
By moc.loa@0821eoDnowKxeR

Published on Nov 26, 2006


Alright so this is definitely fiction and what not. I do not own Supernatural, CW does. I do not know any of the actors from the show, so this is all made up. I don't have a lot of experience with writing these stories, so please send me some feedback at and help me learn. Enjoy! I'm gonna try a different style of writing. :) ===================================================

The tow trucks smells. So does the driver. And i'm pretty sure there's a dead racoon by the guys feet. I looked up at Dean and he smiled at me and held my hand tighter. Sam was asleep. I had no idea where we were going.

Me: Sir...where are we going?

Truck driver (gruffly) : Town

Dean: Which town?

Truck driver: Whatever town is closest.

I looked at Dean again and gave him a "what the fuck" look. He laughed a little then pulled me closer to him. 10 minutes later we were driving through a little town. He pulled over abruptly, leaned over us, and opened the door on Sam's side.

Me: Thanks sir.

Dean: Yea, thank you. He shook Sam until he woke up.

Once we were all out of the truck, the guy drove off.

Me: Jackass.

Me: What now?

Dean: We walk. He grabbed my hand and started walking.

Me: We walk where?

Sam: Wherever.

Me: You guys sound like hermits.

Dean laughed and nudged me. I nudged back. We nudged each other for a while until we eventually ended up at a bar.

Sam: Can you go in?

Me: O yea...i'll be fine.


Sam: Wow it smells in here.

Me: Like ass and piss.

Dean: All bars smell like this. He walked off towards the bar.

Me: Disappointing. Sam and i followed after him.

We sat down at the bar and Dean got us drinks. I'd never tasted alcohol, and it wasn't something i felt like i was missing out on. So i ended up getting water.

Me: So what now?

Sam: We just kind of...chill. He leaned back against the bar

Me: What? You don't go and like hunt or something? I looked over at Dean and nudged him.

Dean: The hunting usually comes to us.

Me: So you just sit around and wait for it?

Sam: Yep. He sighed and took a sip of his drink.

Me: Wow...that sounds...boring.

Sam: Better than always having your life threatened.

Me: Sounds like a huge adrenaline rush though.

Dean: Just be patient. He placed his hand on my knee and gave it a squeeze.

And i was patient. For a month.


I looked at Dean. Almost rugged in his handsomeness...but still some kind of boyish charm. He was wearing jeans, a hoodie, and a jacket...and it all fit him so perfectly. I'm pretty sure i was staring at him. His blonde hair perfect, his skin flawless, his smile brilliant...and he's all mine.

Dean: What? He nudged my leg and smiled at me.

Me: Nothing. I crawled over to him.

Dean: Oooo...crawling? He winked at me.

I laughed at him. Everything about him...i like everything about him. He's so funny sometimes but protective at the exact same time. I can see it when he talks to Sam. He'd kill for his brother. I'm sure he actually has. Once i reached him i crawled up on his body till we were face to face.

Me: You like the crawling? I kissed his right cheek.

Dean: Yea

Me: Why? I kissed his left cheek.

Dean: Because you're so damn sexy when you do it. He was breathing a little harder.

Me: You're breathing kinda hard. I kissed his lips.

Dean: So? He smiled at me.

I let my body fall onto his. There's just something about Dean...the demon hunting and seems worth it. Things like this...the fact that he could just lay there with me...that's pretty cool. I stroked his chest, listening to him breathe.

Dean: Casey? He whispered.

Me: Yea? I looked up at him.

Dean: Come here. He pulled me up and kissed me.

His kisses killed me. Perfect...for me at least. We started kissing more fiercely, and i started pulling up his shirt. He lifted his back to let me pull up his shirt, revealing his body. His perfect body. He pulled my shirt over my head, stroking the small of my back.

Dean: do know where this is going right? He asked, stroking my cheek.

Me: I like where this is going Dean.

I moved down his body, planting kisses wherever i went. I started to unbutton his jeans, pulling them down along with his underwear. His hands grasped at the button on my jeans, fumbling with it. Finally he gets it unbuttoned and pulls my jeans and underwear down.

Dean: Casey He moaned.

He pulled back the covers and we got under, him on top of me kissing my neck. His hands traveled down to my ass, lifting my legs a little. The covers slid off as he got up onto his knees. His chest and (perfect) abs glistening with a little bit of sweat. He reached over and opened the drawer of the motel room nightstand, taking out condoms (complimentary?).

Dean: Are you sure? He looked worried.

Me: Yea...i'm sure I stroked his abs, smiling up at him to reassure him.

He lifted my legs enough to see my hole. I guess the condoms were pre-lubed, because he started pushing gently. I felt my face twist into an uncomfortable grimace, still trying to put on a smile to reassure him. It was starting to sting a little and i was starting to feel the pain everyone talked about.

Me: Ow...owowow...oh god. I groaned

Dean:Casey...i can stop...i'll stop His protective side coming out

Me: No's fine...just let me get used to you. I put the smile back on my face and brushed my hand against the side of his face.

Eventually, after about 15 minutes, he was all the way in and i was used to it. I was happy...and god did it feel good.

Dean: You okay? He still looked worried.

Me: can start.

His hands clasped mine, and he pushed them above my head, pulling out slowly and then driving back in. My back arched, coming up to meet his chest. He came down and kissed me, pulling out again, and then driving back in. For a little while it was slow pace, but eventually he got faster, and our kisses got more desperate.

Me: Oh god...Dean...fuck me I moaned

Dean: Oh fuck Casey...yea He kissed me along the side of my face down to the nape of my neck.

Me: Oh...i'm cumming...i'm cumming I moaned, kissing his ear.

As soon as i started cumming, i started squeezing (kinda involuntarily) on his dick, making him moan. He started to breathe harder and fuck faster. I was starting to moan and whimper. My hands were on his back, digging into it from the pleasure.

Me: Dean! I moaned.

Dean: Yea....fuck you feel so good baby He kissed my neck.

He moaned really loud and then just held still, his cock all the way inside me. Then he came, shutting his eyes tight, constantly groaning. He let himself rest on top of me,

Dean: I love you He said, which sounded kind of out of character for him.

Me: I love you too babe I smiled at him, as wide as i could

We stared at each other for a while. Me stroking his blonde hair, feeling his sweaty body on mine. His hand was on my four-pack (yea's not a six pack...gasp). I used to be a dancer, so my entire body was dancer's muscles. His face had a smile plastered on it.

Dean: Yea? (referring to the "i love you too babe" that i'd just said.) He asked, smirking at me.

Me: Yea. I chuckled a little, pushing his naked body off of mine.

Dean: What's funny? He said, smiling and tickling me.

Me: You are...stop tickling me I was in full blown laughter now, writhing around from his tickling.

Me: Stop Dean...if you ever want another kiss...stop I was totally joking of course, but the tickling was starting to hurt.


Sam came and woke us up in the morning, saying something about hitting the road early. There were reports in a nearby town of disappearances of 7 teenage boys. Sam figured it was something supernatural, so we were going to check it out.

Sam: The town is about 20 minutes from here (the motel). He was packing up his stuff.

Dean:Alright, get out so i can wake up Casey He was sitting up in bed, the covers only showing his chest.

Sam left the room, carrying his bag with him. Dean leaned over me, kissing up the back of my neck. I stirred, but didn't wake up. He started to stroke my butt cheeks, calling my name. He finally got me up, we kissed, got dressed, packed our things, and got into the car where Sam was waiting.

Sam: 'Bout damn time He looked back and gave me a knowing smile


Over the past month, i'd learned a lot from Sam and Dean. Sam taught me some stuff about magic and so on and Dean taught me how to shoot stuff with shotguns. I'm pretty good with the shotgun now. I could see dingy little liquor stores and bars as we drove through the dingy little town. We were headed for some house towards the end of the town.

Sam: What're our alias'? He turned the car off, and turned towards me and Dean.

Dean: We won't need them this time. He walked up to the house.

Some man: Yea? The door was cracked open.

Dean: Mr.'s Dean Winchester...John's son. He said, looking back at Sam.

Mr. Conroy: Dean? Sam? Who are you? He recognized Sam and Dean, but didn't know who i was...understandably.

Dean: This is boyfriend...his mom died the same way ours did. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close.

Mr. Conroy: You take him hunting? He looked me over.

Dean: This'll be his first time...he's ready...and besides, me and Sam will protect him. He held me tighter and closer.

Mr. Conroy: So you're here about the teenagers. He seemed to be mulling it over.

Mr. Conroy: It's a ghost just so you know. Some girl got raped by a teenage boy...he panicked after he did it, so he killed her and threw her body into the forest just off of that road...typical ghost story. He didn't look worried at all.

Dean: Alright...we'll be back to tell you how it went. He smirked, then smiled at me and walked down the steps.

Sam: Bye Carl. Sam waved and walked after us.


Me: So let me get this straight...instead of having the ghost come to us and fight on our terms...we're just gonna waltz into the forest? It sounds like a stupid idea.

Dean: We'll be fine.

Me: And if we're not...what if you get hurt...or me or Sam. I was freaking out.

Dean: Baby...we'll be fine...i won't let anything happen to anyone. He turned around, and kissed me.

Sam: Dean...she's here! He was facing a ghost.

I freaked out momentarily on the inside, before i remembered what Sam and Dean showed me. I took the shotgun and shot a round at the ghost, making it disappear into the air. Sam started spreading something on the ground.

Sam: It's salt...angry spirits can't cross it...and if they get it on a cross to a vampire. He was pouring the salt in a circle.

The ghost reappeared and charged Sam, not seeing the circle of salt around him. She practically bounced off of nothing, flying through a tree and dissipating into the air again. Me and Dean ran into the circle with Sam. The ghost came back, charging at us. Dean grabbed the container of salt, and threw some at the ghost. She started howling in pain. The salt stopped her from disappearing again.

Me: How do we kill it?!

Sam: Just keep pouring salt on her...there isn't a object or anything that'll put her to rest." He grabbed the container from Dean and ran over to the writhing ghost and started pouring the salt on her.

The ghost, in her writhing, hit Sam and he flew into a tree, slumping to the ground. I saw that she was writhing up against a tree, but not passing through it. So i guess she could control her tangibility. I took the shotgun from gun, ran up to the ghost, and smashed her face into the tree with the butt of the shotgun.

Dean: Casey...catch it! He threw the salt container.

I grabbed it, and started pouring the entire thing onto her, some going into her mouth. Her screams got louder and more frenzied until she finally started dissipating into ashes.

Me: Is that it? I felt like there should be more.

Sam: Yea...that's wasn't a special situation. He brushed off the dirt.


Dean: Hey Carl...the ghost is gone. He leaned against the doorframe.

Carl:'s nothing i couldn't have taken care of...but thanks. He gave a smile, and then closed the door.

Me: That was such an adrenaline rush! I was excited...that was so much fun.

Dean: They're not all easy like that.

Sam:'ll eventually see for yourself.

Me: Can't wait.


Me: Hey sexy. I looked at Dean leaning against the doorframe.

Dean: Hey. He started walking towards me.

He looked sexy in anything. He's wearing jeans and a tee shirt...and he's still hot.

Dean: You look really sexy He smiled, giving a little chuckle

Me: I'm wearing sweats... I laughed at him.

Dean: Yea...but your hair is sexy, your face is perfect, your abs...your chest, your ass (he laughed after he said that)'s all sexy

Me: You are so cheesy. I put the book i was reading down.

Dean: You're reading?

Me: Yea...Sam gave me a book on ghosts and such...might as well learn

Dean: Hot and smart.

Me: There you go pouring on the cheese again. I laughed at him

Dean: Well...i'm not used to this...i don't know what to say or do He did look lost

Me: It should come you self (as dumb as that sounds) I smiled at him.

Dean: Fine...wanna go out somewhere? He looked hopeful.

Me: Yea...i was really bored anyway...where are we gonna go? I got up and changed into some nicer clothes.

Dean: Sam...we're going out...get ready. He yelled out of the bedroom.

Me: Where are we gonna go?

Dean: We'll drive around till we find someplace.

And that's exactly what we did.


End of part 2. Feedback and tell me if the new style of writing is ok.

Alsooo...should the sex scenes be...sexier (ha)?

Next: Chapter 3

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