until there was a small white patch that rested on his index and middle fingers. He wiped the blood off his face and neck until the white patch was covered in crimson blood, making the scarf one solid colour. "I am finished." He said wrapping the scarf around his neck once again. "See you in three days." And he was gone, the demonic speed summoned him away.

I got into the driver's seat of the car. "You can't drive." Desmond said weakly to me.

"I've done a lot since you died." I gave him a side-long glance.

"Not yourself I hope..." He smirked.

"Oh no. I haven't... Since we..." I started the car and drove off without another word. I fucking loved him.

"Where are we going?" Desmond asked meekly.

"I don't know. But you need to rest. So that's what we're doing." I pulled into a motel and rented a room. Before I let Desmond inside, I demon-proofed the room. No telling what Ironside would be trying. Ya, I didn't trust him now that I knew he was a demon...s...

"Done?" Desmond asked as I moved him into the room.

"I'd expect you would do the same for me."

"I have." I placed him on the bed. I ran my hand down his chest, between his big pecks. I could feel the hair that was underneath his thin shirt. My hand stopped at his belt. It was an impenetrable barrier that would most likely lead to us having sex. As much as I wanted to, he couldn't spend the energy, he needed it all for getting better.

I smiled at him. "Well, I've gotta go and figure out a way to help Ironside. I'll be back soon." I kissed him on the lips. "Get some sleep. You're safe." He wouldn't listen to me, but I left anyways. The library would be the easiest way to access restricted journals on `fake magic' rituals and the internet in general. "I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you too." He smiled as I left. Unreal. This couldn't possibly happen to me. I was far too lame to get a guy as great as Desmond. But somehow, he existed for me. I guess there's the perfect someone for everyone. Pink and Christina help.

On I drove. The local library allowed me to access all that I needed to. But no matter how many sites I surfed explaining exorcism, I couldn't find anything that would work on Ironside. There had to be something. I felt like a failure. After a few hours and ten dollars later for internet access, I gave up. There was nothing that could save him on the net. The net had everything... But alright. I accept.

The books in the library didn't hold anything on demonic possession. Obviously, it was a small library. Fuck Orillia. Despite the failure at the library, I returned to the hotel to find Desmond up and walking around, if slowly and hunched over.


"Hey." He smiled at me.

"How are you?" This was an awkward conversation that didn't need to be. "I mean..."

"I'm alright." He said and sat down on the messed up bed. He had been in a restless sleep. "Nothing I can't handle."

"Stop being so tough. I know you're tough, you've got nothing to prove. Lay down." I ushered him to the bed.

"Only if you lay down with me."

I sucked in my feelings and laid down beside him. His arm wrapped around me. I felt so safe and peaceful. I closed my eyes and absorbed the warmth from him. I wanted him so badly.

Never the less, I fell asleep with him. The morning light woke me early. It was extra bright since I didn't draw the blinds. It was fine, I needed the time to research anyways. But Desmond didn't let me leave.

"Where you goin?" he asked half asleep.

"I'm going to find out about Ironside and how to save him." I couldn't lie to him, it was a problem.

"He'll be fine." He pulled me closer to his naked body... How did he get naked? His cock pushed against the cheeks of my ass. It wanted in so bad. I wanted it, but I couldn't. There was a job to be done. "Stay with me." Desmond pleaded.

"I will. Just give me a few hours to find out what's going on."

"Nah, you don't need to." He fell asleep. Damn people who need to heal! He was so tired, but I wasn't. If I left, then he would worry about where I was if he woke up. Maybe if I turned on the shower... Nah, he'd climb in with me. Fuck! I needed a better plan.


"Mh?" He was half asleep. That's fine, if he was asleep, then he couldn't object to anything that I proposed. I was right. I fled to the library for the second day. The internet gave me nothing again, despite searching for everything having to do with white Magik. The world just didn't know about it... Sad really...

How the fuck was I going to make it up to Kapsukasing to the Fellowship of Dark Magicians house and back in a day? If there even was anything that could counter their magic there, I didn't find it when I was there before.

In frustration I began looking through the books on demonic and Christian myth. I found nothing on how to exercise demons. Such a failure does not even deserve mention. I had failed Ironside, he who had saved Desmond and who had cared for me so deeply. This was crazy. I had to find something.

"Excuse me sir. The library has been closed for half an hour." The elderly woman smiled at me in a non-threatening way. "I'm sorry, but you need to leave while we restock the shelves for tomorrow." Well shit.

"Ok." I smiled at her in return. In actuality I wanted to kick her book-loving ass. I was busy... Even though I wasn't finding anything...

I returned to the motel with a sense of failure about me.

"Aw T... It's alright" Desmond was feeling better, he could walk without much difficulty and his pain was virtually gone. "You may not be able to save him. You need to understand and tell him. We've got to head on down to Toronto to meet up with him. You need to tell him that there is nothing we can do."

"But, I don't want that to be an option for him. It's not fair. He didn't choose his destiny, he didn't choose what he is!"

"Does anyone?" That's right. He didn't know about his attraction to white Magik sensitive people. He'd know all about destiny if I told him that... But I couldn't. It would tie him to Ironside, through me, in a way that he wouldn't want. I had to keep it quiet. For now.

"I guess not..." I mumbled, protecting the information that I had. "Are you ok to drive? I'm so done with that shit." He smiled at me.

"Ya... Totally." We checked out of the room and climbed into the car. "Oh baby I missed you." He talked to the car. "I'll never leave you again, I promise." He stroked the dashboard. Rejected.

"Let's get a move on then T." His hand rested on my thigh. I missed this slight yet endearing gesture. A wink solidified his feelings towards me. Oh god I wanted him...

I yawned as we pulled into the parking lot of the Royal York. Hang on what?? This was like the most expensive place in Toronto... Right by Union Station and the water front... But I guess that if you're committing credit card fraud, then it didn't matter how much the place cost hmh?

A valet opened my door for me. "Good evening sir." He tipped his hat.

"Hi... Diz..."

"It's find sir, we've just gotten back from a camping trip. Sorry if we seem... Lower class." He smiled.

"It's not my job to judge sir." Desmond slipped a bill into the valet's pocket. "But I think you're great anyways. If there's anything that I can do for you to make your stay more enjoyable, please let me know."

"We're fine." I grabbed Desmond's arm. Really? What was it with people in the hospitality business? "You're far too attractive to be out in public." I said to him as we walked through the front doors.

"Can I help you?" the desk clerk looked at us in an unimpressed way.

"Yes, I need a room please my good sir, one bed should be fine. We've just come back from a camping trip and really need to be pampered." He slipped the man a bill. "I trust that you can take care of that."

"Of course sir." The bill made its way into the clerk's pocket. "I'll put you in room 511." He clicked away at his computer. "Is there anything else I can do for you?" he asked passing us a key.

"Yes, please send a bottle of champagne to the room in half an hour along with a menu of available room services. I trust there will be no problems." Desmond was priceless. It took a lot to stop me from laughing, but I would have blown the whole thing.

"Not a problem sir. Enjoy your stay."

"Thank you." Desmond took my hand and led me to the elevator. He seemed anxious, tapping his foot and looking all around until the elevator dinged and we got on. The doors closed and he immediately pushed be against the wall and moved my hands above my head. He kissed me so violently. So forcefully. I almost stopped him since I was hurting a little, but I let him take me in the end. I instantly sprung a hardon. I tried to move my arms but he would have none of it. My wrists were slammed against the wall to show his power and dominance over the situation.

Third floor the elevator stopped and Desmond retreated to the other side of the elevator and put his hands in his pockets. An elderly couple came in. I was breathing heavily and they looked at me funny. I tried to cover my hardon but I wasn't sure if it worked since the strange look they gave me didn't go away.

On the next floor, they got off. Before the doors closed, Desmond was on me again. This time he put a hand down the back of my pants and ran his finger along my hole. His mouth assaulted my neck.

"Is this what this is about? You fucking me in a fancy locale?" I pushed my butt against the elevator wall, trapping his hand in my nether regions.

"You have no idea what I have planned." He taunted as his tongue flexed and ran its way up my jugular. It felt amazing and so erotic.

"Oh fuck!" I shouted as a finger pushed into me. It hurt more than anything, but I gathered the general jist of his intentions. Unfortunately, I lost control of myself and a wave of Pulsus energy bent the walls of the elevator. Desmond hit the far wall with a grunt.

"You're gonna have to control that if I want to get close to you." The elevator dinged and a family of four stared at the crippled elevator in awe. "It was like this when we got in too. Unacceptable if you ask me.

The family stood aside as we exited. Down the hall was room 511. Is this where it would happen? Desmond unlocked the door and picked me up. "Gotta cross the threshold in style bud." He smiled and I kissed him. His leg kicked the door closed and all light was cut off. He turned the lights on with my feet. Winnie sat on the bed.

"Hello boys."

"NO!" I shouted as she stood and we were flung around the room, knocking off of every wall before landing on the floor.

Her white dress fell perfectly on her body. She looked younger than ever if that was possible. As a bit of blood etched down my face, I tried to attack her, but she would have none of it.

"Actually darling, those are mine." I felt the air escape my lungs. But there was more that left me, I felt so much weaker and powerless. "Much better." She cooed. "Back to normalcy... Despite your attempts to kill me Timothy."

"Winnie! I swear..."

"Silence Desmond." His mouth shut and his teeth clanged together. "No one needs to know what your pitiful mind can come up with." She reached to the night table and collected the damaged bowl she had come at me with before. "I have things to do anways. Timothy... You have something that we all need." She looked intot he empty bowl. "I know you think of me as evil, but you need to know that I am doing this for the betterment of mankind. I would gladly give my life for this, but I fear that you would be unable to control the power this spell would bestow upon you." She drew the knife from my belt loop. "So it must be me. I am the only one who can control it, and the only one who would be able to who exists anymore."

"Winnie, you don't have to do this. There has to be another way." I pleaded.

"Oh come now. Desmond had not picked up on anyone else. You're the only magik user left for possibly hundreds of years! And even I cannot live that long." Desmond looked at me with wide, surprised eyes. His mouth was still sealed. "He found you and it's you that I have to contend with." She looked to Desmond. "I'm sorry Dizzy but it's true. Everything you felt for Lucas and Timothy here was because you were meant to sense out white Magik users." Her gazed returned to me. "And now, the fifth and final sacrifice will be made for our cause. I'm sorry Timothy, but I did like you, but I think you understand, so your sacrifice will be accepted."

Her hand drew up high above her head. This was my end. Looking at it was torture, just get it over with. The story ends here... Or does it?

The dagger fell yet stopped at my heart and redirected itself. It missed me, but the force Winnie had put into it continued into her own leg. She screamed at released the dagger, the bowl fell to the floor. The handle was distinctly clear with a little something in the handle, but it was too far away for me to see what exactly it was. Richard's knife. It couldn't hurt me.

"AHHH! I will not permit your trickery! You must die!" She pulled the knife from her leg and let it fall to the ground. She picked up the lamp from the bedside table and pulled the shade off. Raising it high above her head, she brought it down on my head. The bulb shattered, bits sticking into me. The blood ran down my face instantly. Desmond moaned something, but he was still unable to speak or move.

"I'm sorry." She said as the lamp came towards my head for the last time. It was then that the window shattered, a saving grace.

Winifred screamed as a long katana pierced through her body just below her ribs. Withdrawing the sword and in a grand flourish, Ironside allowed her body to fall. I looked to him with sympathetic eyes. He had saved my life more than once now. And I think I loved him for it.

"Ah!" Desmond was released from Winnie's grasp as her blood panned out along the floor. "T!" He ran to me kissing me as he reached me. I didn't reciprocate to spare Ironside's feelings.

"You are free now..." Ironside said. Desmond turned to him defensively. "I'll not bother you again if you have not found a way to free me."

"Ironside... I'm so sorry. I looked. I looked everywhere I could. But I found nothing." His gaze went to the ground where Winnie's blood continued to spread out along the ground.

"I understand." He said as Winnie's blood touched the bowl.

A brilliant flash of light followed. I took in a deep breath as I seemed to lift from the ground. Looking at the room from a heightened and white-tinted perception, Ironside's aura seemed to darken the space around him. Peeking out form his shoulders were seven black forms. I cocked my head and they shook. They screamed profanities at me and proclaimed my worthlessness to the world. I blinked and they were obliterated, disappearing in a flare of blackened dust.

"Ahh..." I moaned and fell to the floor. I saw what seemed to be unseen to the other two in the room. A blast of white light flew out the broken window, ruffling the curtains. It arched upwards and was gone once it hit the clouds.

"Common, help me." Desmond said to Ironside. The pair lifted me onto the bed. I felt so empty compared to when I saw the world through a white haze. Smells, colours and feelings were less than they had been. I could feel Desmond and Ironside in the room. I could feel the life leaving Winnie while the haze existed. But now... I was normal.

"Timothy, are you alright?" Ironside asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch him." Desmond knocked his had away from me. Ironside glared in defiance at Desmond. "Common!" Ironside jerked his head upwards. What would normally have sent Desmond flying to the far wall did nothing. A surprised expression was met with a punch from Desmond. As Ironside recoiled, a surprised look flooded his face.


"T! Are you alright."

"I hope so..." I muttered. Managing to sit up, I looked to Ironside. "How are you?"

"I... I felt that. I feel hurt, angered, shocked... I... Feel..." He laughed hysterically and jumped around the room. "I can feel! I'm FREE!!!" He screamed. He bounced off the walls with joy. "I can't hear anything in my head. Only my own thoughts..." He took my hands in his. "You have given me more than I could possibly imagine. Thank you... Thank you..."

"You're welcome." I smiled at him. As free as he felt, I felt empty. All that power was gone. Winnie was right, I couldn't handle it if I had it. But I was alive. "Anytime... It was nothing."

He kissed me. "Don't be modest." Desmond pushed him away. The weakened man slunk to the floor. He laughed. "I love it! I love to feel!!" He rose. "I've got to go... I've got to... I've got to live..." Even though his demonic speed was gone, Ironside fled the room in a blur of colours.

Alone with Desmond, I smiled at him. "Alone at last."

"Well..." He looked to Winnie's body. Smiling at me, he picked up the phone and dialed the front desk. "What the fuck!? Oh my god... Some bitch just crashed through the window!! What the hell is going on... 511! We were just down there! ... Well the glass got us a little, but we're fine ya... You'd better! This is fucked up shit! ... Fine." He smiled at me in that stupid way that he does. "Our card has been upgraded." He flashed his access card at me. "To the penthouse!" He said in a childish and sarcastic way. "All expenses paid..."

He picked me up and I opened the door. But the he stopped and turned to Winnie's body. He spat on it and left the room, not looking back.

A swipe of the card in the elevator and we rose to the very top of the hotel. The lights were on for us and a beautiful view of the skyline astounded me. Awestruck, I wandered into the room. It was beautiful. The phone rang and Desmond picked it up.

"Hello? ... Ok. ... Questioning in an hour?" He looked at me and mindlessly licked his lips. "Can you make it two? ... I trust that you can given what we've been through. ... I thought so. And how do you prevent access to this suite? The one on the wall by the door? Perfect." He hung up and flipped an enlarged light switch by the door. "Well we've got two hours, what do you think we should do?" His eyes ran over me and his hand grabbed at his crotch.

"I don't know." I said. I wandered to the bedroom door. "If you think of anything, let me know though."

Desmond joined me in the bedroom shortly after. As he walked through the door he pulled his shirt off over his head. His body stretched, his pecks and abs distorted to look even sexier than they were. He stood at the foot of the bed in his jeans. The dim light fell on the exentuated parts of his perfect body, making it almost Spartan. Staring at his prize, willing to be taken on the bed must had taken some time to sink in, to realize that this was going to happen. That this is what he wanted more than to live another day.

"Oh hi." I said childishly. I propped myself up on the bed with my elbows. "Need something?"

"Oh ya." He said and dropped his pants. His big cock swung between his legs as he straightened back up. "There's something..." He crawled onto the bed on all fours, the silhouette of his penis swung like a pendulum. He walked up until he was above me, kissing my face. He smelled like booze.

"Needed to get drunk to fuck me?" I asked half joking.

"Figured that I needed a little whiskey dick to last with you." I laughed. "What? You're that hot." He kissed me more as I laughed. His rough beard scratched against my face as he laid sloppy kisses on me. All the while, he undid my pants with remarkable speed. Once they were off, a hand grasped my exposed dick and massaged it slowly.

"Wait..." I said and he stopped. "I don't know if we should do this."

"T." He stared into my soul. "I will fucking rape you."

"You can't rape the willing." I said as I pushed him onto his back, putting myself over him. A finger poked into my mouth. I sucked it like I would a dick, playing with it, tantalizing it. It soon left my mouth and poked into my ass. "Ah..." I let him inside, relaxing, trying to gain control of my body as practice for the main event. His finger entered and retracted as I clenched my muscles, drawing him in the forcing him out. All the while, he kissed me. The neck, cheeks, mouth, everywhere he felt it necessary.

"I'm sorry T, I've gotta have you now." He rolled me over so he was missionary ready. "Fuck foreplay." His hand drifted down my chest and my stiff cock up, angling my eager hole towards him. "Oh ya..." He disappeared briefly and returned, tearing something apart with his teeth. I felt a cool substance on my ass. "Lube."

"You thought of everything huh?" I smiled. "But what about a condom?" He looked at me blankly. "I don't know where you've been." The blank stare continued.

"Well... I could go get one. I'm sure there's some in the bathroom downstairs or the Shopper's or something."

"Diz... It's fine. You're the only one I plan on fucking for a long time." The answer seemed to satisfy him as his head pushed against me until my hole opened for it. "Oh god..." I gasped.

"Tell me if it hurts." He eased it inside.

"Ah... Fuck it hurt since you put it in." He started to withdraw. "Don't you fucking dare." He stopped and began to push back towards me, the lube forcing my ass to accommodate him. "Ugh, you're so big... Is it in yet?"

"Not even close." He smiled at me though the darkness. Leaning down to kiss me, he pushed in more until I grunted. He began to withdraw and I literally screamed in pleasure. Good thing we had the floor to ourselves, or there would be complaints. He advanced again, this time, his balls stuck to me. They were almost as sweaty as I was. The heat between us was intense.

"Oh ya... Common Diz. Common..." My head hit the wall as he thrusted into me. "Ow fuck!" His pelvis bounced against my out stretched thighs. "Oh fuck..." I closed my eyes and squeezed down on his cock. With the full 8 inches inside of me, this was hard to do. He bucked slowly at first. But as my grunts turned to moans of pleasure, he started to fuck me faster.

"That good?" He whispered into my ear before rubbing his tongue all over it.

My gasping moans stopped me from answering more than an "uh-huh" to him. There was a slick sound as his cock slid into my deepest regions. Each time he thrusted in, our bodies made a slapping sound.

"Fuck you." I said flipping him onto his back. He tried fucking upwards into me, but I moved him to get control. I opened my ass to him until I was sitting on his balls. Mouth a gape, I flexed and pulled up slowly. He let out a primal grunt. "Ah your cock feels so good." I said as I pulled up, gripping him with my muscles. He squinted his already closed eyes and clenched his teeth each time I pulled up. Getting more confidence, I started moving faster, more work, but totally worth it.

"Oh god you're so fucking tight. Ah fuck it feels so good." His hands gripped my hips and helped to pump me up and down on him. The chuckle I let out worked its was to a scream when he hit a sweet spot. It was funny to hear him say shit like that.

"Ya! Right there..." He hit it once more and I went wild. "Oh fuck!!!" He changed positions again, flipping me to my side and bucking into me with a ludicrous pace. Each thrust inside rubbed against that glorious spot. I clenched against him naturally. He lifted my leg into the air and fucked me harder. "Holy shit!" I screamed as I started cumming. He slowed to a more neutral pace as I unloaded on the sheet we fucked on. "Oh holy shit..."

"I'm not done." He said into my ear as he licked the lobe. "So neither are you." He was commanding in bed. I liked it. Just a little bit of no choice mixed with mind blowing skill, my ass told me to be in a state of bliss.

I lost every ability to do anything. That orgasm spent me and Desmond felt it. He switched us to doggie style and stuck fingers in my mouth for me to suck on as his balls slapped against mine in his savage fucking. His other hand caressed my lower back and butt. He groaned incessantly, unrelenting in his fucking me. He hammered into me, lagging for a little before plowing into me again. I thought he was about to cum, but he never did. He flipped me to my back, his cock spinning inside of me. "Oh fuck I'm gonna cum again." I moaned as his dick arched upwards. He withdrew from me and took my cock in his mouth. His right hand fucked me with two fingers faster than anything else I'd experienced. I exploded inside his mouth, more than the first time and spurred on by his fingers. I slur of words left my mouth, whether they made sense or just begged him to fuck me more, I'll never know. He drank down each load I shot at him. His swallowing felt strange against my dick. Once I was done and tried to slow down and enjoy his fingers wiggling around inside me, he took them out and slammed his cock back into me.

He put my legs on his shoulders and bucked uncontrollably into my ass. I clenched with everything that I had. He moaned loudly as his thrusts slowed but gained in intensity. His cum erupted inside of me, filling the deepest regions of my bowels. He fucked me through the whole thing, cumming deep inside of me. A little left my gaping hole but he wiped it up and pushed it back into me with a long finger.

I tackled him so I was on top. The same finger that had pushed it in before did it again, working double time to stop his cum from escaping me. He slammed his fingers into me, forcing the cum back into me. I came for one last time all over Desmond. He smiled and twisted his two fingers that reside within me and pulled them out. I felt a small drip ooze out of my ass and down the underside of my balls. It was so hot.

"Wow..." Desmond pulled me to him, squishing my cum between us, "That was better than I thought it would be..."

"That right?" I asked. "I could also way make you cum again." He flipped me onto my side and shoved his dick back into me. Fucking me slowly through the squishy sound of his own massive load, "Cause I'd love to." He said. I was spent, but I still loved the feeling on his cock inside me. So I said nothing and he fucked me slowly for awhile. He didn't cum, he did it for the sheer enjoyment of it. For both of us. Each time the head of his cock slid out, I moaned in a seductive bliss.

Once he stopped swiveling his pelvis into me, we fell into a deep sleep. We had no energy left so we fell asleep quickly. In my dreams, I could only feel his dick becoming flaccid then stiffening up again inside me. Though this was happening in reality too, I almost wet dreamed about it. By almost, I mean that I had all the feelings of an orgasm without any of the milky result. My dick only produced a small amount of pre-cum. That was fine, so long as he was with me.

Unfortunately, morning had to come. There was no champagne that night. Hospitality knocked and buzzed in, but they got no answer. I wonder why?

I clenched as I pulled away from Desmond, his cock sliding out in a smooth but sticky way. Lots of lube. He thought of everything. I kissed his sleeping face and worked my way down his chest. He never woke up. I decided to make some coffee for him. As I opened the coffee packet, he appeared at the kitchen counter.

"Coffee?" He asked, naked as the day he was born.

I grabbed his limp dick and kissed him. "Morning." I massaged it until it was at least a raging semi. "So about last night..." I felt as though we should bring it up.

"It needs to happen ever night." He smiled at me.

"Well... We'll talk about that." I continued to massage his dick. "I don't know if I could handle it every night."

He forcefully bent me over the counted so my face stared into the sink. "Deal with it." He said as he pushed his cock into me again.

So that's it. That's my story. I wish that I didn't know the truth about the world, but I also know that I wouldn't have met Desmond. I tried many times in the following days to cast Pulsus or Volo, but it never worked. Say the word `Floccinaucinihilipilification' out loud and you'll get the same result. Sorta weird and you know it means something, but nothing happens. Desmond expressed interest in his `ability' to fall in love with White Mages, but nothing ever came of it either. I don't know what's around the corner for us, but we're doing it together. I know that sounds sappy, emotional, romantic and weak. But you know what? Fuck you. *~* IMPORTANT *~* Want to know exactly when I'll be posting another "episode" to the story? Drop me a line at and I'll send you an e-mail when I start up again. Promise. Thanks to everyone for their continued support, especially Fin, Darryl and Corey. If you have any questions about the story, also feel free to drop me a line. "Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others. Believe in yourself."

Next: Chapter 12: Supernatural 101 II 1

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