Surfs Up

By Jon Bennett

Published on Jan 27, 2000


A new series with new characters. I haven't a clue if this is one shot deal or not.. its up to you.


Tony lay on his back, soaking up the warm Florida sunshine. It was spring break and instead of going with his friends to Palm Springs he had decided to break away on his own and flew to Florida. As much as he really liked hanging out with his friends, at 22 and a senior in college he was ashamed to admit he was still a virgin in the true sex that he wanted. He had fooled around with girls to maintain his image, but deep down he knew he was gay. He had been with his friends the night before they all left in fact. He could feel his cock stirring now at the memory.

They had all gotten wasted and gone downtown to some strip bar. They all forked out 50 bucks each for one of the strippers to suck them off. Tony was rock hard like his other three buds, but not from the action of the stripper. He was beating his meat, looking at the other guys cocks. While each of them took their turns getting sucked off, each of the others were beating off watching the action. For Tony, it was seeing their fat college cocks being stroked that was making his own leak. Two of his buds were cut, while Chris, his roommate and best friend was uncut. His cock was easiest the largest of them all. When Tony's turn came the stripper played with his hairy nutsack while she sucked him. It felt really good, and it was his first blow job, but he was thinking of his buds all stroking their cocks. Closing his eyes he was imagining being down on his knees in front of Chris. He was on the varsity swim team. Blond, 6'2" and a solid 178 pounds, Chris was usually kidded about how he manage to get his cock into his speedos; which usually hung 6" soft. When Tony shot off in her mouth it was his best friends' mouth in his own mind.

Now, lying on the beach, Tony could feel his own cock reaching a full erection at the thoughts in his speedo. He knew he had the body for wearing one. Standing 6'1 and 165 pounds, he was a varsity swimmer as well. He also knew that his 7" uncut cock could not be hidden at full hard. He flipped over onto the warm sand and ground his cock into it. Looking through his Ray Ban sunglasses he saw the most amazing sight. Standing not 20 feet away from him leaning on a lifeguard stand was the lifeguard. He looked to be about Tony's age, blond and drop dead beautiful. He too was wearing a speedo, apparently that was the uniform for the guards here. He was totally smooth, perfect 8 pak abs and a mound in the speedos that looked like half a grapefruit had been stuffed in there. As if by a silent signal, the lifeguard looked over to where Tony was lying looking at him. He smiled and nodded. Tony blushed and looked out to sea. When he looked back he saw that the lifeguard was still looking at him. He waved towards Tony, asking him to come over.

Tony got up without thinking and was halfway across the sand before he remembered that his cock was still at full hard. Sticking up over the top of his speedo, the uncut head and part of the shaft was in full view, his foreskin half back on the head. He hastily pushed it back inside and off to the side.

"Hey bro" said the lifeguard. "I was gonna ask how's it hanging but I guess it isn't"

"Yeah" said Tony, turning red. "Was thinking about last night in Cali with some buds at a strip bar". That wasn't too far off the truth he thought.

"Cool" said the guard. "I'm Jeff, its pretty cool to see someone my age out here. Most of the time we get a lot of old farts in speedos"

"I'm down on Spring Break" said Tony. "Didn't want to go to Palm Springs, so I came here. Not really into the party scene. Was just sort of looking for some down time and relax with some brews and see what happens"

"Way cool bro" said Jeff. "I can't leave the stand while I'm working the water, but maybe ya would like to hang out while your here for a while. I moved here last month don't know too many people."

Tony felt the first drops of precum leaking out under his skin. Please he thought don't let the dude look down and see the wet spot.

"Sure dude that's cool" said Tony. "I'm staying at the Holiday Inn over there"

"Sweet" said Jeff. "I get off at 7, I'll grab a shower and stop by."

"You can grab one there if you want man, its closer" said Tony. Oh God, why did I say that he thought Prolly thinks I'm a fag and want to see the rest of his bod.

"OK man" said Jeff smiling, sticking out his hand,. "That's very cool. What room?"

Tony took Jeff's hand and as he shook it felt his cock going stone hard. He knew he had to get out of there before he blew his wad. "1438 man. Listen I gotta jet. I need some more sun block before I fry."

"OK man" said Jeff, holding his hand for what seemed longer then necessary. "Keep it covered for now"

Tony smiled and turned away, wondering about that last comment. He went back and got his towel and stuff and headed back to the hotel. He kept the towel wrapped around his waist to try to hide his erection that would not go away. He got into his room and saw the message light blinking on his phone. He picked it up and got the voice mail system. After punching in the right combination of buttons he heard Chris' voice.

"Hey Bud" came the voice. "Hope you are having a great time there man. Already gotten laid once here man. Don't spank it too hard!"

Hanging up the phone Tony could only imagine Chris driving his hard 8" cock into some pussy. Once more his cock lurched thinking about Chris' hot body. He fell back on to the bed and started to stroke his hard cock through his speedos. He knew he had to get off. He started to think about the lifeguard he had talked to. In his mind he saw Jeff's solid smooth chest. He saw himself licking his tongue across the hard muscle to take a nipple in his mouth. Faster and faster he rubbed himself through the speedo. He thought about taking it off and realized he wanted to cum in it instead. He continued to fantasize about Jeff. Trailing his mouth down the solid 8 packed abs to lick the swollen cock inside the speedos. He wondered if Jeff was cut or uncut. In his mind he peeled back the speedo to see an uncut cock, the head slipping out of the foreskin. His own uncut cock was leaking furiously soaking the front of the speedo. He rubbed the head, feeling the foreskin peel back. The sensitive nerve endings shot pleasurable feelings through him. With one hand he pinched his own nipples; in his mind Jeff's hand tweaking them. Using the flat of his hand he rubbed the full length of his shaft up and down. This sent him over the edge. Moaning he fired several shots of cum into his swim suit. As his cock softened he continued to play with himself. He pulled the speedo off to look at the mess he had made. His pubes were covered in cum. Tony dropped the speedo by the side of the bed and rubbed his sensitive cockhead. The foreskin had once again covered the cockhead, but was coated inside and out with cum. The motion of moving the skin sent little electric shocks through his penis. When it became too sensitive, he stopped and got off the bed going into the bathroom to take a shower.

Later on, after waking up from a nap, he got dressed in shorts and a tee shirt not bothering with any underwear and went off in search of food. Going across the street he found a McDonalds. He stocked up on a couple of Big Macs, fries, and a coke. As he ate he looked around. There were lots of hot young guys here. Maybe he would get lucky after all he thought. Finishing his meal, he went back to the hotel. He glanced at the clock and saw it was a little after 6pm. He had an hour before Jeff was getting off duty. He plugged his laptop into the phone lines and logged on to the net. After checking his mail, he logged onto a gay Florida site and was cruising around looking for places he could visit while he was here. He could feel himself getting excited again as he saw pictures of naked men on some of the sites. For so long now he had wanted to feel a cock other then his own in his hand, to suck it and maybe even let it enter him. Tony took off his shirt as the heat of the day made his room warm over the air conditioning. He lost track of the time while searching sites in the town. He saw startled out of his "research" by a knock on the door. He closed the lap top and went to the door and opened it.

"Hey dude" said Jeff by way of greeting. "How ya doing?"

"Doing good man" said Tony, his eyes looking over Jeff as carefully as it was possible. Even though Jeff had but on shorts over his speedos and was wearing a tee shirt, it was next to impossible to hide the hard body.

"Thanks for letting me take a shower here bro" said Jeff as he came into the room. "The traffic is a bitch today. Would have taken me forever to get back to my place and I am sweaty and gritty as Hell".

"No problem" said Tony, feeling his cock start to harden yet again at the thought of maybe seeing Jeff naked, or at worst in a towel. "Help yourself"

Jeff walked over by the bed and put down a bag, then tossed off his shirt and threw it on the bed. Undoing the cargo shorts he threw them in a heap on top of the shirt. Turning, Tony could see the large bulge again in Jeff's speedo. This time though the cock was pushed to the side and was easily half hard. Through the thin material it was easy to see that he was cut. As Jeff walked passed him, Tony could smell the combination of sweat and suntan lotion from his body. Tony shuddered involuntarily as a spasm went through his cock. When he heard the water running in the shower he walked over to the bed and picked up the shirt Jeff had been wearing and held it to his face. He inhaled deeply the smells of his newest jerk off fantasy. He felt his cock head slip from his foreskin as it hardened. He continued to sniff the shirt until he heard the water cease. Putting the shirt back on the bed under the shorts, he realized his cock was totally hard and tenting out the shorts. He sat down by his computer and tried to hide it while his cock went down.

Jeff came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. His damp body glistened in the light.

"God that felt good bro" he said. "Thanks again"

Tony could only stare at Jeff. He looked so fucking hot. "Anytime man" He watched as a droplet of water trailed down his abs and soaked into the damp towel. Not even a hint of hair lay beneath his belly button.

Jeff walked over to the bed. He unwrapped the towel from around his waist and finished drying his hair. Underneath the towel he was naked. His cock hung over low hanging hairy nuts. Tony feasted on this site. Dropping the towel he bent down to the bag to open it. As he did he showed Tony his tight ass and tighter hairy hole. It took all of Tony's resolve not to have an eruption right there. Jeff pulled his Calvin Klein briefs out of the bag but before he stood up he reached over and picked up Tony's speedo from the side of the bed where he had left it. The stains of his orgasm from earlier still wet and obvious.

"Looks like you had some fun earlier" he said smiling.

Tony blushed and couldn't respond. There was Jeff standing not five feet in front of him naked, holding his cum filled speedo. As he looked on, he could see Jeff's cock start to swell a little.

"Were you thinking of me?" he asked quietly

"I... uhm" stammered Tony. "What do you mean?"

Jeff's cock continued to harden as he walked closer to Tony. "I saw what's on your laptop in the reflection of the mirror" On the laptop was an ad from Badpuppy, showing one dude getting fucked by another. He walked the last two feet to Tony and lifted his Calvins to Tony's face. He rubbed them over Tony's face. Tony could only close his eyes and moan. He felt his cock let go, spewing a large load into his shorts.

"AUIGHhhhhhhh" he moaned.

"Yeah bro" said Jeff quietly. "Shoot that wad for me man, show me what ya got" He raised the cum filled speedo to his own face and smelled it. Dropping the Calvins and the speedo he pulled Tony to him and kissed him, forcing his tongue deep into Tony's mouth. Tony responded by pulling Jeff tightly to him, his cock still leaking cum into the shorts; which now had a huge stain in the front of them.

Breaking the kiss, Jeff led Tony over to the bed. He stood over Tony and rubbed his cock head over Tony's lips. Tony slowly ran his tongue over the cock head. He backed off a little as Jeff tried to get him to suck it.

"I've never done it man" said Tony, "You are so fucking hot I shot my load just now"

"That's cool man, relax" said Jeff sitting down next to him, "we got all night."


Next: Chapter 2

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