Supernatural to Boot

By Timothy Brown

Published on Jan 6, 2014


Disclaimers: This story is fictional and isn't meant to suggest any true sexualities of any of the actors or characters created originally by the WB or the CW network in which this story centers around. The only rights I own is to the characters I make up, not including Sam, Dean, and Castiel.

~Sorry it's been a while, school has been crazy. I hope I still have some fans out there. To the Supernatural fans out there, I'm trying my best to keep some of the stuff as close to the show as possible. Forgive me if I get some things wrong.~

Supernatural To Boot

What has happened to me, why has this happened to us. My family is dead and there is nothing I can do to change that. The bodies reek of cold rotten flesh, a mother and a father forever frozen in their torment. There is nothing but the icy realization that everything I've grown to know has been stripped away from me.

(A Little Introduction)

My name is Tim, but I prefer to be called Timothy and I have a special talent, a gift if you will. I'm what is known as a seer. I can see past, present and, what has yet come to be. Every seer chooses their singular method of how they show their sights, some use the tarot, while other less noble seer's use infomercials. I myself use a very unique way to express what I see. I use my inner artistic skills, I draw and paint the scenes that I see. I was trained by my parents who were both seers and very powerful. The gauge of power is described through classes, that range from 1 to 6. My parents were class 5 and by genetics, I should be a class 5 as well. I'm strong enough to see, but only through contact and or in my sleep. I didn't see what was going to happen to my parents, and it wasn't until I met an Angel that certain things were explained.

To describe myself I would say that I'm average, I've got a curvy shape, standing at 6'2", stocky build, black hair, and hazel eyes. I'm not a model, nor am I a monster, but I've never really fit in anywhere. My parents home schooled me after 8th grade because of how bad the bullying got. Being a tall 8th grader was one thing, but being one that was gay was too much for some kids to pass up. The teasing got really bad, so I was removed from school.

Chapter 1

The room was cold and dark, the only light came from the television set giving the flesh a fluorescent pale effect. The emptiness in the living room matched how I now felt inside. I shed a few tears, but I hid most of the pain away, I had to be strong now. At this point I was trying to figure out what was I going to do, where was I going to go. In my thoughts, I noticed all the lights within the house began to illuminate, the light grew so intense that it was now difficult to see. I shielded my eyes and soon after the light dissipated there was a nagging feeling deep within me that I was no longer alone in the room.

"Who's there, why are you here?"

"Calm yourself, I mean you no harm. My name is Castiel."

I remembered hearing that name before. My father had mentioned it numerous times to my mother. Castiel the Angel, one of the messengers of God. So here I was looking at the figure that was suppose to be Castiel. It was only after I turned on the living room light that I saw the angel for what he was. Castiel's chosen form was beautiful, solemn and slightly depressed, dressed in a business suit. After everything, it was his eyes that captured me, they were the purest blue, reminding me of the Hawaiian sea. He smirked as he spoke,

"Are you hurt? I am sorry we had to meet under these circumstances. I've been watching you for some time and was hoping that you would be better prepared if something like this was to happen, but unfortunately things don't always go to plan."

"I'm fine, Castiel. You are an angel correct?"

"I am."

"What did you mean when you said you were hoping I was better prepared?"

"Those answers will come soon, I'm waiting on a few friends to arrive first. In fact I believe they're pulling into the driveway right now."

Sure enough, I could hear a car pulling up to the house. It took only a few moments before the door opened and in strolled two men. The first had medium length hair, and the other had closer to a crew cut. When they looked down and my slain parents, then at Castiel, they nodded in understanding.

"Timothy, this is Sam (the one with medium length hair) and this is Dean (the one with the crew cut). They are the Winchesters, hunters, and friends of your parents. I've asked them here so they can take you, watch over you and train you for what is going to happen."

With a confused expression, "what is going to happen?"

"Come here." Castiel said.

He reached out his hand, letting me use my gift to see what he was talking about. I firmly grasped his hand and felt my eyes glaze over in white, what I saw will haunt me forever. Literally hell on Earth, the rise of Lucifer and the destruction of Heaven and all who reside. The skies scorched in red and brown, the foliage burned away, humanity chained together and beaten (When I'm in the seeing mode, my eyes turn white and my voice is deepened.)

"The gates of hell have opened on Earth, Heaven is stripped of its glory and all of humanity will die, but will be unable to move on. Death is the future."

I ripped my hand from Castiel,

"No more, oh God no more. All those people, all that pain."

"That is what will come to pass if you, Sam and Dean don't succeed in keeping Lucifer from opening the gates. They need your help, they need your gifts. I ask you will you help them, will you help humanity. I understand with what you have lost that it is unfair to ask this of you, but Heaven and Earth need you."

I looked upon the bodies of my parents. A few tears dropped, but I couldn't allow anymore. I took a deep breath and thought about what I'd seen. What would my parents say to me if I didn't help. I know what they would have done in my place. I looked at the three men, the once named Sam hada tear in his eye, while Dean seemed uneasy about the situation. I nodded my head.

"I will help with everything I have, but I have two conditions."

Castiel seemed a little stunned.

"And they are?"

"First, cremate my parents bodies and send the ashes into the sea. I know that's what they would want. Second, erase their faces from the town, mine as well. I don't want anyone to ask questions. Can you do that?"

Castiel nodded, "of course."

I looked down at the bodies and saw them disappear, all that was left was the blood stains which soon after disappeared. It was as if nothing had ever happened, but it had. Castiel said that he had to go, but told the Winchesters that they knew what they needed to do. I looked at Sam and Dean and then back at Castiel, but he was gone. Both guys came up to me, Sam spoke first.

"I'm sorry for your loss, my brother and I know what it feels like to loose parents. We can give you guidance, and strength. Even though the circumstances are painful, it is nice to meet you Tim."

"Thank you for you kind words. You can call me Timothy."

I shook his hand, seeing into his heart. After I let go I smiled, "the two of you really care for each other. I'm saddened to say that I'm a little jealous that I don't have a brother."

Dean came up to me next,

"We should get going soon. Do you have a backpack that you can put some of your stuff in?"

"Yeah down the hall."

The two followed me as I went to my bedroom. My walls were covered with drawings, paintings and posters of classic movies. I grabbed some clothes and most importantly my pen and pencil case with my large sketchbook. Dean and Sam were looking at my drawings. Sam was looking at my re-creation of the Brunelleschi dome done in conte and charcoal, while Dean was staring at my study of a 1963 Lincoln Continental.

Dean spoke, "Dude this is amazing."

"Thank you, you can have it if you want. I don't have any use for it now. Sam, you can have the Dome as well."

Sam was shocked, "you sure?"

"Yeah go ahead."

I watched as they removed the images and rolled them up for protection. It was at that moment that I experienced something new, I was getting a vision which never happen without contact or coming to me in a dream. I held onto my desk to steady myself, my voice deepened and my eyes glazed over.

"The living room, a demon, coming to collect me."

Sam and Dean grabbed guns from their coats, while I followed behind. The living room was quiet, my visions were never wrong. I almost second guessed myself, until out of nowhere a man lunged at Dean.

"Give me the seer and you live."

"Yeah stud that's not going to happen."

Sam was aiming his gun, but before he could fire, Dean was thrown into him. We all tumbled down. Sam lifted himself up and shot the demon, wounding him in the thigh. After Dean got to his feet, he holstered his gun and pulled out a knife. It was serrated and had a font inlaid into it that I'd never seen before. The demon laughed as he once again knocked them both down, it wasn't until he came up to me that I began to feel fear.

"You're coming with me seer."

"No I'm not."

Dean was getting up when the demon was grabbing onto me. The glimpse of what I saw made my head burn in agony. It was death and a room full of people suspended by hooks and chains. Dean heard my scream, it wasn't until I watched him plunge his knife into the demons chest that the burning stopped. The demon wailed in agony, and soon after a fog of black smoke flew from his mouth and the body fell to the floor. I knew little how demons operated, but what I did know is how they would take control of their chosen person, using their bodies as meat suits. Both Sam and Dean were cleaning themselves off when I turned to them.

"I've never had a vision like that. Never instantaneous."

"Possibly with the passing of your parents, you're getting stronger." Sam hypothesized.

"Sammy, Timothy as fun as this is, we need to get on the road."


So with that we left. I got into the back seat of Dean's impressive Impala and we were off. It wasn't long down the highway before I fell asleep, and a dream came to me. Lucifer was gaining strength, he was trying his hardest to crawl from the pits of hell and rise. He spoke to me.

"I need your gifts seer. Be on my side, you don't want to end up like your parents do you? You will have a seat at my table and a place in my bed."

"Lucifer, father of lies and deceit. You will stay where you are, you will never reign on Earth and I will never help you."

He became enraged. "I will strip the skin from your flesh. If I can't use you than I will destroy you." His hand became a collection of talon-like claws and I watched as he slashed at my arm, "You will die seer, but not before I have my way with you."

"Stay in Hell you miserable piece of...." I soon was screaming as he slashed at my flesh. My screams echoed, but suddenly the pain went away and I opened my eyes to Sam holding me, while Dean was staring at me like he'd seen a ghost.

"Timothy, you in Hell weren't you?"

"I think so, what happened?"

Dean spoke, "We thought you were asleep, when suddenly you rose up and spoke. Your eyes all white, you were speaking with Lucifer. The conversation was one sided on our end, but we figured it was getting bad so I pulled over and Sam crawled in the back to wake you up."

"I just need a few minutes to produce my visions. Give me a second."

The two brothers watched as I pulled out a pen and my sketchbook. My hands feathered over the pages and began my quickened drawings. Remembering what I saw and what was going to happen if we failed. Lucifer gagging himself out of the soil to reign on Earth. Heaven falling and the Angels burning as they crash to the ground. It took me about 10 minutes to draw out my vision, which I presented to Sam and Dean.

"This is how Lucifer will appear as he rises from Hell. This is his kingdom on Earth, and what will follow if we don't win."

The two looked at the drawings, trying to see if there was anything that will be helpful. There was nothing that would help at this moment. Dean started the engine while Sam remained in the back seat with me and asked if he could look over my drawings. I nodded and sat next to him feeling the heat coming from him. I'd be lying if I said both Winchesters weren't attractive, but sadly they were the type that I couldn't have. Sam started from the beginning, seeing random images of people, there were a few of me in class getting good grades on tests, but soon he came to the bad parts of my visions. The bullying, the teasing, the fear, the hatred. I released it all in my drawings, that's all I was able to do. My parents couldn't help, and honestly I didn't want to bother them with my problems.

"These are sad Timothy, it's like I'm watching you get hurt." Sam said.

"It's a part of life I guess. I'm sure you and Dean got into fights, I'm sure you teased each other."

Dean spoke up, "yeah, but we're brothers, we're family, it's different. To be teased by strangers, by people who are not family, that's bullshit, and I would protect Sammy and all costs."

"I guess that's true, but it's easy to bully someone who is different, it hurts more when it's something out of your control. I can handle remarks about my weight, that's typical. But the bullying about my sexuality, I can't control that, I can't not be gay. I've tried. But I've forgiven alot of those bullies because I saw what there lives were like. Three of them came from broken homes, with abusive parents. My visions kind of give me another form of understanding."

"Yeah but that doesn't justify them hurting you."

"I've gotten past it. I bury it away, just like my parents. If I break down, what's the point?"

"That's not healthy Timothy." Sam said.

"I know, but that's the way it is."

Sam finished going through my book, smiling at images of birds and the ocean. We'd been driving for hours it seemed before Dean tuned off the road and headed to a small motel in the middle of nowhere. We both got out, and I offered to help pay the bill.

"Keep your money." Dean said.

After a few minutes Dean came out of the office and said that we were in room 15. I grabbed my bag and helped Sam carry a large duffel into the room. There were two queen beds, a small closet, and a bathroom. Dean claimed one of the beds, while Sam looked at me.

"Timothy you can have the other bed."

"No it's okay, I'm going to sleep on floor. It's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm going to take a shower unless you guys want to go first."

"No go ahead."

So I headed into the bathroom and left the door slightly ajar. I turned on the light, seeing the bright room, listening to a slight hum from the bulb. It was after a few moments that I heard my name mentioned.

*"Dean what do you think, he hasn't cried at all. It's like he's cutting himself off from emotion." "I think he's going to pop and soon. I like the kid and I want to make sure me follow through with what we agreed to. Sad he doesn't have anyone." Dean said.

I turned on the shower and stripped off my old clothes. The water got hot and steam began to fill the room. I slid open the curtain and stepped in, using one of the soap packages to clean my body. I tried to focus on anything else, but what I'd heard. I finished pretty quick, not wanted to take all the hot water. After drying off, I pull on an old concert teeshirt and black gym shorts. I pulled my deodorant and body spray out of my bag and applied a good amount. I finished up and re-entered the room to find only Sam on the other bed, with his laptop.

"Dean went out to get some food."

"Oh okay."

I laid my stuff down on the floor in the corner, and pulled out my sketchbook. I began to doodle, but was startled when Sam spoke.

"Timothy if you want we can share the bed. I don't feel right seeing you on the floor."

"You sure?"

"Yeah come on."

Sam moved over as I sat down on the bed next to him. I continued my sketching, while he was searching online. I could feel Sam next to me, his warmth. It felt nice to be next to someone. The minutes went by before Sam got up and said he was going to take a shower before Dean came back and hogged all the water. I nodded and watched as he took off his boots and shirt, heading to the bathroom. His back muscles shown off, making me drool slightly. I turned my attention back to my paper. He left the door open, which from the bed I could see him pulling down his pants, showing off his amazing ass. He lifted up and caught my eyes, before I looked back down. I had to tell myself to think about something else. I could feel my body get warm, and the stirring in my crotch wasn't helpful. I tried to concentrate on my drawing, but after I heard the shower turn off and Sam come out in only a small towel I thought I was going to pass out. His body was beautiful, not chiseled which I found typical and boring, but lightly defined. His wet hair was combed back and stuck to his head. He smiled at me as he pulled out a pair of shorts. I turned my head down as he faced away to pull his shorts on, but through my peripheral vision, I got to see a nice show. I moved over against the window and wall, letting Sam sit back down next to me.

"So how are you feeling?"

I put down my book and pen, "Honestly I don't know how to feel right now. I keep going over what happened in my head, coming home from a walk, opening the door to a black house, seeing the bodies of my parents. In an instant everything I'd known was taken from me. I don't even know where to begin to feel. Right now my mind is cluttered, like a library hit by a tornado."

Dean came in and looked at the to of us, smirking,

"Damn I leave you two alone for a few minutes and you can't keep your hands off each other. I tried to score a piece of tail myself, she ended up having a boyfriend."

I was a little stunned by his humor, but couldn't help from letting out a giggle. Sam shook his head and apologized from his brother.

"No it's cool, it feels good to laugh. So was he a big guy, the girls boyfriend?"

"Nah, he wore glasses, and you know I can't bring myself to hit a guy wearing glasses."

"That's admirable of you."

"Thanks, I thought so too."

Dean handed Sam and I our food bad, and set his on the night-stand. He began to get undressed, like Sam, took off his boots and shirt. He had a nice body as well, but Sam's was better in my opinion. He pulled down his pants, leaving his boxers on and headed to the bathroom. After lightly shutting the door Sam looked at me.

"He can be a handful sometimes."

"Yeah, but he loves you."

Sam opened the bag and pulled out a burger and handed it to me, then took one for himself, leaving the fries at the bottom. We both ate in silence listening to Dean hum a song out of tune. He finished and came out in a towel as we finished our burgers. Dean turned on the television and found a channel playing "The Silence of the Lambs" This was one of my favorite movies, I'd seen it at least 10 times. Dean got dressed, which I chose to not look and pulled a few fries out of the bag. Sam was doing the same thing and soon we ended up hitting our hands together.


"No it's fine, go ahead."

I grabbed a few more fries and was soon immersed in the film. Dean watched intently until the commercial hit, then he dug into his food. I cleaned up and went to wash my hands. When I came back Dean stopped me.

"Hey I didn't notice, nice shirt."

I looked down at my Joan Jett and the Blackhearts shirt.


"She's badass."

"Yeah I got to see her live, that where I got this. She put on a great show."


I went laid down focusing back to the movie. Sam's arm was touching mine, which relaxed me. I was focused on the film, but soon felt myself slip into sleep. My head fell to the left and I was out for a little bit. When I woke, the movie had finished and I felt my head resting on something warm. I looked up and into a pair of sexy brown-green eyes. I quickly lifted my head up.

"I'm sorry Sam, I hope I didn't...."

"It's fine, don't worry. I figured you needed the sleep."

"Thank you for not freaking out."

He looked at me with a strange expression on his face. "Why would I freak out?"

"It comes with being gay, most straight guys freak when a gay guy gets too close."

"That won't happen with me. I think it's time to got to bed anyway. Sam looked over at Dean and said he was going to sleep. With that Dean shut off the television and light, while Sam and I got under the covers. Dean fell asleep almost instantly, while Sam and I were staring at the ceiling. He turned his head to face me.

"If you want to cry, it's okay. When my parents died, I cried at night. Dean is a sound sleeper, so you won't wake him."

"I'm afraid if I start, I may never stop."

"It's alright, there is no shame in crying."

"I don't want to disrespect my parents memory by crying. I want to be strong."

"You can't think like that. As humans we cry because that's part of the healing process. It's natural, everyone cries, me, even Dean. And strength is measured, not by the tears that aren't shed, but by the ability to bounce back from pain. What you told us earlier, about being bullied, you are a strong person and I know your parents are proud of you."

That was all it took, just that small kindness and understanding. The tears fell, and how hard did they fall. Sam put his arm around me, pulling me to his chest. I continued to cry, realizing that they were gone. It wasn't like vacation where they'd be back in a few weeks, but gone forever.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye. I'll never see them again, and I didn't even say goodbye."

"They know and understand."

"I hurt so much, what did I do to deserve this?"

"Sadly the worst stuff tends to happen to the nicest of people."

I continued to cry until there were no more tears left. I looked up at Sam, he gave me a calming smile.

"Are you alright?"

"I think I'm starting to, a little bit. Thank you for holding me, you will never know how much that means to me."

"It's fine. I don't mind."

"I want to change the subject."

"Okay what do you want to talk about?"

"Tell me about yourself."

"Okay, well I was born May 2, 1983 in Kansas. My mother was named Mary and my father was named John. Dean has watched over me since my mother died. I was six months old when she was killed by a demon. I grew up moving from town to town and eventually split from my family and went to Stanford University for a while. What about you?"

"Well you know I was home schooled through high school, and also started my first two years of college, at least that's what my parents were telling me. I was born and raised in California, about an hour from the ocean, close to where they filmed Hitchcock's The Birds. My parents hired a private artist/professor to refine my skills."

"I like The Birds, and I could tell you love the ocean by your drawing. Which the hiring of the professor clearly paid off. You have amazing skills."

"Thank you, and I do miss the ocean."

"So tell me more."

"Okay, I love music and movies, I love to cook and read. I've nver been kissed, or gone out on a date."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Dating is really hard for Dean and I. Actually he does more of the quick meet and greet if you catch my drift." I nodded in understanding.

"I haven't been on a date in a few years. So what movies do you like?"

"Umm, almost anything, depends on the genre. I really like science fiction, like Alien and Predator."

"Nice, classics. What about romance, what's your favorite romance movie?"

"I...I think if I could pick only one, it's Pride and Prejudice. The love/hate feelings in Elizabeth are strangely beautiful to me. What about you?"

"I'm more of a Latter Days and Shelter kind of guy."

This shocked me, which even in the faint light coming from the outside around the curtain, Sam noticed.

"I wouldn't have pegged you for a LGBT film watcher."

"Why not?"

"No no...I just thought you were more of a action hero kind of guy. Not that there is anything bad with that." Sam smirked and lifted his arm, pointing to Dean.

It was at that moment that I got a whiff of Sam's cologne. I breathed in deep and closed my eyes briefly, savoring the scent. When I opened my eyes, Sam's face was closer to mine.

"You smell good to me too. When you sat next to me, it was intoxicating."

"You're not uncomfortable, are you?"

"Not at all. You know how you said you've never been kissed?"


In that moment he leaned forward and planted his lips to mine. I never knew a kiss could feel like this. I relaxed in his arms as he pulled me closer to him. When he slid his tongue into my mouth, it unleashed something deep within me. He tasted like mint, his hands following the curves of my side, finally resting on my backside. When we parted, I was a little light headed.

"Oh taste so good."

"Thank you, are you alright? I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you."

"No it's great. Can you do it again?"

He leaned forward and planted his lips onto mine once more. Our tongues wrestled and the tighter he pulled me, the more I could feel his erection on mine. I ran my hands through his still damp hair, feeling the moistness, stirring up the scent of his shampoo.

I slightly moaned into his mouth and he released his hold.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No it felt like floating on a cloud. I feel safe with you, I feel normal with you. Does that make any sense?"

"It makes perfect sense. We all deserve some sort of normality. In our line of work, normality is rare."

"Will you continue to hold onto me?"

"Of course."

He held me close and continued to plant light kisses on my face. I still felt his erection and when I reached down to adjust myself, my hand rubbed up against him. He slightly sucked in some air. I gently grasped onto his meat and began to rub it through the fabric. I stopped for a few moments, so I could reach into his shorts.

"Timothy are you sure you want to do this?"

"Shh...don't wake up Dean."

I pulled out his cock and began jacking him off. He began to moan, so I covered him mouth with mine. I kept going faster and faster and when I stopped kissing him, he was trying to keep calm.

"It's been so long. I'm close...Timothy I'm really close."

"Tell me you want me...please."

"I want you, I've wanted you since I first laid eyes on you. I need you...don't stop...I'm going...I'm cumming."

He came into my hand, five strong spurts and he began to pant in my ear. I pulled out my hand and tasted his essence. He looked at me and smiled.

"How do I taste?"


I offered him my hand, which he gladly took and began sucking his cum off my fingers. After he cleaned my hand he kissed me, letting me taste his cream. I rolled over and snuggled closer to him. I could feel his semi-flaccid cock against my ass.

"What about you Timothy?"

"What about me. Lets say you owe me one."

"Okay...I like that."

We both fell asleep, and somewhere in the middle of the night a vision came to me. Sam and Dean talking to a man in a wheel chair, named Bobby. We were going to train on what was coming to pass, there was going to be bonding between Dean and myself and finally I saw Sam taking my virginity. When I awoke, it was around 7 in the morning. I felt Sam's erection wedged between my ass cheeks, which I pushed against him, hearing him moan.

"Mmmm that feels nice."

"It does from my end as well."

Dean was in the bathroom, which when he came out he was all smiles.

"Well it looks like the two of you had some fun."

"I don't know what you're talking about.", trying to play it cool.

"Hey it's fine. No worries."Dean couldn't help but laugh as he said this. "I know that smell. It's called lust."

I looked over at Sam how was all smiles as well. I couldn't help but laugh as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. Dean said that he was going to make a few calls, but before he left I told him what I saw.

"I had a vision, we need to go see a man named Bobby, do you recognize the name?"

"Yeah I was just going to call him. Kid you're pretty good at this."

Dean stepped outside, I'd heard him say Bobby's name as he closed the door.

I sat up and moved my head back and forth, hearing my neck bones lightly pop. Sam lifted up putting his hand on my back.

"You don't have any regrets do you?"

I turned to look at him, "Are you crazy, I enjoyed what we did. You were part of my vision last night as well."

"Oh really what happened?"

"Well after I saw Bobby and a few other things my vision ended with you taking virginity." The last few words I said in almost a whisper and couldn't bring myself to face him. I felt him lean over and gently touch my chin, turning my head to face him.

"Your visions are never wrong, correct?"


"I would be more than happy to take your virginity. I'm honored actually. I have to admit that I've got strong feelings for you, but I want to know how you feel about this situation."

"I'm new to this whole situation and I want you to know that I have strong feelings for you as well. I want to go through life with you holding my hand. There has been too much pain, with you I think I will be able to experience joy."

Sam leaned close to me and kissed my cheek, then travelled down to my neck and finally landed on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and straddled his lap. Sam's kissing became powerful and strong. His tongue tasted amazing, filling my mouth with minty affection. Before things got too heavy, in walked Dean. I jumped off Sam's lap and ducked under the covers.

"And I thought I was a rabbit...come on lover birds, get ready. We've got to get going, Bobby is waiting for us."

~Feel free to email me, more to come

Next: Chapter 2

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