Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Aug 26, 2008



Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. . This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy.......... Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

I do not own any of the songs in this story unless stated otherwise by me. There will be this new thing that I want to start called the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack....feel free to download any of these songs to get a better listen to them and make sure you check the bottom of the page to find out more about the music.

I want to make this cool for the readers so if you....the reader....can think of any other cool idea's like the Surreal Uprising Soundtrack please let me know.

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 14: ~Amazing Night~

By J.J

This has all been one crazy ride ever since yesterday. Being outted, disowned by my mother, fighting with Zac, converting to rock music, meeting up with a band. Yes I know....soooo much drama but now to top it all off I am stuck with Vanessa for a week. God can things get any more crazy. The day was going good so far. Breakfast and then some shopping. I got some wicked deals on clothes too, but now I was stuck with Vanessa in the pet store as she was saying how cute everything was from snakes to puppies.

"Can we get out of here soon? This dog food is heavy" I said holding on to the huge bag.

"Yeah lets go" she said

"Hey where is Ashley now a days? I never really see her or talk to her" I said

"She's been really busy with work and some music" she said

"Ya think. Geesh its been so long" I said

"I know I don't even really talk to her that much anymore. But anyways I want the whole scoop on the album right now" she said

"What my album?" I asked

"No, Elvis Presley's new album" she said sarcastically

"Oh well its all rock pretty much" I said

"So I've heard. What kinda stuff is on it?" she asked

"Well uhm there is the whole I am king of the world idea to the inside a whole in the ground thing" I said

"Why did you make it all rock. There won't be much to dance too" she said

"I know it was the label's idea, but strangely enough I am beginning to like it" I said

"You are strange. So uhm I didn't want to bring this up but why where you so mad at Zac last night?" she asked

"I was mad at Zac?" I asked

"You really don't remember?" she asked

"No not really" I said "Oh god what did I do?" I asked putting the dogfood in the trunk and closing it.

"You were screaming for him not to touch you and to stay away from you" she said

"I was?" I asked

"Yeah you were it was scary, and he was trying so hard not to cry" she said

"Oh fuck....great thats lovely" I said

"Hey no worries I think he is fine now.....hey whats that on your arm?" she asked

"I don't know" I said looking at what looked like a phone number.

"Do you even remember getting drunk?" she asked

"No not really. I was really hammered last night and it was scary" I said

"Your telling me" she said as we got in the car.

"Zac I don't think things are going to get that bad" Jessie said to Zac who was pacing in the store.

"What if they do though? I mean what if we break up? I don't know what happened to him. He was fine and an amazing person but now he is drifting into someone else" Zac said

"Yeah I've noticed" Jessie said

"Hey Jessie?" Zac asked

"Ya Zac?" Jessie asked

"Did Jess ever hit on you or try anything with you?" Zac asked making Jessie freeze in his tracks

"No way. He would never do something like that. Besides why me?" he asked

"I don't know just being paranoid'' Zac said

"Haha yeah as if I would ever have an attraction other then friendship to your boyfriend" Jessie lied.

"True, you are a good friend" Zac said as Jessie's cell phone rang

"Hello?" he answered

"Hey Jessie!" Jess said on the other line

"Hey man hows it going?" he asked as he mouthed to Zac that it was Jesse and Vanessa

"Its going good....hey but uhm I have a question. Soooooo Vanessa and I were talking and she isn't too, too fond of my choice to do rock music. But she told me to call you and ask if I could make a rock version to one of your songs." Jess said

"You totally want to do it too!!!!!!" Vanessa yelled in the background

"Yeah sure, what song?" he asked

"Uhm well I am kinda embarrassed" Jess said to him

"Bleeding Love!!!!!" Vanessa yelled in the background

"Are you serious?" he asked

"Yeah I am serious" Jess said

"Of course man. But I want to help you work on it!" he said

"Thats fine, you made it anyways" Jess said.

"Alright well call me later and we can set something up" he said

"Alright thanks Jessie love you bye" Jess said and hung up.......

Jessie hung his phone up and could not believe the wonderful timing on that phone call. He hid any true emotion in his face and luckily Zac wasn't really looking at him.

"I think he is going to be back to normal in no time" Jessie said

"Really why what did he ask?" Zac asked

"He wants to do a rock version of Bleeding Love" Jessie said smirking

"So much for back to normal. He is still stuck in that rock and roll phase" Zac said

"I know but hey its an expression, maybe that is his normal" Jessie said

"True I guess'' Zac said looking down

"Hey man don't worry things will work out with you and him. Guaranteed" Jessie said putting his arm around Zac.

"So I haven't really decided on who I want to work with on my album" I said to Vanessa

"Well you need to decide but I think some of your choices are narrowed down thanks to the genre" she said

"You really don't like the rock genre do you?" I asked

"No I appreciate peoples exressions but I can't always listen to that. I don't know I like stuff you can break it down too" she said

"Ugh, you will change your mind when you hear my album" I said

"Well we will have to wait and see" she said

"True" I said

"So can I ask you a question?" she asked

"Yeah sure ask whatever you want" I said

"Uhm okay I am going to be really blunt, but why are you changing so much?" she asked

"What do you mean changing?" I asked smiling a bit

"I mean, okay well when I met you, well you were like so innocent and happy, but now you are just become so more open and not so happy" she said

"I don't know really. I guess, well I am going through alot. Plus now I have to some wannabe pop king dissing me publicly. I honestly can't say that I know why" I said

"The only reason I ask is because I can see that you and Zac are drifting apart" she said

"No we aren't" I said defensively

"Oh come on think about it. Now you guys are looking like total opposites" she said

"I guess so, Mr Disney would be Zac and now I am like this big bad sexual freak" I said

"There is nothing wrong with being sexual, all I ask, Jess, is that you don't pretend to be something that you are not....I am not saying you are right now but in the future, don't let it get to your head" she said

"I know" I said giving her a hug

The rest of the afternoon went pretty uneventful. Vanessa and I were cooking up a storm in the kitchen. We made all sorts of stuff from cookies to fettucini alfredo. It was alot of fun really, and she did really make me think of who I was changing into. I really did like the rock genre. The music that got your adrenaline pumping and your imagination flowing, but at the same time it wasn't really me.

I knew I had close friends now and I certainly didn't want to lose them. I knew I needed to make some changes I just didn't know how too. But what I think nobody understands is that I am growing up and strangely this is what I am feeling. Ugh this is so damn confusing.......

It was now nearing seven o'clock and Zac was supposed to be home at any minute.....

"Do I look alright?" I asked Vanessa

"Yes you look fine. Besides how can you go wrong with Jeans and a t-shirt" she said

"True" I said

"I think this is a really good idea though. What you are doing tonight.....way to seal the deal" she said

"Haha yeah like I would want to screw anything up" I said

"Alright so he should be here any min...." she said as Zac walked through the front door

"Ahh there you are'' I said as I walked over to Zac and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him

"Wow hello to you too" he said smiling and kissing me back....."What smells so good?" he asked

"Me and Jess went on a cooking spree. We made cookies too" she said pointing to the big plate of fresh cookies.

"Thats awesome, what else did you make?" he asked

"Well we made some fettucini alfredo and some garlic bread and all sorts of stuff'' I said

"When can I have some?" he asked

"Later. I dished up a plate for you.....but first we have a previous engagement" I said

"What are you talking about?" he asked

"Just shut up and listen" Vanessa said

"I know you two would be trouble together" he said smiling

"So first you are going to put down all your stuff, then we are going to go out for a drive" I said

"Where are we going?" he asked

"I think we should go out to the beach" I said

"At this time of night?" he asked

"Well why not? Everything is secluded and there is nobody there" I said

"Alright then" he said with a big grin.

Vanessa put everything aside for us and sat down on the couch and began to watch a movie. Zac quickly went upstairs and changed as I went outside to feed Bruno some more. When I was done I came in and washed my hands at the sink. When I bent down to dry my hands on the tee towel Zac came into the kitchen.

"Are you ready?" he asked

"Yeah" I said

"Thanks Vanessa'' he said as we walked past her

"No problem, have a good night" she said

"You too" I said as we walked out the door.

Zac was beginning to walk over to his car when I stopped and he looked back at me. Then I looked over at my car that I moved out of the garage and into the driveway. The top was down and it looked so irresistable. He gave me a grin and walked over to the car.

"No offense babe but I am driving" he said

"I know" I said as I got in and so did he

We began to drive out onto the street and down the road a bit. With the top down and the wind blowing a little bit things seemed perfect. That was until I spoke up.

"So I need to say something" I said all seriously

"Whats that?" he asked

"I know I have been drifting a little bit but I just want you to know that I love you and I never want to leave you" I said to him

"I love you too, and I love everything about you. I don't want you to think that I am trying to control you in any way but I just don't want you to get hurt. Ever. I care so much about you and I don't want you to change on me" he said

"I don't want to change either" I said

"Good, so lets just back to the way things were." he said

"I agree" I said

So we drove for a bit and then stopped at the beach. Just as predicted it was empty and getting fairly dark. Now I am not a huge fan of swimming in the dark but I guess it was the best way for us to be together in public. So when we got there I got out of the car and Zac and I walked down the beach to the water. There was this nice little cluster of rocks so all Zac did was pull off his shirt and he was good to go. I on the other hand had a totally different plan in mind.

As Zac stood there and waited for me to get my shirt off I began my master plan. I slowly took my shirt off and threw it on the rocks. Then I bent over and undid my shoes and put them next to my shirt. Zac couldn't keep his eyes off me.

"Have you been working out?'' he asked

"I have a little bit. Why is it that noticeable?'' I asked

"You are filling out even more and look so......." he stopped as I took my shorts off and stood there in my tight black briefs "Sexy" he finished

"You coming?" I asked as I slowly walked backwards into the water.

"Yeah.....yes......oh yes" he said as he followed me in.

I backed up until the water was up to my shoulders. Then as Zac got closer I laughed a little bit and went under the water. Zac was above the water looking around too see where I went but it was too dark. So I swam up closer to him and put my mouth near his belly button and reached my arms around his backside and grabbed him closer to me.I felt his hands come in and hold the back of my head gently as I was kissing his stomach.

Then of course reality set in and I needed air. So I slowly came up from the water to face Zac. He leaned in and kissed me but I broke it off and swam away from him...

"Where are you going?" he asked playfully

"Follow me" I said seductively as I swam away from him.

I had some good distance ahead of him so I stopped for a second and looked up over towards the shore. There was this really big rock cliff area with a little beach dead center of it. My plan was going perfectly. I swam over to the beach and got out into the middle on the sand. Zac caught up to me and started to walk out of the water....oh my god when I seen him walking out of the water I got extremely weak in the knees. He was smiling at me as he walked up to me.

''This is really nice" he said looking around....

I was in so much lust I couldn't even speak. I just looked at him with those eyes and he knew what it meant. He stopped smiling as I went in and began to kiss him. My arms went around his back and he pulled me closer to him when his arms held me. Our hands were roaming across each other's bodies and we kissed passionately. Our hips began to grind into one another and we were as hard as the rocks around us. I broke the kiss and pulled Zac down on top of me. He was kissing my neck and grinding into me while my hands were digging into the sand.

Zac got off of me and then began to undo his plaid swimming trunks. Then I stood up and turned around so my back was facing him. I began by putting one thumb in my waist band and then the other then slowly pulling my briefs down and then completely off. When I turned around Zac was having some difficulty getting his shorts off so I stood him up and took them off for him. Then as I stood back up I put my hands on his shoulders and brought him back down to the ground.

He laid on his back as I was on hands and knees on top of him kissing him. Then I got off my hands and reached my hand back. I felt him in all his glory in the palm of my hand. Then instinctively I positioned him so he could enter me. I let go with my hand and while I look him deep in the eyes I lowered myself and shuddered with pleasure as he went all the way inside of me. I looked down to him and put my finger on his lips to silently tell him to be quiet. Then I began to move my body up and down on him.

I heard him gasp for air and his hands grabbed my hips firmly as I began to speed up. The whole time I was looking down at him as we made love silently on the beach. I put my hands on his chest and leaned in to kiss him as he began to thrust hard and deep inside of me. Then I broke the kiss and looked up to the starry night as I arched my back while he gave me chills of pleasure. I could feel my body beginning to tense up as he began to go even faster, making small moans escape from my mouth. I could feel him tensing up as well so I began to move my lower body in circular motions as both him and I climaxed at the same time.

Mine had shot up onto his abs and now he was doing small hard thrusts into me. I could feel him shoot into me and I thought he was done, that was until he pulled me down even harder by my hips and shot several shots of his seed into me. His head was no longer up and I could see his eyes were closed as his head fell back onto the sand. With him still inside of me I leaned down and kissed him as I laid on his chest.

It was an amazing night and so perfect with the way that we breathed together on the beach..........

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said

"About time you two got back" Jessie said sitting next to Vanessa on the couch watching a movie.

"How was your night?" Vanessa asked

"It was good" I said simply

"Just good?" she asked

"Yeah no biggie" Zac said as he held my hand tightly

"But uhm anyways we are going to go up to bed in a little bit'' I said

"Don't you want to eat?'' she asked

"Yeah man these cookies are delicious" Jessie said bitting into a really big one

"Uhm we will eat later" Zac said

"Are you sure man?'' Jessie asked

"Yeah, totally sure" he said looking me in the eyes and then kissing me

"Whoa come on man I am eating" Jessie said as he looked away

"Aww that is so cute" Vanessa said

"Girls....." Jessie said rolling his eyes

"Actually babe, I am kinda hungry" Zac said

"Thats okay lets go and get some left overs" I said holding his hand and leading him into the kitchen

Zac took a seat on a stool next to the kitchen island while I pushed the small oven on to reheat. After a good minute the oven was done so I grabbed the big plate of fettucini alfredo and garlic bread. Zac looked at me puzzled though when I walked past him and out the back door. He followed me and closed the door behind him as I took a seat on the outdoor sofa. He plopped down on the sofa while I wrapped some fettucini on the fork and fed it to him....

"Wow this is sooooo good" I said

"Thanks it took forever to make" I said smiling

"No....I mean you feeding me" he said making me blush

"I'm sorry things got a little wierd with me" I said

"Hey hey don't worry. I love you" he said leaning in to kiss me but before he did I put another forkfull of fettucini in his mouth.

"You need to eat some more....fill in a little better" I said smiling

"I don't need to fill in at all'' he said

"Well you could use a little more meat on those bones" I said

"You calling me skinny?" he said smiling

"No I am just messing with you" I said playfully punching him

After that I leaned back onto his chest and we both sat there in silence feeding each other. The night sky was really nice. The warm glow from the city with the stars above.....just like something out of a movie.

"Hey Zac?" I asked

"Yeah" he said still looking up

"Don't you ever just want to break out in a musical sometimes?" I asked making him laugh and look down at me

"Sometimes, and thanks to High School Musical I want burst out in love songs" he said smiling.

"I have an idea" I said standing up.

"What's your idea?" he asked

"I want to sing a song for you" I said

"Really?" he asked

"Yes really" I said as I started walking back towards the house

"Where are you going?" he asked

"To get Jessie and Vanessa" I said

I ran quickly into the house and grabbed Jessie's and Vanessa's hands and made them follow me through to the backyard.

"What are you doing?" Jessie asked smiling

"Yeah whats going on?" Vanessa asked....

"Just sit down and listen" I said

They both sat next to Zac one on each side.

"So I have an idea for a song that I have actually been working on for a long time....Ever since I met Zac to tell you the truth. This isn't just one of those quick minute songs that I seem to be so famous for" I said smiling as all of them began to smile. "So uhm let me know what you think?'' I said

I sat down on the table infront of the sofa and positioned myself so that I was most comfortable. I cleared my throat a little bit and began to sing the one song I never told anyone about....The song that described what Zac meant to me.

Clap your hands ya'll, it's alright

If tomorrow is judgement day

And I'm standing on the front line

And the Lord asks me what I did with my life

I will say I spent it with you, it's alright

If I wake up in world war three

(World war, world war three)

I see destruction and poverty

(Oh my, my, my)

And I feel like I wanna go home

It's okay if you're coming with me,

it's alright

Your love is my love and my love is your love

it would take an eternity to break us up

The chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

Your love is my love and my love is your love

It would take an eternity to break us

And the chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

If I lose my fame and fortune

(It really don't matter)

And my home is on the streets

(On the streets, oh Lord)

And I'm sleeping in grand central station

It's okay if you're sleeping with me

As the years, they pass us by

(The years, the years, the years)

We stay young through each other's eyes

(Each other's eyes)

And no matter how old we get, oh

It's okay as long as I got you, baby

Your love is my love and my love is your love

it would take an eternity to break us up

The chains of Amistad couldn't hold us

If I should die this very day

Don't cry cuz on earth

We wasn't meant to stay

And no matter what the people say

I'll be waiting for you

After the judgement day

I love you baby......"

I stopped the song and looked at the three of them. The first thing that I noticed was Vanessa leaning on Zac's shoulder with a some tears in her eyes. Then I looked to Zac and he was sitting there with some tears in his eyes but he was smiling. Then of all things I looked over at Jessie who's mouth was pretty much dropped down on to the floor.

"So?" I asked

"That was amazing" Zac said to me

"You seriously need to put that one out" Vanessa said

"Wait are you guys blind? I mean yeah that was good and all but Jess, do you not realize how far you can go?" Jessie asked

"What do you mean?" I asked smiling

"I mean come on, you can be like the next Mariah Carey, or the next big voice." he said

"Thanks Jessie thats really nice of you to say" I say

"No man seriously drop your label and come on with mine" he said

"What?" Zac asked

"Yeah what?" Vanessa asked

"You want me to go to Clive Music himself and say I quit?" I asked smiling

"No I am serious. If you drop his label and come onto mine you don't have to do all this music that you don't want to, and you don't have to abide by someone elses rule. If you come to Hollywood records you can do everything you want to do, and have all of us working with you. Just think it will be like making your own album without the ties" he said

"Why didn't you think of that sooner?" I asked

"Because I thought it would be better for you with everyone else, but all they care about is money and ratings" Jessie said

"Do you really think I should do it?" I asked Zac

"Its up to you but I would do something thinking first" he said to me

"Whatever makes you feel more comfortable" Vanessa said

"Well yeah I dunno let me do some thinking" I said to Jessie

"Alright well anyways I am going to head out though. I got alot to do tomorrow" Jessie said

"Okay Jessie well I will talk to you later" I said

"See ya Jessie" Zac said

"Uhm you guys I am going to spend the night over at Jessie's. Thought I would give you guys some more privacy" Vanessa said

"Okay" Zac said

"Alright see you guys" Jessie and Vanessa said

"Yup bye" I said as I took a seat next to Zac again on the patio sofa

Jessie and Vanessa had left and Zac and I were alone again. I was leaning back on his chest and his chin was resting on my shoulder. I asked him if I should join Hollywood records and he just told me to think about it. We discussed the goods and bads of the idea and I was really wanting to make the switch and run my own show. I was sick and tired of screwing around and never really getting the job done. Zac thought the same as me and thus he encouraged me more to make the switch.

"Zac?" I asked

"Yeah?" he asked

"I want to see more of your life" I said

"How do you mean?" he asked

"I mean you are shooting more and more for Highschool Musical the third and I really want to watch you guys in action" I said

"That sounds like a good idea. Why don't you come down next week to check things out?" he asked

"Alright, I would love that" I said

"Good" he said

After that there was silence........and well I passed out on Zac's shoulder.

Waking up in bed was such a relief to falling asleep outside last night. Zac was nowhere to be found of course but I could smell some coffee coming from downstairs. When I got up I was just in my briefs but I didn't really care. Its not like Vanessa was there or like I had to hide anything. So I got up and went downstairs. Big suprise when I walked into the kitchen and Jessie was sitting there though. He was taking a sip of his coffee and kinda stopped with the cup still to his mouth when he seen me.

"Good morning" I said and went into the fridge to grab a bottle of orange juice.

"Morning" he said and put his coffee cup down

"Where's Zac and Vanessa?" I asked

"Oh they both got called in to shoot some more scenes for the movie" he said

"Holy crap, didn't even say goodbye" I said sarcastically sitting down next to him

"So uhm did you do somethinking?" he asked me

"Yeah sorta" I said taking a big gulp of orange juice.

"Sorta?" he asked

"Yeah I mean I've been thinking, and well Zac was doing alot of convincing but I think I might try it out" I said

"Thats good, I am glad to hear that" he said

"So uhm Jessie?" I asked

"Yeah whats up?" he asked me

"Have you uh......uhm.......figured anything out with yourself?" I asked him

"Nah still stuck in the same boat" he said smiling softly at me and putting his hand on mine...

This time I didn't move it right away or freak out.

"If I wasn't in love with Zac and not seeing him Jessie, things would have been different" I said flipping my hands over and giving his a tight squeeze

"I am really sorry that you are going through so much though" he said

"Meh its nothing really" I lied

"No it is. I understand. Dude you have been going through so much and I can see that you are hurt inside. I can read you. First your mom, then the alcohol. Not to even mention that asshole Justin and the whole outting thing....seriously how do you deal with it?" he asked so confused

"I don't know really. I kinda just did. I went off track for a second but really Jessie I don't know how I am handling it. I keep telling myself everything is going to be okay and that I won't become a train wreck, but god only knows what will happen next" I said

"I wish I could help you in some way. I just feel so bad for you. I mean Zac isn't really even around that much anymore and now I see you more then anyone" he said

"What are you trying to say?" I asked him while I tried to read his expression

"Well what I mean is.....I mean.......well I just really care about you. I want you to know that I am hear for you for anything and that in the future, well say if you ever become single...." he started

"Your such an ass" I said smiling and punching him in the arm

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha just kidding

TO BE CONTINUED......................

So what did you think? SEX SCENE!!! I know right? I was kinda getting tired of being a cold fish so I thought I would make this chapter really interesting for you guys. I mean if it were me reading that my imagination would surely be running in all sorts of could only imagine how it was when I wrote it.

But regardless let me know what you thought? I want some feedback......

The next chapter is coming soon!

~Surreal Uprising Soundtrack~

Chapter 14.

"My Love is Your Love" is by Whitney Houston

~*Soundtrack hint: During the sex scene the only song I could think of, well appropriate enough for that sex scene, is called Pure Shores by All Saints....if you are interested or have a good imagination, listen to that song while you are thinking of the sex enjoy

Next: Chapter 15

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