
By moc.loa@0821eoDnowKxeR

Published on Nov 21, 2006


Alright so this is definitely fiction and what not. I do not own Supernatural, CW does. I do not know any of the actors from the show, so this is all made up. I don't have a lot of experience with writing these stories, so please send me some feedback at and help me learn. Enjoy! ===================================================

The little diner, which was kind of nice, was extremely busy today. I'd been running around everywhere, serving nasty old men and nasty younger men. But i enjoy the job, gets me some spending money. Today though, i noticed two younger guys sitting by the window. One blonde and one brunette. I walked over to them.

"Hello...what'll it be today?" i asked politely, smiling at them.

"Uh...nothing, thank you." the brunette said.

"Actually, if i could get some milk and eggs...that'd be great." the blonde spoke, smiling at me.

"Alright, and how do you want your eggs?" i asked.

"Sunny side up." he said.

"Ok, it'll be about 15 minutes." i said, smiled at them and walked away.

When i got to the counter, someone else's order was done, so i picked up the plates and walked them over to the table next to the two guys. I put they're plates down, rolled my eyes at their perverted conversation and asked if they wanted anything else. While they sat there thinking, i overheard some of the two guys conversation. The brunette called the blonde one Dean. And Dean called the brunette Sam.

"Dean...that thing killed Jessica and we're so close to finding it...we can't leave now." Sam said.

"Sam, if we don't it'll be dangerous." Dean argued.

"Dude, look at what we do...everything is dangerous." Sam said back.

"Sam...god dammit, alright...we'll stay for a couple more days." Dean said.

"All we have to do is look for reports of women stuck to ceilings exploding into flames." Sam whispered sarcastically to Dean.


"Mom? Mooooom? Where are you??" i shouted, walking up the stairs.

"Why the hell isn't she answering me?" i asked myself.

Then i saw the light was on in her bedroom, and walked over to it. I gently pushed the door open...and noticed she wasn't there either.

"Mom...what the hell?" i asked.

Then i felt something drip onto my head. Looking down at it, i saw that it was blood.

"What the fuck?" i asked, looking up.

I found my mom. She was stuck to the ceiling somehow, staring down at me with the most horrified face i've ever seen. I didn't understand. I was 14 and my mom was stuck to the ceiling by some unseen force. Then she burst into flames. Everything around me was engulfed.


"Caseeeyyyy! Casey!" one of the workers at the counter yelled.

"Oh jesus, i'm sorry Kate." i said, rushing over.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yea...who's order?" i asked her.

"I was gonna tell you that you can go home." she said smiling at me.

"O alright...are you sure?" i asked, untying my apron.

"Of course...collect your tips and get your little but outta here." she said, fake swatting at me with a rag.


It's a nice day outside. Warm, kinda cozy, even the downtown area seemed almost welcoming. And it never seems welcoming.

"O sorry sir." i said, looking back at the man i bumped into.

His eyes flared up. Literally flared up. Like i saw a quick flame in his eye, and then they turned yellow. He'd been tracking me for a month now, and i didn't even know who he was! Last time he caught me and i ended up with a scar on my right asscheek. I turned back the way i came and ran.

I ended up running into Dean and Sam on their way out and knocking over Sam. Dean's face was the last thing i saw before i was out. Greeeat!


My eyes fluttered open and i saw an off white ceiling. Then the ceiling fan came into view, then the walls around me, and then i felt the bed sheets beneath my bare back, and then everything else came back. did the pain in my head, and body.

"Casey?" i heard Sam ask.

"Where am i?" i asked him.

"You're in mine and Dean's motel room." he said, smiling at me.

"What?" i said, looking at him with a weird look.

"Oh...jeez no...not like that." he stammered, "We just took you here till came back."

"I figured...thank you." i said, giving him a weak smile.

"What was after you?" Dean asked, leaning on the wall.

"What? Nothing was after --" i started saying.

"We saw the man...or whatever he was." Sam said, interrupting me.

"Uh...i don't know his name exactly." i said, resting my head, "But i do know that he belongs to something called the Order of Samael."

"What?" Dean asked, looking at Sam.

"Yea, i actually did some's a group of middle-aged men devoted to bringing the demon Samael turn they gain shared rein with him." i said, sighing.

"How do you know this?" Sam asked.

"I told you...i did research, my dad used to be a demonologist or whatever." i said, propping myself on my elbows.

"Sam...pack your stuff, Casey where do you live?" Dean asked.

"What?" I asked, not understanding what was going on.

"Just tell me where you live, we need to get you away from here." Dean said urgently, packing his stuff into a backpack.

I told him my address, got up, put on my shirt, and before i knew it we were in front of my house. I hadn't seen my dad in a week. He had periods where he'd leave the house and wouldn't come back for weeks at a time. Then he'd come back and treat me like shit. He used to hit me, until one day i punched him in the face and he stopped after that.

"You can stay out here...i'll be back in just like 10 minutes." i said, opening the door.

He opened his door and got out too.

"I'm not letting you go in alone." Dean said, grabbing my arm.

"Fine...but don't be surprised if you see something...bad." i said, walking up the steps.

We walked into the house and heard moans. Surprise surprise, my dad was fucking a whore. The house was a mess, there was no food. There was a bottle of Jack Daniels leaking steadily onto the couch. And my dad was in the bedroom...with the whore.

"Is it always like this?" Dean asked.

"When he's home." i said, chuckling.

" little fag...go get me my Jack Daniels." my dad yelled at me from the bedroom.

"It's on the couch...get it yourself." i said back, walking into my room.

I walked up to my closet and grabbed a duffel bag. Dean started helping me stuff clothes and underwear and other things into it. We zipped it up and walked out of my room towards the front door.

"Where's my Jack Daniels?" my dad said.

"Get it yourself." i yelled.

"Who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that...and who's that fag with you?" he yelled, now standing at the doorway.

I just kept walking, hoping it was that "ignore them and they give up" kind of deal. wasn't. He punched me in the back of the head. I fell face first onto the floor. Dean turned around and knocked my dad out, then came and helped me up and ran out of the house with me.


We were on the highway, me nursing the back of my head with an ice pack. I didn't even know where we were headed. I just knew it was away from home and i was happy. Dean was in the back with me, letting me rest my head on his lap. Don't know why, but Dean had grown kind of fond of me...and i was growing fond of him.

"Where are we going?" i asked Sam.

"Does it really matter?" he asked back.

"Good point." i said.

"Hey Sam, will you stop by the next gas station and fill up the gas." Dean asked.

I didn't hear Sam's reply. I fell asleep...and it was pretty comfortable. When i woke up, Sam was getting out of the car, and Dean was looking down at me.

"What?" i asked him.

"Nothing." he said, smiling down at me.

"You were like watching me sleep." i said, chuckling.

"So?" he asked me, chuckling back.

"'s fine." i said.

I turned around and my hand ended up on his chest. I took it away as soon as i realized where it was.

"Oh...sorry." i said quickly, getting up and sitting on the seat.

"It's fine." he said.

Then that awkward silence followed. I could feel his eyes on me, and i looked at him from time to time. I do like him though. I could see myself with Dean. Even after just this one day...i could see me with him. I leaned my head against the window and let myself drift off again.


When i woke up there was blood running down the left side of my face and the car was rolled over. I let out a painful groan and heard Dean and Sam shouting my name. I crawled out the broken window, rolling over as soon as i got out of the car.

"What the HELL happened?" i yelled out.

"Sam saw someone in the street and swerved out of the way, and the car rolled over. We tried to get you out but we couldn't." Dean said, kneeling by me.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked.

"Yea...we're fine...but we've got no car and we're in the middle of nowhere." Dean said, laughing a little.

"Where is Sam?" i asked him, looking around.

"He went down the road to look for help...our cellphones broke during the crash." Dean said, inspecting me.

"I have a cellphone...and it's in one piece." i said.

"You were also trapped in the car." Dean said, gently moving my chin.

I don't know why...but it felt like the right thing to do. I moved my hand up and put it on his. He didn't pull away or anything...he just looked kind of shocked. I don't blame him.

"Casey..." Dean started to say, his voice low.

"Dean...what is that?" i said, looking directly behind him.

"What's wh--" he started to say before the girl behind him punched him and he flew a few feet down the road.

"Holy shit." i said, scrambling to my feet.

Before i could even lift a foot to run she hit me and i landed by Dean. I rolled over and came face to face with Dean. His eyes closed, breathing softly. Guess the fall knocked him out. I turned my attention to the ghost, who was now only like 5 feet from me. I tried to back up and pull Dean with me, but i wasn't strong enough, and the ghost grabbed my neck and started squeezing. Then, a shot rang out, and ghost started dissipating into the wind.

Once i got myself together and Dean was awake, we all ended up going down the road. I would let my hand brush against Dean's sometimes, and every time he'd look at me and smile. Although he was smiling, you could still tell he was obviously pissed about the car.

"Dean, don't be pissed about your can get a new one." i said as we walked up to a diner.

"There's an endless supply of dark little diners isn't there?" Sam asked, walking in.

"It feels weird being served in a diner...i feel like i'm supposed to be working here." i said, chuckling.

"I gotta take a piss...i'll be back." Dean said.

"'re into Dean right?" Sam asked me as soon as Dean was out of hearing range.

"What? No...well......yea." i said, smiling at Sam.

"Hey don't worry about's fine...he likes you too you know." Sam said, playing with a napkin.

"He told you that?" i asked, turning to face him.

"No...Dean was never good at hiding things." Sam laughed.

"What'll it be?" a annoyed, fat man asked.

"Oh we'll wait for our friend to get back." Sam said.

"No need...i'm back...eggs and bacon." Dean said, taking his seat in front of me.

"Same for me." i said, smiling at the ugly guy.

"Yea me too." Sam said, handing him the menus.

"Dick" Dean muttered as the guy walked away, making me and Sam snicker.

" that what ya'll do on a regular day?" i asked after a silence.

"Pretty much...except more dangerous." Sam said.

"Yea...what happened back there doesn't usually happen to us." Dean said.

"Oh? What does usually happen?" i asked.

"Well Sam get his ass in trouble...then he gets caught...i rush in and save his ass." Dean said, making me laugh.

"Whatever...i've saved your ass plenty of times." Sam said.

Dean was smiling at me, playing footsy with me. Sam was listing off times he had saved Dean. I just smiled back at Dean, wondering why i liked him so much. It had only been like a day and a half...but i liked him. I guess "why" isn't that important. Just knowing that i like him is important enough. I'll worry about "why" later.


"When the hell is this guy getting here?" i yelled out into the night.

"Shh Casey...a little louder and you could wake the dead." Sam joked, getting a look from Dean.

"Cold?" Dean asked me, watching me shiver.

"No..." i said, half lying.

"Then what?" Sam asked, sitting down.

"I'm just a little scared...and cold." i said.

"Why'd you lie?" Dean asked sitting down next to me.

Out of the corner of my eye, i saw him lift his arms slowly and i saw Sam walk away towards the diner. Dean slowly put his arms around me, pulling me into his body. He smelled good. Felt good.

"You're warm." i said, snuggling deeper into his body.

"You're cold." he said, resting his head on mine.

"It balances out." i said, chuckling and looking up at him.

"You're still shivering....still cold?" Dean asked, tightening his grip.

"Just a little nervous." i said.

" too." Dean said, smiling.

"You smell really good." i said, resting my head back.

"You too." he said, smelling my hair.

"I can still smell the blood." i said, laughing.

"At least we wiped it off good enough." he said, checking me for blood.

"Dean...what does this mean?" i asked him, looking up at him.

"What do you want it to mean...this is all up to you." he said, moving his face closer.

"I don't know...but this feels really good." i said, inching my lips toward his.

We finally made contact as his lips touched to mine. It was great. He's great. We continued kissing for a little while, exploring each others mouths, touching and hugging, the occasional moan. We pulled apart and rested our foreheads against each other, staring into each others eyes. I smiled bigger than i have in a long time.

"It's only been a day." i said.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I usually don't kiss guys after the first day." i smiled.

"So what's different about me?" he asked.

" feels better with you." i smiled, giving him another kiss.

We got up just as the tow truck got there. We'd be just fine.

End of Part 1

to be continued....


Next: Chapter 2

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