Supernatural Outer Demons

By Jason Decade / Femtoka

Published on Dec 30, 2007


Disclaimer: Do I even have to say that, Dean, Sam, and John are owned by the WB, the CW, and Warner.Please do not plagarize or anything. LOVE YA

Chapter 18: Like I'll Never See You Again

Missouri Moseley walked through her lovely home, watering plants. She hummed to herself as she watered the plants and sat the water can down. She smiled to herself as she turned and walked down the hall to the kitchen and pulled out a pitcher of iced tea, then placed three cups on the counter, pouring iced tea in each cup, then putting the pitcher back in the fridge and putting them on a tray. She walked back to the living room and placed the tray on the table. She briskly walked to the door and opened, seeing Dean about to knock.

"Hello." she smiled.

The three of us took a seat on Ms. Moseley's couch and took our cups. She seemed nice enough, a little spastic, but still a good person. She just smiled at me, her head tilted slightly. I looked to Sam and Dean, who both shared the same puzzled looks.

"Missouri, we need help." Dean said uncomfortably.

"I heard about John," she said out of nowhere, " I'm very sorry for your loss. He was a great man. Excuse me, but what is your name?"

"I'm Chalis Gordon." I said quietly.

"I knew your parents as well." Missouri smiled, " It's dangerous for you to be here."

"We know, and we're sorry, we just need your help." Sam said.

"The book?" Missouri asked.

"Yes." I said, handing her the book. She just kept staring, " What?" I asked.

"Your aura. It is bright." she smiled, " I'm sorry to stare, but everyone is after you."

"What?" Dean asked.

"When you say everyone..." Sam trailed.

"Hunters too." I frowned, " A mega witch isn't exactly normal."

"So, you are a 'mega' witch?" Dean asked.

"You lied." Sam said.

"Not the time or the place for this." I groaned.

"When are you going to tell us the truth?" Sam hissed.

"When you can handle it." I said, turning to Missouri, " You see things, right? Where is it?"

"What is it?" Dean asked angrily.

"Can you see it?" I asked.

"NO, DAMMIT!" Dean shouted, " Look, we've been helping you without too many questions, but if we're going to be risking our necks, we need to know the deal."

"The deal? The demon that killed my whole family is back and he's not the only one that wants revenge." I sneered, " You killed the Yellow-eyed demon. You got your revenge, ut I didn't get that. I've always just accepted the bad things without putting up a fight. I'm fighting."

"So, what are you going to do?" Sam asked.

"I'm going to have a Witch-Demon talk." I said quickly.

"What does that mean?" Dean asked.

"That means we're going to fight and one of us isn't leaving." I frowned.

Sam and Dean looked at me in shock while Missouri just smiled. I myself felt a smile coming on. Naive. The one word that described everyone. The guys thought I'd come back and we'd be happy, fighting demons, Me, for hoping I would escape what I was about to do alive, and Missouri for believing my aura. There was logic in everything I was going through. My revenge is the revenge of all kids without parents. My hope is the hope of all those who had lost what I had or more.

"Revenge? You want revenge that bad?" Sam asked.

I stood and walked to the woman's fireplace, " If I can spare one more kid from being devastated like I was, then that'll be worth it. Pity too, I really wanted to see Juno."

"What in the hell's that?" Dean asked.

"Nevermind." I chuckled.

"So, where is this place?" Dean asked.

"The Centro de todo el poder." I said, causing Sam to look at me in shock.

"No." Sam said simply, grabbing my shoulders, " Do you understand what you're saying?"

"Yes, do you?" I asked.

"What's special about a pentagram?" Dean asked.

"This is sort of like a power booster, depending on which one you get. It could kill him." Sam said.

"Do you remember when you had to kill your best friend? I do. You remember when you had to relocate? I do. Remember when we lost everyone we knew and cared about? They have taken everything away from us..." I paused, " It's time for us to take it back."

Sam and Dean looked as if they had just been struck by my words. I had to admit, my desperation for them to understand had struck me. My own words had juiced me up, lifted me to action. I walked over to the fire place and bent down, poking at the fire.

"Sam, I think he's right." Dean said, smiling at me.

"I've survived worse." I said, " I can't stand by anymore."

Sam sighed and hugged me, " Don't die." he said softly.

"I have at least two reasons to come back." I said quickly.

I took the book and began to chant, " Ancient poderes, me sudario. Bring me la omnipotente fuerza y agilidad, hacerme mejor y me ayuda a ser mejor. Yo le pido..." I stopped and lurched forward and I felt like I was being ripped apart.

"Chalis." Sam said as he and Dean advanced toward me, but as they got too close, a blast of energy shot from me and the book and they flew across the room!

I tried to shake off the feeling, but I heard voices. I had never heard those voices before and they were talking constantly, " Release." I panted quietly and the feeling slipped away as I slumped to the floor, panting.

Sam and Dean quickly made their way to me, but I wasn't quiet there. I heard them saying things, but I couldn't focus on what they were actually saying. Suddenly, I was standing on a cliff, overlooking an ocean. I turned to see someone I knew.

"Mommy?" I asked.

"My baby." she said, flinging her arms forward.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around, " Looks like Scotland. Smells like...ocean. Did I die? I died, didn't I?! Oh crap..."

"That does not matter, my baby, I have to tell you, there is no turning back now. The next mfew months will be a very trying time for you and the Winchesters. You will be scared. You will be tired. I do not know the results...I shall be with you." she smiled warmly. I could feel the energy radiating from her and I hugged her. Before I could think, I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a bed.

I jumped up immediately and noticed that I was no longer in Missouri's home. I was by myself. I had to put up the shields again, shroud myself. I tried harder, trying to sort out my thoughts and the door blew off the hinges. I jumped and Dean and Sam ran in quickly.

"What's going on?!" Dean shouted, looking around with his gun pointed.

"I think that was me." I said, looking around, " Where are we? It isn't Scotland is it?"

"No. We're in a hotel..." Sam said, looking at the blown hinges, " And apparently we're not getting our money back on it."

"I saw my mom." I said quickly, " The quick tip is that I think I need to go to Scotland."

"Huh?" Sam asked.

"I don't know...Sam, I don't..." I said, falling, but Sam caught me.

As I lied on the bed, Dean sat in a chair across from the bed, his hands on his head and Sam lied next to me, trying to find a way to revive me.

"Dean, he's getting worse." Sam said worriedly, " We need to get him to a doctor."

"Right." Dean said, " And say what?"

"Dean, he's dying!" Sam shouted.

Dean stood and threw the chair across the room, " I know that (his voice cracked) I know, Sam." he said woundedly, " You think I don't want to help him? What can I do?"

"Help me find a way to help him." Sam said angrily.

"I know somebody who can help." Dean said, walking over to me and kissing me, " Be back." he said, leaving quickly.

Sam groaned in frustration and returned to me, " Come, Chalis, we've all been through too much for you to die now, like this." he said, hoping his words would cause me to spring to life. They didn't. Sam felt helpless and he pulled my head up and slipped his arm under my head and stared at me, " Don't die."

"I don't...think I can help it." I rasped. I had heard him and when I woke up, there was a safety, " Sam. Sam..."

Sam's heart began to beat faster, " Chalis, calm down."

"I guess, no matter how much you guys try and save me, it's not enough." I said warmly. I coughed and all I saw was red, but Sam grabbed at a towel he left on nightstand and wiped me, " It's beautiful."

"What is?" Sam asked. He looked at me, trying to figure out what I was talking about.

"Life." I said slowly.

Sam chuckled emotionally, " Yeah, I guess it is." he said, " It's a surprise."

"Cherish it. Just when I finally's funny, when you finally see what was always there, it's too late." I smiled at him. I studied his face, his aura, and him. The memories I had of him, the love I had with all made sense, " I love you."

Sam smiled and hugged me, " I love you, too." he said.

"This is my contribution." I said, " To the world, this is how I contribute." I cried and Sam hugged me.

"Dean will be back and he'll be able to help." Sam said hopefully.

"There's nothing you can do." Missouri said sadly.

Dean looked down at the floor, angry with the answer he had recieved. He fought off the feeling to throw more chairs, but he couldn't hide the tear that he began to creep down his cheek, " There's nothing?" he asked.

Missouri shook her head, " I'm sorry, honey, but there's nothing I can do." she said, " There's nothing anyone can do."

"I don't accept that!" Dean shouted, " I'm not gonna let that happen!"

"Sometimes, Dean, you don't have a choice." Missouri said, pouring Dean more iced tea.

"Why can't we save...The book, what is with that book?!" Dean asked.

"It holds some of the most powerful magicks ever made. It was hidden by two particularly gifted hunters until it could be destroyed. Power corrupts, honey, and that book is pure corruption." Missouri explained.

Dean looked at her, " So, who were this hunter?" he asked.

Missouri looked at him slowly and sipped her coffee.

"No way." Dean said, shocked by what she was hinting at, " Dad hid the book. Dad and Mr. Gordon took it, but...Who had the book?"

"It was a tragedy." Missouri said, remembering the sad event.

"When did Chalis' mom die?" Dean asked.

"That night." Missouri asked.

Dean looked at her, " So, what's happening to him?" he asked.

"I do not know." Missouri asked, " Some spells are never meant to be done."

"Great. Just great, so his dad and my dad killed his mom over a book that was hidden because most of the spells aren't supposed to be used." Dean said angrily, " What is he doing?"

"The same thing you're doing. This demon isn't a demon. He is reviled like a demon, but he is just a corrupted witch." Missouri explained.

"So this guy is Voldemort?" Dean asked.

"You could say that." Missouri said.

"So, he's going to save the world?" Dean asked.

"Yes." Missouri said, " The only way to get to the Centro de todo el poder is to die."

Dean stood and walked to the door, " Thanks." he said angrily.

"Dean." he stopped, " He knew this would happen. The covens, the other mages, helped in his search for absolution. His descent into darkness...His ascension into adulthood."

Dean didn't say a word, he just left the house as quick as he could.

Sam and I layed in bed, snuggled closely together and I was just staring ahead, wondering if things were different, where would we all be? Would we even know each other? Would I be dying? Those questions always found me, but without much persistence, the thoughts dropped from my mind. I began to cough harder and harder and Sam tried to give me water. He tilted my head back and tried to pour it down my throat. I coughed and sputtered more, but stopped as he layed me back down.

"Bring me the book." I weakly commanded.

"What? Why?" he asked.

"I have to finish it." I said weakly.

"You can't..."

"If I don't...Sam, I made a promise to John. I told him that if he did something for me, then I would protect you. So, that's what I'm doing." I said, grabbing the book and flipping to the page, " If I don't finish, it'll kill me."

"Kill you? Explain this to me, please." Sam said.

"Dying is part of the spell that will take me to the Centro de todo el poder. The night you left, I was visited by John and a demon. The demon gave me conditions. I leave you two or the demon that killed everyone else in my life kills you. I made a choice, I'm not letting anything happen to either one of you, so if I have to fight a hell god, slay vampires, and die three times, then that's what I'll do." I laughed weakly.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam asked, his eyes tearing up.

"Because he couldn't." Dean said.

I looked at Dean, " You know, don't you?" I asked.

Dean nodded, " You have to die, yadda yadda..." he said, " I heard it all. I'm not gonna let you go, you're like my brother...hell, my lover. And I'm not letting you go."

"It's already started. I had six hours...six hours ago." I frowned, " You won't remember this."

"What? We..." Sam said.

"You'll remember me and that I died and what I said, but it'll be that I died in a battle or something and..." I stopped and flipped to the page, " Ready?"

Sam and Dean came up and hugged me. Sam kissed my forehead and I began to sob, but stopped immediately.

"Ancient poderes, me sudario. Bring me la omnipotente fuerza y agilidad, hacerme mejor y me ayuda a ser mejor. Le pido que dotar y desbloquear los poderes Tengo a salvar al mundo a cambio de mi vida." I said, causing the room to expand and a light shone through the room, causing a total white out!

I felt like I was on fire, there was a sudden burning feeling. I found myself looking around at a bunch of cars. Not new cars, old ones, some broken, parts strown about. I looked around quickly and figured out that my spell had worked.

"It worked?" my mentor, Mordaren asked.

"Like a charm placed directly around a beloved's neck." I said, getting to my feet.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"As long as I kill someone soon." I said angrily, " Got something to kill?" I asked.

"Did the strength part of the spell work?" he asked.

I picked up a piece of metal and bent it, " Where's the demon?" I asked

Well, if you liked it please tell me so I can start work on the next one.

Next: Chapter 19

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